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REGD. NO. DA 781 VOL. XXX NO. 174 ASHAR 29, 1427 BS ZILQAD 21, 1441 HIJRI 16 PAGES PRICE : TK12.00

2,666 1,83,795 2,352 93,614 569,098 12,926,176

New cases in 24hrs Total cases Deaths Recoveries Deaths Total cases


Dr Sabrina
DGHS, ministry held over
fake Covid
take refuge in certificates

blame game Police yesterday arrested

JKG Health Care Chairman
Dr Sabrina Arif Chowdhury,
also a government official,
WASIM BIN HABIB and TUHIN SHUBHRA ADHIKARY over issuing fake Covid-19
test reports, about three
The health ministry and health directorate are at loggerheads over signing weeks after the scam came
of a deal with Regent Hospital after the disturbing discovery of the to light.
hospital’s involvement in issuing fake Covid-19 test results. Meanwhile, the health
Neither the ministry nor the Directorate General of Health Services ministry suspended Sabrina
(DGHS) is now taking the blame. from the post of registrar
The DGHS signed the memorandum of understanding (MoU) with at the National Institute of
Regent in late March, turning it into a dedicated Covid-19 hospital, in Cardiovascular Diseases for
a ceremony attended by Health Minister Zahid Maleque and many high violating rules.
officials. Sheikh Muzibur Rah-
The MoU was signed even though the DGHS knew that the hospital’s man, additional secretary
licence had expired years ago. of the Health Services Divi-
Amid widespread criticism, the DGHS in a statement on Saturday said sion, confirmed this to The
that it was directed by higher authorities at the health ministry to sign the Daily Star.
MoU. According to the min-
The health ministry yesterday asked the director general of DGHS to istry’s order, she was sus-
explain in three working days what his office meant by “directed by higher pended for professional
authorities”. misconduct -- holding the
The health services division of the ministry sent the letter signed by a People living in Koborsthan alley of the capital’s Shyampur post of chairman of a pri-
deputy secretary. The letter wanted to know what was being considered vate organisation while in
Muktadhara residential area have been receiving orange-
while the deal was inked. public service -- and also
A health ministry official told The Daily Star that: “We are not responsible colour water from their Wasa lines for long. Many of them corruption allegations.
for the MoU, yet they [DGHS] blamed us. The ministry is going to issue face stomach aches and skin diseases if the water is used for As asked by the investi-
another letter asking them to explain what the basis of their claim is.” cooking or bathing. They are now forced to purchase drinking gators, Sabrina went to the
Another official said the hospital was supposed to treat the Covid-19 water. Inset, some water supply lines going into homes over office of the deputy com-

Positivity rate Major sex-work Sharpest rise

in coronavirus
soars despite Expatriates may
poor testing racket busted cases in July
47 more die; 2,666
reported infected
CID claims to have arrested the Report says the number of
infections worldwide doubled
suffer the fallout
ring leader, two associates in just a month and a half Say speakers at webinar organised by
The coronavirus positivity rate in the
STAFF CORRESPONDENT AGENCIES Kuwait Transparency Society and TIB
country has soared in the last few days The Criminal Investigation Department yesterday claimed to have arrested The coronavirus pandemic, which has DIPLOMATIC CORRESPONDENT
despite a decline in the number of tests the ringleader and two members of a syndicate that has been trafficking killed more than 565,000 people out
during this period. thousands of girls and forcing them into sex work. of nearly 13 million registered cases The arrest and trial of a Bangladeshi lawmaker in Kuwait on charges
The health directorate yesterday The arrestees are Md Azam Khan, 45, the “godfather”, and his associates worldwide, has been accelerating sharply of human trafficking, money laundering and bribery is damaging the
confirmed 2,666 new cases after testing Anowar Hossain Moyna, 50, and Alamin Hossain alias Diamond, 35. since the start of July, according to a count reputation of Bangladesh’s politics, society and the people as a whole,
11,059 samples in the last 24 hours till Imtiaz Ahmed, deputy inspector general of the CID, disclosed the arrests carried out by AFP from official sources. Transparency International Bangladesh has said.
yesterday afternoon, meaning the rate was while addressing reporters yesterday. He, however, would not divulge the The three biggest daily worldwide It may affect the bilateral relations between Bangladesh and Kuwait, as
24.11 percent. time and place of the arrests. increases in new cases were seen on well as the reputations of the expatriates working in other countries, the
This is the highest single-day positivity Azam and those who worked for him would lure in girls aged 18-20 Saturday (more than 230,000), Friday anti-corruption watchdog observed.
rate since the first case was detected in the saying they would be provided with good jobs in Dubai. (more than 225,000) and Thursday “Bangladeshi migrants in Kuwait may face job losses and repatriation,”
country on March 8. They would never take money from the girls for travel and would (nearly 220,000). TIB Executive Director Iftekharuzzaman said at a webinar titled “Role of
Positivity rate is the percentage of instead pay them Tk 20,000-30,000 as advance salary. Since July 1, nearly 2.5 million new Civil Society in Combatting Organized Crimes,” jointly organised by the
positive cases against the total number of Once the girls would reach Dubai, they would first be given jobs as cases have been officially declared, a Kuwait Transparency Society (KTS) and TIB yesterday.
tests in a day. receptionists or waitresses at three- or four-star hotels. A few days later, record level since the outbreak was first Shahid Islam Papul, the lawmaker from Luxmipur-2, was arrested by
The total number of infections in the they would be forced to work at dance clubs and then as sex workers. reported in China in December. The Kuwait CID on June 6 and sent to jail after being interrogated by Kuwait’s
country stood at 1,83,795. The girls would be tortured with electric shocks if they refused. number of declared cases worldwide Public Prosecution.
Meanwhile, 47 more people died from Dubai authorities recently informed the Bangladesh embassy in United has doubled in just a month and a half, Papul co-owned Marafie Kuwaitia Group with a Kuwaiti citizen. He is
the Covid-19 in the last 24 hours, taking Arab Emirates about Azam’s criminal activities, said Imtiaz. according to the report. the managing director and CEO of the group and is accused of trafficking
the death toll to 2,352. The current death “After coming to Bangladesh, Azam was trying to manage another The United States (3,247,782 cases), of some 20,000 foreign workers, mostly Bangladeshis, in exchange for Tk
rate against the total infections is 1.27 passport to leave the country. On information, the CID arrested him with Brazil (1,839,850), India (849,553), 7-9 lakh each.
percent. two associates,” he said. Russia (727,162) and Peru (322,710) Migrants alleged that many of them were not provided with jobs and
The number of Covid-19 patients CID officials said Azam owned three four-star hotels and one three-star account for more than half of the global wages as contracted and were instead charged money for work permit
recovered during this period was 5,580, hotel in Dubai. total. renewal. He also stands accused of bribing Kuwaiti officials for contracts
taking the tally to 93,614. The current The hotels are Fortune Grand Hotel (four stars), Fortune Pearl Hotel Worldwide, a total of at least for his company, the recruitment of foreign workers and laundering

Buzz gone missing
at book bazaars
NILIMA JAHAN sales dropped to Tk 1,500 per day in June
as opposed to the regular daily sales of Tk
As the coronavirus pandemic has taken its 15,000-20,000.
toll on almost every business in some way Mostofa sold his store with around
or another, bookstores and book cafes in 15,000 books at Tk 14,50,000 and is now
the capital are no exception. planning to go to his village home.
Although the book markets in Nilkhet Staffers at these stores were pitchforked
and Banglabazar, along with the book cafes into an even more difficult situation as
in different areas of the capital, reopened in many of them are facing salary cuts and
early June, they have been seeing a very few fearing job losses in the coming days.
number of visitors, which has forced many For example, Rafiqul Islam, who has
owners to give up on their businesses. been working at the Barnali Boighor of
Bookworms expressed their heartache Nilkhet Islamia Market for the past 25
on social media after the recent closure of years, is already facing a pay cut.
Nilkhet’s age-old Mostofa Boighor. “We sell guides for BCS and other
Fifty-five-year-old popular bookseller recruitment tests. I don’t find more than
Golam Mostofa, who never tried his hand two to three customers every day since the
at any profession except selling books, had reopening of the market,” he said, adding
to sell his 30-year-old book store in the last “I don’t know how long the owner will pay
week of June. He was not being able to pay the rent and give our salaries.”
the rent of Tk 45,000 as for his small shop The situation is quite similar at the
with five depots. wholesale bookstores in Banglabazar.
“I thought the reopening after three For instance, Mojibur Rahman, owner
months might help us to survive. But I was of Muna Book Depot, is not opening his
wrong. Our business is linked with the stores regularly for the last few days due
presence of students, especially university to the decrease in sales. He supplies books
students. But you see, everyone is now to almost 30 book stores of Nilkhet every
in their village home, the nearby halls day. But he hardly received an order after
are empty, and we don’t know when the reopening this time.
educational institutions will be opened,” Reopening couldn’t help the popular
Cattle traders travelling towards the capital riding on the tailgate of a truck loaded with cattle. They are neither said Mostofa. bookshop cafes like Dipanpur, Nalonda
following the basic safety measures on roads nor the health guidelines for Covid-19 prevention. The photo was taken on PALASH KHAN He said it was getting impossible for him or Kobita Café as well, although these
Dhaka-Aricha highway in Radio Colony area of Savar. to wait for the uncertainty to end as his SEE PAGE 2 COL 1
2 NEWS DHAKA MONDAY JULY 13, 2020, ASHAR 29, 1427 BS

