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Physiology and
An Integrated, .a7:;S-baser..:
ri intvgratecil Case-Based Approach

Second Edition


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Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
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Physiology and
An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

Second Edition
Physiology and
An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

Second Edition

John B. West, M.D., Ph.D., D.sc.

Professor of Medicine and Physiology

University of California, San Diego
School of Medicine
La Jolla, California

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Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach Copyright 2 00 1
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
West, John B. (John Burnard)
Pulmonary physiology and pathophysiology: an integrated, case-based approach I John B. West.
-2nd ed.
p. ; em.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN- 1 3 : 978-0-7 8 1 7-67 0 1 -9
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1 . Respiratory organs-Pathophysiology-Case studies. 2 . Respiratory organs-Physiology­
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07 08 09 10 1 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Preface to the First Edition

A sound knowledge of the physiology and is a synthesis of these two books. Once you have
pathophysiology of the lung will always be nec­ decided on the best way to describe the oxygen
essary in clinical medicine because of the high dissociation curve, there is little point in trying to
prevalence of lung disease and the fact that reinvent tl1e wheel.
optima] treatment is so closely related to an A new book like this raises the question of
understanding of lung function. Traditionally, how much pulmonary physiology and patho­
pulmonary physiology and pathophysiology physiology a medical student should be taught,
have been taught as separate courses, often in or more to the point, how much should he or she
the first and second years of medical school, should be expected to know. The answer is prob­
respectively. Physiology is frequently linked ably Jess material than 30 years ago, when the
with anatomy, and pathophysiology with first edition of Respiratory Physiology: The
pathology. This pattern has stood the test of Essentials appeared. At that time, molecular med­
time, and my two short textbooks, Respiratory icine was in its infancy, and nobody had envis­
Physiology: The Essentials, seventh edition, and aged sequencing the human genome. It is self­
Pulmonary Pathophysiology: The Essentials, sixth evident that as essential new material enters the
edition, were written for such courses and have preclinical curriculum, some material has to go.
been extensively used. This new book covers about 90% of the material
Recently, an increasing number of medical in the first nine chapters of Respiratory Physiology:
schools have experimented with integrating the The Essentials (the last chapter on "Tests of
two courses. There are several pressures to do Pulmonary Function" was never intended to be
this. One is the burgeoning advances in other part of the core material). The present book also
preclinical sciences, especially molecular biology includes about 70% of the material in parts II
and medicine. These deserve additional attention and III of Pulmonary Pathophysiology: The
in the preclinical years and therefore squeeze the Essentialr. (Part I is, to a large extent, a review of
time available for physiology. Another is tl1e normal physiology.) In other words, expectations
understandable desire of first-year medical stu­ have been lowered, but the new book should cer­
dents to see the relevance of what is being taught. tainly provide an adequate foundation for future
We may say that dynamic compression of the air­ learning in the clinical and post-M.D. years.
ways is important in chronic obstructive pul­ This book also raises some interesting didac­
monary disease, but the student only realizes this tic questions. The traditional courses allow the
when he or she learns how it causes disability in a student to proceed logically from first princi­
patient. Finally, an integrated course introduces ples. Normal physiology is covered first, and,
the student to clinical problems early and so for example, the pathway of oxygen can be
piques his or her interest. traced through ventilation, diffusion across the
This book is written around seven case histo­ blood-gas barrier, pulmonary blood flow, car­
ries of patients with "bread and butter" diseases: riage of oxygen by the blood, and blood-tissue
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, gas exchange. This can be called teaching in
diffuse interstitia] pulmonary fibrosis, pulmonary series. By contrast, an integrated course devel­
embolism, pulmonary edema, coal workers' pneu­ ops topics in parallel and tends to be recursive
moconiosis, and acute respiratory failure. These or elliptical. A clinical case is introduced and
follow two chapters on healthy subjects-both prompts physiological questions; the answers
first-year medical students. Ann is a competitive may not always follow logically from what has
cyclist, and Bill an avid mountaineer. These allow already been learned. There are loose ends that
the necessary introduction of some of the princi­ have to be gathered up subsequently. Some stu­
ples of normal physiology. The book is focused on dents find this frustrating, while others are stim­
pulmonary physiology and pathophysiology but ulated by the early clinical exposure.
includes some anatomy, pharmacology, and However, the traditional "serial" approach is
pathology. Much of the text is based on my other less logical in practice than it may seem to be.
two books; in fact, in some respects the new book All of us have to return repeatedly to earlier
Vl Preface to the First Edition

concepts to review them. The notion that once Timothy Satterfield of Lippincott Williams &
a topic has been covered in detail the resulting Wilkins, who identified the need for a book
knowledge is firmly in place is clearly a fallacy. along these lines. Amy Clay provided invalu­
We spend our professional lives going back to able help in the preparation of the manuscript.
review earlier material, much of which was pre­ Much of the material has been modified over
sented to us for the first time many years ago. the years in response to discussions with our
Many people have helped with this book. I superb medical students at the University of
would particularly like to thank Paul Kelly and California San Diego.
Preface to the Second Edition

A number of changes have been made in this medicine. In addition, there is a list of topics at
new edition. A chapter has been added to the beginning of each chapter, and a summary
briefly discuss infectious diseases, lung cancer, of key concepts at the end. All questions now
and cystic fibrosis. The conditions do not add conform to the USMLE format. Finally, the
greatly to a discussion of pathophysiology but text has been updated in several areas, espe­
are important in the context of pulmonary cially asthma.


Preface to the First Edition............... . ... . ...... . ........v Chapter 6

Preface to the Second Edition.. . . . . ................... . ..vii Pulmonary Embolism ................................ ........... 79
Clinical Featum of a Typical Case o Pathogenesis
Chapter 1 o Physiology of the PulmonaryCirculation

o Pulmonary Vascular Resistance o Distribution of

Normal Physiology: Exercise................ . .... .. .. . ... . ... 1
OxygenConsumption o Respiratory Muscles Blood Flow o Active Control of theCirculation
o Metabolic Functiom of theCi1,cztlation o Surface
o Airways o Diffusion across the Blood-Gas Barrier

o Introduction to the PulmonaryCirculation

Temion and Su?factant
oCardiac Output o Carriage of Oxygen andCarbon

Dioxide by the Blood o Blood-Tissue Gas Exchange Chapter 7

Pulmonary Edema ............... .................................. 94
Chapter 2 Clinical Features of a TypicalCase o Pathophysiology of
Normal Physiology: Hypoxia ............................... 1 5 Pulmonary Edema o Starling Equilibrium oCauses of
OxygenCascade from Air to Tissues o Effects of Pulmonary Edema o Hypoxemia Caused by Shunt
o Measurement of Shunt by Oxygen Breathing
Reduced Barometric Pressure o Alveolar Ventilation
Equation o Alveolar Gas Equation o Hyperventilation
o Acid-BaseChanges, Including Respiratory and Chapter 8
Metabolic oControl of Ventilation, Including Coal Workers' Pneumoconiosis. .. .......... . ..... . .... 1 05
RespiratoryCenter, Central and Peripheral Clinical Features of a TypicalCase o Atmospheric
Chemoreceptors, and Integrated Responses Pollutants o Deposition of Aerosols in the Lung
o Clearance of Deposited Particles o Other

Chapter 3 Pneumoconioses and RelatedConditiom

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease .......... .3 1
Clinical Features of a TypicalCase o Pulmonary Chapter 9
Function Tests o Pathology ofCOPD o Lung Volumes Acute Respiratory Failure .................................. 1 16
o Pressure- VolumeCurve of Lung o Regional Clinical Featum of a TypicalCase o Pathophysiology
Differences of Ventilation o Forced Expiration of Respiratory Failu1'e o Hypoxernia oCarbon Dioxide
o Dynamic Compression of Airways o Ventilation­ Retention o Acidosis o Diaph1·agm Fatigue o Types of
Perfusion Inequality o Pathogenesis ofCOPD Respiratory Failure o Adult Respiratmy Distress
Syndrmne o Oxygen Therapy o Mechanical Ventilation
Chapter 4
Asthma ....... ............................................................. 5 3 Chapter 10
Clinical Features of a TypicalCase o Pathology of the Other Diseases ......... .................. . ........................ 1 34
Airways o Gas Exchange o Airflow in the Lung Infectious Diseases of the Lung, Including Pneumonia,
oConvection and Diffusion o Pressures during the Tube?'culosis, and Pulmonary Involvement in AIDS
Breathing Cycle o Factors Determining Airway o Bronchiectasis o BronchialCarcin011Za

Resistance o Uneven Ventilation o Pathogenesis of oCystic Fibrosis

Asthma o Principles of Bronchoactive Drugs

Appendix A
Chapter 5 Symbols, Units, Equations,
Diffuse Interstitial Pulmonary Fibrosis. . .. .... . . . ..67 and Normal Values .............................................. 1 39
Clinical Features of a TypicalCase o Pathology
o Structure of the Alveolar Wall o Reduced Lung
Appendix B
Volumes andCompliance o Diffusion across the Answers to Questions ......................................... 142
Blood-Gas Barrier o Diffusing Capacity for Carbon Figure and Table Credits............................. . .. . .. 14 3
Monoxide o Reaction Rates with Hemoglobin Index...................................................................... 1 45
I Chapter 1

Normal Physiology: Exercise

D In this chapter we meet Ann, a first-year medical

student and competitive cyclist. She has a high max­
imal oxygen uptake, and we discuss the physiologi­
cal processes that make this possible. These include
pulmonary ventilation, diffusion of oxygen across
the blood-gas barrier, pulmonary blood flow,
carriage of oxygen by the blood, and diffusion of oxygen to the peripheral tissues.

List of Topics laboratory using a stationary bicycle (Vo2

Oxygen consumption; respiratory mus­ means volume of oxygen per unit time). The
bicycle ergometer allowed the work rate (or
cles; airways ; diffusion across the power) to be increased gradually while Ann was
blood-gas barrier; pulmonary circula­ pedaling. The results of the study are shown in
tion; cardiac output; transport of oxy­ F�GURE
FIGURE 1-1A. First, Ann's oxygen consumption
(Vo2) was measured while she was at rest (work
gen and carbon dioxide by the blood;
rate of zero). This was done by measuring with a
blood-tissue gas exchange. flowmeter the amount of air she exhaled and
determining its concentrations of oxygen and
0 ABOUT ANN carbon dioxide. Then Ann's work rate was grad­
ually increased, and it can be seen that the Vo2
Meet Ann, aged 23 years, a first-year medical stu­ �as linearly related to work rate. Eventually the
dent and competitive cyclist. She is healthy in all Yo2 flattened out at a value defined as the
respects and has never had a serious illness. In Vo2max. In Ann's case this was 3 . 5 1· min-1• Any
addition to being a strong student who majored in increase in work rate above this level can only
biology in college and received excellent grades, occur through anaerobic glycolysis, which does
Ann is an outstanding athlete. She became inter­ not utilize oxygen.
ested in competitive cycling while in high school, Figure 1-1B shows additional measurements
and in college she successfully competed at the that were made during Ann's exercise test. The
national level. Although she is now too busy to volume of expired gas per minute (total ventila­
train at the required level for competition, she tion, v� increased linearly-with Vo7 up to a cer­
rides every day and keeps herself very fit. tain point and then increased more rapidly. If
Ann had a medical examination before com­ there is a clear inflection point, this is sometimes
ing to medical school, and no abnormalities called the anaerobic threshold, although the term is
were found. At that time a chest radiograph was somewhat controversial. The blood lactate con­
normal, and a blood test showed a hemoglobin centration (La) often rises markedly above this
concentration of 14 g · dl-1• point. Someone like Ann (who is very fit) can
Because of her interest in exercise, Ann exercise to high work levels before producing
volunteered for a measurement of maximal oxy­ much lactate, but less fit people develop
gen uptake (Vo2max) in the pulmonary function increased blood lactate levels earlier. Figure 1-1B

2 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

:§ 150
;:::. AT
AT 10
max 0..
"5 �
0 100 E
E ()
:0 2l
---- 22 Cii La
La ()
() VE
VE —— 5 �
.-:f -o
ctl 0
c ili

00o �--�----L_ J_� __
� 0 0
300 Q)
0 1 00 200 0 1 2 3
A Work rate (watts) B V0, (I/ min)
FIGURE 1�1. �· 02 consumption (Vo2l increases nearly linearly with work rate until the \i'02max is reached.
B. Ventilation (VE) 1n1t1ally Increases linea rly with 02 consumption but rises more rapidly when s ubstantial
amounts of blood lactate ( La) a re formed. If there is a clear break, this is someti mes cal led the anaerobic
threshold (AT). Cardiac output increases less than ventilation.

also shows Ann's cardiac output (Q). This is a sheet of muscle attached to the lower ribs and
more difficult measurement to make, but rea­ spine. When Ann is cycling at high speed, this
sonably accurate values can be obtained by a muscle contracts vigorously and moves down­
rebreathing technique in which the rate of ward like a piston (FIGURE 1-2A) with an excur­
uptake of a soluble gas such as acetylene from sion of as much as 10 em, compared with only
the lung is determined. 1 em during resting breathing. In this way, the
Note the very large changes in the variables vertical dimension of the chest cavity is
with exercise. Vo2 increased from 300 to 3500 increased, and the abdominal contents are
rnl · min-I while total ventilation increased from forced downward and forward (Fig. 1-2B).
about 10 to 150 1 min-I. By contrast, the cardiac
In addition, the rib margins are lifted and
output increased much less, from about 5 to moved out, thus increasing the transverse
25 1 · min-I. Blood lactate rose from about diameter of the thorax (Fig. 1-2A). The
1 to 10 rnM. diaphragm is innervated by the two phrenic
How is Ann able to raise her metabolic rate so nerves that originate from cervical segments 3,
much? The answer to this question allows us to 4, and 5 high in the neck. If one of these nerves
be introduced to many aspects of normal pul­ is damaged, half of the diaphragm is paralyzed,
monary function. Let's look in tum at the various and it moves up rather than down with inspira­
processes that allow Ann to have such a high oxy­ tion because the intrathoracic pressure falls.
gen consumption. This involves a coordinated set This is known as paradoxical movement.
of physiological events: ventilation, which gets
gas to the alveoli; diffusion, which enables oxygen
to cross the blood-gas barrier; pulmonary blood Inspiration
flow, which moves the oxygenated blood out of
the lung; the transport of oxygen by the blood;
and finally its diffusion to the mitochondria, Diaphragm
where the energy-producing reactions occur.
TO THE ALVEOLI A B ---+ Passive

M uscles of Respiration FIGURE 1-2. A. On inspiration, the dome-shaped

diaphragm contracts, the abdominal contents a re
I n s pirati o n forced down and forward, and the rib cage is lifted.
The volume of the thorax is therefore increased. B.
The most important muscle of inspiration is On forced expiration, the abdominal m uscles con­
the diaphrag;m, which is a thin, dome-shaped tract and push the diaphragm u p .
Normal Physiology: Exercise 3

Intercostal upward (Fig. l-2B). They also contract forcefully

muscles during coughing, vomiting, and defecation.
External The internal intercostal muscles assist active
Spine Internal
Internal -,,,
-,,, expiration by pulling the ribs downward and
inward, that is, opposite to the action of the
external intercostal muscles (Fig. l-3A), thus
decreasing the thoracic volume. In addition,
they stiffen the intercostal spaces to prevent
these from bulging outward during straining.
Axis of rotation It should be added that the actions of respiratory
A B muscles, especially the intercostals, are more
complex than this brief account suggests.
FIGURE 1-3. A. When the external intercostal
muscles contract. the ribs are pu lled upward and
forward. B. The external intercostal m uscles rotate Ai rways
on an axis join ing the tubercle and head of the rib.
The airways of the lung consist of a series of
As a result, both the latera l and a nteroposterior
diameters of the thorax increase. The internal inter­ branching robes that become narrower, shorter,
costals have the opposite action. and more numerous as they penetrate deeper
into the lung (FIGURE 1-4). The trachea
divides into right and left main bronchi, which
in mrn divide into lobar and then segmental
The external intercostal muscles connect adja­ bronchi. This process continues down to the
cent ribs and slope downward and forward temzinal b1'onchioles, which are the smallest
( FIGURE 1-3A). When they contract, the ribs are airways without alveoli. All these bronchi make
pulled upward and forward, causing an increase in
both the lateral and anteroposterior diameters of
the thorax (Fig. l-3 B). The lateral dimension
increases because of the "bucket-handle" move­
ment of the ribs. The intercostal muscles are sup­
plied by intercostal nerves that come off the spinal
cord at the same level. Paralysis of the intercostal
muscles alone does not seriously affect breathing
because the diaphragm is so effective.
The accessory muscles of inspiration include the
scalene muscles in the neck, which elevate the first
two ribs, and the sternomastoids, which raise the
sternum. There is little, if any, activity in these
muscles during quiet breathing, but when Ann is
pedaling hard they can be seen to contract vigor­
ously. Other muscles that are used during exercise
include the alae nasi, which cause flaring of the
nostrils, and small muscles in the neck and head.

Expi rat i o n

Expiration i s passive during quiet breathing

because the lung and chest wall are elastic and
tend to remrn to their equilibrium positions
after being actively expanded during inspiration.
However, when Ann is exercising hard, expira­
tion is very active. The most important muscles
are those of the abdominal wall, including the
recms abdominus, internal and external oblique FIGURE 1-4. Cast of the a i r ways of a h u m a n
muscles, and transversus abdominus. When l u n g. T h e a lveoli have been pruned away, a l lowing
these muscles contract, intra-abdominal pres­ the conducting a i r ways from the trachea to the
sure is raised, and the diaphragm is pushed terminal bronch ioles to be see n .
4 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

up the conducting airways. Their function is to z

lead inspired air to the gas-exchanging regions Trachea
of the lung (FIGURE 1 -5). Since the conducting 0
airways contain no alveoli and therefore take
no part in gas exchange, they constitute the Ql
Bronchi 1
anatomic dead space. Its volume is about 150 ml. 0

The terminal bronchioles divide into respira­ Cl
c 2
tory bronchioles, which have occasional alveoli ·u
budding from their walls. Finally, we come to "0 3
the alveolar ducts, which are completely lined 0 4
with alveoli. This alveolated region of the lung Bronchioles
where gas exchange occurs is known as the respi­
ratory zone. The portion of the lung distal to l

a terminal bronchiole forms an anatomic unit bronchioles 16
called the acinus. The distance from the terminal
bronchiole to the most distant alveolus is only R"p;catmy
a few millimeters, and the gas moves through bronchioles 18
this short distance chiefly by diffusion. The res­ c Ql 19
§ 19
piratory zone makes up most of the lung, its vol­ c c:- 20
ume being about 2.5 to 3 liters. .Q 0 Alveolar
It is important to distinguish between tQtal �"§
C ·- ducts 21
� (/) 22
ventilation (VE) and alveolar ventilation (VA). �--�
The latter is defined as the volume of fresh gas Alveolar 23
reaching the alveoli per minute. We saw sacs
(Fig. 1-lB) that Ann's total ventilation was deter­
FIGURE 1-5. I dealization of the human airways
mined by measuring the volume of the expired gas according to Weibel. The first 1 6 generations (Z) make
per unit time. This is very nearly equal to the vol­ up the conducting airways, and the last 7 compose
ume of inspired gas. However, as FIGURE 1-6 the respiratory zone (or the transitional and respira­
indicates, not all of the total inspired volume per tory zone).


Tidal volume - - Total ventilation
500 ml 7500 ml/min

Anatomic dead
dead space
space Frequency
150 ml
150 ml 1 5/min

Alveolar ventilation
5250 m l / min
Alveolar gas
3000 ml

Pulmonary Pulmonary
capillary blood , �
blood flow
70 ml
I 5000 ml/min

FIGURE 1 -6. Diagra m of a l u n g showing typical volumes and flows under resting conditions. There are
considerable variations a round these va lues.
Normal Physiology: Exercise 5

breath (tidal volume) gets to the alveoli. A portion

remains in the anatomic dead space and is exhaled
with the next expiration. Therefore, Ann's alveo­
lar ventilation is the (tidal volume - anatomic
dead space) X respiratory frequency.


B lood-Gas Barrier
The pulmonary capillaries are in the walls of the
alveoli, and the blood-gas barrier is exceedingly
thin (FIGURE 1-7). In fact, approximately half of
the area of the barrier has a thickness of only
0.2 to 0.3 J1m, whereas the total area of the bar­
rier is as large as 50 to 100 m • This combination
of extreme thinness and large area is ideal for
The blood-gas barrier has only three layers: the
alveolar epithelium (EP), the capillary endothe­
lium (EN), and the interstitium (IN), which is
sandwiched between them (Fig. 1-7). Many capil­
laries have a very thin blood-gas barrier on one FIGURE 1 -7. E lectron micrograph showing a pul­
monary capillary in the alveolar wal l . Note the
side but a thicker barrier on the other where the
extremely thin blood-gas barrier, which is only 0.2
IN is widened (Fig. 1-7). This thicker side is
to 0.3 J.Lm thick in some p laces. Oxygen diffuses
important for fluid exchange (see Chapter 7). from alveolar gas to the interior of the erythrocyte
Much of the barrier is so thin that if the pressure (RBq, and its path incl udes the layer of s u rfactant
within the capillaries rises to abnormally high (not shown in the preparation). alveolar epithel ium
levels, or the tension in the alveolar wall is greatly (EP). interstitium (IN). capilla ry endothelium (EN).
increased by inflating the lung to a very high and plasma (PL). Parts of structural cells cal led
volume, the barrier can be damaged. fibroblasts ( FB). the nucleus of an endothelial cell
(EN), and fibrils of type I collagen ( COL) in the thick
side of the blood-gas barrier are a lso seen.
Pri nciples of Diffusion
All gases pass across the blood-gas barrier by
simple diffusion. Fick's law (FIGURE 1-8) states
as o
that the rate of transfer of a gas through a sheet of P2
as o A
A •• D
D •• (P1
(P1 —
— P2)
tissue is proportional to the tissue area (A) and the
difference in gas partial pressure* between the D
D oc
oc Sol
two sides (P 1 - P2), and inversely proportional to
the tissue thickness (T). In addition, the rate of
transfer is proportional to a diffusion constant

The partial pressure of a gas is found by multiplying its concentra­
tion by the total pressure. For example, dry air has 20.93% 01. Its _...,! Thickness

partial pressure (P0,) at sea level (barometric pressure 760 mm Hg)

FIGURE 1 -8. Diffusion through a tissue sheet. The
is therefore 20.93/iOO X 760 = 159 mm Hg. When air is inhaled
into the upper airways, it is warmed and moistened, and the water amount of gas transferred is proportional to the area
vapor pressure is then 47 mm Hg, so that the total dry gas pressure (A), a diffusion constant (D). and the difference in
is only 760- 47 = 713 mm Hg. The P0, of inspired air is there­ partial pressure (P1 - P2), and is inversely proportion­
fore 20.93/100 X 713 = 149 mm Hg. A liqwd exposed to a gas until
al to the thickness (T). The constant is proportional
equilibration takes place has the same partial pressure as the gas.
These topics are discussed more fully in Chapter 2. For a more to the gas solubility (Sol) but inversely proportional
complete description of the gas laws, see Appendix A. to the square root of the molecular weight (MW).
6 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

(D) that depends on the properties of the tissue and and the Po2 in the blood rapidly rises. Indeed, it
the particular gas. The constant is proportional to has almost reached the alveolar Po 2 after 0.25
the solubility (Sol) of the gas and inversely pro­ second. If the blood-gas barrier is thickened by
portional to the square root of the molecular disease and diffusion is therefore slowed, the Po2
weight (MW). This means that C02 diffuses rises more slowly. We shall see a patient in which
about 2 0 times more rapidly than 02 through this occurs in Chapter 5 .
tissue sheets because it has a much higher Sol Under resting conditions, Figure 1 -9 shows
but not a very different MW that there is ample time for the Po 2 in the blood
to virtually equilibrate with that in the alveolar
gas. This means that the amount of oxygen
Oxygen U ptake
taken up is determined by the amount of blood
along the Pulmonary Capillary flow available. However, when Ann exercises at
maximal intensity, the Po 2 in the blood only just
FIGURE 1-9 shows how the Po2 rises as the blood
reaches that of alveolar gas. Indeed, in some elite
loads oxygen in the pulmonary capillary. Under
athletes, equilibration fails to occur, and under
resting conditions, the blood spends only about
these conditions, oxygen uptake is partly diffu­
0. 7 5 second in the capillary; when Ann is exer­
cising hard, this may be reduced to as little
sion limited. If the blood-gas barrier is thickened
(Fig. 1-9), diffusion limitation may even occur at
as 0.2 5 second. During resting conditions, the
rest and will be exaggerated on exercise.
blood entering the lung has a Po2 of 40 mm Hg,
and since the Po2 in alveolar gas is 100 mm Hg,
oxygen floods down this large pressure gradient
Alveolar P02 FROM THE LUNG
1 00 -r Blood Vessels
Reduced contact
time The pulmonary circulation begins at the main
80 I
pulmonary artery, which receives the mixed
venous blood pumped by the right ventricle
blood-gas barrier
(FIGURE 1-10). This artery then branches
I 60 successively like the system of airways (Figs. 1-4
E and 1-5), and indeed the pulmonary arteries
"' I
c.. I
40 -Mixed 'venous P0
I Mean = 15 Mean = 1 00
I 1 2�
20 I 0
% 1 20/
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 20
Time in capillary (sec) 2 5
FIGURE 1-9. Time course of P 02 in the p u l monary
capillary as 02 is loaded. Under normal conditions,
the P 0 2 of capilla ry blood al most reaches that of
alveolar gas with in one t h i rd of the time available.
However, d u ring exercise when p u l monary blood FIGURE 1-10. Comparison of pressures (mm Hg)
flow is g reatly increased, the time avai lable for in the pu lmonary and systemic circulations at rest.
loading the oxygen is greatly reduced. When the Hydrostatic differences modify these. On exercise,
blood-gas barrier is thickened, the ca pil lary P 02 the pressures in the pulmonary circulation increase.
nses more slowly because the diffusion rate of 02 RV. right ventricle; LV, left ventricle; RA, right atrium;
is slowed. LA, left atrium.
Normal Physiology: Exercise 7

accompany the bronchi down the center of the systems are about 1 0 ( 1 5 - 5) and 98 ( 1 00 - 2) mm
lobules as far as the terminal bronchioles. Hg, respectively; that is, they differ by a factor of
Beyond that they break up to supply the capil­ nearly 10.
lary bed that lies in the walls of the alveoli In keeping with these low pressures, the walls
(FIGURES 1-11 and 1-12). The dense network of of the pulmonary artery and its branches are
capillaries in the alveolar walls is an exceedingly remarkably thin, and they are easily mistaken for
efficient arrangement for gas exchange. The oxy­ veins. This is in striking contrast to the systemic
genated blood is then collected from the capillary circulation, where the arteries generally have
bed by small pulmonary veins that run between thick walls, and the arterioles in particular have
the lobules and eventually unite to form the large abundant smooth muscle.
veins that drain into the left atrium. The reasons for these differences become
clear when the functions of the two circulations
are compared. The systemic circulation regulates
Pressures I nside a n d O utside the supply of blood to various organs, including
the Pulmon ary Blood Vessels those which may be far above the level of the
heart (the upstretched arm, for example). By
The pressures within the pulmonary circulation contrast, the lung is required to accept the whole
are remarkably low. The mean pressure in the of the cardiac output at all times and is rarely
main pulmonary artery is only about 1 5 mm Hg; concerned with directing blood from one region
the systolic and diastolic pressures are about 2 5 to another. Its arterial pressure is therefore as
and 8 m m Hg, respectively (Fig. 1 -1 0). By con­ low as is consistent with lifting blood to the top
trast, the mean pressure in the aorta is about of the lung.
1 00 mm Hg. Since the pressures in the right and The pressure inside the pulmonary capillaries
left atria are not very dissimilar-about 2 and 5 is about halfway between pulmonary arterial and
mm Hg, respectively-the pressure differences venous pressure, and probably much of the pres­
from inlet to outlet of the pulmonary and systemic sure drop occurs within the capillary bed itself


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FIGURE 1 - 1 1 . View of an a lveolar wall ( i n a frog) showing the dense network of capil laries. A small a rtery
( left) and vein (right) ca n a lso be seen. The individual capil lary segments are so short that the blood forms
an a l most cont i n uous sheet.
8 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

FIGURE 1 -12. Thi n microscopic section of a dog lung showi ng capillaries in the a lveolar walls. The blood­
gas barrier is so thin that it can not be identified here (compare with F i g . 1 -7 ) .

(Fig. 1-10). This means that the distribution of principle. This states that the Oz consumption
pressures along the pulmonary circulation is far per minute CVo2), measured at the mouth, is
more symmetrical than in its systemic counter­ equal to the amount of Oz taken up by the blood
part, where most of the pressure drop is just in the lungs per minute. Since the Oz concen­
upstream of the capillaries (Fig. 1-10). tration in the blood entering the lungs is Cvo2
The pressure around the pulmonary capillaries and that in the blood leaving the lungs is Cao2,
is alveolar pressure, as would be expected from we have:*
their structure as shown in Figure 1-7. Alveolar
pressure is the same as atmospheric pressure 77(), o,
= 0(cao, —
— 02)
when there is no flow through the airways.
However, the pressure around the small pul­
monary arteries and veins within the lung can be . Vo2
Q -
considerably less than alveolar pressure. As the

Ca02 - Cv02
lung expands, these extra-alveolar vessels, as they
are called, are pulled open by the radial traction of Vo2 is measured by collecting the expired gas in
the elastic lung parenchyma that surrounds them a large spirometer and measuring its 02 and
(FIGURE 1-13). Consequently, the effective pres­ C02 concentrations as we saw earlier in connec­
sure around these vessels is low and is close to the tion with Figure 1-1A. Mixed venous blood is
pressure around the whole lung (intrapleural taken via a catheter in the pulmonary artery, and
pressure). Both the small arteries and veins arterial blood by puncture of a radial artery.
increase their caliber as the lung expands. Cardiac output can also be measured by indica­
tor dilution techniques in which dye or another
indicator is injected into the venous circulation
Cardiac Output and its concentration in arterial blood is recorded.
These methods of measuring cardiac output are
The whole of the output of the right heart goes
rather invasive, so in the case of Ann for the
through the lungs. Cardiac output at rest is 5 to
study shown in Figure 1-1B, a rebreathing
6 1 min-1 but can increase to approximately
method was used.

2 5 1 min-1 during heavy exercise (Fig. 1-1B).


Total pulmonary blood flow, and therefore car­

diac output, can be measured using the Fick *See Appendix A for a summary of symbols.
Normal Physiology: Exercise 9

FIGURE 1 - 1 3 . Section of l u n g s howi n g many a lveoli and a n extra-a lveol a r vessel ( i n t h i s case, a sma l l
v e i n ) with i t s periva s c u l a r sheath. This vessel i s p u l l ed open b y t h e rad i a l traction o f t h e s u rrou n d i n g
a l veola r wa l l s .

Total 02�;-
100 J------1- 22


02 combined with Hb - 0


Oxygen �::::l 60
We have seen that Ann is able to consume (/) 10 -�
3.5 1- min-1 of oxygen when she is pedaling hard I 40
(Fig. 1-1A). How is the blood able to transport � c
6 0

this large amount of oxygen to the peripheral 20

tissues, chiefly the muscles of the legs? As just Dissolved 02 '-,..

described, Ann's cardiac output at this high level
0 ______ ]_______ �-
of exercise is 25 1· min-1 (Fig. 1-1B). Therefore, 20 40 60 80
1 00 600
each liter of blood must be able to unload
P02 (mm Hg)
3500/25 or 140 ml of oxygen per liter, that is,
14 ml . dl-1 of 02• Furthermore, the blood tra­ FIGURE 1 -14. 0 2 dissociation cu rve (solid line) for
versing the muscle capillaries cannot afford to blood with pH 7.4, Pc o2 40 mm Hg, and tempera­
ture 37°C. The total blood 0 2 concentration is also
unload all its oxygen because it needs to maintain
shown for a hemoglobin concentration of 1 5 g dl-1 ·
a certain partial pressure to ensure that oxygen of blood.
diffuses to the mitochondria of the muscle cells
in accordance with Fick's law (Fig. 1-8).
The challenge for the blood becomes clearer
if we assume that oxygen can only be carried needs at least 14 rnl dl-1 of 02• Therefore, the

in the dissolved form. Oxygen obeys Henry's blood must contain a substance that can combine
law; that is, the amount dissolved is propor­ with large amounts of oxygen. As every high
tional to the partial pressure (FIGURE 1-14). school biology student knows, this substance is
For each rnrn Hg ofPo 2 , there is 0.003 rnl· dl-1 of hemoglobin.
02 in the blood. Therefore, Ann's arterial blood, Hemoglobin (Hb) is an iron-porphyrin com­
which has a Po2 of about 100 rnrn Hg, con­ pound joined to the protein globin, which con­
tains only 0.3 rnl. dl-1 of 02 in the dissolved form. sists of four polypeptide chains. The chains are of
However, as we have seen, Ann's arterial blood two types, a and {3, and differences in their amino
10 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

acid sequences give rise to various types of human mixed venous blood with a Po 2 of 40 mm Hg
Hb. Normal adult Hb is known as A. (Fig. 1-9) is about 7 5 % . The oxygen concentra­
Hemoglobin F (fetal) makes up part of the Hb of tion of blood (in ml dl-1) is giveh by

the newborn infant. Hemoglobin S (sickle) has

valine instead of glutamic acid in the f3 chains, Sat
1.39 X Hb X 1 00 + 0.003 Po2
which reduces its oxygen affinity. As a result, the
dissociation curve is shifted to the right (see
below), but, more important, the deoxygenated where Hb is the Hb concentration in g dl-1, Sat ·

form is poorly soluble and tends to crystallize is the percentage saturation of the Hb, and Po2
within the red celL As a consequence, the cell is in mm Hg.
shape changes from biconcave to crescent or sick­ The shape of the 02 dissociation curve has sev­
le shaped, with increased fragility and a tendency eral physiological advantages. The nearly flat
to thrombus formation. upper portion means that even if the Po2 in the
Normal Hb A can have its ferrous iron oxi­ blood falls somewhat-for example, at high
dized to the ferric form by various drugs and altitude (see Chapter 2)-the 02 concentration will
chemicals, including nitrites, sulfonamides, and be little affected. In addition, as the red cell takes
acetanilid. This ferric form is known as methe­ up 02 along Ann's pulmonary capillary (Fig. 1-9),
moglobin. Another abnormal form is sulfhemo­ a large partial pressure difference between alveo­
globin. These compounds are not useful for 02 lar gas and blood continues to exist even when
carnage. most of the 02 has been loaded. This helps the
The oxygen dissociation curve describes the diffusion process (Fig. 1-8). The steep lower part
combination of Hb with oxygen (Fig. 1 - 1 4). of the dissociation curve means that Ann's exercis­
Suppose we take a number of glass containers ing muscles can withdraw large amounts of 02 for
(tonometers), each containing a small volume a relatively small drop in capillary Po2 • This main­
of blood, and add gas with various concentra­ tenance of blood Pod P<? assists the diffusion of 02
tions of 0 2 • After allowing time for the gas and cells. Because reduced Hb is
into the muscle cells.
blood to reach equilibrium, we measure the purple, a low arterial 02 saturation causes a blue
Po 2 of the gas and the oxygen concentration of coloration of the skin known as cyanosis.
the blood. Knowing that 0.003 ml 0 2 will be The 02 dissociation curve is shifted to the
dissolved in each dl of blood per mm Hg PO Po� )),
PO right (02 affinity ofHb is reduced) by increases in
we can calculate the 02 combined with Hi, Hb temperature, H+ concentration, Pco2, and con­
(Fig. 1 - 1 4) . centration of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (2 ,3-DPG)
It can be seen that the amount o f 0 2 carried in the red cell (FIGURE 1-1 5). Opposite changes
by Hb increases rapidly up to a Po 2 of about shift the curve to the left. Most of the effect of
5 0 mm Hg, but above that the curve becomes Pco2, which is known as the Bohr effect, can be
flatter. The maximum amount of 02 that can be attributed to its action on H+ concentration. A
combined with Hb is called the 02 capacity. It rightward shift means more unloading of 02 at a
can be measured by exposing the blood to a given Po2 in a tissue capillary. A simple way to
very high Po2 (say, 600 mm Hg) and subtract­ remember these shifts is that Ann's exercising
ing the dissolved 02• One gram of pure Hb can muscles are acid, hypercarbic, and hot, and they
combine with 1 . 3 9 ml 02, and since normal benefit from the increased unloading of 02 from
blood has about 1 5 g . dl-1 of Hb on the aver­ the capillaries.
age, the 02 capacity is about 20.8 ml . dl-1 • 2,3-DPG is an end product of red cell metab­
Women tend to have lower Hb concentrations olism and shifts the curve to the right. An
than men because of menstrual loss; athletes increase in concentration of this molecule occurs
also may have lower values because of an in chronic hypoxia, for example, at high altitude
increased plasma volume. This explains Ann's or in the presence of chronic lung disease. As a
value of 1 4 g . dl-1 • result, the unloading of 02 to peripheral tissues
The oxygen saturation ofhemoglobin is given by is assisted. By contrast, stored blood in a blood
bank may be depleted of 2 ,3-DPG, and unloading
1 00
02 combined with Hb of 02 is therefore impaired. A useful measure of
- ,...-
- - --- X
02 capacity the position of the dissociation curve is the Po2
for 50% 02 saturation. This is known as the P 50;
The 02 saturation with arterial blood with a Po 2 the normal value for human blood is about
of 1 00 mm Hg is about 97.5 % , while that of 27 mm Hg.
� 11
Normal Physiology: Exercise

00 20 ° 3��0 Dissolved Dissolved
Sat CO2 >CO2 />CO2
CA r,
1 00 CO2 + H20—*H2C,...3 5.


Capillary wall
1 00
HCO3 HCO3 H+1 cr

Cl- CI-



Na+ K+
60 Hb02
2 1 00 024 02 02<
% Hb

40 1 00 H2O
0. H2O
Ofc 7 .2

S�t 7.4 Tissue Plasma Red blood cell

FIGURE 1 - 1 6. Scheme of the uptake of 0 2 and l ib­
0 eration of C0 2 in systemic capillaries. Exactly oppo­
Po2 1 00 site events occur in the pulmonary capil laries. See
text for details.
20 40
40 60 80 1 00
P02 (mm Hg)
C02 is carried in the blood in three forms: dis­
FIGURE 1 -15. Rightward shift of the 0 2 dissocia­ solved, as bicarbonate, and in combination with
tion curve by i ncreases of H + , Pco2, temperature, proteins as carbamino compounds (FIGURE 1-16).
and 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (DPG). Dissolved C02, like 02 , obeys Henry's law, but
C02 is some 2 0 times more soluble than 02 .
Carbon monoxide (CO) interferes with the 02 The result is that dissolved C02 plays a signifi­
transport of blood by combining with Hb to cant role in its carriage in that about 10% of the
form carboxyhemoglobin (COHb). CO has gas that is evolved into the alveolar gas from the
about 240 times the affinity of 02 for Hb; this blood is in the dissolved form.
means that CO will combine with the same Bicarbonate is formed in blood by the follow­
amount of Hb as 02 when the CO partial pres­ ing reactions:
sure is 240 times lower. The result is that small CA
amounts of CO can tie up a large proportion of C02 + HP � H2C03 � H + + HC03
the Hb in the blood, thus making it unavailable
for 02 carriage. If this happens, the Hb concen­ The first reaction is very slow in plasma but fast
tration and Po, of blood may be normal but the within the red blood cell because of the pres­
02 concentrati-on is greatly reduced. The pres­ ence there of the enzyme carbonic anhydrase
ence of COHb also shifts the 02 dissociation (CA). The second reaction, ionic dissociation
curve to the left, thus interfering with the of carbonic acid, is fast without an enzyme.
unloading of 02 . This is an additional feature of When the concentration of these ions rises
the toxicity of CO. within the red cell, HC03 diffuses out, but H+
cannot easily do this because the cell membrane
is relatively impermeable to cations. Therefore,
Carbon Dioxide
to maintain electrical neutrality, Cl- ions dif­
Just as Ann's tissues, chiefly her exercising mus­ fuse into the cell from the plasma, the so -called
cles, are consuming 3 .5 1 . min- I of 02 , so they chloride shift (Fig. 1 - 1 6).
are also producing about 3 . 5 1 · min-I of C02 . Some of the H+ ions liberated are bound
This means that each deciliter of blood passing to Hb:
through her muscle capillaries has to load 14 ml
of C02 so that this can be eliminated by the pul­ H+ + Hb02 H+. Hb + 02
monary capillaries. Actually, Ann's C0 2 output
may even exceed 3 . 5 1 · min- I at maximal exercise This occurs because reduced Hb is less acidic
because she may develop an unsteady state with (that is, a better proton acceptor) than the oxy­
a respiratory exchange ratio (C02 output/02 genated form. Therefore the presence of
uptake) greater than 1 .0. reduced Hb in the peripheral blood helps with

12 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

the loading of COz, whereas the oxygenation dissociation curve for C02 is much more linear
that occurs in the pulmonary capillary assists in than that for 0 2 • In addition, the lower the sat­
the unloading. The fact that deoxygenation of uration of Hb with Oz , the larger the C0 2 con­
blood increases its ability to carry C02 is known centration for a given Pco2 • This is a graphical
as the Haldane effect. representation of the Haldane effect referred
Carbamino compounds are formed by the com­ to earlier.
bination of C02 with terminal amine groups in
blood proteins. The most important protein is
the globin of Hb,
Hb · NH2 + C02 � Hb · NH · COOH EXCHANG E : H OW OXYG E N
giving carbamino-hemoglobin. Reduced Hb can
bind more C02 as carbamino-hemoglobin than Oz and C02 move between the systemic capil­
HbOz. Therefore, again, unloading of 02 in lary blood and the tissue cells by passive diffu­
peripheral capillaries facilitates the loading of sion, just as they move between the capillary
COz, whereas oxygenation has the opposite effect. blood and alveolar gas in the lung. As Figure 1-8
Most of the C02 carried by the blood is in the shows, the rate of transfer of gas through a tissue
form of bicarbonate, with only small amounts as sheet is proportional to the tissue area and the
dissolved C02 or as carbamino-hemoglobin. difference in partial pressure between the two
However, about 60% of the C02 that is loaded sides, and inversely proportional to the
or unloaded by the blood comes from bicarbon­ thickness. The thickness of the blood-gas barrier
ate, 30% from carbamino-hemoglobin, and 10% is less than 0.3 J.l.m in many places, but the dis­
from dissolved COz. tance between open capillaries in resting muscle
By analogy with the Oz dissociation curve is on the order of 50 J.l.m. However, when Ann
(Figs. 1 - 1 4 and 1 - 1 5), the relationship exercises hard, muscle blood flow increases and
between C02 concentration and P co2 in blood additional capillaries open up; this reduces the
can be referred to as the C02 dissociation diffusion distance and increases the area for dif­
curve (FIGURE 1-17). It can be seen that the fusion. Because C02 diffuses about 20 times
faster than Oz through tissue, elimination of
C02 is less of a problem than 02 delivery.
The way in which the Po2 falls in tissue
between adjacent open capillaries is shown
schematically in FIGURE 1-18. As the 02 diffuses

— 660- away from the capillary, it is consumed by the
0 tissue, and the Po2 falls. In A, the balance
0 Hb0 0_75..97.5
� between Oz consumption and delivery (deter­
E mined by the capillary Po, and the intercapillary
-;; 401- distance) results in an adequate Po2 in all the
55 40

c 0 100
() • 50
Cap Tissue Cap
8 20
201- O a

"' 50
• 45
() 40 D,
Dissolved E 25
---------- r --------- -------
0 20 40 60 80 • 0 _ _

C02 partial pressure (mm Hg) A B c

FIGURE 1 - 1 7. C02 dissociation curves for blood of FIGURE 1 -1 8. Diagra m showi ng the fa l l of P02
d ifferent 02 satu rations. Note that oxygenated between adjacent open capillaries in tissue. I n
blood carries less C02 for the same Pc02. The inset A . oxygen del ivery is adequate ; in B . critical; a n d i n
shows the " p hysiologica l " cu rve between a rterial C . inadequate for aerobic metabolism in t h e central
and mixed venous blood a s a broken line. core of tissue.
Normal Physiology: Exercise 13

tissue. In B, the intercapillary distance or the Oz diffusion of Oz to the mitochondria, and that at
consumption has been increased until the Po, at the actual sites of Oz utilization the Po2 may be
one point in the tissue falls to zero. This is very low.
referred to as a critical situation. In C, there is an
anoxic region where aerobic (that is, Orutilizing) Key Concepts
metabolism is impossible. Under these condi­
1. Maximum oxygen uptake depends on a
tions, the tissue turns to anaerobic glycolysis
with the formation of lactic acid. combination of ventilation, lung diffu­
There is recent evidence that much of the fall sion, cardiac output, blood-gas transport,
of Po in some muscle tissues occurs in the and peripheral oxygen diffusion.
imme diate vicinity of the capillary wall and that 2. The most important muscle of respira­
the Po2 in the interior of muscle cells, for exam­ tion is the diaphragm.
ple, is very low (1 to 3 mm Hg) and nearly 3 . Oxygen diffusion across the normal pul­
uniform. This pattern can be explained in part monary blood-gas barrier is easily com­
by the presence of myoglobin in the cell, which pleted under resting conditions but only
acts as a reservoir for oxygen and facilitates its just sufficient during maximal exercise.
diffusion within the cell.
4. Cardiac output increases in exercise, but
How low can the tissue Po2 fall before Oz uti­
not as much as ventilation.
lization ceases? In measurements on suspensions
of liver mitochondria in vitro, Oz consumption 5. Hemoglobin is critically important for
continues at the same rate until the Po2 falls to oxygen carriage by the blood.
the vicinity of 3 mm Hg. Therefore, it appears 6. The diffusion path for oxygen in
that the purpose of the much higher Po2 in cap­ periph-eral tissues is much longer than
illary blood is to ensure an adequate pressure for in the lung.
14 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

Questions (For answers, see p. 1 42)

For each question, choose the one best answer.

1 . Maximal oxygen uptake CVo2 max): B. The total area of the barrier is about
A. Is d1e highest work rate that an individual 5m•
can attain C. The diffusion distance for a pulmonary
B . Generally exceeds 6 l min-1 in young,
capillary to the alveolar gas is greater
healthy females than d1e distance from a systemic
C. Is the highest 02 uptake attained when capillary to d1e mitochondria in skeletal
the work rate is incrementally increased muscle.
D. Is the 07 uptake when the blood lactate D. Normal fluid movement out of the cap­
suddenly rises during a test when the illary occurs on the thin side of the
work rate is incrementally increased barrier.
E. Is the 0 2 uptake when the total ventila­ E. Inflating the lung to high volumes can
tion reaches a ceiling d1at cannot be damage the barrier.
5. In a measurement of cardiac output, the
2. Concerning inspiration during maximal 02 concentrations in pulmonary arterial
exercise: and systemic arterial blood were 1 6 and
A. The diaphragm descends less than 3 em. 2 1 ml di-r, respectively, and the 02 con­

B . The lateral dimension of the chest sumption measured at the mouth was
decreases. 300 ml min-1• The cardiac output

C. The internal intercostal muscles contract. (in I min-1) was:


D. The sternomastoid muscles contract. A. 3

E. The intra -abdominal pressure falls. B. 5
C. 6
3. Two gases, A and B, have solubilities in
D. 1 2
tissue and molecular weights as follows:
E. 60
Solubility Molecular Weight
A) 24 36 6. The presence of hemoglobin in normal
B) 2 16 arterial blood increases its 02 concentra­
If the two gases have the same partial tion approxinlately how many times?
pressure difference across a tissue sheet, A. 1 0
the rate of diffusion of gas A through the B. 20
sheet compared with the rate of diffusion c . 40
of gas B is: D. 70
A. 1 2 : 1 E. 1 00
B. 8:1
7. An increase in which of the following
c. 5 . 3 : 1
shifts the 02 dissociation curve to the
D . 4: 1
E. 6:4
A. Temperature
4. Concerning the blood-gas barrier in the B. Pco2
human lung: C. H+ concentration
A. The thickness of the barrier everywhere D. 2,3 -DPG concentration
exceeds 1 fLm. E. Oxygen affinity of hemoglobin
I Chapter 2

Normal Physiology: Hypoxia

D Now we meet Bill, another medical student and

an avid mountaineer. When Bill is exposed to the
hypoxia of high altitude, he hyperventilates, which
helps to maintain his alveolar Po2 • We discuss how
hyperventilation alters the oxygen cascade from the
air to the tissues and how the fall in Pco2 changes
the acid-base status. Finally, we examine the mechanisms that regulate ventilation,
including those that result in Bill's hyperventilation.

List of Topics pulmonary edema, and high-altitude cerebral

edema. He is looking forward to understanding
Oxygen cascade from air to tissue; the scientific basis of these problems during his
effects of reduced barometric pressure; physiology course at medical school.
alveolar ventilation equation; hyperven­
tilation; acid-base changes, including
respiratory and metabolic changes; con­ D BAROMETRIC PRESS U RE
trol of ventilation, including respiratory
centers, central and peripheral chemore­ Bill lmows that the physiological problems at
ceptors, and integrated responses. high altitude are caused by the low Po2 in the air.
This in turn is determined by the barometric
pressure, because at all altitudes of interest to us,
D ABOUT BILL the composition of air is constant and contains
20.93 % oxygen.
Meet Bill, another first-year medical student and FIGURE 2-1 shows the fall in barometric pres­
an avid mountain climber. Bill is an excellent sure with increasing altitude. At an altitude of
student, but outside his studies his great love is 5800 m (1 9,000 ft), the barometric pressure has
mountaineering. He began climbing seriously fallen from its sea level value of 7 60 mm Hg to
when he was in college and has now ascended a only about half that. At the summit of Mt.
number of the highest peaks in the United States. Everest the barometric pressure is only about
Last year he made a trip to Argentina and suc­ 2 5 0 mm Hg, and at 1 9,200 m (63 ,000 ft) the
cessfully climbed Aconcagua (6960 m; 22 , 834 ft). barometric pressure is only 47 mm Hg.
His ambition is to climb Mt. Everest. How does this fall in barometric pressure
Bill is very aware of the debilitating effects of affect the Po2 of the inspired gas? As briefly
high altitude, including shortness of breath and mentioned in Chapter 1 , when air is inhaled into
difficulties with sleeping. He is also familiar with the upper airways, it is warmed and moistened,
the advantages of acclimatization, and he has come and the water vapor pressure is then 47 mm Hg.
across the illnesses associated with high altitude, This value depends only on the temperature of
including acute mountain siclmess, high-altitude the body and essentially does not change in
16 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: A n Integrated, Case-Based Approach

Altitude (ft)
1 0000 20000
800 150
Sea level 150 Air
E Denver 0)
E 600 Normoxia
� Commercia I 1 00
and blood
100 E
Pikes Peak
aircraft cabin N
if! 400 0 .s r- - - - - - -
Hypoxia with
0.. N
Q_ hyperventilation
& 50

human habitation � - - - -; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
� 200 Mt. Everest · o.
E c
e 0
m 00
0 o�--�2�0�0
2000 4000 6000 8000
0��4�0�0�67oo�o��B7o 0 L_ _________________________

Atmosphere --------� Mitochondria

Altitude (m)
FIGURE 2-1. Relationship between barometric pres­ FIGURE 2-2. Scheme of the fa l l of Paz from the
sure and a ltitude. At 1 580 m (5300 tt) (Denver), the inspired air to the tissues. The solid line shows the
Paz of moist inspired gas is about 1 30 mm Hg, but normal pattern at sea level . At a n altitude of 3 1 85 m
it is only 43 mm Hg on the summit of Mt. Everest. ( 1 0,500 tt). the inspi red Paz is only 1 0 0 mm H g , and
if alveolar venti lation is u nchanged, the a lveolar Paz
wi l l be only 50 mm H g . However, hyperventilation
healthy people. This means that at sea level the raises the alveolar Pa2 to 75 m m H g . The changes
total dry gas pressure is 760 - 47 7 1 3 mm Hg.= in tissue Paz reflect these changes.
The Po2 of moist inspired gas is therefore
(2 0.93/ 100) X 7 1 3 1 49 mm Hg. We call the
The rate of removal of 02 from the lung is gov­
factor 2 0 .93/1 00 the fractional concentration of erned by the 02 consumption of the tissues and
oxygen, and its value in air is therefore 0.209 3 . varies little under resting conditions. In practice,
As w e go to higher and higher altitudes, water therefore, the alveolar Po2 is largely determined
vapor becomes increasingly important. On the by the level of alveolar ventilation. The same
summit of Mt. Everest, the inspired Po2 equals applies to tl1e alveolar Pco2 which is normally
0.2 093 X (2 5 0 - 47) 42 . 5 mm Hg. At an alti­
about 40 mm Hg.
tude of 1 9,200 m, the inspired Po2 is 0.2093 X In a hypothetical perfect lung, we can assume
(47 - 47) 0! In fact, at approximately this alti­
that the arterial blood has the same Po2 as the
tude, the tissues boil because their vapor pres­ alveolar gas because the P o2 essentially equili­
sure is equal to atmospheric pressure. brates during the loading of oxygen in the
pulmonary capillaries (see Fig. 1-9). When the
arterial blood reaches the peripheral tissue cap­
D OXYGEN CASCADE illaries, 02 diffuses to the mitochondria, where
FROM AIR TO TISSUES the Po2 is much lower. The "tissue" Po2 differs
considerably throughout the body; in some cells,
FIGURE 2-2 shows how the Po2 in the body falls as at least, the Po2 is as low as 1 mm Hg. However,
oxygen moves from the atmosphere in which we the lung is an essential link in the chain of 02
live to the mitochondria where it is utilized. As we transport, and any decrease of Po2 in arterial
have seen, under normal conditions (solid line in blood must result in a lower tissue Po2 , other
Fig. 2-2) the Po2 of moist inspired air is 0.2093 X things being equal . For the same reasons,
(760 - 47), or 149 mm Hg (say 1 50). Figure 2-2 impaired pulmonary gas exchange will also
shows that by the time the 02 has reached the result in a rise in tissue Pco2 '
alveoli, the Po2 has fallen to about 1 00 mm Hg, Now, what happens to this scheme when Bill
that is, by one third. This is because the Po2 of the climbs to high altitude? Suppose he is at an alti­
alveolar gas is determined by a balance between tude of 3 1 8 5 m (10, 500 ft), where the baromet­
two processes: (1) the removal of 02 by the pul­ ric pressure is only 52 5 mm Hg. The Po2 of
monary capillary blood, and (2) the continual inspired gas is therefore 0.2093 X (5 2 5 - 47) =

replenishment of 02 by alveolar ventilation. 100 mm Hg. If we assume that the difference

(Strictly, alveolar ventilation is not continuous but between inspired and alveolar P o2 remains at
is breath by breath. However, the fluctuation of about 50 mm Hg, this gives an alveolar and arte­
alveolar Po2 with each breath is only about 3 mm rial Po2 of 50 mm Hg, and therefore a substan­
Hg, so the process can be regarded as continuous.) tial fall in tissue Po2 (dotted line in Fig. 2-2).
Normal Physiology: Hypoxia 17

Can Bill do anything to mitigate this severe Now the Pco2 is proportional to the fractional
degree of arterial hypoxemia (abnormally low concentration, or
Po2) at high altitude? The answer is that he can
P coz = Fcoz XK
(and does) by the process of hyperventilation. To
understand this fully we have to become more where K is a constant and in this equation is sim­
quantitative. First, let's look at what determines ply the total dry gas pressure. Therefore,
the alveolar Pco2 , because this turns out to be
simpler than the P o2 . . . P coJ
Vco) = VA x -
- K

Hyperventi lation or
V .0coJ
.... ..77.0 022
p COz =
FIGURE 2-3 reminds us that the tidal volume - . _- X K
(VT) is a mixture of gas from the anatomic dead v..
space (V0) and a contribution from the alveolar This is known as the alveolar ventilation equation
gas (VA) (compare with Fig. 1-6). However, and is remarkably simple. It states that the alveo­
since no gas exchange occurs in the anatomic lar Pco2 is inversely proportional to the alveolar
dead space, and there is no C02 there at the end ventilation if C02 production remains constant,
of inspiration, all the expired C02 comes from as it generally does at rest. For example, if we
the alveoli. double alveolar ventilation, alveolar Pco2 will be
Therefore, halved from its normal value of 40 mm Hg to
2 0 mm Hg.
. . % C 02
Vco2 = V:A. X ----uJ(} Now we can go further and determine the
relationship between the fall in alveolar Pco2
where Vco2 is the C02 output and VA is alveolar and the rise in alveolar Po2 that occurs with
ventilation. As with the case of OJ mentioned hyperventilation. To do this we use the alveolar
earlier, the term % C0/1 00 is calied the frac­ gas equation,
tional concentration and is denoted by Fcor
Therefore, we can write the equation as

A:1•C 0 2 = VA x
x FC 0 2
where Pio2 is the partial pressure of inspired 02;
R is the respiratory exchange ratio, which is
given by the C02 production/02 consumption
and is determined by the metabolism of the tis­
sues in a steady state; and F is a small correction
factor (usually about 2 mm Hg during air
V breathing) that we can ignore. It is not necessary
for us to derive this equation.
Let's use the alveolar gas equation to calculate
I Bill's alveolar P oJ under various conditions. First,
I F, FE we have seen that at sea level the normal relation­
ship between C02 production and alveolar venti­
lation gives an alveolar Pco2 of 40 mm Hg.
Therefore, assuming an inspired Po2 of 1 50,
. . , .. A
V .• i •
a normal R value of 0.8, and ignoring F:

PA 0 2 = 1 50 - 40

FIGURE 2-3. The gas in the tidal vol u me (VT) is a

= lOO mm Hg
mixture of gas from the anatomic dead space (Vo)
and a contribution from the a lveolar gas (VA ) . The This is the value shown by the solid line in
concentrations of C0 2 a re shown by dots (compare Figure 2-2 . Now suppose that Bill goes to high
with Figs. 1 -5 and 1 -6) . F. fractional concentration; altitude, where the Pio2 is 1 00 mm Hg. If he
I, inspired; E , expired . does not change his alveolar ventilation or
18 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: A n Integrated, Case-Based Approach

C02 production, his alveolar Pco2 will remain concept of ventilation-perfusion inequality is dis­
at 40 mm Hg. The equation now gives the cussed in Chapter 3 .

