American Realism

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He brought a refreshing air

to poetry with the metric
freedom of his verses and
the recovery of reality as
Mark twain lyrical matter. He is the

realism author of a single book,

Leaves of Grass. His long
poems, written in vigorous
verses, sing of
This literature investigates the feelings of individuals facing individualism, democracy,
freedom and sensuality.

In the prose they stood out: Herman Melville, Benito Cereno, Billy

Bug, Edgar Allan Poe.

Pseudonym Samuel Langhorne
In the lyrics the most prominent is Walt Withman. Clemens, he is the most important
Walt Whitman novelist of this period. His narrative
A second stage of 19th century North American literature is moves away from aesthetic
concerns, and provides spontaneity
marked by an objective view of reality. The material prosperity of
to the prose of his generation,
the second half of the century, will provoke the emergence of a through the treatment of everyday
topics. His satirical spirit and
more descriptive and moderate tone literature. Some pessimistic vision of the human
being apply both to the past (A
characteristics of this second period are: Edgar Allan Poe Yankee in King Arthur's court) and
- Eagerness for plausibility: the literary work seeks to create the to the present day (The man who
corrupted Hadleyburg).
greatest possible impression of reality. For this reason the His best novels are The Adventures
of Tom Sawyer and his even better
description of the environments and the physical features of the Edgar Allan Poe was an American writer, follow-up, The Adventures of
characters is meticulous, detailed.
poet, critic and romantic journalist, Huckleberry Finn. The picaresque
generally recognized as one of the wanderings of its young
- Exaltation of the everyday: the everyday acquires great value. universal teachers of the short story, of protagonists reflect, from their
which he was one of the first apparent simplicity, both the racial
Characters are defined based on their daily activities. practitioners in his country. He was a social problems of American society
renovator of the Gothic novel, especially and some profound aspects of
remembered for his horror stories. human nature.

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