Former JCD Positivity rate soars

activist hacked FROM PAGE 1
recovery rate is 50.93 percent.
to Narayanganj Civil Surgeon Dr
Mohammad Imtiaz.
Speaking on the positivity rate,
to death experts said data suggest that the
The rate has dropped to around
12 percent in the first 10 days of this
OUR CORRESPONDENT, Bandarban transmission of the virus is declining month, he said.
in the urban areas and is increasing in The number of Covid-19 tests has
A group of unidentified criminals the rural areas. dropped significantly in recent weeks
hacked a former activist of The latest testing data from multiple after the government imposed fees on
Jatiyatabadi Chhatra Dal (JCD) labs in Dhaka and Narayanganj show the tests from the beginning of July.
to death in Ramgarh upazila of a stable trend in the transmission of DAILY BRIEFING
Khagrachhari. virus infection in these two major Prof Nasima Sultana, additional
The victim -- Omar Faruq, 30, hotspots. director general of DGHS said 43 of
former joint convenor of JCD “When we started, we found around the deceased died at different hospitals
Ramgarh College unit -- breathed his 40 percent positivity rate. It declined while four died at home.
last at Chattogram Medical College over the time and it was between 12 She said 50 percent deaths were
Hospital (CMCH). and 18 percent during the last seven reported from Dhaka division and
Samsuzzaman, officer-in-charge of days [as of Saturday],” Prof Saif Ullah
Ramgarh Police Station, said a group 26.28 percent from Chattogram
Munshi, chairman of Virology at division and 2.34 percent from
of miscreants swooped on Faruq
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical Mymensingh division.
aroung 11:00pm on Saturday and
University (BSMMU) who heads the Of the dead, she said, 36 were male
stabbed him indiscriminately with
sharp weapons. BSMMU Covid-19 testing lab, told and rest were female.
Critically injured, he was rushed to The Daily Star. She said 23 of them were from
CMCH where he was declared dead. Prof Ridwanur Rahman, an Dhaka, six from Chattogram, six from
The body was sent to CMCH morgue infectious disease specialist, said it Khulna, four from Sylhet, four from
for autopsy, he said, adding that the was tough to measure the reality with Rajshahi, two from Rangpur and two
reason behind the murder could not inadequate testing. others from Barishal divisions.
be known immediately. “But transmission seems stable One of them was aged between 11
No case was filed in this regard as in Dhaka and Narayanganj, because and 20 years, two between 21 and 30,
of 7:10pm today, said the OC. most of the people are maintaining three were between 31 and 40, four
Meanwhile, Abdul Wadud health guidelines,” he said. between 41 and 50, 15 between 51 and
Bhuiyan, president of Khagrachhari In Narayanganj, the average 60, 14 between 61 and 70, six within
district unit BNP, demanded positive rate was 19.5 percent during 71 and 80 and two were between 81
immediate arrest of the criminals. The hustle and bustle of the Gulistan area in the capital is back after months of calm since the coronavirus the first 10 days of June, according and 90 years, Dr Nasima also said.
outbreak. Hawkers are back taking over the pavement and the buses stop in the middle of the street to pick up
‘Drug peddler’ passengers. The photo was taken yesterday.
killed in ‘gunfight’
Major sex-work racket busted
FROM PAGE 1 “He went to Dubai in 1996 and has
An alleged Rohingya drug peddler
Sharpest rise in virus cases (three stars), City Tower Hotel (four
stars) and Fortune Royal Hotel (four
been running the syndicate for eight
years. We also heard that he was once
was killed in a “gunfight” with BGB
FROM PAGE 1 called off its rallies ahead of upcoming INDONESIA OUTBREAK stars). arrested by Dubai police and was in
12,736,737 infections, including parliamentary elections and delayed Nearly 1,300 people at the DIG Imtiaz said Azam has around jail there for a month,” said Imtiaz.
members in Cox’s Bazar’s Teknaf early
565,151 deaths, have been recorded. the international airport’s reopening Indonesian Army Officer Candidate 50 brokers in different districts of the About the victims, he said they have
Syed Alam, 35, was a Myanmar Europe is the most affected over a surge in virus cases. School in the country’s most country. found hundreds of voice recording of
national, but he had been living in continent in terms of fatalities, with The South Asian country of 21 populated province of West Java were The brokers would lure girls with the young girls begging to be released
Naitangpara of the upazila for the last 202,396 out of 3,355,128 cases while million lifted its lockdown in late June tested positive and quarantined, with the hopes of a job that would pay Tk and sent back home.
10 years. the hardest-hit country the United after declaring there was no longer any 30 initially hospitalised with mild 50,000 thousand per month, he said. The Daily Star collected some
On information that a large States has registered 134,815 deaths. community spread of the virus. symptoms, an official said. Once the girls would agree, Azam audio recordings of the victims.
consignment of yaba pills would President Donald Trump appeared But a swathe of cases emerged last Of the 1,280 confirmed infections, took support from some agencies and In one of them, a victim was heard
be smuggled into Bangladesh from on Saturday for the first time publicly week, including an outbreak at a drug 991 are cadets and the rest are staff managed tourist visas for these girls pleading: “Please, send me back. Do
Myanmar, a BGB team took position wearing a mask, as more than 66,000 rehabilitation centre that saw 253 and their family members. Most have and would send them to Dubai in not extend my visa. I am begging you.
in Keyari Khal area, said Lt Col Foysal new cases were recorded in the United patients tested positive in a single no symptoms. cooperation with two foreign airlines, My mother is sick.”
Hasan Khan, commander of BGB States, according to the Johns Hopkins night. On Friday, WHO chief Tedros he added. The CID official said, “We are
Battalion-2. University, a new daily record. India yesterday registered a record Adhanom Ghebreyesus called on “We have found the involvement of suspecting the victims may file cases
Around 2:00am, the team noticed In Florida, where nearly one in six increase in the number of cases, taking two airlines company that would take with different police stations in the
countries to adopt an aggressive
two men roaming the area and another of those new infections were recorded, the total number of affected people these girls out of the country,” the DIG country. We are now looking for the
crossing the Naf river into Bangladesh approach to tackling the virus, citing
the Walt Disney World theme park in the country to nearly 850,000, the said. cases, and he would be shown arrested
from Myanmar, the BGB official said. successful mitigation efforts in Italy,
partially reopened after four months world’s third-highest, and prompting Without disclosing the names of in phases.”
Seeing this, the troops asked the South Korea and elsewhere.
of shutdown prompted by the virus. authorities to re-impose partial the airlines, he further said they are A case was already filed against
three to stop, but they opened fire, “Only aggressive action combined
Latin America and the Caribbean is lockdowns in some densely populated investigating the roles of those and Azam with Lalbagh Police Station
defying the instruction, injuring two of with national unity and global
the region where the disease is surging areas. the recruiting agencies. on July 2 and two victims gave
the BGB members, he said. the most, with more than 76,000 new solidarity can turn this pandemic
Federal health ministry data The brokers would get Tk 10,000 for confessional statements against him
In self-defence, the BGB men cases registered on July 11. around,” he said.
showed that more than 27,100 new managing each girl, said DIG Imtiaz. in court.
retaliated, triggering the “gunfight”, he Elsewhere, French officials warned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
cases were reported in the previous 24 About the syndicate, he said they The CID also investigating into
added. of rising cases in metropolitan France Netanyahu admitted a decision to
After the “gun battle”, the BGB team hours, while the death toll increased have come to know that Azam’s two the wealth of Azam, and a money
as the death toll there topped 30,000. allow bars and other businesses to
found a man with bullet wounds. to 22,674, after 551 people succumbed brothers are in Dubai and they also laundering case would be filed against
Hungary’s government barred reopen may have come “too soon”
The injured was taken to Teknaf in a day. help him operate the syndicate. him soon, he said.
travel from Africa, most of Asia apart after his country reported a record “Besides, we have also found the
Upazila Health Complex that referred Iran’s supreme leader yesterday A high official of CID, requesting
from China and Japan, and restricting called the resurgence of the coronavirus 1,500 new infections on Friday. involvement of two Indian and several
him to Cox’s Bazar Sadar Hospital. In Hong Kong, a spike has marked anonymity, said he is one of the top
He was declared dead after being entry from several European countries in the country “truly tragic” and urged Pakistani nationals,” he said. financial donors of a political party and
after worldwide spikes in cases. all citizens to help stem what has been a setback for the city after daily life “We often face problem to
taken to the hospital, the BGB official also collected nomination forms in last
Australia’s Victoria state marked the region’s deadliest outbreak. had largely returned to normal, with investigate transitional crimes as the
added. national election from Chattogram-2
The BGB claimed to have recovered a week of triple-digit increases in “Let everyone play their part in restaurants and bars resuming regular accused are found to be staying in constituency from the party.
40,000 yaba tablets and a firearm from new infections yesterday, while a the best way to break the chain of business and cultural attractions different countries,” he said. DIG Imtiaz said that they found
the spot. community outbreak in neighbouring transmission in the short term and reopening. Azam, from Chattogram’s a political background but they do
New South Wales (NSW) has put the save the country,” Ayatollah Ali Schools in the city will be closed Fatikchhari, was wanted in 15 separate not want to disclose details as the
state on high alert. from today after the city recorded cases, including six for murder, said
Khamenei said in a video conference
with lawmakers, according to his “exponential growth” in locally the CID.
investigation is still in the primary
FROM PAGE 1 Sri Lanka’s ruling party yesterday office. transmitted infections.
or Kobita Café as well, although these
places used to be a favourite hub Dr Sabrina arrested over
for the literature aficionados a few
months ago. Every evening, people
would come to read books and have
DGHS, ministry take refuge FROM PAGE 1
missioner of DMP’s Tejgaon Division
said Humayun, a graphic designer,
prepared fake Covid test reports by
FROM PAGE 1 On July 7, a Rab mobile court led other charges. Most of the cases were
talks while sipping on their coffee. around 1:00pm yesterday. duplicating official pads of the DGHS
infected people as per the MoU. But by Executive Magistrate Sarwoer Alam filed under Section 420 of the Penal
The owners of these cafes, however, “During the three-hour and the IEDCR.
the DGHS later allowed it to do tests. raided Regent Hospital’s Uttara branch Code.
said customers hardly visited their questioning, she could not give any “We have found fake IEDCR pads
Health Minister Zahid Maleque and sealed it off on charges of issuing NO EXPLANATION FROM DGHS
shops after the shutdown. satisfactory answers. We showed her on JKG Health Care’s laptops,” said
yesterday declined to comment on the fake Covid-19 test results and collecting Following the raid, the health
Dipanpur was established on July arrested in the fraudulence case,” the police official.
DGHS claim. money from patients illegally. service division on July 7 asked the
12, 2017, on the eve of the 45th birth Harun-Ur-Rashid, the DMP deputy If the coronavirus patient was a
anniversary of the slain publisher He, however, told this newspaper The hospital issued more than DGHS to cancel the MoU with Regent commissioner, told journalists at his local, he or she would have to pay
Faisal Arefin Dipan, and after three that the DGHS had the power to 10,000 coronavirus test reports. immediately and to explain how office yesterday afternoon. Tk 5,000 for a fake report. For a
years of successful operation, Dipan’s approve a hospital or laboratory and Around 4,200 of the tests were real. Regent got permission to run as a Sabrina had earlier talked to the foreign national, the charge was $100,
wife Dr Razia Rahman Jolly and his could issue or cancel their licences. The rest of the reports were issued Covid-19 hospital when it didn’t have media as a spokesperson for the Mahmud said.
friends were planning to put an end “After preparing the agreement without testing, Rab said. proper licence. private organisation. As a government Four cases have already been filed
to their endeavour last month, as the [with Regent], they [DGHS] requested On July 8, the same Rab team sealed The division also asked the DGHS official, she cannot be the chairman against JKG Health Care on various
revenue plummeted to zero during me to join the signing ceremony and off the hospital’s Mirpur branch. to launch an investigation into the of any such entity, the official pointed charges including fraudulence.
and after the shutdown. I, like the other guests, was present at The hospital’s licence expired in allegation regarding the fake Covid-19 out. Earlier on Saturday, the Directorate
But as the news of the closure the ceremony,” he said. 2014 and was never renewed. test results and the collection of She, however, has denied holding General of Health Services (DGHS)
spread, some literary minds and “They called us after preparing Law enforcers claim that they have samples from people’s homes the post since the scam surfaced. cancelled the permission for JKG
friends gave Jolly a hand to continue the agreement [papers]. We were just been looking for Regent Hospital violating the MoU. “All the arrestees in the case said Health Care to collect samples over
to the venture. The Book shop opened present as guests.” owner Mohammad Shahed, who, Contacted, Muhibur Rahman, Sabrina is the chairman of JKG allegations of irregularities and
on a limited scale on July 10. DGHS Director General Prof Abul according to Rab, is a fraudster. additional secretary (hospital) of
Nahida Ashrafi, the owner of Kobita Health Care. She cannot avoid her corruption.
Kalam Azad did not answer his phone Shahed is facing around 32 cases health division, said they had yet
Café, too was about to shut her shop responsibility for what happened …,” Yesterday, Home Minister
or reply texts when The Daily Star for murder, money laundering, to receive the explanation from the
last month but changed her mind after the DC mentioned. Asaduzzaman Khan said Regent
tried to contact him. embezzlement of public money, and DGHS.
being assured by the cultural affairs Asked why it took so long to arrest Hospital owner Mohammad Shahed,
ministry about a stimulation package her, he said the investigation officer allegedly involved in Covid test report
allotted for her business to survive. was gathering information on her. scam, has no way to flee the country.
“Since we got assurance from the
ministry, we are hoping to open the
Expatriates may suffer the fallout Police said they would produce
Sabrina before court today and seek
“Shahed has to surrender, otherwise
he will be arrested… There is no way
café again in the first week of August, FROM PAGE 1 Corruption Commission here began However, due legal procedure must be her remand for questioning. he can flee the country as his passport
but I don’t know how long we could millions of dollars. investigation months after initial followed in doing so, he added. Earlier on June 24, police had has been seized,” he told reporters
survive,” she said. Iftekharuzzaman said it is so denial by the foreign ministry, he said, He said Shahid’s is not a unique arrested her husband and JKG Chief after a meeting at his ministry.
Jewel Redwanur, the owner of embarrassing for the people of demanding enforcement of laws to case, but it is a symptom and it is Executive Officer Ariful Chowdhury NBR’S DIRECTIVE
Café Nalonda, could not afford the Bangladesh that a lawmaker, who prevent corruption. important to address the root causes and four others for their alleged The National Board of Revenue
continuous loss and closed the shop should be responsible for preventing “It is time for people to stand up of corruption. involvement in issuing fake Covid test yesterday directed banks to freeze the
the last month. crimes, has been accused of against corruption. Fundamental “Let’s take Bangladesh-Kuwait issue reports. accounts of Shahed, Ariful, Sabrina
“I applied for the stimulation committing heinous ones himself. reform is essential to separate business as a case and study where the actual The four are -- Humayun Kabir and Regent Hospital Director Ibrahim
package from the cultural affairs The involvement of MPs in crimes is and politics,” Iftekharuzzaman said. and his wife Tanzina Patwary, Sayeed Khalil.
ministry, but I’ve heard they are problems are. It is not only a national
not a unique case for Bangladesh and Dr Hassan Johar, former member effort, but global actions are needed Chowdhury and Al Mamun. It also ordered freezing the accounts
providing only Tk one lakh. We need Kuwait, but more businessmen have of Kuwait National Assembly, said Humayun and Tanzina are former
to combat corruption,” Saber said. of Regent Hospital, Regent KCS Ltd
more than this amount every month been entering parliament over the over 90 percent of the expatriate employees of JKG Health Care while
Transparency International Chair and JKG Health Care.
to keep the café open,” he said. decades and it has become a trend. In workers have to pay high prices to get Sayeed and Al Mamun still work there.
Delia Ferreira Rubio said money The tax authority asked the
the first parliament after Bangladesh’s recruited in Kuwait and the money Md Mahmud Khan, assistant banks concerned to provide it with
independence, only about 17 percent laundering and human trafficking
that goes to Kuwait remains out of the commissioner of DMP’s Tejgaon Zone, information on all those accounts.
UN to hold crisis MPs were businessmen, which formal economy.
are transnational crimes that require
transnational efforts. However, there
increased to more than 61 percent
talks as decaying Many expatriates in Kuwait live
are the issues of corporate secrecy
Yemen tanker risks
now, he said.
“There is nothing wrong with
businesspeople doing politics, but
in squalor and face deductions in
pay. Such cases of labour abuse and
money laundering can also affect
whereby the money launderers remain
anonymous. There should be reforms
Britain pledges £705m to
disaster to address these issues.
AFP, Dubai
the problem arises when they are
involved in corruption and criminal
activities,” Iftekhrzuaaman said and
Kuwait’s international reputation and
businesses, he said.
Kuwait has signed and ratified a
She said organised crimes and
money laundering facilitate various
prepare post-Brexit borders
added that there have been a few other other forms of crimes, and things AFP, London statement.
An abandoned oil tanker lying off number of international conventions
Yemen’s coast with 1.1 million barrels cases where lawmakers were found and has domestic laws, but the worsen when parliament members, Britain ended its EU membership
Britain yesterday pledged £705 million
of crude on board is deteriorating involved in such crimes. enforcement has been weak, Dr Johar who are supposed to prevent such on January 31, almost four years after
($890 million, 788 million euros) to
badly and could rupture at any time, MP Shahid Islam and his wife, said, calling for the mobilisation crimes, are involved in it. the historic Brexit vote, but agreed
prepare its borders for cutting ties with
with disastrous results for Red Sea also an MP, do not have a political of strong public opinion against “We need legal reforms, as well a standstill transition period until
the European Union on December 31,
marine life, UN and other experts background at all. They became corruption. as their enforcement, to stop the the end of the year while it tries
amid concern within government that
warn. members of parliament allegedly Saber Hossain Chowdhury, possibility of hiding crimes linked to to negotiate a new trade deal with
it is not ready.
The 45-year-old FSO Safer is by the power of the money earned Bangladeshi lawmaker and Inter- money laundering,” Rubio said. Brussels.
The money will fund new border
anchored off the port of Hodeida through illicit means, he said. Parliamentary Union Honorary Kuwait University Law school The talks are moving slowly,
posts, IT systems and 500 new staff to
under the control of the Iran-backed When Kuwait is acting against president, said he does not want Professor Dr Dalal Al Saif, KTS Chair sparking alarm among businesses that
both ensure security and handle new
Huthi rebels, who have blocked corruption in connection to Shahid, to pre-judge the case of MP Shahid Majid Al-Mutairi also spoke at the almost half a century of economic
customs controls after Britain leaves
United Nations efforts to send a team the Bangladesh government seems Islam, as the Kuwait government is programme moderated by KTS Board integration with the EU will end
the EU’s single market and customs
of experts to assess its condition. hesitant. The CID and the Anti- investigating charges against him. Member Asrar Hayat. abruptly in a few months’ time.
union, the government said in a
DHAKA MONDAY JULY 13, 2020, ASHAR 29, 1427 BS CITY 3

Stranded in a Focus on online

cattle markets
Home ministry
strange land suggests ahead of Eid
15 Bangladeshis in Vietnam cry The home ministry
out for rescue yesterday suggested for
giving an extra focus on
PORIMOL PALMA online cattle markets ahead
As trafficking of Bangladeshis to Vietnam came to the of Eid-ul-Azha to contain
fore after 27 stranded nationals demonstrated in Hanoi the coronavirus outbreak.
last week, 15 others are crying out to be rescued from the No cattle market will
Southeast Asian country. be allowed on the road
They said they were taken to Vietnam in early January, and cattle-laden trucks
with promise of regular jobs in shipyards and minimum must have banners
monthly salary of 650 US dollars. They were charged Tk mentioning the destination
4-5 lakh each. marketplace. Besides, such
They were all given smart cards, which means Bureau trucks will not be allowed
of Manpower Employment and Training, the regulatory to make a stoppage on the
body for overseas jobs sector in Bangladesh, issued them road.
emigration clearance and licensed recruiting agents The decisions came from
processed their visas, they said. a meeting at the home
“After reaching Vietnam, we discovered that there is no ministry, to review law and
fixed job for us. Bangladeshi brokers Atiq, Saiful and Jabbar order situation ahead of the
sold us to a Vietnamese labour supply company called upcoming Eid-ul Azha.
MPH,” Faridul Islam, one of the 15 Bangladeshis stranded The meeting was
in Guntao area of Ho Chi Minh City, told this newspaper. chaired by Home Minister
He said in the last six months, they were taken to many Asaduzzaman Khan.
companies, neither of which could offer any job, except for Senior Secretary of the
a few days of employment. Public Security Department
“I was appointed to work for a glass factory for 22 days Mostafa Kamal Uddin,
and was paid money equal to only Tk 7,000,” Faridul, Secretary of the Security
from Mymensingh’s Trishal upazila, told The Daily Star Services division Md
over phone over the weekend. Shahiduzzaman, Inspector
Some others were employed by a few factories for a General of Police Benazir
couple of days, but a percentage of the payments was Ahmed and senior official
pocketed by the brokers, he said. of the ministry attended the
“Throughout the last six months, we had to manage meeting, among others.
our own food and bring money from home to survive. I According to a statement
brought installments of Tk 50,000 twice,” he continued. After finding out that he is Covid-19 negative, a young man celebrates by taking a selfie with the test result PHOTO: signed by home ministry’s
SEE PAGE 4 COL 1 certificate in his hand and friends in the background at the capital’s Mugda General Hospital yesterday. SEE PAGE 4 COL 4

Rajshahi airport remains 368 killed in road Bar council written

shut due to doctor shortage accidents in June exam likely in Sept
STAFF CORRESPONDENT, Rajshahi This is because most specialised doctors
are busy dealing with patients at hospitals, Says Jatri Kalyan Samity
After two months of suspension, flight
he said. STAFF CORRESPONDENT 12,878 candidates in limbo, some protest near SC
operations on domestic routes finally “Besides, what will be the function of STAFF CORRESPONDENT
resumed on June 1. However, even though discussed this in a virtual meeting. I cannot
a specialist doctor at the airport when At least 368 people were killed and 518 others were
most domestic airports of the country give an exact date yet as there is still a lot to
necessary testing equipment aren’t injured in 358 road accidents across the country in June, a Since July 7, around 400 candidates have
have started operations, Rajshahi’s Shah be discussed -- exam halls must be arranged
available there?” the civil surgeon said, passengers’ welfare body said yesterday. been demonstrating on the premises of and we have to speak with educational
Makhdum Airport is still closed due to the adding, “The airport already has a deputy For June, the death toll increased by 57.34 percent Sonali Bank adjacent to the Supreme Court, institutions about this,” he said.
shortage of specialised doctors. assistant community medical officer compared to that of May. In the meantime, the number demanding yearly enrolment of applicants The five-member committee consists
The airport has been lying shut since appointed who can perform primary of accidents and injured persons increased by 56.14 and in district courts, and enlistment of those of one judge from the Appellate Division,
March 26 due to the Covid-19 pandemic, check-ups.” 43.82 percent respectively, Jatri Kalyan Samity said in its who have passed the MCQ exams of 2017 two judges of the High Court Division, the
airport manager Md Sefatur Rahman said. While airports at Chattogram, Sayedpur, monthly report, prepared based on reports published in and 2020 into the bar council. attorney general and a member of the bar
Last month, the Civil Aviation Authority Sylhet, Jashore and Barishal have began national and regional newspapers and online news portals. Meanwhile, the bar council enrolment council.
of Bangladesh (CAAB) sent a letter to operation in three phases, airports at Mozammel Hoque Chowdhury, secretary general of committee at a meeting on Saturday decided The protesters, however, said they are
the Civil Surgeon of Rajshahi seeking a Rajshahi and Cox’s Bazar are yet to open, the welfare body, explained the sudden increase in the to take the written exam in September. not convinced with this promise. Rather,
specialised doctor at the airport in order to airport manager Sefatur said. numbers saying, “In May, public transport movement was Ainul Islam Bishal, convener of they think that this is just an excuse to
maintain health guidelines, Civil Surgeon He said the airports are unable to begin off due to the government enforced shutdown to contain Bangladesh Apprentice Lawyers’ disperse them from the SC premises, said
Dr Enamul Haque said. However, he was operations due to lack of doctors. the coronavirus. This is why the number of accidents and Association, said, “There is already a huge Ainul Islam Bishal.
unable to do it. However, the authorities are considering deaths were comparatively low for the month.” backlog. Hence our request was to enlist The council’s enrolment exams are
“Appointing a specialised doctor at the reopening the airports with the medical Additionally, he highlighted the lack of accountability the 12,878 apprentice lawyers [into the bar supposed to be held every year in three
airport is a luxury for us at the moment. We officers or by appointing authorised of road safety agencies and their unabated corruption as council], who passed the MCQ exam in steps -- one multiple choice question exam,
cannot even place doctors to other priority doctors, he said. some of the reasons behind the increase in statistics. 2017 and 2020.” one written exam and finally a viva voce.
locations such as at railway stations, bus “Our staffers are attending office The report said at least 15 people were killed and four Advocate Yusuf Hossain Humayun, vice The last time this process was completed
stands, and markets, which are more regularly, waiting for orders for opening others were injured in 20 railway track accidents in June. chairman of Bangladesh Bar Council, on in its entirety was in 2017, and no yearly
vulnerable than airports,” Dr Haque also the airport,” Setafur said. “We are ready to In waterways, at least 45 people died, 60 were injured, Saturday said they have decided to hold the enrolment was done in the last two years.
said. resume operations.” and 10 went missing in 17 incidents, the report added. written part of the exam in September. “We SEE PAGE 4 COL 1

