Fadriquela Myla Clarisse C. Revised Speech.

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Good day to all of us!

Imagine your days like a delusion or mental disorder as you go everywhere and
do everything you supposed need to do is like being watched, followed, and criticized.
Visualize, you walking into a grocery store or a department store and having someone
observing your every move, assuming that you’re going to rob or sneak something, or
might declare that you have a bomb from under your shirt. Imagine you are being
mocked and cast out at school because of being “so different”. No one wants to be left
behind, but then why do you adjudicate or judge? Why do you set a blaze of the
unforgiving world? Why do you hate? Why do you discriminate? Wherever we go,
whatever we do, whenever we look, there is a difference always. But may of us
concentrate on the differences and not on the similarities of others. Racial secernment
is everywhere. As a whole, it is a creed that one ethnicity or race is extreme or inferior
to others. Racial Secernment is an actual act where one individual hated one or treat
them unfairly due to their race, color, descent, nationality, religion, or belief. A
connotation that has been existed throughout history. This has been influenced by wars,
slavery, nation formation, and even the legal codes. But the point is, we have been
created equally. In our holy bibles, it is stated that people are created equal, so who are
we to criticize and judge? The belief that we are all created equally seems undefiable.
One major issue of the World. That is why I am here in front of you to make you
comprehend more that racial discrimination is an unethical, unprincipled, and depraved

Racial discrimination is a worldwide issue. It may happen anytime, anywhere

without you being noticed, but excluding people socially or acting indifferently to their
views and experiences is a way that you are doing racism. It is also in the form or
prejudgment and an internal representation of several groups in our society, in verbal
abuse such as pet name-calling, taunting, or actively and directly discriminate people
from services and/or if they have opportunities to do so. It is a critical manifestation,
racial discrimination is shown in behaviors and activities that represent hate, abuse, and
most especially violence- particularly experienced by the groups who have obviously
different because of their skin color, physical appearance, genderism, culture or
religious dress.
Racism is a type of abuse. Existed in for how many decades already and surely will not
go away. Anywhere, everywhere, we see and we experience different forms of
discrimination. The effect is so extreme, and that gives a huge impact on those people
who care and doing well. This is somehow an act of threat by anyone to anyone who is
from a different race or culture. Our views, faith, and beliefs develop as we mature.
However, if one individual grows in a society or surrounding that discriminates, their
belief about racism is something normal and acceptable, and would not care about
other people’s emotion, and the like. They may be put in a questionable situation that
even their skills or abilities might be in doubt, either in the universities, at work, or even
in a public place. Being isolated change someone’s life. The trauma emotionally and
mental health due to racism and stereotyping is the most unbearable harm to an
individual. Other damages, may be brought by this immoral act such as one being
jobless or loss of promotional opportunities, and damage to their reputation. Those
Racists usually use to discriminate against others as their scapegoats to take out their
frustration and aggression. Finding someone whom they think is weaker than
themselves to aggregate.
As racism very much exists, I believe it is about time for us to think of a better way to
stop this matter. There are several organizations nowadays who are promoting positive
relations to each individuality, who are giving a lot of effort to sort out the best solution
to our world’s major issue. Though there is a lot of challenges awaiting in this for all of
us. We must always remember that we have one common humanity to share in, we
have a role in respecting the right of each and everyone for us to enjoy it equally, with
pride and dignity, and we have the same opportunities to thrive and flourish.

I will be living you one quote, hoping it could open up your eyes and help us
make the racial equality works for every one of us-“No matter how big a nation is, it is
no stronger than its weakest people, and as long as you keep a person down, some
part of you has to be down there to hold him down, so it means you cannot soar as you
might otherwise.” – Marian Anderson

Thank you for listening and have a blessed day everyone!

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