PA 0 2 = 1 00 - 40 D ACID-BASE STATUS
= 50 mm Hg When Bill hyperventilated in response to the
hypoxia of high altitude, and thus lowered his
This is a severe degree of hypoxemia. However, alveolar and arterial Pco2 , important changes
if Bill doubles his alveolar ventilation (and his occurred in the acid..:base status of his blood. To
C02 production remains constant), his alveolar understand these, it is necessary to discuss the
Pco2 falls to 2 0 mm Hg and the equation respiratory and metabolic aspects of acid-base
becomes regulation in general.
The pH resulting from the solution of C02 in
PA 02 1 00 - 2 0
blood and the consequent dissociation of car­

= 75 mm Hg bonic acid is given by the Henderson­
Hasselbalch equation. It is derived as follows. In
In other words, his alveolar Po2 has risen by the equation
2 5 mm Hg. This procedure shows how powerful
the process of hyperventilation can be in miti­ H2CO3 ,=' H+ + HCO3
gating the effects of hypoxia of high altitude. In
practice, Bill would have to go to a much higher the law of the mass action gives the dissociation
altitude (actually about 6500 m or 2 1 , 3 00 ft) constant of carbonic acid, K'A, as
before his alveolar ventilation increased as much
as twofold. [H +} X [HC03 ]
Figure 2-2 shows that under ideal conditions, [H2C03]
the arterial blood has the same Po2 as alveolar
gas. In practice this is not quite attained, even in
Because the concentration of carbonic acid is
the normal lung, because although the capillary
proportional to the concentration of dissolved
P o2 continues to approach the alveolar value
C02, we can change the constant and write
(see Fig. 1-9), it never quite gets there. In prac­
tice however, the difference is far too small to [H+] x [HCOil
measure. However, failure of equilibration KA -
between the P o2 of end-capillary blood and alve­ [CO2]
olar gas in the lung does occur under certain Taking logarithms,
conditions. This was alluded to briefly in the dis­
cussion of Figure 1 -9 (see Chapter 1). In fact, [HCO3]
diffusion limitation of oxygen transfer across the log IC= log [H+] +log [CO2]
blood-gas barrier frequently occurs at high alti­
tude, particularly on exercise. Failure of diffu­ whence
sion equilibration also occurs when the barrier is
thickened by disease. These topics are discussed ·
further in Chapter 5 . - log [H+] = -log KA + log [ C02]
There are two other reasons why the arterial
Po2 may be lower than the alveolar value. One is Since pH is the negative logarithm,
that, even in the normal lung, some blood finds
its way into the arterial system without passing [HC03]
through ventilation regions of the lung. This
pH = pKA + log
[ C02]
mechanism is known as shunt and is discussed in
Chapter 7, where we shall see that this mecha­ Because C02 obeys Henry's law, the C02
nism of hypoxemia can be of major importance in conc�ntration (mM) can be replaced by
some types of disease. Second, mismatching of (Pco2 X 0.030). The equation then becomes
ventilation and blood flow in different regions of
the lung results in depression of the arterial Po2 pH = pKA + log
below the mixed alveolar value. This difficult 0.030 Pco2
Normal Physiology: Hypoxia 19

The value of pKA is 6. 1 , and the normal HC03 A Pco2 (mm Hg)
concentration in arterial blood is 24 mM. 50
Substituting gives
" 40
24 CT
pH = 6 · 1 + log ---_ LlJ
0 .0 30 X_
0.030 4_
x 40 .s
= 6.1 + log 20 ' "'
0 30
= 6. 1 + 1 . 3 I
E 20
Therefore, (/)
pH = 7.4 10

As long as the ratio of bicarbonate concentration 6.8 7.0 7.2

7.2 7.4 7.6 7.8 8.0
to (Pco2 X 0.03 0) remains equal to 20, the pH pH units
will remain at 7 .4. The bicarbonate concentra­ B 60
tion is determined chiefly by the kidney, and the
Pco2 by the lung. 40
The relationships among pH, Pco2 , and HC03
are conveniently shown on a Davenport diagram
(FIGURE 2-4). The two axes show [HC03] and "
pH, and lines of equal Pco2 sweep across the dia­ LlJ 30
gram. Normal plasma is represented by point A. .s
' "'
The line CAB shows the relationship between 0
HC03 and pH as carbonic acid is added to whole I
blood; that is, it is part of the titration curve for <1l
(/) 20
blood and is called the bujfe1' line. The slope of this <1l
line is steeper than that observed for plasma sepa­ 0:::
rated from blood because of tl1e presence of hemo­
globin, which has an additional buffering action.
Also the slope of the line measured on whole blood 10
in vitro is usually a little different from that found 7.1 7.4
7.4 7.7
in a patient because of the buffering action of the --<--------_... pH
Acidosis Alkalosis
interstitial fluid and other body tissues.
The ratio of bicarbonate to Pco2 can be dis­ FIGURE 2-4. Davenport d iagram showing the rela­
turbed in four ways: both Pco J and bicarbonate tionships among plasma bicarbonate concentra­
tion, p H , and Pco2. A. The normal blood buffer line
can be lowered or raised. Each-of these four dis­
BAC. B. The cha nges occurring i n respi ratory and
turbances gives rise to a characteristic acid-base
metabolic alkalosis and acidosis (see text) . The ver­
change. tical distance between buffer l ines such as BAC and
D E (or GF) is called the base excess.

Respi ratory Alkalosis

other causes include hyperventilation caused by
Respiratory alkalosis is the acid-base disturbance anxiety, and overventilation by an anesthesiologist
that occurs in Bill when he ascends to high alti­ during surgery. As Figure 2-4 shows, an acute
tude. As we have seen, there is a decrease in arte­ reduction of the Pco) from 40 to 20 mm Hg is
rial Pco2 , and this increases the HCO]IPco2 ratio associated with an iricrease in pH from 7.4 to
and thus elevates the pH (movement from A to C about 7.6. A useful rule of thumb is that doubling
in Fig. 2-4). Whenever the Pco2 falls, the bicar­ or halving the Pco2 causes a change in pH of about
bonate concentration must also decrease to some 0.2 units.
extent because there is less carbonic acid in the If Bill goes rapidly to a high enough altitude,
blood. This is reflected by the right downward the movement of his blood will correspond to
slope of the blood buffer line in Figure 2-4. moving from point A to point C in Figure 2-4.
However, the ratio HCO]!Pco2 rises. The hyper­ However, if he then remains at tl1is altitude, the
ventilation accompanying exposure to high alti­ kidney will respond by increasing the elimina­
tude is a good example of respiratory alkalosis, but tion of bicarbonate in the urine. It is prompted
20 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

to do this by the reduced Pco2 in the renal tubular does not fully return to its normal value of 7 .4.
cells. The resulting reduction in plasma HC03 Again, the extent of the renal compensation can be
then moves the HC0_3/Pco2 ratio down toward its determined from the base excess, which is the ver­
normal level. This corresponds to the movement tical distance between the buffer lines BA and DE
from C to F along the line Pco2 20 mm Hg in
= for full compensation.
Figure 2-4B and is lmown as compensated respira­
tory alkalosis. Typical events would be as follows: Meta bolic Acidosis
24 In this context, metabolic means a primary change
pH = 6 · 1 + log
0.030 X 40 in plasma bicarbonate, that is, the numerator of
= 6 . 1 + log 20 7.4
= (Normal) the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation. In meta­
bolic acidosis, the HCO}/Pco2 ratio falls, thus
pH = 6"1 + log
20 depressing the pH. The HC03 may be low­
0.030 X 20 ered by the accumulation of acids in the blood, as
= 6. 1 + log 3 3 . 3 = 7.62 in uncontrolled diabetes mellitus or in tissue
hypoxia, which releases lactic acid (see Fig. 1- 1B).
(Respiratory Alkalosis)
The corresponding change in Figure 2-4B is a
13 movement from A toward G.
pH = 6" 1 + log In this instance, respiratory compensation
0.030 X 20
occurs by an increase in ventilation that lowers
= 6. 1 + log 2 1 .7 = 7.44 the Pco2 and raises the depressed HCO}/Pco2
(Compensated Respiratory Alkalosis) ratio. The stimulus to raise the ventilation is
chiefly the action of H+ ions on the peripheral
The renal compensation is usually not complete, chemoreceptors (see next section). In Figure
and so the pH does not fully return to its normal 2-4B, the point moves in the direction G to F
value of 7 .4. The extent of the renal compensa­ (although not as far as F). There is a base deficit,
tion can be determined from the base excess. This or negative base excess.
is the vertical distance between the two buffer
lines. For full compensation, the buffer lines are
AC and GF, and the vertical distance between Metabolic Alkalosis
them is about 1 3 mEq . 1-1 • This is a negative base
excess, sometimes called a base deficit. Because Bill In metabolic alkalosis, an increase in plasma
did not have complete compensation of his respi­ bicarbonate raises the HC0_3/Pco2 ratio and
ratory alkalosis, the negative base excess or base therefore the pH. Excessive ingestion of alkalis
deficit was a somewhat smaller number. and loss of acid gastric secretion, as in prolonged
vomiting, are causes. In Figure 2-4B, the move­
ment is in the direction A to E. Respiratory com­
Respi ratory Acidosis
pensation sometimes occurs by a reduction in
Respiratory acidosis is caused by an increase in alveolar ventilation that raises the Pcor Point E
Pco2 , and the subsequent events are exactly then moves in the direction of D (altl1ough never
opposite to those for respiratory alkalosis. The all the way). However, respiratory compensation
HC0_3/Pco2 ratio is reduced, which depresses in metabolic alkalosis is often small and may be
the pH. This corresponds to a movement from A absent altogether. Base excess is increased.
to B in Figure 2-4. An increase in Pco2 is caused Mixed respiratory and metabolic disturbances
by hypoventilation, for example, as a result of a often occur and may make it difficult to unravel
barbiturate overdose or ventilation-perfusion the sequence of events.
ratio inequality, as in chronic obstructive pul­
monary disease (see Chapter 3).
If respiratory acidosis persists, the kidney D CONTRO L OF VE NTI LATION
responds by conserving bicarbonate. The result­ Principles
ing increase in plasma HC03 then moves the
HCO}/Pco2 ratio back up toward its normal level. We have seen that when Bill ascends to high alti­
This corresponds to the movement from B to D tude, there is an increase in ventilation that
along the line Pco2 60 mm Hg in Figure 2-4B.
= reduces the alveolar Pco2 and raises the alveolar
The result is compensated respiratory acidosis, but the Po2 • This is clearly advantageous because it tends
compensation is rarely complete and so the pH to maintain the arterial Po2 in the face of the fall
Normal Physiology: Hypoxia 21

Central controller
respiratory centers. However, they should not be

l nlnJJt
/ Pons,
Pons, medulla,
other parts of brain �Outout
thought of as constituting a discrete nucleus,
but rather as a somewhat poorly defined collec­
tion of neurons with various components.
� Three main groups of neurons are recognized.
Sensors Effectors
Effectors 1 . Medullary respiratmy center in the reticular
formation of the medulla beneath the floor of

Chemoreceptors, Respiratory the fourth ventricle. There are two identifi­

lung and other muscles able areas. A group of cells in the dorsal
region of the medulla (dorsal respimtory group)
FIGURE 2-5. Three basic elements of the respiratory is chiefly associated with inspiration; another
control system . I nformation from various sensors is group in the ventral area (ventral respirat01y
fed to the central controller, the output of which group) is mainly for expiration. The cells in
goes to the respiratory muscles. By changing ven­ the dorsal respiratory group apparently have
tilation, the respiratory muscles reduce perturba­ the property of intrinsic periodic firing, and
tions of these sensors (negative feedback).
they are responsible for the basic rhythm of
ventilation. They generate repetitive bursts of
in the Po2 of the air around Bill at high altitude. In action potentials when all known afferent
fact, this process can be considered as a defense stimuli to them have been abolished. Nervous
mechanism that, to some extent, protects the arte­ impulses from these cells travel to the
rial Po2 against the hypoxia of the environment. diaphragm and other inspiratory muscles.
What is the physiological mechanism that is The intrinsic rhythm pattern of the inspi­
responsible for raising Bill's ventilation? The ratory area starts with a latent period of sev­
answer to this question brings us to the topic of eral seconds during which there is no activity.
the control of ventilation. We will consider this in Action potentials then begin to appear,
some detail here because it recurs again and again increasing in a crescendo over the next few
in our discussions of patients with lung disease. seconds. During this time, inspiratory muscle
The key role of alveolar ventilation in deter­ activity becomes stronger in a "ramp" -type
mining the alveolar (and therefore arterial) Pco2 pattern. Finally, the inspiratory action poten­
and Po2 was discussed in relation to Figure 2-2. tials cease, and inspiratory muscle tone falls to
In this section we shall see that despite widely dif­ its preinspiratory level.
fering demands for 02 uptake and C02 output The inspiratory ramp can be turned off
made by the body, the arterial Pco2 and Po2 are prematurely by impulses from the pneumo­
normally kept within close limits. This remark­ taxic cente1' (see below), which is inhibitory. In
able regulation of gas exchange is possible because tl1is way, inspiration is shortened and, as a
the level of ventilation is so carefully controlled. consequence, breathing rate increases. The
The three basic elements of the respiratory output of the inspiratory cells is further mod­
control system (FIGURE 2-5) are as follows: ulated by impulses from the vagal and glos­
(1) sensors, which gather information and feed it sopharyngeal nerves, which terminare in the
to the (2) central controller in the brain, which tractus solitarius close to the inspiratory area.
coordinates the information and, in turn, sends The expirat01y area is quiescent during
impulses to the (3) effectors (respiratory muscles), normal breathing. However, as discussed in
which cause ventilation. Chapter 1 , expiration becomes active during
We shall see that increased activity of the effec­ exercise. This is the result of firing of the
tors generally results in decreased sensory input expiratory cells.
to the brain, for example, by decreasing the arte­ 2. Apneustic center in the lower pons. This received
rial Pco2 • This is an example of negative feedback. its name because when the brain of an experi­
mental aninlal is sectioned just above this site,
prolonged inspiratory gasps (apneuses) are
Central Control ler seen. Its role in humans is unclear.
B ra i nstem
3 . Pneumotaxic center in the upper pons. A5 indi­
cated earlier, tl1is area appears to "switch off"
The periodic nature of inspiration and expira­ or inhibit inspiration and thus can regulate
tion is controlled by neurons located in the volume and rate. This center may be involved
pons and medulla. These have been designated in fine-tuning respiratory rhythm.
22 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

Cortex Brain
Blood vessel
Breathing is under voluntary control to a consid­
erable extent, and the cortex can override the Barrier
function of the brainstem within limits.
Voluntary hyperventilation is easy, and breath
holding is possible within limits.
Other parts of the brain, such as the limbic sys­
tem and hypothalamus, can alter the pattern of

The muscles of respiration, particularly the
diaphragm, were discussed in Chapter 1 (see FIGURE 2-6. The central chemoreceptors are bathed
Figs. 1-2 and 1-3). in brain extracellular fluid ( ECF) through which C0 2
easily diffuses from blood vessels to cerebrospinal
fluid ( CSF) . The COz reduces the CSF pH, thus stim­
Sensors ulating the chemoreceptor. H+ and HC03 ions can­
not easily cross the blood-brain barrier.
Ce ntra l C h e m o receptors

A chemoreceptor is a receptor that responds to a The normal pH of the CSF is 7.3 2 , and since
change in the chemical composition of the blood the CSF contains much less protein than blood,
or other fluid around it. The most important it has a much lower buffering capacity. As a
receptors involved in the minute-by-minute result, the change in CSF pH for a given change
control of ventilation are those situated near the in PCO2
Pco7 is greater than in blood. If the CSF pH is
ventral surface of the medulla. In animals, local -
displaced over a prolonged period, a compensa­
application of H+ or dissolved C02 to this area tory change in HC03 occurs as a result of trans­
stimulates breathing within a few seconds. At port of this ion across the blood-brain barrier.
one time it was thought that the medullary res­ However, CSF pH does not usually return all the
piratory center itself was the site of action of way to 7 . 3 2 . The change in CSF pH occurs more
C02, but it is now accepted that the chemore­ promptly tl1an the change of the pH of arterial
ceptors are anatomically separate. blood by renal compensation (Fig. 2-4), a process
The central chemoreceptors are surrounded by tl1at takes 2 to 3 days. Because CSF pH returns to
brain extracellular fluid (ECF) and respond to near its normal value more rapidly than blood
changes in its H+ concentration. An increase in pH, CSF pH has a more important effect on
H+ concentration stimulates ventilation, whereas changes in the level ofventilation and tl1e level of
a decrease inhibits it. The composition of the ECF the arterial Pco2 "
around the receptors is governed by the cerebral
spinal fluid (CSF), local blood flow, and local Peri p h e ra l C h e m o receptors
Of these, the CSF is apparently the most The peripheral chemoreceptors are the receptors
important. It is separated from the blood by the that are responsible for Bill's increase in ventila­
blood-brain barrier (FIGURE 2-6), which is rela­ tion at high altitude. They are located in the
tively impermeable to H+ and HC03 ions, carotid bodies at tl1e bifurcation of the common
although molecular C02 diffuses across it easily. carotid arteries and in the aortic bodies above
When the blood Pco7 rises, C02 diffuses into and below the aortic arch. The carotid bodies are
the CSF from the cerebral blood vessels, liberat­ the most important in humans. They contain
ing H+ ions that stimulate the chemoreceptors. glomus cells of two types. Type I cells show an
Therefore the C02 level in blood regulates ven­ intense fluorescent staining because of their large
tilation chiefly by its effect on the pH of the content of dopamine. These cells are in close
CSF. The resulting hyperventilation reduces the apposition to endings of the afferent carotid sinus
Pco2 in tl1e blood and therefore in tl1e CSF. The nerve (FIGURE 2-7A). The carotid body also con­
cerebral vasodilation tl1at accompanies an tains type II cells and a rich supply of capillaries.
increased arterial Pco2 enhances diffusion of The precise mechanism of the carotid bodies is
C02 into the CSF and tl1e brain ECF. still uncertain, but it is generally believed that the
Normal Physiology: Hypoxia 23


/- 75


<ll 25 -
� 25 -


ap 0 i==-1
50 100 500
Arterial P02 (mm Hg)
FIGURE 2-7. A. A carotid body wh ich responds to changes of Po2, P co2, and pH in a rterial blood. CNS, cen­
tra l nervous system; I, type I glomus cell; I I , type I I cell. B. The nonlinear response to arterial P02. The max­
imal response occurs below a P02 of about 50 mm H g .

glomus cells are the sites of chemoreception and may be useful in matching ventilation to abrupt
that modulation of neurotransmitter release from changes in Pco2 •
the glomus cells by physiological and chemical The peripheral chemoreceptors also respond
stimuli affects the discharge rate of the carotid to a fall in arterial pH. This is the main mecha­
body afferent fibers (Fig. 2-7B). nism responsible for the respiratory compensa­
The peripheral chemoreceptors respond to tion in patients with metabolic acidosis, as
increases in arterial Pco2 arid decreases in pH as described in relation to Figure 2-4B.
P o - They are unique
well as decreases in arterial P02.
among tissues of the body in thatthat their sensitivity
L u n g Recepto rs
to changes in arterial Po2 begins around 500 mm
Hg. Figure 2-7B shows that the relationship Pulmonary stretch receptors discharge in response to
between firing rate and arterial Po2 is very nonlin­ distension of the lung, and the impulses travel to
ear. Some change occurs with an arterial Po2 as the brain in the vagus nerve. The result is that
high as 500 mm Hg, but the response is much they inhibit further inspiration and therefore slow
greater when the Po2 falls below 70 mm Hg. The respiratory frequency, a phenomenon known as
carotid bodies have a very high blood flow for the Hering-Breuer inflation reflex. This was one
their size; therefore, despite their high metabolic of the first pulmonary reflexes to be described,
rate, the arterial-venous 02 difference is small. As but how important it is in humans is unclear.
a result, they respond to arterial rather than Irritant receptors are located in the airways and
venous Por The response of the receptors is very are stimulated by noxious gases, including ciga­
fast, and their discharge rate alters during the res­ rette smoke. The reflex effects include bron­
piratory cycle as a result · of the small cyclic choconstriction and increased ventilation
changes in blood gases. The peripheral chemore­ (hyperpnea). These are sometimes called rapidly
ceptors are responsible for all of Bill's increase in adapting pulmonary stretch receptors.
ventilation in response to arterial hypoxemia. In Juxtacapillary, or J receptors are located in the
fact, in the absence of these receptors, severe alveolar walls close to the capillaries. They
hypoxemia may depress respiration, presumably respond to engorgement of the capillaries and
through a direct effect on the respiratory centers. may be important in the rapid, shallow breathing
The response of the peripheral chemorecep­ and dyspnea (sensation of difficulty in breathing)
tors to arterial Pco2 is less than that of the central associated with interstitial lung disease and pul­
chemoreceptors. For example, when a normal · monary edema (see Chapters 5 and 7). Impulses
subject is given a C02 mixture to breathe, prob­ from the J receptors travel up the vagus nerves.
ably less than 20% of the ventilatory response Bronchial Cfibers are supplied by the bronchial
can be attributed to the peripheral chemorecep­ circulation and can cause rapid shallow breath­
tors. However, their response is more rapid and ing, bronchoconstriction, and mucus secretion.
24 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

Other receptors. Irritant receptors exist in the

nose, nasopharynx, larynx, and trachea, and
stimulation causes sneezing, coughing, bron­ 37

choconstriction, and laryngeal spasm. Joint and 50

muscle receptors may stimulate ventilation dur­ Alveolar P02
ing exercise. Arterial baroreceptors in the aortic
sinus can reflexly alter ventilation as a result of 47
1 1 0°
Cii 40 or 1 69 .
changes in blood pressure. Pain and temperature ll..
receptors can also affect ventilation. Ill
= 30

I ntegrated Responses 0

Now that we have looked at the various units that �
make up the respiratory control system (Fig. 2-5), > 20
let's examine the overall responses of the system
to changes in arterial Pco2 , Po2 , pH, and exercise.

R e s p o n s e to C a r b o n D i o x i d e
The most important factor in the control of ven­ 0
0 20
tilation under normal conditions is the Pco2 of 20
the arterial blood. The sensitivity of this control Alveolar Pco2 (mm Hg)
is remarkable. In the course of daily activity with
periods of rest and exercise, the arterial Pco2 is FIGURE 2-8. Ventilatory responses to C0 2 . Each
curve of total ventilation against alveolar Pco2 is for
probably held to within 3 mm Hg. During sleep
a different alveolar Po2. In this study, no d ifference
it may rise a little more. was found between a n alveolar Po2 of 1 1 0 mm H g
The ventilatory response to C02 can be a n d o n e of 1 69 m m Hg, although some investiga­
measured by having the subject inhale C02 mix­ tors have found that the slope of the line is slightly
tures or rebreathe from a bag so that the inspired less at the higher Po2.
Pco2 gradually rises. Bill had his response mea­
sured by rebreathing from a bag that was prefilled
with 7 % C02 and 93 % 02• As he rebreathed, breathing for a minute or so if he or she is first
metabolic C02 was added to the bag but the 02 overventilated by the anesthesiologist.
concentration remained high. The result was The ventilatory response to C02 is reduced by
that the Pco2 of the bag gas increased at the rate sleep, increasing age, and genetic, racial, and per­
of about 4 mm Hg/min, but the arterial Po sonality factors. Trained athletes and divers tend
never fell low enough for it to stimulate ventila= to have a low C02 sensitivity. Various drugs,
ti?n. When Bill's ventilation was plotted against including morphine and barbiturates, depress the
h1s alveolar Pco2 (using the end-expired value as respiratory center. Patients who have taken an
a measure of this), a straight line was obtained overdose of one of these drugs may have severe
with a slope of 2 1 min- I . mm Hg Pco2- I . hypoventilation. The ventilatory response to
C02 is also reduced if the work of breathing is

FIGURE 2-8 shows the results of other exper­

iments in which the inspired mixture was con­ increased. This can be demonstrated by having
tinually adjusted to maintain a different (but normal subjects breathe tlrrough a narrow tube.
constant) alveolar Po7• It can be seen that witl1 a The neural output of the respiratory center is not
normal Po2 , the ventilation increased by about reduced, but it is not so effective in producing
2 to 3 1 min-I for each 1 mm Hg rise in Pcor
Lowering the alveolar Po2 produced two effects:
a higher ventilation for a given Pco and a Response to Oxyg e n
steepening of the slope of the line. There is
considerable variation among subjects. Bill's ventilatory response to hypoxia was mea­
A reduction in arterial Pco2 is very effective in sured by having him rebreathe from a bag while
reducing the stimulus to ventilation. For exam­ he gradually consumed the 02• During this time
ple, an anesthetized patient will frequently stop the end-tidal Pco2 was held constant by absorbing
Normal Physiology: Hypoxia 25

some of the C02 in the bag. His arterial 02 satu­ role of this hypoxic stimulus in the day-to-day
ration was measured by a pulse oximeter, which control of ventilation is small. However, as we
determines the color of the arterial blood in the have seen, when Bill ascends to high altitude,
finger. When the ventilation was plotted against a large increase in ventilation occurs in response
arterial 02 saturation, a straight line was obtained to hypoxia; this helps to maintain the alveolar
with a slope of 1 .5 1 min-1 . % Sao2-I which is a
· , Po2 in the face of the low inspired Po2 (Fig. 2-2).
normal value. Bill was relieved to find that he had
a normal hypoxic ventilatory response because
there is some evidence that climbers with Response to p H
a reduced response tolerate extreme altitude
A reduction i n arterial blood pH stimulates ven­
poorly-bad news if you hope to climb Mt. Everest
tilation. We saw earlier in this chapter that
some day!
metabolic acidosis, as for example in uncon­
FIGU RE 2-9 shows the results of other studies
trolled diabetes mellitus, increases ventilation,
of ventilatory response when the alveolar Po2
with the result that these patients have both a
was reduced and the alveolar Pco2 was held con­
low pH and low Pco7 (point G in Fig. 2-4B).
stant at various values. It can be seen that when
The chief site of action of a reduced arterial pH
the alveolar Pco2 was kept at about 3 6 mm Hg,
is believed to be the peripheral chemoreceptors.
the alveolar Po2 could be reduced to about
However, it is possible that the central chemore­
50 mm Hg before any appreciable increase in
ceptors are also affected by a reduction in blood
ventilation occurred in these acute experiments.
pH if this is large enough. In this case, the
Raising the Pco2 increased the ventilation at any
blood-brain barrier apparently becomes partly
Po2 (compare with Fig. 2-8). When the Pco2
permeable to H+ ions.
was increased, a reduction in Po2 below 1 00 mm
Hg caused some stimulation of ventilation,
unlike the situation when the Pco7 was normal. Response to E x e rc i s e
Therefore, the combined effects of both stimuli
exceeded the sum of each stimulus given sepa­ We saw in Chapter 1 tl1at Ann increased her ven­
rately; this is referred to as interaction between tilation enormously during severe exercise.
the high C02 and low 02 stimuli. Figure 1-lB (see Chapter 1) shows that her venti­
Because the Po2 can normally be reduced so lation increased linearly with 02 consumption up
far without evoking a ventilatory response, the to a certain point, above which ventilation rose
more rapidly and was associated with a large
increase in lactate concentration in the blood. It is
0I remarkable that the cause of the increased venti­
60 lation during exercise remains largely unknown.
Arterial Pco7 does not increase during exer­
cise; indeed, during severe exercise (see right­
50 \
w hand part of Fig. 1 - 1 B), it typically falls slightly
\ because of the stimulation of ventilation by the
"-x 'x
40 Alveolar lactic acid. The arterial Po, usually increases
.E Pco2 slightly, altl1ough it may fair at very high work
Q 'x� 48.7 levels in elite athletes because of diffusion limi­
tation (see Fig. 1 -9). The arterial pH remains
� �- nearly constant in moderate exercise, but in
E 20

43.7 heavy exercise it falls because of the increase in
blood lactate (see Fig. 1 - l B). It is clear, there­
10 --------------- fore, that none of the mechanisms we have dis­
cussed so far can account for the large increase
Q L-�---L---L--�--��
0 in ventilation observed in moderate exercise.
20 40 60 80 1 00 1 20 1 40 Other stimuli have been suggested. We
Alveolar P02 (mm Hg) referred earlier to joint and muscle receptors
FIG URE 2-9. Venti latory responses to hypox i a . that may play a role. Another hypothesis is that
oscillations in arterial Po, and Pco with each
tidal volume may stimulate ventifarion even
W h e n t h e Pc02 is 36 mm Hg, almost no increase in
ventilation occurs u ntil the Po2 is reduced to about
50 mm H g . though the mean levels remain the same.
26 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

Another possibility is that the arterial Pco2 at an altitude of 4600 m ( 1 5 ,000 ft) is about
chemostat (by analogy with a thermostat) is set 3 3 mm Hg.
to a lower level on exercise. Impulses from the If Bill drives to an altitude of 3 800 m ( 12,5 00 ft)
motor cortex may be important, particularly in in a day, his ventilation increases through hypoxic
the early stages of exercise, and the increase in stimulation of his peripheral chemoreceptors.
body temperature may play a role. However, However, the resulting low arterial Pco2 and alka­
none of the theories proposed so far is com­ losis tend to inhibit this increase in ventilation.
pletely satisfactory. After a day or so, the CSF pH is brought partly
back by movement of bicarbonate out of the CSF,
and after 2 or 3 days, the pH of the arterial blood
D ACCLIMATIZATION AND is returned to near normal by renal excretion of
bicarbonate (Fig. 2-4B). These brakes on ventila­
tion are then reduced, and ventilation increases
H i g h -Altitude Acclimatization further. There is also evidence that the carotid
bodies increase tl1eir sensitivity to hypoxia if tlus is
When a lowlander such as Bill goes to high alti­ sustained.
tude, a whole series of responses takes place, a Persons born at high altitude tend to have a
process lmown as acclimatization. This is one of diminished ventilatory response to hypoxia that
the best examples of the way the human organism is only slowly corrected by subsequent residence
adapts to a hostile environment. The effectiveness at sea level. Conversely, those who are born at
of this process can be illustrated by pointing out sea level and who move to high altitudes retain
that if Bill were acutely exposed to the barometric their hypoxic response intact for a long time.
pressure at the summit of Mt. Everest (about 2 50 Apparently, therefore, tlus ventilatory response
mm Hg) in a low-pressure chamber, he would is determined early in life.
probably lose consciousness within a few minutes.
However, many acclimatized mountaineers have
now reached the summit of Mt. Everest without Polycyt h e m i a
supplemental oxygen. Another feature o f acclimatization to high altitude
is an increase in the red blood cell concentration
H y p e rve nti l a t i o n of the blood (polycythemia). The resulting rise in
hemoglobin concentration, and therefore 02 car­
We have already seen that hyperventilation rying capacity, means tl1at although the arterial
occurs at high altitude as a result of stimulation of Po2 and 02 saturation are diminished, the 02 con­
the peripheral chemoreceptors by hypoxemia, centration of the arterial blood may be normal or
and this has the effect of raising the alveolar and even above normal. For example, in permanent
Po, (Fig. 2-2). This is the most
therefore arterial Po residents at an altitude of 4600 m ( 1 5 ,000 ft) in the
important feature of ot acclimatization, and indeed Peruvian Andes, the arterial Po2 is only 45 mm
it is critically important at extreme altitudes. As Hg, and the corresponding arterial 02 saturation
mentioned earlier, Bill's ambition is to climb Mt. is only 8 1 % (see Fig. 1-14). Ordinarily, this would
Everest, and he hopes to do this without supple­ considerably decrease the arterial 02 concentra­
mentary oxygen. However, as Figure 2-1 shows, tion, but because of the polycythemia, tl1e hemo­
the barometric pressure on the summit is only globin concentration is increased from 1 5 to 1 9.8
about 2 5 0 mm Hg, giving an inspired PoJ of g dl-1 , giving an arterial 02 concentration of 2 2 .4

43 mm Hg. Therefore, from the alveolar -gas mJ . dl-1, wluch is above tl1e normal sea level value.
equation introduced earlier, if Bill maintained his The polycythemia also tends to maintain the Po2
normal alveolar ventilation, and therefore a Pco2 of mixed venous blood; typically, in Andean
of 40 mm Hg, and his respiratory exchange ratio natives living at 4600 m, this Po-J is only 7 mm Hg
was normal at 0.8, his alveolar Po2 would be 43 - below normal (FIGURE 2-10).
(40/0.8) = - 7 mm Hg! However, by increasing The stimulus for the increased production
his alveolar ventilation fivefold and thus reducing of red blood cells is the low arterial Po2 , wluch
his Pco2 to 8 mm Hg, he can raise his alveolar Po2 causes hypoxia in some kidney cells. These
to 43 - (8/0.8) =3 3 mm Hg. This value just release erythropoietin, wluch in turn stimulates
allows a small amount of physical activity. Of the bone marrow. As we shall see in Chapter 3 ,
course, Mt. Everest is a very extreme situation. polycythemia is also seen in patients witl1 chronic
Typically, the arterial Pco2 in permanent residents hypoxemia caused by lung disease.
Normal Physiology: Hypoxia 27
Inspired Alveolar Arterial Mixed venous muscle increases, mainly because the muscle
gas gas blood blood
fibers become smaller. There are also changes in
the oxidative enzymes inside tl1e cells. However,
the maximum 02 uptake declines rapidly above
1 50
4600 m ( 1 5 ,000 ft).

Acute Mounta i n Sickn ess

I 1 00 Newcomers to high altitude frequently com­
E plain of headache, fatigue, dizziness, palpita­
.s tions, insomnia, loss of appetite, and nausea.

0... Tllis is known as acute mountain sickness and is

probably caused by a combination of hypoxemia
and respiratory alkalosis. In most persons it dis­
appears after 1 to 3 days.

Chronic Mounta i n Sickness

Q L-------�
0 Long-term high-altitude residents sometimes
FIGURE 2-10. Po2 values from inspired air to mixed develop an ill-defined syndrome characterized
venous blood at sea level and in permanent resi­ by cyanosis, fatigue, reduced exercise tolerance,
dents at an altitude of 4600 m ( 1 5,000 ft) . Despite marked polycytl1emia, and severe hypoxemia.
the much lower inspired Po2 at the h i g h altitude, the This is called chronic mountain sickness and is
Po2 of the mixed venous blood is only 7 mm Hg best treated by descent if possible.

Although polycythemia of high altitude H igh-Altitude Pulmo nary Edema

increases the 02 carrying capacity of the blood, Lowlanders, such as Bill, who go to high altitude
it also raises the blood viscosity. This can be sometimes develop severe dyspnea, orthopnea
deleterious, and some physiologists believe that (dyspnea is worse on lying down), cough,
the marked polycythemia that is sometimes seen cyanosis, and rales (crackles) in tl1e lung; this
at high altitude is an inappropriate response. For may progress to tl1e point where they cough up
example, studies in the Peruvian Andes have pink, frothy fluid. This !ugh-altitude pulmonary
shown that some permanent residents with edema is life threatening and should be treated
severe polycythemia can increase their exercise by immediate descent. The mechanism is uncer­
ability if their red blood cell concentration is tain, but it is known to be associated with a high
decreased by removing blood. pulmonary artery pressure. When alveolar
hypoxia occurs in a region of lung, tl1ere is local
Oth e r Featu res of Acc l i m atizat i o n vasoconstriction of the small pulmonary arteries
in that region. This is known as hypoxic pul­
At moderate altitudes, there i s a rightward shift of nzona1·y vasoconstriction and is discussed in
the 02 dissociation curve (see Fig. 1-1 5) that results Chapter 6. At high altitude, where alveolar
in better unloading of 02 in venous blood at a hypoxia occurs tl1roughout the lung, pulmonary
given Po). The cause of the shift is an increase in vascular resistance increases and therefore pul­
concentration of 2 , 3 -diphosphoglycerate that monary artery pressure rises. How this causes
develops partly because of respiratory alkalosis. pulmonary edema is uncertain, but one hypoth­
However, tl1e rightward shift interferes with the esis is tl1at the arteriolar vasoconstriction is
loading of 02 in the lung. At extreme altitudes, a uneven and that leakage occurs in ru1protected,
leftward shift occurs because of the marked respi­ damaged capillaries. The edema fluid has a high
ratory alkalosis; this is advantageous because the protein concentration, indicating that the per­
increased 02 affinity of hemoglobin assists meability of the capillaries is increased.
uptake of 02 by the pulmonary capillaries. The Pulmonary edema is discussed in detail in
number of capillaries per unit volume in skeletal Chapter 7.
28 Pulmonary Physiology a n d Pathophysiology: A n Integrated, Case-Based Approach

H i g h -Altitude Cerebral Edema 2. Hyperventilation is a powerful strategy

for increasing the alveolar Po2 at high
Lowlanders going to high altitude occasionally altitude. It also results in a low alveolar
develop a condition characterized by confusion,
Pco2 and respiratory alkalosis.
ataxia (difficulty with walking), irrationality, hal­
lucinations, and eventually clouding and loss of 3. Hyperventilation at high altitude is
consciousness. Immediate descent is imperative. caused by stimulation of the peripheral
The mechanism is unclear, but the end result is chemoreceptors by the low arterial Po2•
leakage of fluid into the brain. 4. During normal breathing at sea level, the
most important stimulus to ventilation is
the arterial Pco2 via the central
Key Concepts
1 . The oxygen cascade in the body means 5. Features of acclimatization to high alti­
that the Po2 falls from its value of about tude include hyperventilation, poly­
1 50 mm Hg in inspired air to a few mm cythemia, increased capillary density, and
Hg in the vicinity of the mitochondria. changes in oxidative enzymes.
Normal Physiology: Hypoxia 29

Questions ( For answers, see p. 1 42)
For each question, choose the one best answer.

1 . The Po2 of moist inspired air (in mm 5.

5. A Hollywood socialite plans to climb Mt.
Hg) at an altitude o f 6500 m (barometric Everest (barometric pressure 247 mm
pressure 3 47 mm Hg) is: Hg) but wants to have the same Po2 in
A. 5 3 moist inspired gas on the summit as at
B. 63 sea level. What does the 02 concen-
c. 73 tration of the inspired gas (in %)
D. 8 3 need to be?
E. 93 A. 3 3
B. 55
2 . A healthy medical student breathing air
c . 67
voluntarily hyperventilates and doubles
D. 75
his alveolar ventilation for several min-
E. 86
utes. If his respiratory exchange ratio is
0.8 before and after the hyperventilation, 6. A patient with poliomyelitis and normal
approximately how much does his alveo- lungs is treated with mechanical venti-
lar Po2 rise in mm Hg? lation, and C02 production remains
A. 20 constant. Without changing total
B. 2 5 ventilation, the arterial Pco2 can be
c. 30 reduced by:
D. 3 5 A. Adding oxygen to the inspired gas
E . 40 B. Reducing the functional residual
3 . If a climber o n the summit o f Mt.
C. Increasing the tidal volume
Everest (barometric pressure 247 mm
D. Increasing the respiratory frequency
Hg) maintains an alveolar Po2 of 3 7 mm
E. Adding an external dead space
Hg and is in a steady state (R not greater
than 1), her alveolar Pco2 (in mm Hg) 7. The arterial Pco2 and bicarbonate
cannot be any higher than: concentration are both:
A. 1 5 A. Reduced in chronic respiratory acidosis
B. 12 B. Reduced in chronic metabolic alkalosis
c. 10 C. Elevated in chronic respiratory alkalosis
D. 8 D. Elevated in chronic metabolic acidosis
E. 5 E. Reduced by acute hyperventilation
4. The laboratory provides the following 8. Concerning the brainstem and its role
report on arterial blood from a patient: in ventilatory control:
pH 7.25, Pco2 32 mm Hg, and HCO :J A. The neurons that generate the breathing
concentration 25 mmol . 1-1• You con- rhythm are located in a small, well-
elude that there is: defined area.
A. Respiratory alkalosis with metabolic B. Its chemoreceptors are sensitive to
compensation changes in CSF pH.
B. Acute respiratory acidosis C. Its chemoreceptors are directly sensitive
C. Metabolic acidosis with respiratory to small changes in arterial pH.
compensation D. Its chemoreceptors are sensitive to
D. Metabolic alkalosis with respiratory changes in arterial Po2 •
compensation E. Its output cannot be overridden
E. A laboratory error voluntarily.
30 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

9. Concerning the peripheral 10. When a normal subject exercises by

chemoreceptors: walking along the street, the ventilation
A. They respond to an increase in arterial increases because:
blood pressure. A. Arterial Pco2 rises.
B. They have a low blood flow per unit tis­ B. Arterial Po2 falls.
sue mass. C. Arterial pH falls.
C. They do not respond to an increase in D. pH of the CSF falls.
arterial Pco2 • E. None of the above answers applies.
D. They respond to a decrease in arterial
Po r
E. They do not respond to a fall in arterial
/ C h a pter 3

Chronic O bstructive P ulmonary


0 Here we meet Chuck, a 60-year-old used-car

salesman with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease, one of the most common types of lung dis­
ease. First his clinical presentation is summarized,
including his history, physical examination, labora­
tory investigations, and pulmonary function tests. We then see how the pathology
and pathophysiology explain the findings.

List of Topics his life he has smoked two packs a day. During the
past 1 2 months, he has noted intermittent
Emphysema; chronic bronchitis; symp­ swelling of his ankles associated with exacerba­
toms and signs; lung volumes; pressure­ tions of respiratory infections. There is no family
volume curve of lung; uneven ventilation; history of lung disease.
As a used-car salesman, Charles is anxious to
dynamic compression of airways; arte­
be on first-name terms with his prospective
rial blood gases; ventilation-perfusion clients. His first request is "Please call me
inequality. Chuck," so we shall do this.

Physical Exa m i nation

The patient was dyspneic and somewhat florid in
appearance, with central cyanosis. Temperature
Charles is a 60-year-old used-car salesman whose was 3 8°C, blood pressure 1 50/80 mm Hg, and
chief complaint is severe shortness of breath over pulse 80 beats min- 1 • There was slight neck vein

the past 3 years. He was reasonably well until engorgement. The chest appeared overinflated
about 1 5 years ago, when he began to notice that and barrel shaped. On auscultation of the chest
he had to pause to catch his breath after climbing with a stethoscope, there was a generalized
a flight of stairs. Now he finds that he needs to decrease in intensity of breath sounds. Occasional
stop for breath after walking about half a block on rhonchi (whistling sounds) were heard over both
level ground. He has also had a chronic cough for lungs. The liver was palpable one finger below
about 1 5 years, and on several occasions each the right rib margin. There was mild sacral and
year, particularly in the winter, he has coughed up ankle edema.
yellow, purulent sputum. He started smoking cig­
arettes when he was 1 5 years old, and for most of I nvestigations
Hemoglobin concentration was 17 g dl-1. White

*The clinical findings are first briefly described here. Do not be con­
cerned if you cannot understand all the details, because they will be blood cell count was 9500 mm-3• Sputum cul­

referred to again later in the chapter. tures failed to grow pathogens. A chest radiograph
32 Pulmonary Physiology a n d Pathophysiology: A n Integrated, Case-Based Approach

FIGURE 3-1 . Chest radiographs. A. Normal appearance. B. Chuck's radiograph showing the typical pattern
of overinflation, including low. flat diaphragm, raised ribs, and a narrow mediasti n u m . There is a lso increased
transl ucency of the lung fields. The original film showed attenuation and na rrowing of peripheral pul monary
vessels, but these deta ils do not reproduce wel l .

showed overinflation and abnormally transradiant chest, and obvious ankle swelling. An arterial
lung fields (FIGURE 3-1 ). An electrocardiogram blood sample showed a Po2 of 42 mm Hg, Pco2
(ECG) showed right axis deviation with tall P of 55 mm Hg, and pH of 7 . 3 0 . The patient was
waves in lead 2 . Right heart catheterization yielded treated with oxygen, antibiotics, bronchodila­
a mean pulmonary artery pressure of 3 0 mm Hg; tors, and diuretics. However, his condition wors­
pulmonary artery wedge pressure was normal. ened, with increasing hypoxemia and a further
increase in arterial Pco-J · He died on the seventh
day after admission.
Exercise Test
The patient walked on a treadmill in the pul­ Autopsy Findings
monary function laboratory. His maximal oxygen
consumption was 1 .2 1 min- 1 •
At autopsy the lungs were voluminous and failed
to deflate normally. Some bronchi were filled with
secretions. A large lung section showed many
Treatment and Progress areas of parenchymal destruction (FIGURE 3-2).
Histologic examination revealed areas where the
The patient was treated with bed rest, oxygen,
alveolar walls were destroyed (FIGURE 3-3). Some
bronchodilators, and diuretics and gradually
bronchial walls had enlarged mucous glands
improved. He was advised to stop smoking and
(FIGURES 3-4 and 3-5).
was able to comply. He also received subjective
benefit from a rehabilitation program designed
for patients with chronic lung disease, although Diagnosis
this did not improve his Vo 2max. Chronic bronchitis and emphysema leading to
respiratory failure.
Su bseq uent History
The patient was admitted to the hospital
6 months later with an acute chest infection. His Chuck showed many of the common features of
temperature was now 3 9°C, and there was chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),
marked dyspnea with purulent sputum, cyanosis, and we can learn much by discussing his clinical
rales (crackles) and rhonchi in all areas of the findings, laboratory investigations, pathology,
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 33

rr -- N'
N' •

Ir 4

FIGURE 3-2. Appearance o f sl ices of normal and FIGURE 3-3. Microscopic appearance of emphyse­
emphysematous lung viewed with a hand lens. matous lung. A. Normal lung . B. Loss of alveolar walls
A. Norma l . B. Severe emphysema with obvious with consequent enlargement of air spaces and loss
breakdown of alveolar wal l s . of radial traction on small airways and blood vessels.

Epithelium -
Epithelium 1RJ�1Jfr\5J:H�•W
' 'f1J\O>
tilt �
ca: �Basement

-�--.:. ------
____ .

d .�Perichondrium

\ . \ �: -
Cartilage -- ·

FIGURE 3-4. Diagram of the structure of a normal bronchial wa l l . In chronic bronchitis, the thickness of
the m ucous glands increases (see F i g . 3-5 B ) . The th ickness can be expressed as the Reid i ndex, given by
(b - c)/(a - d).
34 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

The appearances shown in Figures 3-2 and

3-3 are typical of the disease emphysema. A useful
definition of this disease is that it is characterized
by enlargement of the air spaces distal to the terminal
bronchioles (see Fig. 1 -5), with destruction of their
walls. Strictly speaking, emphysema is defined
anatomically, and we rarely have the opportunity
of seeing lung tissue from a living patient.
We can make some predictions about the func­
tional abnormalities of the emphysematous lung
by looking at Figures 3-2 and 3-3 . Because the
normal architecture of the lung has been
destroyed, we might guess that its elastic behavior
has been altered and that lung volumes are abnor­
mal. We might further expect that the resistance
of the airways is increased because these are not
held open by the radial traction of the surround­
ing parenchyma (compare with the blood vessel in
Fig. 1-1 3). We might also predict that the resis­
tance to blood flow through the lung is increased
because many of the alveolar walls have been
destroyed, with the consequent loss of many pul­
monary capillaries.
Figure 3-4 is a drawing of the normal struc­
ture of a bronchial wall showing the epithelium,
FIGU RE 3-5. H istologic changes in chronic bron­ a subepithelial mucous gland, and cartilage. This
chitis. A. Normal bronch ial wa l l . B. B ronchial wall of will help us to identify the structures seen in the
Chuck's lung showing severe chronic bronch itis. normal histologic section of Figure 3-5A. By
Note the great hypertrophy of the mucous gla nds contrast, Figure 3-5B shows gross hypertrophy
and the cel l u la r infiltration accompanying the air­ of the mucous glands in the airway wall. (The
way inflam mation . appearances may be confusing at first until we
realize that essentially all the bronchial wall
and pathophysiology. Let's start with the struc­ between the epithelium and the cartilage is occu­
ture of the lungs, because many aspects of disor­ pied by the hypertrophied mucous glands.) As we
dered function flow naturally from this. shall subsequently see, these glands are responsi­
Figure 3-2A shows the appearance of a slice ble for producing the mucus that lines the air­
of normal human lung fixed in the expanded ways, and they have hypertrophied in response to
state as seen with a hand lens. Small airways are many years of insults from the inhaled tobacco
clearly visible (compare with Figs. 1 -4 and 1-5); smoke. The chronic inflammatory response has
these lead into the alveolar region of the lung, caused swelling of the bronchial walls, and some
often called the parenchyma. In Figure 3-2A, the of the airways will be blocked by the excessive
alveoli look generally uniform throughout the secretions. This condition is known as chronic
section. By contrast, in Figure 3-2B, which is at bronchitis, and the disease is characterized by exces­
the same magnification, the normal lung struc­ sive mucus production in the bronchial tree, sufficient
ture has clearly been grossly disturbed, and large to cause excessive expectoration ofsputum.
holes are visible where there should be fine alve­
olar tissue.
Additional information is given by micro­ 0 PHYSIOLOGY AND
scopic sections of the lung, as shown in Figure PATHOPHYSIOLOGY
3-3 . Figure 3-3A shows normal lung, and the
alveoli are clearly seen (compare with Fig. 1-12). Armed with this knowledge of the anatomic
The larger air spaces here are alveolar ducts (see pathology of Chuck's lungs, we can now discuss
Fig. 1-5). By contrast, in Figure 3-3B we can see the functional abnormalities that resulted in his
that large numbers of alveolar walls have been clinical presentation, laboratory investigations,
destroyed, leaving large air spaces. and subsequent history.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmona ry Disease 35

Clin ical Presentation The appearance of overinflation of the chest

suggests that lung volume was increased; this
Chuck's chief complaint was increasing short­ was confirmed by the measurements shown in
ness of breath, and we can already see some rea­ Table 3-1 , which will be discussed shortly. The
sons for this. His chronic bronchitis resulted in reduced intensity of the breath sounds is a com­
thickening of the bronchial walls and obstruc­ mon finding in patients with large lung volumes,
tion of some of them with secretions. His because these sounds are poorly transmitted to
emphysema left many of his airways poorly sup­ the chest wall. An additional factor may be the
ported and liable to collapse. However, a full destruction of alveolar tissue shown in Figures
analysis of why airway function was so abnormal 3-2B and 3-3 B. The fact that whistling sounds
must wait until later in this chapter. Chuck's were heard over both lungs is consistent with
complaint of ankle swelling will be considered in narrowing of some of the airways as a result of
the next section. bronchitis, thus causing local turbulence and the
generation of sounds. Airflow in the lung is con­
Physical Exam i n ation sidered in more detail in Chapter 4.
The neck vein engorgement, ankle edema
Chuck was described as "florid in appearance (referred to both in the history and physical
with central cyanosis." The suffused dark red examination), and palpable and therefore
coloration of his skin suggests an abnormally enlarged liver form a triad that is consistent with
high hemoglobin concentration, which was con­ right heart disease. As was noted earlier, the
firmed by the laboratory investigation showing destruction of many of the pulmonary capillaries
that this was 1 7 g dl-1 rather than the normal
· means that the resistance to the flow of blood
1 5 g dl- 1 • The central cyanosis (bluish coloring
· through the lungs (pulmonary vascular resis­
of the conjunctivae of the eyes and mucous tance) was increased. This is why the pulmonary
membranes of the mouth) suggests that the artery pressure was raised (see "Investigations")
blood had an abnormally low oxygen saturation and also explains the changes in the electrocar­
(see Fig. 1-14). This fits with the abnormally low diogram. Because the right heart is pumping
arterial Po2 of 5 8 mm Hg shown in TABLE 3-1. against an increased pressure over a long period,
The low arterial Po2 caused tissue hypoxia, and the filling pressure of the right heart is
in the kidney this resulted in the release of eryth­ increased, leading to neck vein engorgement, an
ropoietin that stimulated the bone marrow to enlarged liver, and dependent edema. The neck
produce more red blood cells. veins can be thought of as manometers measuring

Pulmonary Function Tests

Lung Volumes and Compliance Observed Predicted

VC (liters) 3.3 4.8
FRC (liters) by helium dilution 6.0 3 .7
FRC (liters) by body plethysmograph 6.5
6.5 3.7
TLC (liters) by body plethysmograph 8.1 7.1
Compliance ( I em Hp-1)
· 0.35 0.20
Forced Expiration
FEV, (liters) 1.3 3 .6
FVC (liters) 3.1 4.8
FEVIFVC% 42 75
FEF25_75% (I sec-1)
· 1 .4 3 .6
Arterial Blood Gases
P o2 (mm Hg) 58 85
Pco2 (mm Hg) 49 40
pH 7.36 7.40
36 Pulmonary Physiology a n d Pathophysiology: A n Integrated, Case-Based Approach

the pressure in the great veins. The presence of along with the abnormally high pulmonary
edema is explained by disturbance of the Starling artery pressure of 3 0 mm Hg (compare with Fig.
equilibrium regulating the movement of fluid 1-10). The tall P waves in lead 2 are consistent
across the systemic capillaries; this is discussed in with an enlarged right atrium caused by the high
detail in Chapter 7 . filling pressures for the right heart. It should be
noted that cardiac catheterization is rarely indi­
cated in this type of patient, and it is not clear
I nvestigati ons why this was done. However, it does allow us to
document the pulmonary hypertension. The
The white blood cell count of 9500 mm-3 was ·
pulmonary artery wedge pressure, which is
marginally raised, consistent with the low-grade measured by wedging the catheter into a small
infection of the bronchi. The finding that spu­ pulmonary artery, is a measure of pulmonary
tum cultures failed to grow pathogenic organ­
venous pressure; it is normal in this patient, indi­
isms is common in COPD patients and is at least
cating that there is no failure of the left side of
partly due to the fact that these patients are usu­
the heart.
ally given some antibiotics.
Figure 3-1 contrasts the patient's chest radi­
ograph witl1 that of a normal subject. The Pulmo nary Fu nction Tests
patient's lw1gs are overinflated, as evidenced by
the low, flat diaphragm, elevation of the ribs, and The results of the pulmonary function tests are
narrow mediastinum. This indicates an abnor­ shown in Table 3-1 and will be discussed in
mally large lung volume, which is confirmed by some detail. First let's look at the lung volumes.
the pulmonary function tests that will be consid­ Some of these can be measured with a spirome­
ered next. The original radiograph showed ter (FIGURE 3-6). During exhalation, the light­
abnormally dark lung fields, indicating that tl1e weight bell goes up and the pen goes down,
lung tissue absorbed less of the x-rays than a marking a moving chart. First, normal breathing
normal lung. This is not surprising in view of the can be seen (see tidal volume in Fig. 1-6). Next,
structure of the patient's lung shown in Figures the subject takes a maximal inspiration and fol­
3-2B and 3-3B. The destruction of much of tl1e lows this by a maximal expiration. The expired
alveolar tissue means that the lungs did not volume is called the vital capacity (VC). However,
absorb the x-rays as much as a normal lung. some gas remains in the lung after the maximal
The details of the ECG need not concern us expiration; this is the residual volume. The vol­
here, but the right axis deviation is consistent wne of gas in the lung after a normal expiration
with hypertrophy of the right heart, which goes is the functional residual capacity (FRC).

- - - - - - -A- - - - - - - - -�_
t A

6 lung
Spirom eter

1 -,d� -
2 4
:.J Pen


residu al Residual
al Resid
Resid ual .

volum e - .

ity volum .. -
capac ity ' · ' .. .. ..

0 ___________ t _____ i
FIGURE 3-6. Lung volumes. Total lung capacity, functional residual capacity, and residual volume cannot be
measured with the spirometer.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 37


. .
. .
. .
. .