ACC summons wife Full bench to start Sohag denied bail again Bring the accused to
holding virtual book quickly: Quader STAFF CORRESPONDENT
of lawmaker Shahid proceedings A virtual court in Dhaka yesterday again rejected a bail petition of Sohag UNB, Dhaka
STAFF CORRESPONDENT Hossain in a case filed over trafficking of 26 Bangladeshis, who were killed
STAFF CORRESPONDENT in Libya on May 28. People are astonished at the fraudulence of two hospitals
The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) yesterday Judge KM Emrul Kayesh of the Metropolitan Sessions Judge’s Court of in coronavirus sample testing, Road, Transport and Bridges
summoned Kuwait-detained Bangladeshi lawmaker After four months, a full bench of Supreme Minister Obaidul Quader said yesterday.
Court’s Appellate Division will start judicial Dhaka passed the order after Sohag’s lawyer submitted a criminal appeal
Mohammad Shahid Islam’s wife and sister-in-law for against the rejection order of the lower court through an email. The minister made the remark while briefing reporters
quizzing over amassing wealth illegally. functions virtually from today to hear and online from his official residence.
dispose of urgent cases. In the order, the judge said it is a sensational case and the investigation
In a letter signed by ACC’s deputy director Md Salauddin, Quader, also Awami League general secretary, urged the
The six-member bench of the apex court, officer -- CID Inspector AHM Rashed Fazal -- found his involvement in
Shahid’s wife lawmaker Selina Islam and sister-in-law authorities concerned to bring all the accused to justice
headed by Chief Justice Syed Mahmud trafficking Bangladeshis to Libya. So, his bail was rejected.
Jesmin Akter were asked to appear before the commission soon after investigations.
Hossain, will begin proceedings at 10am The Chief Metropolitan Magistrate’s Court of Dhaka on June 10 rejected
on July 22, confirmed ACC Public Relations Officer Pranab The government of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina
Kumar Bhattacharya.There is allegation against Shahid, and continue till 1:15pm. his bail after his lawyer submitted a petition through videoconferencing. neither spared wrongdoers in the past nor will do so in the
also director of NRB Commercial Bank, Selina and Jesmin Earlier in the day, the Supreme Court On Thursday, the same court rejected bail petitions of two other accused future, he added.
of amassing wealth beyond the known source of income administration issued a circular, saying -- Khalid Chowdhury and Mosammat Sanzida – in the case. About cattle markets before the upcoming Eid-ul-Azha,
and laundering money abroad, the letter reads. the bench will operate judicial functions Criminal Investigation Department on June 8 arrested Sohag, Khalid the minister said permission will not be given to arrange
“For sake of fair investigation, it is necessary to record on Monday and Thursday every week till and Sanzida from different parts of Dhaka. Later, they were produced such markets whimsically at any place beside highways.
your statement,” it said. On June 17, ACC imposed travel further order. before a Dhaka court, which sent them to jail. Regarding experts’ fear about coronavirus transmission
embargo on Shahid’s wife, daughter and sister-in-law. The chief justice has decided to run So far, 26 cases have been filed against 300 people with different police during Eid, Quader said the National Technical Advisory
ACC asked the immigration department to prevent them virtual proceedings at the Appellate stations in connection with the incident. Sixty-seven people have so far Committee has advised not to allow setting up animal
from leaving the country. Earlier, the commission asked Division, strictly following health been arrested and of them, 36 -- including an employee of the Bureau markets in some districts.
Selina and Jesmin to submit copies of their passports, guidelines, according to the circular. of Manpower, Employment and Training -- were arrested by the CID. Of It will be better if their advice is followed properly, the
SEE PAGE 4 COL 3 SEE PAGE 4COL 5 them, 20 have already given confessional statements in court. minister added.
4 CITY DHAKA MONDAY JULY 13, 2020, ASHAR 29, 1427 BS


Govt to extend more
The last time a full bench
of the Appellate Division
support for their had conducted proceedings
was on March 12. Then the
SC’s Appellate and High
reintegration: minister Court divisions went on an
annual vacation.
STAFF CORRESPONDENT The chief justice declared
general holiday for all
The government is working to undertake some additional courts across the country
reintegration initiatives alongside the existing ones for from March 26 due to the
the returnee migrant workers, said Expatriates’ Welfare
Minister Imran Ahmad yesterday.
Meanwhile, Justice Md
He said this during an agreement signing ceremony
Nuruzzaman, an Appellate
between Probashi Kalyan Bank and Wage Earners’ Welfare
Division judge, has been
Board (WEWB) at the ministry, according to a press release.
holding hearings and
Probashi Kalyan Bank Managing Director Mahtab Zabin
and WEWB Director General Hamidur Rahman signed the disposing of cases as the
agreement on behalf of their respective organisations, the division’s chamber judge
release added. throughout the period.
Addressing as the chief guest, the minister said the On July 8, the chief
ministry has already created a Tk 200 crore fund which justice at a full court
will be disbursed as soft loan among returnee migrants meeting decided to
who were affected by the coronavirus pandemic, for their continue running virtual
sustainable reintegration. functions of the Appellate
Later, broader reintegration programme will be and HC divisions until the
undertaken with the stimulus of Tk 500 crore announced by situation improves.
the prime minister, he said, adding, they were working for The meeting decided
undertaking additional programmes for the reintegration. that the chief justice will
He stressed for disbursing loan among migrants in constitute at least four to
group so that they can be benefited through cooperative. five division benches of the
Under the agreement, WEWB will provide the Tk 200 HC, so they can act with
crore to the Probashi Kalyan Bank while the bank will judicial powers like that of
disburse the money as soft loan at four percent interest rate regular division benches.
among eligible applicants, said the release. Justice Mahmud will
Returnee migrants who went overseas in regular way or increase single judge
sent remittance through authorised channel and family benches of the HC from
members of migrants who died with coronavirus infection the existing 13 to hear and
will be eligible for the loan, it said. dispose of more cases.
They will have to use the loan as investment for small Al this will be done after
business, it added. Disbursement and management of An entire lane of this road in Kajla, Jatrabari has become too muddy for vehicles to pass through, resulting in
PHOTO: ensuring necessary logistical
the loan scheme will be implemented as per the rules heavy congestion on the rest of the road. Vehicles are often having to take the wrong side of the road to pass this AMRAN HOSSAIN support, including internet
formulated to this end. part, where repair work was ongoing before the rain created a whole swamp. The photo was taken recently. and server facilities.

Bar council Mahmud Yunus

passes away
Five ‘JMB members’ Focus on
In February 2020, the council held an MCQ exam but no word on the
subsequent exams was heard till Saturday. Those who pass the MCQ exam
held in Mymensingh public relations officer Sharif Mahmudh Opu, law enforcing agencies
were directed to take necessary steps to ensure health and hygiene issues at
can get two chances to pass the written exams. S Mahmud OUR CORRESPONDENT, M’SINGH cattle markets, following the health minister’s guidelines.
The Appellate Division directed in 2017 that there should be yearly Yunus, former The health ministry has decided that cattle markets will be set up only
enrolment of applicants in district courts. accounts and Rapid Action Battalion (Rab) claimed to have arrested five outside Dhaka city this year, and the local government ministry and the
HUNGER STRIKE finance officer suspected members of Jama’atul Mujahideen Bangladesh city corporations will take steps in this regard, read the statement.
During the protests, at least 10 people were on hunger strike. Afsana of Bangladesh (JMB) in Mymensingh’s Muktagaccha upazila early People planning to visit cattle markets must wear masks and if anyone
Mimi, an apprentice at Barishal district and session judge’s court, came to Export yesterday. is found without a mask, then he will have to purchase a mask from the
Dhaka with 13 of her fellows to join the protest on July 7. Processing The arrestees were identified as Md Asad Ali (45), leaseholder of the market. The leaseholders were also asked to set up
Mimi and her friend Hazera Akter had to be taken to Sir Salimullah Zones Authority, passed Mohammad Mister (48), Muklesur Rahman Muktar (28) hand-washing stations and sanitisers at the cattle market.
Medical College Hospital on July 9 after their blood sugar level fell due to away on July 6 at a hospital and Md Rashed (32) and his brother Md Based Ali, said During the meeting, the minister and officials suggested to emphasise
their hunger strike. in the capital. He was 67. police. on online shopping to avoid the risk of widespread coronavirus
Like Afsana and Hazera, nearly 400 candidates joined the protests. He had been undergoing Md Tafiqul Alam, senior assistant superintendent of transmission.
Afsana had completed her LLB from Barishal Law College in 2014, and treatment in ICU with police in Mymensingh, said tipped-off that some JMB Besides, the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters
she passed the MCQ exam 2017. She failed the written exam, and since lung infection, says a press suspects have been holding a secret meeting at a house in Association (BGMEA) and factory owners were asked to take necessary
then, she has had no other chance to get enlisted. release. He left behind his Kuripara village, a Rab team raided the area around 3am. steps to pay workers’ salaries and bonus on time.
“I was supposed to get another try at the written exam in 2018, but that wife and two children. Md Hafizul islam Babu, senior assistant superintendent The Coast Guard and river police were asked to take steps to check
didn’t happen. Now we’re in the year 2020, in the middle of a pandemic, Mahmud Yunus was of police, led the drive, said Tafiqul, also media officer of carrying of excess passengers on ferries and launches ahead of Eid. They
and the future seems even more uncertain,” she said. born in 1953 in Bauphal Rab. were also asked to increase vigilance to prevent overloading of cattle on
Afsana has been working under a senior lawyer and she earns a meagre upazila of Patuakhali. He He said four other members of the outfit managed to vessels.
Tk 100-300 per day, depending on the generosity of her seniors. worked at Bangladesh flee. Rab also seized a number of jihadi books and leaflets Beside this, law enforcing agencies will take steps to stop circulation
On the process of bar council enlistment, Advocate Ram Chandra Das Export Processing Zones from them. of fake notes, extortion, and drug traders like previous years, reads the
of Dhaka Judge Court said the system in India is more efficient. “Since Authority in different posts In primary interrogation, they confessed that they were statement.
2011, they [Indian bar council] started a one-step process of giving license for 26 years. The BEPZA involved with the militant outfit. The Industries and Commerce Ministry will set the prices of rawhide and
to lawyers through a three-and-a-half-hour long, open book, analytical authorities expressed deep The arrestees were being interrogated at the Rab office as its proper marketing. The Religious Affairs Ministry has taken decisions to
MCQ exam of 100 marks, where the pass mark is 40,” he explained. shock at his death. of filing this report in the evening. hold Eid-ul-Azha Jamaat in mosques, the home ministry statement added.

Stranded in ACC summons

FROM PAGE 3 near the Bangladesh embassy on July 2 made FROM PAGE 3 Of them, Shahjahan, Sabbir and Kabir With the complaints over poor
Faridul said one of the Bangladeshis got sick headlines, they are now being kept at hotels. national identity cards, TINs and income are asked to appear on July 19 and the rest quality ventilators surfacing, CMSD, the
recently, but there was no one to take care of him or But the brokers -- Atiq, Saiful and Jabbar -- are tax returns. on July 20. government body that sources medical
take him to the doctor. threatening the 15, telling them not to contact the MP Shahid is currently being detained in Earlier, ACC summoned Dhaka supplies, withdrew the masks received
The only thing the others could do was contribute media in Bangladesh. Kuwait’s central prison and is undergoing Central International Medical College from JMI.
to buy him medicine. “They threatened us saying this is Vietnam, not questioning by the public prosecution. and Hospital Chairman Motazzerul Meanwhile, ACC has asked acting
All of them, he said, are struggling, thinking He was arrested on June 8 on allegations Islam Mithu, Meditech Imaging Director director of Mugda Medical College
Bangladesh, so be careful,” Faridul said, pleading
about how they would pay off the loans they took of human trafficking, money laundering Humayun Kabir, JMI Hospital Requisite Hospital Dr Rowson Anwar and
for help. and bribery.
before going to Vietnam. Manufacturing Ltd Chairman Abdur management authorities of Hotel 71 to
The Head of Chancery at Bangladesh embassy in
“Now, we’re all dependent on the kind gestures 6 CMSD OFFICIALS SUMMONED Razzak and coordinator (medical team) submit documents on expense of living of
Hanoi did not respond to repeated phone calls for
of Vietnamese people. They think we got stranded Meanwhile, ACC yesterday summoned six of Toma Construction Ltd Motiur Rahman doctors, nurses and staff at the hotel.
because of the pandemic and are providing us food. comments.
officials of Central Medical Stores Depot and chairman of Elan Corporation ACC deputy assistant director
Noodles are all that we eat twice a day now,” Faridul Bangladesh does not have any labour recruitment Aminul Islam Amin for quzzing in this Mohammad Shahjahan Miraj in seperate
deal with Vietnam. (CMSD) for quizzing over procurement of
said. low standard N-95 masks and PPE. connection. letters on Thursday sought the information
He said they had contacted the Bangladesh However, using tourist and enterprise visas, Mithu and Aminul did not appear from them.
In a letters signed by ACC Director Mir
embassy in Hanoi and were supposed to return recruiting and travel agencies send people there, said before the commission showing ailments. According to the letter, there is
Md Zaynul Abedin Shebly, ACC summoned
home on Jul 3, when 11 others were repatriated in a Rapid Action Battalion in Dhaka on Thursday, after CMSD deputy director Dr Zakir Hossain, The controversy over the mask supply allegations against the hospital authorities
special flight arranged by Vietnam. arresting three directors of two recruiting agencies chief coordinator Dr Ziaul Haque, assistant came to the fore in early April when health of misappropriating money allocated for
“The brokers did not give us our passports. So, we over illegally sending people to the Southeastern director Dr Md Shahjahan, store in-charge professionals in various hospitals were the living of doctors at the hotel.
couldn’t return, even though we were willing to pay country. Dr Sabbir Ahmed, store officer Kabir questioning the quality of respirators, with “We’ve asked them to provide
airfare,” Faridul said. The law enforcers also received names of eight Ahmmed and senior store keeper Yusuf many resorting to social media to vent documents of agreement, hotel rents and
After news of stranded nationals demonstrating Bangladeshi brokers who operate from Vietnam. Fakir. their frustration. other charges,” Miraj told The Daily Star.

An improvised vehicle, colloquially called Nosimon or Korimon, is seen plying Dhaka-Aricha highway at Hemayetput area, carrying a heap of
sacks. Movement of such slow-moving vehicles on highways is illegal and can be dangerous for other drivers. This photo was taken recently.

Char people build

bamboo bridge on
self-help basis
OUR CORRESPONDENT, Lalmonirhat char people are now very happy to get the
People in a remote char area voluntarily
They now can easily carry their
have built a bamboo bridge on a canal of
agriculture produces after the bamboo
the Teesta river to ease communication
bridge was built, said farmers in the char
between Harinchara Majherchar in area, adding that earlier they had to suffer
Lalmonirhat Sadar upazila and the a lot for not having any bridge there.
mainland in Haragachh area of Rangpur’s The bamboo bridge was built at a cost of
Kawnia upazila. Tk 2 lakh, said the growers.
In May this year, char people in Char people collected donation and
Khuniyagachh union of Lalmonirhat Sadar gave their inputs to build the bridge,
upazila have joined hands for construction said another farmer Abdul Awal, 48,
of the 200-metre-long bridge on the river of the same char area, adding that
canal in the union. they willingly came forward to supply
As a makeshift arrangement, a bamboo bamboo, wire and nails to build the
bridge on the river canal has been made for bridge.
the first time to ease people’s longstanding The char people also willingly provided
sufferings, said locals, adding that it finally financial support to build the bamboo
has brought smile to people in the remote bridge, he said, adding that agriculture
area. work has now gained momentum in the
Bazlur Rahman, 65, a farmer of char area after the bridge was built.
Harinchara Majherchar in the union, said Especially during the monsoon, the char
they have been urging the local public people suffer much as they have to cross the
representatives for years to build a bridge canal of the river by dingy amid risk, said
on the canal to mitigate their longstanding Abdul Awal, adding that it is really a hard
sufferings but nobody did pay heed to the task to build the bridge on self-help basis
matter. but finally it happened and local residents
The Madhumati river has devoured a 90-metre portion of the road from Kamarkhali Bazar to Bir Shrestho Munshi PHOTO:
Finding no other way, they have are now very happy.
Abdur Rouf Library and Memorial Museum at Gandakhali in Madhukhali upazila of Faridpur. SUZIT KUMAR DAS voluntarily built the bamboo bridge on The char people have also urged the
the canal of the Teesta river to ease their authorities concerned to build a permanent
communication, he said, adding that the bridge on the canal.

Road communication cut as

river devours area in Faridpur
OUR CORRESPONDENT, Faridpur Rickshaw-van puller Enamul Khan, 30,
of Nawrapare village, said, “When the rainy
The Madhumati river devoured a 90-metre-long
portion of the road stretching from Kamarkhali
A large number of people from season comes, they do name-only protection
work. If any puller becomes a little careless, he
Bazar to Bir Srestho Shaheed Lance Naik 20 villages, who use the seven- can fall into the river.”
Munshi Abdur Rouf Library and Memorial Sahera Begum, 49, a housewife of
Museum at Gandakhali in Madhukhali upazila km-long road to reach different Gandakhali village, whose house is only eight
of Faridpur in the district a week ago.
Faridpur Water Development Board (WDB) destinations including the upazi- to nine metres away from the river, said, “We
are passing days in fear erosion by the river. We
authorities are dumping geo sandbags to
prevent the erosion but the locals have raised
la and district headquarters, are may even die if the river suddenly devours our
house at night.”
questions about the work quality. facing untold sufferings According to the WDB sources, the protection
A large number of people from 20 villages work is being done in the 90-metre portion at
using the seven-km-long road to reach different the cost of Tk 59 lakh and 65 thousand, using
destinations including the upazila and district bamboo and geo sandbags.
headquarters are facing untold sufferings as Mintu Mollah, 34, a resident of Gandakhali Sultan Mahamud, executive engineer of
the road has become almost unfit for vehicular village, said, “The river caused erosion in the WDB in Faridpur, said, “We are dumping
movement. area on several occasions during the last 15 geo sandbags to prevent river erosion for the
Visiting the area, this correspondent found years. It has been observed that when the time being. We are developing a project for
12 workers dumping geo sandbags in the river erosion starts in the rainy season, the WDB permanent protection work on the 11-km-long
erosion area. At least six homesteads and a men throw sandbags in the name of preventing area from Kamarkhali to Bhatiapara. If the Char people in Khuniyagachh union of Lalmonirhat Sadar upazila build
number of trees are now under threat of erosion erosion. But within a few days it was washed project is implemented, this problem will be the bamboo bridge on a canal of the Teesta river on self-help basis to STAR
by the Madhumati. away.” solved.” ease their communication.

