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Relevance of R.A. No.

8371 review classes, receiving handout Respondent PRC filed a motion to

materials, tips, or the like three (3) days dismiss on October 21, 1987 on the
An act to recognize, protect and before the date of the examination? ground that the lower court had no
promote the rights of indigenous Theses are the issues presented to the jurisdiction to review and to enjoin the
cultural communities/ indigenous court by this petition for certiorari to enforcement of its resolution. In an
peoples, creating a national commission review the decision of the Court of Order of October 21, 1987, the lower
on indigenous peoples, establishing Appeals promulagated on January 13, court declared that it had jurisdiction to
implementing mechanisms, 1987, in CA-G.R. SP No. 10598, * try the case and enjoined the
appropriating funds therefore, and for declaring null and void the other dated respondent commission from enforcing
other purposes" Ocober 21, 1986 issued by the Regional and giving effect to Resolution No. 105
Also known as: The Indigenous Peoples Trial Court of Manila, Branch 32 in Civil which it found to be
Rights Act of 1997 Case No. 86-37950 entitled " Lupo L. unconstitutional.The Court of Appeals, in
Section 26 contains provisions that ICC/ Lupangco, et al. vs. Professional deciding that the Regional Trial Court of
IP women shall enjoy land rights and Regulation Commission." Manila had no jurisdiction to entertain
opportunities with men in all spheres of the case and to enjoin the enforcement
life. It provides for her participation in The records shows the following of the Resolution No. 105, stated as its
the decision-making process in all levels undisputed facts: basis its conclusion that the Professional
as well, full access to education, Regulation Commission and the Regional
maternal and child care, health, Trial Court are co-equal bodies. Thus it
On or about October 6, 1986, herein
nutrition, housing services and training held —
respondent Professional Regulation
facilities. Commission (PRC) issued Resolution No.
105 as parts of its "Additional That the petitioner Professional
3 Powers of the State Instructions to Examiness," to all those Regulatory Commission is at least a co-
1. Police Power- power of the State applying for admission to take the equal body with the Regional Trial Court
to regulate liberty and property for the licensure examinations in accountancy. is beyond question, and co-equal bodies
promotion of the general welfare. The resolution embodied the following have no power to control each other or
2. Power of Eminent Domain- pertinent provisions: interfere with each other's acts. 3
enables the State to forcibly acquire
private property, upon payment of just No examinee shall attend any review The contention is devoid of merit.
compensation, for some intended public class, briefing, conference or the like
use. conducted by, or shall receive any hand- In order to invoke the exclusive
3. Power of Taxation- the State is out, review material, or any tip from any appellate jurisdiction of the Court of
able to demand from the members of school, college or university, or any Appeals as provided for in Section 9,
society their proportionate share or review center or the like or any paragraph 3 of B.P. Blg. 129, there has to
contribution in the maintenance of the reviewer, lecturer, instructor official or be a final order or ruling which resulted
Government. employee of any of the aforementioned from proceedings wherein the
Due Process - An established course for or similars institutions during the three administrative body involved exercised
judicial proceedings or other days immediately proceeding every its quasi-judicial functions. In Black's Law
governmental activities designed to examination day including examination Dictionary, quasi-judicial is defined as a
safeguard the legal rights of the day. term applied to the action, discretion,
individual. etc., of public administrative officers or
Any examinee violating this instruction bodies required to investigate facts, or
shall be subject to the sanctions ascertain the existence of facts, hold
LUPO L. LUPANGCO, RAYMOND S. hearings, and draw conclusions from
prescribed by Sec. 8, Art. III of the Rules
MANGKAL, NORMAN A. MESINA, them, as a basis for their official action,
and Regulations of the Commission. 1
ALEXANDER R. REGUYAL, JOCELYN P. and to exercise discretion of a judicial
CATAPANG, ENRICO V. REGALADO, nature. To expound thereon, quasi-
JEROME O. ARCEGA, ERNESTOC. BLAS, On October 16, 1986, herein petitioners,
judicial adjudication would mean a
JR., ELPEDIO M. ALMAZAN, KARL all reviewees preparing to take the
determination of rights, privileges and
CAESAR R. RIMANDO, petitioner, licensure examinations in accountancy
duties resulting in a decision or order
vs. schedule on October 25 and November
which applies to a specific situation .