,' .
I e • \l

. . . . �
I •
v2 e r

: . . .:
I • • • I


,"' .. .. .. - .. .. ... t. .. - - .. .. .. ,
·.. .. "' ..


Before equilibration After equilibration

c1 x v 1 = c2 x (V1 + V2)
FIGURE 3-7. M easurement of the fu nctional residual capacity (V2) by helium d i l ution .

Neither the FRC nor the residual volume can

be measured with a simple spirometer. However,
a gas dilution technique can be used, as shown in
FIGURE 3-7. The subject is connected to a
spirometer containing a known concentration of
helium, which is almost insoluble in blood. After
some breaths, the helium concentrations in the
spirometer and lung become the same. Since no
helium has been lost, the amount of helium PV = K
present before equilibration (concentration X
volume) is cl X VI and equals the amount after
equilibration, C2 X ( VI + V2 ). From this, Vz =

V1(C 1 - C2 )/C2 . In practice, Oz is added to the

spirometer during equilibration to make up for
the 0 2 consumed by the subject, and the C02
FIGURE 3-8. Measurement of functional residual
produced by the subject is absorbed.
capacity with the body plethysmograp h . When a
Another way of measuring the FRC is to use a
patient makes an inspiratory effort agai nst a closed
body plethysmograph (FIGURE 3-8). This is a airway, he or she sl ightly i ncreases the volume of
large airtight box, like an old telephone booth, in the lung, airway pressure decreases, and box pres­
which the patient sits. At the end of a normal sure i ncreases. From Boyle's law, lung volume is
expiration, a shutter closes the mouthpiece and obta ined (see text).
the patient is asked to make respiratory efforts.
As the patient tries to inhale, the gas in his or her
lungs expands slightly and lung volume increases, inspiratory effort, and the change in volume of
and therefore the box pressure rises since its the lung (which is the same as the change in vol­
volume is decreased. Boyle's law states that pres­ ume of the box), the preinspiratory volume that
sure times volume is constant (at constant tem­ is FRC can be derived.
perature). Therefore, knowing the pressures in Table 3-1 shows that Chuck's FRC was mea­
the box before and after the inspiratory effort, sured by these techniques, and that whereas the
and the preinspiratory box volume, we can cal­ helium method gave a volume of 6.0 liters, the
culate the change in volume in the lungs. Next, plethysmograph gave 6.5 liters. What is the rea­
Boyle's law is applied to the gas in the lung. son for the difference? The body plethysmo­
Since we know the pressures before and after the graph measures the total volume of gas in the
38 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: A n Integrated, Case-Based Approach

lung, including any that is trapped behind closed intrapleural space between the lung and chest
airways and therefore does not communicate wall is much smaller than between the lung and
with the mouth. By contrast, the helium dilution the bottle in Figure 3-9 makes no essential dif­
method measures only communicating gas, or ference. The intrapleural space normally con­
lung that is ventilated in the time allowed for tains only a few milliliters of fluid.
equilibration. In young normal subjects these Figure 3-9 shows that the curves that the
volumes are virtually the same. However, in lung follows during inflation and deflation are
patients like Chuck, there may be gas trapped different. This behavior is known as hysteresis.
behind obstructed airways, and there are cer­ Note that the lung volume at any given pressure
tainly regions of the lung that are so poorly ven­ during deflation is larger than during inflation.
tilated that they do not equilibrate. Therefore Also, the hmg without any expanding pressure
the helium volume is less than the plethysmo­ has some air inside it. In fact, even if the pressure
graph volume. around the lung is raised above atmospheric
Table 3-1 also shows that the FRC and total pressure, little furtl1er air is lost because small
lung capacity (TLC) of Chuck were considerably airways close, trapping gas in the alveoli. This
higher than the predicted values of men of his age airway closure occurs at higher lung volumes with
and height. To understand the reasons for this we increasing age and also in some types of lung
need to look at the elastic properties of the lung. disease, especially COPD, which Chuck had.
In Figure 3-9, tl1e pressure inside the airways
Pressure-Volume Cu rve and alveoli of the lung is the same as atmospheric
pressure, which is zero on the horizontal axis.
Suppose we take an excised animal (or human) (The pressure in the spirometer bell is atmo­
lung, cannulate the trachea, and place it inside a spheric.) Therefore this axis also measures the
jar (FIGURE 3-9). When the pressure inside the difference in pressure between the inside and
jar is reduced below atmospheric pressure, the outside of the lung. This is known as the
lung expands and its change in volume can be transpulmonary pressure and is numerically equal
measured with a spirometer. The pressure is to the pressure around the lung when the alveo­
held at each level, as indicated by the points, for lar pressure is atmospheric. It is also possible to
a few seconds to allow the lung to come to rest. measure tl1e pressure-volume curve of the lung
In this way, a pressure-volume curve of the lung shown in Figure 3-9 by inflating it witl1 positive
can be plotted. pressure and leaving the pleural surface exposed
In Figure 3-9, the expanding pressure around to the atmosphere. In this case, the horizontal
the lung is generated by a pump, but in humans axis could be labeled "airway pressure," and the
it is developed by an increase in volume of the values would be positive. The curves would be
chest (see Figs. 1-2 and 1-3 ) . The fact that the identical to those shown in Figure 3-9.

C Volume (I)
—* Volume 1 .0




0 -10 -20 -30

Pressure around lung (em water)

FIGURE 3-9. M easurement of the pressure-volume cu rve of excised l u n g . The lung is held at each pres­
sure for a few seconds while its volume is measured. The curve is nonlinear and becomes flatter at higher
expanding pressures. The inflation and deflation cu rves are not the same; this is called hysteresis.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 39

The slope of the pressure-volume curve, or The normal elastic behavior of the lung
the volume change per unit pressure change, is depends in part on the fibers of collagen and
known as the compliance. In the normal working elastin that can be seen in the alveolar walls and
range (intrapleural pressure of about -5 to -10 around the blood vessels and bronchi. When the
em water), the lung is remarkably distensible, or lung is inflated, these fibers are stretched or, more
very compliant. The compliance of the total probably, distorted, so they have a tendency to re­
human lung ( both left and right lungs together) turn to their original shape and therefore develop
is about 2 00 ml cm-1 water. However, at higher
· elastic recoil. However, in addition to these solid
expanding pressures, the lung becomes stiffer structures, the surface tension of the alveolar lining
and its compliance is smaller, as shown by the layer plays an important part in the elastic behav­
flatter slope of the curve. ior of the lung; this is considered in Chapter 6.
It is possible to measure a pressure-volume There is no evidence that abnormalities of surface
curve, such as that shown in Figure 3-9, in a liv­ tension play a part in the increased compliance of
ing patient such as Chuck. In this case, the pres­ Chuck's lung. Here, the destruction of the normal
sure around the lung is measured by means of a architecture is the important factor.
catheter inserted through the nose into the We have seen that the increase in lung volume
esophagus. Changes in esophageal pressure (for example, FRC) in Chuck is due to the
reflect changes in the pressure around the lung reduced elastic recoil of the lung. Strictly, the vol­
(intrapleural pressure) reasonably accurately. ume of the lung depends on a balance between
Typically, the patient is asked to breathe in to the inward recoil of the lung and the outward
TLC and then exhale in a series of volume steps recoil of the chest wall. The latter is presumably
while the pressure is measured. Normally, only normal in Chuck (at least in the early stages of the
the deflation limb of the pressure-volume curve disease). The interactions between the lung and
is recorded. The slope is generally measured chest wall are considered more in Chapter 5 .
over the working range of the lung, for example,
1 liter above FRC. Table 3-1 shows that for
Chuck, the lung compliance measured in this Regional Differences of Ventilation
way was 0.3 5 l em H20-1, which was substan­
i n the Lu n g
tially higher than the predicted value of 0.20.
The compliance of the lung is increased in So far we have tacitly assumed that all regions of
emphysema because the destruction of the nor­ the normal lung have the same ventilation.
mal architecture of the lung (Figs. 3-2 B and However, it has been shown that the lower regions
3-3 B) means that the normal elastic recoil is of the lung ventilate better than the upper zones.
reduced. The compliance also increases some­ This can be demonstrated if a subject inhales
what with age, possibly because of changes in the radioactive xenon gas (FIGURE 3-10). When the
elastic tissue of the lung. The compliance is xenon- 1 3 3 enters the counting field, its radiation
reduced by diseases that cause fibrosis of the penetrates the chest wall and can be recorded by a
lung, as we shall see in Chapter 5. bank of counters or a radiation camera. In this

133Xe 100
---+ counters Q)
E 80


�� � t
C 60


0 40

Q) 20
> Lower Middle Upper
0 zone zone zone
FIGURE 3-1 0. Demonstration of the regional differences in ventilation using radioactive xenon. When the
gas is inha led, its radiation can be detected by counters outside the chest. The ventilation decreases from
the lower to upper regions of the upright lung.
40 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

way, the volume of the inhaled xenon going to var­ expands a s the pressure around it is decreased
ious regions of the lung can be determined. (compare with Fig. 3-9). The pressure inside the
Figure 3 - 1 0 shows that in the normal lung, lung is the same as atmospheric pressure. Note
the ventilation per unit volume is greatest near that the lung is easier to inflate at low volumes
the bottom of the lung and becomes progres­ than at high volumes, where it becomes stiffer.
sively smaller toward the top. Other measure­ Because the expanding pressure at the base of
ments show that when the subject is in the the lung is small, this region has a small resting
supine position, this difference disappears, with volume. However, because it is situated on a
the result that the apical and basal ventilations steep part of the pressure-volume curve, it
become the same. However, in that posture, the expands well on inspiration. By contrast, the
ventilation of the lowermost (posterior) lung apex of the lung has a large expanding pressure,
exceeds that of the uppermost (anterior) lung. a big resting volume, and a small change in vol­
Again, in the lateral position (subject on the ume on inspiration.
side), the dependent lung is best ventilated. When we talk of regional differences of venti­
An explanation for these topographic differ­ lation, we mean the change in volume per unit
ences is shown in FIGURE 3-11 . It is now known resting volume. It is clear from Figure 3-1 1 that
that the intrapleural pressure is less negative at the base of the lung has both a larger change in
the bottom than the top of the lung. The reason volume and a smaller resting volume than the
for this is the weight of the lung. Anything that is apex. Therefore, its ventilation is greater. Note
supported requires a larger pressure below it the paradox that although the base of the lung is
than above it to balance the downward-acting relatively poorly expanded compared with the
weight forces, and the lung, which is partly sup­ apex, it is better ventilated. The same explanation
ported by the rib cage and diaphragm, is no can be given for the large ventilation of depen­
exception. The result is that the pressure near the dent lung in both the supine and lateral positions.
base is higher (less negative) than at the apex. A remarkable change in the distribution
Figure 3-1 1 shows the way in which the vol­ of ventilation occurs at low lung volumes.
ume of a portion of lung (for example, a lobe) FIGURE 3-12 is similar to Figure 3-1 1 except

OH WO 17-

. Intrapleural Intrapleural
pressure \./ pressure (RV)

1 00% 1 00%

Q) Q)
50% � 50% �
> >

0 0
+1 0 0 -10 -20 -30 +10 0 -10 -20 -30

Intrapleural pressure (em H20) Intrapleural pressure (em H20)

FIGURE 3-1 1 . Explanation of the regional differ­ FIGURE 3-12. Situation at residual vol u m e . Now
ences of ventilation down the l u n g . Because of the intrapleural pressures are less negative, and the
weight of the lung, the intrapleura l pressure is less pressure at the lung base actually exceeds ai rway
negative at the base than the apex. As a conse­ (atmospheric) pressure. As a consequence, ai rway
quence, the basa l lung is relatively compressed in closure occurs in this region, and no gas enters
its resting state, but expands better on inspiration with small inspirations. The alveoli at the lung base
than the apex . still conta in some a i r.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 41

that it represents the situation at residual volume regions of the lung may be only intermittently
(that is, after a maximal expiration; see Fig. 3-6). ventilated, which leads to defective gas exchange.
Now the intrapleural pressures are less negative, A similar situation frequently develops in patients
because the lung is not so well expanded and the with emphysema such as Chuck, in whom, again,
elastic recoil forces are smaller. However, the the lung has lost some elastic recoil.
differences between the apex and base are still
present because of the weight of the lung. The
intrapleural pressure at the base now actually Forced Expi ration
exceeds airway (atmospheric) pressure. Under
exceeds Forced expiration can be measured with a simple
these conditions, the lung at the base is not
spirometer. The forced expiratory volume (FEV1)
being expanded but compressed, and ventilation
is the volume of gas exhaled in 1 second by a
is impossible until the local intrapleural pressure
forced expiration from TLC. As we have seen,
falls below atmospheric pressure. By contrast,
the vital capacity is the total volume of gas that
the apex of the lung is on a favorable part of the
can be exhaled from TLC. Because the vital
pressure-volume curve and ventilates well.
capacity measured with a forced expiration is
Therefore, the normal distribution of ventilation sometimes smaller than that measured with a
is inverted, with the upper regions ventilating
slow expiration, the former is called the fo1'ced
better than the lower zones.
vital capacity (FVC). Table 3-1 shows that the
values for FVC and vital capacity in the case of
Airway Closure Chuck were 3 . 1 and 3 . 3 liters, respectively.
FIGURE 3-13A shows a typical normal trac­
The compressed region of lung at the base does ing. The volume exhaled in 1 second was 4.0
not have all of its gas squeezed out. In practice, liters, and the total volume exhaled was 5.0
small airways, probably in the region of respirato­ liters. Therefore the ratio of FEV1 to FVC was
ry bronchioles (see Fig. 1- 5), close first, thus trap­ 80% . However, the predicted values depend on
ping gas in the distal alveoli. This airway closure age, gender, and height (see Appendix A). The
occurs only at very low lung volumes in young FEV can be measured over other times, such as
normal subjects. However, in elderly, apparently 2 or 3 seconds, but the 1 -second value is the
healthy persons, airway closure in the lowermost most informative. When the subscript is omit­
regions of the lung occurs at higher volumes and ted, the period is 1 second.
may even be present at functional residual capac­ By contrast, Figure 3-1 3 B shows the tracing
ity (Fig. 3-6). The reason for this is that the aging obtained from Chuck, who has COPD. The rate
lung loses some of its elastic recoil, and at which the air was exhaled was much slower, so
intrapleural pressures therefore become less neg­ that only 1 . 3 liters were blown out in the first
ative, thus approaching the situation shown in second. In addition, the total volume exhaled
Figure 3-1 2 . In these circumstances, dependent was only 3 . 1 liters. Therefore the FEV1/FVC

A. Normal B. Obstructive C. Restrictive


secl secl

1 1 sec
FEV = 4.0 FEV = 1 . 3 FEV = 2.8
FVC = 5.0 FVC = 3 . 1 FVC = 3 . 1
% = 80 % = 42 %= 90
FIGURE 3-1 3. Forced expirations. A. Normal. B. Obstructive pattern . C. Restrictive pattern.
42 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

was reduced to 42 % . These figures are typical of very rapidly to a high value but then declines
severe obstructive disease. over most of the expiration. A remarkable fea­
Figure 3-1 3 C shows the typical pattern of a ture of this flow-volume envelope is that it is vir­
patient with severe restrictive disease, for exam­ tually impossible to get outside it. For example,
ple, pulmonary fibrosis. Here the FVC was no matter whether we start exhaling slowly and
reduced to 3 . 1 liters, but a large percentage (90%) then accelerate, as in B, or make a less forceful
was exhaled in the first second. This pattern will expiration, as in C, the descending portion of the
be discussed in more detail in Chapter 5. flow-volume curve takes virtually the same path.
Another measurement that i s often made on a Therefore something powerful is limiting expi­
forced expiration is the forced expiratory flow ratory flow, and over most of the lung volume,
(FEF2 5_75%). The middle half by volume of the flow rate is independent of effort.
total expiration is marked, and its duration is We can get more information about this curi­
measured. The FEF2 5_75% is the volume in liters ous state of affairs by plotting the data in another
divided by the time in seconds. Table 3-1 shows way as shown in FIGURE 3-1 5. For this, the sub­
that this value in Chuck was 1 .4 1 sec-1 • The
· ject takes a series of maximal inspirations (or
correlation between FEF2 5_75% and FEV1 is gen­ expirations) and then exhales (or inhales) fully
erally close in patients with obstructive pul­ with varying degrees of effort. If the flow rates
monary disease. The changes in FEF2 5_75'lf are and intrapleural pressures are plotted at the same
often more striking, but the range of normaf val­ lung volume for each expiration and inspiration,
ues is greater. so -called isovolume pressure-flow curves can be
obtained. It can be seen that at high lung vol­
Dynamic Compression of Ai rways umes, the expiratory flow rate continues to
increase with effort as might be expected.
The changes that take place in Chuck's airways However, at mid or low volumes, the flow rate
during a forced expiration are extremely impor­ reaches a plateau and cannot be raised by further
tant because they are a major source of his chief increases in intrapleural pressure. Therefore,
complaint, that is, shortness of breath, and they under these conditions, flow is effort-independent.
contribute greatly to his disability. However, to The reason for this remarkable behavior is
understand fully what is going on requires fur­ compression of the airways by intrathoracic
ther analysis. pressure. FIG URE 3-1 6 shows schematically the
Suppose a normal subject inhales to TLC and forces acting across an airway within the lung.
then exhales as hard as possible to residual vol­ The pressure outside the airway is shown as
ume (RV). We can record a flow-volume curve like intrapleural, although this is an oversimplifica­
A in FIGURE 3-1 4, which shows that flow rises tion. In A, before inspiration has begun, airway


FIGURE 3-1 4. Flow-volume curves. A. A maximal inspiration was followed by a forced expiration.
B. Expiration was initially slow and then forced. C. Expi ratory effort was submaximal. I n all three, the
descending portions of the curves are al most superi mposed.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 43

Expiratory H igh lung volume pressure is everywhere zero (no flow). Since
flow (!/sec) intrapleural pressure is -5 em water, there is a
pressure of 5 em water holding the airway open.
As inspiration starts (B), both intrapleural and
alveolar pressure fall by 2 em water (same lung
volume as A), and flow begins. Because of the
Mid volume pressure drop along the airway, the pressure
inside is -1 em water, and there is now a pressure
of 6 em water holding the airway open. At end­
Low volume inspiration (C), flow is again zero, and there is an
airway transmural pressure of 8 em water.
Finally, at the onset of forced expiration (D),
5 10 15 20 25 both intrapleural pressure and alveolar pressure
Intrapleural pressure increase by 3 8 em water (same lung volume as
(em H20) C). Because of the pressure drop along the air­
way as flow begins, there is now a pressure of
1 1 em water, tending to close the airway. Airway
compression occurs, and the downstream pres­
sure limiting flow becomes the pressure outside
the airway, or intrapleural pressure. Thus the
flow (I/sec) effective driving pressure becomes alveolar
minus intrapleural pressure. The basic reason is
FIGURE 3-1 5. l sovo l u m e p ressu re-flow cu rves that in a collapsible tube such as the airway, the
drawn for three l ung vol umes. Each of these was
pressure inside the tube at the point of compres­
obtained from a series of forced expirations and
sion is the same as the pressure outside the tube,
inspirations (see text) . At the high lung volume, a
rise in intrapleural pressure (obtained by increasing
and the mouth pressure becomes immaterial (see
expiratory effort) results in a greater expi ratory Fig. 6-8, in which the same situation occurs in a
flow. However, at mid and low vol umes, flow blood vessel). If intrapleural pressure is raised
becomes independent of effort after a certain further by increased muscular effort in an
intrapleural pressure has been exceeded. attempt to expel gas, the effective driving pres­
sure is unaltered because the elastic recoil of the
lung depends only on its volume (Fig. 3-9).
Therefore, flow is independent of effort.
Maximum flow decreases with lung volume
(Fig. 3-14) because the difference between alve­
olar and intrapleural pressure decreases (Fig.
3-9), and also the airways become narrower.
Also, flow is independent of the resistance of the
airways downstream of the point of collapse,
called the equal pTesszwe point. As expiration pro­
A. Preinspiration B . During inspir�tion gresses, the equal pressure point moves distally,
deeper into the hmg. This occurs because the
resistance of the airways rises as lung volume
falls, and therefore the pressure within the air­
ways falls more rapidly with distance from the
0 Several factors exaggerate tills flow-limiting
mechanism in Chuck. One is the loss of radial
traction on the airways by lung parenchyma
because of the destruction of the lung architec­
C . End-inspiration D . Forced expiration ture (Figs. 3-2B and 3-3 B). This means that the
FIGURE 3-16. Scheme showing why airways are airways are more easily compressed. Another is
compressed during a forced expiration. The pressure the increased resistance of the peripheral airways
difference across the airway is holding it open, except that comes about because many of these have
during a forced
forced expiration. (See text for details.) been destroyed by the emphysematous process,
44 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

along with the alveolar walls. The result is that

the pressure inside the airways falls more rapidly
as air moves from the alveoli toward the mouth.
Finally, the driving pressure (alveolar minus Powdered dye
dye V
intrapleural) is reduced in Chuck because his
lung compliance is increased. The result is that

whereas this type of flow limitation is only seen
during forced expirations in normal subjects, it .
. . . .
. .
. . . .
may occur during the expirations of normal V/Q
V/Q .

breathing in patients with severe COPD, such as . . ..

•• ... ••
. . . ••. ••. ..· .
• • . •
• • . •

. ••. *· I .
. • •
Chuck. This is a major factor limiting his . • •

* I ::::11:J .
increase in ventilation on exercise, and therefore Water .


. . .. .. · .

. . . . .. . .

his maximal oxygen uptake. Q

____.. ••. ••. .. .. . �
. . . .

. ·

Arteria l Blood Gases • �:

FIGURE 3-1 7. Model that i l l u strates how the

Table 3-1 shows that Chuck's arterial Po2 is only

ventilation-perfusion ratio determines the P o 2 in a
5 8 mm Hg, whereas the predicted normal value
lung unit. Powdered dye is added by ventilation at
is 8 5 mm Hg. Incidentally, you may ask why this the rate V and removed by blood flow 0 to repre­
predicted value is so much lower than Bill's in sent the factors controlling alveolar P o 2 . The con­
Chapter 2 . The answer is that the normal value centration of dye is given by V/0.
declines with age.
The reason for the reduction in arterial PoJ in
a patient like Chuck leads us into one of the is pumped (blood flow) will affect the concentra­
most difficult areas of pulmonary physiology. tion of dye in the model. What may not be intu­
Clearly, the reason is not a reduction of inspired itively clear is that the concentration of dye is
Poll as it was in the case of Bill. Furthermore, it determined by the ratio of these rates. In other
turns out that Chuck has adequate amounts of words, if dye is added at the rate of V g min-1 ·

both ventilation and blood flow going to his and water is pumped through at Q 1 min-1 , then ·

lung. The basic problem is that the matching of the concentration of dye in the alveolar com­
ventilation and blood flow in different areas has partment and effluent water is V/Q g 1-1 • ·

been disturbed by his disease, and this In exactly the same way, the concentration of
ventilation-perfusion inequality, as it is called, is oxygen (or better, the Po2) in any lung unit is
responsible for the hypoxemia. determined by the ratio of ventilation to blood
flow; this applies not only to 02 but also to C02,
N2 , and any other gas that is present under
Venti l ation-Perfusion Inequality
steady-state conditions. This is why the
ventilation-perfusion ratio plays such a key role
We can gain some insight into why the ratio of in pulmonary gas exchange.
ventilation to blood flow is important in gas Now let's take a closer look at the way alter­
exchange by referring to a simple model ations in the ventilation-perfusion ratio of a lung
(FIGURE 3-17}. The model is made of glass and is unit affect its gas exchange. FIGURE 3-18A shows
meant to represent a lung unit with an airway and the Po2 and P co2 in a unit with a normal
a blood vessel. Powdered dye is continuously ventilation-perfusion ratio of about 1 (compare
poured into the unit to represent the addition of with Fig. 1-6). The inspired air has a Po2 of
02 by alveolar ventilation. Water is pumped con­ 1 50 mm Hg (see Fig. 2-2) and a P co2 of zero. The
tinuously through the unit to represent the blood mixed venous blood entering the unit normally
flow that removes the 02. A stirrer mixes the alve­ has a Po2 of 40 mm Hg and P co2 of 45 mm Hg.
olar contents, a process normally accomplished The alveolar Po2 of 1 00 mm Hg is determined by
by gaseous diffusion. The key question is: What a balance between the addition of 0 2 by ventila­
determines the concentration of dye (or 02) in tion and its removal by blood flow (see Fig. 2-2).
the alveolar compartment, and therefore in the The normal alveolar Po2 of 40 mm Hg is set
effluent water (or blood)? similarly.
It is clear that both the rate at which the dye Now suppose that the ventilation-perfusion
is added (ventilation) and the rate at which water ratio of the unit is gradually reduced by
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 45

02 = 1 50 mm Hg
C02 = 0

02 =
=11 00
CO2 =
CO2 = 40
02 == 40
-----,02 7.--
� /"/"
--- 2!----- '""�
C02 ==
CO2 45
= 45

0 0--
Normal OO---+--�- A
Decreasing I ncreasing
FIGURE 3-1 8. Effect of altering the ventilation-perfusion ratio (VA/0) on the P02 and Pc02 in a lung unit.

obstructing its ventilation, leaving its blood flow effects of ventilation-perfusion inequality on gas
unchanged (Fig. 3-l SB). It is clear that the 02 in exchange by looking at the pattern in the normal
the unit will fall and the C02 will rise, although lung. This is shown in FIGURE 3-19. Here the
the relative changes of these two are not immedi­ lung is divided into a series of imaginary hori­
ately obvious. However, we can easily predict zontal slices, but only the values in the upper­
what will eventually happen when the ventilation most and lowermost slices in the lung are shown.
is completely abolished (ventilation-perfusion
ratio of zero). Now the 02 and C02 of alveolar
gas and end-capillary blood must be the same as
those of mixed venous blood. (In practice, com­
Vol VA I 66 l'iA/6
VAia P02
P02 Pco2 l PN2
PN2 l
o2 co2 pH o2 co2 !
cone. in out
(%) (I/ min) (mm Hg)
pletely obstructed units eventually collapse, but (( ml/100 ml)) (ml/min)
we can neglect such long-term effects at the
v- v-
1\ 1'\
moment.) We are assuming that what happens in
one unit out of a very large number does not
affect the composition of mixed venous blood. 7 .24 .07
3.3 1 32 28
553 20.0 42 7.51 4 8
Suppose, however, that the ventilation­
perfusion ratio is increased by gradually
/ iiI I

obstructing blood flow (Fig. 3-l SC). Now the 02 I Iv
I •\
v\ \
rises and the C02 falls, eventually reaching the
I \
1 \'\\' 'ss

composition of inspired gas when blood flow is
II \
abolished (ventilation-perfusion ratio of infinity).
I 11I
1 •
Thus as the ventilation-perfusion ratio of the
• I \ !11 49
, --
unit is altered, its gas composition approaches

,, , ,
-- '''
13 .82 1 .29 0.63 89 42 582 1 9.2 49 7.39 60 39
that of either mixed venous blood or inspired gas.
�� <e - - - - ..

'' '' '' '


Now, in Chuck's lung the destruction of the --

normal architecture (Figs. 3-2B and 3-3B) ''

means that there are areas of very different
ventilation-perfusion ratios scattered more or
less randomly throughout the lung; as a conse­
quence, it is difficult to understand the effects on
( ':)
gas exchange. However, it turns out that in the FIGURE 3-1 9. Regional differences in gas exchange
normal upright lung, the differences of down the normal lung. The lung is divided into a
ventilation-perfusion ratio are much less series of imaginary horizontal slices, but only the
extreme, but they are distributed in an orderly uppermost and lowermost values are shown for clar­
way. In fact, we can learn a good deal about the ity. (See text for details.)
46 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

P02 =
= 101
101 mm
mm Hg
B etween these extremes there is a gradual Hg
change, but the values are not shown on the dia­
gram because it would become too crowded.
The leftmost column shows that the volume
of a slice of lung is somewhat less near the apex
than the base, simply because of the shape of the
lung. The next column shows that ventilation is
less at the top of the lung than at the bottom, as
we saw earlier in this chapter (Fig. 3-10). The
next column shows that blood flow is very
uneven, with the apex of the lung only barely
perfused. Again, the culprit is gravity, and the
mechanism is discussed in Chapter 6. The net
result of these differences of ventilation and
blood flow is that the ventilation-perfusion ratio FIGURE 3-20. Depression of the a rterial P o2 by
is high near the top of the lung and relatively low ventilation-perfusion inequality. I n this d iagram of
near the bottom. the upright l u n g , only two g roups of alveol i at
We have already seen that the ventilation­ the top and bottom are shown. The relative sizes
perfusion ratio determines regional gas exchange. of the airways and blood vessels indicate thei r rel­
As Figure 3-1 8 implies, the high ventilation­ ative ventilations and blood flows . Because most
perfusion ratio at the top of the lung means that of the blood comes from the oxygenated base,
the Po2 there will be relatively high (compared depression of the blood P o 2 is i n evita ble.
with the bottom), and the Pco2 will be relatively
low. The difference in PN2 in the next column
comes about because the sum of the partial pres­ maintain as high an arterial Po2 or as low an
sures must add up to atmospheric pressure. The arterial Pco2 as a homogeneous lung, again with
02 and C02 dissociation curves (see Figs. 1-14 other things being equal.
and 1-17) mean that the 02 and C02 concentra­ The reason why a lung with uneven ventilation
tions in the blood draining from the lung units at and blood flow has difficulty oxygenating arterial
the top and bottom of the lung are different. The blood can be illustrated by looking at the differ­
fact that the Pco2 is relatively low at the top of the ences down the upright lung (FIGURE 3-20). The
lung means that the pH there is relatively high Po2 at the apex is some 40 mm higher than at the
(see Fig. 2-4). The differences in 02 uptake and base of the lung (compare Fig. 3-19). However,
C02 output shown in the last two columns are the major share of the blood leaving the lung
caused by both the differences of Po2 and Pco2 comes from the lower zones, where the Po2 is low.
and the differences of blood flow and ventilation. This has d1e result of depressing the arterial Po2 "
These regional differences of gas exchange By contrast, d1e expired alveolar ventilation
have some clinical consequences. For example, comes more uniformly from apex and base
the tendency for adult tuberculosis to occur in because the differences of ventilation are much
the apex of the lung can be explained by the high less than those for blood flow (Fig. 3-19). By the
Po2 there. The reason is that the tubercle bacil­ same reasoning, the arterial Pco2 will be elevated
lus thrives better in a Po2 of 1 3 0 than one of 90. since it is higher at the base of the lung than at the
However, while these regional differences of gas apex (Fig. 3-19).
exchange are of interest, more important to the An additional reason why uneven ventilation
body as a whole is whether mismatching of ven­ and blood flow depress the arterial Poe Po,- is shown
tilation and blood flow affects d1e overall gas in FIGURE 3-21. This depicts three groups groups of
exchange of the lung, that is, its ability to take up alveoli with low, normal, and high ventilation­
02 and put out C02• It turns out that a lung with perfusion ratios. The 02 concentrations of the
ventilation-perfusion inequality is not able to effluent blood are 1 6.0, 19.5, and 2 0.0 ml dl-1,

transfer as much 02 and C02 as a lung that is respectively. As a result, the units with the high
uniformly ventilated and perfused, od1er things ventilation-perfusion ratio add relatively litde
being equal. In addition, if the same amounts of oxygen to the blood compared with the decre­
gas are being transferred (because d1ese are set ment caused by the alveoli with the low
by the metabolic demands of the body), a lung ventilation-perfusion ratio. Therefore, the mixed
with ventilation-perfusion inequality cannot capillary blood has a lower 02 concentration than
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 47

mixed alveolar Po . In the upright normal lung

this difference is of trivial magnitude, being only
about 4 mm Hg as a result of ventilation­
perfusion inequality (Fig. 3-20). Its develop­
ment is described here only to illustrate how
uneven ventilation and blood flow must result in
depression of the arterial Po2 ' In lung disease,
the lowering of arterial Po2 by this mechanism
can be much greater, as we shall shortly see in
02 concentration 1 4.6 1 6.0 1 9.5 20.0 1 7.9 ml / 1 00 ml Chuck's case.
FIGURE 3-2 1 . Additional reason for the depres­
sion of arterial P o 2 by mismatching of ventilation
and b l ood flow. The l u n g u n its with a h i g h Dist ri b u t i o n s of Ve ntil atio n - P e rfusion
ventilation-perfusion ratio a d d relatively little oxygen Ratios
to the blood compared with the decrement caused
by alveoli with a low ventilation-perfusion ratio. It is possible to obtain information about the dis­
tribution of ventilation-perfusion ratios in
patients who have lung disease by infusing into a
that from units with a normal ventilation­ peripheral vein a mixture of inert gases having a
perfusion ratio. This can be explained by the very range of solubilities and measuring the concen­
nonlinear shape of the 02 dissociation curve trations of the gases in arterial blood and expired
(see Fig. 1-14), which means that although units gas. The details of this technique are too com­
with a high ventilation-perfusion ratio have a plex to be described here, and it is mainly used
relatively high Po
Pop-J , this does not increase the 02 for research purposes rather than in the pul­
concentration of their
their blood very much. This
their monary function laboratory. The technique
additional reason for the depression of Po2 in the returns a distribution of ventilation and blood
blood does not apply to the elevation of the Pco2 flow plotted against ventilation-perfusion ratio
because the C02 dissociation curve is almost lin­ with 50 compartments equally spaced on a loga­
ear in the working range (see Fig. 1 -1 7). rithmic scale.
The net result of these mechanisms is a FIGURE 3-22 shows a typical result from a
depression of the arterial Po2 below that of the young, healthy subject such as Ann or Bill. All

1 .5 r-

+- Ventilation
=: 1 .0 f- Blood flow�

� 0.5 f-

No shunt

0 �,
0 0.01 0.1
J 1 .0
� 1 0.0 1 00.0
Ventilation- perfusion ratio
FIGURE 3-22. Distribution of ventilation-perfusion ratios in a young, normal subject. Note the na rrow dis­
persion of both ventilation and blood flow and the absence of blood flow to u nventilated areas (shunt).
48 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach



� 0.2 +- Ventilation
No shunt
0 0.01 0.1 1 .0 1 0.0 1 00 . 0

Ventilation-perfusion ratio
FIGURE 3-23. Distribution of ventilation-perfusion ratios in Chuck, who has chronic bronchitis and emphy­
sema. There is increased blood flow to lung units with very low ventilation-perfusion ratios. There is also
i ncreased ventilation to u n its with abnorma lly high ventilation-perfusion ratios.

the ventilation and blood flow go to compart­ gas technique described in the last section is
ments close to the normal ventilation-perfusion available in specialized centers, but in most
ratio of about 1 .0 (compare with Fig. 1-6), and instances we turn to indices based on the result­
in particular, there is no blood flow to any ing impairment of gas exchange.
unventilated compartment (shunt). However, A useful measurement is the alveolar-arterial
FIGURE 3-23 shows that the distribution for Poz difference. This is obtained by subtracting
Chuck is very different. Although much of the the arterial P ol from the so-called ideal alveo­
ventilation and blood flow go to compartments lar Paz· The atter is the Paz that the lung
where the ventilation-perfusion ratio is near nor­ would have if there were no ventilation­
mal, considerable blood flow is going to compart­ perfusion inequality and the lung was exchang­
ments with ventilation-perfusion ratios of ing gas at the same respiratory exchange ratio
between 0.03 and 0. 3 . Blood from these units will as the real lung. It is derived from the alveolar
be oxygenated poorly and will depress the arte­ gas equation:
rial Po2 " These lung units are presumably those
supplied by partly obstructed airways caused by
retained secretions or swelling of the airway
walls; these are typical features of chronic bron­
chitis. There is also excessive ventilation to lung The arterial PcoJ is used for the alveolar value.
units with ventilation-perfusion ratios up to 10. As in our discuss-ion of Bill, we can neglect the
These units are inefficient at eliminating C02 . small correction factor F.
These overventilated but underperfused units Let's apply this equation to Chuck's blood
may be in regions of the lung shown, for example, gases. The inspired Paz while breathing air at
in Figures 3-2B and 3-3 B , where alveolar walls sea level is 149 mm Hg (see Fig. 2-2). His arteri­
have been destroyed and many of the capillaries al Pcoz from Table 3-1 is 49; assuming an R
have been obliterated but ventilation still occurs. value of 0.8, this means that the alveolar PoJ is ·

given by
M e a s u re m e nt of Ve nti l atio n - P e rfu s i o n 49 88
I n e q u a l ity
149 - 0 _ 8 = mm Hg

How can we assess the amount of ventilation­ Since his arterial Paz from Table 3-1 is 58 mm Hg,
perfusion inequality in a diseased lung? The inert the alveolar-arterial Paz difference is 30 mm Hg.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 49

This is a very high and abnormal value, confirming ventilation will raise the C02 output of lung
the existence of ventilation-perfusion inequality. units with both high and low ventilation­
perfusion ratios. By contrast, the almost flat top
Arteria l Pc02 of the 02 dissociation curve (see Fig. 1-14)
means that only units with moderately low
Table 3-1 shows that Chuck's arterial Pco2 is ventilation-perfusion ratios will benefit appre­
49 mm Hg. The normal value is 40 mm Hg, so ciably from the increased ventilation. Those
his value is abnormally high. The reason for the units that are very high on the oxygen dissocia­
increase is ventilation-perfusion inequality, just as tion curve (high ventilation-perfusion ratio)
this is the reason for the reduced arterial Po2 • increase the 02 concentration of their effluent
However, the mechanism in the case of C02 fre­ blood very little (Fig. 3-2 1). Those units that
quently causes confusion and warrants additional have a very low ventilation-perfusion ratio con­
discussion. tinue to put out blood with an 02 concentration
Imagine a lung that is uniformly ventilated and close to that of mixed venous blood. The net
perfused and that is transferring normal amounts result is that the mixed arterial Po2 rises only
of 02 and C02• Suppose that in some magical modestly, and some hypoxemia always remains.
way, the matching of ventilation and blood flow is Sometimes the increased arterial Pco2 in
suddenly disturbed while everything else remains patients like Chuck is attributed to "hypoventila­
unchanged. What happens to gas exchange? It tion." However, this is misleading. As described
transpires that the effect of this "pure" earlier, the primary cause is ventilation-perfusion
ventilation-perfusion inequality (that is, every­ inequality, and indeed patients like Chuck
thing else held constant) is to reduce both the 02 are moving more air into their alveoli (and into
uptake and C02 output of the lung. In other their lungs generally) than normal subjects.
words, the lung becomes less efficient as a gas Hypoventilation can cause an increased arterial
exchanger for both gases. Therefore, mismatch­ Pco2 , just as hyperventilation reduced the arterial
ing ventilation and blood flow must cause both a Pco2 in Bill at high altitude (see Fig. 2-2). Diseases
reduced Po2 and an increased Pco2 (C02 reten­ in which hypoventilation increases the arterial
tion, or hypercapnia), other things being equal. Pco2 are discussed in Chapter 9. However, it is
Confusion arises because patients such as misleading to attribute the C02 retention in a
Chuck with undoubted ventilation-perfusion patient such as Chuck to hypoventilation.
inequality often have a normal arterial Pco2 • The
reason for this is that whenever the chemorecep­ Arterial pH
tors (see Figs. 2-6 and 2-7) sense a rising Pco2 ,
there is an increase in the output of the respira­ As Table 3-1 shows, Chuck's arterial pH was
tory centers, which increases the action of the 7 . 3 6; that is, there was a mild acidosis. Because
respiratory muscles. The consequent increase in this was caused by an increased arterial Pco2 , the
ventilation to the alveoli often returns the arte­ mechanism is respiratory acidosis. By referring
rial Pco2 to normal. However, these patients can to the Davenport diagram shown in Figure 2--4
only maintain a normal Pco2 at the expense of (see Chapter 2), we can see that the pH was not
this increased ventilation to their alveoli; the ven­ reduced as much as we would expect from a Pco2
tilation in excess of what they would normally of 49 mm Hg if this were a pure respiratory aci­
require is sometimes referred to as wasted ventila­ dosis with the point moving to the left along the
tion and is necessary because the lung units with normal blood buffer line. Therefore there must
abnormally high ventilation-perfusion ratios are have been some renal compensation with con­
inefficient at eliminating C02• Such units are servation of bicarbonate, with the result that the
said to constitute an alveolar dead space. pH was returned some way toward the normal
While the increase in ventilation to a lung value of 7 .4. This means that his acid-base status
with ventilation-perfusion inequality is usually is best described as partially compensated respi­
effective at reducing the arterial Pco2 , it is much ratory acidosis.
less effective at increasing the arterial Por The
reason for the different behavior of the two gases Exercise Test
lies in the shapes of the C02 and 02 dissociation
curves. As Figure 1 - 1 7 (see Chapter 1) shows, the The exercise test showed that Chuck's maximal
C02 dissociation curve is almost straight in the oxygen consumption was only 1 .2 1 min-1 , ·.

working range, with the result that an increase in a grossly reduced value. Recall that Ann's Vo2 max
50 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

was 3 . 5 min-1 • There were several reasons for

age, even when there is no smoking history. This
Chuck's reduced exercise capacity. One of the suggests that the disease is related in some way
most important was the dynamic compression of to protease activity in the lung.
the airways during expiration (Fig. 3-16). The A current hypothesis is that excessive amounts
result was that the extent to which Chuck could of the enzyme lysosomal elastase are released from
increase his ventilation during exercise was neutrophils in the lung. This results in the
severely limited. In addition, his lung was very destruction of elastin, an important structural pro­
inefficient as a gas exchanger, as we can see from tein of the lung. In addition, neutrophil elastase
the reduced arterial Po2, the increased arterial cleaves type IV collagen, and there is evidence that
Pco2, and the increased alveolar-arterial Po2 dif­ this molecule is important in determining the
ference. Another factor was the pulmonary strength of the thin blood-gas barrier (see Fig. 1-7)
hypertension and resultant right heart failure, that makes up a major part of the pulmonary cap­
which limited the increase in cardiac output dur­ illary wall. This may lead to destruction of the
ing exercise, and therefore the delivery of oxygen alveolar wall. Experimental animals that have neu­
to the exercising muscles. trophil elastase instilled into their airways develop
histologic changes that are similar in many
respects to emphysema.
0 TREATM ENT AND PROGRESS The exact role of cigarette smoking is still
unclear, but it may work by stimulating
Oxygen was given to improve the hypoxemia, macrophages to produce neutrophil chemoat­
and bronchodilators reduced Chuck's airway tractants such as C5a or by reducing the activity
obstruction to some extent; bronchodilators are
of elastase inhibitors. In addition, many neu­
discussed in Chapter 4. Diuretics were adminis­
trophils are normally marginated (trapped) in
tered to reduce the amount of peripheral edema.
the lung, and this process is exaggerated by cig­
As we saw earlier, Chuck was readmitted to arette smoking, which also activates trapped
the hospital 6 months later with an acute chest
leukocytes. This is a very active area of current
infection, a common occurrence in patients with
chronic bronchitis. The rales (crackles) in his
Finally, because of the irrefutable evidence
chest developed as a result of retained secretions.
that cigarette smoking is a major etiologic factor
Worsening ventilation-perfusion inequality
in COPD, as well as a number of other lung and
reduced his arterial Po2 to 42 mm Hg, increased
heart diseases, physicians and medical students
his arterial Pco2 to 5 5 mm Hg, and resulted in a
have a clear responsibility to try to reduce the
more severe respiratory acidosis with a pH of
amount of their patients' cigarette smoking.
7.30. Unfortunately, his condition deteriorated
despite therapy, his arterial Pco2 rose to 65 mm
Hg, and he subsequently died. The increase in Key Co ncepts
arterial Pco2
Pcoz is often referred to as respiratory
Chapter 9).
failure (see Chapter 1. Emphysema is characterized by break­
down of alveolar walls, and chronic bron­
chitis reflects inflammation of the air­
ways. Together these conditions result in
The mechanisms responsible for chronic chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
obstructive pulmonary disease are still not fully 2 . Lung volumes are increased in COPD in
understood, and this is an active area of research. part because lung compliance is raised
However, there is no doubt that a major factor in by destruction of the normal lung
the development of Chuck's disease was the long architecture.
history of cigarette smoking. This caused chronic 3 . Dynamic compression of airways is a
bronchitis through repeated exposure of the air­ major factor in the dyspnea accompany­
ways to noxious cigarette smoke. It is also very
ing COPD.
likely that Chuck's emphysema was caused in
large part by cigarette smoking. A clue to the 4. The abnormal gas exchange in COPD
pathogenesis of this condition is that patients is caused by ventilation-perfusion
with a congenital deficiency of a 1 -antitrypsin inequality, which impairs both oxygen
often develop emphysema at a relatively early and carbon dioxide exchange.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 51

Questions (For answers, see p . 1 42)

For each question, choose the one best answer.

1 . Chronic bronchitis (in the absence of B. Compliance is the pressure change per
emphysema) is characterized by: unit volume change.
A. Loss of alveolar walls C. The compliance of the normal human
B. Hypertrophy of bronchial mucous lung is about 2 1 em H20-'.

glands D. If intrapleural pressure is raised above

C. Loss of radial traction around extra- alveolar pressure, the alveoli become
alveolar blood vessels airless.
D. Reduced lung elastic recoil E. In a patient, esophageal pressure can be
E. Loss of pulmonary capillaries used as a measure of intrapleural
2 . Which of the following cannot be mea-
sured with a simple spirometer and 6. A patient with emphysema is found to
stopwatch? have an abnormally low airflow rate dur-
A. Vital capacity ing the middle half of a forced expira-
B. Tidal volume tion. Which of the following contributes
C. Total ventilation to this compared with the normal state?
D. Residual volume A. Reduced strength of diaphragmatic
E. Breathing frequency contraction
B. Reduced pressure difference between
3 . Which of the following is typically
alveolar and intrapleural spaces
decreased in a patient with
C. Increased radial traction on intrapul-
monary airways
A. Total lung capacity
D. Decreased compliance of the chest wall
B. Residual volume
E. Decreased lung compliance
C. Functional residual capacity
D. Vital capacity 7. Suppose the ventilation-perfusion ratio
E. Lung compliance of a lung unit is gradually decreased by
partial obstruction of its airway. The fol-
4. A normal subject is connected to a
lowing is expected:
1 . 5-liter rubber bag containing 9%
A. Alveolar Po2 rises.
helium and rapidly rebreathes over
B. Pco2 of end-capillary blood rises.
10 seconds until the helium concentra-
C. pH of end-capillary blood falls.
tion in the bag and lung are the same. If
D. Base excess of end-capillary blood rises.
the final helium concentration is 3 % and
E. 02 saturation of end-capillary blood
the subject is at functional residual
capacity when he is connected to the
bag, the FRC (in liters) is: 8. A patient breathing air has an arterial
A. 2 Po2 of 49 mm Hg, Pco2 of 48 mm Hg,
B. 2 . 5 and respiratory exchange ratio of 0.8.
c. 3 What is the approximate alveolar-arterial
D. 3 . 5 difference for Po2 in mm Hg?
E. 4 A. 2 0
B. 2 5
5 . Concerning the pressure-volume behav-
c. 30
ior of lung:
D. 3 5
A. The pressure-volume curve is the same
E . 40
during inflation and deflation.
52 Pulmonary Physiology a n d Pathophysiology: A n Integrated, Case-Based Approach

9. The laboratory reports the arterial blood A. The Po2 is normal for the patient's age.
gases in a 50-year-old patient with severe B. There is COz retention.
lung disease as follows: Po2 60 mm Hg, C. There is respiratory alkalosis.
Pco2 1 10 mm Hg, and pH 7.20. You D. There is some renal compensation for
conclude: the alkalosis.
E. The patient is breathing air.
/ Ch apter 4


D Debra is a 3 0-year-old school teacher who has

had asthma for the past 20 years. This is character­
ized by periods of severe shortness of breath, partic­
ularly in the spring when the pollen count is high,
but also during exercise or exposure to cold air. First
we look at the pathological changes in the airways.
We then discuss patterns of airflow in the lung, the pressures during the breathing
cycle, the factors determining airway resistance, uneven ventilation, the pathogene­
sis of asthma, and the principles of action of bronchoactive drugs.

years ago, Debra experienced a severe attack

List of Topics
that responded poorly to bronchodilator drugs
Pathology of asthma; lung mechanics; gas and inhaled steroids. She became exhausted,
dehydrated, and very anxious. She eventually
exchange; airflow in the lung; convection
recovered but was hospitalized for 3 days. Apart
and diffusion in airways; airway resistance; from her asthma, Debra's health is good. She
pressures during the breathing cycle; site has never smoked cigarettes. Her mother also
of airway resistance; determinants of had asthma.
On examination during a typical attack, Debra
airway resistance; uneven ventilation; was dyspneic, orthopneic, and anxious. The
pathogenesis of asthma; principles of accessory muscles of respiration were active. The
bronchoactive drugs. lungs were hyperinflated, and musical rhonchi
could be heard in all areas by auscultation. The
pulse was rapid, and pulsus paradoxus was pres­
D CLIN ICAL FINDINGS ent (marked fall in systolic and pulse pressure
during inspiration). The sputum was scant and
Debra is a 3 0-year-old school teacher whose
viscid. The chest radiograph revealed hyperinfla­
main complaint is shortness of breath that
tion but was otherwise normal. No abnormalities
changes considerably in severity from time to
were found in other systems.
time. She is particularly affected in the spring
when the pollen count is high. She first began to
notice problems with breathing at the age of 9, D PATHOLOGY
when a diagnosis of asthma was made. Since
then, she has had frequent attacks of wheezing It was not possible to see the structure of Debra's
accompanied by runny nose and watery eyes. lung, but the pathology of asthma has been stud­
She likes to play tennis, but often exercise ied extensively. The airways have hypertrophied
brings on an attack. Another provocative factor smooth muscle that contracts during an attack,
is cold air when she goes outside in the winter. causing bronchoconstriction (FIGURE 4-18). In
She also tends to have attacks when she is under addition, there is hypertrophy of bronchial
stress, for example, at examination times. Three mucous glands, inflammation and edema of the
54 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

Mucus in
Mucus in

Normal Asthma

FIGURE 4-1. Bronchial wa l l in asthma (diagrammatic) . Note the hypertrophied, contracted smooth rin uscle,
edema, mucous gland hypertrophy, and secretion in the lumen.

bronchial wall, and extensive cellular infiltra­

tions, especially by eosinophils. The mucus is
abnormal; it is thick, tenacious, and slow­
moving. In severe cases, many of the airways are
occluded by mucous plugs, some of which may 2
be coughed up in the sputum. The sputum is
typically scant and white. Subepithelial fibrosis 3
is commonly seen in chronic asthma. In uncom­
plicated asthma, there is no destruction of alve­ 4
olar walls, as in emphysema, and there are no
11 111
copious purulent bronchial secretions, as in 5
5 11 111
chronic bronchitis. 5 10
FIGURE 4-2. Examples of forced expirations before
D PU LMONARY FUNCTION TESTS and after bronchodilator (b. d.) therapy in a patient
with bronchial asth ma.
As was the case with Chuck in Chapter 3 , the
changes in pulmonary function generally follow
clearly from the pathology.
The response of these indices of expiratory flow
rate to bronchodilator drugs is of great importance
Ve nti latory Capacity in asthma (FIGURE 4-2). They can be tested by
a n d M echanics administering 0.5% albuterol by aerosol from a
nebulizer for 2 minutes. Typically, all indices
During an attack, all indices of expiratory flow increase substantially when a bronchodilator is
rate are reduced significantly, including the administered to a patient during an attack, and the
forced expiratory volume (FEV1 ), FEV/FVC% change is a valuable measure of the responsiveness
(see Fig. 3-1 3), and forced expiratory flow of the airways. The extent of the increase varies
(FEF2 5-75%)- The forced vital capacity (FVC) is according to the severity of the disease. In status
also usually reduced because airways close pre­ asthmaticus, such as Debra had when she was hos­
maturely toward the end of a maximal expiration. pitalized for 3 days, little change in the flow rates
Between attacks, some impairment of ventilatory may be seen because the bronchi have become
capacity can usually be demonstrated, although unresponsive. Again, patients in remission may
the patient may claim to feel normal. The pattern show only minor improvement, although gener­
of a forced expiration is often very similar to that ally there is some.
seen in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease In addition to plotting volume against time
(see Fig. 3-1 3 B). during a forced expiration (see Fig. 3 - 1 3),
Asthma 55
8 8
■—■ B
6 6
F l ow
\\ Normal
rate 4
4 Obstructive
Obstructive Restrictive
2 2

6 4 2 0 8 6 4 2 0
Lung volume ( £) Lung volume (£ )
FIGURE 4-3. Expiratory flow-volume curves. A. Norma l . B. This figure contrasts the obstructive and restric­
tive patterns (compare with F i g . 3-14) .

flow-volume curves are often measured in 140

1 40 .-----,----,,---.---�
patients with obstructive and restrictive lung dis­ .<> Emphysema
ease. Examples are shown in FIG URE 4-3. After
administration of a bronchodilator, flows are Normal
higher at all lung volumes, and the whole curve valve
valve diseas
may shift as the total lung capacity (TLC) and
residual volume (RV) are reduced. Note that
although Figure 4-3 shows changes in TLC and
RV, this information is not available from a sim­
ple flow-volume curve. 20
Static lung volumes are increased, and
remarkably high values for functional residual 0 10 20 30 40 50
capacity (FRC) and TLC during asthma attacks
have been reported. The increased RV is caused Pressure (em H20)
by premature airway closure toward the end of a FIGURE 4-4. Pressu re-volume cu rves of the lung.
maximal expiration as a result of the increased The cu rves for emphysema and asthma (during
smooth muscle tone, inflammation and edema of bronchospas m ) are sh ifted upward and to the left
the airway walls, and abnormal secretions. The (i ncreased compliance), whereas those for rheu­
cause of the increased FRC and TLC is not fully matic valve disease and i nterstitial fibrosis a re flat­
understood. However, there is some loss of elas­ tened (reduced compliance).
tic recoil in these patients, and the pressure­
volume curve is shifted upward and to the left
(FIGURE 4-4) . The pressure-volume curve tends was discussed in Chapter 3. In view of the patho­
to return toward normal after administration of a logical changes in the airways (Fig. 4-1), it is not
bronchodilator. It is possible that changes in the surprising that there is much uneven ventilation.
surface tension of the alveolar lining layer are However, there is also uneven blood flow, some
partly responsible for the altered elastic proper­ of which may be caused by hypoxic pulmonary
ties (see Chapter 6). The increase in lung volume vasoconstriction in regions of the lung where the
tends to decrease the resistance of the airways by ventilation has been reduced by the airway
increasing the radial traction exerted by the sur­ changes. Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction is
rounding lung parenchyma. The FRC measured dealt with in Chapter 6. It is also possible that
by the body plethysmograph is usually consider­ mediators released during the asthmatic process
ably larger than that found by helium dilution, (see below) constrict some of the blood vessels as
reflecting the presence of occluded airways or the well as the airways. The alveolar-arterial Po2 dif­
delayed equilibration of poorly ventilated areas. ference is typically increased, as in chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease.
Gas Exch a n ge An example of a distribution of ventilation­
perfusion ratios in a young person with asthma is
Arterial hypoxemia is common in asthma and is shown in FIGURE 4-5 (compare with Fig. 3-2 3).
caused by ventilation-perfusion inequality, as This patient had only mild symptoms at the time
56 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

1 .4 1 .4
1: 1:
·r:; PRIOR TO ·r:; 5 MIN. POST
::J 1 .2
� 1 .0 �
0 1 .0
;;:::: Pa02 = 81 Ventilation ;;:::: Pao2 =
Pao2 = 70
0 0.8 -g0 0.8
:a :a
....0 0.6 0 0.6
.2 0.4

0.4 Blood Flow
Blood Flow

2 0.4
2 0.4 Blood
Blood Flow
0.2 E o.2
No Shunt Cl)
> > 0
0 /No
/No Shunt
0 0.01 0.1 1 .0 1 0.0 1 00.0 0
0 0.01 0.1 1 .0 1 0.0 1 00.0
Ventilation-perfusion ratio Ventilation-perfusion ratio
FIGURE 4-5. Distribution of ventilation-perfusion FIGURE 4-6. M e a s u rements from the s a m e
ratios i n a patient with asthma. Note the bimodal patient as i n Figure 4-5 after the administration of
appearance with approximately 25% of the total the bronchodilator isoproterenol by aerosol. Note
blood flow going to units with ventilation-perfusion the increase in blood flow to the u n its with low
ratios i n the region of 0.1 (compare with Fig. 3-23). ventilation-perfusion ratios and the corresponding
fall in a rterial P02.

of the measurement. However, the distribution effects of the drugs on airway resistance far
was strikingly different from the normal distri­ exceed the disadvantages of the mild additional
bution shown in Figure 3-2 2 . Note especially hypoxemia.
the bimodal distribution with a considerable The absence of shunt, that is, blood flow to
amount of the total blood flow (approximately unventilated lung units, in Figures 4--5 and 4--6
2 5 %) going to units with low ventilation­ is striking because persons with asthma exam­
perfusion ratios (approximately 0. 1). This ined at autopsy have mucous plugs in many of
accounts for the patient's mild hypoxemia, the their airways. Presumably, the explanation is col­
arterial Po2 being 8 1 mm Hg. However, there lateral ventilation that reaches lung situated
was no pure shunt (blood flow to unventilated behind completely closed bronchioles. This is
alveoli), a surprising finding in view of the discussed later (see Fig. 4-1 3 C). The same mech­
mucous plugging of airways that is a feature of anism probably occurs in many patients with
the disease. chronic bronchitis, because they also typically
When this patient was given the bronchodila­ do not have a shunt (see Fig. 3 -2 3) but probably
tor isoproterenol by aerosol, there was a sub­ some airways are completely occluded by
stantial increase in forced expiratory flow. Thus, retained secretions.
there was some relief of the bronchospasm. The The arterial Pco2 in patients with asthma is
changes in the distribution of ventilation­ typically normal or low, at least until late in the
perfusion ratios are shown in FIGURE 4-6. The disease. The Pco2 is prevented from rising by
blood flow to the low V/Q alveoli increased increased ventilation to the alveoli in the face of
from approximately 2 5 % to 50% of the total the ventilation-perfusion inequality (see the dis­
flow, resulting in a fall in arterial Po2 from 8 1 to cussion of arterial Pco2 in the patient with
70 mm Hg. The mean V/Q of the low mode chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in
increased slightly from 0 . 1 0 to 0. 14, indicating Chapter 3). In many patients with asthma, the
that the ventilation to these units increased Pco2 may be in the middle or low 3 0s, possibly
slightly more than their blood flow. as a result of stimulation of the peripheral
Many bronchodilators decrease the arterial chemoreceptors by the hypoxemia, or of stimu­
Po2 in persons with asthma. The mechanism of lation of intrapulmonary receptors. In status
the increased hypoxemia is apparently relief of asthmaticus, the arterial Pco2 may begin to rise
vasoconstriction in poorly ventilated areas. This and the pH to fall. This is an ominous develop­
vasoconstriction presumably results from the ment that denotes impending respiratory failure
release of mediators, similar to the bronchocon­ and signals the need for urgent and intensive
striction. However, in practice, the favorable treatment.
Asthma 57

D PHYSIOLOGY AND where P is �he dri�ing pressure (�P in Fig.