Paddy residue collection brings

joy for them amid Covid-19

Around 1,000 ultra-poor women are

engaged in collecting paddy residues
from the Boro fields submerged in
rainwater under Ujirpur upazila of
the district. These women are doing
the job to support their families in the
crisis time of the Covid-19 pandemic.
A local agriculture officer said in the
Bengali month of Baishakh and Jyestha,
farmers in the low-lying area harvested
ripe Boro paddy from thousands of
acres of land. Plants grow again from
roots of the harvested paddy submerged
in rainwater during monsoon. These
women then collect paddy residues
from the submerged fields within a
month as the general farmers usually
do not collect such ripe paddy.
During a recent visit to Satla village Two women collect paddy residues from a submerged Boro
in Ujirpur, this correspondent found field at Satla village in Barishal’s Ujirpur upazila. The photo PHOTO:
that two women --Shova Bain, 30,
was taken recently.
and Kalpana Bain, 35, of the area—
were collecting paddy residues from she is helping her husband to run the pandemic coronavirus has brought
a harvested Boro field amid joy. The family by collecting the paddy. woe for them.
paddy land has literally turned into
She also added that they usually Upazila Agriculture Officer Zakir
beel as rainwater submerged it.
make chira out of the paddy and eat it Hossain said such paddy is grown
More than 50 women in the village
every morning. in the low-lying area following the
were found collecting the paddy
residues from the land submerged According to the local farmers, harvest of Boro paddy. In Ujirpur,
under two to three feet rainwater. when thousands of acres of land over 5,000 hectars of land have turned
Kalpana Bain said every day she in Satla union were submerged in into beel during the rainy season and
harvested around 30 to 40 kg of ripe rainwater, a group of low-income especially women are engaged in
paddy on one bigha of submerged people collect paddy residues from collecting paddy residues from the
land from morning to noon during the submerged harvested Boro fields. submerged land this time.
the rainy season and later put on the Each person can collect about one Md Aftabuddin, additional director
ground for drying in the sun. maund of paddy from one bigha of Department of Agricultural
Kalpana further said her husband of submerged land every day, they Extension in Barishal, said 1.25 lakh
is a marginal farmer. His income said, adding that but this year a huge hectares of land in Barishal region
has decreased drastically due to number of poor people are engaged have been brought under Boro
coronavirus outbreak. In this situation, in collecting paddy residues as the cultivation this year.

Local people, family

members and relatives
form a human chain in
front of Pabna Technical
School and College in
the town yesterday,
demanding proper
investigation and justice
for the killing of Md
Tanjib Sheikh, 30, of
Ramchandrapur village, in
a ‘shootout’ with cops on



A top Turkish court has ruled that the Byzantine-
Can states justify
era Hagia Sophia, which has served as a museum
in Istanbul since 1935, would be handed over targeted killings?
to Turkey’s religious affairs directorate and AL JAZEERA ONLINE
reopened for Muslim worship. Here are five
things to know about the Hagia Sophia: In a move that caused a ripple effect across the Middle
WHAT IS THE HAGIA SOPHIA? East, Iranian General Qassem Soleimani was killed in a
The edifice was first built as an Orthodox US drone strike near Baghdad’s international airport on
Christian church between 532 and 537 AD January 3. On that day, the Pentagon announced the attack
under emperor Justinian I and is considered was carried out “at the direction of the president”.
the most important Byzantine structure. After Iran retaliated with a ballistic missile attack targeting
the Ottoman conquest of Constantinople (now American troops in Iraq on January 7.
Istanbul) in 1453, it was converted into a In a new report examining the legality of armed drones
mosque before being opened as a museum in and the Soleimani killing in particular, Agnes Callamard,
1935 after the secular modern Turkish republic UN special rapporteur on extrajudicial and arbitrary killings,
was established in 1923. It was added to the said the US raid that killed Soleimani was “unlawful”.
list of UNESCO world heritage sites in 1985. Callamard presented her report at the Human Rights
WHAT IS ITS OFFICIAL STATUS NOW? Council in Geneva on Thursday. The United States, which
Following Friday’s decision, it reverts from is not a member after quitting the council in 2018, rejected
being a museum to being a mosque. The the report saying it gave “a pass to terrorists”.
Council of State, Turkey’s highest administrative In Callamard’s view, the consequences of targeted killings
court, unanimously cancelled a 1934 cabinet by armed drones have been neglected by states. Her report
decision and said Hagia Sophia was registered said the world is at a “critical time and a possible tipping
as a mosque in its property deeds. Until now point” when it comes the use of unmanned aerial vehicles.
it has been the principal tourist attraction in A “second drone age” has now emerged, she wrote, with
Turkey, hosting millions of tourists every year states employing ever more advanced technology.
-- 3.8 million visitors in 2019. One of the greatest concerns with the increased use of
armed drones noted in the report is the number of civilian
WHAT WOULD IT CHANGE FOR VISITORS? casualties it causes. The attack on Soleimani, for example,
Tourists could still visit the Hagia Sophia, just resulted in far more casualties than the direct targets.
as they are able to see the Blue Mosque nearby. Soleimani was killed along with eight others including
But the example of the Hagia Sophia of Trabzon Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the deputy head of Iraq’s Popular
in northern Turkey, opened to Muslim worship Mobilisation Forces.
in 2013, may give pause for thought. Animal rights and environmental activists hold signs as they stand inside a fountain after members of the Animal Rebellion Previous UN special rapporteurs on extrajudicial killings
WHY DID THIS BECOME AN ISSUE NOW? group poured red dye into the water, on Trafalgar Square in London, Britain, on Saturday. PHOTO: REUTERS


Erdogan rejects global criticism
AGENCIES hours after a high court annulled the 1934 to Erdogan expressing “grief and dismay”
There was a long legal process leading up to decision turning it into a museum. He over the move and urged him to reverse his
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Muslim prayers would begin at the decision.
Friday’s ruling. The Constitutional Court in has rejected international condemnation
September 2018 turned down a plea by an UNESCO World Heritage Site on July 24. But Ozgur Unluhisarcikli, Ankara have lamented the lack of clarity among states about their
over the decision to change the status of The president went ahead with the plan director of the German Marshall Fund, told
independent heritage association to open the Istanbul’s landmark Hagia Sophia from a obligations regarding drone warfare and the absence of
building up for Muslim worshipping. The main despite appeals from Nato ally the United AFP the move would win hearts and minds accountability.
museum to a mosque, saying it represented States and from Russia, with which Ankara at home as most Turks “would favour
opposition secular Republican People’s Party his country’s will to use its “sovereign rights”. Experts agree drones are not necessarily illegal, but it
(CHP) has accused the government of using the has forged close relations in recent years. such a decision for religious or nationalist remains unclear under which circumstances their use
In the past, he has repeatedly called for Greece swiftly condemned the move as sentiments.
issue to distract voters from economic woes and the stunning building to be renamed as violates international law.
other issues following the coronavirus pandemic. a provocation, France deplored it while the “This is a debate president Erdogan Under Article 51 of the UN Charter, the use of deadly
a mosque and in 2018, he recited a verse US also expressed disappointment. cannot lose and the opposition cannot
“Erdogan appears to be responding to a drop from the Quran at Hagia Sophia.
force is allowed in two scenarios: When it is authorised by
in voter support, which is likely a fallout from Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister win. As a matter of fact, this issue also has the UN Security Council (UNSC) and when a country acts
“Those who do not take a step against Alexander Grushko on Saturday said the potential to disunite the opposition
Turkey’s COVID-19-induced economic downturn,” in self-defence.
Islamophobia in their own countries ... Moscow regretted the decision. parties.” Callamard has emphasised the test for “anticipatory self-
said Erdemir. As early as 1994 when he was attack Turkey’s will to use its sovereign
running for mayor of Istanbul, Erdogan promised “The cathedral is on Turkey’s territory, On Saturday, police had put up barriers defence” is very narrow: It must be a necessity that is “instant,
rights,” Erdogan said at a ceremony he but it is without question everybody’s around Hagia Sophia. overwhelming, and leaving no choice of means and no
to open the building to Muslim worshippers. attended via video-conference on Saturday. heritage,” he told the Interfax news agency. On Friday, Erdogan gave assurances that moment of deliberation”. This standard, she stated in a tweet
WHAT IS THE INT’L COMMUNITY’S POSITION? The colossal Hagia Sophia was built Pope Francis yesterday said he was Hagia Sophia would be open to all visitors, issued right after Soleimani’s killing, “is unlikely to be met”.
The landmark ruling has already inflamed 1,500 years ago as an Orthodox Christian “very distressed” over Turkey’s decision including non-Muslims. Callamard’s report calls for greater accountability
tensions not just with the West and Turkey’s cathedral and was converted into a to convert the Byzantine-era monument “The Hagia Sophia’s doors will remain for targeted killings, as well as greater regulation of the
historic foe Greece, but also Russia, with which mosque after the Ottomans conquered Hagia Sophia back into a mosque. open to visitors from all around the world,” weapons used.
Erdogan has forged an increasingly close Constantinople, now Istanbul, in 1453. “My thoughts go to Istanbul. I’m his press aide Fahrettin Altun tweeted on The report recommends UN Secretary-General Antonio
partnership in recent years. Greece branded The secular Turkish government decided in thinking about Hagia Sophia. I am very Saturday. Guterres set up an international fact-finding mission to
the move an “open provocation to the civilised 1934 to make it a museum. distressed,” the pope said in the Vatican’s “People of all religious denominations investigate targeted killings by drones.
world”, while the Russian Orthodox Church said Erdogan on Friday formally converted first reaction to a decision that has drawn are welcome and encouraged to visit it - Callamard also called on states to robustly investigate
Turkey had ignored “millions of Christians” with the building back into a mosque and international criticism. just as they have been able to visit other allegations of harm to civilians during such attacks and to
its move. declared it open for Muslim worship, The World Council of Churches wrote mosques, including the Blue Mosque.” release their findings.


may limit
Covid deaths 180 colleges, univs join
A tuberculosis vaccine
lawsuit opposing move
routinely given to children UNB
in countries with high rates A total of 180 educational institutions in the United States joined a lawsuit Iran says misaligned radar
of that bacterial disease
might be helping to reduce
opposing the new visa policy for international students by the Trump led to Ukrainian jet downing
administration, according to a report from Xinhua. Iran said that the misalignment of an air defence
deaths from COVID-19,
An amicus brief document was filed with the Massachusetts federal unit’s radar system was the key “human error”
researchers reported in
district court and released to the public on Friday in this regard. that led to the accidental downing of a Ukrainian
the scientific journal
The US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced passenger plane in January. “A failure occurred
Proceedings of the National
This file photo shows a US Air Force pilot takes off in his Air Force F-35A aircraft Academy of Sciences.
a new visa policy for international students and this move prompted due to a human error in following the procedure”
from Hill Air Force Base, Utah. The US State Department said on Thursday it had Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) for aligning the radar, causing a “107-degree
The researchers found
to launch a legal action against it. error” in the system, the Iranian Civil Aviation
approved the possible sale of 105 Lockheed Martin F-35 fighter jets to Japan at an that countries with higher
The 22-page document issued by the Presidents’ Alliance on Higher
rates of Bacille Calmette- Organisation (CAO) said in a report late Saturday.
estimated cost of $23 billion. PHOTO: REUTERS Education and Immigration representing 180 higher education institutions This error “initiated a hazard chain” that saw
Guérin (BCG) vaccinations
for tuberculosis had lower showed a nationwide support for rescinding the guidance, the report said. further errors committed in the minutes
The Asia-Pacific arms race mortality rates. A good
example was Germany,
which had different vaccine
“ICE’s new policy serves only to severely disrupt international students’
educational attainment, and our country is worse off for it,” said Miriam
Feldblum, executive director of the Presidents’ Alliance on Higher Education
before the plane was shot down, said the CAO
document, presented as a “factual report”
and not as the final report on the accident
has taken an ominous turn
plans before East Germany
and West Germany were
unified. COVID-19 mortality
and Immigration in a statement posted on the group’s official website. “This
quasi-international student ban represents another unfortunate assault by
the administration against immigrants and higher education,” she added.
investigation. Flight 752, a Ukraine International
Airlines jetliner, was struck by two missiles and
crashed shortly after taking off from Tehran’s
missile. Hypersonic missile technology is The ICE announced on Monday that students currently in the United main airport on January 8, killing all 176 people
rates among senior citizens
also being researched, with weapons able to are nearly three times higher States on F-1 and M-1 visas must depart the country or take other measures, on board.
Within days of each other, two key
attack their targets with very little warning in western Germany than such as transferring to a school with in-person instruction to remain in
United States allies - Australia and
Japan - announced their intentions to
time due to the extreme speeds at which the in eastern Germany, where lawful status, if their schools’ classes are entirely online in the fall semester. Polarised Poles vote
boost defence spending and adopt a missiles travel. more older people received The measure also stipulated that those in violation would risk Poles yesterday voted in a knife-edge
more aggressive military posture. Rising It is not the only country that wants the vaccine as infants, they “immigration consequences, including, but not limited to, the initiation presidential run-off between a populist
tensions in the Asia-Pacific region account this flexibility. Japan has always relied on found. of removal proceedings.” incumbent closely allied with US President
for what is being called a “game-changer” its ally the US to protect it from potential Donald Trump and a europhile liberal keen
in the way the two countries think about aggressors while maintaining its post-World to mend fences with Brussels. The stakes are
War II pacifist constitution. This trust has high for Poland’s right-wing Law and Justice

Lives will be lost

protecting themselves from China’s rapid
military expansion. slowly been eroded and Japan now looks (PiS) party government, which has relied
Australia’s announcement in late June to develop its own first-strike capability, on incumbent President Andrzej Duda to
that it would boost defence spending a game-changer for the country’s military push through judicial reforms that have set
over the next decade by 40 percent caught posture.
In an increasingly volatile region, Japan’s
Aid agencies warn as UN buckles under Russia, Warsaw on a collision course with the EU over
democratic standards just three decades after
most observers by surprise. Australia is a
key partner in the region for the US and
cooperation between the two countries
military budget is set to rise for the eighth
straight year to $48bn as it steadily seeks to
China pressure to cut aid access to Syria communism’s demise. Duda is locked in a tight
race with Warsaw mayor Rafal Trzaskowski of
remains central to Australia’s new strategic rearm itself, revamping its air force, buying AGENCIES the opposition Civic Platform (PO) and final
thinking. in US stealthy F35s opinion polls showed an almost even split
and early-warning A UN Security Council resolution that leaves only between the two.
But, an increasingly
aircraft. Concerned one of two border crossings open for aid deliveries
erratic foreign policy
under the Trump not just by China’s rise from Turkey into rebel-held northwestern Syria will China raises flood alert
administration has but by a North Korea cost lives and intensify the suffering of 1.3 million to second highest level
made its allies nervous that has threatened to people living there, aid agencies said. China yesterday raised its flood response alert
about the US’s long- start testing its long- Western states had pressed for aid access to to the second highest grade as downpours
term commitments range missiles again, continue through two crossings at the Turkish border, continued to batter regions along the Yangtze
in the region. China’s Japan now wants to but Russia, President Bashar al-Assad’s main ally in River, with the eastern provinces of Jiangsu
increased assertiveness give itself the option his war against, and China vetoed a last-ditch effort and Jiangxi among the worst hit, state media
on Friday to keep both open. statement added.
in the South China to hit targets hundreds reported. Regional flooding in the Poyang
of kilometres away The UNSC on Saturday approved aid deliveries In a separate statement, Physicians for Human
Sea, near Taiwan and county of Jiangxi has made water levels of
should it need to. to Syria through one border crossing from Turkey, Rights said the resolution had shut down “direct
on the border with China’s Lake Poyang, its biggest freshwater
Moreover, China’s rapid buildup of bases, a day after its authorization for the six-year-long routes to hundreds of thousands of displaced Syrians
India has made many analysts concerned lake, surge to above 22.52 meters, a historical
that China is lowering the threshold for naval forces and long-range air force in the humanitarian operation ended, leaving millions of in dire need of food and medicine”.
Russia and China have argued that the northwest
high and well above the alert level of 19.50
military action, making war more likely. South China Sea and beyond has unnerved Syrian civilians in limbo. metres. By Saturday evening, provincial
With this in mind, Australia has been its neighbours, who now seek closer defence “In northwest Syria, where a vital cross-border can be reached from within Syria, meaning via
military authorities had dispatched thousands
steadily modernising its military, ordering ties with each other. Australia and India lifeline has been closed ... it will be harder to reach government-held territory, and that aid deliveries
of soldiers to help bolster nearly 9 km (6
advanced, super-quiet French submarines, signed a naval and logistical cooperation an estimated 1.3 million people dependent on food from Turkey violate Syria’s sovereignty. “This issue miles) of the lake’s banks to prevent them
received its first batch of American stealth defence pact in June. and medicine delivered by the UN cross-border,” aid should not be politicized,” deputy Russian UN envoy from bursting, state television said. According
jets and boosted its advanced naval vessels. Japan seeks to strengthen ties with India, agencies operating in Syria said in a joint statement. Dmitry Polyanskiy said after the vote. to data from the Ministry of Water Resources,
In February, the US agreed to the sale Australia and other Asean states and is “Many will now not receive the help they need. Louis Charbonneau, UN director at Human 212 rivers have since early July exceeded
of advanced, stealthy long-range anti-ship pushing plans for further cooperation in Lives will be lost. Suffering will intensify.” Rights Watch, said: “Council members buckled alerting levels including 19 of them rising to
missiles, able to strike high-value targets an effort to form an alliance that is able, “With the first case of COVID-19 confirmed and gave Moscow what it wanted – a further drastic historical highs.
and sink them at a range of 370km, triple with the US help, to counter any potential in Idlib, an area with a severely weakened health reduction of cross-border aid to desperate Syrians
the range of Australia’s current Harpoon aggression from China. infrastructure, this is a devastating blow,” the who rely on it for survival.” SOURCE: REUTERS, AFP

JULY 13, 2020, ASHAR 29, 1427 BS 7


A Hindu village in a clearing, the Sundarbans, 1843. Sketch by Frederic Peter Layard (1818-1891). Backergunge District in a 1909 Eastern Bengal map of The Imperial Gazetteer of India.


