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Republic of Iraq

Ministry of Higher Education and

Scientific Research
University of Babylon
College of Information Technology
Department of Software

Car Sales Management System

A Project
Submitted to the council of the College of Information Technology at University
of Babylon in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the project
In the fourth stage


Osama Aness Aubeed

Supervised by

Mahdi Salih

2020 A.D 1441 A.H

‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

‫"والراسخون في العلم يقولون آمنا به كل من عند ربنا"‬

‫صدق هللا العلي العظيم‬

‫))آل عمران ‪7‬‬

To the one who made herself a candle burning to enlighten my path .My

dear mother, to whom To those who would light the way for me, support

me, and give up their rights to my land and live here ....

My brothers and sisters, my friends and my friends ,Before we proceed,

we give the highest names of thanks, gratitude, appreciation and love

,To those who carried the holiest message in life,To those who paved the

way for knowledge and knowledge ,To all my distinguished professors

Especially the supervising professor Dr. Mahdi Salih

Supervisor Certification

I certify that the dissertation entitled “Car Sales Management System" was
prepared under my supervision at the Department of Software/ College of
IT/University of Babylon, by the Student Sure Hasan Abd-alwahed as partial
fulfillment of the requirements for Graduation Project Subject


Name: Mahdi Salih, PhD

Date: 20 / 7 / 2020

Email: …………

     The main aim of this project is to create an application that is helpful while

selling cars. In the existing System it is difficult to maintain the car information
individually and to supply for the customers who are eager to buy them. Customer
has to face difficulty in order to know the information of car like manufacturing
year, car model and other valuable information in a single domain. Our main idea
is to develop a system where we can have all the required information for the user
in order to effectively interest him in the process of buying a car.

                In the Proposed System, application can maintain car details like
manufacturer, year of manufacturing, price and model etc. We can also view all the
car details which are kept for sale effectively and we can search for our desired car.
With this Customer can get the information quickly like car details which have
been entered clearly.

Table Of Contents
CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Overview...........................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Research Problem.........................................................................................................................2
1.3 Research Benefits.............................................................................................................................3
1.4 Aim Of Project...................................................................................................................................4
1.5 Project Organization..........................................................................................................................5
Chapter Two................................................................................................................................................7
LITERATURE REVIEW........................................................................................................................7
2.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................................7
2.2 Car Sales Management System.......................................................................................................7
2.3 Database Lifecycle Management.......................................................................................................8
2.4 Xampp..............................................................................................................................................10
2.5 PHP Language..................................................................................................................................10
2.6 MYSQL.............................................................................................................................................10
2.7 NetBeans.........................................................................................................................................11
2.9 The Concept DBMS..........................................................................................................................11
Chapter THREE.............................................................................................................................................7
System Development..............................................................................................................................7
4.1 Overview............................................................................................................................................7
4.2 Findings.............................................................................................................................................7
4.3 Design and Implementation System..................................................................................................8
Chapter Four..............................................................................................................................................31
Conclusion and Recommendation.........................................................................................................31
5.1 Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................31
5.2 Recommendation............................................................................................................................32
5.3 Future works....................................................................................................................................32
5.3 References:......................................................................................................................................33
Table Of Figure

Figure 1 Database Lifecycle Management...............................................................9

Figure 2....................................................................................................................12

Figure 5......................................................................................................................8

Figure 6......................................................................................................................9

Figure 7....................................................................................................................10

Figure 8....................................................................................................................11

Figure 9....................................................................................................................12

Figure 10..................................................................................................................13

Figure 11..................................................................................................................13

