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IS $9 of COOE OF CIVIL PRE Dv ETWEEN) | ri. Venkates b Slo Nenhatosubba_ Reddy. Reriding at wo. 4), IS toe Neé notes W030. ut. isthrmato WSR Sectos-T Z Eengeluns brie so2-++ peti fon AND i a wn wok» Kavitha. | Wlo vemkatesh Reviding of wo. 44/1 9 Muntveey Oppo Layout, ‘ | Shampusa main “Road, bene in 2 PeTItion ONDER SECTION 1301) Ci-a) of THE HINDU MARRIAGE dct, 1955 “The petitioney alove mamed_~espect ; of se [ etep packs op - pact, op op the. Bie Case. cae [The petitiones. anduucthe Revpondent axe the cae | | is Pepa and Laige, nes, pechivel « the pelitiones Jeet 7 er vupmdenk are. ttindus by. srelfgion andl Lpetx. _moaralay Wb. An _asKan owing in: rect Lato 9 529015. ab per Y ther after “Customs 6 wena -pretaltiog &o they commu ak E yas boo Hall eae Nellove — pishick. Prd. : oahu anat the morlies oe the petitioner psd -eepon. ase nasa. i Same village sil permanent Cas a tie ‘emt. That mathe “fuihare. have. an ome getdl udp cto. gee at cthetime. g messing. masala, a ~palione nd, erik ered Yat . the —makrirnonial howse pov where in the _pebtionet ard his ane. The _ pebi hone a3 the 2 ote an onal € the piste & tha, got orpaivied.,.. seding. tn papergrid PHHore @latement t Th ye HivRt iter of SiN) A015 Rospondons | vole moved: +6 boy pane nt howe due to dasoda, Prthey ane wetto joere youd 9m. the parne _ house rohave ty Whe etl, Aister..g, Ye respondent & her i foo. yeopondent. aleng calls HU paments of Ay len Completion 4 Aahada When the pebitones ww Catted my wige to ~veltinn back tothe smrabimontal” howe, the vespondent portponed . th Lv i Same for ome of the offey _Yeaxons & prolly Fra Swipondent stated thal fp the pehones BE Op O Agpanate “house eaeNhe hi parent Ane ver Goma cuit Hye petitioney . “Though, the pelitenet bay requested the yespondont 440 Come to the mmabimental house) 4+ho tespondent bas not proper responded por Hie Same & Gonaitied Conti nuities | reading: to hen parents howe eee mateo.” gh the mean while the: peti requested the! yespendent Yo Come with him to muysore o% He soil! _ ‘Ade up a hore at muysore, The rexprndeit agreed leor the Same g moved to mnysore with thes [_petibonen stayed theres: During me Tago vexpondent” conceived ¢ ated erinved 16 hey pox ae een eee rane ee F bist?) toa mate child en q.ar0n yeD mamed _ as _Handh?k sredaly. Though the petiioney was ® are he was lookin ey veel being 9, He Find ch! a a ove but atthe ahs & prasunse e pe Honey ve | ho wife 4 yraded to he worl ved to Bengaluay, card moved te engalus. A iP “ee * Ouealang albus again. Hye mother an the os elder “siaten a Tithe’. Rependent: used. 40 dale witb. be re quently. =e ; e wand [Latoated . a a ip L ee dancin [sees pom te = Pon GeO bod» QUO. Seipedee § Ane. a ; ee § her pister, ae Staaked ee ones fo the house. wnnecerraril We to makes Geposete howe er Mae ponent. oy the pehiienen cs to live fo fiber — ponent howe Inpite. g thes aMitude @ te — mespondienk the Pekutseney had. trlerated He Seng gutth. oi vad. fo tead pale momtol lige Je bied — 40 Goviace her through cul his maui: = lige. ir} wiiasigadlten chou oo oe 2 _-rependent Pid ee = asxogant okh tide Wo rony § oceaxiers ha - emai mental hous sip. the. dhid jon }. TOT ait A view! to Creote A seal wexegbfers She threatened _ She! joi) Commit Suicdde 9 -Y Ney no fielded tober _ words. Bub E ethene with a hope a. changer fy ire ig aoc ot the” fntesvenh Le L wien _g pe gomily ay ‘well as i E =a — athe respondent the + chs aie vere ; > t the imabsimosie house. zal t 2h - Since He «da _rmawlnge tthe Ahowed og, an cank " Tespect= ae aod hi poverts... From Hy respondent -P |] + : I papergrid Date: / 1 ‘ LA -Pre Wael ep Jqetsg othe parent hou ig al 2 Swifyout prio Thtim ohio. #6 Hy ar petitioner: Thougs — tnth Hho “bok Kone bed fo male the Yependent uu Jo-and whe Gtoukeds LOreaking impowmible mitaah en! at — the r [penition Wee betig a eupectable ee the kptaithy ihe deleted Quel a 2s the ~apendent with avieo to - Oo hae manta) ~ Hite heping= thal she rofl Ber “altttudaae ain os the ero Atal idee behaving Ro oe manner that was = extremely ¢ Aipput 400 he paitiones & hy entre. vend eaveng by canta Bev altietibaaeri eee: On yack f was becoming tmpeveible jl le pekitien er to ee on j yor Ue a z a # —t a Ths =i sce athot fo the fut a 9 on She vexp orden te t teed a AOS fou hey = poate homeis Sho a vdeanwe ye | house ay Seven Fearon, [et aime Would idemarncl — -He loekbener : to. eee her tp hey parental heme. dn oll s Seen Qi rAGAD almost ated nett, SOE a bar : i owe ay i; nia hey fb fe maths monte! heme poo appa Even on then days the ee nok Life —tenpebssble. Soe fh vonpect submited dhat He 5 [Petitioner us a gon it0- Sys Pore py « Oh a ‘aon she pebtened thas a i eh bs aged Porents = Exp _-the! op the age ee vexpendenk a aburing mail 7 Se _ Date: J / | and eyeatt : (he poas.ats of _ the pein Awe fodignitics cand -theps have heen tolerates Ve aga e. Yaa. the call _cthety P doocthety: Lives sthe Reapondertt eal ahem loet&uch a wnanner the posers _¢ peti harres \nd. Avid _hieo ae ee ee lanothine houte.. +0 ph eare the re¥poodent.. Cyiven +f tefndh dg. realty ad 4 hus. porents, He pabiviones..bad. a Hee creapond ent: not -to beat WS parents. inGuch. manner. S.perroct thers fo live toh Hee, 0b acting bbood.. thus 10 Set JOigs tha. Jiaeipondent “Created a! big Scenem $9 the houre land. picked up qaumdnel with othe pebihanerr “| Man ecergasr @tating that the petits 2a Shy olh Byres hy ssa fo the ae af the ‘ a Ahe. onikent=. and helo cl thes heard: exoyned mooi a ts. dom tho _poaenls _ he, sespoa de Apart ob thot vewpenden® Catted ber foothey & ante, eee mani albhinn them picked np ow mal guessed with the peti honey threatening ee the —putitioner that ¥ he doe not fe aa Ss oor peas the = — tp (ce. iat - |48n a x oop thot hos ikem tae Hdwes to she acth Grek Cruel ie fead | | mas voand with the | deat pot} _recontliation oy _Teunions 7 = _g the! wapondent Cl amounts fo | fino fo. tite, pehtiones. Hence, tha ook L_prseattn _thi' peblion Seekin oa ee > toy the respondent on the pebsoven - Where: dh peti tiene ve ns thay tron bte_ i .. be pleated and. - stn i spaniel sata 7 solving oy PAoIWo92 4 Ate dihhen with Hal cvevpondint Gime OA 14-5. QoS at wig wblon Hal’ vy { ou I Nettore Disbict And pvr pradesh and ie Hol, Petitoon and. paw: dich other neltra ag Til Hemible dowk dooms agit to pas “ty | tte Soria _ tte (oat {0 meet tte end Tus ce. ite T Respondent Statement — ig ae Ate’ thes v outset ie herve _éubmetted hak -+the peritfiones has. appmnached thy Honble Cout set, ake, rfyotous and on facks. The avle 4 fntedk on oh the . ie | IL yexotious mae “molLofide x amaabice ogatnst te " Rapentienk _ || withouk eed ng to the Se a ne meee aingt the. Rapmdent . | g gack fr os the Respondent yo lland to¥tured by “llentive ee a Period» — ie thot he entyve Ronteada g the flaint axe get Comtrade Vv fo natuve without pxeaie and! nothing fut a igen gf vaflahen ee Respomdenk atotes +h of Ho petition har cleverky ied to aa \ninngel as the. apprewed ome, being hart by the pape