COURT OF APPEALS and PROFESSIONAL 2 of the same year, filed on their own
This does not cover rules and regulations
REGULATION COMMISSION, behalf of all others similarly situated like
of general applicability issued by the
respondent.  them, with the Regional Trial Court of
administrative body to implement its
Manila, Branch XXXII, a complaint for
purely administrative policies and
injuction with a prayer with the issuance
Is the Regional Trial Court of the same functions like Resolution No. 105 which
of a writ of a preliminary injunction
category as the Professional Regulation was adopted by the respondent PRC as a
against respondent PRC to restrain the
Commission so that it cannot pass upon measure to preserve the integrity of
latter from enforcing the above-
the validity of the administrative acts of licensure examinations.
mentioned resolution and to declare the
the latter? Can this Commission lawfully
same unconstitution.
prohibit the examiness from attending
In view of the foregoing, We hold that licensure examinations. They cannot be Needless to say, the enforcement of
the Regional Trial Court has jurisdiction restrained from taking all the lawful Resolution No. 105 is not a guarantee
to entertain Civil Case No. 86-37950 and steps needed to assure the fulfillment of that the alleged leakages in the licensure
enjoin the respondent PRC from their ambition to become public examinations will be eradicated or at
enforcing its resolution. accountants. They have every right to least minimized. Making the examinees
make use of their faculties in attaining suffer by depriving them of legitimate
Although We have finally settled the success in their endeavors. They should means of review or preparation on those
issue of jurisdiction, We find it be allowed to enjoy their freedom to last three precious days-when they
imperative to decide once and for all the acquire useful knowledge that will should be refreshing themselves with all
validity of Resolution No. 105 so as to promote their personal growth. As that they have learned in the review
provide the much awaited relief to those defined in a decision of the United classes and preparing their mental and
who are and will be affected by it. States Supreme Court: psychological make-up for the
examination day itself-would be like
The term "liberty" means more than uprooting the tree to get ride of a rotten
Of course, We realize that the
mere freedom from physical restraint or branch. What is needed to be done by
questioned resolution was adopted for a
the bounds of a prison. It means the respondent is to find out the source
commendable purpose which is "to
freedom to go where one may choose of such leakages and stop it right there.
preserve the integrity and purity of the
and to act in such a manner not If corrupt officials or personnel should
licensure examinations." However, its
inconsistent with the equal rights of be terminated from their loss, then so
good aim cannot be a cloak to conceal
others, as his judgment may dictate for be it. Fixers or swindlers should be
its constitutional infirmities. On its face,
the promotion of his happiness, to flushed out. Strict guidelines to be
it can be readily seen that it is
pursue such callings and vocations as observed by examiners should be set up
unreasonable in that an examinee
may be most suitable to develop his and if violations are committed, then
cannot even attend any review class,
capacities, and give to them their licenses should be suspended or
briefing, conference or the like, or
highest enjoyment. revoked. These are all within the powers
receive any hand-out, review material,
of the respondent commission as
or any tip from any school, college or
provided for in Presidential Decree No.
university, or any review center or the Another evident objection to Resolution
223. But by all means the right and
like or any reviewer, lecturer, instructor, No. 105 is that it violates the academic
freedom of the examinees to avail of all
official or employee of any of the freedom of the schools concerned.
legitimate means to prepare for the
aforementioned or similar institutions. ... Respondent PRC cannot interfere with
examinations should not be curtailed.
the conduct of review that review
The unreasonableness is more obvious schools and centers believe would best
enable their enrolees to meet the In the light of the above, We hereby
in that one who is caught committing
standards required before becoming a REVERSE and SET ASIDE, the decision of
the prohibited acts even without any ill
full fledged public accountant. Unless the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No.
motives will be barred from taking
the means or methods of instruction are 10591 and another judgment is hereby
future examinations conducted by the
clearly found to be inefficient, rendered declaring Resolution No. 105
respondent PRC. Furthermore, it is
impractical, or riddled with corruption, null and void and of no force and effect
inconceivable how the Commission can
review schools and centers may not be for being unconstitutional. This decision
manage to have a watchful eye on each
stopped from helping out their students. is immediately executor. No costs.
and every examinee during the three
days before the examination period. At this juncture, we call attention to Our
pronouncement in Garcia vs. The Joson vs. Torres
Faculty Admission Committee, Loyola
It is an axiom in administrative law that
School of Theology, regarding academic It appearing that respondent failed to
administrative authorities should not act
freedom to wit:
arbitrarily and capriciously in the submit his answer to the complaint
issuance of rules and regulations. To be despite the grant to him of three (3)
valid, such rules and regulations must be ... It would follow then that the school or
extensions, such unreasonable failure is
reasonable and fairly adapted to the end college itself is possessed of such a right.