1.1 Overview

Today’s world is computer age; Stone Age is replaced with fabulous achievements
in science. We are living in the computer age so humans are trying to become
automated in each and every field of his need. Basically automation is an act of
replacing human labour by machines. Automation is useful because when there are
machines in place of humans then the probability of error is minimized. E-
commerce is fast gaining ground as an accepted and used business paradigm. More
and more business houses are implementing web sites providing functionality for
performing commercial transactions over the web. It is reasonable to say that the
process of shopping on the web is becoming commonplace. The objective of this
project is to develop a general purpose e-commerce store where cars can be bought
from the comfort of home through the Internet (Swapna, 2007). However, for
implementation purposes, this paper will deal with an online book store. An online
store is a virtual store on the Internet where customers can browse the catalogue
and select products of interest. The selected items may be collected in a shopping
cart. At checkout time, the items in the shopping cart will be presented as an order.
At that time, more information will be needed to complete the transaction. Usually,
the customer will be asked to fill or select a billing address, a shipping address, a
shipping option, and payment information such as credit card number. An e-mail
notification will be sent to the customer as soon as the order is placed.

1.2 Research Problem

In today’s fast paced society, it’s very hard to be competitive without using
cutting-edge technology available in market. After years of business, the data has
grown much for Any company. It is becoming a challenge for Any company to
manage that data in an effective way. To be more productive in order processing,
Any company needs a solution which can facilitate their current processes with use
of technology. With increased amount of orders, it will be difficult to manage
orders in an effective and efficient manner. It will be very hard to go through all
paper work and back tracking orders. If there is any complain or review of any
order, it takes large amount of effort and time to backtrack and fix the problem.
This results in loss of resources, increased time, and low output. All orders are
managed using different papers; all information regarding one order is stored in
one physical file. This file contains all the documents related to that particular
order. Once receive an order, they assign a unique number to that order/file. Some
of the financial details regarding orders are managed in an Excel sheet. Currently
work flow followed is not very efficient due to lack of Software and digital media
usage. Workflow from order quotes, order to invoice and payments are today made
manually without the help of a computerized management system. This means a lot
of manual work, which leads to the loss of control over operations. Due to higher
workloads and more errors, delay in the whole process is experienced on daily
basis. No database exists and thus poor ability to pick out statistics on for example
the existing order stock.

1.3 Research Benefits

The car sales System is a PHP based application that can be accessed easily. It
basically provides a tool so as to simplify all the activities involved in cars details.
This project primarily focuses on the elimination of hassles and paperwork to
maintain the cars records. Generally, the proposed system can help provide users
with efficient working environment and more output can be generated through
this .This system provide the user with friendly interface resulting in knowing each
and every usability feature of the system. The proposed system helps in tracking
record so that past record can be verified and one can make decision based on the
past records. The system completes the work in a very less time consumption and
high level efficiency. The system is developed in such way that even new users can
also operate the system easily. The calculations are made quickly and the records
are directly saved into the database and can be maintain for longer period of time.
Each record can be retrieved and can be verified for future transaction. Also the
system provides high level of security of data so as to prevent unauthorized access
to the admin modules.
1.4 Aim Of Project

The aim of this research work is to develop a Car Sales Management System This
will aid the management in tracking car sales and control. The aim of the
proposed Car Sales Management System is to help small scale dealers manage
their business with a generic accounting package and extended functionality with
plug-in or other bolt-on software. The specific objectives of the research are as
follows. To

1- Investigate the related works on Car Sales Management System domains.

2- Design appropriate representation architecture or the proposed Car Sales
Management System.
3- Develop a system that supports the implementation of the proposed system’s
4- Test and validate the system’s performance.
1.5 Project Organization

Chapter One: the background of the study is explained the research problem,

research benefit and the purpose of this system to do this study and the research


Chapter Two: literature review is made for the research. The background of of a

database was explained from its history and development. Meanwhile, some

example of the database systems were discussed as well as related works to know

better of this project was conducted the interface, security and the tools used were

also reviewed in this chapter.

Chapter Three: the screenshot was presented in this chapter to explain about the

system, its function, and operation. The permission level and functions of each

level of users were explained in detail.

Chapter Four: as the last chapter of this project, the conclusion was made in this

chapter, the researcher makes a review to see whether this project has reached the

research objectives. The researcher concludes the project and the suggestions are

made for the future researchers as well.