The Empire on Trial AZIZUL RASEL

Benjamin Kingsbury’s An Imperial Porch, the collector of Noakhali, found

Disaster: The Bengal Cyclone of 1876 little necessity for relief and thought that
(Hurst & Company, London, 2018) people could overcome the loss. His was
is a stimulating intervention in the the attitude that the government should
history of disaster in British India. have minimum relief intervention. Sir
The book is a nuanced study of the Richard Temple, the lieutenant-governor
cyclone of 1876, which ravaged the of Bengal Presidency, held similar views
coastal region of the Bengal delta killing that government relief measures should
around 200,000 people and led to an be as small as possible.
epidemic afterward. It is perhaps the In the fifth chapter, ‘The
first monograph that solely deals with Epidemic’, Kingsbury showed that the
a particular cyclone disaster. The author government’s inaction and indolent
vividly delineates the micro details of attitude after the disaster invited a
the cyclone of 1876. cholera epidemic in the estuary. The
The author challenges the very epidemic further killed thousands
discourse of “disaster”. The disaster, viz. PHOTO: AP /HARRY KOUNDAKJIAN of people and made people more
cyclone, hurricane, or flood, is generally Devastation in the aftermath of the cyclone that hit the coastal region of Bangladesh, then East Pakistan, Nov. 1970. Ac- impoverished. The marginal and
perceived as “natural” and beyond cording to the World Meteorological Organization, the cyclone killed more than 300,000 people. impoverished people were denied
“human control or responsibility”. basic medical support. The author
The author questions the parochial Dhaka had to contend with because the danger of living in these distant homesteads and crops. The creeks and convincingly showed that the empire
understanding of disaster and asserts of the impact of British Industrial and insular islands, which is reflected rivers, miles after miles, were filled treated and viewed these people simply
that disaster is not merely “natural”, but Revolution and lustful colonial in the reports of lower-level officers. with human corpses. The salty water as a revenue machine.
deeply interrelated with human actions. economic policies, but world-famous However, to increase the revenue of the destroyed the crops in the island. There Had the situation and government
thinker Karl Marx, who had never been government, the colonial policymakers was a lack of drinking water and food. attitude changed after the cyclone
to India, also noted the significant remained mute about these concerns. People were dying from starvation after and epidemic? Kingsbury noted, the
decline of the population of Dhaka, In the second chapter, ‘The Forest’, the cyclone. colonial government didn’t learn
a lesser-known peripheral textile- the author discusses the long process The government response, as from those disasters or didn’t want to
producing city in the early modern of how forested lands, Sundarbans the author showed, was scant and learn. The population decreased in the
times in the eastern part of India, by in particular, were gradually brought insignificant compared to the needs of estuary after the cyclone and subsequent
1838. Both James Taylor and Marx under cultivation. Some scholars the people. There was no urgent cyclone epidemic. Many peasants left the coastal
noted that the population of Dhaka demonstrated that the clearing of forests response, except in the case of Barishal, fringe, but many could not as they had
sharply dropped from 200,000 in 1800 was initiated with the penetration where the collector of the district nowhere to go. The government also
to 68,000 in 1838. of Islam in Bengal. The Mughals took the initiative to bring new tenants
Kingsbury’s underlying purpose is patronised the cutting of forests as and again patronised forest clearing
to tell this widely-known history to the empire had a great opportunity and settled the cultivators in dangerous
demonstrate how all these events shoved to enhance its revenue from the areas without any protection.
the urban population to the remotest agrarian hinterland. However, it Benjamin Kingsbury’s study of the
parts of coastal Bengal. From the early was during the British Raj when the 1876 cyclone teaches us about the
nineteenth century, the colonial state colonial government took aggressive dangers of ruthless clearing of forests.
made ravenous attempts to expand the development policies to bring forested However, this aggressive development
tillage in the newly reclaimed area in the land under tillage. The colonial rule had policy has not changed even in
coastal fringe of Bengal and thus settled envisaged its great revenue prospects in postcolonial South Asia, Bangladesh
the impoverished people in the danger- this forested land. in particular. Ignoring the protests
prone area. Kingsbury meticulously explained from the environmentalist groups, the
The book is divided into six chapters this process of deforestation. The government in Bangladesh has taken
with a short epilogue drawn from a government initiative left the newly an aggressive development policy in the
poem of a Bengali writer. In the first settled tenants unprotected. He showed Sundarbans.
chapter, ‘The Estuary’, the author that the vegetation in the Sundarbans Kingsbury’s An Imperial Disaster is
delineates the physical geography of played an important role to reduce the a meticulous empirical study of the
the coastal area worst affected by the intensity of cyclones and storm-waves. cyclone of 1876. The author used a great
cyclone. The coastal areas of the eastern Kingsbury showed that the headlong deal of rare and unrevealed documents
part of the Bengal delta were once clearing of the forest aggravated the loss Benjamin Kingsbury. He is a historian to show how the empire was responsible
populated but became desolate from of life and property of the wretched and writer based in New Zealand. for the large death toll and the massive
late sixteenth century due to natural peasants who had no other option loss of livelihoods. It was the empire
disasters and joint raids of Portuguese but to settle reluctantly on the shore. Ebenezer Barton was extraordinarily and its ravenous policies which made
and Arakanese renegades. After the He demonstrated how the higher- active in the initial phase of relief this disaster the worst in the history of
Mughal victory over the joint forces of ups of the government refused the response. After hearing about the dire Bengal. This study could have been more
the Portuguese and the Arakanese, these field-level officers’ suggestion to make situation from subordinate officers, attractive, if the author had organically
lands gradually became populated. embankments and take protective he arranged as much relief as he could engaged with the theories of colonialism
However, it was after the British measures for the people at whose locally. The amount of relief Barton and imperialism, orientalism, liberalism
Industrial Revolution and Permanent expense they made so much money. sent was surely scant and many people and enlightenment.
Settlement that migration to distant The third and fourth chapters, titled on the coastal fringe were still starving Frantz Fanon, in The Wretched of
and dangerous chars expedited. After ‘The Cyclone’ and ‘The Response’, and suffering from a lack of drinking the Earth, examines the attitude of
the Permanent Settlement the colonial are perhaps the two most important water. Barton wrote to his higher officer the colonisers. He wrote, “Colonial
Kingsbury’s monograph is a subtle regime initiated policies for resumption chapters in the book. In the third in Dhaka, Frederick Peacock, that the world is a Manichean world… As if
analysis of the indelible impact of of newly formed chars in the coastal chapter, the author provides a vivid situation of his district was dire and to illustrate the totalitarian nature of
colonial rule even on the people living area. To boost revenue, the government and detailed description of the cyclone asked for an immediate relief of 50,000 colonial exploitation, the colonialist
at the insular part of the Bengal delta. brought these newly formed lands that hit the people living in the coastal maunds of rice, 12,000 maunds of turns the colonized into a kind of
Kingsbury begins with a known under cultivation and attracted fringes of the Bay of Bengal. The worst dal, and 1,000 maunds of salt. He quintessence of animal... The colonial
story of how concurring events of impoverished peasants into these cyclone in the history of Bengal hit the also sought another Rs 100,000 for world is a compartmentalized world...
the Industrial Revolution in Britain, dangerous tracts. The hapless cultivators coastal people of the Bengal Delta on reconstruction of roads, embankments, The colonized world is a world divided
colonisation of Bengal, colonial – finding no other way – migrated to 31st October 1876. The isolated island and tanks. However, the government into two”. Nevertheless, this micro-study
policies, and uneven competition this coastal fringe devoid of basic needs and areas of the estuary and settlements was not ready to meet even one-third of the cyclone of 1876 appends valuable
from the British textiles industry and safety. Exploring hitherto unused on the margins of Sundarbans were the of his demand. Moreover, Barton was contribution to the historiography of
systematically ravaged one of the lower-level district and settlement worst affected. Kingsbury provides a reprimanded by his higher-ups for ecology, disaster, and empire in South
principal sectors of Bengal’s economy. reports and also drawing insights from painstaking and heartrending story of “recklessly wasting” government money. Asia.
Not only had the British surgeon James literary sources, Kingsbury dissects the casualty. In some places the cyclone In the other part of the estuary, however,
Taylor, then residing in Dhaka, noted this large-scale internal migration. The killed two-thirds of the population, the district collector responded along Azizul Rasel is a historian. He teaches at
the difficult times the denizens of colonial government well perceived almost all domestic animals, destroyed the line of government policy. Reginald University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh.

Ensuring food security for all

ANGLADESH more disaggregated level, it is observed crop. In the meantime, the government to rely on the domestic economy to a
MACRO has made that in case of food affordability and has also planned to import rice. While large extent. Agriculture can provide a
DHAKA MONDAY JULY 13, 2020, ASHAR 29, 1427 BS MIRROR remarkable availability Bangladesh’s scores have been this is a good initiative to stay prepared huge support for bouncing back from
growth in good. However, the index on quality for the bad time, it should be done in a economic recession. In the face of corona-
agriculture since and safety of food has been moderate, realistic manner based on the actual need. led economic struggle, many people are
The urban middle and independence.
This is both in
indicating the need for improvement.
As the world suffers from the
Because, if more rice is imported than
what is required, farmers will not get due
migrating back to their villages so that
they can at least survive by being engaged

low-income groups’ terms of growth in

yield and output of
coronavirus pandemic—the biggest
crisis of the century—the need to build
prices for their own production. This will
disincentivise them from producing more
in agriculture or non-farm activities. This
reiterates the need for higher investment
cereal production. inclusive food systems has become in the next season. We should not lose in agriculture, particularly in commercial
distress FAHMIDA KHATUN Food production
in Bangladesh
more important than ever before. This
is to ensure that marginalised and
sight of the contributions of the farmers
and giving them their due prices while
agriculture through farm mechanisation
and technological adoption. The focus
The social safety net programme has kept its pace
with its population growth. Despite
vulnerable people enjoy the benefits of
an inclusive food system. It is also related
planning for imports.
The other concern during the ongoing
has to be broadened from subsistence
agriculture to agricultural trade. Ironically,
should take them into reckoning population growth over time, the country to the fulfilment of the Sustainable corona crisis is distributing food to the the allocation for the Ministry of
has attained food self-sufficiency at the Development Goals 1 and 2 which urge poor and also bringing food to the market Agriculture remains unutilised, despite

T was inevitable. And we had predicted this outcome
since the very seminal stages of the outbreak of the aggregate level and increased calorie upon ending poverty and achieving zero so that people can purchase them at an there being many areas of investment and
pandemic and of the country’s going into lockdown. availability. On average, access to food hunger, respectively. affordable price. Therefore, marketing innovation.
And so had the experts who also suggested that the has also improved. This has been due to However, it is almost clear now that and other logistical arrangements have Indeed, for the agriculture sector,
economic fallout would perhaps outlast the pandemic and the Green Revolution experienced by the the consequences of corona outbreak will to be in place to make food available. a two-pronged approach should be
the consequence would be far reaching. This inevitability country during the past decades. Along adopted. On the one hand, technological
has been faced by all the countries—rich and poor— with growth, food consumption pattern innovations are necessary to improve
big and small, affected by the virus. But for developing has also changed. productivity and sustainability in the
countries like Bangladesh, the consequences are being felt The recently launched 2020 Global agriculture and rural sectors. On the other
more immediately. Food Policy Report of the International hand, food production has to be coupled
The number of poor has doubled since the outbreak, Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) with policies and strong institutions for
and the hardest hit have been the middle and low indicates that per capita consumption of procurement, marketing and distribution.
income groups and those participating in the countries cereals has declined while that of meat, The issue of food security and reduction
informal economy, nearly forty percent of our population. eggs, fish, fruits, vegetables and milk of hunger is not only related to the
According to a Brac survey conducted between May 9 has increased across South Asia. In case agriculture sector alone, it is part of
and 13, during the shutdown of the economy in May, the of Bangladesh, one of the reasons for broader macroeconomic policy. Broader
average household income in urban areas registered a 79 improvement in its nutritional status, reforms are needed in case of land policy,
percent drop. Another study conducted by the PPRC and reduction in child stunting, underweight pricing policy, subsidy policy and fiscal
Brac’s Institute of Governance and Development in April and wasting is the diversity in diet. policy to have a modern agriculture
found that 77 percent of the formerly non-poor group had Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2019, sector.
slid below the poverty line. Government help has been by the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics and Food security for the vulnerable
abjectly inadequate. It was not only due to inadequate UNICEF reveals that chronic malnutrition people during crisis such as corona
resources but also because of some structural weakness and which is measured by stunting levels pandemic also requires strong social
systemic flaws. declined to 28 percent in 2019 from 42 safety net measures. The government of
The consequence of this fallout, which has divested percent in 2013. Bangladesh has expanded social safety net
these people of their income, has not only thrust a large The other change in the agriculture programmes in the budget for fiscal year
segment of people in the category of poor, we are also sector is the expansion of the food 2020-21. However, since Covid-19 is not
witnessing large-scale outflow from the urban to the rural processing sector. This has also been going to leave us soon there will be need
areas. The migration has the potential of the rural economy a source of employment. With further for further support to the poor so that
being adversely affected, as much as affecting the rental technological upgradation food PHOTO: STAR they do not go hungry.
business in the cities on which a good number of people processing can be further increased. Internationally, there are calls for not
depend. This has the potential to improve food be prolonged for several more months. During crisis, it is common that the imposing restrictions on food trade.
One of the shortcomings has been that the urban poor, availability. Despite paucity of real time Therefore, it has been predicted by various opportunists stock food and create an However, past experiences have shown
many of them belonging to the informal sector and now and authentic data it can be said that the organisations and experts that corona artificial crisis in the market. On the other that during economic stress countries
jobless, have not been considered in the social safety agriculture sector has been an important crisis will lead to the hardest global hand, farmers have to sell their produce resort to protectionism no matter how
net programme, which should be done immediately. catalyst for poverty reduction through recession so far. The socio-economic immediately after the harvest since they much we emphasise on international
Incentives in cash and kind should include the poor and employment generation and food achievements which have been made have to live their lives and also give wages cooperation and mutual responsibility for
the vulnerable non-poor who are not generally in that consumption. The value chains created during the last several decades are thus at to labourers. They neither have savings to the global poor. Already, several countries
category but are now so due to the loss of income during within the sector such as through poultry risk of being reversed due to the impact survive for a few days nor any storage to
have imposed restrictions on exports of
the pandemic. and fishery sub-sectors have also helped of Covid-19. Therefore, as countries are keep their harvest. Due to such distress
several agricultural products. The spirit
the poor to improve their condition. taking various initiatives to revive their sale of their produce, they do not get the
of global cooperation gets lost in the
Of course, food self-sufficiency economies, they are also planning for right price. If the government provides
urgency of saving their own people. We
does not mean food security and food adequate food availability. them support during this interim period,
Bridges on the brink of availability for all. It does not also
mean food equity and food inclusivity.
Coronavirus pandemic has affected the
agricultural production and supply system
they can sell their harvest at a better price
after a certain period.
have experienced such situation in 2008.
There is no reason to expect otherwise
during the corona pandemic. Therefore,
falling down Bangladesh still lags behind in the Global
Food Security Index. In 2019 Bangladesh
in many countries. However, despite such
crisis, Bangladeshi farmers have given
To ensure food security, policymakers
need to take proactive measures towards
we have to prepare ourselves, both for the
short and medium term to ensure food
was ranked 83rd position out of 113 the country a good harvest of Boro. Of equitable distribution of food. It has
Why the neglect in repairing such countries in the Global Food Security course, cyclone “Amphan” has affected been obvious that in order to reverse
Index. Bangladesh’s ranking is the lowest the sector substantially. The government the coronavirus-led unemployment
vital infrastructure? among the South Asian countries. At a has put emphasis on Aman and Aus and poverty the government will have
Dr Fahmida Khatun is the Executive Director at the
Centre for Policy Dialogue.

bridge on the Dhaleswari river at Charabari in
Tangail Sadar upazila is on the verge of breaking
down as earth from one of its approach roads has
become displaced due to heavy rain and strong currents in
the river. Hundreds of vehicles, including heavy ones, and
thousands of people move over the bridge which connects
five unions of the char areas in the western part of the
How three economic impacts of Covid-19
district. But it is not just the rains that make such bridges
vulnerable but other illegal activities like sand lifting as
well as a general lethargy about maintenance of such vital
could spell danger for Bangladesh
According to a report in this paper, the Local Government

