Assignment No. 6

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Assignment 06: Propellant Grain Name:

Robarios, John Ericsson I.

Instructor: Date: 09-Jun-20 Page: 1 of 4
Engr. Noruane Daileg Grade: Issue No. 01

Assignment 06: Propellant Grain

Types of Solid Propellants

There are two basic types of solid-propellant charges-restricted burning and unrestricted
burning. A restricted-burning charge has some of its exposed surfaces covered with a liner or
inhibitor (view A in fig. 9-21). This covering confines the burning area and aids

Figure 9-21.-Solid propellant grains: A. Restricted burning; B. Restricted bored; C. Unrestricted

burning; D. Grain patterns.

in controlling the burning rate of the propellant. The use of an inhibitor lengthens burning
time and helps to control combustion-chamber pressure.

A restricted-burning charge is usually in the shape of a solid cylinder. It completely falls

the combustion chamber and burns only on its end. The thrust developed is proportional to
the cross-sectional area of the charge. Burning time is proportional to the charge length. The
restricted-burning charge provides a low thrust and long burning time. Normally, it is used in
the sustainer section of the propulsion system of the missile.

Unrestricted-burning charges are designed so they bum on all surfaces at once. The charge is
usually hollow and bums on both the inside and outside surfaces. (See view C of fig. 9-21.)
Since the inside area increases while the outside area decreases during combustion, a
constant burning area is maintained. For an unrestricted-burning charge, thrust is also
proportional to the burning area. The burning time of hollow grains depends on their web
thickness. That is the distance between the inside and outside surfaces. An unrestricted-
burning charge delivers a lot of thrust for a short period of time. It normally is used in the
booster section of the propulsion system of the missile.
Assignment 06: Propellant Grain Name:
Robarios, John Ericsson I.
Instructor: Date: 09-Jun-20 Page: 2 of 4
Engr. Noruane Daileg Grade: Issue No. 01

Certain SMS missiles use a separate missile-booster combination. The solid-fuel booster, using
an unrestricted-burning charge, provides the initial large thrust for a short period of time. In
doing so, it gets the missile off the launcher rail, up to flight speed quickly, and extends the
range of the weapon. The solid-fuel sustainer of the propulsion system of the missile uses a
restricted-burning charge. It is ignited at booster separation and provides the low thrust, long
burning time to "sustain" or keep the missile going down range.

Other types of SMS missiles use what is called a dual-thrust rocket motor (DTRM) (fig. 9-22).
The solid-fuel propulsive charge is formed by bonding two types of propellants into a single
unit. The center (booster) grain is an unrestricted charge and boosts the missile into flight.
The outer (sustainer) grain is a restricted charge and sustains the missile until the end of

Burning Rate of Solid Propellant Grains

The key point to understand about the restricted and unrestricted charges is that their burning
rate is controlled. An uncontrolled burning rate would result in an explosion. That is fine for
the warhead which we'll discuss next, but for a rocket motor. . . it could really ruin a paint job
on the launcher.

The ideal solid-propellant would be ignited easily and continue to bum evenly. However,
"ideal" is not possible. One way to control a burning rate is to use an inhibitor. An inhibitor is
any substance that interferes with or retards combustion. The lining and washer shown in
views A and C, respectively, of figure 9-21 are two examples of inhibitors.

Figure 9-22.-Cutaway view of a dual-thrust rocket motor.

another method of controlling the burning rate of a propellant is to use various grain shapes.
Common examples of these shapes are shown in view D of figure 9-21. Resonance rods,
mentioned earlier, may be used to offset the resonant burning or "chugging" of a propellant.
These metal or plastic rods are sometimes included in the combustion chamber. They serve to
breakup regular fluctuations in the burning rate and accompanying pressure variations. They
Assignment 06: Propellant Grain Name:
Robarios, John Ericsson I.
Instructor: Date: 09-Jun-20 Page: 3 of 4
Engr. Noruane Daileg Grade: Issue No. 01

do so by maintaining a constant burning area while the surface of the grain is being

The burning characteristics of a solid propellant depend on various factors. Examples include
its chemical composition, initial temperature, size and shape of the grains, and so forth. In
most missiles, the propellant is case-bonded to the combustion chamber walls.
This bonding means the propellant composition is melted and then poured or cast directly into
the chamber. This technique makes full use of the entire chamber area.

One limitation to solid-fuel propellants is their sensitivity to temperature changes. The burning
rate of the propellant can be affected. A particular grain may produce more thrust on a hot
day than it will on a cold day. Now, this doesn't mean you can't fire missiles on your next
North Atlantic cruise (for you East Coast Sailors). However, it is a factor to be considered in
the fire control problem.

Temperature also affects the physical state of a solid-fuel propellant. At extremely low
temperatures, some grains become brittle and tend to crack. Cracks increase the burning area
surface leading to an increased burning rate and combustion-chamber pressure. If the
pressure exceeds the design strength of the chamber, the missile could explode. Cracks in the
propellant grain resulting from the missile being dropped or jarred during handling will have
the same effect-explosion.

High temperatures can make certain grains lose their shape and become soft and weak,
possibly resulting in unsatisfactory performance. The optimum temperature ranges for most
solid propellants in stowage is between 70°F and 100°F.

2. Why organic nitrates commonly used in propellant manufacture?

Organic nitrates formed by esterification of lower alcohols or polyols are liquids (colorless oils,
e.g., ethylene glycol dinitrate, glyceryl trinitrate) whereas those formed from higher molecular
weight polyols form crystalline solids (e.g. mannitol hexanitrate, isosorbide dinitrate). The
nitrate esters which are liquids have boiling points slightly higher than their corresponding
alcohols. Because the alcohols are more associated through hydrogen bonding, the alcohols
are more viscous than their nitric acid esters. Because of the semi-polar bond in the nitro
group, organic nitrates have a higher vapor pressure than their corresponding alcohols, and
are therefore more volatile. The organic nitrates have a higher specific gravity than their
corresponding alcohols. Within a series of non-nitrated, partially nitrated, and completely
nitrated polyol, the more completely nitrated compound will have the highest specific gravity.
For example the specific gravity of glyceryl trinitrate (1.60» glyceryl dinitrates (1.47) >
glycerol (1.25).
Assignment 06: Propellant Grain Name:
Robarios, John Ericsson I.
Instructor: Date: 09-Jun-20 Page: 4 of 4
Engr. Noruane Daileg Grade: Issue No. 01

Jr., E. M. (1975). Chemistry of Organic Nitrates. In E. M. Jr., Organic Nitrates (p. 16).
Springer-Verlag Berlin · Heidelberg.

Publishing, I. (n.d.). Type of Solid Propellants. Retrieved from Integrated:

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