It decides for itself its aims and deemed a waiver of his right to present
in view. If shown to bear no reasonable
objectives and how best to attain them. evidence in his behalf pursuant to
relation to the purposes for which they
are authorized to be issued, then they It is free from outside coercion or Section 4, Rule 4 of Administrative Order
must be held to be invalid. interference save possibly when the No. 23 dated December 17, 1992, as
overriding public welfare calls for some amended. Respondent is hereby
restraint. It has a wide sphere of declared in default, meanwhile,
Resolution No. 105 is not only
autonomy certainly extending to the
unreasonable and arbitrary, it also complainants are directed to present
choice of students. This constitutional
infringes on the examinees' right to their evidence ex-parte. However,
provision is not to be construed in a
liberty guaranteed by the Constitution. considering the prohibition on the
niggardly manner or in a grudging
Respondent PRC has no authority to
fashion. conduct of administrative investigation
dictate on the reviewees as to how they
due to the forthcoming barangay
should prepare themselves for the
elections, complainants will be notified
on the date after the barangay election fact that the verification of the letter- accorded several rights under the law, to
for them to present their evidence. complaint and the joint affidavit of the wit:
witnesses do not indicate the document, "Sec. 65. Rights of Respondent. -- The
The records show that on August 27, page or book number of the notarial respondent shall be accorded full
1997, petitioner submitted his Answer register of the notary public before opportunity to appear and defend
Ad Cautelam where he disputed the whom they were made.39 We find no himself in person or by counsel, to
truth of the allegations that he barged merit in the contention of the petitioner. confront and cross-examine the
into the session hall of the capitol and The absence of the document, page or witnesses against him, and to require
committed physical violence to harass book number of the notarial register of the attendance of witnesses and the
the private respondents who were the subscribing officer is insufficient to production of documentary evidence in
opposed to any move for the province to prove petitioner's claim. The lack of his favor through compulsory process of
contract a P150 million loan from PNB. these entries may constitute proof of subpoena or subpoena duces tecum
In his Order of October 8, 1997, neglect on the part of the subscribing The provisions for administrative
Undersecretary Sanchez admitted officer in complying with the disciplinary actions against elective local
petitioner's Answer Ad Cautelam but requirements for notarization and officials are markedly different from
treated it as a position paper. On proper verification. They may give appointive officials.87 The rules on the
October 15, 1997, petitioner filed a grounds for the revocation of his notarial removal and suspension of elective local
Motion to Conduct Formal Investigation. commission.40 But they do not officials are more stringent. The
Petitioner reiterated this motion on indubitably prove that the verification procedure of requiring position papers in
October 29, 1997. Petitioner's motion was inserted or intercalated after the lieu of a hearing in administrative cases
was denied on November 11, 1997. letter-complaint was filed with the Office is expressly allowed with respect to
Secretary Barbers found petitioner guilty of the President. appointive officials but not to those
as charged on the basis of the parties' Executive Secretary Torres found that all elected. An elective official, elected by
position papers. On January 8, 1998, the requisites for the imposition of popular vote, is directly responsible to
Executive Secretary Torres adopted preventive suspension had been the community that elected him. The
Secretary Barbers' findings and complied with. Petitioner's failure to file official has a definite term of office fixed
recommendations and imposed on his answer despite several opportunities by law which is relatively of short
petitioner the penalty of six (6) months given him was construed as a waiver of duration. Suspension and removal from
suspension without pay. his right to file answer and present office definitely affects and shortens this
In the instant case, petitioner Joson is an evidence; and as a result of this waiver, term of office. When an elective official
elective official of the province of Nueva the issues were deemed to have been is suspended or removed, the people are
Ecija. The letter-complaint against him joined. The Executive Secretary also deprived of the services of the man they
was therefore properly filed with the found that the evidence of petitioner had elected. Implicit in the right of
Office of the President. According to Joson's guilt was strong and that his suffrage is that the people are entitled to
petitioner, however, the letter- continuance in office during the the services of the elective official of
complaint failed to conform with the pendency of the case could influence the their choice.88 Suspension and removal
formal requirements set by the Code. He witnesses and pose a threat to the safety are thus imposed only after the elective
alleges that the complaint was not and integrity of the evidence against official is accorded his rights and the
verified by private respondents and was him. evidence against him strongly dictates
not supported by the joint affidavit of The rejection of petitioner's right to a their imposition.