Engineering Department (LGED) constructed the bridge N mid-June, quicker compared to other countries. But the pandemic, as the richer segment of earning less than Tk 11,000 per month,
in 2006 for developing road communication between the THE OVERTON the IMF in that is in the long-run. society has cut back on hiring part-time 57 percent said they had no income,
district headquarters and the char area. But floods and heavy WINDOW a country Western economies are not expected to cooks, maids, etc. to maintain social 32 percent experienced a decrease in
rains have since then damaged the western side approach focus report on recover soon and this is the perfect time distancing with the “unwashed masses”. earnings, and only about 11 percent
several times. And each time instead of repairing the bridge Bangladesh said to be diversifying our foreign markets. According to the Bangladesh Bureau said their income had remained stable.
the authorities took temporary measures such as throwing that the economic Mustafizur Rahman, distinguished fellow of Statistics (BBS), 85.1 percent of our In the same month, a study done by
sandbags. Locals alleged, moreover, that during the dry impact of Covid-19 at the Centre for Policy Dialogue, suggests workforce are employed in the informal Brac revealed that about 36 percent city
season a section of influential people with political clout has most notably Bangladesh should try and increase its sector, that is more than 50 million dwellers had lost their jobs and 3 percent
have continuously extracted sand from the river illegally for been felt in three share of the Asian market. China has people. And it is now estimated that the did not receive salaries despite having
the last few years making the soil weak and leading to the main areas: a fall recently allowed duty-free facility for pandemic has left 80 percent of them jobs. And there is little doubt that things
damage. ERESH OMAR JAMAL in remittances; a 97 percent of Bangladeshi products. unemployed. Therefore, on the one hand, haven’t fared any better since then.
So should we be blaming only the natural causes—heavy decline in RMG Bangladeshi shipment (led by garments) domestic consumption has taken a big Therefore, all three factors the IMF
rains, flooding or change in the river course—for the state exports; and a drop to India was more than USD 1 billion last hit, while on the other, we have mass is concerned about are leading to two
of this vital river? How could sand be illegally extracted for in domestic economic activities. year and crossed that mark to Japan in unemployment lowering the disposable things: i) mass unemployment; and ii)
years without the knowledge of the authorities? Why would Stories of how Bangladeshi migrant FY2018-19. income of poorer people to near zero, increased poverty. While relief packages
only temporary measures be taken when proper repair and workers have had their lives turned upside Making our trade policies more which is then deflating domestic are important to ensure that many of
maintenance could have kept the bridge strong enough down by the pandemic have regularly efficient is another key to recovery. One consumption further. these people do not starve to death, the
to withstand the heavy rains and flooding as most bridges made the news of late. Thousands have challenge in that department is the Last month, the World Bank projected government has to start preparing to go
are supposed to do? The local administration is saying that lost their jobs and many have been classic case of anti-export bias. Because in a report that across the Asian region, further.
they have already informed the Water Development Board deported. Yet, defying expectations and we have high import tariffs on products pandemic mitigation measures will Creating employment—besides
(WDB) and LGED and told them to take immediate steps to in contrast to most other economic addressing the pandemic from the
protect the bridge. So what happened during all the years in indicators that are in free fall, remittance healthcare side of it—is the biggest need
between? somehow hit an all-time high of USD of the hour; maybe not right now, but
These are questions that the government should 18.2 billion in the recently concluded soon enough. However, formulations of
be asking the LGED and other bodies responsible for fiscal year. different strategies that can achieve that
maintenance and repair of bridges. This paper has run This was somewhat baffling as there must begin immediately.
innumerable reports on bridges in dilapidated condition was absolutely no good reason for Much has already been said about
and posing grave risks to those travelling over it. Last remittance to suddenly go up in June. the “jobless growth” we had been
December we had reported on the ramshackle state of The only logical explanation, according experiencing before the pandemic hit.
two rail bridges in Gaibandha connecting Dhaka with the to experts, is that people are sending And there were serious worries about
northern districts that are around 200 years old. The derelict whatever money they had saved up the fact that Bangladesh was failing
state of these bridges highlight the neglect and apathy abroad as they are being forced to to create enough jobs for its people.
towards maintenance of bridges in general. While the rains leave their host countries and return to Likewise, many solutions to the problem
may give an excuse for the inability to repair these bridges Bangladesh. Once this rush of money of joblessness were presented. And they
they cannot absolve the responsible authorities from their subsides and more and more people still apply and should be implemented—
utter negligence in regular repair and maintenance for return home, remittance, a major pillar of even more urgently. And if we look close
which funds are supposed to be routinely allocated. our economy, could suffer severely.
enough, many of those problems are
Garment exports fell 18.12 percent
systematic, and will require government
year-on-year to USD 27.94 billion in
FY2019-20. As it accounts for 84 percent
Unfortunately, the political will for
LETTERS of our total national exports, overall
exports also fell 25.99 percent short of its
those reforms was previously absent. But
now the situation could get to a point
TO THE EDITOR annual target of USD 45.50 billion. This
is another example of why we should we could export, domestic producers severely hinder consumption and services
were mass unemployment and poverty—
due to previous systemic problems have diversified our exports basket long prefer to sell their products within the activity, while high uncertainty about
ago, as experts suggested for decades. country for higher prices in the absence the pandemic will constrain private and corruption and issues brought
We shall overcome this Nevertheless, since we are in the position of competition from foreign sources. This investment. None of this is good news forth by the pandemic—could start
endangering our entire social structure.
we are in, it is essential that we support is lowering exports and raising domestic for increasing domestic consumption
pandemic our garments sector to survive this crisis. prices. Therefore, the government should anytime soon. The WB also warned that That is something the authorities should
There could be one positive in the set its trade policies in such a way that there is a risk that the pandemic will recognise.
The most advanced countries in the world have Throughout history, great social
been rendered helpless by the coronavirus numbers. Bangladesh’s garments exports makes exports and domestic sales equally trigger a long-lasting rise in poverty,
to its single largest apparel export lucrative. especially in low-income countries. upheavals have occurred time and again
pandemic. Even though the future looks bleak, we when unemployment and poverty reached
must not give up hope. It is very difficult to deal destination, the US, declined by 12.50 Because most Bangladeshis are still And Bangladesh has already started
percent year-on-year to USD 2.32 billion relatively poor, despite GDP per capita experiencing that. a critical stage. There is no guarantee that
with a threat that is invisible. But we must still
between January and May this year, rising in recent years—a lot of it being A study conducted in May by this crisis will not push us over the edge.
continue to try and overcome it.
according to the US Office of Textiles and skewed by the rich getting richer—their Bangladesh Institute of Development That is why policymakers need to be
I would like to salute all those fearless people
Apparel data—whereas China’s declined consumption beyond necessity goods is Studies (BIDS) found a whopping 16.4 careful and gather up the political will to
on the frontline, including doctors and nurses who
by 43.87 percent year-on-year to USD still rather limited. And in times of crisis, million people sliding below the poverty make the necessary changes that they were
are placing their lives in danger to save those who
7.66 billion; India’s declined by 23.00 that rings particularly true. On the other line due to the pandemic. Around 50 unwilling to make before. As well as make
are infected. In their endeavour, many of them have
percent to USD 2.79 billion; and Mexico’s hand, a lot of the consumption of the percent of them reported a decline in special arrangements for this particular
died, but many more are still fighting hard, which
by 31.32 percent to USD 1.26 billion. richer segments of society depends on income, while over 20 percent of people crisis that we are in.
provides a beacon of hope during the ongoing
crisis. May the Almighty protect and bless us all. Outperforming all those countries takes informally hiring the poorer segments for who had monthly earnings of below Tk
Eresh Omar Jamal is a member of the editorial team
Nur Jahan, Chattogram resilience, and it is possible that our RMG services—as maids, chauffeurs, etc. 15,000 before said that they no longer at The Daily Star.
sector does have what it takes to recover The latter has taken a major hit due to had any earnings. Among the people His Twitter handle is: @EreshOmarJamal

Timeless lessons in the age

of coronavirus
ORE of SARS, or Severe Acute Respiratory let us also remember the power of take to heart. Past success in battling Rogers, could well have been attributed
than Syndrome—a disease linked to the kindness. this latest coronavirus is certainly to Harold. “It takes a lifetime to build
15 SARS coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2. He might have been a pioneering no predictor of future outcomes, a good reputation, but you can lose it
years have According to the World Health CEO at a firm with thousands of and leaders will want to not declare in a minute.”
passed since Organization, SARS appeared in employees, but Burson made time to “mission accomplished” too soon. That is echoed in legendary investor
my first trip November 2002 in southern China’s offer up a kind word, a hand-written Be accountable Warren Bufftet’s oft-quoted statement,
to Dhaka—a Guangdong province, just across the note of thanks or an encouraging email. In building a global business, Burson “It takes 20 years to build a reputation
corporate border from Hong Kong. “Be kind whenever possible. It is was no stranger to success or failure. and five minutes to ruin it. If you
assignment that The first confirmed case of SARS always possible,” the Dalai Lama is He knew though that accountability think about that, you’d do things
would also take in Hong Kong was in March 2003, famously said to have shared. And is not a punishment or simply about differently.”
me on to Sylhet. and the city would go on to bear the Burson would no doubt have agreed, water under the bridge. Through In one minute or five, reputation—
And I would disproportionate brunt of the deaths like trust—can be lost quickly. And
return again in my role on the board and economic impact outside of trust, Harold taught me, like a good
of directors of the Asian Development Mainland China. reputation must be earned over time.
Bank. My next trip, planned pre- By June 2003, some 1,750 cases of And that is true for nations too.
coronavirus pandemic, would have the virus had been identified in Hong Ongoing doubts over the accuracy
been in support of the Asian University Kong, with nearly 300 people dying of of Covid-19 case data from China is
for Women in Chittagong. the disease. due in no small part to longstanding
That and other trips, however, were By the time the SARS epidemic had doubts about the accuracy over
not to be—at least not in the near-term. ended in July 2003, Mainland China Chinese economic reports.
This spring, I was en route from would account for some 5,327, or 66 Tell the truth
Southeast Asia—where I am based percent of all reported 8,096 cases, and So, how to earn trust in the age of
with the Milken Institute—onward 349, or 45 percent, of all 774 deaths coronavirus? The solution, Burson
to Mississippi and then New York attributed to the virus, according to the might have said, could well be quite
City for memorial services for Harold WHO. Hong Kong, then a city of some
simple. That is, tell the truth. And
Burson, the late founder of the public 6.8 million, would alone account for
more than that, allow others to tell
relations firm Burson-Marsteller. It another 21.7 percent of cases and 299,
and report the truth.
was with Burson’s firm, now named or 38.6 percent, of all deaths.
Those words of wisdom ring
BCW Global, that I first travelled to Lessons learned during those
particularly true at a time when China
Bangladesh. difficult times have now aided Hong
has thrown out American reporters
Over 30 years, Burson had become a Kong, and also Singapore and Taiwan,
from the Wall Street Journal, the New
longtime friend and mentor and been in their efforts to face the ongoing
York Times and the Washington Post,
rightly described by PRWeek magazine pandemic of SARS-CoV-2.
and imposed new restrictions on free
as “the [20th] century’s most influential That time, nearly two decades ago,
speech in Hong Kong.
PR figure.” When he passed away from also came back to me as I transited
This past February 15th, Burson
complications from a fall, Burson at in Tokyo this February and reflected
would have celebrated his 99th
98-years-old had seen over the course on what I might say or write in
birthday. Imagine. Burson was already
of his lifetime the start and end of a remembrance of Harold Burson.
64 when I first started working with
world war and a polio epidemic. As Covid-19 continues to take its
him way back in 1986, underscoring
What wisdom might Burson have toll on all too many of our elders, let
how each of us too can impact a life at
shared today with Bangladesh’s leaders us not forget the wisdom of people like
any age.
as well as elsewhere in our globalised Harold.
And as I think about it more,
world in this unfolding age of the novel Five points I had learned from
PHOTO: BURSON-MARSTELLER VIA FLICKR Burson’s story is not fully over. He will
coronavirus? Through the decades, Burson’s example and that I shared at
live on to 100 and beyond through
Burson and the firm he led would be Burson’s memorial service at Lincoln Harold Burson with a row of Silver Anvil awards in the New York offices of his ideas, his values and through all of
involved in many of the crises, from Center in New York still very much
apply today. Burson-Marsteller, the PR firm he helped found, in 1978. us—whether family, friend, client or
pandemics to corporate disasters and colleague—if each of us embrace his
blunders, as well as triumphs that Burson might have passed away,
decency, his humanity, his wisdom.
would help define the practice of crisis but his timeless wisdom holds true even in these most difficult of times. accountability comes change and Be kind. Be humble. Be accountable.
management and crisis preparedness. today not just for Bangladesh but Be humble progress. Earn trust. Tell the truth.
It was under Burson that my own for all countries, businesses and Corporate titans and presidents— As Fay Feeney, CEO of advisory firm Those might sound like old-fashion
international career would begin in the individuals as we battle the direct and most famously, that other great Risk for Good, tells me, “Accountability words of wisdom from a century past.
1990s, taking me to Tokyo, Beijing and indirect consequences of the ongoing communicator, Ronald Reagan—took is an assurance that an individual The first few months of 2020 and an
Hong Kong and back to New York after pandemic. to Burson. Every leader develops his or or an organisation will be evaluated unfolding pandemic however, tell
September 11, 2001. Be kind her style. And for Burson, leadership in their performance or behaviour us they are 20th century lessons that
In the United States, in the early With much of the world’s population also meant a steely humbleness. related to something for which they are
must not be forgotten in the 21st in
2000s, I became part of the US team at in some form of “staying at home” or Think Yoda, more than General responsible.” And they will be stronger
Bangladesh and elsewhere.
Burson-Marsteller that worked with the “working from home,” tensions driven Douglas MacArthur. And that is for it.
Hong Kong Economic & Trade Office as by close proximity for days on end are something also that leaders today, Earn trust Curtis S Chin, a former US Ambassador to the
Asian Development Bank, served as Managing
it worked to communicate Hong Kong’s likely to raise tempers and the chances including in China where the A basic tenet of public relations, Director, Asia-Pacific for Burson-Marsteller.
efforts to battle the deadly spread for conflict. Certainly be mindful, but coronavirus first emerged, might also attributed to American humourist Will His Twitter Handle is @CurtisSChin

Time to put workers first

HE past the informal sector, totalling 1.6 billion enough. All factories need cashflow and
RMG two workers, could be in imminent danger brands should be supporting them with
NOTES decades of having their livelihoods destroyed. this by paying their invoices in good
have seen Millions of these people work in the time. This helps the workers the brands
the onward garment sector where margins are very say they care so much about. It also
march of the low and where many businesses are helps if brands pay—in full—for all
corporate social often just a couple of cancelled orders cancelled and work-in-progress orders.
responsibility away from going out of business. There will be damage to factories by
agenda in the The world has made great strides in coronavirus, there is no question of
global apparel lifting tens of millions of people out that. But brands can play a vital part in
MOSTAFIZ UDDIN of poverty in the past few decades but
industry. reducing this damage, and subsequent
“People are our all of this work risks being undone in impact on workers.
most important asset,” brands will just a few chaotic months as vulnerable Now is the time when the social
tell us at any given opportunity. Every workers face losing their jobs, a roof responsibly which brands have talked
brand—even the laggards—go to great over their heads and access to essential about can come to the fore. We know
lengths in their annual sustainability healthcare. what a successful business model fast
reports to speak about the importance We cannot stand idly by and allow fashion is. But can fast fashion also be
of their business partners (suppliers) this to happen. a force for the collective good? Popular
and how much they value the workers In Bangladesh, I can already see the fashion has lifted many millions out of
who make their clothing. warning signs. Our country has a huge temporarily laid off due lockdowns. For of thousands? Hundreds of thousands? poverty in clothing supply chains.
We can all argue as much as we like dependence on the RMG industry and garment workers in Bangladesh, these Will it be more? Such a thought is But the question is, will the global
about which brands have been telling many tens of thousands of garment payments have provided a lifeline, but difficult to contemplate at the present fashion industry be able to keep them
the truth on these issues, and which workers are already temporarily laid it is only a temporary one. time. there when this crisis has passed? Big
ones have simply been saying these off and face losing their jobs. Without The big question on everybody’s lips I talked about brands right at the brands need to think very carefully
things for PR. any other work to fall back on and is, what next? What happens when our start of this article. We cannot expect about their next steps. They need to do
What is certain, however, is that limited—or no—savings, these workers government has no more money left to them to be our saviours but, given the right thing and stick by suppliers.
now is the time that these words and face destitution. give, for that day will come soon; even all their talk about the importance of What they do in the next three months
promises are being put to the test right The important thing to note national governments can go bankrupt. people in recent years, they should could have a huge influence on the
across the globe. It’s time for brands to here is that we simply do not yet This is the big worry for me. When surely be going to every length possible direction our industry takes over the
match their rhetoric with actions. understand the scale of the devastation we have a clearer picture of what is to reduce overall impacts on vulnerable next decade.
One of the main outcomes of the in our industry and its impact on going on in our industry, when the dust supply chain workers at the present
coronavirus crisis is that it is the most garment workers. Around the world, has settled by the end of this summer, time. Mostafiz Uddin is the Managing Director of Denim
vulnerable that have been hit the governments have stepped in during how many workers will have no work? I have discussed these issues Expert Limited. He is also the Founder and CEO of
Bangladesh Denim Expo and Bangladesh Apparel
hardest. Some estimates suggest that these unprecedented times to provide How many workers will be facing tirelessly over recent months, but the Exchange (BAE).
nearly half of the global workforce in payments to workers who have been destitution? Will it be thousands? Tens messages cannot be spelled out often Email:


ACROSS 31 USN rank 8 Strip
1 Sweeping story 32 Take-home 9 Mortar’s mate
5 Return to base 36 Kibbles, e.g. 11 “A Mind to
10 Annoying 39 Bar rocks Murder” author
fellow 40 To any extent 17 Pitching stat
12 Make amends 41 Bush’s successor 19 Jazz style
13 Assessed 43 Was furious 22 Decided, as a
14 River crossings 44 Frisco footballer
15 “Exodus” hero case
45 Grove makeup 24 Roofing gunk
16 Major landing 46 Head honcho
site 25 Facing the
18 Hotel suite
feature 1 Scarecrow fill 27 Youngster BABY BLUES BY KIRKMAN & SCOTT
(1918-2013) 20 Salon stuff 2 In the know
President of South Africa. 21 Epps of “House” 3 “Understand?” 30 Singer Yoko
23 Take advantage 4 Verb for you 33 Grand, for one
I learned that courage of 5 Roosevelt’s 34 High points
was not the absence of 24 Church leader successor 35 Decade parts
fear, but the triumph 26 Western natives 6 Resting on 37 Hightail it
over it. The brave man 28 Commotion 7 Deviate from 38 Early carmaker
is not he who does not 29 Song for one team strategy 42 Shirt protector
feel afraid, but he who
10 NEWS DHAKA MONDAY JULY 13, 2020, ASHAR 29, 1427 BS

