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CaSe DigeSt
perfection of the contract. However, this article speaks of earnest money
DEFINITION OF CONTRACT OF SALE given in a contract of sale. In this case, the earnest money was given in a
contract to sell. The earnest money forms part of the consideration only
1.) SPOUSES ONNIE SERRANO AND AMPARO HERRERA vS. GODOFREDO if the sale is consummated upon full payment of the purchase price.
CAGUIAT, G.R. No. 139173, February 28, 2007
“Clearly, respondent cannot compel petitioners to transfer ownership of
FactS: the property to him.”

Petitioners are registered owners of a lot located in Las Piñas. On March

23, 1900, respondent offered to buy the lot and petitioners agreed to sell 2.) JULIE NABUS, MICHELLE NABUS and BETTY TOLERO vs. JOAQUIN PACSON
it at 1,500 and JULIA PACSON, G.R. No. 161318, November 25, 2009
₱ per square meter. Respondent then gave ₱100,000 as partial payment. A
days after, respondent, through his counsel, wrote petitioners informing 3.) MILA A. REYES vS. VICTORIA T. TUPARAN, G.R. No. 188064, June 1, 2011
them of his readiness to pay the balance of the contract price and
requesting them to prepare the Deed of Sale. FactS:

Petitioners, through counsel, informed respondent in a letter that Amparo

Petitioner Mila Reyes owns a three‐storey commercial building in
Herrera would be leaving for abroad on or before April 15, 1990 and they
Valenzuela City. Respondent, Victoria Tuparan leased a space on said building
are canceling the transaction and that respondent may recover the
for a monthly rental of P4, 000. Aside from being a tenant, respondent also
earnest money (₱100,000) anytime. Petitioners also wrote him stating that
invested in petitioner's financing business. On June 20, 1988, Petitioner
they already delivered a manager’s check to his counsel in said amount.
borrowed P2 Million from Farmers Savings and Loan Bank (FSL Bank) and
Respondent thus filed a complaint for specific performance and damages
mortgaged the building and lot (subject real properties). Reyes decided to
with the RTC of Makati.
sell the property for P6.5 Million to liquidate her loan and finance her
business. Respondent offered to conditionally buy the real properties for
The trial court ruled that there was already a perfected contract of sale P4.2 Million on installment basis without interest and to assume the bank
between the parties and ordered the petitioners to execute a final deed of loan. The conditions are the following:
sale in favor of respondent. The Court of appeals affirmed said decision.
1. Sale will be cancelled if the petitioner can find a buyer of said
properties for the amount of P6.5 Million within the next three months.
All payments made by the respondent to the petitioner and the bank will
Whether or not there was a contract of sale. be refunded to Tuparan with an additional 6% monthly interest.

2. Petitioner Reyes will continue using the space occupied by her drug
store without rentals for the duration of the installment payments.
The transaction was a contract to sell.
3. There will be a lease for 15 years in favor of Reyes for a monthly
“When petitioners declared in the “Receipt for Partial Payment” that they rental of P8, 000 after full payment has been made by the defendant.

4. The defendant will undertake the renewal and payment of the fire
insurance policies of the 2 buildings, following the expiration of the
current policies, up to the time the respondent has fully paid the
purchase price
They presented the proposal for Tuparan to assume the mortgage to FSL
DEED OF SALE ON THIS DATE.” there can be no other interpretation than
Bank. The bank approved on the condition that the petitioner would
that they agreed to a conditional contract of sale, consummation of which
remain as co‐ maker of the mortgage obligation.
is subject only to the full payment of the purchase price.
Petitioner's Contention:
“A contract to sell is akin to a conditional sale where the efficacy or
Under their Deed of Conditional Sale, the respondent is obliged to pay a
obligatory force of the vendor’s obligation to transfer title is subordinated
lump sum of P1.2 Million in three fixed installments. Respondent, however
to the happening of a future and uncertain event, so that if the
defaulted in the payment of the installments. To compensate for her
suspensive condition
delayed payments, respondent agreed to pay petitioner monthly interest.
But again, respondent failed to fulfill this obligation. The petitioner
further alleged that despite her success in finding another buyer according
does not take place, the parties would stand as if the conditional
to their conditional sale agreement, respondent refused to cancel their
obligation had never existed. The suspensive condition is commonly full
transaction. The respondent also neglected to renew the fire insurance
payment of the purchase price.
policy of the buildings.
“In this case, the “Receipt for Partial Payment” shows that the true
Respondent's Answer:
agreement between the parties is a contract to sell. Respondent alleges that the deed of Conditional Sale of Real Property
with Assumption of Mortgage was actually a pure and absolute contract of
“First, ownership over the property was retained by petitioners and was sale with a term period. It could not be considered a conditional sale
not to pass to respondent until full payment of the purchase price. because the performance of the obligation therein did not depend upon a
Second, the agreement between the parties was not embodied in a deed future and uncertain event. She also averred that she was able to fully
of sale. The absence of a formal deed of conveyance is a strong indication pay the loan and secure the release of the mortgage. Since she also paid
that the parties did not intend immediate transfer of ownership, but only more than the P4.2 Million purchase price, rescission could not be
a transfer after full payment of the purchase price. Third, petitioners resorted to since the parties could no longer be restored to their original
retained possession of the certificate of title of the lot. positions.

“It is true that Article 1482 provides that whenever earnest money is given
in a contract of sale, it shall be considered as part of the price and proof
of the
Francisco Cervantes of Bormaheco Inc. agrees to sell to Villonco Realty a
Is the conditional sale at bar a contract of sale or a contract to sell? Can parcel of land and its improvements located in Buendia, Makati.
the transaction or obligation be rescinded given that the conditions were
not satisfied? Bormaheco made the terms and condition for the sale and Villonco
returned it with some modifications.
The sale is for P400 per square meter but it is only to be consummated
RTC: after respondent shall have also consummated purchase of a property in
The deed of conditional sale was a contract to sell. It was of the opinion Sta. Ana, Manila. Bormaheco won the bidding for the Sta.Ana land and
that although the petitioner was entitled to a rescission of the contract, it subsequently bought the property.
could not be permitted because her non‐payment in full of the purchase
price “may not be considered as substantial and fundamental breach of Villonco issued a check to Bormaheco amounting to P100,000 as earnest
the contract as to defeat the object of the parties in entering into the money. After 26 days from signing the contract of sale, Bormaheco
contract.” The RTC believed that respondent showed her sincerity and returned the P100,000 to Villonco with 10% interest for the reason that
willingness to settle her obligation. Hence, it would be more equitable to they are not sure yet if they will acquire the Sta.Ana property.
give respondent a chance to pay the balance plus interest within a given Villonco rejected the return of the check and demanded for specific
period of time. The court ordered the respondent to pay the petitioner performance.
the unpaid balance of the purchase price.
The CA agreed with the RTC that the remedy of rescission could not apply WON Bormaheco is bound to perform the contract with Villonco.
because the respondent’s failure to pay the petitioner the balance of the
purchase price in the total amount of ₱805,000.00 was not a breach of Ruling:
contract, but merely an event that prevented the seller (petitioner) from
conveying title to the purchaser (respondent). Since respondent had The contract is already consummated when Bormaheco accepted the offer
already paid a substantial amount of the purchase price, it was but right by Villonco. The acceptance can be proven when Bormaheco accepted the
and just to allow her to pay the unpaid balance of the purchase price plus check from Villonco and then returned it with 10% interest as stipulated in
interest. the terms made by Villonco.

SC: On the other hand, the fact that Villonco did not object when Bormaheco
The SC agrees that the subject Deed of Conditional Sale with Assumption encashed the check is a proof that it accepted the offer of Bormaheco.
of Mortgage is a contract to sell and not a contract of sale. The subject
contract was correctly classified as a contract to sell based on the Whenever earnest money is given in a contract of sale, it shall be
following pertinent stipulations: considered as part of the price and as proof of the perfection of the
8. That the title and ownership of the subject real properties shall contract" (Art. 1482, Civil Code).
remain with the First Party until the full payment of the Second Party of
the balance of the purchase price and liquidation of the mortgage
obligation of  ₱2,000,000.00. Pending payment of the balance of the 5.) ANG YU ASUNCION, ARTHUR GO AND KEH TIONG vS. THE HON. COURT OF
purchase price and liquidation of the mortgage obligation that was APPEALS and BUEN REALTY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, 238 SCRA 602, G.R.
assumed by the Second Party, the Second Party shall not sell, transfer and No. 109125, December 2, 1994
convey and otherwise encumber the subject real properties without the
written consent of the First and Third Party. FactS:

9. That upon full payment by the Second Party of the full balance of
The plaintiffs were tenants or lessees of residential and commercial
the purchase price and the assumed mortgage obligation herein
spaces owned by defendants in Binondo, Manila since 1935 religiously
mentioned the Third Party shall issue the corresponding Deed of
paying rent. On several conditions before October 9, 1986, defendants
Cancellation of Mortgage and the First Party shall execute the corresponding
informed the plaintiffs that they are offering to sell the premises and are
Deed of Absolute Sale in favor of the Second Party
giving them priority to acquire the same. During negotiations, Bobby Cu
Unjieng offered a price of P6‐ million while plaintiffs made a counter of
The title and ownership of the subject properties remains with the
offer of P5‐ million. Plaintiff thereafter asked the defendants to put their
petitioner until the respondent fully pays the balance of the purchase
offer in writing to which the defendants acceded. In reply to defendants’
price and the assumed mortgage obligation. Without respondent’s full
letter, plaintiffs wrote, asking that they specify the terms and conditions
payment, there can be no breach of contract to speak of because petitioner
of the offer to sell. When the plaintiffs did not receive any reply, they
has no obligation yet to turn over the title. The court agrees that a
sent another letter with the same request. Since defendants failed to
substantial amount of the purchase price has already been paid. It is only
specify the terms and conditions of the offer to sell and because of
right and just to allow Tuparan to pay the said unpaid balance of the
information received that the defendants were about to sell the property,
purchase price to Reyes. Granting that a rescission can be permitted under
plaintiffs were compelled to file the complaint to compel defendants to
Article 1191, the Court still cannot allow it for the reason that,
sell the property to them. The court dismissed the complaint on the
considering the circumstances, there was only a slight or casual breach in
ground that the parties did not agree upon the terms and conditions of
the fulfillment of the obligation. The court considered fulfillment of 20% of
the proposed sale, hence, there was no contract of sale at all.
the purchase price is NOT a substantial breach. Unless the parties
stipulated it, rescission is allowed only when the breach of the contract is
On November 15, 1990, the Cu Unjieng spouses executed a Deed of Sale
substantial and fundamental to the fulfillment of the obligation. Whether
transferring the property in question to Buen Realty and Development
the breach is slight or substantial is largely determined by the attendant
Corporation. Buen Realty, as the new owner of the subject property,
circumstance. As for the 6% interest, petitioner failed to substantiate her
wrote to the lessees demanding the latter to vacate the premises. In its
claim that the respondent committed to pay it. Petition is denied.
reply, petitioner stated that Buen Realty and Development Corporation
brought the property subject to the notice of lis pendens.