and her jemily one (Contras PH hes others ay | axcund where tn Ta ke vexpondenta a ahal ha s De at the receiving end duspfte having Cakeaed fo att +he yheds and vequivera Ho pehtimey both Qinanwalty ancl emotion fo be _hanawed x dpouad ci her ll vt @® a Spore a peti Homey . Mis tue tot tte pebtiner 9, tte Gupendent re asiaiged fo mossy sith He blewings oy see Hepa teot’ vend ¢acde mpaeoenoen ee a 1420S. 2015 Gs pey, tteV tind vifed aa upon oF Netley Dishset 9 edad. U. ome tow Ras ston. Ho pradesh, He home a EN petitonene & Rupendenk- However the sects ecu tho re ae walt it-war in the bert Satenret gto pekibion ey Hho He $ = |e Rrpcodent arsansed por fhe om Dake anceBbrod hourchot. lila a had ce wit He elater es ay one) Hy 2 fo. : yr ist . rae to the marute everything wag pith a geo mis undesatandin ee Hoehne bad qucitiened the _Vivei wity _ [Respondent asad had. opted +o force Tiree Hon ta Qexpamdent— Sexwral pleasure \ “| he Rerpomdetls bust and fm palo. The [peli Honey pad made men dorm ands Pex sy Sate ate emotes 1903, ake Rypon dent a say +0 mm a hos ag Severo oecavicn the pebtimey 10 Seep Ports Hon of the property hew eae on , onde d iS howe ad “Fomovabte pare | PSL mame and perced and utrentened ae Several’ timed. the Red pondlent and oe athe ’ «| Asro - +o peas and out good _fatensiod }O make) lo oo Pha tos pet Ho ex haw ed “and dan. ted Qe tho demands . a, toe Pete The! Ruspond ent yetuned to her Pow enti Ee ereacas Ahoda durin S015. The _petitioney desing i Bae : he approached the gather tte’ Respond oat tO “Seek Yinaneta held por iano . tendur tn Ore POY hams Be ea aked he Respon “gather to pledge | mertgose « fed pexty Milani fo +e pater 4p obhatn a bank bs ee. Rs 84 .39.000|-. whieh hs O% _opplie py tie vent Fern Reddy iohich, vax yunntng EN Aqyice in the prem tes % Hie Rap ERO...) On named yyr le meet Date: _llgaxhes oho a dose _~ebosive fo both, | of the pelitiones and the _ Respond. Respendenls 3 abo _@ de the Respond ent [had 40 shell ouk another Rs 10,00,000 =p ensuring villthe Prpeaty dowumenks were formed 89 order to » et |poune: the! movgage. Due to. he ginancdal_need a and. sequivemnent “cpu thes petitioner | aho pound Pt feasible 40 weride ak | the veridence “h. the Respondentn gdithen® house the Respondent mostly i ot ber ponents house: cuith the petitions. e a the dipic ue the Res Roe ted ee Taster di was bein. 1 the petitioney not Cater to the nequsiverments f tho. el a the hospital and __ ath expenses gd the chfid bith 1oas taken Cane ‘oy the fothey ¢. the “Respondent. the situation po00% 40. wéise. shor the ee arity “created a _huy enrchws at the hos pttal Premises “paben docs had advised the Respondent . oe saw bain dnd the mother % he _gatitione’_hed are ged the new bet Eth. eocternal # enti dla? sot _roait the Rupendenfi milk to be ged Cae her oon child. This Situation led +o asm, ‘Lpegne: betwee the familie cf the " petitioner - Hine Respondent to an ontend that pekitfenens smother thet slipped ot the Rus pandentt smother asd) the hospital -atay and the docti bad _to Anvowe therelve and. bad ‘asked ithe _ pebitonens Ww onmily to leave the _hdbpftodl _ premises ian pe Date: 7 dent would lfke 40 state that Atm moaant athe Respondent pani [had given the petitioner ond his family a’ aes af and a vado — twoatel tohech Bs SA he cud of the petttiones alon _|/eatth atl the other’ d__fncluding -the aetd mecktace proeated by the BeAWoh ey dusting pmmassi ote. pebhones os of dole an the Geil op the Reipendant amount to Rs.80 Hltaiye” encluiding. the chitdk