Vikram Tigress found

South Asia and homework on
the subjects he is dealing with,
dead in
diplomatic sources said.
Riva Ganguly Das, the 1986 batch
IFS officer, is likely to take over as STAFF CORRESPONDENT
Secretary (East) at the MEA when
incumbent Vijai Thakur Singh retires A seriously injured tigress was found
in September. dead near Andharmanik forest camp
With Bangladesh being one of the in the Sundarbans on Friday.
few South Asian countries with which “A front and a hind leg of the
India has had a steady upswing in tigress were severely injured, probably
ties spanning a wide range of sectors, from a crocodile attack. We collected
particularly cross-border connectivity, its organs for autopsy and buried the
Doraiswami faces the challenge of corpse near our camp after skinning it
taking them forward much further at on Saturday,” said Bashir-Al- Mamun,
a time when China is expanding its divisional forest officer at Sundarbans
footprints in South Asia. West range, Khulna.
The officer who saw the body on
Saturday told The Daily Star that the
Egypt grounds tigress aged between 14 and 15 was
seen by officials a few times last week
near Andharmanik camp.
kites, Alexandria’s governorate said “But on Friday, they saw her sitting
this week on its Facebook page. at the same place for hours. In the
Fines imposed for kite-flying in the afternoon, they saw flies buzzing
Mediterranean city can reach up to around it,” he said.
1,000 pounds (about $60). “There were injuries on her face,
Egypt’s skies have been filled with the front right leg was snatched from
thousands of colourful paper kites below the ankle and the left hind leg
flown by youths from rooftops and didn’t have four claws. She was unable
on cornices, as the hobby took off to hunt and must have become very
during night-time curfews to limit the weak.”
spread of coronavirus. A tiger census last year found the
But they have also raised number of tigers in Bangladesh part
complaints, including from an MP. of the Sundarbans was 114. At least
Khaled Abu Taleb, a member of two other tigers were found dead
parliament’s Defence and National following the census.
Security Committee, said last month
he wanted the prime minister briefed
on the dangers of flying kites because Child marriage
they posed “a national security National Disaster Response Force personnel carry a sick woman during a rescue operation in a flood affected area in FROM PAGE 12
threat”. AFP Referring to the United Nations
The kites might be equipped with Pathsala of Barpeta district, some 105kms from Guwahati, the capital city of India’s northeastern state of Assam yesterday. statistics, she said globally more than
surveillance cameras, he said. 5 million girls are at risk of child
Abu Taleb was roundly ridiculed
on social media in Egypt, where
operating a drone is only authorised
Bachchan family hit by virus marriage because of the coronavirus
“Early marriage affects a young
FROM PAGE 12 Aishwarya, 46, who often features minister’s office told Reuters. showing only mild symptoms and woman’s health,” she added.
with a special permit.
Saturday, when they said they had on “most beautiful” lists, has worked India yesterday registered a record the father-son duo appealed to their According to the MJF report, 2,896
A three-month curfew was lifted
mild symptoms of Covid-19. in several Bollywood and Hollywood increase in the number of coronavirus millions of fans to stay calm. children and 9,844 women became
in June, even as cases of Covid-19
Hospital officials and government films. She is a brand ambassador for cases, taking the total number of Authorities launched a massive victims of different forms of violence
in Egypt continue to rise, with over
health authorities said earlier several multinational companies, affected people in the country to sanitising drill at Bachchan’s upscale last month, and 2,171 children and
80,000 declared infections and nearly
yesterday that Amitabh and his son including L’Oreal. nearly 850,000, the world’s third- residence in Mumbai, spraying 11,323 women faced similar incidents
4,000 deaths to date.
were in stable condition. Amitabh’s wife Jaya, also an actor, highest, and prompting authorities to disinfectant in the large compound in May.
People in northern and western has tested negative, said the health re-impose partial lockdowns in some and on cars parked outside. Of them, some 1,376 children and
National India were conducting Hindu prayer
rituals for the Bachchan family, social
minister. Amitabh, a revered celebrity
who endorses dozens of Indian
densely populated areas.
Federal health ministry data
Amitabh has been a prominent
figure in the fight against the
1,956 women experienced torture and
FROM PAGE 12 violence for the first time in June, said
media and television footage showed. and global brands, has a net worth showed that more than 27,100 new coronavirus, appearing in public the report.
in future. A new University Amitabh, 77, was badly hurt in an estimated to be over $100 million, cases were reported in the previous 24 service advertisements where, in his
Ordinance will be declared soon. The A total of 12,740 women and
action scene at movie set in 1982, an trade analysts say. hours, while the death toll increased trademark baritone, he urges people children faced violence in June, while
new ordinance will ensure that there incident that triggered tremendous The minister later deleted his tweet, to 22,674, after 551 people succumbed to wear masks, wash hands frequently
will be no undue interference by the the number was 13,494 in May, it said.
support and love for him across but another government official in a day. and maintain social distance. Of the women who faced violence
government in the university affairs, the nation as people prayed for his confirmed to Reuters the information Amitabh said in a tweet on Saturday India’s film industry recently
he assures. The minister further says in June, a staggering 98 percent or
recovery. At the time one fan was was accurate. A spokeswoman for night that he had tested positive for resumed film shoots after a months- 9,693 experienced domestic violence.
that a new education system would said to have walked backwards from Aishwarya declined to comment. the infectious virus. Within minutes, long hiatus following the imposition of
be introduced as the government Also, 97 women were sexually
southern Hyderabad city to Mumbai Top bureaucrats and ministers Abhishek, 44, tweeted that he had a nationwide lockdown in late March. harassed, 36 either raped or subjected
doesn’t want the faulty education in his honour. have been asked to show restraint also tested positive. But actors over 65, such as Amitabh,
system pursed during the Paksitani to attempted rape. Besides, five others
Since then, Amitabh has been on tweeting regarding the Bollywood Father and son were moved to the are banned from the sets because of were sexually harassed while receiving
regime any more. operated on several times. star family, an official in the prime Nanavati Hospital in Mumbai despite their vulnerability to the virus.
AL LEADERS ASKED TO CONDUCT food or other support.
PROBE At home, 4,622 women were
tortured mentally, 1,839 physically,
Bangabandhu today directs the
secretary of the women’s branch of
Awami League Sajeda Chowdhury
Rivers swell, sufferings intensify and 223 sexually.
Of the child victims, 1,764 faced
FROM PAGE 12 In Rangpur, people in three In Sunamganj, people of all the 11 centres in the district”. domestic violence, 292 violence at
and a few other prominent women
hit farmer of Gobordhan village in upazilas -- Gangachara, Kaunia and upazilas are in peril as the flash flood In Sylhet, the Surma was flowing workplaces, nine were raped and 99
Awami League leaders to go to
Lalmonirhat’s Aditmari upazila, said, Pirgachha -- have been marooned as hit the region for the second time at 80cm above the danger level at subjected to attempted rape. Besides,
Narsingdi to have an enquiry
“Our house and other properties have flash flood hit the area after the water amid the pandemic. Kanaighat point yesterday morning, 12 others were sexually harassed while
into the incident in which several
been submerged. We along with our level of Teesta rose. Fish farmers have incurred a huge affecting around 48,000 families in receiving food or other support.
persons including some girl
livestock have taken shelter on roads People were seen commuting by loss and farmers would entirely lose five upazilas. Of them, 1,219 were boys and
students were allegedly manhandled
for survival. We have no food. We are boats and rafts made with banana their crops if the flood prolongs a few Shofiq Uddin Ahmed, district 1,677 girls.
by the police. According to earlier
now depending on some dry food trees. Many fish ponds have been more days. relief and rehabilitation officer Referring to media reports, MJF
reports the police resorted to
provided by some of our relatives,” washed away. The Surma river was flowing 42 said 14 women and 41 children were
indiscriminate lathi charge on a in Sylhet, said, “We’ve already
said. Government officials said they centimetres at Sunamganj town point murdered in June across the country.
procession brought out by students disbursed 115 tonnes of rice and
In Sirajganj, the flood situation has already started distributing relief yesterday morning. The MJF recommended revisiting
on July 10 demanding release of a 900 packets of dry foods among the
deteriorated rapidly posing a threat of among the victims. Johirul Alam, district relief and the national plan of action to end
local leader of Bangladesh Chattra affected people.”
long-term flood. In Nilphamari, the swollen Teesta rehabilitation officer of Sunamganj, child marriage and taking new plans
League. Our correspondents from
Jamuna may cross the danger has inundated 15 shoals and low lying said, “We are distributing 336.9 immediately considering the present
SOURCES: July 14, 1972 issues of Lalmonirhat, Pabna, Dinajpur, Sylhet
level today as the river is swelling up areas in Dimla and Jaldhaka upazila, tonnes of rice, Tk 20,18,500 and Covid-19 crisis, including making
Bangladesh Observer, Dainik Bangla and Nilphamari contributed to this
rapidly, said AKM Rafikul Islam, sub- causing immense suffering to people 3,600 packets of dry foods among required budgetary allocations.
and Dainik Ittefaq. report.
divisional engineer at Sirajganj WDB. living in these areas. the victims. We opened 269 shelter It also suggested launching a
strong coordinated effort without any
Some ACs delay under the stewardship of the
Guidance from the Chartered
No mask no entry women and children affairs ministry
and starting skill development and
FROM PAGE 12 Protirodh Committee introduced Only three shop-owners violated helpers cannot roam easily in the empowerment programmes for girl
Institution of Building Service distancing measures have helped keep “No Mask, No Entry” regulation the rule and their shops were closed, upazila as they did before,” he added.
Engineers, which Dr Fitzgerald helped children through distant learning
the numbers low. which barred people from entering he added. Besides, at nine entry points of using radio or online platforms.
draw up, warns that split units that So far, 300 samples, collected Hakimpur and its public and private Talking to The Daily Star on the upazila, incoming travellers are
do not have a dedicated source of
outside air supply into a room “could
at the Hakimpur Upazila Health
Complex, were tested in the district
establishments without wearing a
Wednesday, Hakimpur’s UNO
Abdur Rafiul Alam said he has been
questioned. They are asked to go
into 14 days of home quarantine if Must be taken
be responsible for re-circulating and headquarters, he told The Daily Star Since July 4, the committee operating a mobile court regularly they have coronavirus symptoms or FROM PAGE 12
spreading airborne viral particles into last Wednesday. No new samples were introduced “No Mask, No Sale” since April. had come in contact with Covid-19 The expatriates’ welfare and overseas
the path of socially distanced users”. tested as of yesterday. regulation among the local traders. So far, 207 cases have been filed patients. employment ministry will set up the
The guidance says: “It is Only samples of patients, who Shopkeepers in the upazila against those who violated Covid-19 About social distancing measures, dedicated testing centre.
recommended that any ventilation or came to the health facility with headquarters and even in villages, restrictions and about Tk 7 lakh has he said in March, April and May, Health Minister Zahid Maleque,
air conditioning system that normally coronavirus symptoms, were collected through union parishads have been been realised in fine, he added. volunteers gave doorstep service to Expatriates’ Welfare and Overseas
runs with a re-circulation mode and tested, he added. asked not to sell any item if customers Coronavirus cases in Hakimpur, the needy and common people to Employment Minister Imran Ahmed
should now be set up to run on full The physician said a 16-member do not wear masks. that lies on the India-Bangladesh prohibit any gathering at shops and and State Minister for Foreign Affairs M
outside air where this is possible.” Corona Protirodh Committee headed If the rule is violated, the committee border, is also low compared to markets. Shahriar Alam attended the meeting.
Dr Fitzgerald said that opening by the upazila nirbahi officer (UNO) punishes the traders. other upazilas adjacent to the border Abdur Rafiul believes Hakimpur Foreign Secretary Masud Bin
a window while operating the unit was formed in May with members Already several shops have been -- Dinajpur Sadar, Biral, Birampur, can be a model for other places in the Momen and secretaries of other
was the best way to mitigate risk, from different professional groups in shut down for selling products to Chirirbandar and Phulbari. country. relevant ministries were connected.
even though it may go against the upazila to monitor the pandemic customers wearing no mask. The UNO said movement of “It’s a great achievement by
conventional wisdom and be more
Similar committees have been
Fazlur Rahim, president of
Hakimpur Dokan Malik Samity
around 500 Indian truckers and
helpers, who commute every day
Hakimpur’s residents. The people
behind it deserve acknowledgement”,
China releases
He said these kinds of wall-
mounted units were often installed
when people only needed air
formed at the union levels, said
Touhid, who is also the member
(shop owners association), said
all their members support the “No
through Hakimpur’s border with
India carrying imported goods, have
said Abdul Kalam Azad, a senior
citizen and President of Dinajpur professor who
secretary of the upazila committee. Mask, No Sale” policy and are also been restricted. Chapter Sector Commanders’
conditioning for a few days each year.
Harvard environmental health
Early June, the upazila Corona following it. “Now, the Indian truckers and Forum. criticised Xi
researcher Joseph Gardner Allen Say friends
says ventilation systems with
highly effective filters are a key way
of filtering droplets from the air,
Mali president tries to calm unrest with court dissolution REUTERS, Beijing

A Beijing law professor who has

according to CNN. AFP, Bamako opposition figures have been detained since 2013, had already suggested last opposition leader, Sy Kadiatou Sow,
been an outspoken critic of China’s
A study in China in April linked in two days as the government cracks week that new constitutional court but were unable to find him, said a
member of his family who did not President Xi Jinping and the ruling
coronavirus transmission to an air- Mali’s embattled president announced down on an alliance known as the judges could revisit that decision.
June 5 Movement. As Prime Minister Boubou want to be named. Communist Party was released
conditioning unit after a diner at a the dissolution of the constitutional
Keita said he had repealed the Cisse visited a Bamako hospital Two other opposition leaders were yesterday after six days of detention,
restaurant in the city of Guangzhou court in an attempt to calm the major
infected nine others. licences of all remaining members of on Saturday he spoke of four dead arrested late Friday, the alliance said, his friends said.
civil unrest gripping the vulnerable
“We conclude that in this the constitutional court so that new and around 50 people injured in and two figures considered intellectual Xu Zhangrun, a constitutional law
African country, as more opposition
outbreak, droplet transmission leaders were arrested. judges could be appointed from next clashes with security forces on Friday, pillars of the movement were also professor at the prestigious Tsinghua
was prompted by air-conditioned The court has been at the centre week. although doubts remained over the detained. University, returned home yesterday
ventilation. The key factor for of controversy since it overturned “The reformed court can quickly death toll from some of the worst Led by influential imam Mahmoud morning but remained under
infection was the direction of provisional results for a parliamentary help us find solutions to the disputes unrest in years. Dicko, the movement is channelling surveillance and was not free to speak
the airflow,” researchers from the poll earlier this year, triggering arising from the legislative elections,” “The president and I remain open deep-seated frustrations in the West publicly about what happened, one
Guangzhou Center for Disease protests in several cities that on Friday he said in an evening television to dialogue,” Cisse said, adding that African country. of his friends, who declined to be
Control and Prevention said. descended into violence. address. he would quickly form a government Friday’s protest was the third identified, told Reuters.
More than 12.7million people Clashes raged again in the capital Following a long-delayed ready to deal with the country’s such demonstration in less than Calls to the media departments
have been infected with the virus, and Bamako on Saturday as demonstrators parliamentary poll in March -- problems. two months, significantly escalating of the Beijing police and Tsinghua
more than 565,000 worldwide have -- angered by a long-running jihadist which Keita’s party won -- the court But almost as he spoke, Malian pressure on the president. University seeking comment went
died, of whom more than 134,000 conflict, economic woes and perceived overturned the provisional results for gendarmes arrested Choguel Maiga As flaming roadblocks appeared unanswered yesterday.
are in the US, where air conditioning government corruption -- demanded about 30 seats, a move that saw several and Mountaga Tall, both leaders in the around Bamako on Saturday, the Xu, 57, came to prominence in July
is widespread. the resignation of President Ibrahim members of Keita’s party elected and June 5 Movement, a group spokesman atmosphere was electric around the 2018 for denouncing the removal of
Cases have surged in the American Boubacar Keita. is widely viewed as having ignited the said. mosque where Dicko preaches, with the two-term limit for China’s leader,
south and west, where temperatures Authorities say four people latest crisis. Later Saturday, security forces his supporters seemingly afraid that which will allow Xi to remain in office
are highest. have died in the unrest, while six The 75-year-old president, in power turned up at the house of another the imam would be arrested. beyond his current second term.