Chapter Two

2.1 Introduction

The previous chapter discuss an overview about the project, the problems that can

be solved with it, brief description about similar projects and lastly the main goal

of it.

This chapter will discuss what was used to build and achieve this project from


2.2 Car Sales Management System

According to Wikipedia, a car sale management or dealership management system

(DMS) or auto dealership management system is a bundled management
information system created specifically for automotive industry car dealerships or
large equipment manufacturers, such as Caterpillar Inc. Dealerships, and also
adapted for cars, boats, bikes, RV, and power sports dealers. These systems often
contain software that cater to the needs of the finance, sales, parts, inventory and
administration components of running the dealership. One of their functions can be
automating tax returns. A typical DMS installation includes a central server which
stores all data, allowing multi-user access for as many as 50 or more client
computers. Some installations may include thin clients. Other DMS providers use a
centrally-hosted, or software as a service/application service provider model. A
DMS usually offers interfaces with other systems, especially manufacturer's
systems to enable automatic processing of purchases, warranty claims, price lists
and many other data. In Europe many automotive manufacturers prescribe specific
DMS to their dealers though this is no longer officially allowed under the Block
Exemption Regulation. Dealerships use specific software to meet the complex
requirements of their business. Typically small scale dealers will manage their
business with a generic accounting package and extend functionality with plugin's
or other bolt-on software. The advantage for dealers running a specialized system
are numerous, however the primary outcome is a more efficient dealership. Dealer
Management software typically encompasses all the tools mentioned above
however difficulty arises when 10 dealership staff are evaluating vendors and
deciding what software to implement. Integration of these tools is the key but
dealer principals and other key staff still need to pay attention to other factors such
as cost.

2.3 Database Lifecycle Management

Database lifecycle management (DLM) is a policy-based approach to managing

databases and data assets. DLM is not a product but a comprehensive approach to

managing the database schema, data, and metadata for a database application. A

thoughtful and proactive approach to DLM enables an organization to manage data

resources according to appropriate levels of performance, protection, availability,

and cost.

DLM begins with discussion of project design and intent, continues with database

develop, test, build, deploy, maintain, monitor, and backup activities, and ends
with data archive. This topic provides an overview of the stages of DLM that begin

with database development and progress through build, deploy, and monitor

actions. Also included are data management activities and data portability

operations like import/export, backup and restore, migrate, and sync.[1]

Figure 1 Database Lifecycle Management

2.4 Xampp

stands for Cross-Platform (X), Apache (A), MariaDB (M), PHP (P) and Perl (P). Since

XAMPP is simple, lightweight Apache distribution it is extremely easy for

developers to create a local web server for testing and deployment purposes.

Everything you needed is to set up a web server – server application (Apache),

database (MariaDB), and scripting language (PHP). XAMPP works equally well on

Linux, Mac, and Windows. [2]

2.5 PHP Language

PHP is a server side scripting language. that is used to develop Static websites or

Dynamic websites or Web applications. PHP stands for Hypertext Pre-processor,

that earlier stood for Personal Home Pages.

PHP scripts can only be interpreted on a server that has PHP installed.

The client computers accessing the PHP scripts require a web browser only.

A PHP file contains PHP tags and ends with the extension ".php"[3].
MySQL is a free, open source relational database management system (RDBMS)

that supports Structured Query Language (SQL). An RDBMS is a system used to

manage databases, and it is made up of tables containing columns and rows, where

the tables are related by keys. MySQL DBMS is the world’s most popular open

source database system and one of the most commonly used database systems for

Java web applications. It is one of the fastest RDBMS and it is easy to use. Also, it

runs on almost all platforms, such as Windows, Linux and OS X.[6]