ornament ye ceived Sy the chiid “since h& biytb. The Rupendent denies: all allegations avant hey and pot the Petitioners: io Y shice prey of a game. Bu other anerresenth Yo the Pelitimey! axe germal | in natu and. the petitioner 9g pal to. Abiet prey od the fame. Te ithere 13 Lone bavaned Po thy Rae the Res pendent aa hos Bes meal L ‘Land bounds +o protect bev ges pe farm the os Wdemandén Cbrtches the L pened ard bev fn laure The Respondent and hey poly hax Prewived Seven reonetay los due to allfance ard athe Betitsorey hos lived % the Com gents 4 the Spee wolthouk reedtng fo the needy, the sequivemenk g Hee Respondent or the chiid. the | Ruspondeat wh — to ue the Petitioner fo |domage to toh oO, despite bauwtng ena i to cbtatn the ete Si mart: 4 she ee -belongin f Ba fiomey | hho no a onl disvepered ber palate ant thely_veputation begore the __elativess tho Respondent: hod not __been paid maintenance ax alimony 49 cote to _hev and preqpativem ens nov forthe ceequiverm ent G theiy chiid anid hos deyt the. _Ripondent with hey pound at his own jree wii) and ja The Respondent vei Submit: that the petitioner hay not tnade a Coxe gor _dliveice and the gaid peliticnen ge tne pehiomey must be dened ith heawy casts oa ; osniahing the inn woomen and iter ee Qa Mental lates and ! and #0 hey and? her gamit by approaching” this Geable Osu elnerth gale gSivolous nll unclean hand. The Hom ble _pringigal Jarsi Centre. haa “reer the + ynaten +0 ad ce tall dation The director _ g¥ the _-mediason conte talline = | a ccd vedudalt +: callie a ee Date - Lae _ Mediator present petitimesi¢, his Coumel present —tespendenl she oun pret ll “The smediotox hax Aiseaehl, redagglle g i gested nut oneal —_ oh pape Date: / ben ceclis SARE ipenrn ase the peiiomey hax ataked 4 has te decree divorce. a ac Peele, ae, Aenk the petitions ae meu to the catride ¢ calt the Yespon Lae G her Counsel, The Respondent as [mervatted hey entive Case 5 BB Lemanded BT Wi cree. .an gull &_finel. éettlemet pox Consent of divorce. Jnelucling the vain tenance it ber chit duo ‘ The spectator there after discus on adi ill fo 10/4/ g090°.at 32pm. i Me. folu/ 2020 a 7 ' the mediator har ahd re peh rend ie the demand fhe vesposclont atkled what do your Say about athe demand | 3 - ‘volte the “petitioner _aptey léseuayng | f his__advocate fas Ateted that Steg fo oo £10 Lakh ite omedfator asied. to Respondent erapatel iat ra gincnct ah Alesis of petitioney _4hate Th_the Combined. diswwison the. Rupendent disuysing with ber ‘advocate a rs al hey! damerd £ 50 Lakhs, She, a adivutt the panties to” ka sel ner The peli im ey after dolatied — Aisusson with 4 hb advocets ¢ “Aspen the —aduize 6 Counsel thon) agreed to re are Gum ff Rs 15 Lakhs eI oot ‘ dA gor an amount of E [Lakhs ay pl _& esti ; Soci her i and aby Both he pask et fae agreed fo Exchange f = gold Jenoelle s CETTLEMENT _PGREEMeENT @) the pebitimer has qoited 4ha peti) for the “eliel of clecree prs dle A The agter Wteiied Aig cus onlin teenenteem Botte the panties hove_agreed for grant gf divorce. @ The_pebitioner Bp ng Sum of Rs Is Lakhs U Nide DD. =f01356 Nm Atak Bank of india, HSR an feos she _fuspedent. Oy ut & ad Beflerment& i) “he Both the _pomties hos agreed _4o_gychan Hheiy Sew olla _baore the wonibke Couat a Ry 15 hakh 4 tnelud child 4 tha Respondent. i i. maintarce 4 the Claims, against Date: / 7 ondent ¢ z U; © the _paxties are fagning ths - [_ Bao] jaqnatuye 5 e Signodt Bris |e Petibmer. 3 Resprodenty Sdj= safe ee

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