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Fri 06/08/2010 19:20

Dear colleague,

Please find attached this week‟s News Summary. The weekly summary is intended to provide background
information to topical news stories and issues that may resonate in communities. The weekly summary also
includes links to interesting news articles that people may wish to circulate further.

This week‟s summary includes coverage of:

 Prime Minister‟s meeting with Pakistani President Zardari

 UN‟s announcement of a panel of inquiry into the interception of the Gaza flotilla
 Clash on the Israel-Lebanon border
 Claims that Muslim women are being targeted by extremists at UK universities

Also attached is a RICU factsheet on the UK‟s provision of aid to help with the Pakistan floods.

We encourage you to share these unrestricted documents with your contacts.

As ever we would appreciate your feedback on the format, content and timing of the News Summary as well as
suggestions on issues you would like it to cover. Please email with comments or if
you would like to subscribe.

Kind regards,


Laura Dobson

Communications Adviser
RICU (Research, Information and Communications Unit)
Office for Security and Counter Terrorism
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Weekly News Summary
Friday 6th August 2010
Key Issues
Pakistan’s President meets UK Prime Minister
Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari today met with Prime Minister David Cameron at Chequers, where
they discussed floods, trade, counter-terrorism, and Afghanistan. The meetings between the Prime
Minister and the President followed meetings between President Zardari and other Cabinet Ministers:
the President met with Baroness Warsi on Wednesday and the Home Secretary and Education
Secretary on Thursday.
Following the meeting on Friday, the Prime Minister said:
“Above all what we‟ve been talking about is our strategic partnership and how we can deepen and
enhance that partnership to make sure we deal with all the issues where we want to see progress –
whether that is in trade, whether it is in education and also in the absolutely vital area of combating
President Zardari added:
“ is a friendship that will never break no matter what happens.
“Storms will come and storms will go and Pakistan and Britain will stand together and face all the
difficulties with dignity. We will make sure that the world is a better place for our coming
generations tomorrow.”
The Prime Minister and President Zardari issued a joint statement, which can be read here.
Key points
The talks were an important opportunity to reinforce the strong links between the UK and
Pakistan and continue to support stability, security, democracy and prosperity in Pakistan.
Both leaders affirmed their commitment to further strengthen strategic and co-operative ties
between the two countries by intensifying the UK-Pakistan Strategic Dialogue and confirming
a yearly Summit. This Dialogue will deepen consultation on global and regional issues of
peace and stability, will include people to people links, enhanced business investment and
trade, collaboration in the education sector, and cultural and parliamentary links.
Both leaders agreed that a strong, stable, secure and economically prosperous Pakistan is
vital to global and regional peace and stability. In recognition of this, both leaders agreed to
pursue closer development, economic and trade co-operation as part of the intensified
Strategic Dialogue.
Prime Minister Cameron expressed the UK‟s support for Pakistan‟s democratic government
and expressed the UK‟s solidarity and support for Pakistan coping with the damage caused by
recent floods. President Zardari expressed thanks for the UK‟s pledge of £10 million of
immediate relief for flood victims and for accelerating an already agreed £10 million bridge
reconstruction programme.
Among the common challenges facing the UK and Pakistan is the fight against terrorism and
violent extremism. Both leaders agreed that terrorism and extremism are global issues and
needed to be combated by intensifying cooperation at the global and regional levels.
Both leaders appreciated the close co-operation that already exists between respective police
forces and other security agencies. The two leaders agreed that such co-operation needs to
and will intensify. In this regard the British Home Secretary will visit Pakistan in the Autumn.
The Prime Minister accepted President Zardari‟s invitation to make an early visit to Pakistan.
Associated articles: BBC News - Cameron hails UK's 'unbreakable' bond with Pakistan

UN announces panel of inquiry into Gaza flotilla

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UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon announced this week the formation of a four-member panel of inquiry
into the incident, which will include an Israeli and Turkish member. Both Israel and Turkey said that they
would co-operate with the inquiry.
Key points
The former New Zealand Prime Minister, Geoffrey Palmer, will serve as chair and the outgoing
President of Colombia, Alvaro Uribe, will be vice-chair. The panel will have two additional
members, one each from Israel and Turkey, and will begin work next week.
The UK welcomes the UN Secretary-General‟s establishment of a panel of inquiry into the
interception of the Gaza flotilla on 31st May, and both Israel and Turkey‟s commitment to
The UK Government believes that the panel has an important role to play in investigating
and resolving the dispute over the flotilla and preventing future recurrence. It is also vital that the
existing national investigations proceed swiftly, transparently and rigorously to ensure full