the two witnesses named therein; that formal investigation denied him
private respondents later realized these procedural due process. Section 5 of A. John Doe warrant is a warrant for the
defects and surreptitiously inserted the O. No. 23 provides that at the arrest of a person whose name is
verification and sworn statement while preliminary conference, the Investigating unknown. For example, a John Doe
the complaint was still pending with the Authority shall summon the parties to warrant can be issued for arrest of a
Office of the President. 38 To prove his consider whether they desire a formal person known by sight but not by name.
allegations, petitioner submitted: (a) the investigation. This provision does not John Doe warrant can also be used when
sworn statement of private respondent give the Investigating Authority the crime scene evidence yields a DNA
Solita C. Santos attesting to the alleged discretion to determine whether a profile but the individual corresponding
fact that after the letter-complaint was formal investigation would be to the DNA profile is unknown. Instead
filed, Vice-Governor Tinio made her and conducted. The records show that of the suspect's name, the warrant will
the other members of the Sangguniang petitioner filed a motion for formal be filed as "John Doe" and cite the DNA
Panlalawigan sign an additional page investigation. As respondent, he is profile. This type of warrant is permitted
which he had later notarized; and (b) the
in a few states, but not in federal defendant Veloso. Veloso asked description of the person accused as will
practice. Townsend what he wanted, and the enable the officer to identify him when
latter showed him the search warrant. found.
Warrantless searches are searches and Veloso read it and told Townsend that A warrant for the apprehension of a
seizures conducted without search he was Representative Veloso and not person whose true name is unknown, by
warrants. In the United States, John Doe, and that the police had no the name of "John Doe" or "Richard
warrantless searches are restricted right to search the house. Townsend Roe," "whose other or true name in
under the Fourth Amendment to the
answered that Veloso was considered as unknown," is void, without other and
United States Constitution, part of the
Bill of Rights, which provides that "The John Doe. As Veloso's pocket was further descriptions of the person to be
right of the people to be secure...against bulging, as if it contained gambling apprehended, and such warrant will not
unreasonable searches and seizures, utensils, Townsend required Veloso to justify the officer in acting under it. Such
shall not be violated, and no Warrants show him the evidence of the game. a warrant must, in addition, contain the
shall issue, but upon probable cause, About five minutes was consumed in best descriptio personae possible to be
supported by oath or affirmation, and conversation between the policemen obtained of the person or persons to be
particularly describing the place to be
and the accused the policemen insisting apprehended, and this description must
searched, and the persons or things to
be seized." on searching Veloso, and Veloso insisting be sufficient to indicate clearly the
in his refusal to submit to the search. proper person or persons upon whom
PEOPLE VS VELOSO -At last the patience of the officers was the warrant is to be served; and should
48 PHIL. 169 (1925) exhausted. So policeman Rosacker took state his personal appearance and
hold of Veloso only to meet with his peculiarities, give his occupation and
resistance. Veloso bit Rosacker in the place of residence, and any other
-In May, 1923, the building located at
right forearm, and gave him a blow in circumstances by means of which he can
No. 124 Calle Arzobispo, City of Manila,
another part of the body, which injured be identified.
was used by an organization known as
the policeman quite severely. Through In the first place, the affidavit for the
the Parliamentary Club. Jose Ma. Veloso
the combined efforts of Townsend and search warrant and the search warrant
was at that time a member of the House
Rosacker, Veloso was finally laid down itself described the building to be
of Representative of the Philippine
on the floor, and long sheets of paper, of searched as "the building No. 124 Calle
Legislature. He was also the manager of
reglas de monte, cards, cardboards, and Arzobispo, City of Manila, Philippine
the club.
chips were taken from his pockets. Islands." This, without doubt, was a
-The police of Manila had reliable
-All of the persons arrested were sufficient designation of the premises to
information that the so-called
searched and then conducted to the be searched.