4-7A); r, radms; n, VIscosity; and 1, length. It can
be s�en that the flow rate is proportional to the
OF THE AIRWAYS dnVlllg pressure, or P = K V. Since flow resis­
The major functional abnormalities in Debra's tance (R) is driving pressure divided by flow,
�ung .are in the airways. To understand fully what rearrangement of the previous equation gives
IS gomg on, we need to discuss the principles of 8nl
a�rflow through t?e airways. The anatomy of the R=

mrways was bnefly reviewed in Chapter 1

(see Figs. 1-4 and 1-5). Note the critical importance of the tube radius:
If the radius is halved, the resistance increases
16-fold! How�ver, doubling the length only
Airflow through Tu bes doubles the resistance, other things being equal.
If air flows through a tube (FIGURE 4-7), a dif­ Not� also that the viscosity of the gas, but not its
ference of pressure exists between the ends. The density, affects the pressure-flow relationship in
pressure difference depends on the rate and pat­ pure laminar flow.
tern of flow. At low flow rates, stream lines are Another feature of laminar flow when this
parallel to the sides of the tube (Fig. 4-7A). This is fully developed is that the gas in the center
is known as laminar flow. As flow rate is of th� tube moves twice as fast as the average
increased, unsteadiness develops, especially at velocity. Therefore, a spike of rapidly moving
branches. Here, separation of the stream lines gas travels down th� axis of the tube (Fig.
from the wall may occur, with the formation of +:- ?A). This. changmg velocity across the
local eddies (Fig. 4-?B). This is sometimes diameter of the tube is known as the velocity
referred to as transitionalflow. At still higher flow profile.
rates, complete disorganization of the stream Turbulent flow has different properties. Here
lines is seen; this is turbulence (Fig. 4-?C). the pressure is not proportional to the flow rate
The pressure-flow characteristics for laminar but, approximately, to its square: P KV • In

flow were first described by the French physician addition, the viscosity of the gas becomes rela­
Poiseuille. � straight circular tubes, the volume t�vely unimportant, but an increase in gas den­
flow rate (V) is given by Sity mcreases the pressure drop for a given flow.
T�rbulent flow does not have the very high
. P1rr4 . that is characteristic of lami­
V= -
axtal flow velocity
nar flow.

Laminar Turbulent

r) CA?)
C ''M



I-- ,:`

FIGURE 4-7. Patterns of a i rflow in tubes. In (A), the flow is lamina r; in (8), it is transitional with eddy for­
mation at branches; and 1n (C), 1t I S turbulent. Resistance is ( P1 - P2 )/flow.
58 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

Whether flow will be laminar or turbulent 500 I

depends to a large extent on the Reynolds num­ I
ber (Re). This is given by I
2rvd 400 I
Re = n I
"' I
where d is density; v, average velocity; r, radius; (.) I
ro I
and n, viscosity. Because density and velocity are Q) I

in the numerator and viscosity is in the denomi­ <a 300 •

Cii I
nator, the expression gives the ratio of inertial to c I
0 I
viscous forces. In straight, smooth tubes, turbu­ u
Q) I

(/) I
lence is probable when the Reynolds number
exceeds 2 000. The expression shows that turbu­
200 Conducting f Respiratory
(.) zone /+- zone-*
lence is most likely to occur when the velocity of I
Cii I
flow is high and the tube diameter is large (for a I
given velocity). Note also that a low-density gas 1
1 00 I
such as helium tends to produce less turbulence I

for a given flow rate. I

' Terminal
In such a complicated system of tubes as the "
bronchial tree (see Fig. 1--4), with its many A-•-S •-•-• ..,.. _.AI _J_
branches, changes in caliber, and irregular wall 0 5 10 15 20 23
surfaces, the application of the above principles
Airway generation
is difficult. In practice, for laminar flow to occur,
the entrance conditions of the tube are critical. If FIGURE 4-8. Diagram showing the extremely rapid
eddy formation occurs upstream at a branch increase in total cross-sectional a rea of the airways
in the respiratory zone (compare with Fig. 1 -5). As a
point, this disturbance is carried downstream
result, the forward velocity of the gas d uring inspira­
some distance before it disappears. Therefore, in tion becomes very small in the region of the respi­
a rapidly branching system such as the lung, fully ratory bronchioles, and gaseous diffusion becomes
developed laminar flow (Fig. 4-7A) probably the chief mode of ventilation beyond this.
only occurs in the very small airways where the
Reynolds numbers are very low (approximately 1
in terminal bronchioles during resting breath­
ing). In most of the bronchial tree, flow is tran­ This shows a plot of the total cross-sectional
sitional (Fig. 4-7B), whereas true turbulence area of each airway generation, using the ideal­
may occur in the trachea, especially on exercise, ization of the human airways according to
when flow velocities are high. In general, driving Weibel's model (see Fig. 1-5). To derive Figure
pressure is determined by both the flow rate and 4-8, first the cross-sectional area of the trachea
its square: P K1V + K2V 2 •
= (generation 0) is measured, then the cross­
sectional areas of the right and left main bronchi
(generation 1) are added together, and so on for
Convection and Diffusion the subsequent airway generations. There is little
difference in total cross-sectional area down to
in Ai rways
about generation 10, but after about generation
The previous section and Figure 4--7 describe 1 6, which represents the terminal bronchioles,
the principles of convective flow, which occurs the cross-sectional area increases extremely
in most of the airways. However, deep in the air­ rapidly.
ways in the vicinity of the terminal bronchioles, Because the volume flow through each gener­
another mechanism of gas transport begins to ation is the same, this very large cross-sectional
become important, and in the alveolar region area means that the forward velocity of the gas is
this mechanism is dominant. This process is dif­ greatly reduced in the very small airways. In fact,
fusion within the airways. It is caused by the in the most peripheral generations, the forward
random movement of molecules of gas that con­ velocity by convective flow becomes so small
tinually bounce off each other. The reason diffu­ that diffusion takes over as the dominant mech­
sion becomes important in the periphery of the anism of gas transport. The rate of diffusion of
airway system can be seen from FIGURE 4-8. gas molecules within the last few generations of
Asthma 59

airways is so rapid, and the distances to be cov­ Inspiration

Inspiration Expiration
ered are so short (a few millimeters), that differ­ 0
ences in concentration are virtually abolished 0.1
within a second. 0.2
This change from predominantly convective 3
flow to diffusive transport has important conse­ 5
quences. One is that inhaled dust tends to be Intrapleural
deposited in the region of the terminal and res­ —6
—6 (cm H2O)
(cm H2O)
piratory bronchioles. The dust particles, B
—7 B
although small, are orders of magnitude more —7
massive than the gas molecules. As a result, their —8
—8 B'
diffusion rates are very small. Consequently, 0.5
they are not able to diffuse into the most periph­
eral generations of the airways, and they tend to
settle out in the region of the terminal and res­ —0.5
piratory bronchioles. This is discussed further in 1 —
Chapter 8 (see Fig. 8-5). 1 — Alveolar
(cm H2O)
(cm H2O)

Measurement of Ai rway Resistance —1

Airway resistance is the pressure difference FIGURE 4-9. Vol u mes, flows, and pressures d u r­
between the alveoli and the mouth divided by the ing the breathing cycle in the normal l u n g . (See text
flow rate (Fig. 4-7). Mouth pressure is easily for details.)
measured with a manometer, and flow rate with a
flowmeter. Alveolar pressure is more difficult to
obtain, but it can be deduced from measurements
made in a body plethysmograph (see Fig. 3-8). closely related to flow rate. Indeed, because
The subject breathes in and out rapidly, and the mouth pressure is zero, if airway resistance were
pressure in the box is measured. At the onset of constant during the breathing cycle, the changes
inspiration, the pressure in the alveoli falls as the in alveolar pressure would accurately reflect those
alveolar gas is slightly expanded. The result is of flow.
that the gas in the box is slightly compressed, and The only challenging panel in Figure 4-9 is
the change of volume in the box (and the lung) B. Intrapleural pressure falls during inspiration,
can be calculated. If lung volume is known, this partly because of the increased elastic recoil of
change in volume can be converted into alveolar the lung (compare with Fig. 3-9). This would
pressure using Boyle's law. take intrapleural pressure along the broken line
ABC. In fact, if lung compliance is constant dur­
ing the breath, the shape of the curve ABC
Pressures d u ring would be identical to the volume changes in
panel A. However, there is an additional reason
the Breathing Cycle
why intrapleural pressure falls during inspira­
To fully understand the functional consequences tion. This is the reduction in alveolar pressure
of the narrowing of Debra's airways, we need to (panel D), which is necessary for flow to occur.
analyze the pressures in the alveolar and Therefore, in panel B, intrapleural pressure
intrapleural spaces during breathing. As already actually falls along the solid line AB 'C. The ver­
discussed in Chapter 3 , a useful measure of tical distance between the two lines ABC and
intrapleural pressure can be obtained from a bal­ AB 'C reflects the alveolar pressure at any
loon catheter in the esophagus. instant, as shown in panel D. As an equation of
FIGURE 4-9 shows typical changes in a normal pressures, (mouth - intrapleural) (mouth -

subject. Panel A shows that lung volume increases alveolar) + (alveolar - intrapleural).
during inspiration and decreases during expira­ Because Debra's airways are narrowed (Fig.
tion. Panel C shows the corresponding flow rate, 4-1 B), airway resistance is greatly increased.
with flow increasing during inspiration and then The result is that with normal flow rates, the
falling to zero at the end of inspiration before it swings in alveolar pressure will be much greater,
reverses. Panel D shows that alveolar pressure is and intrapleural pressure will also have much
60 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

larger deflections when flow is occurring. In early chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. It is
fact, even during resting expiration, intrapleural likely that the earliest changes in chronic bronchi­
pressure may exceed atmospheric pressure. tis occur in the region of the terminal bronchi­
oles, where, as was discussed earlier, much of the
pollutant dust settles (see Fig. 8-5). However,
Chief S ite of Ai rway Resistance because these small airways constitute a "silent
zone," it is probable that considerable small air­
As the airways penetrate toward the periphery of way disease can be present before the usual mea­
the lung, they become more numerous but much surements of airway resistance can pick up an
narrower (see Figs. 1-4 and 1-5). Based on abnormality.
Poiseuille's equation with its (radius)4 term, it In Debra's lungs during an asthma attack,
would be natural to think that the major part of most of the airways are narrowed as a result of all
the resistance lies in the very narrow airways. the factors shown in Figure 4-1B, and airway
Indeed, this was thought to be the case for many resistance is probably increased in all genera­
years. However, it has now been shown by direct tions of the airways down to the terminal
measurements of the pressure drop along the bronchioles.
bronchial tree that the major site of resistance is in
the medium-sized bronchi and that the very small
bronchioles contribute relatively little resistance.
FIGURE 4-10 shows that most of the resistance Factors Determ i n i n g Airway
occurs in the airways up to about the seventh gen­ Resista nce
eration. Less than 20% of the resistance can be
attributed to airways less than 2 mm in diameter. B ro n c h ia l S m ooth M u s c l e
The reason for this apparent paradox is the prodi­ All but the smallest peripheral airways have
gious number of small airways; although each smooth muscle in their walls (Fig. 4- 1).
individual airway has a high resistance, the very Contraction of this muscle narrows the airways
large number in parallel have a low resistance. and increases their resistance. This may occur
The fact that the peripheral airways contribute reflexively through the stimulation of receptors
so little resistance is important in the detection of in the trachea and large bronchi by irritants such
as cigarette smoke. Motor innervation is by the
vagus nerve. Irritant receptors in the airways
were briefly discussed in Chapter 2 .
• The resting tone (degree o f contraction) of
.08 1- •
the airway smooth muscle is under the control of

the autonomic nervous system. This is discussed
• in more detail later in this chapter in connection
u with bronchoactive drugs. Stimulation of
� .06 t-
• - .Br adrenergic receptors causes bronchodilation,
(§C\J as do epinephrine and norepinephrine and drugs
I such as isoproterenol. Parasympathetic activity

� causes bronchoconstriction, as does acetyl­
Q) .04 f­ - choline. In addition, a fall of Pco2 in alveolar gas
c: •

rn causes an increase in airway resistance, appar­
.o2 f- bro hi r •
bron ioles _
ently as a result of a direct action on bronchiolar
smooth muscle.

• L u n g Vo l u m e

•• •• • • .
• • Lung volume has an important effect on airway
0 5 10 15 20 resistance. Like the extra-alveolar blood vessels
Airway generation (see Fig. 1-1 3), the bronchi are supported by the
FIGURE 4-10. Location of the chief site of airway radial traction of the surrounding lung tissue,
resistance. The intermediate-sized bronchi con­ and their caliber is increased as the lung
tribute most of the resistance, and relatively little is expands. FIGURE 4-11 shows that as lung vol­
located i n the very small airways. ume is reduced, airway resistance rises rapidly.
Asthma 61
4 4 Uneven Venti lation Determ ined

from the Single- Breath
-'!: 0 Nitrogen Test

3 3 I

0"' E Suppose a patient takes a single vital capacity

I �
E inspiration of oxygen and then slowly exhales to
� -'!:
(I) residual volume. If we measure the nitrogen
(1) 2 2
Conductance concentration at the mouthpiece with a rapid
C'Cl c nitrogen analyzer, we record a pattern as shown
u; C'Cl
'ii5 tl in FIGURE 4-12. Four phases can be recognized.
� :l
>- "0
C'Cl 1 c In the first, which is very short, pure oxygen is
2: 0 exhaled from the upper airways and the nitrogen
<( concentration is zero. In the second phase, the
nitrogen concentration rises rapidly as the
0 2 4 6 8 anatomic dead space is washed out by alveolar
gas. This phase is also short.
Lung volume (I)
The third phase consists of alveolar gas, and
FIGURE 4-1 1. Effect of l u ng vol u me on airway the tracing is almost flat in normal subjects.
resistance (AWR). If the reciprocal of airway resis­ This is known as the alveolar plateau. In patients
tance or conductance is plotted, the graph is nearly
with uneven ventilation such as Debra, the
a straight line.
third phase steadily rises, and the slope is a
measure of the inequality of ventilation. It is

If the reciprocal of resistance (conductance) is

plotted against lung volume, an approximately
linear relationship is obtained, with conductance
falling to very low levels at small lung volumes.
At very low lung volumes, the small airways
may close completely (see Fig. 3-1 2). As indi­
cated earlier, Debra has increased lung volumes,
especially during an asthma attack. The result is
that the airway resistance is reduced below what

it would be if lung volume were normal. We saw
in Chapter 3 that Chuck, who had chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease, also breathed at a
high lung volume (see Table 3-1). Indeed, it
probably would be impossible for Chuck to TLC

breathe at all at a normal volume because his air­ ;g

ways would be closed! c 40

c 30
G a s D e n s ity a n d Viscosity c
Gas density and viscosity affect the resistance (1)
offered to flow, as discussed earlier. For exam­
g 10
ple, flow resistance increases during a deep z
dive because the greatly increased pressure 0
raises gas density. Breathing a helium-oxygen
mixture is then beneficial because helium is 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

much less dense than nitrogen. The fact that Lung volume (.£)
changes in density rather than viscosity have FIGURE 4-1 2. S i n g le-breath n itrogen test of
such an influence on resistance is evidence that uneven venti lation. Phase 3 is the a lveolar plateau ,
flow is not purely laminar in the medium-sized a n d the slope of this is a measure of the i nequality
airways, where the main site of resistance lies of ventilation. The onset of phase 4 indicates the
(Fig. 4- 1 0). closing vol u me ( CV ) .
62 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

A. Parallel B. Series C. Collateral
FIGURE 4-13. Three mechanisms of uneven ventilation. A. Flow to regions behind partly obstructed air­
ways is reduced. B. D ilatation of a small ai rway may result in impaired diffusion a long a terminal l u n g unit.
C. Lung units behind completely obstructed ai rways may receive inspired gas from neighboring un its .

expressed as the percentage increase in nitro­ is known as collate1'al ventilation and appears to
gen concentration per liter of expired volume. be an important process in asthma because, as
In carrying out this test, the expiratory flow Figures 4-5 and 4-6 show, patients with
rate should be less than 0.5 1 . sec-1 to reduce asthma typically have no shunt (completely
the variability of the results. unventilated but perfused lung) even though
The reasons for the rise in concentration in some of their airways are completely occluded
phase 3 are not fully understood. Apparently, by mucous plugs. The same mechanism prob­
some regions of lung are poorly ventilated and ably occurs in patients with chronic bronchitis
therefore receive relatively little of the breath of (see Fig. 3 -2 3 ).
oxygen. These areas therefore have a relatively
high concentration of nitrogen because there is
Closi n g Vol u m e
less oxygen to dilute this gas. Also, these poorly
ventilated regions tend to empty last. Toward the end o f the expiration shown in
Three possible mechanisms of uneven venti­ Figure 4-1 2 , the nitrogen concentration rose
lation are shown in FIGURE 4-13. In A, the abruptly, signaling the onset of phase 4. The vol­
region is poorly ventilated because of partial ume of the onset of phase 4 above residual vol­
obstruction of its airway, and, because of this ume is called the closing volume, and the closing
high resistance, the region empties late. In fact, volume plus the residual volume is sometimes
the rate of emptying of such a region is deter­ known as the closing capacity. In practice, the
mined by its time constant, which is given by the onset of phase 4 is obtained by drawing a straight
product of its airway resistance (R) and compli­ line through the alveolar plateau (phase 3) and
ance (C). The larger the time constant (RC), the noting the last point of departure of the nitrogen
longer it takes to empty. This mechanism is tracing from this line. This is difficult to measure
known as parallel inequality of ventilation. in severe lung disease.
Figure 4-1 3 B shows a different mechanism, The mechanism of the onset of phase 4 is not
known as series inequality. Here there is dilata­ fully understood, but many researchers believe
tion of peripheral air spaces, causing differences that it is caused by closure of small airways in the
of ventilation along the air passages of a lung lowest part of the lung. At residual volume just
unit. This type of uneven ventilation may occur before the single breath of oxygen is taken, the
in patients with emphysema who have destruc­ nitrogen concentration is virtually uniform
tion of lung parenchyma (see Figs. 3 -2B and throughout the lung, but the basal alveoli are
3-3 B). Under these conditions, the concentra­ much smaller than the apical alveoli in the
tion of inspired gas in the most distal airways upright subject because of distortion of the lung
remains low. Again, these poorly ventilated by its weight (see Fig. 3-12). However, at the end
regions empty last. of a vital capacity inspiration, all the alveoli are
Figure 4- 1 3 C shows another form of series approximately the same size. Therefore, the
inequality that occurs when some lung units nitrogen concentration at the apex is diluted
receive their inspired gas from neighboring much less than that at the base by the breath of
units rather than from the large airways. This oxygen.
Asthma 63

During the subsequent expiration, the upper

and lower zones empty together and the
Antigen ___..
expired nitrogen concentration is nearly con­ /:>. Contraction
stant (Fig. 4-12). However, as soon as depen­ /:>.

dent airways begin to close, the higher nitrogen

concentration in the upper zones preferentially
affects the expired concentration, causing an
abrupt rise. Moreover, as airway closure pro­
ceeds up the lung, the expired nitrogen pro­ LMast cell I
i Mediators:
gressively increases. 00
Histamine -
However, studies show that in some subjects, / 0

the closing volume is the same in the weightless­ Chemotactic factors

ness of space as in normal gravity. This unex­ Bradykinin etc.
pected finding suggests that compression of
dependent lung is not the only mechanism, and ()�
0�""� �
c a� ill.,...
Capillary )
ary )
it emphasizes how uncertain we are about this I ncreased permeability
and other inflammatory changes
The volume at which airways close is very age FIGURE 4-14. Some pathogenic changes in a l ler­
gic asthma . (See text for deta ils.)
dependent, being as low as 10% of the vital
capacity in young subjects but increasing to 40%
(that is, approximately the FRC) at about age 65.
There is some evidence that the test is sensitive (FIGURE 4--14). However, in other types of asthma,
to small amounts of disease. For example, appar­ such as exercise-induced asthma or asthma follow­
ently healthy cigarette smokers sometimes have ing a viral respiratory tract infection, the trigger is
increased closing volumes when their ventilatory not recognized. Atmospheric pollutants, especially
capacity is normal. submicronic particles in automobile exhaust gases,
may also play a role.
A single inflammatory cell type or inflamma­
0 PATHOGE NESIS OF ASTHMA tory mediator does not appear to be responsible
for all the manifestations of asthma. Eosinophils,
This is a convenient place to briefly discuss the mast cells, neutrophils, macrophages, and
physiological principles of bronchoactive drugs basophils have all been implicated. There is also
because of their great importance in the man­ evidence that noninflammatory cells, including
agement of asthma. However, an introductory airway epithelial cells and neural cells, especially
section on the pathogenesis of asthma is neces­ those of peptidergic nerves, contribute to the
sary. Rapid progress is being made in this area, inflammation. Some investigators believe that
and the following account will no doubt be mod­ eosinophils play a central effective role in most
ified before long. cases of asthma. There is also evidence that lym­
Two features that appear to be common to all phocytes, especially T cells, are implicated, both
persons with asthma are airway hyperrespon­ because they respond to specific antigens and
siveness and airway inflammation. Recent because they play a role as a modulator of
research suggests that the hyperresponsiveness is inflammatory cell function.
a consequence of the inflammation, and some Many inflammatory mediators have been iden­
investigators believe that airway inflammation is tified in asthma. Cytokines are probably impor­
responsible for all the associated features of tant, particularly those associated with Th-2 ,
asthma, including the increased airway respon­ helper T-cell activation. These cytokines include
siveness, airway edema, hypersecretion of granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating fac­
mucus, and inflammatory cell infiltration. tor, interleukin-3 (IL-3), IL-4, IL-5, and IL- 1 3 .
However, a fundamental abnormality of airway It is believed that these cytokines are a t least
smooth muscle or regulation of airway tone is partly responsible for modulating inflammatory
possible in some patients. and immune cell function and for supporting the
The trigger for the development of airway inflammatory response in the airway. Other
inflammation cannot always be identified. It is well inflammatory mediators that probably play a role,
recognized in some instances, as in the case of particularly in acute bronchoconstriction, include
some antigens in persons witl1 allergic asthma arachidonic acid metabolites, such as leukotrienes
64 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

and prostaglandins, platelet-activating factor Corticosteroids

(PAF), neuropeptides, reactive oxygen species,
Corticosteroids appear to have two separate func­
kinins, histamine, and adenosine.
tions: They inhibit the inflammatory/immune
Asthma also has a genetic component.
response, and they enhance f3 receptor expression
Population studies show that it is a complex
or function. Inhaled corticosteroids are now
genetic disorder with both environmental and
increasingly used in the management of asthma.
genetic components.
Some physicians argue that all patients with
asthma benefit from inhaled corticosteroids.
D BRONCHOACTIVE DRUGS However, other physicians feel that patients who
experience symptoms less than three times a week
D rugs that reverse or prevent bronchoconstric­ and whose conditions are easily controlled with
tion have a major role in the management of intermittent /32 agonists or a symptom-based
asthma. They are also useful in those patients treatment plan do not require corticosteroids.
with chronic bronchitis who have some A wide variety of inhaled corticosteroids are now
reversible airway obstruction. The principles, currently available and, when used as directed,
rather than details, of their use will be consid­ result in minimal systemic absorption of cortico­
ered briefly. steroids with almost no serious side effects.

j3-Adrenergic Agonists Methylxanth i nes

/3-Adrenergic receptors are of two types. The mechanism of action of methylxanthines,
/31 receptors exist in the heart and elsewhere, including theophylline and aminophylline, is
and their stimulation increases heart rate and uncertain. They have modest anti-inflammatory
the force of contraction of cardiac muscle. properties and are also bronchodilators,
Stimulation of /3 2 receptors relaxes smooth although they are much less potent than /32 ago­
muscle in the bronchi, blood vessels, and nists. The therapeutic dose is close to the toxic
uterus. Partially or completely /3 2 -selective dose, but they are still useful in the management
adrenergic agonists have now completely of chronic asthma. Measurement of blood levels
replaced nonselective agonists in the treatment is an aid to developing the correct dose and
of asthma. Available drugs include albuterol, avoiding side effects.
terbutaline, and pirbuterol. These agents have
an intermediate duration of action. Long­
acting agents, such as salmeterol and for­ Anticholinergics
moterol, are also available or approved for use
There is evidence that the parasympathetic
on a regular schedule, not for acute relief of
nervous system may play a part in the asthma
symptoms. All these drugs bind to /3 2 receptors
reaction. However, anticholinergics have only a
in the lungs and directly relax airway smooth
modest bronchodilating effect, and only in a
muscle by increasing the activity of adenyl
subset of patients with asthma. By contrast,
cyclase. This in turn raises the concentration of
patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary
intracellular cAMP, which is reduced in an
disease with reversible bronchoconstriction
asthma attack (Fig. 4-14). These drugs also
respond more consistently, and anticholinergics
have effects on airway edema and airway
are useful here.
inflammation. Their anti-inflammatory effects
are mediated by direct inhibition of inflamma­
tory cell function via binding to /32 receptors on
Cromolyn and Nedocromil
the cell surface. There is some polymorphism
in these receptors, which affects the responses. Although cromolyn and nedocromil are struc­
These drugs are delivered by aerosol, prefer­ turally unrelated, they apparently have similar
ably using a metered-dose inhaler or a nebulizer. mechanisms of action. They were originally
In the past, there has been concern about possi­ thought to be mast cell stabilizers (Fig. 4-14),
ble tachyphylaxis (reduced efficacy with frequent but it is now recognized that they have broad­
use), particularly in the drug's ability to reverse ranging effects. They are not direct bron­
induced bronchoconstriction when used regu­ chodilators but presumably work by blocking
larly. However, this is now less of an issue. airway inflammation.
Asthma 65

New Therapies the spring and are sometimes exacer­

bated by exercise or cold air.
Leukotriene receptor antagonists and 5-lipoxy­
2. The airways have hypertrophied, con­
genase inhibitors are available, but their role in
tracted smooth muscle, edema and other
clinical asthma therapy is still being clarified.
They are often used in children to avoid gluco­ evidence of inflammation, mucous gland
corticoids, and may be of particular benefit in hypertrophy, and increased secretions.
those patients whose asthma is exacerbated by 3. Pulmonary function tests show increases
aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory in airway resistance and lung volume,
drugs. There is some evidence that receptor and marked unevenness of ventilation.
antagonists are valuable in severe, persistent 4. The pathogenesis of asthma is still not
asthma. Research on other inhibitors is ongoing. fully understood, but there is airway
hyperresponsiveness and inflammation.
5. Bronchoactive drugs, such as ,8-adrener­
Key Concepts
gic agonists and inhaled corticosteroids,
1 . Asthma is characterized by episodes of are valuable in the management of
severe dyspnea that are often worse in asthma.
66 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

luhi .iit UfJ

Questions (For answers, see p. 1 42)
For each question, choose the one best answer.

1 . When a bronchodilator is administered 4. During normal expiration in resting

to a patient with asthma during an conditions:
attack, which of the following typically A. Alveolar pressure is less than atmo­
decreases? spheric pressure.
A. FEVI B. Flow velocity of the gas in the large air­
B . FEV/FVC% ways is less than that in the terminal
C. FVC bronchioles.
D. FEFz s-7s % C. The diaphragm moves headward.
E. FRC D. Intrapleural pressure gradually falls
(becomes more negative).
2. Concerning airflow in the lung:
E. Normal expiration requires muscular
A. The higher the Reynolds number, the
less likely is turbulence to occur.
B. For inspiration to occur, mouth pres­ 5. Pulmonary airway resistance is reduced by:
sure must be less than alveolar A. Lowering lung volume below FRC
pressure. B. Increased sympathetic stimulation of air-
C. In pure laminar flow, halving the radius way smooth muscle
of the airway increases its resistance C. Diving to a great depth
eightfold. D. Inhaling cigarette smoke
D. In pure laminar flow, doubling the E. Breathing a mixture of 2 1 % 0 2 and
length of the airway increases its resis­ 79% sulfur hexafluoride (molecular
tance twofold. weight 1 46)
E. Flow is more likely to be turbulent in
6. Concerning the use of ,8-adrenergic ago­
small airways than in the trachea.
rusts in asthma:
3. If a normal subject makes an inspiratory A. ,B 1-Selective agonists are preferred to ,Bz
effort against a closed airway, which of agonists.
the following is expected? B. They relax airway smooth muscle by
A. Tension in the diaphragm decreases. decreasing the concentration of adenyl
B. The internal intercostal muscles become cyclase.
active. C. They reduce the concentration of intra­
C. Intrapleural pressure falls. cellular cAMP.
D. Alveolar pressure rises. D. They reduce airway inflammation.
E. Pressure inside the pulmonary E. They are usually given as tablets
capillaries rises. by mouth.
I C h a pter 5

Diffuse Interstitial Pulmonary


0 Elena is a 40-year-old nightclub singer whose

chief complaints are increasing shortness of breath
and fatigue over the past 5 years. On examination,
she had rapid, shallow breathing and was unable to
make a large inspiration. A chest radiograph showed
contracted lungs with a reticular pattern suggesting interstitial fibrosis, and this diag­
nosis was confirmed by a lung biopsy. We review the normal structure of the alveoli
and the pathological changes of interstitial fibrosis. The consequences of reduced
lung compliance are discussed, as is the impairment of diffusion caused by the thick­
ened blood-gas barrier.

List of Topics lung disease. She was not apparently exposed to

dusts or other substances that are toxic to the lung.
Clinical features and pathology of diffuse
interstitial pulmonary fibrosis; structure Physical Examination
of the normal alveolar wall; reduced lung
The patient looked rather drawn, and there was
volumes and compliance; relaxation rapid, shallow breathing, frequency 2 5 per minute.
pressure-volume curves; diffusion across There was no cyanosis at rest. However, finger
the blood-gas barrier; diffusing capacity clubbing was present; that is, there was an increase
in tissue mass at the base of the nails, with the
for carbon monoxide; reaction rates with result that the fingers approached the shape of
hemoglobin. drumsticks. Examination of the chest showed
a poor inspiratory movement when the patient
0 CLIN ICAL FINDINGS was asked to take a full inspiration. On ausculta­
tion, fine inspiratory crepitations (crackles) could
History be heard over both lungs. The cardiovascular sys­
tem was normal except for a loud pulmonary sec­
Elena is a 40-year-old blues singer whose chief ond sound. There was no neck vein engorgement,
complaints are dyspnea and fatigue. She was well palpable liver, or dependent edema. The results of
until about 5 years ago, when she began to notice examinations of other systems were normal.
increasing shortness of breath that was particu­
larly obvious when she was singing or climbing I nvestigations
stairs. At the same time, she began to feel unusu­
ally fatigued and experienced some weight loss. Blood studies showed normal hemoglobin and
She also developed an irritating, unproductive cell counts. A chest radiograph showed a small,
cough. There was no chest pain, the patient was a contracted lung and rib cage with raised
nonsmoker, and there was no family history of diaphragm (FIGURE 5-1 1. The original film
68 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

showed a fine reticular pattern throughout both

lungs, with areas of more pronounced shadowing.

Exercise Test
The patient walked on a treadmill in the pul­
monary function laboratory. Her maximal oxy­
gen consumption was 2 .2 1 min-', which was

very low. She could not exercise at a higher work

rate because of shortness of breath. Her blood
gases on exercise are shown in TABLE 5-1 .

Lu n g Biopsy
A biopsy was done during bronchoscopy to
come to a definitive diagnosis. The specimen
(FIGURE 5-21 showed marked thickening of the
alveolar walls as a result of extensive collagen
deposition. There was also cellular infiltration.
FIGURE 5-1. C hest radiog raph of a patient with dif­ Many of the capillaries were obliterated by
fuse interstitial p u l monary fibrosis. Note the small fibrous tissue.
contracted lung and rib cage as well as the raised
diaphragm (compare with normal appearance of Diagnosis
lung in F i g . 3-1 A). The original film showed a fine
reticular pattern i n the l u ng fields, but this does not Diffuse interstitial pulmonary fibrosis of
reprod uce wel l . unknown cause.

Puhnonary Function Tests

lung Volumes and Compliance Observed Predicted

VC (liters) 3.1 4.0
FRC (liters) 2.3 3 .2
TLC (liters) 4.5 5.6
Compliance (I em H2Q-1)
· 0. 1 1 0.20
Forced Expiration
FEV, (liters) 2 .8 3 .2
FVC (liters) 3.1 4.0
FEVIFVC% 90 81
FEFH-75% (1 sec-1)
· 3 .7 3.5
Arterial Blood Gases
P02 (mm Hg) Rest 61 >90
Exercise 46 >90
Pco2 (mm Hg) Rest 35 40
Exercise 35
35 40
pH Rest 7.43 7.40
Exercise 7.43 7.40
Diffusing Capacity for CO
(ml min-1 • mm Hg-1)
· 11 25
Diffuse Interstitial Pulmonary Fibrosis 69

characterized by airway obstruction and large

lung volumes. By contrast, Elena has restrictive
lung disease, with essentially no airway obstruc­
tion and small lung volumes. However, both
types of disease are severely disabling, with
greatly altered mechanical properties of the lung
and marked impairment of gas exchange.
Interstitial lung disease primarily affects the
parenchyma or alveolar tissue of the lung.
Therefore let's start by looking at the structure
of the normal alveoli.

Structure of the Normal

Alveolar Wa l l
This is a good time to review Figure 1-7, which
shows an electron micrograph of a capillary in a
normal alveolar wall. Recall that the thin side of
the blood-gas barrier is typically less than 0.3 J..L m
thick and contains three layers: alveolar epithe­
lium, interstitium, and capillary endothelium.

Type I E p ith e l i a l Ce l l

The type I epithelial cell is the chief structural cell

FIGURE 5-2. B iopsy specimen of lung from a of the alveolar wall. Its shape is something like a
patient with diffuse interstitial pul monary fibrosis. fried egg because it has a central nucleus and long
Note the marked thickening of the a lveolar walls protoplasmic extensions that pave almost the
and loss of pul monary capillaries.
whole alveolar surface (see Fig. 1-7). The main
function of this cell is mechanical support. It
rarely divides and is not metabolically active.
Treatment and Progress When type I cells are injured, they cannot repair
themselves, and they are replaced by type II
The patient was treated with the corticosteroid epithelial cells.
prednisone, which resulted in marked improve­
ment. Her dyspnea improved considerably, and Type I I E p it h e l i a l C e l l
the patient was able to resume most of her normal
activities, including singing. The chest radiograph The type II epithelial cell is a nearly globular cell
showed resolution of most of the reticular pattern (FIGURE 5-3) and thus is easily distinguished
in the lung, although the lungs remained small. from a type I cell. It provides little structural sup­
port for the alveolar wall, but is metabolically
very active. The electron micrograph shows the
D NORMAL HISTOLOGY lamellated bodies (LB) that contain phospho­
AND PATHOLOGY lipid. This is eventually extruded into the alveo­
lar space to form surfactant, which is discussed in
Elena shows many of the common features of Chapter 6. After injury to the alveolar wall, these
diffuse interstitial pulmonary fibrosis, one of the cells rapidly divide to line the surface and are
group of interstitial lung diseases. A discussion later transformed into type I epithelial cells.
of her clinical findings, investigations, pathology,
and pathophysiology can be very instructive. In Oth e r C e l l s
some ways, the functional abnormalities in her
disease are a mirror image of what we saw in Other cells include alveolar macrophages. These
Chuck, who had chronic obstructive pulmonary scavenger cells roam around the alveolar wall
disease, and Debra, who had asthma. These last and engulf foreign particles and bacteria by
two patients had obstructive lung disease, phagocytosis. The cells contain lysozymes that
70 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

FIGURE 5-3. Electron micrograph of a type II alveolar epithelial cell. Note the lamellated bodies ( LB), large
nucleus and microvilli (arrows). and the cytoplasm, which is rich in organelles. The inset at top right is a scan­
ning electron micrograph showing the surface view of a type II cell with its characteristic distribution of microvilli.

digest engulfed foreign matter. Figure 1-7 also concerned with fluid exchange across the capil­
shows a fibroblast (FB), which synthesizes colla­ lary wall (see Chapter 7), whereas the thin side is
gen and elastin. In diffuse interstitial pulmonary responsible for most of the gas exchange.
fibrosis, large amounts of collagen are laid down
in the interstitium of the alveolar wall (Fig. 5-2).
Pathology of Diffuse I nterstiti al
I nte rstiti u m of t h e Alveo l a r Wa l l Pulmonary Fibrosis
The interstitium occupies the space between the The nomenclature of diffuse interstitial pul­
alveolar epithelium and capillary endothelium. monary fibrosis is confusing. Synonyms include
As Figure 1-7 shows, it is often thin on one side the following: idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis,
of the capillary, where it consists only of the interstitial pneumonia, and cryptogenic fibros­
fused basement membranes of the alveolar ing alveolitis. Some people reserve the term
epithelial and capillary endothelial layers. This fibrosis for the late stages of the disease.
thin side of the blood-gas barrier is vulnerable to The principal feature is thickening of the
mechanical failure because it is so extremely interstitium of the alveolar wall by collagen
thin. The mechanical strength of the thin side of (FIGURES 5-2 and 5-4). Initially, there is infil­
the blood-gas barrier comes from the intersti­ tration with lymphocytes and plasma cells.
tium, apparently predominantly from the type Later, fibroblasts appear and lay down thick col­
IV collagen, which is a major component. lagen bundles. These changes may be dispersed
On the other side of the capillary, the intersti­ irregularly within the lung. In some patients, a
tium is usually wider and includes fibrils of type cellular exudate consisting of macrophages and
I collagen (COL) and a few cells such as fibrob­ other mononuclear cells is seen within the alveoli
lasts and pericytes. The thick side is chiefly in the early stages of the disease. This is called
Diffuse Interstitial Pulmonary Fibrosis 71

The result is that it was difficult for her to

increase her ventilation during exercise, and her
work capacity was therefore very low (\To2 max
only 2 .2 1 min- 1). The reduced compliance was

also the reason for the rapid, shallow breathing.

It is possible that stimulation of the J receptors
(see Chapter 2) in the diseased alveolar walls
contributed to this pattern of breathing. The irri­
tating dry cough was also possibly a result of stim­
ulation of lung irritant receptors or J receptors.

Physica l Exa m i n at i o n

The fact that Elena was not able to take a deep

inspiration is explained by her stiff, poorly compli­
ant lung. The fine crepitations heard during aus­
cultation were presumably caused in some way by
the fibrosis. The loud pulmonary second sound
was the result of pulmonary hypertension caused
by the destruction of so many pulmonary capillar­
FIGURE 5-4. Electron m i crogra ph from a patient ies (Fig. 5-2). Finger clubbing is common in this
with d iffuse i nterstitial p u l monary fibrosis. Note condition, but the mechanism is not understood.
the thick bundles of collagen ( COL) . Compare with
normal alveolar wal l i n F i g u re 1 -7. ALV. alveolar
space; RBC, red blood cel l ; PL, plasma. Ch est R a d i o g r a p h

The chest radiograph confirmed the small lung.

desquamation. Eventually, the alveolar architec­ The increased elastic recoil pulled the diaphragm
ture is destroyed, and the scarring results in mul­ upward and the rib cage in (Fig. 5-1). The retic­
tiple air-filled cystic spaces formed by dilated ular pattern and other shadowing in the lung
terminal and respiratory bronchioles-so-called fields were caused by fibrosis of the alveolar
honeycomb lung. Collagen is scar tissue and is well walls. Sometimes the radiograph shows a typical
seen in a scar on the arm, for example. This can honeycomb appearance caused by dilated small
be the end result of a variety of insults, including airways, as referred to earlier.
trauma, infection, or a burn. In the same way,
interstitial pulmonary fibrosis is the end result of
many forms of injury, and it is often impossible to Pulmonary Function Tests
determine what the injurious agent was. Just as a
scar on the arm is stiff and resists stretching, so L u n g Vo l u m e s a n d C o m p l i a n c e
interstitial pulmonary fibrosis makes the lung All lung volumes were reduced because the
stiff and greatly reduces its compliance. fibrosis of the alveolar wall made Elena's lungs
Following this brief introduction to the struc­ stiff and difficult to expand (Table 5-l). As a
tural changes in the lung, we can now discuss the consequence of the fibrosis, there was a greatly
functional abnormalities that resulted in Elena's reduced compliance. Figure 4-4 showed a typi­
clinical presentation and pulmonary function tests. cal pressure-volume curve of the lung in intersti­
tial fibrosis. Note that (1) it is much flatter than
normal, and (2) there is a very high transpul­
0 PHYSIOLOGY AND monary pressure of over 40 em H20 at total lung
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY capacity. This very high pressure is developed
because the lungs are extremely stiff and resist
Clinical Findings expansion, and the outwardly expanding chest
H i story wall can generate a very large (negative) pressure
at low volumes. By contrast, Figure 4-4 shows
One of Elena's chief complaints was dyspnea, that the transpulmonary pressure at total lung
and a major cause of this was her stiff, poorly capacity in emphysema is abnormally small, as
compliant lung, which was difficult to inflate. would be the case in a patient such as Chuck.
72 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

The small lungs of patients with interstitial

pulmonary fibrosis, and the large lungs of
patients with emphysema (see Figs. 5-l and
3 - l B), are related to the different lung compli­ = P=0
= -5
-5 P=0
ances in the two conditions. However, strictly
P=O P=0
P=0 P
P =0
speaking, the volumes are determined by the
interactions between the recoil forces of the lung Normal Pneumothorax
and chest wall. This is a convenient place to
FIGURE 5-5. The tendency of the lung to recoil to its
describe these briefly. This topic can be confus­
deflated volume is balanced by the tendency of the
ing at first, because although it is easy to see intu­ chest cage to bow out. As a result, the intrapleural
itively that the lung is recoiling inward, it is less pressure is subatmospheric. Pneumothorax allows
obvious that the chest wall is recoiling outward. the lung to collapse and the thorax to spring out.
First, we can appreciate the interactions
between the lung and chest wall by looking at the
simple example of a pneumothorax (FIGURE 5-5). chest wall springs out. This behavior emphasizes
This shows that the normal pressure outside the that under normal equilibrium conditions, the
lung in the intrapleural space is subatmospheric, chest wall is pulled inward while the lung is pulled
just as it is in the jar of Figure 3-9. When air is outward, the two pulls balancing each otl1er.
introduced into the intrapleural space, either However, to understand these interactions
because a bleb on the surface of the lung ruptures fully we need to discuss the so-called relaxation
or because of a penetrating injury to the chest pressure-volume curves of the lung and chest wall
wall, the pressure in the space becomes anna­ (FIGURE 5-6). To make these measurements, the
spheric. As a result, the lung recoils inward and the subject inspires from, or expires into, a spirometer

100 100
chest 1
80 I �
------------ ----�

I � 75
:::: 1 "& I
60 �I r?>� lI
cn l :::; I �
e .l l " I

e ul

Resting j I
respiratory ,
40 I I
level 50
() ,_

- - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

, I

> I O>

20 i§
I ....I

,, I Residual 1
, 1 volume
1_ - - - - - - _l _
0 _.,' - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _

Minimal I
- - - - ':���e_ - �--
L--L--�L---L---�--���__u O
-20 -1 0 0 +1 0 +20 +30
Airway pressure (em water)
FIGURE 5-6. Relaxation pressure-volume cu rves of the lung and chest wa l l . The subject i nspi res
(or expires) to a predetermined volume from the spirometer, the tap is closed, and he or she then relaxes
the respi ratory m uscles. Note that the curve for lung plus chest wa l l can be explained by the addition of the
individual lung and chest wa l l curves.
Diffuse Interstitial Pulmonary Fibrosis 73

to a designated lung volume. The airway is then her greatly reduced lung compliance. In other
occluded with a tap (drawing in Fig. 5-6), and the words, her respiratory muscles were just not able
subject relaxes the respiratory muscles while the to expand her lung to normal volumes. However,
airway pressure is measured (relaxation pressure). her FEV/FVC% was actually higher than nor­
Incidentally, this is difficult for an untrained sub­ mal. In fact, the pattern of her forced expiration
ject to do. was that depicted in Figure 3-1 3 C. This shows
Figure 5--6 shows that at functional residual that although the total volume exhaled was
capacity (FRC), the relaxation pressure of the lung reduced, expiration was very rapid. This is con­
plus chest wall is atmospheric. Indeed, FRC is the firmed by the abnormally high forced expiratory
equilibrium volume when the elastic recoil of the flow (FEF25-75 % ).
lung is exactly balanced by the normal tendency Additional information can be obtained from a
for the chest wall to spring out. At volumes above flow-volume curve, and a typical curve for restric­
FRC, the relaxation pressure is positive, and at tive lung disease was shown in Figure 4-3 B. Note
smaller volumes, the pressure is subatmospheric. first that all lung volumes are reduced because of
Figure 5-6 also shows the curve for the lung the low compliance. However, the descending
alone. This is similar to the curve shown in portion of the flow-volume curve shows that flow
Figure 3-9, except that for clarity no hysteresis is rates in relation to lung volume are high, and in
indicated, and the pressures are positive instead of fact exceed the flow rates (for a given lung
negative. They are the pressures that would be volume) in the normal subject. What is the reason
found from the experiment of Figure 3-9 if, for this?
after the lung had reached a certain volume, the Recall that a normal subject develops dynamic
line to the spirometer was clamped, the jar was compression of the airways during a forced expi­
opened to the atmosphere (so that the lung relaxed ration (see Fig. 3-16). This occurs to a much
against the closed airway), and the airway pressure greater extent in a patient such as Chuck for the
was measured. At zero pressure the lung is at its reasons described in Chapter 3 . In fact, Chuck
minimal volume, which is below residual volume. may develop dynamic compression of his airways
The third curve is for the chest wall only. We even during a normal resting expiration. One of
can imagine this being measured on a subject with the reasons for this is depicted in FIGURE 5-7,
a normal chest wall and no lung. At FRC, the which shows that the airways of the emphysema­
relaxation pressure is negative (subatmospheric). tous lung have lost the normal radial traction
In other words, at this volume the chest cage is given by the surrounding parenchyma because of
tending to spring out. It is not until the volume is breakdown of the alveolar walls. By contrast, the
increased to about 7 5 % of the vital capacity that fibrotic lung of Elena has its airways pulled open
the relaxation pressure is atmospheric; that is, the to an abnormally large extent by the contracted
chest wall has found its equilibrium position. At fibrous tissue in the alveolar walls, with the result
every volume, the relaxation pressure of the lung that airway caliber is large when related to lung
plus chest wall is the sum of the pressures for the volume. Therefore, dynamic compression of the
lung and the chest wall measured separately. airways during a forced expiration is much less
Applying this information to our two likely to occur. A pathological correlate of this is
patients, Chuck (chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease) and Elena (diffuse interstitial pulmonary
fibrosis), it is likely that the relaxation pressure­
volume curve of the chest wall is normal in both
cases, at least in the early stages of disease.
Therefore, the reduced elastic recoil of the lung
in the case of Chuck means that the FRC volume
must be increased. By contrast, the increased
elastic recoil and therefore reduced compliance
of the lung in the case of Elena means that her Normal Emphysema Fibrosis
FRC must be reduced.
FIGURE 5-7. Ai rway caliber in normal lung, emphy­
sema, and i nterstitial fibrosis. In emphysema, the
Forced E x p i rati o n airways tend to collapse beca use of the loss of
radial traction. By contrast, in fibrosis, radial traction
Table 5-1 shows that Elena's forced vital capacity may be excessive, with the result that ai rway cal­
(FVC) was decreased, as would be expected from iber is large when related to lung vol ume.
74 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

the honeycomb appearance sometimes seen in

the chest radiograph, which is caused by dilated Start of End of
terminal and respiratory bronchioles surrounded capillary capillary
by thickened scar tissue. However, this is not
obvious in Figure 5-l .
� �
Alveolar -+
02 (Normal)
02 (Normal)
A rte ri a l B l o o d G ases
Elena's arterial Po2 was reduced (Table 5-1), and :;
02 (Abnormal)
02 (Abnormal)
the major mechanism is ventilation-perfusion Q)

inequality, as discussed in the case of Chuck. c.

Basically the same mechanism applies to Debra's t:
lung. As Figures 5-2 and 5-4 show, there is mas­ a..

sive derangement of the normal architecture of

the lung at the alveolar level, and it is therefore CO
impossible for ventilation and blood flow to
be matched properly. Areas of fibrosis reduce the 0 .25 .50 .75
expansion and therefore ventilation of some
Time in capillary (sec)
parts of the lung. In addition, many capillaries
are destroyed by the fibrotic process, with the FIGURE 5-8. U ptake of carbon monoxide (CO).
result that regional blood flow is reduced. These nitrous oxide (N z O), and O z along the pul monary
capillary. Note that the blood partial pressure of
two patients highlight the fact that ventilation­
n itrous oxide virtually reaches that of a lveolar gas
perfusion inequality is by far the most common
very early i n the capillary, so that the transfer of this
cause of hypoxemia in lung disease. gas is perfusion lim ited . By contrast, the partial
However, there is an additional reason why the pressure of carbon monoxide i n the blood is a l most
arterial Po2 may be reduced in Elena, namely, unchanged, so that its transfer is diffusion l i m ited.
impairment of diffusion of gas across the blood­ Oxygen transfer ca n be perfusion l i m ited or partly
gas barrier because this barrier is thickened diffusion l im ited, depending on the conditions
(Figs. 5-2 and 5-4). Although this subject was (compare with Fig. 1 -9).
introduced in Chapter 1 (see Figs. 1 -7 to 1-9),
we now have an opportunity to look at it in more
depth. alveolar gas into the cell. As a result, the content
of CO in the cell rises. However, because of the
tight bond that forms between CO and hemoglo­
Diffusion across the Blood-Gas bin within the cell, a large amount of CO can be
Barrier taken up by the cell with almost no increase in
partial pressure. Therefore, as the cell moves
Fick's law describing the diffusion of gases through the capillary, the CO partial pressure in
through a tissue sheet was introduced in the blood hardly changes, so that no appreciable
Chapter 1 (see Fig. 1-8). Now let's look at the back pressure develops and the gas continues to
uptake of gases along the pulmonary capillary move rapidly across the alveolar wall. It is clear,
more closely. therefore, that the amount of CO that gets into
the blood is limited by the diffusion properties of
Diffu s i o n a n d P e rfu s i o n L i m itat i o n s the blood-gas barrier and not by the amount of
blood available. The transfer of CO is therefore
Suppose blood enters a pulmonary capillary of an said to be diffusion limited.
alveolus that contains a foreign gas such as carbon Contrast the time course of nitrous oxide
monoxide or nitrous oxide. How rapidly will the (N2 0). When this gas moves across the alveolar
partial pressure in the blood rise? FIGURE 5-8 wall into the blood, no combination with hemo­
shows the time courses as a red blood cell moves globin takes place. As a result, the blood has
through the capillary, a process that we have seen nothing like the avidity for nitrous oxide that it
takes about 0.75 second under resting conditions. has for CO, and the partial pressure in the blood
First look at carbon monoxide (CO). When a red rises rapidly. Indeed, Figure 5-8 shows that the
cell enters the capillary, CO moves rapidly across partial pressure of nitrous oxide in the blood has
the extremely thin blood-gas barrier from the virtually reached that of the alveolar gas by the
Diffuse Interstitial Pulmonary Fibrosis 75

time the red cell is only one tenth of the way where its slope is very steep. Under these circum­
along the capillary. After this point, almost no stances, 02 is beginning to behave like CO as far as
nitrous oxide is transferred. Thus, the amount of diffusion is concerned. Therefore, at extreme alti­
this gas taken up by the blood depends entirely tude, Bill is likely to have some diffusion limitation
on the amount of available blood flow, and not at of 02 transfer at rest, and this will be greatly exag­
all on the diffusion properties of the blood-gas gerated during exercise, when the time spent by
barrier. The transfer of nitrous oxide is therefore the blood in the capillary is reduced. Severe exer­
peifusion limited. cise at very high altitude is the best example of a
What of 02? As Figure 5-8 shows, its time situation in which diffusion limitation of 02 trans­
course lies between those of CO and nitrous fer is seen in normal subjects.
oxide. Oxygen combines with hemoglobin
(unlike nitrous oxide), but with nothing like the
avidity of CO. In other words, the rise in partial M e a s u re m e nt of Diffu s i n g C a p a c ity
pressure when 02 enters a red cell is much It is sometimes valuable to know whether the
greater than is the case for the same number of diffusion properties of a lung are abnormal.
molecules of CO. Figure 5-8 shows that under A good example is Elena, in whom the initial
typical resting conditions, the capillary Po2 virtu­ clinical presentation suggested interstitial fibro­
ally reaches that of alveolar gas when the red cell sis, and a measurement of diffusing capacity
is about one third of the way along the capillary. would help to confirm the diagnosis. How can
Under these conditions, 02 transfer is perfusion we measure the diffusion properties of the lung
limited, like nitrous oxide. However, in a patient in a living patient? Clearly, the gas of choice is
such as Elena in whom the diffusion properties of carbon monoxide because its uptake is so clearly
the lung are impaired because of the thickening diffusion limited (Fig. 5-8).
of the blood-gas barrier (Figs. 5-2 and 5-4), the Fick's law of diffusion (see Fig. 1-8) can be
Po2 of the blood may not reach the alveolar value written as follows:
by the end of the capillary, and now there is some . A
diffusion limitation as well. This is particularly V gas = D (P1 - P2)
· ·

likely to be the case during exercise, when the

time spent by the blood in the capillary is greatly where A is the area of the blood-gas barrier, T is
reduced (see Fig. 1-9). its thickness, and D is a diffusion constant.
A more detailed analysis shows that whether Now, for a complex structure such as the
a gas is diffusion limited or not depends essen­ blood-gas barrier, it is not possible to measure
tially on its solubility in the blood-gas barrier the area and thickness during life. Instead, the
compared with its "solubility" in blood (actually, equation is rewritten as
the slope of the dissociation curve; see Fig. 1-14).
For a gas like CO, these are very different, V gas = D L (P1 - P2)

whereas for a gas like nitrous oxide they are the where DL is the diffusing capacity of the lung and
same. An analogy is the rate at which sheep can includes the area, thickness, and diffusion prop­
enter a field through a gate. If the gate is narrow erties of the tissue sheet and the gas concerned.
but the field is large, the number of sheep that Therefore, the diffusing capacity for carbon
can enter in a given time is limited by the size of monoxide is given by
the gate. However, if both the gate and the field
are small (or both are big), the number of sheep Yeo
DL =
is limited by the size of the field. P , - P2
We have seen that both thickening of the
where P 1 and P 2 are the partial pressures of alve­
blood-gas barrier and exercise can potentially
olar gas and capillary blood, respectively.
result in diffusion limitation of oxygen transfer.
However, as we have seen (Fig. 5-8), the partial
Another cause is alveolar hypoxia. As we saw in
pressure of CO in capillary blood is extremely
Chapter 2 , Bill's alveolar PoJ at high altitude was
small and can generally be neglected. Therefore,
reduced from the normal value of 1 00 to 7 5 .
This means that the driving pressure for oxygen Yeo
diffusion across the blood-gas barrier is reduced. DL =

In addition, however, at very high altitude, load­

ing of 02 by the pulmonary capillary takes place or, in words, the diffusing capacity of the lung
low on the 02 dissociation curve (see Fig. 1-14) for CO is the volume of CO transferred in
76 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

milliliters per minute per mm Hg of alveolar Alveolar

partial pressure. wall cell
For this measurement, Elena took a single
inspiration of a dilute mixture of CO in air Alveolus
(about 0 . 3 % CO), held her breath for 1 0 sec­ >
> 02
02 -r+.t-'+--t--� 02 + Hb � Hb02
onds, and then exhaled. The concentrations of *--
CO in the inspired and expired gas were then
*---- 00 •• \lc
measured and the rate of disappearance of CO
from the lung was calculated. The CO concen­
= _ _
tration in the alveolar gas was not constant dur­ 111_ = 111_
_ = 11_
1 +
ing the breath-holding period because it was DL OM 9 •Vc
continually absorbed by the blood, but
allowance was made for that. Also, a small con­ FIGURE 5-9. The d iffusing capacity of the lung (Dd
is made up of two components : that due to the dif­
centration of helium was added to the inspired
fusion process itself, and that attributable to the
gas to give a measurement of lung volume by time taken for 0 2 (or CO) to react with hemoglobin.
dilution. Table 5-1 shows that Elena's diffusing (See text for details.)
capacity for CO measured in this way was only
1 1 ml min· 1 • mm Hg-1, whereas the predicted

normal value was 2 5 . This measurement is

therefore consistent with the clinical presenta­ possible to sum the two resultant resistances to
tion and the lung biopsy results (Fig. 5-2). produce an overall "diffusion" resistance.
Indeed, if the measured diffusing capacity had The details of how this is done need not con­
been normal, this would be strong evidence cern us, but the complete equation is
against a diagnosis of interstitial fibrosis.
1 _111_ + _111 _
e · Vc

React i o n R ates with H e m o g l o b i n
where D L is the diffusing capacity of the lung for
So far w e have assumed that all the resistance
carbon monoxide, DM is the diffusing capacity of
to the movement of 02 and CO resides in the
the "membrane" (including the plasma), e is the
barrier between blood and gas. However,
rate of reaction of 02 (or CO) with hemoglobin,
Figure 1-7 shows that the path length from the
and v;, is the volume of blood in the pulmonary
alveolar wall to the center of a red blood cell
capillaries. This equation shows that the measured
exceeds that in the wall itself, so that some of
D L can be lowered not only by a reduction in the
the diffusion resistance is located within the
diffusion properties of the membrane but also by
capillary. In addition, there is another type of
reductions in e and v;,. In fact, a fall in v;, (that is,
resistance to gas transfer that is most conve­
the capillary blood volume) is a factor in Elena's
niently discussed with diffusion, that is, the
reduced diffusing capacity because, as Figure 5-2
resistance caused by the finite rate of reaction
shows, many of the pulmonary capillaries have
of 02 or CO with hemoglobin inside the red
been obliterated by the interstitial fibrosis. Note
cell. These rates can slow the uptake of 02 or
also that e for CO can be reduced by giving Elena
CO in the lung, and the end result is very like
a high-oxygen mixture to breathe, because under
the effects of reduced diffusion.
these conditions 02 competes with CO for the
When 02 (or CO) is added to blood, its com­
hemoglobin and therefore e for co is reduced. In
bination with hemoglobin is quite fast, being
fact, it is possible to manipulate the value of e by
well on the way to completion in 0.2 second.
changing the alveolar Po2 and thus separately
However, oxygenation occurs so rapidly in the
measure DM and \1;,.
pulmonary capillary (see Figs. 1-9 and 5-8) that
even this rapid reaction significantly delays the
loading of 02 (or CO) by the red cell. Therefore, I nte rpretation of D iffu s i n g C a pacity
the uptake of 02 (or CO) can be regarded as fo r Ca rbo n M o n ox i d e
occurring in two stages: (1) diffusion of 02
through the blood-gas barrier (including the Table 5-1 shows that Elena's diffusing capacity for
plasma and red cell interior), and (2) reaction of CO was greatly reduced from the predicted value
02 with hemoglobin (FIGURE 5-9). In fact, it is of 2 5 ml · min·1 • mm Hg-1 to 1 1 ml · min-1 • mm
Diffuse Interstitial Pulmonary Fibrosis 77

Hg- 1 • However, it should not be concluded that characterized by dyspnea, reduced exer­
the whole of this reduction is caused by thicken­ cise tolerance, small lungs, and reduced
ing of the blood-gas barrier and the reduction of lung compliance.
capillary blood volume. It turns out that the 2. The alveolar walls show marked infiltra­
measurement of diffusing capacity in a patient tion with collagen and destruction of
like this is affected by uneven ventilation and capillaries.
also by the distribution of diffusion properties,
3. Airway resistance is not increased;
alveolar volume, and capillary blood. For this
indeed, a forced expiration can result in
reason, the term transferfactor is sometimes used
(particularly in Europe) to emphasize that the abnormally high flow rates because of the
measurement does not solely reflect the diffu­ increased radial traction on the airway.
sion properties of the lung. 4. Diffusion of oxygen across the blood-gas
barrier is impeded by the thickening of the
Key Concepts blood-gas barrier and may result in hypox­
emia, especially on exercise. However,
1. Diffuse interstitial pulmonary fibrosis is ventilation-perfusion inequality is the
an example of restrictive lung disease major factor in the impaired gas exchange.
78 Pulmonary Physiology a n d Pathophysiology: A n Integrated, Case-Based Approach

Questions (For answers, see p. 1 421
For each question, choose the one best answer.