Clash on Israel-Lebanon Border

On Tuesday 3rd August, a border clash between Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) and the Lebanese Army left
three Lebanese soldiers, one Israeli soldier and a journalist dead. The United Nations Interim Force in
Lebanon (UNIFIL) is carrying out an investigation, and has confirmed that the IDF did not cross the Blue
Key points
The UK Government condemns the violence on the Israeli-Lebanon border that led to deaths
on both sides and calls on Israel and Lebanon to act with restraint.
The UK Government remains very concerned by the recent rocket fire on towns in southern Israel
and continuing violence in Gaza, and believes that a move to substantial talks by the Israelis and
Palestinians is essential. The UK encourages both parties to engage on the core issues as quickly
as possible, and refrain from action that damages the process, in particular acts of violence,
settlement construction or other provocations.
Associated articles: The Independent - Four die as Lebanon and Israel clash

Report claims Muslim women targeted by extremists at UK universities

The BBC claimed on Thursday that a growing number of Muslim women are being radicalised by
extremists whilst studying at university in the UK, according to a Muslim women‟s group.
Key points
There is some evidence of extremist groups and individuals operating on our campuses. The
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) and the Police are working closely with
vulnerable institutions to help them manage the risk and to support student groups to effectively
challenge extremism where it occurs.
We expect the Universities UK working group that looks at balancing tackling radicalisation on
campus with academic freedom to report in the Autumn. This report will form part of the wider
review of Prevent.
Associated articles: BBC - Muslim women targeted at UK universities

Other News Stories from this Week

The following are interesting news items that we think people may want to circulate further:
Manchester Evening News - A thousand Muslims to receive anti-extremism training
This weekend, Minhaj-ul-Quran UK will hold the first major Muslim grassroots event in the UK specifically
against extremism and terrorism. The weekend‟s three-day conference, „al-Hidayah 2010‟, will explain
founder Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri‟s fatwa against terrorism to over a thousand young British Muslims as well as
train them to recognise extremism in their own communities.
Time - The Plight of Afghan Women: A Disturbing Picture
The cover of Time magazine this week shows a portrait of an18-year-old Afghan woman who was
sentenced by a Taliban commander to have her nose and ears cut off for fleeing her abusive in-laws. The
picture is accompanied by a story about how Afghan women have embraced the freedoms that have come
from the defeat of the Taliban, and how they fear a Taliban revival.

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UK provides aid to victims of Pakistan floods
The worst monsoon rains in 80 years are continuing to cause flooding in north-west, south and central
Pakistan. On Monday 2nd August, International Development Secretary Andrew Mitchell announced
help for at least 800,000 people affected by the monsoon floods in Pakistan. He also announced on
Wednesday 4th August that the UK Government is sending 2,000 all-weather tents to flood-affected
districts in Pakistan.

The Disaster Emergency Committee (DEC) opened the DEC Pakistan Floods Appeal this
week. Money raised will help fund the life saving work in Pakistan of the DEC‟s Members and
their partners.

International Development Secretary Andrew Mitchell said on Monday:

“I know many British people are deeply concerned by the terrible suffering caused by the ongoing
monsoon floods in Pakistan. The Government of Pakistan is leading the relief efforts, and the UK is
ready to help in any way we can.
“The UK‟s contribution to the emergency relief effort will help limit disease and further deaths by
helping provide safe drinking water, food, toilets, medical care, and other essential items to at least
800,000 people in Pakistan affected by the monsoon floods.”

Key points
The relief effort, being led by the Government of Pakistan, includes urgent search and rescue
operations, emergency shelter, food, drinking water, health care, and sanitation.

New UK aid of £5 million will be channelled through UNICEF and will provide approximately
136,000 hygiene kits, 4,560 toilets, 336,000 bars of sanitising soap, 270,000 buckets/jerry
cans, 400,000 water purification powder sachets and 800,000 water purification tablets to help
prevent further death and disease of the children and people of Pakistan affected by the
monsoon floods.

This is in addition to funding contributed by the Department for International Development

(DFID) to the Pakistan Emergency Response Fund, run by the United Nations. The UK
contribution will provide food, shelter, water, sanitation, and healthcare to thousands of people
affected by the floods. The UK was the first country to contribute to this new emergency
response fund.

DFID has also agreed with the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to accelerate the
provision of new bridges across the region to replace those washed away by the monsoon
floods. DFID will also fund a team of engineers to work with the Government of Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa to plan and deliver the bridges. Originally scheduled for the New Year, the start
date for the £10 million project will be brought forward to start as soon as soon as possible
after the recovery process makes access possible.

The tents provided by the UK will be distributed by Save the Children, and will provide all-
weather shelter for families who have lost their homes in the recent floods. The tents could
shelter up to 10,000 people.
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DFID will also enable humanitarian experts and aid agencies to travel quickly to affected
areas and kick-start their aid programmes, via emergency relief funding administered by
the Consortium of British Humanitarian Agencies.
Associated articles

DFID - New help for Pakistan – tents to shelter to thousands of families

BBC News - Pakistan's flooding sweeps south
The Guardian - Pakistan flood: Sindh braces as water envelops southern Punjab

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