Parliamentary Club was nothing more
patrol wagons. Veloso again refused to As the search warrant stated that John
than a gambling house. Indeed, on May
obey and shouted offensive epithets Doe had gambling apparatus in his
19, 1923, J. F. Townsend, the chief of the
against the police department. It was possession in the building occupied by
gambling squad, had been to the club
necessary for the policemen to conduct him at No. 124 Calle Arzobispo, City of
and verified this fact. As a result, on May
him downstairs. At the door, Veloso Manila, and as this John Doe was Jose
25, 1923, Detective Andres Geronimo of
resisted so tenaciously that three Ma. Veloso, the manager of the club, the
the secret service of the City of Manila,
policemen were needed to place him in police could identify John Doe as Jose
applied for, and obtained a search
the patrol wagon. Ma. Veloso without difficulty.
warrant from Judge Garduño of the
Issue: WON the search warrant and the
municipal court. Thus provided, the
arrest of Veloso was valid.
police attempted to raid the
Ruling: Yes.
Parliamentary Club a little after three in
RD: It is provided, among other things, in
the afternoon of the date above-
the Philippine Code on Criminal
mentioned. They found the doors to the
Procedure that “a search warrant shall
premises closed and barred. Accordingly,
not issue except for probable cause and
one band of police including policeman
upon application supported by oath
Rosacker, ascended a telephone pole, so
particularly describing the place to be
as to enter a window of the house.
searched and the person of thing to be
Other policemen, headed by Townsend,
broke in the outer door.
The name and description of the
-Once inside the Parliamentary Club,
accused should be inserted in the body
nearly fifty persons were apprehended
of the warrant and where the name is Freedom of religion is a principle that
by the police. One of them was the
unknown there must be such a supports the freedom of an individual or
community, in public or private, to Culture and Sports (DECS) making the
manifest religion or belief in teaching, flag ceremony compulsory in all
practice, worship, and observance; the educational institutions.
concept is generally recognized also to Jehovah's Witnesses admittedly teach
include the freedom to change religion their children not to salute the flag,
or not to follow any religion.[1] The sing the national anthem, and recite
freedom to leave or discontinue the patriotic pledge for they believe
membership in a religion or religious that those are "acts of worship" or
group —in religious terms called "religious devotion" (p. 10, Rollo) which
"apostasy" —is also a fundamental part they "cannot conscientiously give . . . to
of religious freedom. anyone or anything except God" (p. 8,
Rollo). They feel bound by the Bible's
Freedom of religion is considered by command to "guard ourselves from
many people and nations to be a idols — 1 John 5:21" (p. 9, Rollo). They
fundamental human right.[2][3] Thomas consider the flag as an image or idol
Jefferson said (1807) "among the representing the State (p. 10, Rollo).
inestimable of our blessings, also, is
They think the action of the local
that ...of liberty to worship our Creator
in the way we think most agreeable to authorities in compelling the flag salute
His will; ... In a country with a state and pledge transcends constitutional
religion, freedom of religion is limitations on the State's power and
generally considered to mean that the invades the sphere of the intellect and
government permits religious practices spirit which the Constitution protect
of other sects besides the state against official control (p. 10, Rollo).
religion, and does not persecute
Moreover, the expulsion of members
believers in other faiths. For a current
overview, see section Contemporary of Jehovah's Witnesses from the
situation of religious freedom in the schools where they are enrolled will
world. violate their right as Philippine citizens,
under the 1987 Constitution, to receive
Ebralinag v. Division Superintendent free education, for it is the duty of the
of Schools of Cebu State to "protect and promote the right
of all citizens to quality education . . .
These two special civil actions for and to make such education accessible
certiorari, Mandamus and Prohibition to all (Sec. 1, Art. XIV).
were consolidated because they raise Although the Court upholds in this
essentially the same issue: whether decision the petitioners' right under
school children who are members or a our Constitution to refuse to salute the
religious sect known as Jehovah's Philippine flag on account of their
Witnesses may be expelled from school religious beliefs, we hope,
(both public and private), for refusing, nevertheless, that another foreign
on account of their religious beliefs, to invasion of our country will not be
take part in the flag ceremony which necessary in order for our countrymen
includes playing (by a band) or singing to appreciate and cherish the
the Philippine national anthem, Philippine flag.
saluting the Philippine flag and reciting WHEREFORE, the petition for certiorari
the patriotic pledge. and prohibition is GRANTED. The
All the petitioners in these two cases expulsion orders issued by the public
were expelled from their classes by the respondents against the petitioners are
public school authorities in Cebu for hereby ANNULLED AND SET ASIDE. The
refusing to salute the flag, sing the temporary restraining order which was
national anthem and recite the issued by this Court is hereby made
patriotic pledge as required by Republic permanent.
Act No. 1265 of July 11, 1955, and by
Department Order No. 8 dated July 21,
1955 of the Department of Education,

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