1 . A medical student develops a sponta­ C. Dynamic compression of the airways is

neous pneumothorax because a bleb on more likely than in a normal subject.
the surface of one lung ruptures. You D. Radial traction on the airways is increased.
would expect the following to occur on E. Airway resistance is increased.
the affected site: 4. Carbon monoxide is used to measure the
A. Intrapleural pressure becomes more diffusing capacity of the lung because:
negative. A. It diffuses very slowly across the blood­
B. Alveolar pressure falls. gas barrier.
C. Chest wall moves out. B. It has a very low solubility in blood.
D. Diaphragm moves up. C. The rate of combination of CO with
E. Pulmonary blood flow increases. hemoglobin is very rapid.
2. Which of the following is true of the D. Its partial pressure in blood at the end of
relaxation pressure-volume curve of the the capillary is very low compared with
lung and chest wall? that in alveolar gas.
A. Relaxation pressure of the lung plus E. Its solubility in the blood-gas barrier is
chest wall is zero at FRC. very high.
B. Relaxation pressure of the chest wall at 5. In a normal person, doubling the pul­
FRC is greater than atmospheric monary diffusing capacity would be
pressure. expected to:
C. Relaxation pressure of the chest wall A. Increase the uptake of nitrous oxide
at TLC is less than atmospheric given during anesthesia
pressure. B. Increase maximal oxygen uptake at
D. Relaxation pressure of the lung at resid­ extreme altitude
ual volume is zero. C. Increase resting arterial P o2
E. Relaxation pressure of the lung alone at D. Decrease arterial Pco2
TLC is less than atmospheric pressure. E. Increase resting oxygen uptake when the
3. In a patient with diffuse interstitial fibro­ subject breathes 10% oxygen
sis of the lung, the maximal expiratory 6. The diffusing capacity of the lung for
flow rate at a given lung volume may be carbon monoxide is increased by:
higher than in a normal subject. This is A. Exercise
because: B. Fibrosis of the blood-gas barrier
A. Expiratory muscles have a large mechan­ C. Breathing a high-oxygen mixture
ical advantage. D. Pneumonectomy
B. Airways have a small diameter. E. Emphysema
\ C h a pter 6

Pulmonary Embolism

D Fiona is a 3 5 -year-old ballet dancer who was

operated on for acute appendicitis. Two days after
the operation, she developed the typical symptoms
and signs of pulmonary thromboembolism. We dis­
cuss the clinical features of this common disease and
then review the physiology and pathophysiology of
the pulmonary circulation, including pulmonary vascular resistance, distribution of
blood flow, and hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction. Finally, we look at the meta­
bolic functions of the pulmonary circulation, including the physiology of pulmonary

List of Topics chest, which was made worse by taking a sudden

inspiration. At the same time she noted dyspnea,
Clinical features of pulmonary embolism; and she developed a cough with a small amount of
pathogenesis; physiology of the pulmo­ blood-streaked sputum. Fiona is a nonsmoker and
nary circulation; pulmonary vascular resis­ has no history of lung disease. She had been
taking oral contraceptives for 1 0 years.
tance; distribution of pulmonary blood;
hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction;
Physical Examination
metabolic functions of the pulmonary
circulation; surface tension; pulmonary The patient appeared anxious and short of
breath. The pain was localized to a small area in
the left midaxillary line at the level of the fifth
intercostal space. There was no pallor.
Temperature was 3 8 .5°C, blood pressure 1 2 0/60
D CLINICAL FINDINGS mm Hg, pulse 105 beats · min-1 • There was no
H istory neck vein engorgement. The patient was not
able to take a deep inspiration because of the
Fiona is a 3 5-year-old ballet dancer who was well chest pain. The heart apex beat was in the fifth
until 1 week ago. At that time, she developed cen­ intercostal space in the midclavicular line. On
tral abdominal pain with nausea, and she vomited auscultation, the second heart sound was accen­
twice. The pain then shifted to the right lower tuated in the pulmonary area. Auscultation of
abdominal quadrant, where there was extreme the chest revealed a pleural friction rub in the
tenderness on palpation, and acute appendicitis area where the pain was felt. The liver was not
was diagnosed. She was operated on, an inflamed palpable, and there was no dependent edema.
appendix was removed, and she appeared to be The right calf had an area of tenderness halfway
making an uneventful recovery. However, on the up the lower leg. When the ankle was flexed
second day after the operation, she suddenly upward, the patient complained of discomfort in
developed a sharp, stabbing pain over her left this area.
80 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

R l R L

FIGURE 6-1. Lung scan following pul monary embolism. The perfusion i mage (B) was made with radioac­
tive albumin aggregates and shows areas of absent blood flow i n both l ungs, particularly on the left side.
The ventilation image (AI was made with radioactive xenon and shows a normal pattern.

I nvestigations D PATHOG E N ESIS

Hemoglobin and blood cell counts were normal. Fiona showed many of the typical features of
The chest radiograph was essentially normal, pulmonary thromboembolism, and a discussion
although there was a suspicion of reduced vascu­ of her illness can lead us into many areas of nor­
lar markings at the base of the left lung. The elec­ mal and abnormal physiology of the pulmonary
trocardiogram (ECG) showed slight right axis circulation. Pulmonary embolism is a frequent
deviation. Arterial blood gases showed a Po2 of 78 and potentially dangerous condition that is often
mm Hg (normal >90), Pco2 of 3 8 mm Hg, and overlooked because it is not suspected. However,
pH of 7. 4 1 . A lung scan was done using radioac­ in Fiona's case, the symptoms and signs were
tive albumin aggregates (FIGURE 6-1 ) and showed obvious.
obvious areas of absent blood flow, particularly in Turning first to her clinical history, we should
the left lung but also in the right. The ventilation always have a suspicion of pulmonary embolism
scan using radioactive xenon was normal. when a postoperative patient develops pulmonary
disease. Other conditions such as pneumonia and
atelectasis should be considered, but pulmonary
Diag nosis embolism should be high on the list of differential
Pulmonary thromboembolism. diagnoses. In Fiona's case, the combination of
typical pleuritic pain, dyspnea, and blood-tinged
sputum was very suggestive. When combined
Treatment and Prog ress with the findings of a pleural friction rub, accen­
tuated second heart sound, pain and tenderness in
The patient was treated with intravenous heparin the right calf, and a suggestive chest radiograph,
to prolong the clotting time as soon as the pulmonary thromboembolism seemed almost
embolism was suspected. Anticoagulant therapy certain. The diagnosis was clinched by the lung
with warfarin was then substituted for heparin. scan (Fig. 6-1), which also showed that there were
The patient made an uneventful recovery, and emboli to both the right and left lungs.
3 months later a lung perfusion scan showed no The most common pulmonary emboli arise
abnormality. as detached portions of venous thrombi in veins
Pulmonary Embolism 81

o f the lower extremities, a s i n the case o f Fiona. Tachycardia is common, and there may be a
Other possible sites include the pelvic area and pleural friction rub. A small pleural effusion may
the right side of the heart, particularly when develop.
atrial fibrillation is present. Nonthrombotic Massive emboli may produce sudden hemo­
emboli, such as fat, air, and amniotic fluid, also dynamic collapse with shock, pallor, central
occur but are relatively uncommon. chest pain, and sometimes loss of consciousness.
Factors that predispose to the formation of The pulse is rapid and weak, the blood pressure
venous thrombi are ( 1 ) stasis of blood, (2) alter­ is low, and the neck veins are engorged. The
ations in blood coagulation, and (3) abnormali­ electrocardiogram may show the pattern of right
ties of the vessel wall. Stasis of blood tends to heart strain. The prognosis is variable, but some
occur if a patient is immobilized after an opera­ 30% of massive emboli prove fatal.
tion, as in the case of Fiona. Other causes Small emboli are frequently unrecognized.
include immobilization of a limb in a plaster cast However, repeated small emboli gradually block
following a fracture, local pressure, and venous the pulmonary capillary bed, resulting in pul­
obstruction. Stasis is common in congestive monary hypertension. There is prominent dysp­
heart failure, shock, hypovolemia, dehydration, nea on exercise, which may lead to syncope.
and varicose veins. On examination, a right ventricular heave may
The intravascular coagulability of blood is be felt, and a loud pulmonary second sound may
increased in several conditions, such as poly­ be heard. The ECG and chest radiograph find­
cythemia vera and sickle cell disease. The viscos­ ings confirm right ventricular hypertrophy.
ity of the blood increases, thus favoring sluggish
flow next to the vessel wall. In other conditions,
the mechanism of increased coagulability is D PHYSIOLOGY AND
poorly understood. Such conditions include PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF THE
malignant diseases, pregnancy, recent trauma, PU LMONARY CIRCU LATION
and the use of oral contraceptives. The latter was
a probable risk factor for Fiona. Pulmonary Vascular Resista nce
The vessel wall may be damaged by local trauma
The physiology of the pulmonary circulation
or by inflammation. Where there is marked local
was introduced in Chapter 1 (see Figs. 1-7 and
phlebitis with tenderness, redness, warmth, and
1- 10 to 1- 13) . Figure 1-10 reminds us that the
swelling, the clot may be more securely adherent
normal pulmonary circulation is a low-pressure
to the wall.
system. Consistent with this, pulmonary vascular
The presence of thrombosis in the deep veins
of the legs or pelvis is often unsuspected until
resistance (PVR) is low. It is defined as
embolism occurs. Sometimes there is swelling of input pressure - output pressure
the limbs or local tenderness, and there may be PVR = ------

blood flow
signs of inflammation. Acute dorsiflexion of the
ankle (moving the toes upward) may elicit calf This definition should be compared with that of
pain, as in the case of Fiona. Ancillary tests, such airway resistance (see Chapter 4), which is
as venography, the local uptake of radioactive (alveolar pressure - mouth pressure)/airflow. As
fibrogen, and impedance plethysmography, may we shall see, the PVR is certainly not a complete
provide confirmation. description of the pressure-flow properties of
When the thrombus fragment is released, it is the pulmonary circulation. For example, the
rapidly swept into one of the pulmonary arteries. value usually depends on the amount of blood
Very large thrombi lodge in a large artery. flow, unlike the case for an electrical resistor,
However, the thrombus may break up and block where the resistance is independent of the cur­
several smaller vessels. The lower lobes are fre­ rent. Nevertheless, the PVR often allows a help­
quently involved, because they have a high blood ful comparison of different circulations, or the
flow (see below). same circulation under different conditions.
The clinical features of pulmonary embolism Figure 1- 10 shows that the total pressure drop
vary greatly, a major factor being the size of the from the pulmonary artery to the left atrium is
embolus. Medium-sized emboli typically present only some 1 0 rnrn Hg, compared with about
as described in Fiona. There is often pleuritic 1 00 mm Hg for the systemic circulation. Since
pain accompanied by dyspnea, slight fever, and the blood flows through the two circulations are
a cough productive of blood-streaked sputum. identical, it follows that the pulmonary vascular
82 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

c 300

(§"' —›-
E Recruitment/ Distension

Recruitment/ Distension
Q) 200 �
(.) Increasing
Increasing arterial


(.) 1 00
> Increasing
Increasing venous
e:­ pressure
pressure FIGURE 6-3. Recruitment (opening of previously
0 closed vessels) and distension (increase i n caliber
"S of open vessels). These are the two mechanisms
0... 0
0 for the decrease i n p u lmonary vascular resistance
10 20 30 40 that occurs as vascular pressu res are raised.
Arterial or venous pressu re (em H20)
FIGURE 6-2. Fall in pulmonary vascular resistance
as the pul monary or venous pressure is raised. by random differences in the geometry of the
When the a rterial pressure was changed, the
complex network (see Fig. 1-1 1), which result in
venous pressure was held constant at 1 2 em H 2 0,
and when the venous pressure was changed, the
preferential channels for flow.
arterial pressure was held constant at 37 em H 2 0. At higher capillary pressures, widening of
(Data from a n animal experiment.) individual capillary segments occurs. This
increase in caliber, or distension, is hardly surpris­
ing in view of the very thin membrane that
separates the capillary from the alveolar space
resistance is only one tenth that of the systemic (see Fig. 1-7). Distension is chiefly a change in
circulation. The pulmonary blood flow at rest is shape of the capillaries from flattened to more
about 6 1 min- 1 , so that PVR
· ( 1 5 - 5)/6, or
= circular. There is evidence that the capillary wall
about 1 . 7 mm Hg 1-1 min. · • strongly resists actual stretching. Distension is
If an embolus blocks blood flow to one or sev­ apparently the predominant mechanism for the
eral lobes of the lung, pulmonary vascular resis­ fall in pulmonary vascular resistance at relatively
tance rises. However, the increase is less than high vascular pressures.
might be expected, because pulmonary arterial Another important determinant of pulmonary
pressure rises and therefore the pulmonary vas­ vascular resistance is lung volume. We have already
cular resistance of the nonembolized lung falls. seen that the pulmonary blood vessels can be clas­
FIGURE 6-2 shows that an increase in either pul­ sified as alveolar (see Fig. 1-12) or extra-alveolar
monary arterial or venous pressure in a lobe of (see Fig. 1-1 3) vessels. FIGURE 6-4 shows the two
lung causes pulmonary vascular resistance to fall. types of vessels diagrammatically and emphasizes
The reason is that a rise in pulmonary arterial or that the caliber of the extra-alveolar vessels is
venous pressure will result in an increase in cap­ determined by a balance between various forces.
illary pressure. Two mechanisms are then They are pulled open as the lung expands (com­
responsible for the fall in pulmonary vascular pare the effect of lung inflation on airway resis­
resistance. Under normal conditions, some cap­ tance as shown in Fig. 4-1 1) . .A5 a result, their
illaries are either closed, or open but with no vascular resistance is low at large lung volumes
blood flow. .A5 the pressure within them rises, (FIGURE 6-5), as is airway resistance (see Fig.
these vessels begin to conduct blood, thus lower­ 4-1 1). On the other hand, the walls of the extra­
ing overall resistance. This is termed recruitment alveolar vessels contain smooth muscle and elastic
(FIGURE 6-3) and is apparently the chief mecha­ tissue, which resist distension and tend to reduce
nism for the fall in pulmonary vascular resistance their caliber. Consequently, they have a high
that occurs as pulmonary artery pressure is resistance when lung volume is low (Fig. 6-5).
raised from low levels. The reason why some Indeed, if the lung is completely collapsed, the
vessels are unperfused at low perfusing pressures smooth muscle tone of these vessels is so effective
is not fully understood, but perhaps it is caused that the pulmonary artery pressure has to be
t AI"�"'"
t Alveolus
Pulmonary Embolism

Alveolar e"''''


y y y y vessels

� �
C7 � �
FIGURE 6-4. Alveolar and extra-alveolar vessels. The former vessels are mainly the capillaries and are
exposed to alveolar pressure. The latter vessels are pulled open by the radial traction of the surrounding lung
parenchyma, and the effective pressure around them is therefore lower than alveolar pressure.

Extra-alveolar intrapleural pressure, which falls on inspiration)

vessel but alveolar pressure remains at atmospheric
1 20
E Capillary pressure. However, the pressures in the pul­
:§ 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 monary circulation do not remain steady after
0 such a maneuver. An additional factor that
I increases capillary resistance at large lung vol­
E 1 00

umes is stretching and consequent thinning of the
Ql alveolar walls (Fig. 6-5). This has the effect of
<1l reducing the caliber of the capillaries and there­
1ii fore increasing their resistance. Therefore, even if
� 80 the transmural pressure of the capillaries is not
Cii changed with large lung inflations, as was the case
for the measurements shown in Figure 6-5 , their
> vascular resistance increases.
60 Because of the role of smooth muscle in
50 1 00 1 50 200
determining the caliber of the extra-alveolar ves­
Lung volume (ml) sels, drugs that cause contraction of this muscle
FIGURE 6-5. Effect of changes in lung volume on increase pulmonary vascular resistance. These
pulmonary vascular resistance when the transmural include serotonin, histamine, and norepineph­
pressure of the capillaries is held constant. At low rine. These drugs are particularly effective vaso­
lung vol umes, resistance is high because the extra­ constrictors when the lung volume is low and
alveolar vessels become na rrow. At high lung vol­ the expanding forces on the vessels are weak.
umes, the capillaries are stretched, and their caliber
They are also very effective in the newborn lung
is reduced. (Data from an experimental anima l . )
because the pulmonary blood vessels in the fetus
and newborn have large amounts of smooth
muscle. Drugs that can relax smooth muscle in
raised several em H2 0 above downstream pres­ the pulmonary circulation include acetylcholine
sure before any flow at all occurs. This is called and isoproterenol.
a critical opening pressure.
Is the vascular resistance of the capillaries
influenced by lung volume? This depends on Distribution of Pulmon ary
whether alveolar pressure changes with respect to Blood Flow
the pressure inside the capillaries-that is,
whether their transmural pressure alters. If alve­ So far we have been assuming that all parts of the
olar pressure rises with respect to capillary pres­ pulmonary circulation behave identically.
sure, the capillaries tend to be squashed, and their However, considerable inequality of blood flow
resistance rises. This usually occurs when a nor­ exists within the human lung. Indeed, we have
mal subject takes a deep inspiration, because the already referred to the preference of pulmonary
vascular pressures fall (the heart is surrounded by emboli to lodge in the lower lobes.
84 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

1 50

counters � 1 00


"0 50
0 50

Bottom Top
0 II ii 11 11 ii II
0 5
5 10
10 15
15 20
20 25
Distance up lung (em)
FIGURE 6-6. Measurement with radioactive xenon of the distribution of blood flow i n the upright h uman
l u n g . The dissolved xenon is evolved into alveolar gas from the pulmonary capil laries. The un its of blood flow
a re such that if flow were u niform, a l l va lues would be 1 00 . Note the small value at the apex.

The topographic inequality of blood flow in top and bottom of the lung that is 3 0 em high
the lung can be measured using radioactive albu­ will be about 3 0 em H 0, or 2 3 mm Hg. This is
min aggregates (Fig. 6-1), or better, radioactive a large pressure di f?erence for such a low­
xenon. The gas is dissolved in saline and injected pressure system as the pulmonary circulation (see
into a peripheral vein (FIG URE 6-6). When Fig. 1-10), and its effects on regional blood flow
it reaches the pulmonary capillaries, it is evolved are shown in FIGURE 6-7.
into alveolar gas because of its low solubility, There may be a region at the top of the lung
and the distribution of radioactivity can be (zone 1) where pulmonary arterial pressure falls
measured by counters over the chest during below alveolar pressure (normally close to
breath holding. atmospheric pressure). If this occurs, the capil­
In the upright human lung, blood flow laries are squashed flat, and no flow is possible.
decreases almost linearly from bottom to top, This zone does not occur under normal condi­
reaching very low values at the apex (Fig. 6-6). tions because the pulmonary arterial pressure is
This distribution is affected by change of pos­ just sufficient to raise blood to the top of the
ture and exercise. When the subject lies supine, lung, but may be present if the arterial pressure
the apical zone blood flow increases but the basal is reduced (following severe hemorrhage, for
zone flow remains virtually unchanged, with the example) or if alveolar pressure is raised (during
result that the distribution from apex to base positive pressure ventilation). This ventilated
becomes almost uniform. However, in this pos­ but unperfused lung is useless for gas exchange
ture, blood flow in the posterior (lower, or and is called alveolar dead space.
dependent) regions of the lung exceeds flow in Further down the lung (zone 2), pulmonary
the anterior parts. Measurements on subjects arterial pressure increases because of the hydro­
suspended upside down show that apical blood static effect and now exceeds alveolar pressure.
flow may exceed basal blood flow in this posi­ However, venous pressure is still very low and is
tion. On mild exercise, both upper and lower less than alveolar pressure, which leads to
zone blood flows increase, and the regional dif­ remarkable pressure-flow characteristics. Under
ferences are lessened. these conditions, blood flow is determined by
The uneven distribution of blood flow can be the difference between the arterial and alveolar
explained by the hydrostatic pressure differences pressures (not the usual arterial-venous pressure
within the blood vessels. If we consider the pul­ difference). Indeed, venous pressure has no
monary arterial system as a continuous column influence on flow unless it exceeds alveolar
of blood, the difference in pressure between the pressure.
Pulmonary Embolism 85

Zone 1
P A > P a > Pv

ArteI rial VenIous

Zone 2

Alveolar Pa
Pa >> PA
PA >> Pv

Pa �
\,........ -2_, Pvvv


- i-_ --. Zone 3
Pa > Pv > P A
Blood flow
Blood flow —o.

FIGURE 6-7. Explanation of the uneven distribution of blood flow in the lung based on the pressures affect­
ing the capillaries. (See text for details.)

is increasing down the zone but alveolar pressure

is the same throughout the lung, the pressure dif­
ference responsible for flow increases. In addi­
tion, increasing recruitment of capillaries occurs
down this zone.
Parenthetically, the same phenomenon occurs
in the airways during a forced expiration. We saw
in Figure 3-16 that once airway compression
occurs, airflow is determined by the difference
between alveolar pressure and the pressure out­
side the collapsed point. Recall that this is why
airflow rate is effort-independent during most of
forced expiration.
FIGURE 6-8. Two Starling resistors, each consisting In zone 3, venous pressure now exceeds alveo­
of a thin-walled rubber tube inside a conta iner. When lar pressure, and flow is determined in the usual
chamber pressure exceeds downstream pressure, way by the arterial-venous pressure difference.
as in A., flow is independent of downstream pres­ The increase in blood flow down this region of
s u re . However, when downstream pressure
lung is apparently caused chiefly by distension of
exceeds chamber pressure, as in B., flow is deter­
mined by the upstream-downstream difference.
the capillaries. The pressure within them (lying
between arterial and venous) increases down the
zone, while the pressure outside them (alveolar)
This behavior can be modeled with a flexible remains constant. Therefore, tl1eir transmural
rubber tube inside a glass chamber (FIGURE 6-8). pressure rises, and, indeed, measurements in
When chamber pressure is greater than down­ animal preparations show that their mean width
stream pressure, the rubber tube collapses at its increases. Recruitment of previously closed ves­
downstream end, and the pressure in the tube at sels may also play some part in the increase in
this point limits flow. Of course, the pulmonary blood flow down this zone.
capillary bed is clearly very different from a rub­ The scheme shown in Figure 6-7 summarizes
ber tube. Nevertheless, the overall behavior is the role played by the capillaries in determining
similar and is often called the Starling resistor, the distribution of blood flow. At low lung vol­
sluice, or waterfall effect. Since arterial pressure umes, the resistance of the extra-alveolar vessels
86 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

becomes important and a reduction of regional muscle in the walls of the small arterioles in the
blood flow is seen, starting first at the base of the hypoxic region. The precise mechanism of this
lung, where the parenchyma is least well response is still not known, but it occurs in
expanded (see Fig. 3-1 1 ). This region of reduced excised isolated lung and so does not depend on
blood flow is sometimes called zone 4 and can be central nervous connections. Excised segments
explained by the narrowing of the extra-alveolar of pulmonary artery can be shown to constrict if
vessels that occurs when the lung around them is their environment is made hypoxic, so that it
poorly inflated (Fig. 6-5). may be a local action of the hypoxia on the artery
Other factors also cause unevenness of blood itself. One hypothesis is that cells in the perivas­
flow in the lung. In some animals, some regions cular tissue release some vasoconstrictor sub­
of the lung appear to have an intrinsically higher stance in response to hypoxia. Interestingly, it is
vascular resistance than others. There is also evi­ the Po2 of the alveolar gas, not the pulmonary
dence that blood flow decreases along the acinus, arterial blood, that chiefly determines the
with peripheral parts less well supplied with response. This can be proved by perfusing a lung
blood. Some measurements suggest that the with blood of a high Po2 while keeping the alve­
peripheral regions of the whole lung receive less olar Po2 low. Under these conditions the
blood flow than the central regions. Finally, the response occurs.
complex, partly random, arrangement of blood The vessel wall presumably becomes hypoxic
vessels and capillaries (see Fig. 1-1 1 ) causes some through diffusion of oxygen over the very short
inequality of blood flow. distance from the wall to the surrounding alve­
oli. Recall that a small pulmonary artery is very
closely surrounded by alveoli (compare the
Active Co ntrol of the Circu lation proximity of alveoli to the small pulmonary vein
in Fig. 1-1 3). The stimulus-response curve of
We have seen that passive factors dominate the this hypoxic vasoconstriction is very nonlinear
vascular resistance and the distribution of flow in (FIGURE 6-9). When the alveolar Po2 is altered
the human pulmonary circulation under normal in the region above 1 00 mm Hg, little change
conditions. However, a remarkable active in vascular resistance is seen. However, when
response occurs when the Po2 of alveolar gas is the alveolar Po2 is reduced below approximately
reduced. This is known as hypoxic pulmonary 70 mm Hg, marked vasoconstriction may occur,
vasoconstriction and was briefly referred to in and at a very low Po2 the local blood flow may
Chapter 2 . It consists of contraction of smooth be almost abolished.

. •
1 00



0 60

;;:::: 40 •


0 50 1 00 1 50 200 300 500

P02 (mm Hg)
FIGURE 6-9. Effect of reducing the alveolar P02 on pulmonary blood flow. Note the very nonlinear
response. (Data from an anesthetized cat.)
Pulmonary Embolism 87

The mechanism of hypoxic pulmonary vaso­ Metabolic Fu nctions

constriction is not fully understood despite a great of the Pulmonary Circulation
deal of research. Recent studies suggest that
voltage-gated potassium ion channels in smooth TABLE 6-1 shows that a number of vasoactive
muscle cells may be involved, leading to increased substances are metabolized by the lung. Since
calcium ion concentrations within the cells. the lung is the only organ except the heart that
Endothelium-derived vasoactive substances receives the whole circulation, it is uniquely suited
play a role. Nitric oxide (NO) has been shown to to modifying blood-borne substances. A sub­
be an endothelium-derived relaxing factor for stantial fraction of all the vascular endothelial
blood vessels. It is formed from L-arginine under cells in the body are located in the lung.
the influence of the enzyme nitric oxide synthase The only known example of biological activa­
(NOS) and is a final common pathway for a vari­ tion by passage through the pulmonary circula­
ety of biological processes. NO activates soluble tion is the conversion of the relatively inactive
guanylate cyclase, which leads to smooth muscle polypeptide angiotensin I to the potent vasocon­
relaxation through the synthesis of cyclic GMP. strictor angiotensin II. The latter, which is up to
Inhibitors of NO synthesis augment hypoxic 50 times more active than its precursor, is unaf­
pulmonary vasoconstriction in animal prepara­ fected by passage through the lung. The conver­
tions, and inhaled NO reduces hypoxic pul­ sion of angiotensin I is catalyzed by an enzyme,
monary vasoconstriction in humans. The angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), that is
required inhaled concentration of NO is located in small pits on the surface of the capil­
extremely low (about 1 0 to 2 0 ppm), and the gas lary endothelial cells.
is very toxic at high concentrations. Many vasoactive substances are completely or
Pulmonary vascular endothelial cells also partially inactivated during passage through the
release potent vasoconstrictor peptides known as lung. Bradykinin is largely inactivated (up to
endothelins. Their role in normal physiology 80% ), and the enzyme responsible is ACE. The
and disease is the subject of intense study. lung is the major site of inactivation of serotonin
Hypoxic vasoconstriction has the effect of (5-hydroxytryptamine), but this is not by
directing blood flow away from hypoxic regions
of lung. These regions may result from local
airway obstruction (see Figs. 3-1 8 and 4-1 3), TABLE 6-1
and by diverting blood flow, the deleterious Fate of Substances in the Pulmonary
effects on gas exchange are reduced. We saw in Circulation
Chapter 2 that at high altitude, generalized pul­
monary vasoconstriction may occur, leading to Substance Fate
a large rise in pulmonary arterial pressure. Peptides
However, probably the most important situa­ Angiotensin I Converted to angioten-
tion in which this mechanism operates is at sin II by ACE
birth. During fetal life, the pulmonary vascular Angiotensin II Unaffected
resistance is very high, partly because of hypoxic Vasopressin Unaffected
vasoconstriction, and only some 1 5 % of tl1e car­ Bradykinin Up to 80% inactivated
diac output goes through the lungs. The rest Amines
bypasses the lungs through the patent ductus Serotonin Almost completely
arteriosus. When the first breath oxygenates the removed
alveoli, the vascular resistance falls dramatically Norepinephrine Up to 30% removed
Histamine Not affected
because of relaxation of vascular smooth muscle,
Dopamine Not affected
and the pulmonary blood flow increases
enormously. Arachidonic acid
Other active responses of the pulmonary cir­ metabolites
Prostaglandins E2 Almost completely
culation have been described. A low blood pH
and F2a removed
causes vasoconstriction, especially when alveolar Prostaglandin A2 Not affected
hypoxia is present. There is also evidence tl1at Prostacyclin (PGI2) Not affected
the autonomic nervous system exerts a weak Leukotrienes Almost completely
control, an increase in sympathetic outflow caus­ removed
ing stiffening of the walls of the pulmonary *ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme.
arteries and vasoconstriction.
88 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

enzymatic degradation but by an uptake and Surface Tension and S u rfactant

storage process. Some of the serotonin may be
transferred to platelets in the lung or stored in We have seen that Fiona's pulmonary embolism
some other way and released during anaphylaxis. resolved well following treatment with anticoagu­
The prostaglandins E�, E2 , and F2 a are also inac­ lants. The emboli are removed by circulating
tivated in the lung, which is a rich source of the fibrinolytic enzymes, and the appearance of the
responsible enzymes. Norepinephrine is also pulmonary blood vessels may be completely
taken up by the lung to some extent (up to 3 0% ). normal a few weeks after the embolic events. In
Histamine appears not to be affected by the her case, there were no complications in the
intact lung but is readily inactivated by slices. embolized regions, and the chest radiograph
Some vasoactive materials pass through the remained essentially normal except for a slight
lung without significant gain or loss of activity. reduction of vascular markings in the embolized
These include epinephrine, prostaglandins A1 area.
and A2 , angiotensin II, and vasopressin (ADH). In some patients, a pulmonary embolus is
Several vasoactive and bronchoactive substances complicated by alveolar hemorrhage and atelec­
are metabolized in the lung and may be released tasis of the embolized region. Rarely, pulmonary
into the circulation under certain conditions. infarction occurs, with death of the embolized
Important among these are the arachidonic acid tissue. There is alveolar filling with extravasated
metabolites (FIGURE 6-10). Arachidonic acid is red cells and inflammatory cells, and an opacity
formed through the action of the enzyme phos­ is seen on the radiograph. Rarely, the infarct may
pholipase A2 on phospholipid bound to cell become infected, leading to an abscess. The
membranes. There are two major synthetic infrequency of these complications can be
pathways, the initial reactions being catalyzed by explained, in part, by the fact that most emboli
the enzymes lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenase, do not obstruct the vessel completely. In addi­
respectively. The first produces the leukotrienes, tion, bronchial artery anastomoses and the air­
which include the mediator originally described ways supply oxygen to the lung parenchyma.
as slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis In experimental animals, ligation of a lobar
(SRS-A). These compounds cause airway con­ pulmonary artery can lead to atelectasis with
striction and may have an important role in extravasation of red cells in the affected lobe. It
asthma, as described in Chapter 4. Other has been shown that these changes are caused by
leukotrienes are involved in inflammatory the loss of surfactant. Surfactant metabolism is a
responses. vital function of the pulmonary circulation, and
The prostaglandins are potent vasoconstric­ this is a convenient place to discuss surfactant
tors or vasodilators. PGE2 plays an important and surface tension in the lung. These topics
role in the perinatal period because it helps to were referred to in Chapter 3 when the
relax the patent ductus arteriosus. Prostaglandins pressure-volume behavior of the lung was dis­
also affect platelet aggregation and are active in cussed (see Fig. 3-9). It was pointed out there
other systems, such as the kallikrein-kinin clot­ that the elastic recoil of the lung depends on two
ting cascade. They also may have a role in the basic factors: (1) the elastin and collagen fibers
bronchoconstriction of asthma. within the lung substance, and (2) the surface
tension of the alveolar lining layer.
Suiface tension is a difficult concept for some
Membrane-boul- nd phosPhphooslipphidolipase A2 people, and so a brief introduction may be helpful.
Surface tension is defined as the force (in dynes,
for example) acting across an imaginary line 1 em
long in the surface of a liquid (FIGURE 6-11A). It
LipoxygeLneauskeo7 Ar a c h i d on i c � Cyclo xygenase
ac i d
trienes ThPrrosmtabgolaxndeinA2s,
arises because the attractive forces between adja­
cent molecules of the liquid are much stronger
than those between molecules of the liquid and
overlying gas, with the result that the liquid sur­
face area becomes as small as possible. In fact, we
FIGURE 6-10. Two pathways of arach idonic acid
can think of the surface tension as similar to the
metabolism. The leukotrienes are generated by the
tension in a thin sheet of rubber stretched across
lipoxygenase pathway, and the prostaglandins and
thromboxane A2 come from the cyclooxygenase
the trough shown in Figure 6-l lA. Now suppose
pathway. we make a 1-cm-long incision in the rubber sheet.
Pulmonary Embolism 89

1 em
-+I I+-


i /1:/ 4—
Ill 7
Soap bubble P = 4T

A B c
FIGURE 6-11. A. S u rface tension is the force (in dynes, for exa mple) acting across an i magi nary line 1 em
long in a liquid surface. B. S u rface forces in a soap bubble tend to reduce the a rea of the surface and gen­
erate a pressure with i n the bubble. C. Because the smaller bubble generates a larger pressure, it blows up
the larger bubble.

This will cause it to gape. If we then take sutures Saline

and close the gaping hole, the total force acting on inflation
the sutures is analogous to the surface tension.
Some of the properties of surface tension can
be seen if we blow a soap bubble on the end of a Air
1 50
tube (Fig. 6-l l B). The surfaces of the bubble inflation
contract as much as they can, forming a sphere =-.
(smallest surface area for a given volume) and I
1 00
generating a pressure (P) that can be predicted E
from Laplace's law: 0
4 ·T

where T is the surface tension and r is the radius. 0 10 20
When only one surface is involved, for example, Pres ure (em water)
in a liquid-lined spherical alveolus, the numera­
FIGURE 6-12. Comparison of pressure-volume
tor is 2 rather than 4. curves of a i r-filled and saline-fi lled lungs. Open cir­
The first evidence that surface tension con­ cles, inflation; closed circles, deflation. The saline­
tributes to the pressure-volume behavior of lung filled lung has a higher compliance and much less
was the demonstration that lungs inflated with hysteresis than the a i r-filled l u n g . (Data from an ani­
saline have a much larger compliance (are easier mal preparation.)
to distend) than air-filled lungs (FIGURE 6-12).
Since the saline abolished the surface tension
forces but presumably did not affect the tissue
forces of the lung, this observation meant that alveolar lining fluid. Recall that the type II cells
surface tension contributed part of the static contain prominent lamellated bodies (see Fig. 5-3).
recoil force of the lung. Some time later, work­ These contain phospholipid, which is formed in
ers studying edema foam coming from the lungs the endoplasmic reticulum, passed through the
of animals exposed to noxious gases noted that Golgi apparatus, and eventually extruded into the
the tiny air bubbles of the foam were extremely alveolar space to form surfactant. The exact nature
stable. They recognized that this indicated a of surfactant is not known, but dipalmitoyl phos­
very low surface tension, an observation that led phatidylcholine (DPPC) is an important con­
to the remarkable discovery of pulmonary stituent. Some of the surfactant can be washed out
surfactant. of lungs by rinsing them with saline.
It is now known that type II alveolar epithe­ The phospholipid DPPC is synthesized in the
lial cells (see Fig. 5-3) secrete a material that lung from fatty acids that are either extracted
profoundly lowers the surface tension of the from the blood or are themselves synthesized in
90 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

tForarncseducer Movable
1 00 _ Lung
extract + :nt


Platinum t1l
strip Ar , la �
Q) 50 Water )lH
� !!
'lai Tr Q) Detergent !!
/ i
ri a: !!
0 25 50 75

Surface tension (dynes/em)
FIGURE 6-13. A. S u rface balance. The area of the surface is a ltered by movi ng the barrier, and the sur­
face tension is measured from the force exerted on a plati num strip di pped into the surface. B. Plots of
surface tension and a rea obtained with a surface balance. Note that lung washings show a change in the
surface tension with area and that the m i n i m u m tension is very small.

the lung. Synthesis is fast, and there is a rapid molecules of DPPC are then crowded closer
turnover of surfactant. If the blood flow to a together and repel each other more.
region of lung is abolished as a result of an What are the physiological advantages of
embolus, the surfactant is depleted. Surfactant is surfactant? First, a low surface tension in the
formed relatively late in fetal life, and babies alveoli increases the compliance of the lung
born without adequate amounts develop infant and reduces the work of expanding it with each
respiratory distress syndrome and may die. breath. Second, stability of the alveoli is pro­
The effects of surfactant on surface tension can moted. The 3 00 million alveoli appear to be
be studied with a surface balance (FIGURE 6-13). inherently unstable, because areas of atelecta­
This consists of a trough containing saline on sis often form in the presence of disease. This
which a small amount of test material is placed. is a complex subject, but one way of looking at
The area of the surface is then alternately the lung is to regard it as a collection of mil­
expanded and compressed by a movable barrier lions of tiny bubbles (although this is an over­
while the surface tension is measured from the simplification). In such an arrangement, there
force exerted on a platinum strip dipped into the is a tendency for small bubbles to collapse and
surface. Pure saline gives a surface tension of blow up large ones. Figure 6-l l C shows that
about 70 dynes cm-1 , irrespective of the area of
· the pressure generated by the surface forces in
its surface. Adding detergent to the saline reduces a bubble is inversely proportional to its radius,
the surface tension, but again this is independent with the result that if the surface tensions are
of area. When lung washings are placed on saline, the same, the pressure inside a small bubble
the curve shown in Figure 6-1 3 B is obtained. The exceeds that in a large bubble. However,
surface tension changes greatly with the surface Figure 6-1 3 shows that when lung washings
area, and there is hysteresis (compare Figs. 3-9 are present, a small surface area is associated
and 6-1 2). In addition, the surface tension falls to with a small surface tension. Thus, the ten­
extremely low values when the area is small. dency for small alveoli to empty into large
How does surfactant reduce the surface ten­ alveoli is apparently reduced.
sion so much? A simple explanation is that the A third role of surfactant is to help keep the
molecules of DPPC are hydrophobic at one end alveoli dry. This is a difficult concept, but just as
and hydrophilic at the other, and they therefore the surface tension forces tend to collapse alve­
align themselves in the surface. When this oli, so they also tend to suck fluid out of the cap­
occurs, their intermolecular repulsive forces illaries. In effect, the surface tension of the
oppose the normal attracting forces between curved alveolar surface reduces the hydrostatic
surface molecules that are responsible for sur­ pressure in the tissue outside the capillaries. By
face tension. The reduction in surface tension is reducing these surface forces, surfactant inhibits
greatest when the film is compressed because the the transudation of fluid.
Pulmonary Embolism 91

FIGURE 6-14. Microscopic section of l u ng from a premature baby with infant respi ratory distress syn­
drome. There are areas of atelectasis and hemorrhagic edema. The lung was a lso difficult to inflate. These
are the consequences of the absence of surfactant.

What are the consequences of absence of sur­ some patients with large pulmonary emboli also
factant? On the basis of its functions that we just develop some alveolar edema. The probable
discussed, we would expect these to be stiff lungs explanation is that the high pulmonary artery
(low compliance), areas of atelectasis, and alveoli pressure raises the pressure in capillaries in non­
filled with transudate. Indeed, these are the embolized areas of lung, and these capillaries leak
pathophysiological features of infant respiratory fluid into the alveolar spaces. The pathogenesis
distress syndrome (FIGURE 6-14), and this disease of pulmonary edema is discussed in detail in
is caused by an absence of this crucial material. Chapter 7. The arterial P co2 after pulmonary
Because the surfactant system matures late in ges­ embolism is maintained at the normal level by an
tation, the disease is mainly seen in babies born increase in ventilation to the alveoli. This
prematurely. These babies can now be treated by increase may be substantial because of the large
instilling synthesized surfactant into the trachea. physiological dead space, and therefore wasted
ventilation, caused by the embolized area.
Other Pathophysiologica l Changes L u n g M e c h a n ics
in Pulmonary E m bolism
If a pulmonary artery is occluded by a catheter in
Gas Exch a n g e experimental animals, the ventilation to that area
of lung is often reduced. The mechanism is
Patients with pulmonary embolism typically have a direct effect of the reduced arterial P co7- on the
a reduced arterial Po2 but a normal Pco2• This smooth muscle of the local small airways, causing
was the case with Fiona, whose Po,- was 78 mm bronchoconstriction. It can be reversed by
Hg (normal >90), P co2 was 3 8 mm Hg, and pH adding C02 to the inspired gas. Although this
was 7 .41 . Measurements by the multiple inert gas airway response to vascular obstruction is much
elimination technique (see Figs. 3-2 2 and 3-2 3) weaker than the corresponding vascular response
show that the hypoxemia can often be explained to airway obstruction (hypoxic pulmonary vaso­
by ventilation-perfusion inequality, although constriction), it serves a similar homeostatic role.
some patients, particularly those with very large The reduction in airflow to the unperfused lung
emboli, have large shunts. One mechanism for reduces the amount of wasted ventilation and
the shunt is blood flow through atelectatic areas, thus the physiological dead space. This reduction
as referred to earlier in this chapter. However, of ventilation is apparently absent or short-lived
92 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

after pulmonary thromboembolism in humans 2. Predisposing factors for venous thrombi

because most measurements of the distribution include blood stasis, increased coagula­
of ventilation with radioactive xenon made some bility, and vessel wall abnormalities.
hours after the episode show no ventilation 3. The normal pulmonary vascular resis­
defect in the embolized area. This was the case in tance is low and may fall even further as
Fiona, as shown in Figure 6-1 .
a result of recruitment and distension of
pulmonary capillaries.
Ca rd iovasc u l a r C h a n g e s 4. Gravity has a marked effect on the distri­
Massive emboli may produce sudden hemody­ bution of pulmonary blood flow, with the
namic collapse with central chest pain, rapid highest flow occurring at the base of the
weak pulse, hypotension, and neck vein engorge­ upright lung.
ment. As discussed earlier, repeated small emboli 5. Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction
may result in severe pulmonary hypertension. directs blood away from poorly venti­
lated regions of the lung but is most
important in the perinatal transition
Key Concepts
from placental to pulmonary gas
1 . Clinical features of pulmonary throm­ exchange.
boembolism may include dyspnea, chest 6. Surface tension plays a major role in
pain, blood-stained sputum, tachycardia, lung mechanics, and absence of surfac­
pleural friction rub, and evidence of leg tant is responsible for infant respiratory
thrombosis. distress syndrome.
Pulmonary Embolism 93

Questions (For answers, see p. 1 421
For each question, choose the one best answer.

1 . Pulmonary vascular resistance is reduced B. It depends more on the Po2 of mixed

by: venous blood than alveolar gas.
A. Acute narrowing of the mitral valve C. It increases in the transition from
B . Removal of one lung placental to air respiration.
C. Positive pressure mechanical ventilation D. It partly diverts blood flow from over­
D. Breathing a 1 0% oxygen mixture ventilated regions of diseased lungs.
E. Exhaling from FRC to residual volume. E. It is a valuable feature of acclimatization
to high altitude.
2. In the normal human, systemic vascular
resistance exceeds pulmonary vascular 6. Concerning pulmonary capillaries:
resistance by how many fold? A. The endothelial cells contain
A. 2 angiotensin-converting enzyme.
B. 4 B. Average diffusing distance from alveolar
c. 6 epithelial cells to red blood cells in the
D. 8 lung is greater than from capillary
E. 1 0 endothelial cells to mitochondria in leg
3 . In zone 2 of the lung: C. The diameter of capillaries decreases
A. The capillaries are closed. when their transmural pressure increases.
B. The pressure difference responsible for D. When blood passes through them,
blood flow increases down the lung. bradykinin in the blood is unaffected.
C. Distension of capillaries is the main fac­ E. Pulmonary venous pressure may exceed
tor responsible for the increase in blood capillary pressure in mid-lung during
flow down the lung. vigorous exercise.
D. Blood flow is determined by the arterial­
venous pressure difference. 7. Metabolic functions of the pulmonary
E. Pulmonary venous pressure exceeds circulation include:
alveolar pressure. A. Activation of prostaglandin E2
B. Activation of serotonin
4. If a patient's lung is inflated by positive C. Inactivation of vasopressin
pressure using a mechanical ventilator: D. Partial inactivation of histamine
A. Pulmonary vascular resistance increases. E. Conversion of angiotensin I to
B. The caliber of the extra-alveolar vessels angiotensin II
C. Venous return to the thorax is assisted. 8. Concerning pulmonary surfactant:
D. The caliber of the pulmonary capillaries A. It contains dipalmitoyl
is increased. phosphatidylcholine.
E. The likelihood of zone 1 conditions B. It is very slowly turned over in the lung.
occurring is reduced. C. It increases the hydrostatic pressure out­
side the pulmonary capillaries.
5. Concerning hypoxic pulmonary D. It is stored in type I alveolar epithelial
vasoconstriction: cells.
A. Its mechanism involves K+ channels in E. It results in air-filled lung having a higher
vascular smooth muscle. compliance than saline-filled lung.
I C h a pter 7
Pulmonary Edema

0 George is a 5 5 -year-old stockbroker who devel­

oped a myocardial infarction that caused left heart
failure and pulmonary edema. We discuss the phys­
iology of fluid movement across the walls of pul­
monary capillaries and the pathophysiology of the
various types of pulmonary edema. George has arte­
rial hypoxemia as a result of blood flow through nonventilated areas of lung, and the
physiology of shunt is also discussed.

List of Topics George's job as a stockbroker causes him much

anxiety at times, and he worries a lot.
Clinical features of pulmonary edema;
Starling equilibrium; stages of pulmonary
Physical Examin ation
edema; causes of pulmonary edema;
hypoxemia caused by shunt; measurement In the emergency department the patient
appeared anxious and was short of breath. He
of shunt by oxygen breathing.
coughed up small amounts of pink frothy fluid.
His temperature was 3 8°C, blood pressure
1 1 0/65 mm Hg, pulse 1 00 beats . min-1 • There
0 CLINICAL FINDINGS was facial pallor and some sweating, but no neck
vein engorgement. The apex beat of the heart
History was in ilie fifth intercostal space in ilie midcla­
George is a 55 -year-old stockbroker who was vicular line. The heart sounds were soft, with a
well until 3 years ago, when he began to have gallop rhyilim (that is, three rather than two
central chest discomfort during physical exer­ heart sounds could be heard). On auscultation
tion such as playing golf. He did not seek of the chest, rales (crackles) could be heard at
medical advice. On the morning of hospital tl1e bases of both lungs posteriorly. The liver
admission he had an attack of severe central was not palpable, and there was no ankle or
chest pain, which he described as crushing and sacral edema.
which radiated into his left shoulder. Shortly
after this he became very short of breath and I nvestigations
coughed up a small amount of frothy fluid. He
was admitted to the hospital as an emergency. An electrocardiogram (ECG) showed the pat­
There was no history of shortness of breatl1 or tern of a recent left anterior wall infarct with Q
ankle swelling. He has smoked a pack of ciga­ waves and depressed ST segments. A chest radi­
rettes a day for the past 3 5 years. His family his­ ograph (FIGURE 7-1 1 showed blotchy bilateral
tory is significant in that his fatl1er died of a opacities typical of pulmonary edema. Arterial
heart attack at the age of 60 and George's blood gases showed a Po2 of 59 mm Hg, Pco2 of
50-year-old brother has had heart problems. 3 5 mm Hg, and pH of 7 . 3 5 .
Pulmonary Edema 95

FIGURE 7-1. C hest rad iogra p h of a patient with severe alveolar edema . Note the blotchy shadowing
i n both l u ngs.

Treatment a n d Progress disease for several years and that the pain he expe­
rienced during exertion was angina. The attack on
The patient was treated with bed rest, morphine, the day of hospital admission was a myocardial
diuretics, and oxygen by nasal cannula. His con­ infarction as a result of occlusion of part of his left
dition improved and the signs of pulmonary anterior descending coronary artery. This resulted
edema disappeared over 2 days. He had a coro­ in anginal pain, ischemia of part of the left ventric­
nary angiogram, which showed severe obstruc­ ular wall, failure of that portion of the myocardium
tion of the left anterior descending coronary to contract, and consequent pump failure of the left
artery. An operation for a coronary artery bypass heart. The result was that blood dammed up
graft was performed, and the patient made an behind the failing ventricle, causing an increase in
uneventful recovery. The patient was advised to left atrial and pulmonary venous pressures. These
stop smoking. in turn raised pulmonary capillary pressure, and
the result was alveolar pulmonary edema. The gal­
lop rhythm heard on auscultation of the heart is
common in myocardial infarction, and the rales
Pulmonary edema caused by left ventricular fail­ heard over the lung bases were caused by fluid in
ure following a myocardial infarction. the airways. The fact that he coughed up some
blood-tinged frothy fluid meant that he had a
severe attack of edema, but fortunately this
responded to treatment.
We saw in Figure 1-10 that the normal mean
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY pressure in the left atrium is about 5 mm Hg.
Clinical Findings When the left ventricle fails, this pressure rises, as
does the pressure in the pulmonary veins and the
George's clinical course is common enough, and it capillaries. As a result, the capillaries distend and
introduces us to many aspects of the pathophysiol­ some additional capillaries open up (see Fig. 6-3),
ogy of left ventricular failure and pulmonary and pulmonary artery pressure rises, though not
edema. Starting with the clinical history, it is prob­ as much as pulmonary venous pressure because
able in retrospect that George had coronary artery vascular resistance is decreased. However, the net
96 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

result is that the hydrostatic pressure in the capil­ hydrostatic pressure is probably halfway between
laries increases and fluid moves out of them. arterial and venous pressures (see Fig. 1-10), but
varies markedly from top to bottom of the
upright lung (see Fig. 6-7). The colloid osmotic
Pulmon ary Edema
pressure of the interstitial fluid is not known, but
A review of Figure 1-7 reminds us that the pul­ is approximately 20 mm Hg in lung lymph.
monary capillaries are lined by endothelial cells However, there is some question about whether
and surrounded by an interstitial space. As this lymph has the same protein concentration as
shown in the figure, the interstitium is often nar­ the interstitial fluid around the capillaries. The
row on one side of the capillary, where it is interstitial hydrostatic pressure is unknown but
formed by the fusion of the basement mem­ is thought to be substantially below atmospheric
branes of the capillary endothelial and alveolar pressure. The value of sigma (cr) in tl1e pul­
epithelial cells, whereas on the other side it is monary capillaries is approximately 0. 7. It is
wider and contains some type I collagen fibers probable that the net pressure from the Starling
and a few cells such as fibroblasts. This wider equilibrium is outward, causing a lymph flow of
side is particularly important for fluid exchange. perhaps 20 ml hr-1•

Between the interstitium and the alveolar space The fluid that leaves the capillaries moves
is the alveolar epithelium, composed predomi­ within the interstitial space of the alveolar wall
nantly of type I cells. There is also a thin layer of and tracks to the perivascular and peribronchial
surfactant, which is not shown in Figure 1-7 interstitium (FIGURE 7-2). This tissue normally
because it was removed by the fixation process. forms a thin sheath around the pulmonary arter­
The capillary endothelium is highly perme­ ies, veins, and bronchi and contains the lymphat­
able to water and to many solutes, including ics (see Fig. 1- 1 3 ) . The alveoli themselves are
small molecules and ions. Proteins have a devoid of lymphatics, but once the fluid reaches
restricted movement across the endothelium. By
contrast, the alveolar epithelium is much less
permeable, and even small ions are largely pre­
vented from crossing by passive diffusion. In
addition, the epithelium actively pumps water
from the alveolar to the interstitial space using a Lymph
sodium-potassium ATPase pump.
Hydrostatic forces tend to move fluid out of A. Normal
the capillary into the interstitial space, whereas
osmotic forces tend to keep it in. The movement

of fluid across the endothelium is governed by

the Starling equation:

Q = K[(P. - Pi) - CT(17",

CT(17", 7r)] �
where Q is the net flow out of the capillary; K is B.