DHAKA MONDAY JULY 13, 2020, ASHAR 29, 1427 BS
Alaves v Getafe PREMIER LEAGUE
Live from 11:30pm Man United v Southampton
Villarreal v Real Sociedad Live from 1:00am (Tuesday)
Live from 11:30pm TEN 2 SERIE A
Granada v Real Madrid Inter Milan v Torino
Live from 2:00am (Tuesday) Live from 1:45am (Tuesday)

Jahanara raring to
get back on the field
RAMIN TALUKDER batsman to buy the same one.
“I purchased some instruments,
With sport completely
including a treadmill, and now I am fully
halted and not even training
focusing on my fitness because it would be
camps spared following
unwise to work on fitness instead of skills
the coronavirus outbreak,
when we return to cricket. Fitness is a big
Bangladesh national team
concern for any pacer, so I have to be fit
cricketer Jahanara Alam
and Mushfiq bhai is a great inspiration in
has been trying to maintain her fitness at
this regards,” she said.
home like other athletes. But the pacer
During the break, Jahanara dedicated
is eagerly awaiting a return to outdoor
as much time as possible to her favourite
practice, especially after being inspired
activities: cooking and eating ice cream.
by Mushfiqur Rahim’s recent
“I love to cook and I love
outdoor activities.
to eat different food. As an
“It’s different to practice
athlete, I need to sacrifice
on the field. You can’t
compare it to working out many of my favourite items
on a treadmill. It works due to my diet. However,
really well and refreshes you the break afforded me the
when you do drills on the luxury to eat my favourite
field. I am a pace bowler and ice cream and the quantity
you know how important was not insignificant,” she
fitness is for a pace bowler,” said with a laugh. “I already
said Jahanara. started to follow my dieting
“Mushfiq bhai’s work ethic chart again so there will be
can serve as an inspiration to any cricketer no more ice cream more in the near future.”
and I was inspired to do the same when I She was confident that fitness would not
saw him practising on the lush green, but I be an issue for her when cricket returned to
have no scope for that. Bangladesh.
“The coronavirus suddenly changed “Cricket returned to England and
everything. I was bored but now I try to many other countries are also planning
be positive. Can you imagine, for the past to resume. As far as I know, the board
four months I have been locked at home? (Bangladesh Cricket Board) is planning to
Initially, I only did free-hand exercises as I resume women’s cricket through domestic
had no gym equipment and as a result, I competitions and it will definitely help us
Stand-in England captain Ben Stokes looks dejected as Jermaine Blackwood and Roston Chase put West Indies in a strong position to win the in regards to fitness. I am looking forward
gained 2kgs,” she continued.
first Test at the Ageas Bowl in Southampton yesterday, sharing a 73-run stand for the fourth wicket to steady the visitors’ ship after they were Jahanara, however, said she was inspired to starting outdoor practice after the Eid
reduced to 27 for three on an exciting final day. England pacer Jofra Archer removed Chase to break the partnership but Blackwood remained by Mushfiqur’s treadmill exercise and vacation. I always try to stay positive,”
not out on 65 and the visitors reached tea on 143 for 4, requiring 57 more runs in the final session to take a lead in the series. PHOTO: REUTERS communicated with the wicketkeeper- Jahanara ended.

Barca cling on to fading title hopes ONLINE OLYMPIAD

A necessary
AGENCIES their lead at the top back to four points if they
Lionel Messi made it 20 assists for
the season in Barcelona’s stodgy
PICHICHI PLAYMAKER beat Granada on Sunday.
If they beat Granada, Madrid will win La
new experience
Barcelona’s Lionel Messi became only the second Liga by prevailing at home to Villarreal on
1-0 win over Real Valladolid on
Saturday, even as his team’s La Liga
challenge appears almost over.
player to record 20 goals and 20 assists in a single
season in Europe’s top five leagues in the 21st
Thursday, regardless of Barcelona’s results.
Overall, Madrid need only five points from
for chess
Messi teed up Arturo Vidal’s
winner at Jose Zorilla to become the first player
century. In 2002-03 Arsenal’s Thierry Henry scored
24 goals and provided 20 assists in the English
their remaining three matches to secure their
third La Liga title in eight years.
“We are doing things that deserve more
to provide 20 assists in Spain’s top flight since Premier League.
Xavi Hernandez in 2009. Yet even as Barca’s than where we are,” said Barca coach Quique SPORTS REPORTER
turbulent domestic campaign draws to a close, Record six-time Ballon d’Or winning Argentine Setien. “To win La Liga, I don’t know, because
our rival is winning everything.” Following the deferment of
Messi continues to shine. star assisted Arturo Vidal on his first-half strike the 44th Chess Olympiad
“It was a very difficult game against a team Luis Suarez started on the bench but
against Real Valladolid, making him the first by a year, the world
who know how to play well and did just that replaced Antoine Griezmann at half-time,
player in La Liga history to bag that extraordinary Later it was revealed that Griezmann is set to governing body of chess,
today. The hot conditions also complicated FIDE, has come forward to
things for us but I’m pleased we won,” said
double. With 22 goals in 31 matches, Messi is also miss his side’s final two La Liga games after
on the top of the league’s goal-scoring chart. introduce FIDE Online Olympiad, a team
match-winner Vidal. “We knew that we’d have sustaining a thigh injury during the match.
competition where all members will get
to work very hard and wouldn’t be able to As Barcelona’s title challenge has wilted, the opportunity to compete amidst the
The 33-year-old forward has now equalled the Setien’s position has come under scrutiny too,
maintain our pace throughout, we know we coronavirus pandemic.
want to improve but we’ve kept ourselves in
club record for most assists in a La Liga season set But he was bold against Valladolid, deploying
Arturo Vidal is congratulated by Lionel Messi by Xavi Hernandez in 2008-09 and has two more Bangladesh has already sent names of
the title race that’s the important thing.” a 3-5-2 formation, with Nelson Semedo and a six-player pool and a reserve team of six
The win over Valladolid kept Barca in the after the Chilean scored the winner against matches to set a new record. Jordi Alba as wing-backs and the versatile Sergi players on Saturday, five days before the
title race, although leaders Real can extend Real Valladolid on Saturday. PHOTO: TWITTER Roberto dropping into the back three. closing date of entry. The tournament will
take place from July 22 and August 30.
Usually each FIDE member sends two
We left the
door open, Cut off their arms, says angry Gasperini teams to Chess Olympiad -- men’s and
women’s, who complete separately while
four players compete in each round. But
the Online Olympiad will see each country
says Klopp Team M W D L G/D Pts “We did really well against the league represented by one team of six players –

leaders,” he said. “I’m very happy with two senior male players, two senior female
The only way for players to
AFP, Liverpool Juventus 32 24 4 4 36 76 the performance and very disappointed players, one U-20 player male player and
avoid giving away penalties
not to have won.” Gasperini said that, one U-20 female player. All six players
Jurgen Klopp was frustrated for handball under current Lazio 32 21 5 6 33 68 even if Atalanta had closed the gap on will compete in 15-minute games in each
by Liverpool’s lack of killer rules is to cut off their arms, Juventus to six points, they could not
Atalanta 32 20 7 5 46 67 round.
instinct as Burnley became angry Atalanta coach Gian have won the title. Defending national champion GM Niaz
the first visiting side to Piero Gasperini said after his Inter Milan 31 19 8 4 33 65 “The Juve title can’t get away,” he Murshed, third-place finisher GM Reefat Bin
avoid defeat at Anfield in team drew 2-2 at Juventus. said. “I believe that the Scudetto no Sattar [runner-up GM Abdullah Al Rakib
the Premier League for 18 Gasperini saw his side give away Roma 32 16 6 10 16 54 longer had history but for us it was withdrew], national women’s champion
months in a 1-1 draw on two penalties, both for handball, a prestigious race and a way to test WIM Rani Hamid, runner-up WIM Sharmin
Saturday. which allowed Serie A leaders Juventus option but to award a spot kick each the rule interpreted like that in any ourselves for the Champions League Sultana Shirin, IM Fahad Rahman (U-20)
Andy Robertson’s twice to fight back from behind. time. other league in the world? We need quarterfinals where we want to make and Ahmed Walijah (U-20) will represent
first-half header had the Both handballs were accidental, as “Those are the rules, well, at least, to change the way we interpret the a good impression.” Bangladesh in the tournament.
champions on course to first Marten de Roon and then Luis in Italy,” said Gasperini. “What do we rules.” Atalanta face Paris St Germain FM Taibur Rahman, GM Ziaur Rahman,
maintain a perfect home Muriel were struck at point-blank do, cut off the player’s arms?” The draw kept Atalanta third in the in the Champions League quarters, Samiha Shimmi, Nazrana Khan Eva, Tajwar
record this season and close range, but because of the position “That’s not the first penalty given table, nine points behind Juventus, which will take place over one leg in Tahsin Zia and Nowshin Anjum are in the
in on a record points tally of their arms, the referee had little like that, there have been so many. Is with six games each left to play. Lisbon in August. reserve team and they can replace players
for the English top flight. from the main team.
But the Reds were The Online Olympiad will be played
made to pay for a host of in five stages as the participating teams,
missed chances when Jay split into five divisions from Base to Top,
Rodriguez earned a point will play in each stage even though some
to further Burnley’s late top teams will get byes depending on their
push for a place in Europe. ranking. Each division is expected to feature
“We left the door open, 50 teams from where the top 15 teams will
we didn’t close it. We qualify for the next division.
should have scored two, “We still don’t know whether we will
three, four goals at least,” have to play in base division or play
said Klopp, who was also directly in fourth or third division. It will
irked by referee David be clear once the entry is completed on July
Coote’s lenient attitude 16,” Bangladesh Chess Federation’s general
to Burnley’s physical secretary Syed Shahabuddin Shamim said
approach. “The ref let all yesterday.
these challenges today Shamim informed that the players
happen. When the ball will have to play three rounds on three
comes in the box, Burnley successive days with the qualifying stage
are always dangerous. starting from July 22.
“They stayed completely “We have discussed at the executive
in the game, they did committee meeting whether the players
what they wanted to do. can share online chess experience
It is frustrating because we among themselves as some players play
should have scored earlier.” online regularly while others have less
Liverpool can still break experience. Besides, some members
Manchester City’s record proposed whether it is possible to bring
points haul of 100 two all six players under a roof to provide
seasons ago, but will now better environment with uninterrupted
need to win all three of internet facility,” Shamim said, adding
their remaining matches (Clockwise from L) Cristiano Ronaldo got his 27th and 28th goals of the Serie A season with two perfect spot-kicks as Juventus that they were supposed to sit again
against Arsenal, Chelsea salvaged a point at home against a rampaging Atalanta team, but both decisions by the referee, including the handball from REUTERS/JUVENTUS yesterday to discuss the issues and select
and Newcastle. Paulo Dybala’s cross, came under heavy scrutiny, especially from Atalanta coach Gianpiero Gasperini. a captain and vice-captain for the team.
12 DHAKA MONDAY JULY 13, 2020, ASHAR 29, 1427 BS

Child marriage Rivers swell,

marks sharp intensify
rise in June STAR REPORT
Sufferings of flood-hit
people in the northern
Finds MJF monthly survey and north-eastern regions
have intensified as rivers
STAFF CORRESPONDENT continued to swell.
Child marriage increased sharply in the country with 462 Many of them have
girls falling victim to such malpractices in June during their houses and properties
the coronavirus pandemic, Manusher Jonno Foundation inundated for the second
yesterday said in its monthly telesurvey report. time in less than a month.
The organisation said the number of child marriage was In Lalmonirhat and
170 in May while disclosing findings of the report titled Kurigram, the flood
“Violence against Women and Children: Covid-19” at a situation deteriorated
virtual press conference. yesterday as the
Overall, violence against children went up last month Brahmaputra, Teesta and
from the month of May, the report showed. Dharla rivers were flowing
It said 233 and 207 attempted child marriages were above the danger level.
averted in May and June respectively due to prompt action. Water levels in the rivers
About the reasons behind the child marriage rise, the are on the rise due to
organisation pointed to lack of monitoring by the local incessant rains in the last
government authorities amid the pandemic. few days and onrush of
Besides, closure of schools, social insecurity, poverty, water from upstream hills,
and neighbours influence prompted guardians to marry said Ariful Islam, executive
off their girl children secretly, MJF said. engineer at Kurigram
The MJF, with support from its partner organisations, Water Development Board
conducted a survey in 53 districts for the monthly report (WDB).
of June. Earlier, it published similar reports for the months Shaheda Bewa, 63, a
of April and May. flood victim of Shiberpachhi
Presenting the report’s findings, MJF Executive Director area under Kurigram Sadar
Shaheen Anam said gender inequality in family along upazila, said, “We are going
with lack of recognition of woman’s contributions and through untold sufferings.
tendency for not respecting her were mainly responsible for Last month we endured
increasing domestic violence or violence against women. the same sufferings for two
She stressed the need for prompt actions against the A man, taking his child on his shoulders, wades through chest-deep water to move to a safe
PHOTO: weeks.”
malpractices. place in Binbina village of Rangpur’s Gangachara yesterday. At least 5,000 villagers of two union KONGKON KARMAKER Sirajul Islam, 55, a flood-
SEE PAGE 10 COL 6 parishads are waterlogged due to swelling of the Teesta. SEE PAGE 10 COL 2


Must be taken Egypt grounds Vikram likely
to succeed
NO ENTRY National pay commission
from govt
approved kites for ‘safety’, Riva Das
How a upazila trying to
keep Covid-19 figures announced facilities
Govt asks people willing
‘nat’l security’ STAR REPORT
Senior career
under control July 13, 1972 to travel overseas V i k r a m
MUJIB IS THE ONLY HOPE OF THE NATION Bangladeshis, willing be India’s
Mandatory use of face masks and NAP Chief Maulana Bhashani says in an emotion-choked voice, to go abroad, must new High
social distancing have kept the number “Mujib is the only hope of the nation. I love him. I pray nothing obtain coronavirus Commissioner to
of Covid-19 cases low in Dinajpur’s untoward may ever happen to him.” The Maulana expresses his negative certificates Bangladesh, succeeding
Hakimpur upazila, compared to the affectionate feeling towards the prime minister when Health from the government Riva Ganguly Das.
district’s 12 other upazilas, local officials Minister Abdul Malek pays a visit to him at his Santosh’s residence. approved testing centres Doraiswami, a 1992
say. Talking to the minister the Maulana says, following due process, the batch Indian Foreign
From March 10 till yesterday, only 11 “I served Awami League with Mujib and government said yesterday. Service officer who is at
people tested positive in Hakimpur, which others for eight years. I wish them all best The decision was made present Additional Secretary
has a population of about 1.20 lakh. wishes.” at a virtual inter-ministerial in-charge of International
Till date, eight recovered and none died RATIONAL PAY STRUCTURE TO BE meeting held with Foreign Organisations and Summits
from Covid-19 in the upazila, according to EVOLVED Minister AK Abdul Momen AFP, Cairo at the Ministry of External
the northern district’s civil surgeon office. The government today announces in the chair. Affairs, heads to Dhaka, one
On the other hand, Covid-19 cases 10-member National Pay Commission with Abdur Rab, retired It was also suggested Egyptian police have seized kites from people of the closest allies of New
in the rest of the district totalled 959 till planning secretary of the erstwhile Government of Pakistan, as posting the Covid-19 test flying them after a ban by a northern governorate Delhi.
yesterday. the chairman. The Commission will comprehensively review the reports to “the websites for “safety” reasons and a lawmaker’s warning they As Joint Secretary,
In Dinajpur Sadar upazila cases were existing pay structure of all the employees working in the public of institutions concerned” posed a “national security threat”. Doraiswami has handled
350, Birampur 107, Chirirbandar upazila sector except the workers who fall within the purview of the so that the Immigration Police seized 369 kites in Cairo on Friday, Al- Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and
74, Parbatipur 79, Birol 61, Ghoraghat 59, national wage board for workers, and recommend a rational pay Department can easily Ahram reported, while Akhbar Al-Youm, another Myanmar affairs at the MEA
Kaharol 49, Nawabganj 48, Khansama 45, structure embracing the entire public sector. The report has to be verify those certificates. state newspaper, said police confiscated 99 kites headquarters in the South
Phulbari 33, Birganj 30 and Bochaganj 24. submitted within six months. Meanwhile, a dedicated and fined five people in the northern region of Block in New Delhi.
Dr Touhid Al Hasan, health and family UNIVERSITY ORDINANCE WILL GO Covid-19 testing facility Alexandria. A soft-spoken and
planning officer of Hakimpur, said several Professor Yusuf Ali, Minister for Education and Cultural Affairs, will be developed for The ban was brought in “to ensure the safety articulate diplomat,
initiatives such as “No Mask, No Entry” declares today that the present University Ordinance wouldn’t exist Bangladeshis who will go of citizens after a number of accidents” involving Doraiswami is known for
and “No Mask, No Sale” as well as social SEE PAGE 10 COL 1 abroad for work. SEE PAGE 10 COL 1 his thorough knowledge of

Bachchan Some ACs help

family hit
by virus spread virus
Say UK health experts; advise offices
Three generations of
Bollywood’s Bachchan to ventilate rooms with fresh air
family were hit by the INDEPENDENT.CO.UK
coronavirus as former
Miss World Aishwarya Air conditioning units that re-circulate air in rooms and
Rai Bachchan and her offices should be turned off or used only with open
daughter yesterday joined windows because of the risk of spreading coronavirus,
her father-in-law Amitabh experts advise.
and husband Abhishek in They fear that any Covid-19 droplets in the air could be
testing positive for the virus transmitted more easily to people in the room, even those
that causes Covid-19. who are socially distanced.
Maharashtra state health And they are advising office bosses to ventilate rooms
minister Rajesh Tope said with fresh air whenever possible.
in a tweet that Aishwarya The World Health Organisation (WHO) said this week
and her eight-year-old that coronavirus can spread through tiny droplets floating
daughter had tested in the air in enclosed spaces, after scientists highlighted the
positive for the virus. risk.
It was not clear whether The UK Health and Safety Executive says the risk of
they had been admitted air conditioning spreading coronavirus in the workplace
to hospital, as Amitabh, is extremely low “as long as there is an adequate supply
a legendary Indian actor, of fresh air and ventilation” but adds: “if you use a
and Abhishek were on centralised ventilation system that removes and circulates
SEE PAGE 10 COL 2 air to different rooms, it is recommended that you turn off
recirculation and use a fresh air supply”.
Some air conditioners take in air from outdoors and
expel it again, while others, called split units, re-circulate
the same air.
Dr Shaun Fitzgerald, a fellow at the Royal Academy
Dragon fruits are being stored for sale at Narayanhat of Chattogram’s of Engineering, told the Telegraph: “The recommended
strategy now, if you have one of these split units, is to
PRAYER TIMING JULY 13 Fatikchhari. This juicy fruit is being cultivated commercially at Halda Tea throw the window open and sacrifice your desire for a cold
Fazr Zohr Asr Maghrib Esha Valley. Inset, a boy plucks fruits. The photos were taken recently. or cooler environment. If there is a modicum of wind it
AZAN 4-10 12-45 5-006-55 8-17
JAMAAT 5-45 1-15 5-15 7-00 8-45 will move the air around. If you can’t open a window, turn
the unit off.”

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