Paraliturgy: Good Evening Vincetians!

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Good Evening Vincetians!

Prayer for many people is a stumbling block in life. We pray when we gather as a community for the Eucharist,
for popular communal prayers such as the rosary. But when it comes to our personal experiences of prayer we
are often dissatisfied or too busy. Prayer is also about commitment. In prayer we commit ourselves to God’s
will, knowing that God’s desire for us is our good and the realization of our full potential. Prayer also equalizes
us in a world that is far from fair. We pray for the justice that God’s Kingdom brings. In this Kingdom all
hungers are satisfied, all have their daily bread, all are free to be who they are called to be. Prayer is the
acknowledgement that We have something to do in bringing this desire of God into being.


O God, whose spirit fills the world and holds all things together, we come as children of the earth yet created
for incorruption, as born from our mother’s wombs yet made in the image of eternity. And so we gather here
to this evening looking for the peace that is deeper than night’s stillness. We seek the spirit that never dies,
and which day by day renews the life of the earth. We seek your gift of wisdom; O God, which no darkness or
power of confusion can overcome, and pray that in seeking wisdom we may find it, and in finding it find
friendship with you. Amen.

III. GOSPEL (Gospel for the day)


As we start this evening’s event, let us ask God to guide and sent us His Holy Spirit, the Paraclete, to be present
within each of us. In every petition, let our response be: GRACIOUS GOD, HEAR AND BLESS US.

- For the Church, that we may join together as a family to represent Christ to the world. We pray..
- For our Church leaders, that the Holy Spirit may always guide them as they lead the Catholic Church.
We pray..
- For our faith community, that as brothers and sisters in Christ, we may be united to one another in
faith, hope, and love. We pray..
- For students who feel pulled by the world and their peers to become attached to their possessions,
may they find happiness in the promise of God’s heavenly kingdom. We pray..
- And may tonight’s event become a successful & memorable one, and bear fruit for the Glory of God



Guide us, O God, on the unknown journey ahead. Whether it is through blessing or danger, save us from a
deep forgetfulness that does not remember your guidance in the past and of many before us. Like those who
passed through the waves of the sea and through wasteland and wilderness, guide us too to places of promise
and grant us eyes to see the flame of life that we are to follow. May glimmerings of the imperishable light that
glisten within and around us strengthen our hope in the long awaited day when the goodness of creation and
your angels of light will overcome evil like a mighty tempest winnowing away all wrong. Then, O God, the life
that is rooted in you will stand secure. Amen.

St. Vincent de Paul Pray for us

St. Louise de Marillac Pray for us
St. Catherine Laboure Pray for us
St. Elizabeth of Hungary Pray for us
All Vincentian Saints & Blesseds Pray for us

+ Sign of the Cross

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