Intersti al edema @)ymph

the filtration coefficient; Pc and Pi are the hydro­
static pressures in the capillary and interstitial
space, respectively; 7Tc and 7Tj are the correspond­
ing colloid osmotic pressures; and a is the reflec­
tion coefficient. This last variable indicates the
effectiveness of tl1e membrane in preventing
(reflecting) the passage of protein compared
with water across the endothelium; the coeffi­ C. Alveolar edema �y m p h
cient is reduced in diseases that damage the
FIGURE 7-2. Stages of pulmonary edema. A. There
endothelial cells and increase their permeability. is normally a small lymph flow from the lung. B. I n
Although this equation is valuable conceptually, interstitial edema, there i s an increased lymph flow,
its practical use is limited. Of the four pressures, with engorgement of the perivascular and peri­
only one, the colloid osmotic pressure within bronchial spaces and some widening of the intersti­
the capillary, is known with any certainty. Its tium of the alveolar wal l . C. Some fluid crosses the
value is approxin1ately 28 mm Hg. The capillary blood-gas barrier, producing alveolar edema.
Pulmonary Edema 97




k; ;


• •



,4•• .14
FIGURE 7-3. Example of engorgement of the perivascular space of a sma l l pu lmonary blood vessel by inter­
stitial edema. Some alveolar edema is also present.

the perivascular and peribronchial interstitium, size. Ventilation is prevented, and to the extent
some of it is carried in the lymphatics while that the alveoli remain perfused, shunting of
some moves through the loose interstitial tissue. blood occurs and arterial hypoxemia is inevitable
The lymphatics actively pump the lymph toward (see below). The edema fluid may move into the
the bronchial and hilar lymph nodes. small and large airways and be coughed up as
If excessive amounts of fluid leak from the voluminous frothy sputum. As we saw earlier,
capillaries, two factors tend to limit this flow. George coughed up some red-tinged frothy
The first is a fall in the colloid osmotic pressure fluid. The red staining comes from the presence
of the interstitial fluid as the protein is diluted of red blood cells. What prompts the transition
because of the faster filtration of water com­ from interstitial to alveolar edema is not fully
pared with protein. However, this factor does understood, but it may be that the lymphatics
not operate if the permeability of the capillary is become overloaded and the pressure in the
greatly increased. The second is the rise in interstitial space increases so much that fluid
hydrostatic pressure in the interstitial space, spills over into the alveoli. Probably the alveolar
which reduces the net filtration pressure. Both epithelium is damaged, and its permeability is
factors act in a direction to reduce fluid move­ increased. This would explain the presence of
ment out of the capillaries. protein and red cells in the alveolar fluid. As
Two stages in the formation of pulmonary indicated earlier, the alveolar epithelium is nor­
edema are recognized (Fig. 7-2). The first is mally very effective in preventing the passage of
interstitial edema, which is characterized by protein, cells, and fluid across it.
engorgement of the perivascular and peri­
bronchial interstitial tissue (cuffing), as shown in Causes of Pulmonary Edema
FIGU RE 7-3. Dilated lymphatics can be seen, and
lymph flow increases. In addition, some widen­ The causes of pulmonary edema are best dis­
ing of the interstitium of the alveolar wall on the cussed under the following six headings (as also
thick side occurs. Pulmonary function is little shown in TABLE 7-1).
affected at this stage, and the condition is diffi­
cult to recognize, although some changes in the I nc reased Ca p i l l a ry Hyd rostatic
chest radiograph may be seen (see below). P ress u re
The second stage is alveolar edema. Here,
fluid moves across the alveoli, which are filled Increased capillary hydrostatic pressure is the
one by one (FIGURE 7-4). As a result of surface most common cause of pulmonary edema and
tension forces, the edematous alveoli shrink in was also the cause in George's case. Here the
98 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

FIGURE 7-4. H istologic appearance of alveolar edema. Some a lveoli a re completely filled, whereas others
are spared. The edematous alveoli tend to be smaller.

precipitating event was left ventricular failure increase in pulmonary venous and capillary pres­
caused by an acute myocardial infarction, but sures. This can be recognized at cardiac
hypertensive left ventricular failure and mitral catheterization by measuring the "wedge," or
valve disease are other causes. In all these condi­ occlusion, pressure (the pressure in a catheter
tions, left atrial pressure rises, resulting in an that has been wedged in, and therefore has
blocked, a small pulmonary arteiy). This pres­
sure is approximately equal to pulmonary venous
TABlE 7-1 \Nhether pulmonary edema occurs in these
Causes of Pulmonary Edema conditions depends partly on the rate of rise of
the pressure. For example, in patients with
Mechanism Precipitating Event mitral stenosis in whom the venous pressure
Increased capillary Myocardial infarction, gradually rises over a period of years, remarkably
hydrostatic pressure mitral stenosis, fluid high values can occur without clinical evidence
overload, pulmonary of edema. This is partly because tl1e caliber or
vena-occlusive disease number of the lymphatics increase to accommo­
Increased capillary Inhaled or circulating date the higher lymph flow. However, these
permeability toxins, sepsis,
patients often have marked interstitial edema. By
radiation, oxygen
toxicity, ARDS contrast, a patient like George who had an acute
Reduced lymph Increased central myocardial infarction may develop alveolar
drainage venous pressure, edema with a smaller but more sudden rise in
lymphangitis capillary pressure.
carcinomatosa Noncardiogenic causes also occur. For exam­
Decreased interstitial Rapid removal of ple, edema may be precipitated by excess intra­
pressure pleural effusion venous infusions of saline, plasma, or blood,
or pneumothorax, leading to a rise in pulmonary capillary pressure.
hyperinflation Diseases of the pulmonary veins, such as pul­
Decreased colloid Overtransfusion
osmotic pressure
monary vena-occlusive disease that results in
renal disease blocked veins, may also result in edema.
Uncertain etiology High altitude, An important mechanism of the edema in all
neurogernc, these conditions is tl1e increase in hydrostatic
overinflation, heroin pressure in tl1e capillaries, because this disturbs
*ARDS, adult respiratory distress syndrome. the Starling equilibrium. However, recent work
shows that when the capillary pressure is raised
Pulmonary Edema 99

to unphysiologically high levels, ultrastructural edema may be partly related to the large mechan­
changes occur in the capillary walls, including ical forces acting on the interstitial space as the
disruption of the capillary endothelium, alveolar lung is inflated. However, the edema fluid is of
epithelium, or sometimes all layers of the wall. the high-permeability type, and it is probable
The result is an increase in capillary permeabil­ that the high mechanical stresses in the alveolar
ity, with the movement of fluid, protein, and walls cause ultrastructural changes in the capil­
cells into the alveolar spaces. This condition is lary walls (stress failure).
known as capillary stress failure.
One consequence of these changes in struc­ Decreased Co l l o i d O s m otic P ress u re
ture of the capillary wall is that for relatively
small increases in pressure, the edema fluid has a Decreased colloid osmotic pressure is rarely
low protein concentration because the perme­ responsible for pulmonary edema on its own,
ability characteristics of the capillary wall are but it can exacerbate the edema that occurs when
largely preserved (low-permeability edema). some other precipitating factor is present.
However, with large increases of capillary pres­ Overtransfusion with saline is an important
sure, the protein concentration of the edema example. This may occur in the management of
fluid is high (high-permeability edema) because ARDS . Another example is the hypoproteinemia
the capillary walls are damaged. of tl1e nephrotic syndrome.

I n c reased Ca p i l l a ry P e r m e a b i l ity U nc e rta i n Etiology

Apart from the situation referred to above, an High-altitude pulmonary edema occasionally
increased capillary permeability also occurs in a affects climbers and skiers and was referred to in
variety of other conditions. Inhaled toxins, such Chapter 2 . The pulmonary wedge pressure is
as chlorine, sulfur dioxide, or nitrogen oxides, can normal, so a raised pulmonary venous pressure
damage the pulmonary capillaries. Circulating can be ruled out. However, the pulmonary artery
toxins, such as alloxan or endotoxin, can cause pressure is high because of hypoxic pulmonary
pulmonary edema in the same way. Therapeutic vasoconstriction (see Fig. 6-9). A current
radiation to the lung may cause edema and, ulti­ hypotl1esis is that the arteriolar constriction is
mately, interstitial fibrosis. Oxygen poisoning uneven and that regions of the capillary bed
produces a similar picture. Increased permeabil­ which are therefore not protected from the high
ity is frequently seen in adult respiratory distress pressure develop the ultrastructural changes of
syndrome (ARDS; see Chapter 9). The edema stress failure. This hypothesis would explain the
fluid typically has a high protein concentration high protein concentration in the alveolar fluid.
and contains many blood cells. Treatment is by descent to a lower altitude.
Oxygen should be given if available.
R e d uced Lym p h D ra i n ag e Neurogenic pulmonary edema is seen after
injuries to the brain (for example, head trauma).
Reduced lymph drainage can b e an exacerbating Again tl1e mechanism is probably stress failure of
factor if another cause is present. Increased cen­ pulmonaty capillaries, because it is known that
tral venous pressure may occur in ARDS, heart there is a large rise in capillary pressure associ­
failure, and overtransfusion and can interfere ated with heightened activity of the sympathetic
with the normal drainage of tl1e thoracic duct. nervous system, leading to high concentrations
Obstruction of lymphatics, as in lymphangitis of catecholamines in the blood. Again, the
carcinomatosa, is another exacerbating cause. edema is of the high-permeability type.
Overinflation of the lung can cause pul­
Decreased I nte rstiti a l P ress u re monary edema. This is sometimes seen in the
intensive care unit when high levels of positive
Decreased interstitial pressure might be expected end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) are used (see
to promote edema from the Starling equation, Chapter 9). Again, the resulting large tensile
although whether this occurs in practice is uncer­ forces in the alveolar walls resulting from the
tain. However, unilateral pulmonary edema is high lung volume apparently damage the capil­
sometimes seen in patients who have a large uni­ lary walls.
lateral pleural effusion or pneumothorax, and Heroin overdosage can cause pulmonary
then the lung is rapidly expanded. In this case the edema. The condition is particularly seen in
100 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

addicts who inject the drug intravenously when

it is mixed with various diluents. These diluents
might be partly responsible; however, edema can
also follow oral ingestion.

Cli n ical Featu res

of Pulmonary Edema
Many of the typical clinical features were seen in
George. Dyspnea is always a prominent symp­
tom; breathing is typically rapid and shallow,
probably because of stimulation of the J recep­
tors in the alveolar walls (see Chapter 2) .
Dyspnea i s particularly marked o n exertion.
Orthopnea (increased dyspnea while recumbent)
is common. Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea (the
patient wakes up at night with severe dyspnea
and wheezing) and periodic breathing (the
breathing waxes and wanes) may occur. Cough is
frequent. It is unproductive in the early stages,
but in fulminating edema the patient may cough
up large quantities of pink foamy fluid, and
indeed may drown in his or her edema fluid. In
severe alveolar edema, cyanosis is seen.
On auscultation of the lungs, rales (crackles)
FIGURE 7-5. Septal lines in a patient with marked
on inspiration are heard particularly at the lung pul monary interstitial edema. These short. linear hor­
bases as a result of fluid in the airways. In severe izontal markings near the pleural su rface (arrows)
edema, rhonchi (musical sounds) may also be are frequently difficult to interpret.
present; these are caused by turbulence in air­
ways partly obstructed by edema fluid.
The chest radiograph is often very valuable. G a s Exc h a n g e
Severe alveolar edema causes blotchy shadowing
that is bilateral (Fig. 7-1). Sometimes tl1e opacities Gas exchange i s often severely impaired when
are most marked near the hilar regions, giving a alveolar edema is present. The chief cause is com­
so-called bat's wing, or butterfly, appearance. The plete obstruction of ventilation to some regions of
explanation may be related to the perivascular and the lung by the edema fluid (Fig. 7-4). This is
peribronchial cuffing that is particularly notice­ known as shunt. It could be argued that this is sim­
able around the large vessels in the hilar region ply an extreme mismatch of ventilation and blood
(Figs. 7-2 and 7-3). Interstitial edema causes subtle flow, as depicted in Figure 3-18B. However, it is
changes in the chest radiograph. The most impor­ useful to distinguish shunt as a cause of hypoxemia
tant findings are septal lines, which are short, from other patterns of ventilation-perfusion
linear, horizontal markings originating near the inequality because of tl1e different behavior of
pleural surface in the lower zones (FIGURE 7-5). the arterial Po2 when 1 00% 0 2 is breathed when
These are caused by edematous interlobular septa. a shunt is present (see tl1e following subsection).
Although these are difficult radiographic signs to
interpret, they often constitute one of the few
pieces of evidence for interstitial edema. S h u nt

Shunt refers to blood that finds its way into the

Pulmonary Fu nction arterial system witl1out going tlrrough ventilated
areas of lung. Even in the normal lung, there is a
Pulmonary function tests are not normally car­ small amount of shunt because some of the blood
ried out on patients with pulmonary edema, from the bronchial arteries is collected by the pul­
because they are not required and the patients monary veins after it has perfused the bronchi and
are usually very sick. its 02 concentration has been partly depleted.
Pulmonary Edema 101

Another source is a small amount of coronary blood can be calculated from the alveolar Po2 and
venous blood that drains directly into the cavity of the Oz dissociation curve (see Fig. 1-14).
the left ventricle through the thebesian veins. When the shunt is caused by blood that does
(Most of the venous drainage from the not have the same 02 concentration as mixed
myocardium enters the right atrium via the coro­ venous blood, it is generally not possible to cal­
nary sinus.) The effect of the addition of this culate its true magnitude. However, it is often
poorly oxygenated blood is to depress the arterial useful to calculate an "as if" shunt, that is, what
Po2• However, in normal subjects the reduction of the shunt would be if the observed depression of
arterial Po2 by these shunts is only about 5 mm arterial Oz concentration were caused by the
Hg, which is barely measurable. By contrast, in addition of mixed venous blood.
patients like George, severe arterial hypoxemia An important feature of a shunt is that the
may develop as a result of shunt. This mechanism hypoxemia cannot be abolished by giving the
is also very important in children with cyanotic patient 1 00% 02 to breathe. This is because
congenital heart disease, where there is a direct the shunted blood that bypasses ventilated alve­
addition of venous blood to arterial blood across a oli is never exposed to the high alveolar Po2,
defect between the right and left sides of the heart. with the result that it continues to depress the
When shunt is caused by the addition of mixed arterial Po2 • However, some elevation of the
venous blood to blood draining from the capillar­ arterial Po2 occurs because of the Oz added to
ies, as in the case of George, it is possible to cal­ the capillary blood of ventilated lung. Most of
culate the proportion of shunt flow (FIGURE 7-6). this added Oz is in the dissolved form rather
To do this we use a simple mixing equation. The than combined with hemoglobin, because the
total amount. of 02 leaving the system is the total blood that is perfusing ventilated alveoli is nearly
blood flow QT multiplied by the 02 concentra­ fully saturated when air is breathed. Giving a
tion of the arterial blood Cao2, or (h X Cao2 • patient 1 00% Oz to breathe is a very sensitive
This must equal the .sum of the amounts of Oz in measurement of shunt. When the Po2 is high, a
the shun�ed bl<?od, Qs X Cvo2, and end-capillary small depression of arterial Oz concentration
blood, (QT - Q5) X Cc'o2. Therefore, causes a relatively large fall in arterial Po2, due to
the almost flat slope of the 0 2 dissociation curve
(h x Ca02 =
Q5 X Cv02 + (QT - Q5) X Cc'02 in this region (FIGURE 7-7). In fact, the slope of
Rearranging, this gives the following:

6s = Cc02 - Cao2 02
02 dissociation
dissociation curve
QT Ccb2 - Cvo2

When the lung is normal, as it often IS m a I

I 100%
100% 02
patient with cyanotic congenital heart disease, E 15 I
0 I 1
for example, the 02 concentration of end-capillary 0 I
II t


08 C c 'o2 - C a o2 § 10 \
\ e
� \
QT C c '02 - Ciio2 'E \
Q) \
(.) \


(.) 5 •

... _ _ _ _ ...

0 200 400 600
P0 2 (mm Hg)
FIGURE 7-7. Depression of the arterial Paz by
shunt during 1 0 0 % O z breathi n g . The addition of a
FIGURE 7-6. M easurement of shunt flow. The small amount of shu nted blood with its low O z con­
oxygen carried i n the a rterial blood equals the sum centration greatly reduces the Paz of a rterial blood
of the oxygen carried i n the capillary blood together because the O z d issociation curve is nearly flat
with that in the s h unted blood. when the Poz is very high.
1 02 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

the graph of Oz concentration against Poz at high stimulation of the peripheral chemoreceptors by
Poz values is solely attributable to the dissolved the slightly increased H+ concentration.
Oz. Therefore the slope is 0.003 ml · dl-1 • mm Hg Whereas alveolar edema often causes severe
Poz-'· When George was given 1 00% Oz by hypoxemia, pure interstitial edema (Fig. 7-2)
mouthpiece for 5 minutes, his arterial Poz rose may have minimal effects on gas exchange.
to only 2 00 mm Hg, which was well below the
expected value of more than 600 mm Hg, con­
firming the presence of a large shunt. P u l m o n a ry M e c h a n ics
A shunt does not usually result in a raised Pco2
Pulmonary mechanics are altered in alveolar
in arterial blood, even though the shunted blood
edema. The edema fluid reduces the distensibil­
is relatively rich in COz. This was the case with
ity of the lung and moves the pressure-volume
George, whose arterial blood gas sample showed
curve downward and to the right (compare with
an arterial Pcoz of 3 5 mm Hg. One reason the
Fig. 4-4). An important factor in this is the alve­
arterial Pcoz does not rise is that the chemore­
olar flooding, which causes a reduction in volume
ceptors sense any elevation of arterial Pcoz and
of the affected lung units as a result of surface
respond by increasing the ventilation. In George,
tension forces, and reduces their participation in
stimulation of the J receptors by the edema also
the pressure-volume curve. In addition, intersti­
probably stimulated breathing. Finally, his
tial edema may stiffen the lung by interfering
hypoxemia may increase respiratory drive.
with its elastic properties, although it is difficult
Although shunt is probably the most impor­
to obtain clear evidence on this. Edematous
tant mechanism of hypoxemia in the case of
lungs often require abnormally large expanding
George, lung units with low ventilation­
pressures during mechanical ventilation and tend
perfusion ratios also contribute to hypoxemia.
to collapse to abnormally small volumes when
These either lie behind airways partly
not actively inflated (see Chapter 9).
obstructed by edema fluid or are units where
Airway resistance is typically increased, espe­
the ventilation is reduced by their proximity to
cially if some of the larger airways contain
nonventilating edematous alveoli. Such units
edema fluid. Reflex bronchoconstriction after
are particularly liable to collapse when a
stimulation of irritant receptors in the bronchial
patient is given oxygen to breathe (see Chapter 9),
walls may also play a role. It is possible that even
but oxygen therapy is often essential to relieve
in the absence of alveolar edema, interstitial
the hypoxemia and was certainly indicated for
edema increases the resistance of small airways
as a result of their peribronchial cuff (Fig. 7-2).
Another factor that often exaggerates the
This can be thought of as actually compressing
arterial hypoxemia in patients like George is a
the small airways, or at least isolating them from
low cardiac output. This occurs because the left
the normal traction of the surrounding
ventricle is damaged by the infarct, and its abil­
parenchyma (FIGURE 7-8}. There is some evi­
ity to eject blood during systole is impaired.
dence that this mechanism promotes airway clo­
A reduction in cardiac output results in a fall in
sure in dependent lung regions and thus causes
the Poz of mixed venous blood because the
their intermittent ventilation. The same mecha­
peripheral tissues continue to extract oxygen at
nism is responsible for the increase of pul­
the same rate (or nearly so), and the Fick equa­
monary vascular resistance when interstitial
tion therefore implies that the arterial-venous
edema is present.
Oz difference is increased. A fall in the Poz of
mixed venous blood reduces the arterial Poz in
the presence of shunt or ventilation-perfusion Control of Venti l at i o n
inequality, as may be deduced from Figures 3-18
and 3-2 1 . Control of ventilation is often altered by pul­
Note that George's arterial pH is slightly monary edema. As we have seen, George pre­
reduced at 7 . 3 5, even though we would expect it sented to the emergency department with
to rise slightly because of his reduced arterial rapid, shallow breathing. This was probably
Pcoz · The reason is the addition of lactic acid to partly caused by stimulation of J receptors in
his blood by peripheral tissues that are inade­ the alveolar walls. Other stimuli include a
quately perfused because of the low cardiac out­ reduced Paz and perhaps an increased H+ con­
put. Indeed, part of the increase in ventilation centration in the arterial blood, as in the case of
resulting in the decreased arterial Pcoz may be George.
Pulmonary Edema 103

Perivascular or
peribronchial space

FIGURE 7-8. Diagram showing how i nterstitial edema in the perivascular or peribronch i a l region can reduce
the cal iber of an ai rway or blood vessel. The cuff of edema 1solates the structure from the rad1al tract1on of
the su rrounding parenchyma.

Key Concepts Starling equation, including hydrostatic

and osmotic pressures and the reflection
1 . Myocardial infarction can lead to left
coefficient of the endothelium.
ventricular failure, and the resultant rise 4. Initially the edema is confined to the inter­
in pulmonary capillary pressure causes stitium of the lung, but in the later stages
pulmonary edema.
it spills over into the alveolar spaces.
2. Clinical features of pulmonary e�ema 5. Alveolar edema results in unventilated
include dyspnea, orthopnea cougp with
alveoli and therefore hypoxemia caused
blood-stained sputum, tachycardi!l,
by the shunted blood.
and rales (crackles) by auscultattqn.
3 . Fluid movement across the pulmpnary
capillary wall is determined by the
1 04 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

•J!f¥1it.lifj (For answers, see p. 1 42)
For each question, choose the one best answer.

1 . Concerning the blood-gas barrier in the 4. When pulmonary capillary pressure

nonnal lung: rises, which of the following tends to
A. Fluid can drain through the intersti­ reduce the formation of edema?
tium of the thin side of the blood-gas A. Reduction of colloid osmotic pressure of
barrier. the interstitial fluid
B. The alveolar epithelium has a high per­ B. Increase in hydrostatic pressure of the
meability for water. interstitial fluid
C. The strength of the barrier on the thin C. Increase in reflection coefficient of the
side is mainly attributable to the base­ capillary endothelium
ment membranes. D. Decrease in permeability of the alveolar
D. No protein normally crosses the capil­ epithelium
lary endothelium. E. Increase in colloid osmotic pressure of
E. Water only moves out of the alveolar the blood
spaces by passive diffusion.
5. Concerning high-altitude pulmonary
2. Interstitial pulmonary edema (in the edema:
absence of alveolar edema) typically A. Pulmonary wedge pressure is high.
results in: B. Pulmonary artery pressure is normal.
A. Septal lines on the chest radiograph C. Edema fluid in the alveoli has a low pro­
B. Increased lung compliance tein concentration.
C. Reduced lymph flow from the lungs D. Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction
D. Severe hypoxemia may be uneven.
E. Fluffy shadowing on the chest E. The best immediate treatment is to give
radiograph diuretics.
3. Concerning fluid movement out of pul­ 6. A patient has an arteriovenous fistula in
monary capillaries: an otherwise nonnal lung. This results
A. A large rise in pulmonary capillary in a shunt from a small pulmonary artery
pressure is necessary to increase lymph to a pulmonary vein. The following
flow. measurements were obtained: Oz con­
B. Mean left atrial pressure can exceed pul­ centration in arterial blood 1 9 ml dl-1,

monary capillary pressure during severe 02 concentration in mixed venous blood

exercise. 1 5 ml dl-1, alveolar Po2 1 00 mm Hg,

C. The amount of fluid in the interstitium and hemoglobin concentration 1 5 . 1 g ·

of the lung increases during heavy dl-1• The shunt, as a percentage of car­
exerctse. diac output, is approximately:
D. Lymph draining from the lung contains A. 5
no albumin. B. 1 0
E. The reflection coefficient of the capillary c. 1 5
endothelium is equal to 1 . D. 20
E. 30
\ C h a pter 8

Coal Workers' Pneumoconiosis

0 Harry is a 60-year-old retired coal miner whose

chief complaints are shortness of breath and cough.
He spent more than 3 0 years in the mines, much of
this time at the coal face. He has smoked one to two
packs of cigarettes a day for most of his life . A chest
radiograph showed the changes of simple pneumo­
coniosis, and he is receiving disability payments. In this chapter, we discuss the dep­
osition and clearance of inhaled aerosol and some of the diseases caused by inhaled
dusts. The role of cigarette smoking in Harry's disease is also considered.

List of Topics a cold that "goes to his chest." He has smoked

cigarettes since the age of 1 5 , at the rate of one
Clinical features of coal workers' pneu­ to two packs per day. The mining company
moconiosis; atmospheric pollutants; arranged for periodical chest radiographs
deposition of aerosols in the lung; clear­ throughout Harry's working life, and 1 0 years
ago he was told that he had a mild case of "black
ance of deposited particles; mucociliary
lung" (coal workers' pneumoconiosis). Since
system; alveolar macrophages; asbestos­ then, he has been receiving disability payments.
related diseases; other pneumoconioses; He has not had chest pain or swelling of the
occupational asthma. ankles. Both his father and grandfather were
coal miners, and both were told that mining had
affected their lungs.
History Physical Exa mination

Harry is a 60-year-old retired coal miner whose The patient did not appear to be short of breath
chief complaints are shortness of breath, at rest. Vital signs were normal. The only posi­
fatigue, and productive cough. He started work­ tive findings were that the chest appeared to be
ing in the mines at 1 7 years of age and spent slightly overinflated, and occasional rhonchi
much of his life working at the coal face. Over (musical sounds) were heard by auscultation.
the past 1 2 years, he has become increasingly
short of breath, which he notices particularly if I nvestigatio ns
he climbs stairs. However, he can walk on level
ground as far as he wants to without pausing for Hemoglobin and blood count were normal.
breath. His cough is worst in the morning on A chest radiograph (FIGURE 8-1 ) showed fine
waking. The cough is occasionally productive of micronodular mottling in both lung fields. No
sputum, particularly in the winter when he gets areas of localized fibrosis were seen.

1 06 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An inlegtated, Case-Based Approach

FIGURE 8-1. Chest radiograph showing simple coal workers' pneu moconiosis. The original film showed a
del icate micronodular mottling, but this is difficult to reproduce.

Pulmonary Fu nction Tests conditions. The diagnosis of simple pneumoco­

niosis was based on the appearance on the chest
TABLE 8-1 shows that the results of the pul­ radiograph (Fig. 8-1) and was sufficient to classify
monary function tests were mildly abnormal. Harry as medically disabled. However, it is not
There were small reductions in FEV�, FVC, and clear to what extent the symptoms, signs, and
FEV/FVC% . Residual volume was slightly
increased. The arterial blood gases showed a '

small reduction in Po2, but the P co2 and pH

were normal. TABLE 8-1
Pulmonary Function Tests
Lung Volumes Observed Predicted
Simple coal workers' pneumoconiosis and VC (liters) 4.7 4.8
chronic bronchitis. TLC (liters) 7.3 6.9
FRC (liters) 4.0 3.7
Treatment and Progress RV (liters) 2.7 2.3
Forced Expiration
The patient was strongly advised to stop smok­
ing, but he found this impossible to do. FEV, (liters) 3.2
3.2 3 .8
Exacerbations of his bronchitis during the win­ FVC (liters) 4.6 4.8
ter responded to antibiotics. Since the patient FEV/FVC% 69 78
was not severely disabled, he did not pursue fur­ FEF25-75% (1 sec-1)
· 3 .2 3 .6
ther treatment. Arterial Blood Gases

Po2 (mm Hg) 78 85

Pco2 (mm Hg) 39 40
D PATHOG E N ESIS pH 7.41 7.40
Harry's story is (or was) a common one in the coal Diffusing Capacity for CO
mining industry. Dust suppression procedures (ml �in-1 • mm Hg-1)
· 26 28
have now greatly reduced the incidence of these
Coal Workers' Pneumoconiosis 107

mild reduction in pulmonary function in Harry evidence that this can impair mental skills. The
can be attributed to his pneumoconiosis on the emission of carbon monoxide and other pollu­
one hand or his chronic bronchitis and possible tants by automobile engines can be reduced by
emphysema on the other. Harry has a long smok­ installing a catalytic converter that processes the
ing history, and it is difficult to be sure to what exhaust gases.
extent his coal mining has been a factor in his
present clinical presentation.
Harry's condition gives us the opportunity of N itro g e n O x i d e s
discussing the consequences of inhaling atmo­ Nitrogen oxides are produced when fossil fuels
spheric pollutants. These pollutants are impor­ (coal, oil) are burned at high temperatures in
tant not only in the specific pneumoconioses, power stations and automobiles. These gases
such as coal workers' pneumoconiosis, silicosis cause inflammation of the eyes and upper respi­
(caused by inhaled silica dust), asbestos-related ratory tract during smoggy conditions. At high
diseases, and byssinosis (inhaled cotton dust), concentrations, they can cause acute tracheitis,
but also in the etiology of other diseases, such as acute bronchitis, and pulmonary edema. The
chronic bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, and yellow haze of smog is caused by these gases.
bronchial carcinoma.

S u lf u r O x i d e s
Sulfur oxides are corrosive, poisonous gases pro­
Types of Pol l utants duced when sulfur-containing fuels are burned,
chiefly by power stations. These gases cause
Ca rbon M o n ox i d e inflammation of the mucous membranes, eyes,
Carbon monoxide i s the largest pollutant by upper respiratory tract, and bronchial mucosa.
weight in the United States (FIGURE 8-2A). It is Short-term exposure to high concentrations
produced by the incomplete combustion of car­ causes pulmonary edema. Long-term exposure
bon in fuels, chiefly in the automobile engine to lower levels results in chronic bronchitis in
(Fig. 8-2B). The main hazard of carbon monox­ experimental animals. The best way to reduce
ide is its ability to tie up hemoglobin; because emissions of sulfur oxides is to use low-sulfur
carbon monoxide has about 240 times the affin­ fuels, but these are more expensive.
ity of oxygen, it competes successfully with this
gas (see Chapter 1). Commuters using a busy Hyd roca rbo n s
urban freeway may have 5 % to 1 0% of their
hemoglobin bound to carbon monoxide, partic­ Hydrocarbons, like carbon monoxide, represent
ularly if they are cigarette smokers. There is unburned, wasted fuel. They are not toxic at

Types Sources

particulate Industrial
matter 5% processes
1 6%
ox 1 4%
Fuel combustion
Miscellaneous 7%

1 5% B
in stationary sources
Solid waste disposal 3%

FIGURE 8-2. Air poll utants (by weight) in the United States. Transportation sources, especially automo­
biles, account for the largest amounts of poll utants. (Data are from the E nvironmental Protection Agency.)
1 08 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

concentrations normally found in the atmo­ sufficient to impair exercise and mental per­
sphere. However, they are hazardous because formance. The smoke also contains the alkaloid
they form photochemical oxidants under the nicotine, which stimulates the autonomic ner­
influence of sunlight (see "Photochemical vous system, causing tachycardia, hypertension,
Oxidants," below). and sweating. Aromatic hydrocarbons and
other substances, loosely called "tars," are
apparently responsible for the high risk of
P a rti c u l ate M atte r bronchial carcinoma in cigarette smokers. For
Particulate matter includes particles with a wide example, a person who smokes 3 5 cigarettes per
range of sizes, up to visible smoke and soot. day has 40 times the risk of a nonsmoker.
Major sources are power stations and industrial Increased risks of chronic bronchitis and
plants. Often their emission can be reduced by emphysema, and of coronary heart disease, are
processing the waste airstream by filtering or also well documented. A single cigarette causes
scrubbing, although removing the smallest par­ a marked increase in airway resistance in many
ticles is usually expensive. The pneumoconioses smokers and nonsmokers.
are caused by special particulates, such as coal
dust, silica dust, asbestos particles, and cotton
dust. In very dusty environments, such as the D DEPOSITION OF AE ROSOLS
coal face in a mine, water sprays and special tools I N THE LUNG
are now used to reduce the dust concentration in
the air. This has led to a striking decrease in the The term aerosol refers to a collection of parti­
incidence of coal workers' pneumoconiosis. cles that remains airborne for a substantial
amount of time. Many pollutants exist in this
form, and their pattern of deposition in the lung
P h otoc h e m ica l O x i d a nts depends chiefly on their size. The properties of
aerosols are also important in understanding the
Photochemical oxidants include ozone and other
distribution of inhaled bronchodilators. Three
substances, such as peroxyacyl nitrates, alde­
hydes, and acrolein. They are not primary emis­ mechanisms of deposition are recognized.
sions, but are produced by the action of sunlight
on hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides. They Impaction
cause inflammation of the eyes and respiratory
tract, damage to vegetation, and offensive odors. Impaction refers to the tendency of the largest
In higher concentrations, ozone causes pul­ inspired particles to fail to turn the corners of the
monary edema. These oxidants contribute to the respiratory tract. As a result, many particles
thick haze of smog. impinge on the mucous surfaces of the nose and
The concentration of atmospheric pollutants pharynx (FIGURE 8-3A) and also on the bifurca­
is often greatly increased by a temperature tions of the large airways. Once a particle strikes
inversion, that is, a low layer of cold air below a wet surface, it is trapped and not subsequently
warmer air. This prevents the normal escape of released. The nose is remarkably efficient at
warm surface air, with its pollutants, to the upper removing the largest particles by this mechanism:
atmosphere. The deleterious effects of a temper­ Almost all particles larger than 20 J.1m in diame­
ature inversion are particularly significant in a ter and approximately 95 % of particles 5 J.1m in
low-lying area surrounded by hills, such as the diameter are filtered by the nose during resting
Los Angeles basin. breathing. FIGURE 8-4 shows that most of the
deposition of particles larger than 3 J.1m in diam­
eter occurs in the nasopharynx during nose
C i g a rette S m oke breathing.
Cigarette smoke is one of the most important
pollutants in practice because it is inhaled by Sed imentation
devotees in concentrations many times greater
than are pollutants in the atmosphere. It Sedimentation refers to the gradual settling of
includes approximately 4% carbon monoxide, particles because of their weight (Fig. 8-3 B). It is
enough to raise the carboxyhemoglobin level in particularly important for medium-sized parti­
a smoker's blood to 1 0 % . This percentage is cles (1 to 5 J.lrn), because the largest particles are
Coal Workers' Pneumoconiosis 109


MecPartichlaensisizme:: LaIrmgepa(c>t5ioJ.lnm) MediSediummen(1-ta5tioJ.lnm) SmalDilf(u<s0.io1nJ.lm)

Representative site: Nasopharynx Small airways Alveoli
A B c
FIGURE 8-3. Deposition of aerosols in the lung. The term representative site does not mea n that these are
the only sites where this form of deposition occurs. For exa mple, impaction a lso occurs in medium-sized
bronchi, and diffusion a lso occurs in the large and small ai rways. (See text for deta ils.)

100 can be underlined if we look at a microscopic

section of lung from a coal miner such as Harry
(FIGURE 8-5). Note the accumulations of dust
around the terminal and respiratory bronchioles.
This is the pathological basis of the micronodular
Nasopharynx mottling seen in the chest radiograph in simple
Alveoli pneumoconiosis (Fig. 8-1). It should be added
that the retention of dust depends not only on its
deposition but also on its clearance, and it is pos­
a) 40
sible that some of this dust was transported from
peripheral alveoli. Nevertheless, Figure 8-5 is
Trachea and a graphic reminder of the vulnerability of the
20 Bronchi
terminal and respiratory bronchioles. It is also
likely that some of tl1e earliest changes in chronic
bronchitis are secondary to the deposition of
0.01 0.1 1.0 10 100 atmospheric pollutants (including tobacco smoke
Particle diameter (JLm) particles) in the small airways.
FIGURE 8-4. Site of deposition of aerosols in the
lung. The largest particles remain in the nasopharynx,
but the smallest particles can penetrate to the alveoli.
Diffusion is the random movement of particles as
a result of their continuous bombardment by gas
removed by impaction, and the smaller particles molecules (Fig. 8-3C). It occurs to a significant
settle very slowly. Deposition by sedimentation extent only for the smallest particles, less than
occurs extensively in the small airways, including 0. 1 J.Lm in diameter. Deposition by diffusion
the terminal and respiratory bronchioles. The chiefly takes place in the small airways and alveoli,
chief reason is simply that the dimensions of where the distances to the wall are the smallest.
those airways are so small that the particles have However, some deposition by this mechanism
a shorter distance to fall. Particles, unlike gases, also occurs in the larger airways.
are not able to diffuse from the respiratory bron­ Many inhaled particles are not deposited at
chioles to tl1e alveoli because of their negligibly all, but are exhaled with the next breath. In fact,
small diffusion rate (see discussion of Fig. 4-8). only some 30% of O.S-J.Lm particles may be left in
The importance of sedimentation in the region the lung during normal resting breathing. These
of the terminal and respiratory bronchioles particles are too small to impact or sediment to a
1 10 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

•va:o Alveolar sac
. •„,,,
-.•, ;-•
� RB2
�(Q'\ •...... __ - � ,I

q;:g7,77VATC1;1•1.14 #... ,
...i t.. •

FIGURE 8-5. Microscopic section of l u ng from a coal miner, showi ng accumu lations of coa l dust a round
the respiratory bronch ioles. These airways also show some dilatation.

large extent. In addition, they are too large to dif­ of dust is proportional to the ventilation during
fuse significantly. As a result, they do not move exercise. Therefore, in the case of a coal miner
from the terminal and respiratory bronchioles to like Harry, who was doing hard physical work in
the alveoli by diffusion, which is tl1e normal the vicinity of the coal face where dust concen­
mode of gas movement in this region. Some par­ trations were high, the risks are increased.
ticles may become larger during inspiration by
aggregation or by absorbing water.
The pattern of ventilation affects the amount D CLEARANCE OF D EPOSITED
of aerosol deposition. Slow, deep breaths PARTICLES
increase the penetration into the lung and thus
increase the amount of dust deposited by sedi­ Fortunately, the lung is efficient at removing par­
mentation and diffusion. Exercise results in ticles that are deposited within it. Two distinct
higher rates of airflow and particularly increases clearance mechanisms exist: the mucociliary sys­
deposition by impaction. In general, deposition tem and the alveolar macrophages (FIGURE 8-6).
Coal Workers' Pneumoconiosis 111

serous-producing cells are present, and ducts

lead the mucus to the airway surface. Goblet
cells, which form part of the bronchial epithe­
sParwaltilcolwesed lium, are the second source.
The normal mucous film is approximately 5
to 1 0 [liD thick and has two layers (Fig. 8-7).
The superficial gel layer is relatively tenacious
and viscous. As a result, it is efficient at trap­
ping deposited particles. The deeper sol layer
is less viscous and therefore allows the cilia to
tMurancsopcoilratsrypasyrsictel ms beat within it easily. It is likely that the abnor­
mal retention of secretions that occurs in some
diseases is caused by changes in the composi­
tion of the mucus, with the result that it cannot
be propelled easily by the cilia. An example is
asthma, in which, as described in Chapter 4,
the mucus is thick, tenacious, and slow moving
Alenvgeuoflapramacrticlerosphages and many of the airways are occluded by
Alveoli mucous plugs.
The mucus contains immunoglobulin A
(IgA), which is derived from plasma cells and
(f) lymphoid tissue. This humoral factor is an
Lymphatics important defense against foreign proteins, bac­
teria, and viruses.
FIGURE 8-6. Clearance of inhaled particles from the The cilia are 5 to 7 J.l.IIl long and beat in a syn­
lung. Particles that are deposited on the surface of chronized fashion between 1 000 and 1 500 times
the airways are transported by the mucociliary esca­
per minute. During the forward stroke, the tips
lator and swallowed. Particles that reach the alveoli
are engulfed by macrophages, which either migrate
of the cilia apparently come in contact with the
to the ciliary surface or escape via the lymphatics. gel layer, thus propelling it. However, during the
recovery phase, the cilia are bent so much that
they move entirely within the sol layer, where
Mucoci liary System the resistance is less.
The mucous blanket moves up at about
Mucus is produced by two sources. Bronchial 1 mm min- 1 in small peripheral airways and as

seromucous glands situated deep in the fast as 2 em min- 1 in the trachea; eventually, the

bronchial walls (see Figs. 3-4, 3-5, and 8-7) are particles reach the level of the pharynx, where
the first source. Both mucus-producing and they are swallowed. The clearance of a healthy

Dust particles
{Gel layer
Mucus {Gel layer
Sol layer
"*--- Goblet
"*--- Goblet cell
cell Bronchial
Bronchial wall

-. Mucous gland
FIGURE 8-7. M ucoc i l ia ry escalator. The mucous film consists of a s uperficial gel layer that traps i nhaled
particles and a deeper sol layer. It is propelled by cilia.
1 12 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

bronchial mucosa is essentially complete in less 0 PNEU MOCONIOSES

than 24 hours. In very dusty environments,
mucous secretion may be increased so much that
cough and expectoration assist in the clearance. Strictly, the term pneumoconiosis refers to
The normal operation of the mucociliary sys­ parenchymal lung disease caused by inorganic
tem is affected by pollution or disease. The cilia dust inhalation.
can be paralyzed by the inhalation of toxic gases,
such as oxides of sulfur and nitrogen, and per­
haps by tobacco smoke. In acute inflammation of Coal Workers' Pneu mocon iosis
the respiratory tract, the bronchial epithelium
may be denuded. Changes in the character of the Some features of coal workers' pneumoconiosis
mucus may occur with infection, thus making it were referred to when we discussed Harry's dis­
difficult for cilia to transport it. Mucous plug­ ease. He has simple pneumoconiosis, which is
ging of bronchi in asthma has already been characterized by aggregations of coal particles
referred to. In chronic infections such as around terminal and respiratory bronchioles, with
bronchiectasis or chronic bronchitis, the volume some dilatation of these small airways (Fig. 8-5).
of secretions may be so great that the ciliary There is also an advanced form of the disease,
transport system is overloaded. known as progressive massive fibrosis. Here, the
lung contains condensed masses of black fibrous
tissue infiltrated with dust (FIGURE 8-8}. Only a
Alveolar Macropha ges small fraction of coal miners exposed to heavy
dust concentrations develop progressive massive
The mucociliary system stops short of the fibrosis.
alveoli; particles deposited there are engulfed
by macrophages. These amoeboid cells roam
around the surface of the alveoli. When they
phagocytose foreign particles, they either
migrate to the small airways, where they load
onto the mucociliary escalator (Fig. 8-6), or
they leave the lung in the lymphatics or possi­
bly the blood. When the dust burden is large
or the dust particles are toxic, some of the
macrophages migrate through the walls of the
respiratory bronchioles and dump their dust
there. Figure 8-5 shows accumulations of coal
dust around the respiratory bronchioles in the
lungs of a coal miner. If the dust is toxic, as is
silica dust, a fibrous reaction is stimulated in
this region.
The macrophages not only transport bacteria
out of the lung, but also kill them in situ by
means of the lysozymes they contain. As a con­
sequence, the alveoli quickly become sterile,
although it takes some time for the dead organ­
isms to be cleared from the lung. Immunologic
mechanisms are also important in the antibac­
terial action of macrophages.
Normal macrophage activity can be impaired
by various factors such as cigarette smoke, oxi­
FIGURE 8-8. Chest radiograph of an 81-year-old coal
dant gases such as ozone, alveolar hypoxia, radi­ miner with advanced bilateral progressive massive
ation, the administration of corticosteroids, and fibrosis. Astonishingly, simple pulmonary function
the ingestion of alcohol. Macrophages that tests were within normal limits for his age. For exam­
engulf particles of silica are often killed by this ple, his arterial Po2 and Pco2 were 79 and 36 mm Hg,
toxic material. respectively.
Coal Workers' Pneumoconiosis 1 13

As already mentioned, simple pneumoconio­ on exercise. The radiograph sometimes shows

sis probably causes little disability despite its streaks of fibrous tissue, and progressive mas­
radiographic appearances. The dyspnea and sive fibrosis may develop. The disease may
cough that often accompany the disease are progress long after exposure to the dust has
closely related to the smoking history of the ceased, and there is an increased risk of pul­
miner and are probably caused by associated monary tuberculosis.
chronic bronchitis and emphysema. By contrast, The changes in pulmonary function are similar
progressive massive fibrosis usually causes to those seen in coal workers' pneumoconiosis
increasing dyspnea and may terminate in respi­ but are often more severe. In advanced disease,
ratory failure. generalized interstitial fibrosis may develop, with
We have seen that the chest radiograph in a restrictive type of defect, severe dyspnea and
simple pneumoconiosis shows a delicate micro­ hypoxemia on exercise, and a reduced diffusing
nodular mottling (Fig. 8-1), and various stages capacity (see Chapter 5).
in the advance of the disease are recognized
depending on the pattern of the shadows.
Progressive massive fibrosis results in large, Asbestos-Related Diseases
irregular dense opacities, often surrounded by
abnormally translucent lung. Figure 8-8 shows Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous min­
an example that was unusual in that simple pul­ eral silicate that is used in a variety of industrial
monary function tests were within the normal applications, including heat insulation, pipe
limits for the patient's age despite the striking lagging, roofing materials, and brake linings.
extent of disease. Asbestos fibers are long and thin, and it is pos­
Simple pneumoconiosis usually causes only sible that the resulting aerodynamic character­
minor changes in pulmonary function. Some­ istics allow them to penetrate far into the lung.
times a small reduction in forced expiratory When deposited in the lung, they may become
volume (FEV), rise in residual volume, and fall encased in proteinaceous material. If they are
in arterial Po2 are seen, but it is often difficult coughed up in the sputum, they have a very dis­
to know whether these changes are caused by tinctive appearance.
associated chronic bronchitis and emphysema, Three health hazards are recognized:
as in the case of Harry. Progressive massive 1 . Diffuse interstitial pulmonary fibrosis
fibrosis typically causes a mixed obstructive and (asbestosis) may gradually occur after heavy
restrictive pattern. Distortion of the airways exposure (see Chapter 5). There is progressive
results in irreversible obstructive changes, and dyspnea (especially on exercise), weakness,
the large masses of fibrous tissue reduce the and finger clubbing. On auscultation, there
useful volume of the lung. Increasing hypox­ may be fine basal crepitations. The chest
emia, cor pulmonale, and terminal respiratory radiograph shows haziness or mottling.
failure may occur. Pulmonary function tests in advanced disease
reveal a typical restrictive pattern with reduc­
Silicosis tion of all lung volumes and lung compliance.
A fall in diffusing capacity occurs relatively
Silicosis is caused by the inhalation of silica early in the disease.
(Si02) during quarrying, mining, or sandblast­ 2 . Bronchial carcinoma is a common complica­
ing. Whereas coal dust is virtually inert, silica tion. Cigarette smoking is often an aggravat­
particles are toxic and provoke a severe fibrous ing factor.
reaction in the lung. Silicotic nodules, composed 3 . Pleural disease may occur after trivial expo­
of concentric whorls of dense collagen fibers, are sure (e.g., in a person who washes the clothes
found around respiratory bronchioles, inside of an asbestos worker). Pleural thickening
alveoli, and along the lymphatics. Silica particles and plaques are common but usually harm­
can be seen in the nodules. less. However, malignant mesothelioma may
Mild forms of the disease may cause no develop as much as 40 years after light expo­
symptoms, although the chest radiograph sure. It causes progressive restriction of chest
shows fine nodular markings. Advanced disease movement, severe chest pain, and a rapid
results in cough and severe dyspnea, especially downhill course.
1 14 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

Other Pneumocon ioses evidence of parenchymal involvement, and the

chest radiograph is normal. However, epide­
A variety of other dusts cause simple pneumoco­ miologic studies show that daily exposure after
niosis. Examples include iron and its oxides, 20 years or so causes permanent impairment of
which cause siderosis and result in a striking lung function of the type associated with chronic
mottled radiographic appearance. Antimony and obstructive pulmonary disease.
tin are other culprits. Beryllium exposure results
in granulomatous lesions of acute or chronic
types. The latter results in interstitial fibrosis Occupation al Asthma
with its typical restrictive pattern of dysfunction. Various occupations involve exposure to aller­
The disease is now much less common than it genic organic dusts, and some individuals
was, as a result of the strict control of beryllium develop hypersensitivity. These individuals
in industry. include flour mill workers who are sensitive to
the wheat weevil, printers exposed to gum aca­
cia, and workers handling fur or feathers.
Toluene diisocyanate (TDI) is a special case
Some inhaled organic dusts cause airway reac­ because some individuals develop an extreme
tions rather than alveolar reactions as is the case sensitivity to this substance, which is used in the
with most of the pneumoconioses. A good exam­ manufacture of polyurethane products.
ple of such a disease is byssinosis, which follows
exposure to cotton dust, especially in the card
Key Concepts
room where the fibers are initially processed.
The pathogenesis is not fully understood, but it 1. Coal workers' pneumoconiosis results
appears that the inhalation of some active compo­ from long-term exposure to coal dust.
nent in the bracts (leaves around the stem of the In its mild form it causes dyspnea and
cotton boll) leads to the release of histamine from cough together with mottling of the
mast cells in the lung. The resulting bronchocon­ chest radiograph, but sometimes the role
striction causes dyspnea and wheezing. A feature
of chronic bronchitis in the symptoms is
of the disease is that the symptoms are worse on
difficult to differentiate in a smoker.
entering the mill, especially after a period of
absence such as a weekend. For this reason, this 2. The most important atmospheric pollu­
disease is sometimes known as "Monday fever." tants include carbon monoxide, oxides of
The symptoms include dyspnea, tightness of the nitrogen and sulfur, hydrocarbons, par­
chest, wheezing, and an irritating cough. Workers ticulates, and photochemical oxidants.
who already have chronic bronchitis or asthma are 3 . Most pollutants occur as aerosols and
especially susceptible. are deposited in the lung by impaction,
Pulmonary function tests show an obstructive sedimentation, or diffusion.
pattern, with reductions in FEV1 , FEVIFVC% , 4. Deposited pollutants are removed by the
FEF2 s-1s%, and FVC (see Chapters 3 and 4). mucociliary system in the airways and by
Airway resistance, measured in a body plethys­
macrophages in the alveoli.
mograph, is increased. In addition, there is an
5. Other pneumoconioses include silicosis
increase in the amount of inequality of ventila­
tion. Typically these abnormalities gradually and asbestos-related diseases. Byssinosis
become worse over the course of a working day, is caused by organic cotton dust.
but partial or complete recovery occurs during Occupational asthma also occurs in some
the night or over the weekend. There is no industries.
Coal Workers' Pneumoconiosis 115

Questions (For answers, see p . 142)

For each question, choose the one best answer.

1 . Which of the following atmospheric 4. Concerning the deposition of aerosols in

pollutants is present in the highest the lung:
concentration (by weight) in the A. Most particles smaller than 5 )1m in
United States? diameter are filtered by the nose during
A. Hydrocarbons resting breathing.
B. Sulfur oxides B. Many inhaled particles are deposited in
C. Nitrogen oxides the region of the terminal and respiratory
D . Carbon monoxide bronchioles.
E. Ozone C. Astronauts who are weightless have the
same particle deposition as when they
2. Concerning smog:
are on earth.
A. Ozone is mainly produced in automobile
D. Particles of 0.5 )1m diameter diffuse
almost as fast as gas molecules.
B. A temperature inversion occurs when the
E. Many particles larger than 1 0 )1m in
air near the ground is hotter than the air
diameter are not deposited in the lung
but are exhaled with the next breath.
C. The main source of sulfur oxides is the
automobile. 5. In a coal miner, the deposition of coal
D. Nitrogen oxides can cause inflammation dust in the lung will be reduced by:
of the upper respiratory tract. A. Frequent coughing
E. Scrubbing flue gases is ineffective in B. Exercise
removing particulates. C. Mining operations that produce very
small dust particles
3. Concerning cigarette smoke:
D. Rapid deep breathing
A. Inhaled smoke contains negligible
E. Nose breathing, as opposed to mouth
amounts of carbon monoxide.
B. Cigarette smokers can have enough car­
boxyhemoglobin in their blood to impair 6. Concerning the mucociliary escalator
mental skills. in the lung:
C. Nicotine is not addictive. A. Most of the mucus comes from goblet
D . The risk of coronary heart disease is not cells in the epithelium.
affected by smoking. B. Trapped particles move more slowly in
E. The concentration of pollutants in ciga­ the trachea than in the peripheral airways.
rette smoke is less than in the air of a C. Normal clearances take several days.
large city on a smoggy day. D. The cilia beat about twice a second.
E. The composition of the mucous film is
altered in some diseases.
\ C h a pter 9

Acute Respiratory Failure

0 Ivan is a 45 -year-old computer programmer who

was involved in a serious automobile accident that
resulted in fractures of long bones and a blow to his
chest. Two days after admission to the hospital, he
developed acute respiratory failure with severe
hypoxemia and carbon dioxide retention. He was
intubated and mechanically ventilated but died on the seventh day after admission.
We discuss the pathophysiology of various types of respiratory failure and consider
two of the important forms of treatment, oxygen therapy and mechanical ventilation.

List of Topics Physical Exam ination

Clinical features of acute respiratory fail­ When examined on the second day after admis­
ure; pathophysiology of respiratory fail­ sion, the patient appeared ill and there was obvi­
ous dyspnea and restlessness. Temperature was
ure; hypoxemia; carbon dioxide retention;
38. 5°C, blood pressure 1 2 5/60 mm Hg, pulse
acidosis; diaphragm fatigue; types of res­ 1 1 0 beats . min- 1 • The left arm and right leg
piratory failure; adult respiratory distress were in plaster. There was no neck vein
syndrome; oxygen therapy; mechanical engorgement. Heart sounds were normal.
Auscultation of the chest revealed poor breath
ventilation. sounds and some rales (crackles) in all areas.

I nvestigations
Hemoglobin and blood cell counts were normal.
H istory A chest radiograph (FIGURE 9-1) was grossly ab­
normal, with a bilateral "whiteout" pattern that was
Ivan is a 45-year-old computer programmer who interpreted as showing alveolar exudate or edema
was well until 1 0 days ago, when the car he was in all areas. Arterial blood gases showed a Po2 of
driving ran off the road and struck a tree. He sus­ 5 1 mm Hg, Pco2 of 45 mm Hg, and pH of 7 .3 1 .
tained fractures of his left humerus and right
femur as well as contusion of the lung when his
Diag nosis
chest hit the steering wheel with considerable
force. He was admitted to the hospital, where Acute respiratory failure secondary to severe
intravenous fluids were administered and the trauma.
fractures attended to, and he seemed to be mak­
ing satisfactory progress. However, on the second Treatment a n d Progress
day after admission his condition deteriorated.
He became very short of breath, and there was The patient was intubated with a cuffed endotra­
some clouding of consciousness. cheal tube, and mechanical ventilation was
Acute Respiratory Failure 1 17

FIGURE 9-1. Chest radiograph of a patient with acute respiratory fail ure, s howing massive filling of alveoli
with edema and exudate, especially on the right side. An endotracheal tube and electrocardiogram leads for
mon itoring can also be see n .

begun with 40% oxygen. A Swan-Ganz catheter respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). It resulted
was inserted into the right atrium via a peripheral from his severe automobile accident. Ivan's dis­
vein to monitor central venous pressure. ease gives us an opportunity to discuss the various
The patient initially responded to treatment, types of respiratory failure, the abnormalities of
and the day after intubation the arterial blood gas exchange and mechanics, and the principles of
gases were as follows: Po2 65 mm Hg on 40% 02, two of the chief modes of treatment: oxygen
Pco2 35 mm Hg, pH 7 . 3 5 . However, despite ther­ administration and mechanical ventilation.
apy with antibiotics and steroids, his condition
worsened and his arterial Po2 could not be main­ Pathophysiology
tained above 50 mm Hg even with 80% 02• The of Respiratory Failure
patient died on the seventh day after admission.
Defi n it i o n of R e s p i rat o ry F a i l u re
Respiratory failure is said to occur when the lungs
A microscopic section of the lung showed red fail to oxygenate the arterial blood adequately or
blood cells, cellular debris, and proteinaceous fluid fail to prevent C02 retention. There is no absolute
in the alveoli, with patchy atelectasis (FIGURE 9-2). definition of the levels of arterial Po2 and Pco2 that
Cellular infiltration of the alveolar walls was indicate respiratory failure. However, a Po2 of less
also seen. than 60 mm Hg and a Pco2 of more than 50 mm
Hg are numbers that are often quoted. In practice,
the significance of such values depends consider­
ably on the history of the patient.
G a s E xc h a n g e i n R es p i rato ry Fa i l u re
Ivan's clinical presentation and progress provide
an example of acute respiratory failure. In this The various types of respiratory failure are asso­
instance, another name for the condition is adult ciated with different degrees of hypoxemia and
1 18 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

FIGURE 9-2. H i stologic changes in adult respiratory distress syndrome (AR DS) as found at autopsy. There
is patchy atelectasis, edema, hyaline membranes, and cellular debris in the alveol i .