4.) VILLONCO REALTY COMPANY and EDITH PEREZ DE TAGLE vS. BORMAHECO, The RTC ordered the CU Unjiengs to execute the necessary Deed of Sale
INC., FRANCISCO N. CERVANTES and ROSARIO N. CERVANTES, 65 SCRA of the property in litigation favor of plaintiffs for the consideration of
352, P15M in
G.R. No. L‐26872, July 25, 1975

recognition of petitioner’s right of first refusal and that a new Transfer faith. The
Certificate of Title be issued in favor of the buyer. The court set aside the  judge issued a writ of execution.
title issued to Buen Realty Corporation for having been executed in bad The appellate court set aside and declared without force and effect the
above orders of the court a quo. in her testimony that her husband was an illiterate and only learned how to
write his name in order to be employed in a sugar central.
WON Buen Realty can be bound by the writ of execution by the virtue of
notice of lis pendens? Whether or not there was a valid contract of sale?

Ruling: Ruling:

In the law of sales, the so‐called “right of first refusal’ is an innovative No. Court ruled that the records of this case betray the stance of private
juridical relation. Needless to point out, it cannot be deemed a perfected respondent that Fortunato Ape entered into such an agreement with her.
contract of sale. Even on the premise that such right of first refusal has been
decreed under final judgment, its breach cannot justify correspondingly A contract of sale is a consensual contract, thus, it is perfected by mere
an issuance of writ of execution under a judgment that merely recognizes its consent of the parties. It is born from the moment there is a meeting of
existence. minds upon the thing which is the object of the sale and upon the price.
Upon its perfection, the parties may reciprocally demand performance,
The final judgment in Civil Case No. 87‐41058, it must be stressed, has that is, the vendee may compel the transfer of the ownership and to
merely accorded a “right to first refusal” in favor of petitioners. deliver the object of the sale while the vendor may demand the vendee to
Petitioners are aggrieved by the failure of private respondents to honor the pay the thing sold. For there to be a perfected contract of sale, however,
right of first refusal, the remedy is not the writ of execution on the the following elements must be present: consent, object, and price in
judgment, since there is none to execute, but an action for damages in a money or its equivalent.
proper forum for the purpose.
In the case of Leonardo v. Court of Appeals, et al., we explained the
Furthermore, Buen Realty, having not impleaded in the above‐stated Civil element of consent, to wit:
Case, cannot be held subject to the writ of execution issued by the
respondent judge, let alone ousted from the ownership and possession of The essence of consent is the agreement of the parties on the terms of
the property, without first being afforded a day in court. the contract, the acceptance by one of the offer made by the other. It is
the concurrence of the minds of the parties on the object and the cause
• Notice of Lis Pendens – may involve actions that deal not only with which constitutes the contract. The area of agreement must extend to all
the title or possession of a property but also with the use or occupation of points that the parties deem material or there is no consent at all.
‐ In case of subsequent sales or transfers, the Register of Deeds is duty For consent to be valid, it must meet the following requisites: (a) it
bound to carry over the notice of lis pendens on all titles issued. should be intelligent, or with an exact notion of the matter to which it
refers; (b) it should be free and (c) it should be spontaneous. Intelligence
in consent is vitiated by error; freedom by violence, intimidation or undue
6.) PERPETUA VDA. DE APE vS. THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS and influence; spontaneity by fraud.
April 15, 2005 As can be gleaned from Flores's testimony, while he was very much aware
of Fortunato's inability to read and write in the English language, he did not
FactS: bother to fully explain to the latter the substance of the receipt. He even
dismissed the idea of asking somebody else to assist Fortunato considering
Cleopas Ape was the registered owner of a parcel of land. Upon Cleopas that a measly sum of thirty pesos was involved. This Court annuls the
Ape's death, the property passed on to his wife, Maria Ondoy, and their contract of sale between Fortunato and private respondent on the ground
eleven (11) children, namely: Fortunato, Cornelio, Bernalda, Bienvenido, of vitiated consent.
Encarnacion, Loreta, Lourdes, Felicidad, Adela, Dominador, and Angelina, all
surnamed Ape.
On 15 March 1973, Generosa Cawit de Lumayno (private respondent GLORIA BERNABE and SPOUSES DIOSDADO and LOURDES SALVADOR, 459
herein), SCRA 439, G.R. No. 134219, June 8, 2005
 joined by her husband, Braulio, instituted a case for "Specific Performance
of a Deed of Sale with Damages" against Fortunato and his wife Perpetua CHARACTERISTICS
(petitioner herein) before the then Court of First Instance of Negros
Occidental. It was alleged in the complaint that on 11 April 1971, private 1.) FERNANDO A. GAITE vS. ISABELO FONACIER, GEORGE KRAKOWER,
respondent and Fortunato entered into a contract of sale of land under LARAP MINES & SMELTING CO., INC., SEGUNDINA VIVAS, FRNACISCO
which for a consideration of P5,000.00, Fortunato agreed to sell his share DANTE, PACIFICO ESCANDOR and FERNANDO TY, 2 SCRA 830, G.R. No. L‐
in the lot to private respondent. The agreement was contained in a 11827, July 31, 1961
receipt prepared by private respondent's son‐in‐law, Andres Flores, at her
behest. FactS:

Fortunato and petitioner denied the material allegations of the complaint Defendant‐appellant Fonacier was the owner/holder of 11 iron lode
and claimed that Fortunato never sold his share in Lot to private mineral claims, known as the Dawahan Group, situated in Camrines Norte.
respondent and that his signature appearing on the purported receipt was
forged. By way of counterclaim, the defendants below maintained having By “Deed of Assignment, Respondent constituted and appointed plaintiff‐
entered into a contract of lease with respondent involving Fortunato's appellee Gaite as attorney‐in‐fact to enter into contract for the exploration
portion of the lot. Petitioner insisted that the entire lot had not yet been and development of the said mining claims on. On March 1954, petitioner
formally subdivided; that on 11 April 1971 she and her husband went to executed a general assignment conveying the claims into the Larap Iron
private respondent's house to collect past rentals for their land then leased Mines, which owned solely and belonging to him. Thereafter, he underwent
by the former, however, they managed to collect only thirty pesos; that development and the exploitation for the mining claims which he estimates
private respondent made her (petitioner's) husband sign a receipt to be approximately 24 metric tons of iron ore.
acknowledging the receipt of said amount of money; and that the contents
of said receipt were never explained to them. She also stated However, Fonacier decide to revoke the authority given to Gaite, whereas
respondent assented subject to certain conditions. Consequently a revocation
Power of Attorney and Contract was executed transferring P20k plus iron ore that had been extracted. Lastly the balance of P65K was to be paid
royalties from the mining claims, all rights and interest on the road and for covering the first shipment of iron ores.
other developments done, as well as, the right to use of the business
name, goodwill, records, documents related to the mines. Furthermore, To secure the payment of P65k, respondent executed a surety bond with
included in the transfer was the rights and interest over the 24K+ tons of himself as principal, the Larap Mines and Smelting Co. and its stockholder as
sureties. Yet, this was refused by petitioner. Appelle further required had insisted when he executed the deed of sale of the ore to Fonacier
another bond underwritten by a bonding company to secure the payment (first bond).
of the balance. Hence a second bond was produced with Far Eastern
Surety as an additional surety, provided the liability of Far Eastern would Under paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 1198 of the Civil Code of the
only prosper when there had been an actual sale of the iron ores of not Philippines: ART. 1198. The debtor shall lose every right to make use of
less than the agreed amount of P65k, moreover, its liability was to the period: “(2) When he does not furnish to the creditor the guaranties
automatically expire on December 1955. or securities which he has promised. (3) When by his own acts he has
impaired said guaranties or securities after their establishment, and when
On December 1955, the second bond had expired and no sale amounting through fortuitous event they disappear, unless he immediately gives new
to the stipulation as prior agreed nor had the balance been paid to ones equally satisfactory.”
petitioner by respondent. Thus such failure, prompted petitioner to file a
complaint in the CFI of Manila for the payment of the balance and other Appellants' failure to renew or extend the surety company's bond upon its
damages. expiration plainly impaired the securities given to the creditor (appellee
Gaite), unless immediately renewed or replaced.
The Trial Court ruled in favor of plaintiff ordering defendant to pay the
balance of P65k with interest. Afterwards an appeal was affected by the Nevertheless, there is no merit in appellants' argument that Gaite's
respondent where several motions were presented for resolution: a acceptance of the surety company's bond with full knowledge that on its
motion for contempt; two motions to dismiss the appeal for becoming face it would automatically expire within one year was a waiver of its
moot and academic; motion for a new trial, filed by appellee Gaite. The renewal after the expiration date. No such waiver could have been
motion for contempt was held unmeritorious, while the rest of the intended, for Gaite stood to lose and had nothing to gain barely; and if
motions were held unnecessary to resolve there was any, it could be rationally explained only if the appellants had
agreed to sell the ore and pay Gaite before the surety company's bond
ISSue: expired on December 8, 1955. But in the latter case the defendants‐
appellants' obligation to pay became absolute after one year from the
Whether or not the Lower Court erred in holding the obligation of transfer of the ore to Fonacier by virtue of the deed, first bond.
appellant Fonacier to pay appelle Gaite the balance of P65k, as one with
a period or term and not one with a suspensive condition; and that the
term expired on December 1955
Ruling: 1.) CONCEPCION R. AINZA, SubStituted by her legal heirS, DR. NATIVIDAD
No error was found, affirming the decision of the lower court. Gaite acted ANTONIO PADUA and EUGENIA PADUA, 462 SCRA 614, G.R. No. 165420, June
within his rights in demanding payment and instituting this action one year 30, 2005
from and after the contract was executed, either because the appellant
debtors had impaired the securities originally given and thereby forfeited FactS:
any further time within which to pay; or because the term of payment
was originally of no more than one year, and the balance of P65k, became Petitioner Concepcion Ainza bought one‐half of an undivided portion of
due and payable thereafter. the property from her daughter, Eugenia and the latter’s husband,
Antonio, for One Hundred Thousand Pesos (P100, 000.00). No Deed of
The Lower Court was legally correct in holding the shipment or sale of the Absolute Sale was executed to evidence the transaction, but cash payment
iron ore is not a condition or suspensive to the payment of the balance of was received by the respondents. There was physical delivery of the land
P65k, but was only a suspensive period or term. What characterizes a through Concepcion’s other daughter (Natividad) acting as atty‐in‐fact.
conditional obligation is the fact that its efficacy or obligatory force as Concepcion thereafter allowed Natividad and her husband occupy the
distinguished from its demandability, is subordinated to the happening of a purchased portion of the land.
future and uncertain event; so that if the suspensive condition does not
take place, the parties would stand as if the conditional obligation had Antonio caused the division of the lot into three, necessarily displacing
never existed. Natividad. He also had each subdivision titled. Antonio requested Natividad
to vacate the premises. Antonio averred that his wife only admitted of
The sale of the ore to Fonacier was a sale on credit, and not an aleatory selling 1/3 of the property to Concepcion for which a receipt was issued
contract where the transferor, Gaite, would assume the risk of not being signed by Concepcion. The RTC ruled in favor of Concepcion that the sale
paid at all; and that the previous sale or shipment of the ore was not a was consummated when both contracting parties complied with their
suspensive condition for the payment of the balance of the agreed price, respective obligations. Eugenia transferred possession by delivering the
but was intended merely to fix the future date of the payment. property to Concepcion who in turn paid the purchase price. It also
declared that the transfer of the property did not violate the Statute of
While as to the right of Fonacier to insist that Gaite should wait for the Frauds because a fully executed contract does not fall within its coverage.
sale or shipment of the ore before receiving payment; or, in other words, The CA reversed the RTC ruling.
whether or not they are entitled to take full advantage of the period
granted them for making the payment. The appellant had indeed have ISSue:
forfeited the right to compel Gaite to wait for the sale of the ore before
receiving payment of the balance of P65,000.00, because of their failure Whether or not the contract of sale between Ainza and Eugenia is valid.
to renew the bond of the Far Eastern Surety Company or else replace it
with an equivalent guarantee. The expiration of the bonding company's Ruling:
undertaking on December 8, 1955 substantially reduced the security of the
vendor's rights as creditor for the unpaid P65,000.00, a security that Gaite Yes. A contract of sale is perfected by mere consent, upon a meeting of
considered essential and upon which he the minds on the offer and the acceptance thereof based on subject
matter, price and terms of payment. In this case, there was a perfected
contract of sale between Eugenia and Concepcion. The records show that
Eugenia offered to sell a portion of the property to Concepcion, who
accepted the offer and agreed to pay P100, 000.00 as consideration. The
contract of sale was consummated when both parties fully complied with
their respective obligations. Eugenia delivered the property to Concepcion,
who in turn, paid Eugenia the price of One Hundred Thousand Pesos (P100,
Since the land was undivided when it was sold, Concepcion is entitled to
61623, December 26, 1984 FactS:
On Feb. 18, 1960, the PHHC board of directors passed Resolution No. 513 2.) SpS. ENRIQUE and CONSUELO LIM vS. THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS,
wherein it stated that subject to the approval of the Quezon City Council SpS. TERESITA and OSCAR GUEVARRA, SpS. MARCOS and ANITA ORLINO,
of the Consolidation Subdivision Plan, Lot 4 containing 4,182.2 square SpS. ROMULO and CONSUELO ORLINO and SpS. FELIX and DOLORES
meters be awarded to Spouses Rizalino and Adelaida Mendoza, at a price ORLINO, 182 SCRA 564, G.R. No. 85733, February 23, 1990
of twenty‐one pesos (P21.00) per square meter and that this award shall
be subject to the approval of the OEC (PHHC) Valuation Committee and FactS:
higher authorities. However, the city council disapproved the proposed
consolidation subdivision plan of which the spouses were advised through The subject of this controversy is a parcel of land originally owned by
registered mail. Another subdivision plan was prepared which included Lot Felix, Manuel and Maria Concepcion Orlino, who mortgaged it to the
4, with a reduced area of 2,608.7, and was approved by the city council on Progressive Commercial Bank as security for a P100,000.00 loan on July 1,
Feb. 25, 1964. On April 26, 1965, the PHHC board of directors, however, 1965 consisting of 1,101 square meters and located in Diliman, Quezon City.
passed a resolution recalling all awards of lots to persons who failed to pay The loan not having been paid, the mortgage was foreclosed and the bank
the deposit or down payment for the lots awarded to them. The Mendozas acquired the property as the highest bidder at the auction sale on March
never paid the price of the lot nor made the 20% initial deposit. On 28, 1969. The mortgagee thereafter transferred all its assets, including the
October 18, 1955,the PHHC board of directors passed Resolution No. 218, said land, to the Pacific Banking Corporation (PBC).
withdrawing the tentative award of Lot 4 to the Mendoza spouses and re‐
awarding said lot jointly and in equal shares to Miguela Sto. Domingo, On May 22, 1975, the Orlinos, and their respective spouses, who had
Enrique Esteban, Virgilio Pinzon, Leonardo Redubloand Jose Fernandez remained in possession of the land, made a written offer to PBC to
who were able to make the required 20% of the net selling price as deposit repurchase the property. In response, the bank, confirms the agreement
and thereafter, the corresponding deeds of sale were executed in their through a letter dated November 9, 1977 under the following conditions:
favor. The subdivision of Lot 4 into five lots was approved by the city
council and the Bureau of Lands. The Mendoza spouses asked for a) The cash consideration shall be P160,000.00 payable in full upon
reconsideration of the withdrawal of the previous award to them of Lot 4 signing of the Deed of Absolute Sale;
and for the cancellation of the re‐award of said lot to Sto. Domingo and b) The additional consideration shall consist of your client's conveyance to
four others. Before the request could be acted upon, the spouses filed the us of their share of 2,901.15 square meters on the property situated at
instant action for specific performance and damages. The trial court Camarin, Caloocan City.
sustained the withdrawal of the award which was appealed by the
Mendozas. The Appellate Court reversed that decision and declared void One year later, on November 2, 1978, PBC advised the private respondents
the re‐award of Lot 4 and the deeds of sale and directed the PHHC to sell that if the transaction was not finalized within 30 days, it would consider
to the Mendozas Lot 4 with an area of 2,603.7 square meters at P21 a the offer of other buyers. 2 The record does not show any further
square meter and pay to them P4,000 as attorney's fees and litigation development until June 8, 1979, when the private respondents requested
expenses. The PHHC appealed to this Court. PBC to allow them to secure a certified true copy of its Torrens certificate
over the land for purposes of its survey and partition among them
ISSue: preparatory to the actual transfer of title to them. 3 PBC granted the
request subject to the condition that title would remain with it until the
Whether or not there was a perfected sale of the Lot 4, with the reduced execution of the necessary deed of conveyance.
area, to the Mendozas which they can enforce against the PHHC by an
action for specific performance. On April 8, 1980, or two years later, PBC reminded the private
respondents of its letter of November 2, 1978, but again no action was
Ruling: taken to deliver to it the stipulated consideration for the sale. Finally, on
May 14, 1980, PBC executed a deed of sale over the land in favor of the
The SC hold that there was no pertected sale of Lot 4. It was conditionally herein petitioners, the spouses Enrique and Consuelo Lim, for the sum of
or contingently awarded to the Mendozas subject to the approval by the P300,000.00.
city council of the proposed consolidation subdivision plan and the
approval of the award by the valuation committee and higher authorities. On September 30, 1980, the private respondents filed a complaint in the
When the city council disapproved the subdivision plan, the Mendozas were Regional Trial Court of Quezon City against the petitioners and PBC for the
advised through registered mail. In 1964, when the revised plan was annulment of the deed of sale on the ground that the subject land had
approved, the Mendozas should have manifested in writing their been earlier sold to them. In its judgment for the plaintiffs, the court held
acceptance of the award for the purchase of Lot 4 just to show that they that both PBC and the spouses Lim had acted in bad faith when they
were still interested in its purchase although the area was reduced and to concluded the sale knowing that "there was a cloud in the status of the
obviate ally doubt on the matter. They did not do so.The PHHC board of property in question." 6 The decision was affirmed in toto by the
directors acted within its rights in withdrawing the tentative award. The respondent court, 7 and the petitioners are now before us, urging
contract of sale is perfect at the moment there is meeting of the minds reversal.
upon the thing which is the object of the contract, and upon the price.
From that moment, the parties may reciprocally demand performance, ISSue:
subject to the law governing the form of contracts (Art. 1475, Civil).
Under the facts of this case, we cannot say there was a meeting of minds Whether or not the execution of the deed of sale in favor of the petitioners
on the purchase of Lot 4 with an area of 2,608.7square meters at P21 a are valid.
square meter.

In the case at bar, the private respondents obligated themselves to deliver

to the bank the sum of P160,000.00 and their share of 2,901.15 square
meters on a property situated in Caloocan City. In the letter of PBC dated
November 9, 1977, they were requested to "expedite the loan (they were
negotiating for this purpose) so we can consummate the transaction as
soon as possible". That was in 1977. In 1978, they were reminded of their
obligation and asked to comply within thirty days. They did not. On April
8, 1980, they were reminded of that letter of November 2, 1978, and
again asked to comply; but again they did not. Surely, the bank could not
be required to wait for them forever, especially so since they remained in
possession of the property and there is no record that they were paying
rentals. Under the circumstances, PBC had the right to
consider the contract to sell between them terminated for non‐payment of the subject property. The private respondents lost all legal interest in the
the stipulated consideration. We hereby confirm that rescission. land when their contract to sell was rescinded by PBC for their non‐
compliance with its provisions. As that contract was no longer effective
Having arrived at these conclusions, the Court no longer finds it necessary when the land was sold by PBC to the petitioners, the private respondents
to determine if the petitioners acted in bad faith when they purchased had no legal standing to assail that subsequent transaction. The deed of
sale between PBC and the petitioners must therefore be sustained.
Donasco, who had made partial payments and improvements upon the
property, is entitled to bring suit to clear his title against Pingol who
3.) SPOUSES VICENTE and LOURDES PINGOL vS. HON. COURT OF APPEALS and refused to transfer title to him. It is not necessary that Donasco should
HEIRS OF FRANCISCO N. DONASCO, namely: MELINDA D. PELAYO, have an absolute title, an equitable title being sufficient to clothe him with
MARIETTA D. SINGSON, MYRNA D. CUEVAS, NATIVIDAD D. PELAYO, personality to bring an action to quiet title.
CACERES and MARY DONASCO, 226 SCRA 118, G.R. No. 102909, September Prescription cannot also be invoked against the Donascos because an action
6, 1993 to quiet title to property in ON E’s POSSESSION is imprescriptible.

A vendee in an oral contract to convey land who had made part payment
thereof, entered upon the land and had made valuable improvements
thereon is entitled to bring suit to clear his title against the vendor who
had refused to transfer the title to him. It is not necessary that the vendee
should have an absolute title, an equitable title being sufficient to clothe him 1.) EMILIO A. SALAZAR and TERESITA DIZON vS. COURT OF APPEALS and
with personality to bring an action to quiet title. JONETTE BORRES, G.R. No. 118203, July 5, 1996

FactS: FactS:

In 1969, Pingol, the owner of a lot (Lot No. 3223) in Caloocan City, That defendant Dr. Salazar is the owner of the two (2) parcels of land with
executed a DEED OF ABSOLUTE SALE OF ONE‐HALF OF AN UNDIVIDED improvements thereon located at 2914 Finlandia Street, Makati, Metro
PORTION OF [his] Manila and covered by Transfer Certificate of Title Nos. 31038 and 31039
PARCEL OF LAND in favor of Donasco (private respondent), payable in 6 of the Registry of Deeds of Makati; that Dr. Salazar offered to sell his
years. properties to Jonette Borres for One Million pesos (P1,000,000.00). The
initial proposal took place at the Dimsum Restaurant, Makati, whereby it
In 1984, Donasco died and was only able to pay P8,369 plus P2,000 was proposed that the payment of the consideration was to be made
downpayment, leaving a balance of P10,161. The heirs of Donasco within six (6) months but was objected to by Dr. Salazar and he reduced it
remained in possession of such lot and offered to settle the balance with to a three (3) months period that sometime on [May] 28, 1989, Jonette
Pingol. However, Pingol refused to accept the offer and demanded a larger Borres together with a certain Emilio T. Salazar went to see Dr. Salazar at
amount. Thus, the heirs of Donasco filed an action for specific the latter's residence in Bataan bearing a copy of a Deed of Absolute Sale
performance (with Prayer for Writ of Preliminary Injunction, because Pingol and Deed of Warranty but Dr. Salazar refused to sign because Jonette
were encroaching upon Donasco’s lot). Pingol averred that the sale and Borres did not have the money ready then. In said occasion Dr. Salazar
transfer of title was conditional upon the full payment of Donasco further reduced the period within which plaintiff may purchase the lots, to
(contract to sell, not contract of sale). With Donasco’s breach of the one (1) month or up to June 30, 1989.
contract in 1976 and death in 1984, the sale was deemed cancelled, and
the heirs’ continuous occupancy was only being tolerated by Pingol. Jonette Borres then met again Dr. Salazar on June 2, 1989 at the Ninoy
International Airport who was about to leave for the United States of
ISSueS: America where he is a resident. Jonette Borres had with her the Deed of
Absolute Sale and asked Dr. Salazar to sign said document. Dr. Salazar
(1) Whether or not Pingol can refuse to transfer title to reluctantly agreed to sign the document provided that Jonette Borres pays
one half (1/2) of the consideration or P500,000.00 in "cash" by June 15,
Donasco. (2) Whether or not Donasco has the right to quiet 1989 and the balance was payable on June 30, 1989. It was during this
occasion that Dr. Salazar again emphasized to Jonette Borres that he
title. needed the money because he was then buying a property in the United
Plaintiff agreed to the above conditions and Dr. Salazar constituted co‐
(1) No. The contract between Pingol and Donasco is a contract of sale defendant Teresa Dizon as custodian at the Deed of Absolute Sale together
and not a contract to sell. The acts of the parties, contemporaneous and with the Titles of the Land in question with the instruction to Teresa Dizon
subsequent to the contract, clearly show that the parties intended an not to surrender said documents to Jonette Borres until upon payment of
absolute deed of sale; the ownership of the lot was transferred to the the full price in "cash".
Donasco upon its actual (upon Donasco’s possession and construction of
the house) and constructive delivery (upon execution of the contract). On June 14, 1989 Jonette Borres informed defendant Dizon that she will
The delivery of the lot divested Pingol of his ownership and he cannot be able to pay the full amount of P1,000,000.00 on June 15, 1989 and on
recover the title unless the contract is resolved or rescinded under Art. the next day, she then went to the house of Teresa Dizon to see and get
1592 of NCC. It states that the vendee may pay even after the expiration the documents entrusted to her by Dr. Salazar. The documents not being
of the period stipulated as long as no demand for rescission has been in Dizon's possession, they agreed to meet at Metro Bank West Avenue
made upon him either judicially or by notarial act. Pingol neither did so. Branch to get the documents and then to proceed to Makati to meet the
Hence, Donasco has equitable title over the property. plaintiff's business partner a certain Balao who allegedly gave plaintiff a
Far East Bank and Trust Company check for the amount of P1,500,000.00
(2) Although the complaint filed by the Donascos was an action for with which to buy the property. For some reason or another Jonette
specific performance, it was actually an action to quiet title. A cloud has Borres and defendant Dizon failed to proceed to Makati.
been cast on the title, since despite the fact that the title had been
transferred to them by the execution of the deed of sale and the delivery In the meantime or on June 16, 1992, Dr. Salazar made an overseas call to
of the object of the contract, Pingol adamantly refused to accept the co‐ defendant Dizon to inquire if Jonette Borres had already paid the
payment by Donascos and insisted that they no longer had the obligation down payment of P500,000.00 and Teresa Dizon replied to Dr. Salazar that
to transfer the title. Jonette Borres had not paid the down payment. Dr. Salazar then ordered
Dizon to stop the sale.


Whether or not the so‐called Deed of Absolute Sale executed by petitioner

Emilio A. Salazar in favor of private respondent Jonette Borres is a
perfected contract of sale or a mere contract to sell.
through Dizon of the Deed of Absolute Sale, the certificates of title, and
Ruling: all other documents relative to the lots is an additional indubitable proof
that Salazar did not transfer to Borres either by actual or constructive delivery
It is a contract to sell not contract of sale. The withholding by Salazar the ownership of the two lots. While generally the execution of a deed of
absolute sale constitutes constructive delivery of ownership, the withholding the respondents with the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Kalibo, Aklan
by the vendor of that deed under explicit agreement that it be delivered against Bohler and the petitioners.
together with the certificates of titles to the vendee only upon the latter's
full payment of the consideration amounts to a suspension of the On February 21, 2003, the RTC rendered its Decision declaring the
effectivity of the deed of sale as a binding contract. November 8, 1997 Agreement a contract to sell. Considering that no
actual sale happened between Bohler and the respondents, the former
Undoubtedly, Salazar and Borres mutually agreed that despite the Deed could validly sell the property to the petitioners. Thus, the trial court
of Absolute Sale title to the two lots in question was not to pass to the latter dismissed the complaint.
until full payment of the consideration of P1 million. The form of the
instrument cannot prevail over the true intent of the parties as established Aggrieved, respondents appealed the case to the CA. In the challenged
by the evidence. December 6, 2005 Decision, the appellate court reversed the trial court’s
ruling, declared the November 8, 1997 Agreement a contract of sale, and
Accordingly, since Borres was unable to pay the consideration, which was a annulled the subsequent sale to the petitioners. The CA ruled, among
suspensive condition, Salazar cannot be compelled to deliver to her the deed others, that the wordings of the agreement and the conduct of the parties
of sale, certificates of title, and other documents concerning the two lots. In suggest that they intended to enter into a contract of sale.
other words, no right in her favor and no corresponding obligation on the
part of Salazar were created. Ownership was not reserved by the vendor and non‐payment of the
purchase price was not made a condition for the contract’s effectivity.
Petitioners, thus, filed the instant petition for review on certiorari imputing the
REYES and CONSOLACION REYES, 539 SCRA 193, G.R. No. 170917, November 1. The appellate court erred in declaring the contract styled
28, 2007 AGREEMENT dated 08 November 1997 as a "contract of sale" and not a
contract to sell.
FactS: 2. The appellate court erred in declaring the petitioners in bad faith
when they bought the subject matter house and lot on 02 March 1998
On November 7, 1997, Emmaliza Bohler and respondents negotiated for from Emmaliza H. Bohler.
the sale of the former’s house and lot located at Poblacion, New
Washington, Aklan, to the latter for the consideration of P165,000.00. On the ISSue:
following day, November 8, they signed an Agreement which pertinently
reads as follows: Whether the transaction between Bohler and the respondents is a
perfected contract of sale or a mere contract to sell.
We, the undersigned, agree to the following terms and conditions regarding
the sale of the house and lot located at Poblacion, New Washington, Aklan: Ruling:

1. That the total amount to be paid shall be One Hundred Sixty‐Five Sale is a consensual contract and is perfected by mere consent, which is
Thousand Pesos (P165,000.00) to be paid in full on or before the 15th of manifested by a meeting of the minds as to the offer and acceptance
December 1997; 2. That a partial payment (sic) a total amount of One thereof on the subject matter, price and terms of payment of the price.
Hundred Thirty Thousand Pesos (P130,000.00) shall be made today, the
8th of November 1997; In the instant case, the November 8, 1997 Agreement clearly indicates
3. That the remaining balance in the amount (sic) of Thirty‐Five that Bohler and the Spouses Reyes had a meeting of the minds on the
Thousand Pesos (P35,000.00) shall be made as per #1 above; subject matter of the contract, the house and lot; on the price,
4. That the buyers, represented by the Spouses Rudy and Consolacion P165,000.00; and on the terms of payment, an initial payment of
Reyes (sic) shall be responsible for all the legal and other related P130,000.00 on the date of execution of the agreement and the remaining
documents and procedures regarding this sale; balance on or before December 15, 1997. At that precise moment when
5. That the seller, represented by Ms. Emmaliza M. Bohler, shall the consent of both parties was given, the contract of sale was perfected.
vacate the said house and lot on or (sic) the 31st of January, 1998;
6. That the tenants, represented by the Spouses Romeo and Epifania The said agreement cannot be considered a contract to sell. In a contract of
Vicente, shall vacate the same on or before the 30th of April, 1998; and sale, the title to the property passes to the vendee upon the delivery of
7. That all parties concerned shall agree to all the terms and the thing sold.
conditions stipulated herein.3
In a contract to sell, ownership is, by agreement, reserved in the vendor
Upon the signing of the said contract, respondents handed to Bohler and is not to pass to the vendee until full payment of the purchase price.
P20,000.00 cash and allegedly a P110,000.00‐check. Bohler nonetheless Otherwise stated, in a contract of sale, the vendor loses ownership over
insisted that the entire partial payment should be in cash as she needed it the property and cannot recover it until and unless the contract is resolved or
to redeem the subject property from the bank on the following Monday. rescinded; whereas, in a contract to sell, title is retained by the vendor
She hence demanded for its payment up to midnight on that day otherwise until full payment of the price.
she would cancel the sale. Because the respondents failed to make good
the P110,000.00. Bohler subsequently sold the property to the petitioners. In the latter contract, payment of the price is a positive suspensive
condition, failure of which is not a breach but an event that prevents the
Having learned of the subsequent sale, the respondents immediately obligation of the vendor to convey title from becoming effective.
tendered the check, asked the bank for a certification that it was funded
and consulted The November 8, 1997 Agreement herein cannot be characterized as a
contract to sell because the seller made no express reservation of
ownership or title to the subject house and lot. Instead, the Agreement
contains all the requisites of a contract of sale.