2.7 NetBeans
NetBeans is an integrated development environment (IDE) for Java NetBeans

allows applications to be developed from a set of modular software components

called modules. NetBeans runs on Windows, macOS, Linux and Solaris. In addition

to Java development, it has extensions for other languages like PHP, C, C++ and

JavaScript. Applications based on Netbeans, including the NetBeans IDE, can be

extended by third party developers. The latest release of NetBeans is NetBeans

IDE 10.0, which was released in December 2018.[4]

2.9 The Concept DBMS
A database management system (DBMS) is a computer software application that

interacts with the user, other applications, and the database itself to capture and

analyze data. A general-purpose DBMS is designed to allow the definition,

creation, querying, update, and administration of databases. Figure 2.2 illustrates

the concept DBMS[5].

Figure 2
Chapter THREE
System Development

3.1 Overview
In any system analysis and design, implementation is the stage where the designed
ideas, software and hardware components come together or are put in place to have
the reality of full operational functionalities of the designed system. The
researcher, at this stage consistently put to implementation, the design ideas or
concepts of the new system to realize the practical system. The implementation of
the system was achieved using PHP as the programming language and MySQL as
the database. The source code of the system is presented in Appendix below.

3.2 Findings

The result of the work shows that manual information processing can be
automated. The advantage of this automation is evidenced by the fact that, the
limitations of the manual system have been overcome by the web-based System.
The efficient and effective Customer service delivery and profit maximization are
better supported by the new System.
3.3 Design and Implementation System

Login: In this interface all brands appear, but the buyer must register on the site
in order to be able to buy any car available on the site shown as figure 5

Figure 3
After the customer logs in, he can log in to any brand found on the site, for

example, if he entered the brand of Toyota, as in the following image [figure 6]

Figure 4
After the customer enters the brand of Toyota, where the details button are capped

under each image, after the customer clicks on it, all information about the car,

such as the year of manufacture, model, etc., is shown as in the following Figure7]

Figure 5
After the customer enters the brand of Toyota and does not log in, this interface

appears to him as shown in the Figure 8.

Figure 6
After the customer enters the Toyota brand He has already logged in, showing him

this reservation interface as shown in the figure 9.

Figure 7
After the customer enters the Toyota brand He has already logged in, showing
him this interface, which shows all purchase receipt information as shown in the
figure 10

Figure 8
3.4 Diagram Of Database

This diagram shows how the relationship between tables for a Cars Sales
Management system as Figure 11 below Shown.

Figure 11


Chapter Four
Conclusion and Recommendation

4.1 Conclusion

While developing the system lots of effort has been made to create this software,
making use of available tools, techniques and resources that would generate a
proper System. While making the system; an eye was kept on making it as user
friendly, effective and as flexible as possible. This software will help to reduce the
workload of any company in managing their day to day activities which will result
in better sales and inventory management. PHP and MYSQL were two main
technologies used. These two technologies have several benefits and are
considered as one of the best combinations in the market. Despite of the
technologies several other techniques were implemented to ensure the reliability of
the system. The system is built according to the modern web standards. The system
is built in such a manner that it requires no special skills to manage the working of
the system and it is very easy to perform all business tasks for administrators as
well as the customers.

4.2 Recommendation

After studying the feasibility of the computer, remove most errors carefully And
for paperwork, I recommend this auto sales department System for Any company
and other car dealers in the state and Iraq in general In order to enable them to
produce effective and also reduce stock management The complexity of manual

4.3 Future works

The proposed system is a system of Cars sales management System. We can

enhance this system by including more facilities such as A good shopping cart

design must be accompanied with user-friendly shopping cart application logic. It

should be convenient for the customer to view the contents of their 35 cart and to

be able to remove or add items to their cart. The shopping cart application

described in this project provides a number of features that are designed to make

the customer more comfortable.


(n.d.). Retrieved from searchstorage.

[2] (n.d.). Retrieved from

[3] (n.d.). Retrieved

from guru99.

[4] (n.d.). Retrieved from


system. (n.d.). Retrieved from searchsqlserver.

[6] (n.d.). Retrieved from



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