C02 retention. FIGURE 9-3 shows a so-called Pure hypoventilation moves the arterial Po2
02 C02 diagram, with Po2 on the horizontal
- and Pco2 in the direction indicated by arrow A,
axis and Pco2 on the vertical axis. In such a dia­ whereas pure hyperventilation-as occurred when
gram, the alveolar Po2 and Pco2 for a normal res­ Bill went to high altitude (see Chapter 2)-moves
piratory exchange ratio (R) of 0.8 is represented the values in the direction of I. In a steady state,
by a straight line IA going up and to the left the R value must be approximately 0.8 because this
from the inspired gas point I (i.e., Po2 1 49 and is set by the metabolism of the tissues. In hypoven­
Pco2 0; see Fig. 3-1 8). The normal lung has alve­ tilation the increase in Pco2 can be predicted from
olar Po2 and Pco2 values of 1 00 and 40 mm Hg, the alveolar ventilation equation (see Chapter 2):
respectively, as indicated by the normal point on
the line, and the arterial values are close to these Vcoz
Pcoz = .-X K
(see Fig. 3-18). VA

where Vco2 is the C02 production (this remains

1 00 essentially constant at rest) and VA is the alveo­
lar ventilation. This pattern occurs in respiratory
A failure caused by neuromuscular disease, such as
Ci poliomyelitis, or by an overdose of a narcotic
E 60 B drug (see below).
.§. Normal Severe ventilation-perfusion ratio inequality
0 40 c ./ with alveolar ventilation inadequate to maintain
ci! a normal arterial Pco2 results in movement along
4.4.44' '

20 a line such as B. The hypoxemia is more severe



in relation to the hypercapnia than in the case of

O L-�--�--_L___L___L__�� pure hypoventilation. Such a pattern frequently

20 40 60 80 1 00 1 20 1 40 occurs in the respiratory failure of chronic

obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD); we saw
P0, (mm Hg) an example in Chuck in Chapter 3 when he was
FIGURE 9-3. Patterns of arterial Po2 and Pco2 in dif­ readmitted to the hospital.
ferent types of respi ratory failure . The Pc02 is high in Severe interstitial lung disease sometimes
pure hypoventilation (A) but may be low in adult res­ results in movement along line C. Here there is
piratory distress syndrome (0). Broken lines show increasingly severe hypoxemia, but no C02
the effects of 02 breathing. (See text for details.) retention because of the increased ventilation.
Acute Respiratory Failure 1 19

This pattern may occur in advanced diffuse inter­ a fall in tissue Po2 below a critical level means that
stitial lung disease; we saw an example in Elena aerobic oxidation ceases and anaerobic glycolysis
(see Chapter 5), who developed severe arterial takes over, with the formation and release of
hypoxemia but maintained a normal Pco2• increasing amounts of lactic acid. Anaerobic
In some patients with respiratory failure glycolysis is a relatively inefficient method of
caused by ARDS, the hypoxemia is severe but obtaining energy from glucose. Nevertheless, it
the arterial Pco2 may be low, as shown by line D. plays a critical role in maintaining tissue viabil­
Treatment with added inspired oxygen raises the ity in respiratory failure. Release of large
arterial Po2 but may not affect the Pco2 (D to E), amounts of lactic acid into the blood results in
although in some instances it may rise. Oxygen metabolic acidosis. Ivan's pH of 7.3 1 was lower
therapy for patients whose respiratory failure is than can be accounted for by the slightly ele­
caused by COPD improves the Po2 but fre­ vated Pco2 of 45 mm Hg. This indicates that
quently causes a rise in Pco2 because of depres­ there was some associated metabolic acidosis
sion of ventilation (B to F). This C02 retention caused by lactate accumulation. We also saw
especially occurs in patients whose ventilation is evidence of lactic acidosis in George (Chapter 7),
strongly stimulated by their hypoxemia (see who had a myocardial infarct. In that case, the
below). tissue hypoxia was chiefly caused by the reduced
blood flow in some regions of the body.
Hypoxe m i a of R e s p i ratory Fa i l u re
Ca rbon D i o x i d e R ete nti o n
There are four mechanisms of hypoxemia: i n R e s p i ratory Fa i l u re
hypoventilation, diffusion impairment, shunt,
and ventilation-perfusion inequality. All these C02 retention can be caused by two mecha­
can contribute to the severe hypoxemia of respi­ nisms: hypoventilation and ventilation-perfusion
ratory failure. However, the most important inequality. In pure hypoventilation, the lungs
cause by far is ventilation-perfusion inequality themselves are often normal. Causes include
(including blood flow through unventilated neuromuscular diseases such as poliomyelitis
lung). This was the mechanism in Ivan's case. and Guillain-Barre syndrome, drug overdose
Mild hypoxemia causes few physiological such as barbiturate poisoning, and a chest wall
changes. Recall that the arterial 02 saturation is abnormality such as a crushed chest with broken
still approximately 90% when the Po2 is only ribs. The increase in Pco2 can be predicted from
60 mm Hg at a normal pH (see Fig. 1 -1 4). The the alveolar ventilation equation referred to ear­
only abnormalities are a slight impairment of lier. Ventilation-perfusion inequality causes C02
mental performance and visual acuity, and per­ retention because a lung with mismatched venti­
haps mild hyperventilation. lation and blood flow becomes inefficient at
However, when the arterial Po2 drops quickly transferring all gases, including C02 (see discus­
to 40 to 50 rnrn Hg, deleterious effects are seen sion in Chapter 3).
in several organ systems. The central nervous An important cause of C02 retention in respi­
system is particularly vulnerable, and the patient ratory failure is the injudicious use of 02 therapy.
often has headache, somnolence, or clouding of Many patients with COPD gradually develop
consciousness (as in Ivan). The cardiovascular severe hypoxemia and some C02 retention over
system shows tachycardia and perhaps mild a period of months. It is not customary to refer to
hypertension, partly caused by the release of cat­ this situation as respiratory failure because these
echolamines. Signs of heart failure may occur if patients can continue in this state for relatively
there is associated coronary artery disease. Renal long periods. However, much of the ventilatory
function is impaired, and sodium retention and drive in these patients comes from hypoxic stim­
proteinuria may be seen. Pulmonary hyperten­ ulation of the peripheral chemoreceptors dis­
sion is common because of the associated alveo­ cussed in Chapter 2 . The arterial pH is nearly
lar hypoxia. The hypoxemia of severe respiratory normal because of renal retention of bicarbonate
failure affects many organs, and the condition is (compensated respiratory acidosis), and the pH
often regarded as multiorgan failure. of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is also normal
Arterial hypoxemia is dangerous because it (or nearly so) because of a compensatory increase
causes tissue hypoxia. Organs at the greatest risk in bicarbonate there. Thus, despite an increased
include the central nervous system and the myo­ arterial Pco2, the main ventilatory drive comes
cardium. As discussed in relation to Figure 1-18, from the hypoxemia.
120 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

If such a patient develops a relatively mild fatigue, this can occur if the work of breathing is
intercurrent respiratory infection that worsens greatly increased over a prolonged period. Fatigue
the hypoxemia, and is therefore treated with a can be defined as a loss of contractile force after
high inspired oxygen concentration, a poten­ work. It can be measured from the transdiaphrag­
tially dangerous situation can rapidly develop. matic pressure resulting from a maximum con­
The hypoxic ventilatory drive may be abolished traction, indirectly from the muscle relaxation
while the work of breathing is further increased time, or from the electromyogram. Some patients
because of retained secretions or bronchospasm. with severe COPD continually breathe close to
As a result, the ventilation may become grossly the work level at which fatigue occurs, and an
depressed, and high levels of arterial Pco2 may exacerbation of infection can push them into a
develop quickly. A secondary cause of C02 fatigue state. This will then result in hypoventila­
retention in these patients may be a release of tion, C02 retention, and severe hypoxemia.
hypoxic vasoconstriction in poorly ventilated Because C02 retention impairs diaphragm con­
areas of lung. This can lead to worsening of the tractility and severe hypoxemia accelerates the
ventilation-perfusion inequality. onset of fatigue, a vicious circle develops.
These patients can present a therapeutic The dangers of diaphragm fatigue can be lim­
dilemma. On the one hand, it is clearly essential ited by reducing the work of breathing by treating
to give some 02 to relieve the life-threatening bronchospasm and controlling infection, and by
hypoxemia. On the other hand, 02 administra­ giving oxygen judiciously to relieve the hypox­
tion is likely to cause severe C02 retention and emia. The force of contraction can be improved
respiratory acidosis. The answer is to give a rel­ by a training program, for example, by breathing
atively low concentration (24% to 2 8 % ) of 02 through inspiratory resistances. In addition, the
and monitor the arterial blood gases frequently. administration of methylxanthines improves
C02 retention increases cerebral blood flow, diaphragm contractility; because these drugs also
causing headache, raised CSF pressure, and relieve bronchoconstriction, they are useful.
sometimes papilledema (swelling of the optic
disc). In practice, the cerebral effects of hypercap­
nia overlap with the effects of hypoxemia. The Types of Respi ratory Fai l u re
resulting abnormalities include restlessness,
tremor, slurred speech, and fluctuations of mood. Acute Ove rwh e l m i n g L u n g D i sease

Many acute lung diseases, if severe enough, can

Aci d o s i s i n R e s p i ratory Fa i l u re lead to respiratory failure. These include infec­
tions such as fulminating bacterial or viral pneu­
The C02 retention causes respiratory acidosis monia, vascular diseases such as pulmonary
that may be severe, especially after the injudicious embolism, and exposure to inhaled toxic gases
administration of oxygen. However, patients who such as chlorine or nitrogen oxides. Respiratory
gradually develop respiratory failure may retain failure supervenes as the primary disease pro­
considerable amounts of bicarbonate, thus keep­ gresses, and profound hypoxemia, with or with­
ing the fall of pH in check (see Fig. 2-4B). out hypercapnia, develops. Treatment of the
Metabolic acidosis frequently coexists with underlying disease (e.g., antibiotics for bacterial
respiratory acidosis and complicates the acid-base pneumonias) is necessary. This group of condi­
abnormality. As we have seen, this is caused by the tions merges into ARDS (see below).
liberation of lactic acid from hypoxic tissues.

N e u ro m u sc u l a r D i s o rd e rs
R o l e of D i a p h ra g m Fati g u e
Neuromuscular disorders can cause severe
Fatigue of the diaphragm can contribute to the hypoventilation, leading to respiratory failure.
hypoventilation of respiratory failure. The FIGURE 9-4 shows that the possible causes
diaphragm (see Fig. 1-2) consists of striated skele­ include (1) depression of the respiratory center by
tal muscle controlled by automatic and voluntary drugs (especially barbiturates and the morphine
neural pathways via the phrenic nerves. Although derivatives) or anesthesia; (2) diseases of the
the diaphragm is predominantly composed of slow medulla, including encephalitis, trauma, hemor­
twitch oxidative fibers and fast twitch oxidative­ rhage, or neoplasm (rare); (3) abnormalities of the
glycolytic fibers, which are relatively resistant to spinal conducting pathways, such as occur
Acute Respiratory Failure 12 1

hypoxemia, C02 retention, and respiratory aci­

dosis. The reserves of pulmonary function are
minimal, and any increase in the work of breath­
ing or worsening of ventilation-perfusion rela­
tionships as a result of retained secretions or
bronchospasm pushes the patient over the brink
into frank respiratory failure.
The infection should be treated with antibi­
otics, bronchodilators may be indicated for
bronchospasm, and diuretics and digitalis may
be required if there is evidence of heart failure.
Supplemental oxygen is often necessary to
FIGURE 9-4. Causes of hypoventilation. (See text
for deta i l s . )
relieve severe hypoxemia. However, as discussed
earlier in this chapter, these patients frequently
lose their ventilatory drive and develop severe
C02 retention and acidosis if too much oxygen
following high cervical dislocation; (4) anterior is administered. For this reason, 2 4% to 2 8%
horn cell diseases, such as poliomyelitis; (5) dis­ oxygen should be given, and the arterial blood
eases of the nerves to the respiratory muscles, gases should be monitored frequently.
including Guillain-Barre syndrome and diphthe­
ria; (6) diseases of the myoneural junction, such as
myasthenia gravis and anticholinesterase poison­ Ad u lt R es p i ratory D i st ress Syn d ro m e
ing; (7) diseases of the respiratory muscles (e.g., ARD S is also referred to as acute Tespiratoryfailure.
progressive muscular dystrophy); (8) thoracic Ivan, the patient whose case was presented at the
cage abnormalities, such as a crushed chest; and beginning of this chapter, is an example of some­
(9) upper airway obstruction, such as tracheal one with this condition. The condition is an end
compression by a thymoma. The essential fea­ result of a variety of insults, including trauma to
ture of these conditions is hypoventilation, lead­ the lung or to the rest of the body (as in the case
ing to C02 retention with moderate hypoxemia of Ivan), aspiration, sepsis (especially that caused
(Fig. 9-3). Respiratory acidosis occurs, and the by gram-negative organisms), and shock from any
magnitude of the fall in pH depends on the rapid­ cause. Many other organs are also affected, and
ity of the increase in P co2 and the extent of the the condition can be regarded as multiorgan
renal compensation (see Fig. 2-4B). failure.
Mechanical ventilation is often necessary in The early pathological changes in the lung
these conditions and occasionally, as in bulbar include interstitial and alveolar edema. These
poliomyelitis, may be required for months or progress to hemorrhage, cellular debris, and
even years. The lung itself is often normal in proteinaceous fluid in the alveoli, together with
these conditions. hyaline membranes, and there is patchy atelecta­
sis (Fig. 9-2). Later, hyperplasia and organiza­
Acute or C h ro n i c L u n g D isease tion occur. The damaged alveolar epithelium
becomes lined with type II alveolar cells, and
This is an important and common group that there is cellular infiltration of the alveolar walls.
includes patients with chronic bronchitis and Sometimes interstitial fibrosis develops, although
emphysema, asthma, and cystic fibrosis. Many complete healing can occur.
patients with COPD have a gradual downhill The pathogenesis is unclear, and many factors
course with increasingly severe hypoxemia and probably play a role. The capillary endothelial
C02 retention over months or years. Such and type I alveolar epithelial cells are damaged
patients are usually capable of limited ' physical early, causing increased capillary permeability and
activity, although both the arterial Po2 ancl Pco2 flooding of the alveoli with proteinaceous fluid.
may be in the region of 5 0 mm Hg. This situa­ Neutrophils accumulate, partly as a result of com­
tion is not conventionally referred to as respira­ plement or kinin activation. The activated neu­
tory failure. trophils release mediators, including bradykinin,
However, if such a patient develops even a histamine, and platelet activating factor (PAF). In
mild exacerbation of the chest infection, the con­ addition, toxic oxygen radicals are generated,
dition often deteriorates rapidly, with profound together with cyclooxygenase products such as
1 22 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

prostaglandins and thromboxane, and also lipoxy­ of the surfactant-synthesizing system can be has­
genase products such as leukotrienes (see Fig. tened by the administration of corticosteroids.
6-1 0). Platelets activated by PAF release proteases Treatment of the condition by instilling exoge­
and kallikrein. nous surfactant into the trachea is now effective.
Pulmonary function is grossly impaired. The
lung becomes very stiff, and unusually high pres­
sures are required to ventilate it mechanically. 0 OXYG E N THE RAPY
The reduced compliance causes a marked fall in
functional residual capacity (FRC). As would be Oxygen administration has a critical role in the
expected from the histologic appearance shown in treatment of hypoxemia and especially in the
Figure 9-2 , there is severe ventilation-perfusion management of respiratory failure. However,
inequality, with a substantial fraction of the total patients vary considerably in their response to
blood flow going to unventilated alveoli. This oxygen, and there are several potential hazards
shunt fraction may reach 50% or more. These associated with its use.
patients need intubation and mechanical ventila­
tion (as in the case of Ivan), and oxygen concen­ Response to Oxygen
trations of 40% to 1 00% are sometimes necessary
to maintain an arterial Paz above 60 mm Hg. The Adm in istrati on
addition of positive end-expiratory pressure The response to oxygen administration depends
(PEEP) often results in substantial improvement on the mechanism of the hypoxemia. If the
in the arterial Paz, although high levels of lung hypoxemia is caused by hypoventilation, small
inflation should be avoided if possible because increases in the inspired Oz concentration are
they can damage the capillaries (see below). very efficacious. This can be seen from the alve­
Some of these patients have a low arterial Pcoz olar gas equation,
even when severe hypoxemia develops (Fig. 9-3).
The reason for the increased ventilation is not PAco,
known, but possibly the interstitial edema stimu­ PA0 = P10 - � + F
2 2
lates intrapulmonary J or stretch receptors.
where F is a small correction factor that can usu­
I nfa nt R e s p i ratory D i stress S y n d rome ally be ignored. The equation shows that if the
alveolar Pcoz and respiratory exchange ratio
Infant respiratory distress syndrome, which is also remains constant, and we neglect the correction
called hyaline membrane disease of the newborn, has factor, the alveolar Paz rises by 1 mm Hg for
several features in common with ARDS. each mm Hg increase in inspired Paz· As an
Pathologically, the lung shows hemorrhagic example, changing the inspired gas from air to
edema, patchy atelectasis, and hyaline membranes only 3 0% Oz will increase the alveolar Paz by
caused by proteinaceous fluid and cellular debris approximately 60 mm Hg. The arterial Paz will
within the alveoli (see Fig. 6-1 4). Physiologically, rise by approximately the same amount.
there is profound hypoxemia, with both If the hypoxemia is caused by diffusion impair­
ventilation-perfusion inequality and blood flow ment, Oz administration is again very effective.
through unventilated lung. In addition, a right-to­ By raising the alveolar Paz, the driving pressure
left shunt via the patent foramen ovale may exag­ for Oz across the blood-gas barrier is greatly
gerate hypoxemia. Mechanical ventilation with increased (see Fig. 1-8). As a consequence, a
oxygen-enriched mixtures is often necessary, and modest rise in inspired oxygen concentration
the addition of PEEP or continuous positive air­ can often correct the hypoxemia.
way pressure is frequently beneficial. If ventilation-perfusion inequality is the mecha­
The chief cause of this condition is an nism of the hypoxemia, Oz administration is also
absence of pulmonary surfactant (as discussed in usually very effective. If all the alveoli are venti­
Chapter 6), but other factors are probably also lated, the alveolar Paz in them will eventually
involved. The surfactant system of the lung reach very high values as the nitrogen is washed
matures relatively late in fetal life; therefore, out, and the arterial Paz will increase substantially.
infants born prematurely are particularly at risk. However, there are two cautions. First, if some
The ability of the infant to secrete surfactant can regions of the lung are very poorly ventilated but
be estimated by measuring the lecithin/sphin­ perfused, it may take many minutes for the nitro­
gomyelin ratio of amniotic fluid, and maturation gen to be washed out. Second, giving oxygen may
Acute Respiratory Failure 123

result in the conversion o f poorly ventilated areas However, in this typical example, a patient with
into nonventilated areas, causing a shunt (see a shunt of 3 0% of the cardiac output who has an
below). Nevertheless, 02 therapy in patients with arterial Po2 of 5 5 mm Hg during air breathing
ventilation-perfusion inequality is usually very increases the Po2 to 1 1 0 mm Hg when 1 00% 02
effective in raising the arterial Po2• is breathed. This increase corresponds to a rise
Shunt is the only mechanism of hypoxemia in in 02 saturation and concentration of the arterial
which arterial Po2 responds much less to 1 00% blood of 1 0 % and 2 .2 ml dl-1, respectively. In a

02 breathing (see Fig. 7-6). The reason is that the patient with a severely hypoxic myocardium,
blood that bypasses the ventilated alveoli is not such as George in Chapter 7, these values mean
exposed to the added oxygen, and it therefore an important gain in 02 delivery.
continues to depress the arterial Po2 (see Fig. 7-7).
This means that giving 1 00% 02 is a very sensi­
tive way of detecting the presence of shunts.
Other Factors i n Oxygen Delivery
However, it should be emphasized that useful
gains in arterial Po2 often follow the administra­ Although the arterial Po2 is a convenient mea­
tion of 1 00% 02 to patients with shunts . This is surement of the degree of oxygenation of the
because of the additional dissolved oxygen, which blood, it is important to remember that other
can be appreciable at high alveolar Po2 values. For factors affect oxygen delivery to the tissues.
example, increasing the alveolar P o2 from 1 00 to These include the hemoglobin concentration,
600 mm Hg raises the dissolved oxygen in the the position of the 02 dissociation curve, the
end-capillary blood from about 0.3 to 1 .8 ml dl- 1 . · cardiac output, and the distribution of blood
This increase of 1 .5 can be compared with the flow to the peripheral tissues.
normal arterial-venous difference in 0,- concen- Both a fall in hemoglobin concentration and
tration of approximately 5 ml . dl-1• in cardiac output reduce the total amount of
FIGURE 9-5 shows typical increases in arterial oxygen per unit time going to the tissues (oxygen
Po2 for various percentage shunts at different delivery or oxygen flux). This can be expressed as
inspired 02 concentrations. The graph is drawn the product of . cardiac output and arterial 02
for an 02 uptake of 3 00 ml min- 1 and cardiac
· concentration: Q X Ca02 .
output of 61 min-1, and variations in these and
· Diffusion of 02 from the peripheral capillaries
other values alter the positions of the lines. to the mitochondria in the tissue cells depends on
the capillary Po2• A useful index is the Po2 of
mixed venous blood, which is often taken as a
500 ■ ---,----,---�--� measure of the average tissue Po2 • A rearrange­
ment of the Fick equation is as follows:


%Sh" t/
% Shunt CV.,= Can —
•-,2 ,-,2



rPN 10
This equation shows that the 02 concentration
(and therefore the Po2) of mixed venous blood
'5i 200 Air
will fall if either the arterial 02 concentration or
<( B� 20
20 the cardiac output is reduced (02 consumption
1 00
� 30
assumed to be constant).
The relationship between 02 concentration
and P o2 in the mixed venous blood depends on
0 20 40 60 80 1 00 the position of the 02 dissociation curve (see Fig.
Inspired 02 concentration (%) 1-15). If the curve is shifted to the right by an
increase in temperature, as in fever, or an increase
FIGURE 9-5. Response of the arterial Po2 to
in 2 , 3 -diphosphoglycerate (2 ,3 -DPG) concentra­
increased inspired 02 concentrations in a lung with
tion, as frequently occurs in chronic hypoxemia ,
various amounts of shunt. The P02 remains well below
the normal level for 1 00% 02 breathing. Nevertheless, the Po2 for a given 02 concentration is high, thus
useful gains in oxygenation occur even with severe favoring diffusion of 02 to the mitochondria. By
degrees of shunting. (This theoretical diagram shows contrast, if the P co2 is low and the pH is high, as
typical values only. Changes in cardiac output. oxygen in respiratory alkalosis, or if the 2 , 3 -DPG con­
uptake, etc. will affect the position of the lines.) centration is low because of transfusion of large
1 24 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

amounts of stored blood in which the 2,3 -DPG substantial increase in the arterial 02 concentra­
has been depleted, the resulting left-shifted curve tion can occur, chiefly as a result of the additional
interferes with 02 unloading to the tissues. dissolved 02• For example, if the arterial Po2 is
2000 mm Hg, the 02 in solution is approxi­
mately 6 ml dl- 1 of blood. Theoretically, this is

M ethods of Oxygen Adm i n istration

enough to provide the entire arterial-venous 02
difference of 5 ml dl- 1 , so that the hemoglobin of

Nasal cannulas consist of two prongs that are the mixed venous blood could remain fully
inserted just inside the anterior nares and are saturated.
supported on a light frame. Oxygen is supplied at Hyperbaric 02 therapy has limited uses and is
rates of 1 to 4 1 min- 1, resulting in inspired 02
· rarely indicated in the treatment of respiratory
concentrations of approximately 2 5 % to 30%. failure. However, it has been used in the treat­
The higher the patient's inspiratory flow rate, the ment of severe carbon monoxide poisoning, in
lower the resulting concentration because of which most of the hemoglobin is unavailable to
dilution with the inspired air. The 02 should be carry 02 and therefore the dissolved 02 is criti­
humidified to prevent crusting of secretions. cally important. In addition, the high Po2 accel­
Cannulas are convenient because the patient erates the dissociation of carbon monoxide from
does not have the discomfort of a mask and can­ hemoglobin. A severe anemic crisis is sometimes
nulas do not interfere with talking or eating. treated in the same way. Hyperbaric 02 is also
They can be worn continuously for long periods. used in the treatment of gas gangrene infections
Masks come in several designs. Simple plastic and as an adjunct to radiotherapy, in which the
masks that fit over the nose and mouth allow higher tissue Po2 increases the radiosensitivity of
inspired 02 concentrations of up to 60% when relatively avascular tumors. The high-pressure
supplied with flow rates of 6 1 min- 1 • However,
· chamber is also valuable for managing decom­
some patients do not tolerate masks well. pression sickness after diving.
A useful mask for delivering controlled 02 The use of hyperbaric 02 requires a special
concentrations is based on the Venturi principle. facility with trained personnel. In practice, the
As the 02 enters the mask through a narrow jet, chamber is filled with air, and 02 is given by a
it entrains a constant flow of air. With an oxygen special mask to ensure that the patient receives
flow of 4 1 min- 1, a total flow (02 plus air) of
· pure 02• This procedure also reduces fire hazard.
approximately 40 1 min- 1 is delivered to the
· Domiciliary and portable oxygen are now fre­
patient. Masks are available to give inspired 02 quently used by patients with severe COPD.
concentrations of 24%, 2 8 % , or 3 5 % with a high These patients may be virtually confined to a
degree of reliability and are particularly useful for bed or a chair unless they breathe supplementary
treating patients who are liable to develop C02 oxygen. Portable oxygen sets can be used for
retention if a higher concentration of 02 is given. shopping and other outside activities.
Transtracheal oxygen can be delivered via a Administration of a low flow of oxygen given
microcatheter inserted through the anterior tra­ continuously over several months can reduce the
cheal wall with the tip lying just above the amount of pulmonary hypertension and improve
carina. This is an efficient way of delivering 02 the prognosis of some patients with advanced
in patients who are receiving long-term oxygen COPD. Although such therapy is expensive,
therapy (see below). improvements in technology, for example, 02
Mechanical ventilators, when used in conjunc­ concentrators that remove 02 from the air, have
tion with an endotracheal tube, allow complete made this feasible.
control over the composition of the inspired gas.
The potentially high concentrations raise the
dangers of 02 toxicity (see below). In general, the Hazards of Oxygen Therapy
lowest inspired 02 concentration that provides an Carbon D io x i d e R ete ntio n
acceptable arterial Po2 should be used. This level
is difficult to define, but in patients with ARDS As discussed earlier, patients with severe COPD
who are being mechanically ventilated with high who are given high concentrations of 02 to
02 concentrations, 60 mm Hg is often used. breathe may develop dangerous C02 retention.
Hyperbaric oxygen. If 1 00% 02 is administered Oxygen should be given at relatively low con­
at a pressure of 3 atmospheres, the inspired Po2 is centrations, for example, 24% via a Venturi
over 2 000 mm Hg. Under these conditions, a mask, and the blood gases should be monitored.
Acute Respiratory Failure 125

Oxyg e n Tox i city Later, organization occurs with interstitial

High concentrations of 02 administered over In humans, the pulmonary effects of high 02
long periods can damage the lung. If guinea pigs concentrations are more difficult to document,
are placed in 1 00% 02 at atmospheric pressure but normal subjects report substernal discomfort
for 48 hours, they develop pulmonary edema. after breathing 1 00% 02 for 24 hours. Patients
FIGU RE 9-6 shows an electron micrograph from who have been mechanically ventilated with
a monkey exposed to 1 00% 02 for 2 days (com­ 1 00% 02 for 3 6 hours have shown a progressive
pare with Fig. 1-7). Note the swollen capillary fall in arterial Pa2 compared with a control
endothelium, which is where some of the earli­ group who were ventilated with air. A reasonable
est changes are seen. Alterations also occur in attitude is to assume that concentrations of 50%
the endothelial intercellular junctions. The alve­ 02 or higher for more than 2 days may produce
olar epithelium may become completely denud­ toxic changes.
ed and replaced by rows of type II epithelial In practice, such high levels of 02 over such
cells. There is an increased capillary permeabili­ a long period can only be achieved in patients
ty that leads to interstitial and alveolar edema. who are intubated and mechanically ventilated.
It is important to avoid oxygen toxicity because
the only way to relieve the resultant hypoxemia
is by raising the inspired 02> thus creating
a vicious circle.

Ate l ect a s i s

Following ai?"Way occlusion. Absorption atelectasis

is an important hazard of breathing 1 00% 02•
Suppose that an airway is obstructed by mucus
(FIGURE 9-7A) . The total pressure in the
trapped gas is close to 760 mm Hg (it may be a
few mm Hg less as it is absorbed because of
elastic forces in the lung), but the sum of the
partial pressures in the venous blood is far less
than 760 mm Hg. This is because the Poz of the
mixed venous blood remains relatively low, even
when Oz is breathed. In fact, the Fick equation
shows that the rise in Oz concentration of arterial
and venous blood when Oz is breathed will be
the same if cardiac output and oxygen uptake
remain unchanged. However, because of the
shape of the Oz dissociation curve (see Fig.
1-14), the increase in venous Paz is only about
1 0 to 1 5 mm Hg, in contrast to the very large
increase in arterial Poz · Since the sum of the
partial pressures in the alveolar gas greatly
exceeds that in venous blood, gas diffuses into
the blood, and rapid collapse of the alveoli
occurs. Reopening such an atelectatic area may
be difficult because of surface tension effects in
such small units.
Absorption atelectasis also occurs in a blocked
FIGURE 9-6. Ea rly changes in oxygen toxicity. This
region of lung even when air is breathed,
electron micrograph from a monkey exposed to
1 00 % 02 for 2 days shows swelling of the capillary
although here the process is slower. Figure 9-7B
endothelial cells. Later changes include loss of alve­ shows that, again, the sum of the partial pres­
olar epithelium and subsequent i nterstitial fibrosis. sures in venous blood is less than 7 60 mm Hg.
A. a lveolus; E N , endothe l i u m ; E P. epithelium; I N , This is because the fall in Paz from arterial to
interstitium; R B C , red blood cell. venous blood is much greater than the rise in
126 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

Pure 02
02 Air
02 (100)
02 (100)
02 668
02 668 CO2
CO2 (40)
CO2 45
CO2 45 N2 573
N2 573
H2O 47
H2O 47 H2O 47
H2O 47
Total 760
Total 760 Total
C02H2020 _£
47 ..--'
Total 760

Total 1 47 705
Total 705

FIGURE 9-7. M echanism of absorption atelectasis beyond blocked airways. A. Partial pressures when
1 00 % 02 is inspired. B. Partial pressures when air is breathed. I n both cases, the sum of the partial pres­
sures of the gases in the m ixed venous blood is less than that in the alveol i . In (8), the P02 and P co2 a re
shown in parentheses because these values change with time. However, the total a lveolar pressure
remains within a few mm Hg of 760.

Pco2 (this is a reflection of the steeper slope of high 02 mixtures are inhaled. An example is
the C02 dissociation curve [see Fig. 1-17] com­ given in FIGURE 9-8, which shows the distribu­
pared with the 02 dissociation curve [see Fig. tion of ventilation-perfusion ratios in a patient
1-14]). Since the total gas pressure in the alveoli during air breathing and again after 3 0 minutes
is nearly 760 mm Hg, absorption is inevitable. of breathing 1 00% 02• This patient had acute
The changes in the alveolar partial pressures respiratory failure following an automobile acci­
during absorption are somewhat complicated, dent, as was the case with Ivan. During air
but it can be shown that the rate of collapse is breathing, there were appreciable amounts of
limited by the rate of absorption of nitrogen. blood flow to lung units with ventilation­
Since this gas has a low solubility, its presence perfusion ratios between 0.01 and 0. 1 . There
acts as a "splint" that, as it were, supports the was also an 8% shunt, that is, blood flow to com­
alveoli and delays collapse. Even relatively small pletely unventilated lung units. After 02 admin­
concentrations of nitrogen in alveolar gas have a istration, the blood flow to the low ventilation­
useful splinting effect. Nevertheless, postopera­ perfusion ratio units was not seen, but the shunt
tive atelectasis is a common problem in patients had increased from 8% to 1 6 % . The most likely
who are treated with high 02 mixtures. Collapse explanation of these changes is that the poorly
is particularly likely to occur at the bottom of the ventilated regions became unventilated.
lung, where the parenchyma is least well FIGURE 9-9 shows the mechanism. Here we
expanded (see Fig. 3-1 1 ) or the airways are actu­ see four hypothetical lung units, all. wi� low
ally closed (see Fig. 3-12). Also, retained secre­ inspired ventilation-perfusion ratios CV,../Q) dur­
tions tend to collect at the lung base because ing 80% 02 breathing. In A, the inspirec
inspired (alveolar)
inspirec (alveolar)
they drain there. This same basic mechanism of ventilation is 49.4 units, but the expired ventila­
absorption is responsible for the gradual disap­ tion is only 2.5 units (the actual values depend on
pearance of pneumothorax or a gas pocket inad­ the blood flow). The reason why so little gas is
vertently introduced under the skin. exhaled is that so much is taken up by the blood.
Instability of units with low ventilation-perfusion In B, where the inspired ventilation is slightly
ratios. Lung units with low ventilation-perfusion reduced to 44 units (same blood flow as before),
ratios may become unstable and collapse when there is no expired ventilation at all because all
Acute Respiratory Failure 127

1 .6 expiratory phase of respiration, as in C, or the

unit gradually collapses, as in D. The latter fate
a- 1 5.8%

1 .2
breaShthiunngt02 •

o 0Ai2r bbrreeaatthhiinngg is particularly likely if the unit is poorly venti­

lated because of intermittent airway closure.
This is probably common in the dependent
� regions of the lung in many patients with acute
::: 8. 1 %


breShathuinntg air respiratory failure, such as that caused by ARDS,

because of the greatly reduced FRC. The likeli­
hood of atelectasis increases rapidly as the
iii inspired 02 concentration approaches 1 00%.
The development o f shunts during 02 breath­
ing is an additional reason why high concentra­
tions of 02 should be avoided if possible in the
0 Uf)����������� treatment of patients with respiratory failure.
0 1 0.0 1 00.0
Ventilation-perfusion ration Also, if measurement of shunt flow is done dur­
ing 1 00% 02 breathing (see Fig. 7-7) in these
FIGURE 9-8. Conversion of u n its with low patients, it may substantially overestimate the
ventilation-perfusion ratios to shunt during 02 breath­ shunt that is present during air breathing.
ing. This patient had acute respiratory failure follow­
ing an automobile accident. Duri ng air breathing,
Retro l e nta l F i b ro p l a s i a
there was appreciable blood flow to units with low
ventilation-perfusion ratios. After 30 minutes of If newborn infants with infant respiratory distress
breathing 1 00 % 02, blood flow to these units was
syndrome are treated with high concentrations of
not seen, but the shunt doubled.
02, they may develop fibrosis behind the lens of
the eye, leading to blindness. To avoid this, the
arterial Po2 should be kept below 1 40 mm Hg.
the gas that is inspired is absorbed by the blood.
Such a unit is said to have a "critical"
ventilation-perfusion ratio. In C and D, the 0 M ECHAN ICAL VENTI LATION
inspired ventilation has been further reduced,
with the result that it is now less than the volume We saw that it was necessary to use mechanical
of gas entering the blood. This is an unstable sit­ ventilation in the management of Ivan because
uation. Under these circumstances, either gas is his acute respiratory failure had caused such
inspired from neighboring units during the severe impairment of gas exchange that it was

Inspired 02 = 80%

VAI/6 0.0494 0.0440 0.0373 0.0373

49.4 /4-2.5
/4-2.5 44.0
44.0 37.3,
1 2.0
2.0 37.31

Stable Critical Unstable

A B c D
FIGURE 9-9. M echanism of the collapse of lung units with low i nspired ventilation-perfusion ratios (VAt/0.)
when high-oxygen m ixtures a re i n haled. A. The expired ventilation is very small because so much of the
inspired gas is taken u p by the blood . C. and D. More gas is removed from the lung unit than is inspired,
leading to a n unstable condition.
128 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: A n Integrated, Case-Based Approach

impossible to maintain viable levels of arterial Types of Ventilators

Po2 and Pco2 without this intervention.
Mechanical ventilation is frequently used in the Co nsta nt-Vo l u m e Venti l ato rs
intensive care environment. This is a complex Constant-volume ventilators deliver a preset vol­
and technical subject, and the present discussion ume of gas to the patient, usually by means of a
is limited to the physiological principles of its motor-driven piston in a cylinder (FIGURE 9-10).
use, benefits, and hazards. The stroke and frequency of the pump can be
adjusted to give the required ventilation, and the
I ntubation a n d Tracheostomy ratio of inspiratory to expiratory time can also
be controlled. Oxygen can be added to the
Most ventilators require a port for connection to inspired gas as required, and a humidifier is
the lung airway. An exception is the tank type of included in the circuit. Constant-volume ventila­
ventilator (see below), which is now rarely used. tors are robust, dependable machines that are
The connection is made by means of an endotra­ suitable for long-term ventilation. They are used
cheal (or sometimes tracheostomy) tube. These extensively in anesthesia.
are provided with an inflatable cuff at the end to
give an airtight seal. Endotracheal tubes are usu­
ally inserted via the nose. Consta nt- P res s u re Ve nti l ato rs
These tubes have other functions in addition
to providing a connection for ventilators. They Constant-pressure ventilators deliver gas at a
facilitate the removal of retained secretions by preset pressure. They do not require electrical
suction catheter, a serious problem in many power but instead work from a source of com­
patients with respiratory failure. These secre­ pressed gas. They can include a valve that allows
tions are particularly troublesome in patients inspiration to be triggered by a patient's inspira­
who are semiconscious, or who have a sup­ tory effort. Constant-pressure ventilators are
pressed cough reflex, or when the secretions are small, relatively inexpensive machines. A poten­
particularly copious or viscid. In addition, a tra­ tial disadvantage is that the volume of gas they
cheostomy may be necessary to bypass upper air­ deliver is altered by changes in the compliance
way obstruction caused, for example, by allergic of the lung or chest wall.
edema or a laryngeal tumor. The tube may also
prevent the aspiration of blood or vomitus from
the pharynx into the lung.
The decision to intubate and ventilate a Diaphragm
To spirometer
patient is a major one because the intervention
requires a large investment of personnel and
equipment, with many potential hazards. Valves
However, patients are frequently intubated too Air
late in the course of respiratory failure. The pre­ Humidifier
cise timing depends on a number of factors,
including the nature of the underlying disease
process, the rapidity of the progress of hypox­
emia and hypercapnia, and the age and general
condition of the patient.
Several complications are associated with the
use of endotracheal and tracheostomy tubes.
Ulceration of the larynx or trachea is sometimes
seen. This complication is particularly likely if the
inflated cuff exerts undue pressure on the mucosa.
The subsequent scarring can result in tracheal
FIGURE 9-10. Diagram of a constant-volume ven­
stenosis. The use of large-volume, low-pressure
tilator. In practice, the stroke volume a nd frequency
cuffs has reduced the incidence of this problem. of the pump can be regulated. During the expiratory
Care must be taken with the placement of an phase, the piston descends and the diaphragm i s
endotracheal tube. Occasionally the distal end of deflected t o t h e left b y t h e reduced pressure in the
the tube is inadvertently placed in the right main cylinder, allowing the patient to exhale through the
bronchus, leading to atelectasis of the left lung. spirometer.
Acute Respiratory Failure 129

-1 0 0
em watoter
seal --.‘

FIGURE 9-11. Tan k respirator (schematic). The rigid box is connected to a large-volume, low-pressure pump
that swings the pressu re from about 0 to -10 em H 20.

Ta n k Ve nti l ato rs The positive pressure increases the FRC, which

is typically small in these patients because of the
Although tank ventilators are uncommon now, increased elastic recoil of the lung. The low
they were extensively used to ventilate patients lung volume causes airway closure and intermit­
with bulbar poliomyelitis, and they are still tent ventilation (or none at all) of some areas,
occasionally useful for patients with chronic neu­ especially in the dependent regions, and absorp­
romuscular disease. In contrast to the positive­ tion atelectasis ensues (Fig. 9-9). PEEP tends to
pressure ventilators considered so far, they work reverse these changes. Patients with edema in
by delivering negative pressure (less than atmo­ their airways also benefit, probably because the
spheric) to the outside of the chest and rest of the fluid is moved into small peripheral airways,
body, excluding the head (FIGURE 9-11). The allowing some regions of the lung to be
ventilator consists of a rigid box ("iron lung") reventila ted.
connected to a large-volume, low-pressure pump FIGURE 9-12 shows the effects of PEEP in
that controls the respiratory cycle. The box is a patient with ARDS. The level of PEEP was
often hinged along the middle so that it can be progressively increased from 0 to 1 6 em H20,
opened to allow nursing care. A modification of which resulted in the shunt falling from 43 .8% to
the tank ventilator is the cuirass, which fits over 14.2 % of the total pulmonary blood flow. A small
the thorax and abdomen and also generates nega­ amount of blood flow to very poorly ventilated
tive pressure. It is usually reserved for patients alveoli remained. In this patient, the arterial Po2
who have partially recovered from neuromuscular with zero PEEP (sometimes called ZEEP) was
respiratory failure. only 73 mm Hg when the patient was ventilated
with 80% 02.
Figure 9-1 2 also shows that the addition of
Patterns of Ventilation PEEP increased the dead space from 3 6. 3 % to
Positive E n d - Ex p i ratory Press u re 49. 8 % of the tidal volume. This can be
explained partly by compression of the capillar­
In many patients with acute respiratory failure, ies by the increased alveolar pressure and is the
considerable improvement in the arterial Po2 can same basic mechanism that is responsible for
be obtained by maintaining a small positive air­ the development of zone 1 in the distribution of
way pressure at the end of expiration. Values as blood flow in the lung, as discussed in connec­
low as 5 em H20 are often beneficial, but pres­ tion with Figure 6-7. FIGURE 9-1 3 shows the
sures as high as 20 em H2 0 or more are some­ collapse of capillaries in the alveolar wall when
times necessary, although high pressures should alveolar pressure is raised above capillary pres­
be avoided if possible (see below). Special valves sure, and should be contrasted with the normal
are available to provide the pressure. A secondary appearance shown in Figure 1-1 2 . These lung
gain from PEEP is that it may allow the inspired units are useless for gas exchange and are an
02 concentration to be decreased, thus lessening example of alveolar dead space. In addition,
the risk of 02 toxicity. PEEP results in an increase in the volume of the
Several mechanisms are responsible for the conducting airways (anatomic dead space)
increase in arterial Po2 when PEEP is applied. because of the increase in volume of the lung
1 30 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

1 .2
1.2 l j 1 .2 ! !
43.8% sDpeacde
36.0% 40.6%

0.8 0·8
Is c�·�EEP I
:=. 0.4
0.4 0.4

"C 0.0 0.01 0.1 1 .0 1 0.0 1 00.0 0.0 0.01 0.1 1 .0 1 0.0 1 00.0
�o0 1.2
1 .2 ! ! 1 .2

25.8% 46.7% 49.8%


� 0.8 A.D.
12 cm PEEP
0.8 A.D.
16 cm PEEP

;; 14.2%

> 0.4 0.4

0.0 0.01 0.1 1 .0 1 0.0 1 00.0 0.0 0.01 0.1 1 .0 1 0.0 1 00.0

Ventilation-perfusion ratio
FIGURE 9-12. Reduction of shunt and increase of dead space caused by increasing levels of positive end­
expiratory pressure ( P E E P) in a patient with adult respi ratory distress syndrome. As the P E E P was progres­
sively increased from 0 to 16 em H 2 0, the shunt decreased from 43.8% to 1 4 . 2 % of the total blood flow,
and the dead space i ncreased from 36.3% to 49.8% of the tidal volume .

, . .,. .


FIGURE 9-13. Effect of ra ising airway pressure on the histologic appearance of pulmonary capil laries.
Compare with the normal appearance as shown in Figure 1 -1 2 . When alveolar pressure was raised above
capillary pressure, the capillaries collapsed and few red blood cells remained in the alveolar walls.
Acute Respiratory Failure 131

and consequent increased radial traction on the Oth e r Patt e r n s of Ve n t i l a t i o n

A related consequence of PEEP is its ten­ Several special patterns of mechanical ventila­
dency to reduce cardiac output by impeding tion are used, but the details need not concern
venous return to the thorax. This is particularly us. Intermittent positive pressure ventilation
likely to occur if the circulating blood volume (IPPV) is the common pattern in which the lung
has been depleted by hemorrhage or shock. is expanded by the application of positive pres­
Therefore, the value of PEEP should be sure to the airway and allowed to deflate pas­
gauged not only by its effect on the arterial Po2 sively to FRC. In some patients with airway
but also by the total amount of oxygen deliv­ obstruction, there is an advantage in prolonging
ered to the tissues (cardiac output X arterial 02 the expiratory time so that all regions of the
concentration). Because the Po2 of mixed lung have time to empty. This can be done by
venous blood reflects the oxygen delivery to the reducing the respiratory frequency and increas­
tissues (if 02 uptake is constant), some physi­ ing the expiratory versus inspiratory time.
cians use the Po2 of mixed venous blood as a Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is
guide to the optimal level of PEEP. However, sometimes used when patients are being weaned
in some extremely ill patients, this can be a mis­ from a ventilator and are able to breathe spon­
leading measurement. Under some conditions, taneously. These patients may benefit from a
the application of PEEP causes a reduction in small positive pressure applied continuously to
the patient's overall 02 consumption. The rea­ the airway. The result is an improvement in
son is that the perfusion of some tissues in oxygenation. CPAP is also used in treating
extremely ill patients is so marginal that if the sleep -disordered breathing caused by upper air­
blood flow is further decreased, they are unable way obstruction.
to take up oxygen. Intermittent mandatory ventilation (IMV) is
It is now well established that high levels of a modification of IPPV in which a large tidal
PEEP can damage pulmonary capillaries, lead­ volume is given at relatively infrequent intervals
ing to pulmonary edema. The mechanism is to an intubated patient who is breathing sponta­
that the very high levels of alveolar distension neously. It is often combined with PEEP or
(at least in some regions of the lung) cause CPAP. High-frequency ventilation is a specialized
such high mechanical tension in the alveolar form of mechanical ventilation in which very
walls that the very thin blood-gas barrier is high frequency (approximately 2 0 cycles . sec- 1)
damaged (stress failure). In general, therefore, positive pressure ventilation is applied with very
very high levels of PEEP should be avoided, small stroke volumes (50 to 1 00 ml). As a result,
and the lowest pressure consistent with an the lung is vibrated rather than expanded in the
acceptable level of arterial Po2 should be used. conventional way, and the transport of gas
Sometimes reducing the level of PEEP results occurs by a combination of diffusion and
in C02 retention, but recent evidence suggests convection.
that this is less deleterious in some patients
than the capillary damage that otherwise
occurs. If the P co2 is allowed to rise, the situa­ Miscellaneous Hazards
tion is sometimes referred to as permissive
hypercapnia. Mechanical problems are a constant hazard. They
Occasionally, the addition of too much PEEP include power failure, broken connections, and
reduces rather than increases the arterial Po2• kinking of tubes. Pneumothorax can occur, espe­
Possible mechanisms include the fall in cardiac cially if high levels of PEEP or unusually large
output, which reduces the Po2 of mixed venous tidal volumes are used. Interstitial emphysema
blood and therefore the arterial Po2; reduced may occur if the lung is overdistended and air
ventilation of well-perfused regions of lung; and escapes from ruptured alveoli into the perivascu­
diversion of blood flow away from ventilated to lar and peribronchial interstitium (see Figs. 7-2
unventilated regions. However, these possible and 7-3). The air may enter the mediastinum
disadvantages should not obscure the fact that and the subcutaneous tissues of the neck.
PEEP is a very important treatment option in Pulmonary infection can occur, and cardiac
the management of patients with severe respira­ arrhythmias may be caused by rapid swings in pH
tory failure. and hypoxemia.
132 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: A n Integrated, Case-Based Approach

Key Concepts 3 . Oxygen administration often has

a critical role in the treatment of severe
1 . Acute respiratory failure can result from hypoxemia, although the response
a variety of conditions, including severe depends on the pathophysiology of the
trauma, sepsis, aspiration, and shock. disease. Hazards of oxygen therapy
Features include clouding of conscious­ include atelectasis and oxygen
ness, severe hypoxemia, and widespread toxicity.
opacities in the chest radiograph. 4. Mechanical ventilation following
2 . Various forms of respiratory failure cause intubation is often essential in severe
different patterns of hypoxemia and car­ respiratory failure, and the addition of
bon dioxide retention. For example, positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP)
hypoventilation due to neuromuscular often increases the arterial Po2 •
disease always results in carbon dioxide However, high levels of PEEP can cause
retention, whereas in other types of res­ further lung injury.
piratory failure the Pco2 may be normal.
Acute Respiratory Failure 133

Questions (For answers, see p. 1 42)
For each question, choose the one best answer.

1 . Severe hypoxemia, as in acute respiratory was admitted to the hospital. When she
failure, typically causes: was given 1 00% 02, her arterial Pco2
A. Carbon dioxide retention increased from 45 to 60 mrn Hg. A likely
B. Reduced cerebral blow flow reason was:
C. Convulsions A. There was increased renal excretion of
D. Proteinuria bicarbonate.
E. Double vision B. Administration of oxygen increased
hypoxic vasoconstriction in some poorly
2. Severe carbon dioxide retention can typi­
ventilated areas of lung.
cally cause:
C. Administration of oxygen depressed
A. Mental clouding
B . Alkalosis
D. The oxygen further exacerbated the
C. Reduced cerebral blood flow
patient's chest infection.
D. Renal loss of bicarbonate
E. The increased oxygen saturation in the
E. Decreased CSF pressure
blood reduced the transport of carbon
3 . Concerning the diaphragm: dioxide.
A. It is composed of smooth muscle.
B. It is not under voluntary control. 7. A young man who was previously well
C. Nerve supply is via low thoracic segments. was admitted to the emergency depart­
D. Fatigue results in a reduced maximal ment with barbiturate poisoning that
transdiaphragmatic pressure. caused severe hypoventilation. When he
E. Diaphragm function cannot be improved was given 50% 02 to breathe, there was
by a training program. no change in his arterial Pco2 •
Approximately how much would his
4. Features of ARDS typically include: arterial Po2 (mrn Hg) be expected to
A. Severe hypoxemia rise?
B. Ventilation-perfusion inequality without A. 2 5
a shunt B. 5 0
C. Increased lung compliance c . 75
D. Increased FRC D. 1 00
E. Minor changes to the chest radiograph E. 200
5. Features of infant respiratory distress
8. Features of hyperbaric oxygen therapy
syndrome typically include:
A. Normal chest radiograph
A. Severe carbon dioxide retention tends to
B . Production of an abnormal form of pul-
monary surfactant
B . The arterial P02 cannot exceed 1 50 mm
C. Severe carbon dioxide retention
D. Large shunt
C. The arterial oxygen saturation cannot
E. Reduced risk of the disease in premature
exceed 95 % .
D . Spontaneous pneumothorax is a hazard.
6. A patient with COPD developed an E. It can be used to treat an acute anemic
acute exacerbation of her bronchitis and crisis.
\ C h a pter 10

Other Diseases

Now we meet Ann and Bill again when they visit the
university hospital as part of one of their first-year
medicine courses. They see three patients: Joan has
pneumonia, Ken has lung cancer, and Lynne has
cystic fibrosis. These three patients introduce us to
infectious, neoplastic, and other diseases that do not
fit easily under the heading of pulmonary pathophysiology but are important in the
context of pulmonary medicine.

List of Topics exudate. In fatal cases, autopsies show alveoli

crammed with cells, chiefly polymorphonuclear
Infectious diseases of the lung, including leukocytes. However, usually resolution occurs,
pneumonia, tuberculosis, and pulmonary with restoration of the normal morphology.
involvement in AID S ; bronchiectasis; Occasionally suppuration may result in the
necrosis of tissues, causing a lung abscess.
bronchial carcinoma; cystic fibrosis.
Special forms of pneumonia include that fol­
lowing aspiration of gastric fluid. Psittacosis is
0 PNEU MONIA a form transmitted from infected parrots by a
Joan is a 65-year-old homemaker who was well
until 5 days ago, when she developed malaise,
had a shivering attack (rigor), cough, and pain Clinical Features
over her right lower chest, which was worse
when she took a deep breath. She was admitted The clinical course of Joan is typical, but other
to the hospital, and on examination she looked presentations can occur depending on the caus­
ill, her temperature was 40.5°C, and there was ative organisms, the age of the patient, and the
rapid, shallow breathing, tachycardia, and mild patient's general condition. In the case of]oan, the
cyanosis of the tongue. Auscultation of the chest disease appeared to be confined to the right lower
revealed diminished breath sounds in the right lobe (lobar pneumonia), but sometimes the distri­
lower chest posteriorly, and a chest radiograph bution is patchy (bronchopneumonia). Sputum
showed an opacity in the right lower lode. examination and culture can frequently identify
Attempts to grow pathogens from sputum were the causative organism, although this was not pos­
unsuccessful, but she was treated with a broad­ sible in the case of]oan.
spectrum antibiotic and made a good recovery.
The diagnosis was pneumonia. Pulmonary Fu nction

Pathology Because the pneumonic region is not ventilated,

it causes shunting and hypoxemia. The severity
Pneumonia refers to inflammation of the lung of these conditions depends on the local pul­
parenchyma associated with alveoli filling by monary blood flow, which may be substantially
1 34
Other Diseases 135

reduced either by the disease process itself or by D BRONCHIECTASIS

hypoxic vasoconstriction. However, patients
with severe pneumonia may be cyanotic. Carbon Bronchiectasis is characterized by dilatation of
dioxide retention does not generally occur. bronchi with local suppuration.
Chest movement may be restricted by pleural
pain or by a pleural effusion. In general, pul­
monary function tests are not carried out in Pathol ogy
these patients because the patients are quite sick The mucosal surface of the affected bronchi
and the information is not particularly useful. shows loss of ciliated epithelium, squamous
metaplasia, and infiltration with inflammatory
cells. Pus is present in the lumen during infec­
tive exacerbations. The surrounding lung often
Pulmonary tuberculosis is another important shows fibrosis and old inflammatory changes.
infectious disease. It can take many forms. Early
lesions do not affect pulmonary function, but in
Clin ica l Features
the late stages of the disease severe functional
impairment may occur, leading to respiratory fail­ The disease usually follows childhood pneumo­
ure. Advanced disease is much less common now nia, and the prevalence has fallen greatly since
because of treatment with antituberculous drugs. the introduction of powerful antibiotics. The
The initial infection results in a primary com­ cardinal feature is a productive cough with yel­
plex with hilar lymph node enlargement. This low or green sputum. This sputum may occur
enlargement rapidly resolves and is usually not only after a cold or may be present continuously.
recognized. The postprimary infection is usually There may be hemoptysis and halitosis.
in the apices of the lungs, apparently because the Crepitations are often heard, and finger clubbing
high ventilation-perfusion ratio there and the is seen in severe cases. The chest radiograph
resulting high Po2 (see Fig. 3-19) provide a shows increased markings.
favorable environment for the growth of the
bacillus. If this infection heals, as it generally
does, no functional impairment results. Pulmonary Fu nction
Extension of the infection may cause pneumo­
nia, miliary infection, cavitation, lobar collapse, or Mild disease causes no loss of function. In more
pleural effusion. Ultimately, severe fibrosis may advanced cases, there is a reduction of forced
develop, with restrictive impairment of function. expiratory volume (FEV) and forced vital capac­
The treatment of tuberculosis is now so effec­ ity (FVC) because of chronic inflammatory
tive that the disease is less often seen in well­ changes, including fibrosis. Radioactive isotope
developed countries. However the emergence of measurements show reduced ventilation and
strains resistant to antibiotics is a problem. The pulmonary blood flow in the affected area, but
disease is still a major problem in underdeveloped there may be a greatly increased bronchial artery
countries and may therefore occur in immigrants. supply to the diseased tissue. Hypoxemia may
In addition, immune-compromised patients, for develop as a result of blood flow through unven­
example, those with acquired immunodeficiency tilated lung.
syndrome (AIDS), can develop florid forms.


