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Name: Khizra Saleem

Program: BBA 8th
Assignment: IBM
Submitted to: Sir Amjad
BLADES, Inc. Case
Question 1: How could a higher level of inflation in Thailand affect Blades (assume U.S. inflation
remains constant)?


As per my understanding the higher level of inflation in Thailand can affect Blades because due to
inflation in Thailand foreign goods will become cheap this make an impact on import and export of
Thailand. Thailand people prefer to import the goods and services from overseas and exports of
Thailand become go down. So as a result the imports of rubber and plastic components from Thailand
for Blades Inc. will suffer and it will increase their production cost and on the other hand the customers
will purchase products from Blades Inc. at a lower price relative to others which will increase the export
of Blade their sales will also be increase.

Question 2: How could competition from firms in Thailand and from U.S. firms conducting business in
Thailand affects Blades?


In this case Blades Inc. can conduct their business in Thailand in Thailand currency. The other
competitors who export roller blades to Thailand invoice their exports in U.S. dollars. Blades Inc. have
competitive advantage to do business in Thailand baht because of the competitive advantage of
Thailand currency the Blade Inc. allows importers to continue their business without less consideration
about paying different amounts due to currency fluctuations. In case of export Blade Inc. has an
advantage of providing best quality products and flexible pricing strategy to customers which gives them
a good position in Thailand and increase their sales in Thailand.

Question3: How could decreasing level of national income in Thailand affect Blades?


As per my understanding if the level of national income decrease so it creates a problem for Blades.
With the low income Thailand customer is not willing to accept the high price product. They try to find a
cheaper product and ready to accept a lower quality of product so that is what Blades can face the
problem if national income in Thailand decrease. Blades has a high manufacture process, have a high
quality product with attractive design so the price couldn’t be low. So if Blade’s decide to reduce the
price to attracted customer it will affect the profit of the blades profit will go down or maybe it will
consider as a loss for blades. In this case the decreasing level of national income is not good for a Blades

Question4: How could a continued depreciation of the Thai Baht affect Blades? How could it affect
Blades relative to U.S. exporter invoicing their roller blades in U.S dollar?


A continued depreciation of the Thai Baht is not good for Blades it will affect too bad to Blades because
Blades decided invoice in Thailand it is a disadvantage for Blades if the value of Baht go
down. The competitiveness of Blades also decreases. But the competitors of Blades which using US
dollar to exchange that is not a problem for them If the Thai Baht depreciates the importers will have to
convert more baht to dollars in order to pay for the dollar denominated exports.

Question#5: If Blades increases its business in Thailand and experiences serious financial problems, are
there any international agencies that the company could approach for loans or other financial


As per my point of view if the Blade Inc. increases or expand its business in Thailand and experience
serious financial problems then Blades can take loan from International Financial Corporation. The
International Financial Corporation not only provide the loans to corporations but also buy the
stocks of that corporation. International Financial Corporation acts as a catalyst or promoter.
International financial corporation provides loans to corporations to promote economic development of
private sector.

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