WHEREFORE, premises considered, the petition for review on certiorari is

their lawyer who sent a notice of lis pendens (or notice of pending action) to the
Register of Deeds and the Provincial Assessor. Civil Case No. 6070 for
annulment of sale, specific performance and damages was subsequently filed 3.) UNITED MUSLIM AND CHRISTIAN URBAN POOR ASSOCIATION, INC.
by repreSented by itS PreSident, MANUEL V. BUEN vS. BRYC‐V DEVELOPMENT
CORPORATION repreSented by itS PreSident, BENJAMIN QUIDILLA; and
SEA FOODS CORPORATION, repreSented by itS Executive Vice PreSident, This petition for review on certiorari seeks to set aside the Decision1 of the
VICENTE T. HERNANDEZ, G.R. No. 179653, July 31, 2009 Court of Appeals (CA) in CA G.R. CV No. 62557 which affirmed in toto the
Decision2 of the Regional Trial Court (RTC), Branch 16, Zamboanga City in
FactS: Civil Case No. 467(4544).
WON the Letter of Intent to Sell and Letter of Intent to Buy is a bilateral
• Respondent Sea Foods Corporation (SFC) is the registered owner reciprocal contract within the meaning or contemplation of Article 1479
of Lot No. 300 located in Lower Calainan, Zamboanga City and (1) of the Civil Code of the Philippines.
covered by Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) No. 3182 (T‐576).
• Petitioner United Muslim and Christian Urban Poor Association, Ruling:
Inc. (UMCUPAI), an organization of squatters occupying Lot No.
300, through its President, Carmen T. Diola, initiated The petition deserves scant consideration.
negotiations with SFC for the purchase thereof. UMCUPAI
expressed its intention to buy the subject property using the UMCUPAI appears to labor under a cloud of confusion. The first paragraph
proceeds of its pending loan application with National Home of Article 1479 contemplates the bilateral relationship of a contract to sell as
Mortgage Finance Corporation (NHMF). Thereafter, the parties distinguished from a contract of sale which may be absolute or conditional
executed a Letter of Intent to Sell by [SFC] and Letter of Intent under Article 1458 of the same code. It reads:
to Purchase by UMCUPAI
• However, the intended sale was derailed due to UMCUPAI’s Art. 1479. A promise to buy and sell a determinate thing for a price certain
is reciprocally demandable.
to secure the loan from NHMF as not all its members occupying
Lot No. 300 were willing to join the undertaking. Intent on An accepted unilateral promise to buy or to sell a determinate thing for a
buying the subject property, UMCUPAI, in a series of price certain is binding upon the promissor if the promise is supported by
conferences with SFC, proposed the subdivision of Lot No. 300 a consideration distinct from the price.
to allow the squatter‐ occupants to purchase a smaller portion
thereof. The case of Coronel v. Court of Appeals is illuminating and explains the
• Consequently, sometime in December 1994, Lot No. 300 was
distinction between a conditional contract of sale under Article 1458 of the
subdivided into three (3) parts covered by separate titles: Lot
Civil Code and a bilateral contract to sell under Article 1479 of the same
300‐A, Lot 300‐B, Lot 300‐C, respectively.
• On January 11, 1995, UMCUPAI purchased Lot No. 300‐A for
P4,350,801.58. In turn, Lot No. 300‐B was constituted as road right A contract to sell may thus be defined as a bilateral contract whereby the
of way and donated by SFC to the local government. prospective seller, while expressly reserving the ownership of the subject
• UMCUPAI failed to acquire Lot No. 300‐C for lack of funds. On property despite delivery thereof to the prospective buyer, binds himself to
March 5, 1995, UMCUPAI negotiated anew with SFC and was sell the said property exclusively to the prospective buyer upon fulfillment
given by the latter another three months to purchase Lot No. of the condition agreed upon, that is, full payment of the purchase price.
300‐C. However, despite the extension, the three‐month period
lapsed with the sale not consummated because UMCUPAI still A contract to sell as defined hereinabove, may not even be considered as
failed to obtain a loan from NHMF. Thus, on July 20, 1995, SFC a conditional contract of sale where the seller may likewise reserve title
sold Lot No. 300‐C for P2,547,585.00 to respondent BRYC‐V to the property subject of the sale until the fulfillment of a suspensive
Development Corporation (BRYC). condition, because in a conditional contract of sale, the first element of
• A year later, UMCUPAI filed with the RTC a complaint against consent is present, although it is conditioned upon the happening of a
respondents SFC and BRYC seeking to annul the sale of Lot No. contingent event which may or may not occur. If the suspensive condition
300‐C, and the cancellation of TCT No. T‐121,523. UMCUPAI is not fulfilled, the perfection of the contract of sale is completely abated.
alleged that the sale between the respondents violated its valid However, if the suspensive condition is fulfilled, the contract of sale is
and subsisting agreement with SFC embodied in the Letter of thereby perfected, such that if there had already been previous delivery
Intent. According to UMCUPAI, the Letter of Intent granted it a of the property subject of the sale to the buyer, ownership thereto
prior, better, and preferred right over BRYC in the purchase of automatically transfers to the buyer by operation of law without any
Lot No. 300‐C. further act having to be performed by the seller.
• SFC countered that the Letter of Intent dated October 4, 1991
is not, and cannot be considered, a valid and subsisting contract In a contract to sell, upon the fulfillment of the suspensive condition
of sale. On the contrary, SFC averred that the document was which is the full payment of the purchase price, ownership will not
drawn and executed merely to accommodate UMCUPAI and automatically transfer to the buyer although the property may have been
enable it to comply with the loan documentation requirements previously delivered to him. The prospective seller still has to convey title
of NHMF. In all, SFC maintained that the Letter of Intent dated to the prospective buyer by entering into a contract of absolute sale.
October 4, 1991 was subject to a condition i.e., payment of the
acquisition price, which UMCUPAI failed to do when it did not It is essential to distinguish between a contract to sell and a conditional
obtain the loan from NHMF. contract of sale specially in cases where the subject property is sold by
• After trial, the RTC dismissed UMCUPAI’s complaint. The lower the owner not to the party the seller contracted with, but to a third
court person, as in the case at bench. In a contract to sell, there being no
found that the Letter of Intent was executed to facilitate the previous sale of the property, a third person buying such property despite
approval of UMCUPAI’s loan from NHMF for its intended purchase the fulfillment of the suspensive condition such as the full payment of the
of Lot No. 300. According to the RTC, the Letter of Intent was purchase price, for instance, cannot be deemed a buyer in bad faith and
simply SFC’s declaration of intention to sell, and not a promise the prospective buyer cannot seek the relief of reconveyance of the
to sell, the subject lot. On the whole, the RTC concluded that property.
the Letter of Intent was neither a promise, nor an option
contract, nor an offer contemplated under Article 1319 of the There is no double sale in such case. Title to the property will transfer to
Civil Code, or a bilateral contract to sell and buy. the buyer after registration because there is no defect in the owner‐seller’s
title per se, but the latter, of course, may be sued for damages by the
intending buyer.

In a conditional contract of sale, however, upon the fulfillment of the

suspensive condition, the sale becomes absolute and this will definitely
affect the seller’s title thereto. In fact, if there had been previous delivery
of the subject property, the seller’s ownership or title to the property is
automatically transferred to the buyer such that, the seller will no longer
have any title to transfer to any third person. Applying Article 1544 of the
Civil Code, such second buyer of the property who may have had actual or
constructive knowledge of such defect in the seller’s title, or at least was
charged with the obligation to discover such defect, cannot be a
registrant in good faith. Such second buyer cannot defeat
the first buyer’s title. In case a title is issued to the second buyer, the first which is neither a contract to sell nor a conditional contract of sale. As
buyer may seek reconveyance of the property subject of the sale. found by the RTC, and upheld by the CA, the Letter of Intent was executed
In the instant case, however, the parties executed a Letter of Intent, to accommodate UMCUPAI and facilitate its loan application with NHMF.
The Letter of Intent to Buy and Sell is just that – a manifestation of SFC’s that the tobacco was not in good condition when it arrived in New York;
intention to sell the property and UMCUPAI’s intention to acquire the second, in holding that the plaintiff is entitled to maintain an action for
same. breach of contract after having agreed with the defendant to rescind and to
make restitution of the subject‐matter and the price after a violation of
The Letter of Intent/Agreement between SFC and UMCUPAI is merely a the agreement; third in holding that the plaintiff, having elected to
written preliminary understanding of the parties wherein they declared rescind and notified the defendant of such an election, may now refused it
their intention to enter into a contract of sale. It is subject to the and affirm the same and recover from the alleged breach of warranty;
condition that UMCUPAI will "apply with the Home Mortgage and Finance fourth, in holding that this action should be maintained, no claim having
Corporation for a loan to pay the acquisition price of said land." been made for the alleged breach of warranty of quality within the
statutory period; and, fifth, in overruling the defendant's motion for a new
The Letter of Intent to Sell fell short of an "offer" contemplated in Article trial.
1319 of the Civil Code because it is not a certain and definite proposal to
make a contract but merely a declaration of SFC’s intention to enter into ISSue:
a contract. UMCUPAI’s declaration of intention to buy is also not certain
and definite as it is subject to the condition that UMCUPAI shall endeavor Is the defendant liable for breach of contract?
to raise funds to acquire subject land. The acceptance of the offer must
be absolute; it must be plain and unconditional. Moreover, the Letter of Ruling:
Intent/Agreement does not contain a promise or commitment to enter
into a contract of sale as it merely declared the intention of the parties to Affirmative. Defendant shoulders the loss.
enter into a contract of sale upon fulfillment of a condition that UMCUPAI The defects in the tobacco were inherent and could not be ascertained
could secure a loan to pay for the price of a land. without opening the bales and making a physical examination. When this
The Letter of Intent/Agreement is not an "option contract" because aside was done, the plaintiff promptly cabled the defendant that the tobacco was
from the fact that it is merely a declaration of intention to sell and to buy not satisfactory. In the nature of things, the plaintiff could not then render
subject to the condition that UMCUPAI shall raise the necessary funds to the defendant a statement of the amount of this claim. By the terms of
pay the price of the land, and does not contain a binding promise to sell the contract, the defendant guaranteed the arrival of the tobacco in New
and buy, it is not supported by a distinct consideration distinct from the York "in good condition."
price of the land intended to be sold and to be bought x x x No option was
granted to UMCUPAI under the Letter of Intent/Agreement to buy subject The Although the word "sold" is used in the written contract, the
land to the exclusion of all others within a fixed period nor was SFC bound transaction shows that the sale was not complete until the arrival of the
under said Agreement to Sell exclusively to UMCUPAI only the said land goods in New York. The fair construction to be put upon the contract is,
within the fixed period. that on the arrival of the ship containing the goods, the defendants should
deliver them, and the plaintiffs should pay the contract price. And the
Neither can the Letter of Intent/Agreement be considered a bilateral authorities hold that the arrival of the goods, in such case, is a condition
reciprocal contract to sell and to buy contemplated under Article 1479 of precedent, which must be shown to have taken place before either party
the Civil Code which is reciprocally demandable. The Letter of can bring suit.
Intent/Agreement does not contain a PROMISE to sell and to buy subject
property. There was no promise or commitment on the part of SFC to sell
subject land to UMCUPAI, but merely a declaration of its intention to buy 5.) WELGO DICHOSO, ET AL. vS. LAURA ROXAS, ET AL., CELSO BORJA and NELIA
the land, subject to the condition that UMCUPAI could raise the necessary ALANGUILAN, 5 SCRA 781, G.R. No. L‐17441, July 31, 1962
funds to acquire the same at the price of P105.00 per square meter x x x
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the petition is hereby DENIED. The
Decision of the Court of Appeals in CA G.R. CV No. 62557 and the Regional On December 13, 1954, Laura A. Roxas sold to Borja for the sum of
Trial Court in Civil Case No. 467(4544) are AFFIRMED. Costs against the P850.00 a parcel of unregistered coconut land with an area of 16,965
petitioner. square meters and with 393 coconut trees, situated in Barrio San Diego, San
Pablo, Laguna, subject to the condition that the vendor could repurchase it
for the same amount within five years, but not earlier than three years,
4.) E.C. MCCULLOUGH & CO. vS. S. M. BERGER, 43 Phil. 823, G.R. No. from the date of the sale which was evidenced by a public document.
September 26, 1922 From November 26, 1955 to July 5, 1957, Roxas had received from Dichoso
several sums of money amounting to P770.00, their agreement being that
FactS: after December 13, 1957, Roxas would sell the same property, by absolute
sale, to Dichoso for the total sum of P2,000.00, the aforesaid sum of
In the month of February, 1918, plaintiff and defendant entered into an P770.00 to be considered as initial or advance payment on the purchase
agreement by which the defendant was to deliver plaintiff 501 bales of price.
tobacco to New York City in good condition. That delivery was made and
the plaintiff paid the full purchase price. That upon an examination later the Out of the balance of P1,230.00, Dichoso would use the sum of P850.00 to
tobacco was found to be in a musty condition, and its value was $12,000 repurchase the property from Roxas after December 13, 1954 but within
less than it would have been if the tobacco had been in the condition the five years stipulated for the exercise of Roxas' right to repurchase.
which defendant agreed that it should be, as a result of which plaintiff
claims damages for $12,000, United States currency, or P24,000, Philippine On October 22, 1957, pursuant to Roxas' request made on July 23, 1957,
currency. That when the condition of the tobacco was discovered, plaintiff Dichoso sent her a check for the sum of P320.00 "in full payment of the
promptly notified the defendant, who ignored the protest. Wherefore, the P2,000.00 consideration for the deed of absolute sale" and thereafter they
plaintiff prays judgment for the amount of P24,000, Philippine currency, for informed Borja of their readiness to repurchase the property.
costs and general relief.
On November 29, 1957 Roxas sent them back the check just referred to
The lower court rendered judgment against the defendant and in favor of with the request that they endorse the same to Borja when they made the
the plaintiff for the sum of P11,867.98 or P23,735.96 with legal interest repurchase, because it appeared that, aside from the P850.00
from January 6, 1922, and costs, from which, after his motion for a new consideration of the pacto de retro sale, Roxas had received additional
trial was overruled, the defendant appeals, claiming that the court erred: sums from Borja.
First, in finding
After December 13, 1957, Dichoso made representations to Borja that
they were ready to make the repurchase, as well as to Roxas for the latter
to be ready to execute the corresponding deed of absolute sale in their
favor after
they had made the repurchase; that notwithstanding these demand and mentioned.
representations, Roxas and Borja had deliberately failed to execute the
corresponding deed of absolute sale and deed of resale already On January 8, 1958 Borja filed a motion to dismiss the complaint upon the
ground that Dichoso had no cause of action against them because their
contract was not them but with Laura A. Roxas. LC sustained the motion FactS:
and dismissed the complaint because, according to the same, "there exists no
written contract of assignment of rights executed by Laura A. Roxas in favor In 1968, spouses Portic acquired a parcel of land with a 3 door apartment
of the herein plaintiffs concerning property which said Laura A. Roxas sold from Sps. Alcantara even though they’re aware that the land was
to her co‐ defendants under a deed of pacto de retro sale, and that the mortgaged to the SSS. Portic defaulted in paying SSS. The Portics then
purpose of the present action is precisely to compel Laura A. Roxas to executed a contract with Cristobal and the latter agreed to buy the said
execute the corresponding deed of assignment." property for P200k. Cristobal’s down payment was P45k and she also
agreed to pay SSS. The contract between them states: That while the
ISSue: balance of P155, 000.00 has not yet been fully paid the FIRST
PARTYOWNERS shall retain the ownership of the above described parcel of
Whether or not Dichoso can repurchase the coconut land which was sold to land together with its improvements but the SECOND PARTY BUYER shall
Borja by Laura Roxas. have the right to collect the monthly rentals due on the first door (13‐A)
of the said apartment; (payment is due 22May 1985, if Cristobal will not be
Ruling: able to pay Portic will reimburse) A transfer certificate was executed in
favor of Cristobal. Cristobal was not able to pay on the due date. A suit
No. It is obvious that in deciding the case, the lower court failed to give ensued to lift the cloud on the title.
due weight to the deed of absolute sale executed by Laura A. Roxas in
favor of appellants on December 8, 1957 — in effect superseding the pacto de ISSue:
retro sale mentioned heretofore for a total consideration of P1,684.00, of
which the amount of P850.00 paid as consideration for the pacto de retro Who is the rightful owner of the parcel of land?
sale was considered as a part. There is no dispute at all as to the
genuineness of this private deed of absolute sale nor as to its execution on Ruling:
December 8, 1957. that is, five days prior to December 13, 1957, when
according to appellees themselves, they made the first attempt to repurchase The Portics insofar as there was no contract of sale. What transpired
the property in question, and on which occasion appellants refused to allow between the parties was a contract to sell. The provision of the contract
the repurchase "because Laura A. Roxas was not with them", according to characterizes the agreement between the parties as a contract to sell, not
the lower court. After December 8, 1957,appellants' rights were no longer a contract of sale. Ownership is retained by the vendors, the Portics; it
based on the superseded pacto de retro sale but on the aforesaid deed of will not be passed to the vendee, the Cristobals, until the full payment of
absolute sale —which was a perfectly valid contract as between the the purchase price. Such payment is a positive suspensive condition, and
parties. failure to comply with it is not a breach of obligation; it is merely an
event that prevents the effectivity of the obligation of the vendor to
In plain words, after that date Laura A. Roxas no longer had any right to convey the title. In short, until the full price is paid, the vendor retains
repurchase the property. Moreover, Borja had no knowledge until December ownership. The mere issuance of the Certificate of Title in favor of
13, 1957 that Roxas had assigned her right to repurchase to Dichoso. Cristobal did not vest ownership in her. Neither did it validate the alleged
absolute purchase of the lot. Registration does not vest, but merely serves
Such being its condition, it could not possibly give rise to the case of one as evidence of, title. Our land registration laws do not give the holders
and the same property having been sold to two different purchasers. The any better title than that which they actually have prior to registration.
salt — in favor of appellants was of the property itself, while the one in Under Article 1544 of the Civil Code, mere registration is not enough to
favor of appellees, if not a mere promise to assign, was at most an actual acquire a new title. Good faith must concur. Clearly, Cristobal has not yet
assignment of the right to repurchase the same property. The provisions of fully paid the purchase price. Hence, as long as it remains unpaid, she
paragraph 3, Article 1544 of the Civil Code of the Philippines which read as cannot feign good faith. She is also precluded from asserting ownership
follows: “If the same thing should have been sold to different vendees, the against the Portics. The CA’s finding that she had a valid title to the
ownership shall be transferred to the person who may have first taken property must be set aside.
possession thereof in good faith, if it should be movable property. Should
there be no inscription, the ownership shall pertain to the person who in good
faith was first in the possession; and, in the absence thereof, to the person
who presents the oldest title, provided there is good faith. (Emphasis
supplied)” do not, therefore, apply.
Having arrived at the above conclusions, we are constrained to hold that, 158646, June 23, 2005
upon the facts of the case, appellees are not entitled to the reliefs sought
in their amended complaint and that whatever remedy they have is FactS:
exclusively against Laura A. Roxas to recover from her, among other
things, what they paid as consideration for the execution of the private
Masunana bought a parcel of land from the Wuthrich siblings. Part of which
document Exhibit I.
Mascunana, he later sold to Sumilhig. The contract price is 4,690 with
WHEREFORE, the decision appealed from is reversed, with the result that
3,690 as down payment. Their agreement says: That the balance of ONE
this case is dismissed, with costs, reserving to appellees, however, the
THOUSAND PESOS (P1,000.00) shall be paid by the VENDEE unto the
right to file a separate action against Laura A. Roxas to enforce whatever
VENDOR assoon as the above‐portions of Lot 124 shall have been surveyed
rights they may have against her in consonance with this decision.
in the name of the VENDEE and all paperspertinent and necessary to the
issuance of a separate Certificate of Title in the name of the VENDEE shall
havebeen prepared.Sumilhig later sold the same lot to Layumas. Years
6.) LUZON BROKERAGE CO., INC. vS. MARITIME BUILDING CO., INC., and after, Layumas wrote to the heirs of Mascunana(since Mascunana died
MYERS BUILDING CO., INC., MARITIME BUILDING CO., INC., 43 SCRA 93, already) offering to pay the 1,000 balance of the purchase price of the
G.R. property. Theaddressee, however, refused to receive the mail
No. L‐25885, January 31, 1972 matter.Heirs Mascunana then filed a complaint for recovery of possession
against Barte ( an individual whomLayumas allowed to stay on the subject
577, G.R. No. 156171, April 22, 2005 Issue:

WON the contract of alienation of the subject lot in favor of Sumilhig was
a contract to sell or a contract of sale.

transfer the ownership of and to deliver a determinate thing, and the other
Sale. to pay therefor a price certain in money or its equivalent.
Article 1458 of the New Civil Code provides: A contract of sale may be absolute or conditional.
By the contract of sale, one of the contracting parties obligates himself to
Thus, there are three essential elements of sale, to wit: there is an express stipulation authorizing it. In such case, the vendor may
a) Consent or meeting of the minds, that is, consent to transfer file an action for specific performance or judicial rescission. Article 1169
ownership in exchange for the price; of the New Civil Code provides that in reciprocal obligations, neither party
b) Determinate subject matter; and incurs in delay if the other does not comply or is not ready to comply in a
c) Price certain in money or its equivalent. proper manner with what is incumbent upon him; from the moment one of
the parties fulfill his obligation, delay by the other begins. In this case,
In this case, there was a meeting of the minds between the vendor and the the vendor (Jesus Mascuñana) failed to comply with his obligation of
vendee, when the vendor undertook to deliver and transfer ownership over segregating Lot No. 124‐B and the issuance of a Torrens title over the
the property covered by the deed of absolute sale to the vendee for the property in favor of the vendee, or the latter’s successors‐in‐interest, the
price of P4,690.00 of which P3,690.00 was paid by the vendee to the vendor respondents herein. Worse, petitioner Jose Mascuñana was able to secure
as down payment. The vendor undertook to have the property sold, title over the property under the name of his deceased father.
surveyed and segregated and a separate title therefor issued in the name
of the vendee, upon which the latter would be obliged to pay the balance
of P1,000.00. There was no stipulation in the deed that the title to the 9.) WINIFREDA URSAL vS. COURT OF APPEALS, THE RURAL BANK OF
property remained with the vendor, or that the right to unilaterally LARENA (SIQUIJOR), INC. and SPOUSES JESUS MONESET and CRISTITA
resolve the contract upon the buyer’s failure to pay within a fixed period MONESET, 473
was given to such vendor. Patently, the contract executed by the parties is SCRA 52, G.R. No. 142411, October 14, 2005
a deed of sale and not a contract to sell. As the Court ruled in a recent
case: In Dignos v. Court of Appeals (158 SCRA 375), we have said that, FactS:
although denominated a “Deed of Conditional Sale,” a sale is still absolute
where the contract is devoid of any proviso that title is reserved or the Monesets entered into a contract to sell with Ursal. Ursal stopped paying
right to unilaterally rescind is stipulated, e.g., until or unless the price is the installment (as stated in the contract) because Moneset failed to
paid. Ownership will then be transferred to the buyer upon actual or deliver the transfer certificate of title of the property as per their
constructive delivery (e.g. by the execution of a public document) of the agreement. Moneset executed an absolute deed of sale to Dr. Rafael
property sold. Where the condition is imposed upon the perfection of the Canora, Jr. Monesets executed another sale, this time with pacto de retro
contract itself, the failure of the condition would prevent such perfection. with Restituto Bundalo.7 On the same day, Bundalo, as attorney‐in‐fact of
If the condition is imposed on the obligation of a party which is not the Monesets, executed a real estate mortgage over said property with
fulfilled, the other party may either waive the condition or refuse to Rural Bank of Larena
proceed with the sale. (Art. 1545, Civil Code). Thus, in one case, when the
sellers declared in a “Receipt of Down Payment” that they received an An action for declaration of non‐effectivity of mortgage and damages
amount as purchase price for a house and lot without any reservation of against the Monesets, Bundalo and the Bank by Ursal.
title until full payment of the entire purchase price, the implication was
that they sold their property. In People’s Industrial and Commercial Petitioner claims that: the Bank failed to look beyond the transfer certificate
Corporation v. Court of Appeals, it was stated: A deed of sale is of title of the property for which it must be held liable.
considered absolute in nature where there is neither a stipulation in the
deed that title to the property sold is reserved in the seller until full Respondent answered: its interest in the property was only that of
payment of the price, nor one giving the vendor the right to unilaterally mortgagee and not a purchaser thus its interest is limited only to
resolve the contract the moment the buyer fails to pay within a fixed ascertaining that the mortgagor is the registered owner;
period. Applying these principles to this case, it cannot be gainsaid that
the contract of sale between the parties is absolute, not conditional. ISSue:
There is no reservation of ownership nor a stipulation providing for a
unilateral rescission by either party. In fact, the sale was consummated The effectivity of the mortgage.
upon the delivery of the lot to respondent. Thus, Art. 1477 provides that
the ownership of the thing sold shall be transferred to the vendee upon Ruling:
the actual or constructive delivery thereof. The condition in the deed that
the balance of P1,000.00 shall be paid to the vendor by the vendee as soon The court agreed that banks cannot merely rely on certificates of title in
as the property sold shall have been surveyed in the name of the vendee ascertaining the status of mortgaged properties; as their business is
and all papers pertinent and necessary to the issuance of a separate impressed with public interest, they are expected to exercise more care
certificate of title in the name of the vendee shall have been prepared is and prudence in their dealings than private individuals.31 Indeed, the rule
not a condition which prevented the efficacy of the contract of sale. It that persons dealing with registered lands can rely solely on the
merely provides the manner by which the total purchase price of the certificate of title does not apply to banks.
property is to be paid. The condition did not prevent the contract from
being in full force and effect: The stipulation that the “payment of the full But, the contract was a contract to sell, Ursal never acquired ownership over
consideration based on a survey shall be due and payable in five (5) years the property. Thus, the Monesets has the right to dispose the property.
from the execution of a formal deed of sale” is not a condition which
affects the efficacy of the contract of sale. It merely provides the manner “In a contract to sell, there being no previous sale of the property, a third
by which the full consideration is to be computed and the time within person buying such property despite the fulfillment of the suspensive
which the same is to be paid. But it does not affect in any manner the condition such as the full payment of the purchase price, for instance,
effectivity of the contract. In a contract to sell, ownership is retained by a cannot be deemed a buyer in bad faith and the prospective buyer cannot
seller and is not to be transferred to the vendee until full payment of the seek the relief of reconveyance of the property. “
price. Such payment is a positive suspensive condition, the failure of which
is not a breach of contract but simply an event that prevented the Petitioner’s recourse should be:
obligation from acquiring binding force. It bears stressing that in a
contract of sale, the non‐payment of the price is a resolutory condition Petitioner’s rights were limited to asking for specific performance and
which extinguishes the transaction that, for a time, existed and discharges damages from the Monesets.
the obligation created under the transaction. A seller cannot unilaterally
and extrajudicially rescind a contract of sale unless Additional Notes:

The case discussed what the contract to sell is about:

A contract to sell is a bilateral contract whereby the prospective seller,
while expressly reserving the ownership of the subject property despite
delivery thereof to the prospective buyer, binds himself to sell the said
exclusively to the prospective buyer upon fulfillment of the condition APPEALS,
agreed upon, that is, full payment of the purchase price. LAURO LEVISTE, AS Director and Minority Stockholder and On Behalf of
Other StockholderS of El Dorado Plantation, Inc. and EL DORADO PLANTATION,
INC., repreSented by one of itS minority StockholderS, Lauro P. LevISte, 477
10.) FERNANDO CARRASCOSO, JR. vS. THE HONORABLE COURT OF SCRA 666, G.R. No. 123672, December 14, 2005
transaction that for a time existed, and discharges the obligations created
FactS: thereunder. Such failure to pay the price in the manner prescribed by the
contract of sale entitles the unpaid seller to sue for collection or to
Once upon a sunny morning in Sablayan, Occidental Mindoro, El Dorado rescind the contract.
Plantation Inc., through a board member Feliciano Leviste, then President
of El Dorado Inc., executed a Deed of Sale with Fernando O. Carrascoso (2) The contract between Carrascoso and PLDT is a contract to sell.
Jr. The subject of the sale was a 1,825 hectare of land. This is evidenced by the terms and conditions that they have agreed upon
that after fulfillment of Carrascoso’s obligation PLDT has “to notify
It was stipulated in the provisions of the Deed of Sale of Real Property Carrascoso of its decision whether or not to finalize the sale.”
that Carrascoso is to pay the following:
Being a contract to sell, what was vested by the July 11, 1975 Agreement
(1) Of the said sum of P1.8M constituting he full consideration of the to Buy and Sell to PLDT was merely the beneficial title to the 1,000
sale, P290k would be paid by Carrascoso to PNB to settle the mortgage hectare portion of the property.
placed on the said land.
(2) P210k would be paid directly to Leviste; and *Notes (Copy and Pasted from the Case’s Decision)
(3) The balance of P1.3M plus 10% interest would be paid over the next
3‐years at P519k every 25th of March. In a contract of sale, the title passes to the vendee upon the delivery of
the thing sold; whereas in a contract to sell, ownership is not transferred
Leviste, on the other hand, gave Carrascoso the assurance that there were upon delivery of the property but upon full payment of the purchase
no tenants on the subject land. Ergo, the land does not fall under the price. In the former, the vendor has lost and cannot recover ownership
Land Reform Code. Leviste allowed Carrascoso to mortgage the land, until and unless the contract is resolved or rescinded; whereas in the
which the latter did. latter, title is retained by the vendor until the full payment of the price,
such payment being a positive suspensive condition and failure of which is
Carrascoso obtained a total of P1.07M as mortgage and used the same to not a breach but an event that prevents the obligation of the vendor to
pay the down‐payment as agreed upon. convey title from becoming effective.

Carrascoso defaulted from his obligation, which was supposed to be settled For in a conditional contract of sale, if the suspensive condition is
on March 25, 1975. fulfilled, the contract of sale is thereby perfected, such that if there had
already been previous delivery of the property subject of the sale to the
Leviste, then sent him letters to Carrascoso asking him to comply with his buyer, ownership thereto automatically transfers to the buyer by
obligation to pay, otherwise the former will file a civil suit against the latter. operation of law without any further act having to be performed by the
But Carrascoso made no reply. Due to Carrascoso’s failure to perform and seller. Whereas in a contract to sell, upon fulfillment of the suspensive
reply, El Dorado Plantation Inc, pursued to file a complaint to rescind the condition, ownership will not automatically transfer to the buyer although
Deed of Sale conveyed to former. the property may have been previously delivered to him. The prospective
seller still has to convey title to the prospective buyer by entering into a
In the meantime, Carrascoso executed a Buy and Sell Contract with PLDT contract of absolute sale.
on the 1977. The subject of the sale was a 1000‐hectare portion of the
land sold to Carrascoso by Leviste. The land is to be sold at P3M. Part of A perusal of the contract adverted to in Coronel reveals marked
the terms and conditions agreed upon was that Carrascoso is to remove all differences from the Agreement to Buy and Sell in the case at bar. In the
tenants from the land within one year. PLDT, by a Deed of Absolute Sale, Coronel contract, there was a clear intent on the part of the therein
conveyed the aforesaid 1,000‐hectare portion to its subsidiary PLDTAC. petitioners‐sellers to transfer title to the therein respondent‐buyer. In the
July 11, 1975 Agreement to Buy and Sell, PLDT still had to “definitely
In the civil case proceeding against Carrascoso, PLDT intervened averring that inform Carrascoso of its decision on whether or not to finalize the deed of
it was a buyer in good faith. The RTC ruled in favor of Carrascoso. CA absolute sale for the 1,000 hectare portion of the property,” such that in
reversed the RTC ruling. the April 6, 1977 Deed of Absolute Sale subsequently executed, the parties
declared that they “are now decided to execute” such deed, indicating
ISSue: that the Agreement to Buy and Sell was, as the appellate court held,
merely a preparatory contract in the nature of a contract to sell. In fact,
(1) What is the nature of the contract between Carrascoso and El the parties even had to stipulate in the said Agreement to Buy and Sell
Dorado? (2) What is the nature of the contract between Carrascoso that Carrascoso, “during the existence of the Agreement, shall not sell,
and PLDT? cede, assign and/or transfer the parcel of land,” which provision this
Court has held to be a typical characteristic of a contract to sell.

(1) The contract executed between El Dorado and Carrascoso was a 11.) SACOBIA HILLS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION and JAIME C. KOA vS.
contract of sale. It was perfected by their meeting of the minds and was ALLAN U. TY, 470 SCRA 395, G.R. No. 165889, September 20, 2005
consummated by the delivery of the property to Carrascoso. The failure of
Carrascoso to deliver the amount agreed upon on the stipulated date FactS:
violates such contract of sale.
• Petitioner is the developer of True North Gold and Country Club in
A contract of sale is a reciprocal obligation. The seller obligates itself to Pampanga. It assured its shareholders that the development was
transfer the ownership of and deliver a determinate thing, and the buyer proceeding on schedule and that the golf course would be playable
obligates itself to pay therefor a price certain in money or its equivalent. by October 1999.
The non‐payment of the price by the buyer is a resolutory condition • Respondent wrote to petitioner a letter expressing his intention to
which extinguishes the acquire one (1) Class A share of True North and accordingly paid the
reservation fee. Petitioner approved the purchase application for
P600,000.00 subject to certain terms and conditions, inter alia:
o Approval of an application to purchase golf/country club shares
is subjected to the full payment of the total purchase price.
Should the buyer opt for the deferred payment scheme,
approval is subject to our receipt of a down payment of at least
30% and the balance payable in installments over a maximum of
eleven (11) months from the date of application, and covered
by postdated cheques.
o Your reserved share shall be considered withdrawn and may be value of the postdated cheques upon their maturity, or your
deemed cancelled should you fail to settle your obligation failure to issue the required postdated cheques. In which case, we
within fifteen (15) days from due date, or failure to cover the shall reserve the right to offer the said shares to other interested
parties. This also means forfeiture of 50% of the total amount
you have already paid. FactS:
o 3. We shall undertake to execute the corresponding sales
documents/Deed of Absolute Sale covering the reserved shares Project Movers Realty and Development Corporation (PMRDC) owe P200M
upon full payment of the total purchase price. The to Keppel Banks. By way of dacion en pago, PMRDC transferred and
Certificate of Membership shall be issued thereafter. conveyed to the bank 25 of its properties consisting of townhouses and
• One June 1999, respondent notified petitioner that he is rescinding condominiums. One of the units transferred was occupied by Adao. In Feb
the contract due to the latter’s failure to complete the project on 2000, the Bank demanded Adao to vacate. Adao refused. An ejectment
time and sought for refund of his payment which amounted to case was filed. Adao averred that he had a Contract to Sell with PMRDC.
P409,090.02. By way of reply, petitioner informed respondent that it He presented an affidavit showing that he made full payment thereof. The
had no‐refund policy. MeTC, RTC and CA ruled in favor of Adao. The lower courts ordered
• Respondent filed a complaint for rescission and damages. RTC Keppel to respect the contract to sell between Adao and PMRDC for when
rendered the properties were transferred by way of dacion en pago, the bank
 judgment in favor of the petitioner. The trial court found that the merely stepped on the shoes of PMRDC.
contract between the parties did not warrant that the golf course and
clubhouse would be completed within a certain period of time to ISSue:
entitle respondent to rescind.
• Court of Appeals reversed the decision of RTC. It directed the Whether or not Keppel is bound by the contract to sell.
petitioner to refund the appellant, with legal interest of 12% per
annum from the date of the filing of the complaint. It stated that Ruling:
respondent could properly rescind the contract, or demand specific
performance with damages due to the petitioner’s delay in the No. Though Keppel is not a purchaser in good faith for not looking into the
performance of its obligations. property (checkingif it was infirm and free from other claims), the bank is
• Petitioner filed a petition for review on certiorari before the Supreme not bound by it. The contract to sell does not by itself give Adao the right
Court. Sacobia contends that it was not in breach of the contract as to possess the property. Unlike in a contract of sale, here in a contract to
the Intent to Purchase, the Contract of Purchase, and the Notice of sell, there is yet no actual sale or any transfer of title, until and unless,
Approval to Purchase Shares of True North, do not contain any full payment is made. The payment of the purchase price is a positive
specific date as to when the golf course and country club would be suspensive condition, the failure of which is not a breach, casual or serious,
completed. It argues that respondent should have known the risks but a situation that prevents the obligation of the vendor to convey title
involved in this kind of project; the construction being contingent on from acquiring an obligatory force. Adao must have fully paid the price to
the issuance of the ECC by the DENR and the payment of the buyers acquire title over the property and the right to retain possession thereof.
of their share. On the other hand, respondent claims that Sacobia’s In cases of non‐payment, the unpaid seller can avail of the remedy of
arguments raise new matters which would warrant the reversal of the ejectment since he retains ownership of the property. Adao must also,
decision rendered by the Court of Appeals. He insists that Sacobia aside from showing an affidavit, show other proof of full payment made to
failed to complete the project on time which entitles him to rescind PMRDC. Considering that Adao failed to discharge the burden of proving
the contract in accordance with Article 1191 of the Civil Code. He payment, he cannot claim ownership of the property and his possession
further argues that the delay in the completion of the project is thereof was by mere tolerance. His continued possession became unlawful
clearly established by the fact that there has been no substantial upon the owner’s demand to vacate the property.
work done on the site, particularly on the clubhouse, despite the
lapse of nearly 4‐years from the issuance of the ECC on March 5, 1998.