Pulmonary I nvolvement i n AIDS
Ken is a 60-year-old electrician who was well
AIDS frequently involves the lung. The most until 2 months ago, when he developed an irritat­
common infection is caused by Pneumocystis ing, unproductive cough, and he noticed that he
carinii, but Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare and had lost weight. On examination there was no
cytomegalovirus infections also frequently occur. abnormality except that the patient appeared
Less frequent infections are those caused by rather drawn, but a chest radiograph showed an
Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Legionella. Kaposi's opacity in his right lung. A biopsy taken during
sarcoma may occur in the lung. In patients from bronchoscopy revealed a small-cell bronchial car­
high-risk groups who present with these pul­ cinoma. Ken had smoked one or two packs of cig­
monary problems, AIDS should be suspected. arettes a day since the age of 1 5. Ken's carcinoma
136 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

was treated by surgical resection followed by radi­ 1 . Squamous carcinomas are the most com­
ation and chemotherapy, but the disease subse­ mon and account for nearly half of all
quently recurred and he died 1 8 months later. cases. Microscopically, intercellular
bridges are visible, keratin is present, and
the cells often form a whorl or nest pat­
Path ogenesis
tern. Cavitation sometimes occurs. There
There is overwhelming evidence that cigarette is often an initial response to radiation but
smoking is a major factor in the pathogenesis of not to chemotherapy.
bronchial carcinoma. Epidemiologic studies 2. Large-cell undifferentiated carcinomas contain
show that an individual who smokes 20 ciga­ cells of approximately the same size as squa­
rettes a day has about 2 0 times the chance of mous carcinomas, but the characteristic
dying from the disease compared with a non­ whorls are not seen. They tend to occur in
smoker of the same age and sex. Furthermore, the periphery of the lung. Approximately
the risk decreases dramatically if the individual 1 0% of neoplasms are in this category.
stops smoking. About 30% of male and 2 5 % of 3 . Adenocarcinomas show glandular differen­
female cancer deaths are from lung cancer. tiation and often produce mucus. They
The specific causative agents in cigarette typically occur peripherally, and the inci­
smoke are uncertain, but many potential car­ dence of occurrence appears to be
cinogenic substances are present, including aro­ increasing and is greatest in women.
matic hydrocarbons, phenols, and radioisotopes. 4. Alveolar cell carcinomas arise from type II
Many smoke particles are submicronic and pen­ alveolar cells and are rare. They are not
etrate far into the lung. However, the fact that related to smoking. Some authorities regard
many bronchogenic carcinomas originate in the these as a subset of adenocarcinomas.
large bronchi suggests that deposition by Many tumors show some heterogenicity of
impaction or sedimentation may play an impor­ cell type, thus making classification difficult.
tant role (see Fig. 8-3). Also, the large bronchi Also, there are a number of other neoplastic dis­
are exposed to a high concentration of tobacco eases of the lung.
smoke products as the material is transported
from the more peripheral regions by the
mucociliary system. Individuals who inhale Clin ical Features
other people's smoke (passive smokers) in an
indoor area have an increased risk. An unproductive cough or hemoptysis is a com­
Other etiologic factors are recognized. mon early symptom. Sometimes hoarseness is
Urban dwellers are more at risk, suggesting that the first clue; it is caused by involvement of the
atmospheric pollution plays a part. This finding left recurrent laryngeal nerve. Dyspnea caused
is hardly surprising in view of the variety of by pleural effusion or bronchial obstruction, and
chronic respiratory tract irritants that exist in chest pain caused by pleural involvement usually
city air (see Fig. 8-2). Occupational factors also are late symptoms. Examination of the chest is
exist, especially exposure to chromates, nickel, often negative, although signs of lobar collapse
arsenic, asbestos, and radioactive gases. or consolidation may be found. The chest radi­
ograph is often crucial, but a small carcinoma
may not be visible. Bronchoscopy and sputum
Classificatio n cytology are valuable aids to early diagnosis.
Most pulmonary neoplasms can be divided into
small-cell and non-small-cell types. Pulmonary Function
A. Small-cell carcinomas contain a homogeneous The physician's objective is to diagnose a carci­
population of oatlike cells giving a character­ noma of the bronchus early enough to remove it
istic appearance. Up to one third of all neo­ surgically. Pulmonary function tests are rarely of
plasms are of this type. They are highly value in this regard. However, lung function is
malignant, with rapid dissemination. These often impaired in moderately advanced disease.
tumors are seldom seen in peripheral lung A large pleural effusion causes a restrictive
and usually do not cavitate. defect, as may the collapse of a lobe after com­
B. Non-small-cell carcinomas are classified into plete bronchial obstruction. Partial obstruction
four main types. of a large bronchus can result in an obstructive
Other Diseases 137

pattern. The obstruction can b e caused either by The respiratory symptoms include productive
a tumor of the bronchial wall or by compression cough, frequent chest infections, and decreased
by an enlarged lymph gland. Sometimes the exercise tolerance. Finger clubbing is often
movement of the lung on the affected side is prominent. Auscultation may reveal coarse rales
seen to lag behind the normal lung, and air may and rhonchi. The chest radiograph is abnormal
cycle back and forth between the normal and early in the disease and shows areas of consolida­
obstructed lobes. This cycle is known as pendel­ tion, fibrosis, and cystic changes. In young chil­
luft (swinging air). Complete obstruction of a dren, the finding of high sodium concentration
main stem bronchus can give a pseudorestrictive in the sweat confirms the diagnosis.
pattern because half the lung is not ventilating. Until recently, death almost invariably
Partial or complete bronchial obstruction usually occurred before adulthood among patients with
causes some hypoxemia. cystic fibrosis, but with improved treatment of
chest infections, survival into the 20s or beyond is
now sometimes seen. Indeed, the disease should
D CYSTIC FI BROSIS be considered when a teenager or a young adult
presents with features of chronic bronchitis.
The third patient seen by Ann and Bill during
their visit to the hospital was a young woman,
Lynne, aged 2 5 . She had been diagnosed with
Pulmonary Function
cystic fibrosis when she was a child and has had
recurrent chest infections all her life; however, as An abnormal distribution of ventilation and an
a result of regular visits to the clinic, physiother­ increased alveolar-arterial 0 2 difference are
apy to help clear her chest, and occasional early changes. Some investigators report that
courses of antibiotics, she remains reasonably tests of the function of small airways , such as
well. At the present time she has a chronic flow rates at low lung volumes, may detect min­
cough, productive of small amounts of sputum. imal disease. There is a decrease in FEV 1 and
On examination she is rather thin and has an FEF2 s-7s% that does not respond to bronchodila­
occasional cough but otherwise does not seem tors. Residual volume and functional residual
distressed. There is some clubbing of the fin­ capacity (FRC) are raised, and there may be loss
gers, and auscultation of the chest reveals a few of elastic recoil. Exercise tolerance falls as the
coarse rales (crackles) and occasional rhonchi. disease progresses.
The chest radiograph shows undefined markings
consistent with a long history of this chronic dis­
ease. Cystic fibrosis is a disease of all exocrine Key Concepts
glands caused by a genetic abnormality affecting
chloride and sodium transport. In the lung, it 1 . Infectious diseases of the lung are com­
takes the form of bronchiectasis and bronchitis. mon and important but generally do not
Identification of the specific genetic defect has require pulmonary function tests.
raised the possibility of effective gene therapy. Pneumonia particularly affects the elderly
and generally responds well to antibi­
Pathology otics. Pulmonary tuberculosis is a
scourge in underdeveloped countries and
The principal organ affected is the pancreas, is also seen in immune-compromised
where the tissue atrophies and the ducts remain as patients anywhere.
dilated cysts. In the lung there are excessive secre­
2. Bronchial carcinoma is largely caused by
tions from the hypertrophied mucous glands.
cigarette smoking and accounts for
Ciliary activity is also apparently impaired, and
mucous plugging of small airways and chronic
about 30% of all male cancer deaths.
infection follow. Malnutrition secondary to pan­ Although various types are recognized,
creatic failure may lower resistance to infection. the prognosis is often very poor.
3 . Cystic fibrosis is a genetic abnormality of
all exocrine glands, and in the lung causes
Clinical Features
bronchitis and bronchiectasis. Good
A few patients die of meconium ileus shortly after medical management has greatly
birth, and others remain small and malnourished. increased the lifespan of these patients.
138 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

lu!t§?U.lifJ (For answers, see p. 1 42)

For each question, choose the one best answer.

1 . Pneumonia: D. Small-cell carcinomas are the most

A. Usually leaves a large fibrotic scar in the common type.
affected lung E. A carcinoma is always visible on a good
B . Never causes chest pain chest radiograph.
C. Can result in hypoxemia
3 . Concerning cystic fibrosis:
D. Is not associated with fever
A. The disease is confined to the lungs.
E. Does not cause coughing
B. It is rare for affected children to survive
2. Concerning bronchial carcinoma: until the age of 20.
A. The disease is more common in women C. Finger clubbing is not seen.
than men. D. The composition of the sweat is
B. The specific carcinogenic agent in normal.
cigarette smoke is known. E. The gene responsible for the disease has
C. Pulmonary function tests are important been identified.
in the early detection of the disease.
I Appendix A

Symbols, Units, Eq uations, and Normal Values

Symbols Equations

Primary Symbols Gas Laws

C Concentration of gas in blood General gas law:

F Fractional concentration in dry gas PV = RT
P Pressure or partial pressure
Q Volume of blood
where T is temperature and R is a constant. This equa­
Q Volume of blood per unit time tion is used to correct gas volumes for changes of water
R Respiratory exchange ratio vapor pressure and temperature. For example, ventila­
S Saturation of hemoglobin with 02 tion is conventionally reported at BTPS, that is, body
V Volume of gas temperature (3 7°C), ambient pressure, and saturated
V Volume of gas per unit time with water vapor, because it then corresponds to the
volume changes of the lung. By contrast, gas volumes
Secondary Symbols for Gas Phase in blood are expressed at STPD, that is, standard tem­
perature (0°C or 273°K) and pressure (760 mm Hg) and
A Alveolar
B Barometric dry, as is usual in chemistry. To convert a gas volume at
D Dead space BTPS to one at STPD, use the following equation:
E Expired 273 P 8 - 47
- x ---

I Inspired 3 10 760
L Lung where 47 mm Hg is the water vapor pressure at 3 7oC.
T Tidal Boyle 's law

Secondary Symbols for Blood Phase P1V1 = P2V2 (temperature constant)

and Charles' law
a Arterial
c Capillary - (pressure constant)
V2 Tz

c' End-capillary
I Ideal are special cases of the general gas law.
v Venous Avogadro's law states that equal volumes of different
v Mixed venous
gases at the same temperature and pressure contain the
same number of molecules. A gram molecule (for
example, 32 gm of 02) occupies 2 2 .4 liters at STPD.
02 concentration in arterial blood: Ca02 Dalton's law states that the partial pressure of a gas
Fractional concentration of N2 in expired gas: FEN, (x) in a gas mixture is the pressure that this gas would
Partial pressure of 02 in mixed venous blood: Pv02 exert if it occupied the total volume of the mixture in
the absence of the other components.
U nits Thus, Px P · Fx, where P is the total dry gas pres­

sure, since Fx refers to dry gas. In gas with a water

Traditional metric units have been used in this book.
vapor pressure of 47 mm Hg,
Pressures are given in mm Hg; the torr is an almost
identical unit. P, =
(P8 - 47) · F,
In Europe, SI (Systeme International) units are Also, in the alveoli, P02 + Pco2 + PN2 + PH2o = Ps .
commonly used. Most of these are familiar, but the The partial presmre of a gas in solution is its partial
kilopascal, the unit of pressure, is confusing at first. pressure in a gas mixture that is in equilibrium with
One kilo pascal = 7.5 mm Hg (approximately). the solution.
1 39
140 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach

Henry's law states that the concentration of gas dis­ other depends on the volume of capillary blood (Vc)
solved in a liquid is proportional to its partial pres­ and the rate of reaction of CO with hemoglobin, 6:
sure. Thus, Cx K Px. = ·

Ventilation Xaaaa .. ee
VT = Vo + VA
Blood Flow
where VA here refers to the volume of alveolar gas in
the tidal volume: Pick principle:
VA = VE - Vo Z 0
VA · FAco2 (both measured at BTP S) Ca02 - Cvo2
Pulmonary vascular resistance:
--- X K (alveolar ventilation equation)
PVR = ,, - p""
If" VA is BTPS and Vc0, is STPD, K = 0.863. In nor­
mal subjects, PAco2 is r{early identical to PAcor where Part and Pven are the mean pulmonary arterial
Bohr equation:
and venous pressures, respectively.
Starling's law of fluid exchange across the capillaries:
Vo PAco2 - PEco2
Net flow out = K[(P, - P,) - a (n, - n;)]
VT PAco2
where i is the interstitial fluid around the capillary,
Or, using arterial Pco2, n: is the colloid osmotic pressure, a is the reflection

coefficient, and K is the filtration coefficient.

V0 Pac02 - PEco2
ia -- o m
ccyyyyia loloom
VT Paco2
Ventilation-Perfusion Relationships
This gives physiologic dead space.
Alveolar gas equation:

[ R]

In the gas phase, Graham's law states that the rate of PAol
n a
ovva = P ro� -
__ zzp
pla �
P o
� + PAcol . Fto1 .
..11.0 tooovv A
,s.. to I�
diffusion of a gas is inversely proportional to the
This is only valid if there is no C02 in inspired gas.
square root of its molecular weight.
The term in square brackets is a relatively small cor­
In liquid or a tissue slice, Pick's law* states that the
rection factor when air is breathed (2 mm Hg when
volume of gas per unit time that diffuses across a tis­
Pc02 40, Fr02 0.2 1 , and R 0.8). Thus, a useful
= = =

sue sheet is given by

approximation is:
VI!', = T · D · (P 1 - P2)
toppvv a
a =
to,,a =
where A and T are the area and thickness of the sheet, _ to

P 1 and P2 are the partial pressure of the gas on the two Respiratory exchange ratio: If no C02 is present in
sides, and D is a diffusion constant, sometimes called the inspired gas,
the permeability coefficient of the tissue for that gas.
Vco1 PEcoz<l - Fr01)
This diffusion constant is related to the solubility R = =
. apppp.
3 tto
V01 Pto1 - PEo1 - (PEco1 · Fr01 )
(Sol) and the molecular weight (MW) of the gas:
Venous to arterial shunt:
Da �
v'MW Qs = Cc01 - Cao1
When the diffusing capacity of the lung (DL) is mea­ Ch Ccb1 - Cv02
sured with carbon monoxide arid the capillary Pco is where c' means end-capillary.
taken as zero, Ventilation-perfusion ratio equation:
DL = VA 8.63R(Ca01 - Cvo1)
DL is made up of two components. One is the diffus­ Q PAcoz

ing capacity of the alveolar membrane (DM), and the where blood gas concentrations are in ml dl-1• ·

Physiologic shunt:

Ci02 - Ca02
• Fick's law was originally expressed in terms of concentrations,
but partial pressures are more convenient for us. Ci01 - Cvo2
Appendix A 141

Alveolar dead space: where n is the coefficient of viscosity* and P is the

V0 Pico2 - PAco2 pressure difference across the length l.
Reynolds number:

The equation for physiologic dead space was given Re = 2rvd
where v is average linear velocity of the gas, d is its
Blood Gases and pH density, and n its viscosity.
Pressure drop for laminar flow is P a V, but pressure
Oxygen dissolved in blood:
drop for turbulent flow is P a 0 (approximately).
Co2 = Sol · P02 Airway resistance:
where Sol is 0.003 ml dl- 1 mm Hg-1•
· •

Henderson-Hasselbalch equation:
[ HCO]) where Palv and Pmou<h refer to alveolar and mouth pres­
pH pKA + log
[ COzl

sures, respectively.
The pKA for this system is normally 6 . 1 . If HCOj and
C02 concentrations are in millimoles per liter, C02 Normal Values
can be replaced by Pco2 (mm Hg) X 0.030.
Reference Values for Lung Function Tests

Mechanics of Breathing Nonnal values depend on age, sex, height, weight, and
ethnic origin. This is a complex subject, and for a
Compliance C1VIC1P
detailed discussion the reader is referred to JE Cotes,
Specific compliance C1V/(C1P V) = ·
D Chin, and MR Miller. Lung Function, 6th ed. (Oxford:
Laplace equation for the pressure caused by the sur­ Blackwell, 2006), 445-5 1 3 . Reference values for some
face tension of a sphere: commonly used tests are shown in TABLE A-1 . There
is evidence that people are becoming healthier and that
lung function is improving.
where r is the radius. Note that for a soap bubble,
P 4T/r because there are two surfaces.

Poiseuille 's law for laminar flow:

V = • This is a corruption of the Greek letter 'IJ, for those of us who have
Snl little Latin and less Greek.

Example of Reference Values for Some Commonly Used Pulmonary Function Tests
in White Nonsmoking Adults in the United States

Men Women
TLC (1) 7.95 St + 0.003 A - 7.33 (0.79) 5.90 St - 4.54 (0.54)
FVC (1) 7.74 St - 0.02 1 A - 7 . 7 5 (0.5 1 ) 4. 1 4 St - 0.023 A - 2 . 2 0 (0.44)
RV (l) 2.16 St + 0.02 1 A - 2 .84 (0.37) 1 .97 St + 0.020 A - 2 .42 (0.38)
FRC (I) 4.72 St + 0.009 A - 5.29 (0.72) 3 .60 St +
0.003 A - 3 . 1 8 (0.52)
RVrfLC (%) 0.309 A + 14.1 (4.38) 0.416 A + 1 4. 3 5 (5 .46)
FEV1 (I) 5.66 St - 0.023 A - 4.91 (0.41) 2.68 St - O.D2 5 A - 0 . 3 8 (0. 3 3 )
FEVj/FVC (%) 1 1 0.2 - 1 3 . 1 St - 0 . 1 5 A (5.58) 1 2 4.4 - 2 1 .4 St - 0. 1 5 A (6.75)
FEFzs-75% (I s - 1 ) 5 .79 St - 0.036 A - 4.52 ( 1 .08) 3 .00 St - 0.03 1 A - 0.41 (0.85)
MEFso% FVC (I s 1 )
6.84 St - 0.037 A - 5 . 54 ( 1 .29) 3 .2 1 St - 0.024 A - 0.44 (0.98)
MEF2 5% FVC (I s 1 )
· 3.10 St - 0.02 3 A - 2.48 (0.69) 1 .74 St - 0.02 5 A - 0 . 1 8 (0.66)
DL (ml min - 1 mm Hg-1)
· • 16.4 St - 0.229 A + 12.9 (4.84) 1 6.0 St - 0 . 1 1 1 A + 2 .24 (3.95)
DLNA 1 0.09 - 2 .24 St - 0.0 3 1 A (0.73) 8 . 3 3 - 1 . 8 1 St - 0.0 1 6 A (0.80)

St is stature (height), in meters. A is age, in years. Standard deviation is in parentheses.

I Appendix B

Answers to Questions

Chapter 1 Chapter 4 4. B
5. D
1. c 1. E 6. E
2. D 2. D
3. B 3. c Chapter 8
4. E 4. c
5. c 5. B 1. D
6. D 6. D 2. D
7. E 3. B
Chapter 5 4. B
Chapter 2 5. E
1. D 6. E
1. B 2. A
2. B 3. D
Chapter 9
3. E 4. D
4. E 5. B 1. D
5. D 6. A 2. A
6. c 3. D
7. E Chapter 6 4. A
8. B 5. D
9. D 1. A 6. c
1 0. E 2. E 7. E
3. B 8. E
Chapter 3 4. A
Chapter 1 0
1. B 6. A
2. D 7. E 1. c
3. D 8. A 2. D
4. c 3. E
5. E Chapter 7
6. B
7. B 1. c
8. E 2. A
9. B 3. c

Figure and Table Credits

Figure 1-5. Modified from Weibel ER. The Figure 3-17. Reproduced with permission from
Pathway for Oxygen. Cambridge: Harvard West ]B . Ventilation/Blood Flow and Gas
University Press; 1 984:27 5 . Exchange, 5th ed. Oxford: Blackwell; 1 990.
Figure 1-6. Modified from West ]B. Figure 3-18. Reproduced with permission from
Ventilation/Blood Flow and Gas Exchange. 5th ed. West ]B. Ventilation/Blood Flow and Gas
Oxford: Blackwell; 1 990 : 3 . Exchange, 5th ed. Oxford: Blackwell; 1 990.
Figure 1-7. Modified from Weibel ER. Figure 3-20. Reproduced with permission from
Morphological basis of alveolar-capillary gas West ]B. Blood-flow, ventilation, and gas
exchange. Physiol Rev. 1 97 3 ; 53 :4 1 9-495. exchange in the lung. Lancet. 1 96 3 ; 2 :
Figure 1-1 1 . Reproduced with permission from 1 055-1058.
Maloney JE, Castle BL. Pressure-diameter Figure 3-2 1 . Modified from West ]B.
relations of capillaries and small blood ves­ Ventilation/Blood Flow and Gas Exchange. 5th ed.
sels in frog lung. Respir Physiol. 1 969; 7: Oxford: Blackwell; 1 990.
1 50-162 . Figure 3-22. Redrawn from Wagner PD,
Figure 1-12. Reproduced with permission from Laravuso RB, Uhl RR, West ]B. Continuous
Glazier JB, Hughes JM, Maloney JE, West distributions of ventilation-perfusion ratios in
]B. Measurements of capillary dimensions normal subjects breathing air and 1 00 percent
and blood volume in rapidly frozen lungs. 02 • J Clin Invest. 1 974;54: 54-68.
J Appl Physiol. 1 969;26:65-76. Figure 3-2 3 . Reproduced with permission
Figure 2-8. Reproduced with permission from from Wagner PD, Dantzker DR, Dueck R,
Nielsen M, Smith H. Studies on the regula­ et al. Ventilation-perfusion inequality in
tion of respiration in acute hypoxia. Acta chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. J Clin
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Dill DB, Adolph EF, Wilber CG, eds. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1 97 1 .
Handbook ofPhysiology, Section 4: Adaptation to Figure 4-4. Modified from Bates DV, et al.
the Environment. Washington, DC: American Respiratory Function in Disease. 2nd ed.
Physiological Society; 1 964. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1 97 1 .
Figure 3-4. Modified from Thurlbeck WM . Figure 4-1 0. Redrawn from Pedley TJ,
Chronic Airflow Obstruction in Lung Disease. Schroter RC, Sudlow MF. The prediction of
Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1 976. pressure drop and variation of resistance
Figure 3-5. Reproduced with permission from within the human bronchial airways. Respir
Thurlbeck WM Chronic Airflow Obstruction
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in Lung Disease. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; Figure 5-2. Reproduced with permission from
1 976. Hinson KFW Diffuse pulmonary fibrosis.
Figure 3-1 1 . Reproduced with permission from Hum Pathol. 1 970; 1 :2 7 5-288.
West ]B. Ventilation/Blood Flow and Gas Figure 5-3 . Reproduced with permission from
Exchange. 5th ed. Oxford: Blackwell; 1 990. Weibel ER, Gil ]. Structure-function rela­
Figure 3-12. Reproduced with permission from tionship at the alveolar level. In: WestJB, ed.
West ]B. Ventilation/Blood Flow and Gas Bioengineering Aspects of the Lung. New York:
Exchange. 5th ed. Oxford: Blackwell; 1 990. Marcel Dekker; 1 977.
Figure 3-1 5. Redrawn from Fry DL, Hyatt RE. Figure 5-4. Modified from Gracey DR, Divertie
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144 Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: A n Integrated, Case-Based Approach

Figure 6-6. Redrawn from Hughes JM, Glazier Figure 9-2. Reproduced with permission from
JB, Maloney JE, West JB. Effect of lung vol­ Lamy M, Fallat RJ, Koeniger E, et al.
ume on the distribution of pulmonary blood Pathologic features and mechanisms of
flow in man. Respir Physiol. 1 968;4: 58-72. hypoxemia in adult respiratory distress
Figure 6-7. Reproduced with permission from syndrome. Am Rev Respir Dis. 1 97 6; 1 1 4:
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Distribution of blood flow in isolated lung; Figure 9-6. Modified from Kapanci Y, Weibel
relation to vascular and alveolar pressures. ER, Kaplan HP, Robinson FR. Pathogenesis
J Appl Physiol. 1 964; 1 9:7 1 3-724. and reversibility of the pulmonary lesions of
Figure 6-12. Reproduced with permission from oxygen toxicity in monkeys. II. Ultrastructural
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]W; ed. Tissue Elasticity. Washington, DC: Figure 9-1 2 . Modified from Dantzker DR,
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Figure 7-4. Reproduced with permission from perfusion distributions in the adult respiratory
Staub NC. The pathophysiology of pul­ distress syndrome. Am Rev Respir Dis. 1 979;
monary edema. Hum Pathol. 1 970; 1 :419-43 2 . 120: 1039-1052.
Figure 8-5. Reproduced with permission from Figure 9-1 3 . Reproduced with permission from
Heppleston AG, Leopold JG. Chronic pul­ Glazier JB, Hughes JM, Maloney JE, West
monary emphysema: anatomy and pathogen­ JB. Measurements of capillary dimensions
esis. Am J Med. 1 96 1 ; 3 1 :2 7 9-2 9 1 . and blood volume in rapidly frozen lungs.
Figure 8-8. Reproduced with permission from J Appl Physiol. 1 969;26:65-76.
Ulmer wr, Reichel G. Functional impair­ Table A-1 . Reproduced with permission from
ment in coal workers' pneumoconiosis. Ann Cotes JE. Lung Function. 5th ed. Oxford:
N Y Acad Sci. 1 972 ;200:405-4 1 2 . Blackwell; 1 993 .

Page numbers in italics denote figures and page numbers followed by t denote tables.

Abdominal wall, 3 AIDS. See Acquired immunodeficiency Anticholinergics, 64

Absorption atelectasis, 12 5 syndrome Apneustic center, 2 1
Accessory muscles, 3 Air pollutants, 107 Arachidonic acid metabolism, 88
Acclimatization, 26-28 Airflow, 57-58 ARDS. See Adult respiratory distress
features of, 2 7 Airway(s), 3-5 syndrome
high-altitude, 26-27 asthma and, 5 7-63 Arrhythmias, 1 3 1
ACE. See Angiotensin-converting closure, 3 8, 41 Arterial blood gases, 44, 74
enzyme convection/diffusion in, 58-59 Arterial hypoxemia, 1 7, 23, 94
Acetylcholine, 8 3 dynamic compression of, 42-44 Arterial Pco2, 49
Acid-base status, 1 8-20 generation, 58 Arterial pH, 49
metabolic acidosis, 20 idealization of, 4 Arterial Po2 , 101
metabolic alkalosis, 2 0 Airway resistance (AWR), 61 Asbestos-related diseases, 1 1 3-1 1 4
respiratory acidosis, 2 0 chief sites, 60 Asthma, 5 3-65
respiratory alkalosis, 1 9-20 factors determining, 60-6 1 allergic, 63
Acidosis, 1 2 0 bronchial smooth muscle, 60 bronchial wall in, 54
metabolic, 2 0 gas density/viscosity, 6 1 bronchoactive drugs, 64-65
respiratory, 2 0 lung volume, 60-61 clinical findings with, 5 3
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome measurement, 59 occupational, 1 14
(AIDS), 1 3 5 Albuterol, 64 pathogenesis of, 63-64
Acute mountain sickness, 1 5, 2 7 Alkalosis pathology of, 5 3-54
Acute overwhelming lung disease, 1 20 compensated respiratory, 20 physiology/pathophysiology of
Acute respiratory failure, 1 1 6-1 3 1 metabolic, 20 airways in, 57-63
clinical findings, 1 1 6 respiratory, 1 9-20 airflow through tubes, 57-58
diagnosis, 1 1 6 Allergic asthma, 63 airway resistance, chief
investigations, 1 1 6 Altitude, 1 5-16 sites, 60
pathology, 1 1 7 high-altitude, 26-28 airway resistance, detennining
physical examination, 1 1 6 Alveolar cell carcinomas, 1 3 6 factors, 60-61
treatment/progress, 1 1 6-1 1 7 Alveolar dead space, 49, 84 airway resistance measurement,
mechanical ventilation, 1 2 7-1 3 1 Alveolar edema, 9 5, 98, 1 00 59
intubation/tracheostomy, 1 2 8 Alveolar epithelium (EP), 5, 96 closing volume, 62-63
patterns of, 1 2 9- 1 3 1 Alveolar gas, 1 7-1 8 convection/diffusion in airways,
ventilator types, 1 28-1 2 9 Alveolar gas equation, 1 7 , 48 58-59
oxygen therapy for, 1 2 2 - 1 2 7 Alveolar macrophages, 69, 1 1 2 pressures during breathing cycle,
hazards, 124- 1 2 7 Alveolar plateau, 6 1 59-60
oxygen administration, 1 22- 1 2 4 Alveolar Po2, 1 5 , 1 8 , 4 8 uneven ventilation determined
oxygen delivery, 1 2 3-1 24 Alveolar ventilation, 1 7- 1 8 from single-breath nitrogen
physiology/pathophysiology, Alveolar vessels, 83 test, 61-62
1 1 7- 1 2 2 Alveolar wall, 7 pulmonary functions with, 54-56
of respiratory failure, 1 1 7- 1 2 2 in dog lung, 8 gas exchange, 5 5-56
Adenocarcinomas, 1 3 6 electron micrograph in, 5 ventilatory capacity/mechanics,
ADH. See Vasopressin in frog, 7 54-55
,B-adrenergic agonists, 64 interstitium of, 70 typical attacks of, 5 3
Adult respiratory distress syndrome nonnal, 69-70 Atelectasis, 1 2 5-127
(ARDS), 99, 1 1 7 , 1 2 1 -1 22 Alveolar-arterial Po2 difference, 48 absorption, 125
Aerosol deposition Aminophylline, 64 Am10spheric pollutants
in lung Anaerobic threshold, 1 cigarette smoke, 1 08
diffusion, 109-1 1 0 Anatomic dead space, 4, 1 7 CO, 1 0 7
impaction, 1 08 Angiotensin-converting enzyme hydrocarbons, 1 07-108, 1 3 6
sedimentation, 1 08-109 (ACE), 87 NO, 1 07
Agonists, 64 Antagonists, 65 particulate matter, I 08
1 46 Index

Atmospheric pollutants (continued) Bronchoscopy, 1 3 6 active control of, 86-87

photochemical oxidants, 1 08 Buffer line, 1 9 pulmonary, 8 1-92
sulfur oxides, 1 07 Byssinosis, 1 07, 1 1 4 Closing capacity, 62
Auscultation, 5 3 CO. See Carbon monoxide
AWR. See Airway resistance CA. See Carbonic anhydrase COr See Carbon dioxide
Capacity, 10 Coal workers' pneumoconiosis,
Barometric pressure, 1 5-16 Capillaries, 6, 8 1 05-1 1 4
Basal lung, 40 Capillary endothelium (EN), 5 COHb. See Carboxyhemoglobin
Base deficit, 2 0 Capillary hydrostatic pressure, 97-99 Collagen (type I collagen), 70
Base excess, 1 9 Capillary stress failure, 99 Collateral ventilation, 62
Beryllium, 1 1 4 Carbamino compounds, 1 2 Colloid osmotic pressure, 96
Bicarbonate, 1 1 Carbon dioxide (C02), 1 1 Compensated respiratory alkalosis, 20
Blood, 1 8 , 44, 74 dissolved, 1 1 Compliance, 39
coagulability of, 8 1 response to, 2 4 Constant-pressure ventilators, 1 2 8
gases, 44 , 74, 141 retention, 1 1 9-120, 124 Constant-volume ventilators, 1 2 8
lactate concentration, 1 transportation of, 9-1 1 , 1 1 Continuous positive airway pressure
mixed venous, 1 2 ventilatory responses to, 24 (CPAP), 1 3 1
oxygenated, 7 Carbon monoxide (CO), 1 1 , 74 Convection, 58-59
phase, 1 3 9 as atmospheric pollutant, 1 07 COPD. See Chronic obstructive
stasis of, 8 1 diffusing capacity of, 76-77 pulmonary disease
tissue gas exchange, 12-1 3 Carbonic anhydrase (CA), 1 1 Cortex, 2 2
titration curve for, 1 9 Carboxyhemoglobin (COHb), 1 1 Corticosteroids, 64
vessels, 6-7, 9-1 1 , 9 7 Carcinoma(s) CPAP. See Continuous positive airway
Blood flow, 140. See also Pulmonary adeno, 1 3 6 pressure
blood flow alveolar cell, 1 3 6 Critical opening pressures, 8 3
Blood-gas barrier diffusion, 1, 5-6, bronchial, 1 3 5-1 3 7 Cromolyn, 64
74-77 large-cell tmdifferentiated, 1 3 6 CSF. See Cerebrospinal fluid
diffusing capacity for CO, non-small-cell, 1 3 6 Cyanosis, 10, 1 00
interpretation of, 76-77 small-cell, 1 3 6 Cyclooxygenase pathway, 88
diffusion/perfusion limitations, squamous, 1 3 6 Cystic fibrosis, 13 7
74-75 Cardiac output, 2, 8 clinical features, 1 3 7
hemoglobin reaction rates, 76 Cardiovascular changes, 92 pathology, 1 3 7
Body plethysmograph, 3 7 Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), 1 1 9 pulmonary function, 13 7
Bohr effect, 1 0 Chemoreceptor(s)
Brain extracellular fluid (ECF), 2 2 central, 2 2 Dead space
Brainstem, 2 1-22 peripheral, 22-2 3 alveolar, 49, 84
Breathing cycle pressures, 59-60 Chloride shift, 1 1 anatomic, 4, 1 7
Breathing mechanics, 141 Chronic bronchitis, 32 Decreased colloid osmotic
Bronchial C fibers, 2 3 histologic changes in, 34 pressure, 99
Bronchial carcinoma, 1 3 5-13 7 Chronic lung disease, 32, 1 2 1 Decreased interstitial pressure, 99
classification, 1 3 6 Chronic mountain sickness, 2 7 Deposited particle clearance, 1 1 0-1 1 2
clinical features, 1 3 6 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease alveolar macrophages, 1 1 2
pathogenesis, 1 3 6 (COPD), 3 1-50, 1 1 8 mucociliary system, 1 1 1-1 1 2
pulmonary function, 1 3 6-1 3 7 clinical findings with, 3 1 Desquamation, 7 1
Bronchial smooth muscle, 60 pathogenesis, 50 Diaphragm, 2 , 1 2 0
Bronchial wall, 33 pathology of, 32-34 Diffuse interstitial pulmonary fibrosis,
in asthma, 54 physiology/pathophysiology of, 67-77
Bronchiectasis 34-50 chest radiograph of, 68
clinical features, 13 5 airway closure, 41 clinical findings, 67-69
pathology, 1 3 5 arterial blood gases, 44 exercise test, 68
pulmonary function, 1 3 5 clinical presentation, 3 5 history, 67
Bronchioles, 3 dynamic compression of investigations, 67-68
Bronchitis, 3 2, 34 airways, 42-44 lung biopsy, 68
Bronchoactive drugs, 64-65 forced expiration, 41-42 physical examination, 67
anticholinergics, 64 investigations, 3 6 treatment/progress, 69
,B-adrenergic agonists, 64 physical examination, 3 5-36 electron micrograph of, 71
corticosteroids, 64 pressure-volume curve, 3 8-39 normal alveolar wall structure,
cromolynlnedocromil, 64 pulmonary function tests, 36-38 69-70
methylxanthines, 64 ventilation-perfusion normal histology/pathology, 69-7 1
new therapies, 65 inequality, 44-49 pathology of, 70-71
Bronchoconstriction, 1 02 treatment/progress with, 50 physiology/pathophysiology of,
Bronchodilator drugs, 5 3 Cigarette smoke, 60, 108 7 1-77
Bronchodilators, 56 Circula cion blood-gas barrier diffusion, 74-77
Index 147

clinical findings, 7 1 Exercise, 1-1 3 Heroin, 99

pulmonary function tests, 7 1-74 pH, 49-50 High-altitude acclimatization, 26-27
Diffusing capacity, 75-76 responses to, 2 5-26 hyperventilation, 26
Diffusing measurement, 75-76 test, 68 polycythemia, 26-27
Diffusion, 2, 109-1 1 0 Expiratory area, 2 1 High-altitude cerebral edema, 28
i n airways, 58-59 Expiratory flow-volume curves, 55 High-altitude diseases, 26-28
blood-gas barrier, 1, 5-6, 74-77 External intercostal muscles, 3 acute mountain sickness, 2 7
equations for, 140 Extra-alveolar vessels, 8, 83 chronic mountain sickness, 27
impairment, 1 2 2 high-altitude cerebral edema, 2 8
limitations, 74-75 FEV. See Forced expiratory volume high-altitude pulmonary edema, 27
principles of, 5 Fiber(s) High-altitude pulmonary edema,
through tissue sheet, 5 bronchial C, 2 3 15, 27
Dilated lymphatics, 97 oxidative-glycolytic, 1 2 0 High-frequency ventilation, 1 3 1
Dilution, 3 7, 55 Fibroblasts, 7 0 , 96 Histamine, 83
Dipalrnitoyl phosphatidylcholine Fibroplasia, 12 7 Honeycomb lung, 71
(DPPC), 89 Fibrosis, 70 Hyaline membrane disease, 122
Disease(s). See also Chronic obstructive cystic, 13 7 Hydrocarbons, 1 07-108, 136
pulmonary disease diffuse interstitial pulmonary, 67-77 Hydrostatic forces, 96
acute overwhelming lung, 1 2 0 progressive massive, 1 1 2-1 1 3 Hyperbaric oxygen, 124
chronic lung, 32, 1 2 1 subepithelial, 54 Hypertension, 36, 1 1 9
high-altitude, 26-28 Fick equation, 1 02 Hyperventilation, 1 7- 1 8, 22, 26
hyaline membrane, 1 2 2 Fick's law, 9 Hypoproteinemia, 99
interstitial lung, 69 Flow Hypoventilation, 1 1 9, 1 2 1
Disorders, 1 20-1 2 1 air, 57-58 Hypoxemia, 1 8, 2 3
Dissociation curve, 1 2 blood, 140 arterial, 1 7, 2 3 , 94
Dissolved xenon, 84 laminar, 57 of respiratory failure, 1 1 9
Distension, 82 pulmonary blood, 6-8, 83-86 severe arterial, 1 0 1
Domiciliary oxygen, 1 2 4 transitional, 57 Hypoxia, 1 5-28, 56
Dopamine, 2 2 turbulent, 5 7 acclimatization/high-altitude
Dorsal respiratory group, 2 1 Flow-volume curve, 4 2 , 5 5 diseases, 26-28
DPPC. See Dipalmitoyl Forced expiration, 41-42, 73-74 acid-base status, 1 8-20
phosphatidylcholine Farced expiratory volume (FEV), 4 1 , ventilation control, 20-26
Dyspnea, 7 1 , 1 00 1 1 3, 1 3 5 ventilatory responses to, 2 5
Forced vital capacity (FVC), 4 1 , 54, Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction,
ECF. See Brain extracellular fluid 73, 1 3 5 27, 86
Edema Fractional concentration, 1 6
alveolar, 98, 1 00 FRC. See Functional residual capacity IgA. See Immunoglobulin A
high-altitude cerebral, 2 8 Functional residual capacity (FRC), 36, Immunoglobulin A (IgA), 1 1 1
high-altitude pulmonary, 1 5 , 2 7 7 3 , 122, 1 3 7 Impaction, 1 08
interstitial, 1 00 FVC. See Forced vital capacity IMV See Intermittent mandatory
pulmonary, 94-103 ventilation
severe alveolar, 9S Gas(es) IN. See Interstitium
Effectors, 2 2 alveolar, 1 7-18, 48 Increased capillary permeability, 99
Effort-independent, 42 arterial blood, 44, 74 Infant respiratory distress syndrome,
Emphysema, 3 2 , 34, 1 3 1 blood, 1 4 1 122
Emphysematous lung, 33 Gas density, 6 1 Inhibitors, 65
EN. See Capillary endothelium; Gas exchange, 55-56, 9 1 , 1 00 Inspiration, 2
Endothelial cell of normal lung, 4 5 Integrated responses, 24-26
End-capillary blood, 1 8 Gas laws, 1 3 9-140 carbon dioxide, 24
Endothelial cell (EN), 5 Gas phase, 1 3 9 exercise, 2 5-26
Eosinophils, 63 Gene therapy, 1 3 7 oxygen responses, 2 4-2 5
EP. See Alveolar epithelium Guillain-Bam! syndrome, 1 2 1 pH, 2 5
Epinephrine, 88 Intermittent mandatory ventilation
Epithelial cell, 69 Haldane effect, 12 (IMV), 1 3 1
Equal pressure point, 4 3 Hb. See Hemoglobin Intermittent positive pressure
Equation(s) Helium dilution, 3 7, 5 5 ventilation (IPPV), 1 3 1
alveolar gas, 1 7, 48 Hemoglobin (Hb), 9 , 1 05 Internal intercostal muscles, 3
for diffusion, 140 COHb, 1 1 Interstitial emphysema, 1 3 1
Fick, 102 normal, 1 0 Interstitial edema, 1 00
Henderson-Hasselbalch, 1 8 oxygen saturation of, 1 0 Interstitial lung disease, 69
pH, 141 reaction rates of, 7 6 Interstitium (IN), 5 , 96
ventilation, 140 Henderson-Hasselbalch equation, 1 8 Intrapleural pressures, 40, 43
Erythrocyte (RBC), 5 Hering-Breuer inflation reflex, 2 3 Intubation, 1 2 8
1 48 Index

IPPV See Intermittent positive �ycobacterium tuberculosis, 1 3 5 Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, 1 00

pressure ventilation �yocardial infarction, 94 Particulate matter, 1 08
Irritant receptors, 2 3 PEEP. See Positive-end expiratory
Isoproterenol, 83 Nasal cannulas, 124 pressure
Nasopharynx, 109 Pendelluft, 1 3 7
Juxtacapillary receptors, 23 Nedocrornil, 64 Perfusion limitations, 74-75
Nephrotic syndrome, 99 Peribronchial interstitium, 96
Lamellated bodies (LB), 69 Neuromuscular disorders, 12 0-1 2 1 Peripheral chemoreceptors, 22-2 3
Laminar flow, 5 7 Nitric oxide (NO), 87, 1 07 pH
Laplace's law, 8 9 Nitric oxide synthase (NOS), 87 arterial, 49
Large-cell undifferentiated NO. See Nitric oxide equations for, 1 4 1
carcinomas, 1 3 6 Non-small-cell carcinomas, 1 3 6 exercise, 49-5 0
LB. See Lamellated bodies Norepinephrine, 83 response to, 2 5
Left arterial pressure, 98 Normal alveolar wall structure, Phenols, 13 6
Legionella, 1 3 5 69-70 Photochemical oxidants, 1 08
Leukotriene receptor antagonists, 65 epithelial cell, type I, 69 Pirbuterol, 64
5-lipoxygenase inhibitors, 65 epithelial cell, type II, 69 Platelet-activating factor (PAF),
Low-ventilation perfusion ratios, 126 interstitium of alveolar wall, 70 64, 1 2 1
Lung(s) other cells, 69-70 Pneumoconiosis
aerosol deposition in, 108-1 1 0 Normal bronchial wall, 33 aerosol deposition in lung,
basal, 40 Normal radial traction, 7 3 1 08-1 1 0
biopsy, 68 NOS. See Nitric oxide synthase diffusion, 109-1 1 0
compliance, 7 1-73 impaction, 1 0 8
emphysematous, 33 0, capacity, 1 0 sedimentation, 1 08-109
honeycomb, 7 1 o; dissociation curve, 1 1, 2 7 atmospheric pollutants, 1 07-108
mechanics, 9 1 Occupational asthma, 1 1 4 cigarette smoke, 108
receptors, 2 3-24 Overinflation, 3 2 co, 1 07
regional differences of ventilation Oxidative enzymes, 2 7 hydrocarbons, 107-108, 1 3 6
in, 3 9-41 Oxidative-glycolytic fibers, 120 NO, 1 07
scan, 80 Oxygen, 6-8 particulate matter, 1 08
TLC, 36, 38, 5 5 delivery, 1 2 , 1 2 3- 1 2 4 photochemical oxidants, 1 08
volume, 3 6, 60-6 1 , 7 1-73 , 82 diffusion, 1 sulfur oxides, 107
Lung function test, 1 4 1 dissociation curve, 1 0 clinical findings in, 1 05-106
Lymphatics, 9 7 domiciliary, 1 2 4 diagnosis, 1 06
flux, 1 2 3 investigations, 1 05
�acrophages, 69, 1 1 2 fractional concentration and, 1 6 physical examination, 1 05
�aximal oxygen uptake (V01 max), hyperbaric, 1 2 4 pulmonary function tests, 106
1-1 3 portable, 1 24 treatment/progress, 106
�echanical hazards, 1 3 1 saturation, 1 0 coal-workers', 1 05-1 1 4
�echanical ventilation, 1 2 7-1 3 1 t o tissue cells, 12-1 3 deposited particle clearance,
�echanical ventilators, 1 2 4 toxicity, 1 2 5 1 1 0-1 1 2
�edullary respiratory center, 2 1 transportation of, 9-1 1 alveolar macrophages, 1 1 2
�etabolic acidosis, 2 0 transtracheal, 124 mucociliary system, 1 1 1-1 12
�etabolic alkalosis, 20 uptake, 6 pathogenesis, 1 06-107
�etabolism, 88 V01 max, 1-1 3 related conditions of, 1 1 2-1 1 4
�ethylxanthines, 64 Oxygen administration, 1 2 2-1 2 3 asbestos-related diseases, 1 1 3-1 14
�crovilli, 70 methods of, 1 2 4 byssinosis, 1 1 4
�tochondria, 1 6 Oxygen cascade coal workers', 1 1 2-1 1 3
Mixed venous blood, 1 2 air to tissues, 1 6- 1 8 occupational asthma, 1 1 4
�olecular Weight (MW), 6 hyperventilation, 1 7- 1 8 silicosis, 1 1 3
�otor innervation, 60 Oxygen therapy, 1 2 2-127 Pneumocystis carinii, 13 5
�ucociliary escalator, I l l hazards, 1 24- 1 2 7 Pneumonia, 1 3 4- 1 3 5
�ucociliary system, 1 1 1- 1 1 2 atelectasis, 12 5-1 27 clinical features, 1 3 4
�uscle(s) carbon dioxide retention, 124 pathology, 1 34
accessory, of inspiration, 3 oxygen toxicity, 125 pulmonary function, 1 34-1 3 5
external intercostal, 3 retrolental fibroplasia, 127 Pneumotaxic center, 2 1
internal intercostal, 3 Oxygenated blood, 7 Pneumothorax, 72, 1 3 1
of respiration, 2-3 Po,, 1 5 , 1 � 4� 1 01
expiration, 3 PAF. See Platelet-activating Poilutant(s)
inspiration, 2-3 factor air, 107
MW See �olecular Weight Paradoxical movement, 2 atmospheric, 1 07- 1 08, 1 3 6
�ycobacterium avium-intracellulare, Parallel inequality, 62 Polycythemia, 26-27
135 Parenchyma, 34 Portable oxygen, 1 2 4
Index 149

Positive-end expiratory pressure investigations, 80 Residual capacity, 3 6

(PEEP), 99, 1 2 2 , 1 2 9- 1 3 1 physical examination, 79 Residual volume (RV), 5 5
Pressure(s), 72 treatment/progress, 80 Resistors, 8 5
barometric, 1 5-16 lung-scan following, 80 Respiratory acidosis, 2 0
during breathing cycle, 5 9--60 pathogenesis, 80-81 Respiratory alkalosis, 1 9-20
capillary hydrostatic, 97-99 physiology/pathophysiology of Respiratory bronchioles, 4
colloid osmotic, 96 pulmonary circulation, 8 1-92 Respiratory centers, 2 1
constant, 1 2 8 circulation active control, 86-87 Respiratory control system, 2I
CPAP, 1 3 1 other pathophysiological changes Respiratory distress syndrome, 9 I
critical opening, 8 3 in, 91-92 Respiratory failure, 3 2 , 50, 1 1 7 . See also
decreased colloid osmotic, 99 pulmonary circulation metabolic Acute respiratory failure
decreased interstitial, 99 functions, 87-88 acidosis in, 12 0
Equal, point, 43 pulmonary vascular resistance, carbon dioxide retention
inside/outside, pulmonary blood 8 1-83 in, 1 1 9-1 2 0
vessels, 7-8 surface tension/surfactant, 88-91 diaphragm fatigue and, 1 2 0
intrapleural, 40, 43 Pulmonary function(s) gas exchange i n , 1 1 7-1 1 9
left arterial, 98 with asthma, 54-56 hypoxemia of, 1 1 9
PEEP, 99, 1 2 2 , 1 2 9-1 3 1 with bronchial carcinoma, 1 3 6- 1 3 7 pathophysiology of
pulmonary arterial, 84 bronchiectasis, 1 3 5 gas exchange in, 1 1 7-1 1 9
pulmonary venous, 98 COPD, 36-38 types of, 1 2 0- 1 2 2
transmural, 85 cystic fibrosis, 13 7 acute overwhelming lung
transpulmonary, 3 8 diffuse interstitial pulmonary disease, 1 2 0
Pressure-volume curve, 3 8-39, 72 fibrosis, 7 1-74 ARDS, 99, 1 1 7, 1 2 1 - 1 2 2
Primary symbols, 1 3 9 pneumonia, 1 34-1 3 5 chronic lung disease, 3 I, 1 2 1
Progressive massive fibrosis, 1 1 2-1 1 3 pulmonary edema, 100 infant respiratory distress
Prostaglandins, 88 Pulmonary function tests, 3 5-38, 68, syndrome, 1 2 2
Proteins, 96, 99 7 1 -74, 106t neuromuscular disorders,
Psittacosis, 1 34 arterial blood gases, 7 4 1 2 0-1 2 1
Pulmonary arterial pressure, 84 forced expiration, 73-74 Retrolental fibroplasia, 1 2 7
Pulmonary blood flow, 7-8 lung volumes/compliance, 7 1-73
cardiac output and, 8 reference values for, 141 t Secondary symbols, 1 3 9
distribution of, 83-86 Pulmonary hypertension, 3 6 Sedimentation, 1 08-109
increase of, 6 Pulmonary infection, 1 3 1 Sensors, 22-24
oxygen transported from Pulmonary mechanics, 1 02 Serotonin, 83
the lung, 6-8 Pulmonary stretch receptors, 2 3 Severe alveolar edema, 95
Pulmonary blood vessels Pulmonary surfactant, 89 Severe arterial hypoxemia, 101
perivascular space of, 97 Pulmonary thromboembolism, 80 Shunt, 1 8 , 56, 1 00-102
pressures inside/outside, 7-8 Pulmonary vascular endothelial arterial Po2 , 101
Pulmonary capillaries, 6, 8 cells, 87 measurement of, 1 01
Pulmonary circulation, 8 1-92 Pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR), Sickness(es)
fate of substances in, 87t 3 5, 8 1-83 acute mountain, 1 5 , 27
metabolic functions of, 87-88 Pulmonary venous pressure, 98 chronic mountain, 27
physiology/pathophysiology Pulmonary ventilation, 1 Silica (Sio2), 1 1 3
of, 8 1-92 PVR. See Pulmonary vascular Silicosis, 107, 1 1 3
active control, 86-87 resistance Single-breath nitrogen test, 6 1-63
pulmonary vascular resistance, Si o, . See Silica
8 1-83 Radioactive xenon, 39 Slo�-reacting substance of anaphylaxis
Pulmonary edema, 94-103 Rapidly adapting pulmonary (SRS-A), 88
clinical findings with, 94-95 stretch receptors, 2 3 Small-cell carcinomas, 1 3 6
investigation, 94 RBC. See Erythrocyte Sputum cytology, 1 3 6
physical examination, 94 Receptor(s) Squamous cell carcinomas, 1 3 6
treatment/progress, 95 irritant, 2 3 SRS-A. See Slow-reacting substance
physiology/pathophysiology, 95- 1 0 3 juxtacapillary, 2 3 of anaphylaxis
causes, 97-99, 97-100, 98t leukotriene, antagonists, 6 5 Starling equilibrium, 3 6
clinical features, 1 00 lung, 23-24 Starling resistors, 8 5
clinical findings, 95-96 pulmonary stretch, 2 3 Status asthmaticus, 54
pulmonary function, 1 00 rapidly adapting pulmonary stretch, Stress, 99
stages of, 96 23 Subepithelial fibrosis, 54
Pulmonary embolism, 79-82 Recruitment, 82 Sulfur oxides, 107
clinical features of, 8 1 Reduced lymph drainage, 99 Surface balance, 90
clinical findings, 79-80 Reflex bronchoconstriction, 102 Surface tension, 88-91
diagnosis, 80 Relaxation-pressure volume curves, 72 Surfactant, 88-91
history, 79 Representative site, I 09 Swan-Ganz catheter, 1 1 7
1 50 Index

Syndrome(s) Unventilated lung units, 56 Ventilation control, 20-26

AIDS, 1 3 5 Upright human lung, 84 central controller for, 2 1-22
ARDS, 99, 1 1 7, 1 2 1 - 1 2 2 brainstem, 2 1-22
Guillain-Bam!, 1 2 1 VA/Q. See Ventilation perfusion integrated responses, 24-26
infant respiratory distress, 1 2 2 ratio principles of, 20-2 1
nephrotic, 99 Vasopressin (ADH), 88 sensors, 22-24
respiratory distress, 91 VC. See Vital capacity Ventilation perfusion ratio
Velocity profile, 5 7 (VA/Q), 45
Tank ventilators, 1 2 9 Ventilation, 2 distribution of, 47--48
TDI. See Toluene diisocyanate alveolar, 1 7- 1 8 Ventilation-perfusion
Terbutaline, 64 control of, 102 inequality, 44-49, 46, 9 1 ,
Terminal bronchioles, 3 equations, 140 1 1 9, 1 2 2
Theophylline, 64 gas to alveoli, 2-5 arterial P co,
Tissue cells, 1 2-1 3 airways, 3-5 arterial pH, 49
TLC. See Total lung capacity muscles of respiration, 2-3 distributions of, 47--48
Toluene diisocyanate (TDI), 1 1 4 high-frequency, 1 3 1 exercise pH, 49-50
Total lung capacity (TLC), 36, 3 8 , 5 5 hyper, 1 7-18, 2 2 , 26 measurement of, 48--49
Tracheostomy, 1 2 8 hypo, 1 1 9, 121 Ventilation-perfusion relationships,
Transfer factor, 7 7 IMv; 1 3 1 140-141
Transitional flow, 5 7 IPPV, 131 Ventilator(s)
Transmural pressure, 8 5 low, perfusion ratios, 1 2 6 constant-pressure, 1 2 8
Transpulmonary pressure, 3 8 i n lung, 4 1 constant-volun1e, 1 2 8
Transtracheal oxygen, 124 regional differences of, mechanical, 1 2 4
Tuberculosis, 1 3 5 39--41 tank, 1 2 9
Turbulence, 5 7 mechanical, 1 2 7-1 3 1 Ventilatory capacity, 54-55
Turbulent flow, 57 patterns of, 1 29-1 3 1 Ventral respiratory group, 2 1
positive end-expiratory Viscosity, 6 1
Uncertain etiology, 99 pressure, 12 9-1 3 1 Vital capacity (VC), 3 6
Uneven ventilation, 61-62 perfusion ratio, 56, 1 02 VO, max. See Maximal oxygen
determined from single-breath pulmonary, 1 uptake
nitrogen test, 61-62 uneven, 6 1-62
three mechanisms of, 62 wasted, 49 Wasted ventilation, 49

Pu lmonary Physiology
Pulmonary Physiology and
and Pathophysiology,
Pathophysiology, second Edition
Second E d ition
An Integrated,
An I nteg rated, Case-Based
Case- Based Approach
John B . Wes t MD, PhD, DSc, FRCP, FRACP

he Second Edition of Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology presents
normal and abnormal pu lmon ary f u n ction i n the same case-based format that

has made the fi rst edition a favorite among stu dents. Each chapter beg i ns with

a c l i n ical case study of diseases typically seen by practitioners. The cases are followed

by a d i s c u s s i o n and b reakdown of the physiol ogy, patho p h y s i o l o g y, anatomy,

pharmacology, and pathology for each disease, and a question-and-answer secti o n .

New to this edition . . .

• New i nfectious d i seases chapter

• U pdates on asthma pathogenesis and bronchod i l ators

. • User-friendly chapter openers

. • Chapter outlines for quick review

• " Key points" sum mary boxes to aid rete ntion

• Board-formatted questions and answers to test your knowledge

Praise from Medical Student Re viewers:

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