RAMOS, SPS. EDUARDO RAMOS, 468 SCRA 597, G.R. No. 154413, AuguSt
31, 2005
Whether the contract entered into by petitioner and respondent a contract
of sale or a contract to sell.
Respondent spouses Eduardo and Carmencita Ramos (respondents) are the
owners of 2 fishing vessels, the "Lady Lalaine" and the "Lady Theresa." On 1
It was a contract to sell. In the notice of approval, which embodies the
April 1996, respondents and petitioners executed an untitled handwritten
terms and conditions of the agreement, petitioner signified its intent to
document which lies at the center of the present controversy. Its full text is
retain the ownership of the property until such time that the respondent
reproduced below:
has fully paid the purchase price. In a Contract to Sell, the payment of the
purchase price is a positive suspensive condition, the failure of which is
not a breach, casual or serious, but a situation that prevents the 1st April 1996
obligation of the vendor to convey title from acquiring an obligatory
force. As shown, respondent did not pay the full purchase price which is This is to acknowledge that Fishing Vessels ‘Lady Lalaine’ and ‘Lady Theresa’ owned by Eduardo
his obligation under the contract to sell, therefore, it cannot be said that
petitioner breached its obligation. No obligations arose on its part because Documents pertaining to the sale and agreement of payments between me and the owner of t
respondent’s non‐fulfillment of the suspensive condition rendered the
contract to sell ineffective and unperfected.

Petition is GRANTED. Decision of CA is REVERSED and SET ASIDE.

Respondent is ORDERED to PAY to Sacobia Hills Development Corporation
the amount of Pesos: One Hundred Ninety Thousand Nine Hundred Nine and
Eight Centavos (P190,909.08) without interest within thirty (30) days from (SGD.)
finality of the decision; otherwise, fifty percent (50%) of his total payments EDUARDO O. RAM
shall be forfeited. (Seller)

158227, October 19, 2005 (SGD.)
Upon the signing of the document, petitioners delivered to respondents 4
postdated Far East Bank and Trust Company (FEBTC) checks payable to On 3 June 1996, respondents filed an action against petitioners for specific
cash drawn by petitioner Rosella Edrada, in various amounts totaling performance with damages before the RTC, praying that petitioners be
P140,000.00. The first 3 checks were honored upon presentment to the obliged to execute the necessary deed of sale of the two fishing vessels and
drawee bank while the fourth check for P100,000.00 was dishonored to pay the balance of the purchase price. In their Complaint, respondents
because of a "stop payment" order. alleged that petitioners contracted to buy the two fishing vessels for the
agreed purchase price of P900,000.00, as evidenced by the above‐quoted to the element of a price certain, such that a disagreement on the manner
document, which according to them evinced a contract to buy. However, of payment is tantamount to a failure to agree on the price.
despite delivery of said vessels and repeated oral demands, petitioners
failed to pay the balance, so respondents further averred. Assuming arguendo that the document evinces a perfected contract of
sale, the absence of definite terms of payment therein would preclude its
Petitioners averred that the document sued upon merely embodies an enforcement by the respondents through the instant Complaint. A
agreement brought about by the loans they extended to respondents. requisite for the judicial enforcement of an obligation is that the same is
According to petitioners, respondents allowed them to manage or due and demandable. The absence of a stipulated period by which the
administer the fishing vessels as a business on the understanding that purchase price should be paid indicates that at the time of the filing of
should they find the business profitable, the vessels would be sold to them the complaint, the obligation to pay was not yet due and demandable.
for Nine Hundred Thousand Pesos P900,000.00. But petitioners "decided to
call it quits" after spending a hefty sum for the repair and maintenance of Respondents, during trial, did claim the existence of a period. Respondent
the vessels which were already in dilapidated condition. Carmencita Ramos, during cross‐examination, claimed that the supposed
balance shall be paid on 30 June 1996. But how do respondents explain
The RTC ruled in favor of the plaintiffs (Edrada) and against the why the Complaint was filed on 3 June 1996? Assuming that the 30 June
defendants (Ramos) and the latter (Ramos) are ordered to pay to the 1996 period was duly agreed upon by the parties, the filing of the
former (Edrada) the amount of P860,000.00 with legal interests thereon Complaint was evidently premature, as no cause of action had accrued
from June 30, 1996 until fully paid; the amount of P20,000.00 as yet. There could not have been any breach of obligation because on the
attorney’s fees and the cost of suit. The counterclaim of the defendants date the action was filed, the alleged maturity date for the payment of
for moral and exemplary damages and for attorney’s fees is dismissed for the balance had not yet arrived.
lack of merit.
In order that respondents could have a valid cause of action, it is essential
The RTC treated the action as one for collection of a sum of money and that there must have been a stipulated period within which the payment
for damages and considered the document as a perfected contract of sale. would have become due and demandable. If the parties themselves could
Petitioners filed a Motion for Reconsideration which the RTC denied. not come into agreement, the courts may be asked to fix the period of the
obligation, under Article 1197 of the Civil Code. The respondents did not
Both parties appealed the RTC Decision. The Court of Appeals affirmed the avail of such relief prior to the filing of the instant Complaint; thus, the
RTC’s decision and dismissed both appeals. Only petitioners elevated the action should fail owing to its obvious prematurity.
controversy to this Court.
Returning to the true nature of the document, we neither could conclude
ISSue: that a "contract to sell" had been established. A contract to sell is defined
as a bilateral contract whereby the prospective seller, while expressly
WON there was a perfected contract of sale. reserving the ownership of the subject property despite delivery thereof
to the prospective buyer, binds himself to sell the said property
Ruling: exclusively to the prospective buyer upon fulfillment of the condition
agreed upon, that is, full payment of the purchase price.
We disagree with the RTC and the Court of Appeals that the document is a
perfected contract of sale. A contract of sale is defined as an agreement A contract is perfected when there is concurrence of the wills of the
whereby one of the contracting parties obligates himself to transfer the contracting parties with respect to the object and the cause of the
ownership of and to deliver a determinate thing, and the other to pay contract. In this case, the agreement merely acknowledges that a
therefore a price certain in money or its equivalent. It must evince the purchase price had been agreed on by the parties. There was no mutual
consent on the part of the seller to transfer and deliver and on the part of promise to buy on the part of petitioners and to sell on the part of
the buyer to pay. respondents. Again, the aforestated proviso in the agreement that
documents pertaining to the sale and agreement of payments between the
An examination of the document reveals that there is no perfected parties will follow clearly manifests lack of agreement between the parties as
contract of sale. The agreement may confirm the receipt by respondents of to the terms of the contract to sell, particularly the object and cause of
the two vessels and their purchase price. However, there is no equivocal the contract.
agreement to transfer ownership of the vessel, but a mere commitment
that "documents pertaining to the sale and agreement of payments…[are] The agreement in question does not create any obligatory force either for
to follow." Evidently, the document or documents which would formalize the transfer of title of the vessels, or the rendition of payments as part of
the transfer of ownership and contain the terms of payment of the the purchase price. At most, this agreement bares only their intention to
purchase price, or the period when such would become due and enter into either a contract to sell or a contract of sale.
demandable, have yet to be executed. But no such document was
executed and no such terms were stipulated upon. Consequently, the courts below erred in ordering the enforcement of a
contract of sale that had yet to come into existence. Instead, the instant
The fact that there is a stated total purchase price should not lead to the Complaint should be dismissed. It prays for three reliefs arising from the
conclusion that a contract of sale had been perfected. In numerous cases, enforcement of the document: execution by the petitioners of the
the most recent of which is Swedish Match, AB v. Court of Appeals, we necessary deed of sale over the vessels, the payment of the balance of the
held that before a valid and binding contract of sale can exist, the manner purchase price, and damages. The lower courts have already ruled that
of payment of the purchase price must first be established, as such stands damages are unavailing. Our finding that there is no perfected contract of
as essential to the validity of the sale. After all, such agreement on the sale precludes the finding of any cause of action that would warrant the
terms of payment is integral granting of the first two reliefs. No cause of action arises until there is a
breach or violation thereof by either party.24 Considering that the
documents create no obligation to execute or even pursue a contract of
sale, but only manifest an intention to eventually contract one, we find no
rights breached or violated that would warrant any of the reliefs sought in
the Complaint.

The petition is GRANTED. The assailed Decision and Resolution of the Court
of Appeals are REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The case before the Regional Trial
Court is ordered dismissed. No pronouncement as to costs. SO ORDERED.


841, G.R. No. L‐8506, AuguSt 31, 1956


Celestino Co & Company is a duly registered general copartnership doing

business under the trade name of "Oriental Sash Factory". From 1946 to
1951 it paid percentage taxes of 7 per cent on the gross receipts of its
sash, door and window factory, in accordance with section one hundred
eighty‐six of the National Revenue Code imposing taxes on sale of
manufactured articles. However in 1952 it began to claim liability only to
the contractor's 3 per cent tax (instead of 7 per cent) under section 191 of
the same Code; and having failed to convince the Bureau of Internal
Revenue, it brought the matter to the Court of Tax Appeals, where it also


Whether or not petitioner is cover under 186 of NRC national revenue code
or under 191 of the same code.


It is at once apparent that the Oriental Sash Factory did not merely sell its
services to Don Toribio Teodoro & Co. (To take one instance) because it
also sold the materials. The truth of the matter is that it sold materials
ordinarily manufactured by it — sash, panels, mouldings — to Teodoro &
Co., although in such form or combination as suited the fancy of the
purchaser. Such new form does not divest the Oriental Sash Factory of its
character as manufacturer. Neither does it take the transaction out of the
category of sales under Article 1467 above quoted, because although the
Factory does not, in the ordinary course of its business, manufacture and
keep on stockdoors of the kind sold to Teodoro, it could stock and/or
probably had in stock the sash, mouldings and panels it used therefor
(some of them at least).

In our opinion when this Factory accepts a job that requires the use
of extraordinary or additional equipment, or involves services not generally
performed by it‐it thereby contracts for a piece of work — filing special
orders within the meaning of Article 1467. The orders herein exhibited
were not shown to be special. They were merely orders for work — nothing
is shown to call them special requiring extraordinary service of the

The thought occurs to us that if, as alleged‐all the work of appellant is

only to fill orders previously made, such orders should not be called
special work, but regular work. Would a factory do business performing
only special, extraordinary or peculiar merchandise?

Anyway, supposing for the moment that the transactions were not sales,
they were neither lease of services nor contract jobs by a contractor. But
as the doors and windows had been admittedly "manufactured" by the
Oriental Sash Factory, such transactions could be, and should be taxed as
"transfers" thereof under section 186 of the National Revenue Code.

The appealed decision is consequently affirmed. So ordered.

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