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BE it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Telangana in the

Sixty Eighth Year of the Republic of India as follows:

Short title, 1. (1) This Act may be called the Telangana Heritage
extent and (Protection, Preservation, Conservation and Maintenance) Act,
commencement 2017.

(2) It extends to the whole of the State of Telangana.

(3) It shall come into force on such 'date as the State

Government may, by notification in the Telangana Gazette,

Definitions 2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,—

a) „Tangible Heritage‟ means as dealt with in section 3;

b) „Intangible Heritage‟ means as dealt with in section 3;

c) „Committee‟ means Telangana State Heritage Authority,

GHMC / HMDA Committee and the District Level Committees
constitute under sections 6, 8 and 9 respectively;

d) „Protected area‟ means any heritage site and the remains

declared as protected area by or under this Act;

e) „Protected heritage‟ means, the tangible or intangible

heritage declared to be a protected heritage by or under this Act;

f) “Conservation‟ means the process involved in the

preservation of a Heritage structure building / site / precincts in
order to retain its historical, architectural, environmental or
cultural significance including the maintenance and according to
necessity preservation, restoration or reconstruction or a
combination of more than one of the above;

g) „Preservation‟ means the maintenance necessary in order

to maintain the Heritage structure building / site / precincts in its
present state so as to prevent and retard any further deterioration
from its present state;

h) prescribed' means prescribed by rules made under this

i) „Restoration‟ includes the means necessary to return the
heritage structure building / site / precinct to its earlier state as
might have existed prior to change occurred by way of demolition,
removal, addition etc. as a result of the removal of accretions or
reassembling the existing components or by the sensitive
introduction of compatible materials;

j) „Maintenance‟ with its grammatical variations and cognate

expressions, includes the fencing, covering in, repairing, restoring,
(landscaping and housekeeping) and cleansing of a protected
heritage, and the doing of any act which may be necessary for the
purpose of preserving a protected heritage or for securing
convenient access thereto;
k) „Director‟ means the Director, Heritage Telangana and
includes any officer authorised by the Government to perform the
duties of the Director;

l) „Government‟ means the State Government of Telangana

m) „Notification‟ means, the notification published in the

Telangana Gazette and the word notified shall be construed

n) „Owner‟ includes—

(i) a joint owner invested with powers of management

on behalf of himself and other joint owners and the
successor-in-title of any such owner; and
(ii) any manager or trustee exercising powers of
management and the successor-in-office of any
such manager or trustee;
o) HeritageOfficer, means an officer of the Department of
Heritage of the Government not lower in rank than Assistant
Director of the department.

p) ‘Competent Authority’ means the Urban Development

Authority/ Urban Local Body / Rural Local Body / any other
authority which has the power to sanction building permission
under the existing laws on mentioned in section 7 (iii) and Director
Archaeology as the case may be.

q) ‘Heritage Building’ means and includes any building of

one or more premises or any part thereof and/or structure and/or
artifact which requires conservation and/or preservation for
historical and/or architectural and/or artisanary and/or aesthetic
and/or cultural and/or environmental and/or ecological purpose
and includes such portion of land adjoining such building or part
thereof as may be required for fencing or covering or in any
manner preserving the historical and/or architectural and/or
aesthetic and/or cultural value of such building including rock

r) ‘Heritage Precincts’ means and includes any space that

requires conservation and/or preservation for historical and/or
architectural and/or aesthetic and/or cultural and/or
environmental and/or ecological purpose. Walls or other
boundaries of a particular area or place or building or may enclose
such space by an imaginary line drawn around it;
3. For the purposes of this Act, the Heritage of Telangana, shall
Heritage of be-
Telangana (1) (a) The tangible Heritage consists which includes,-

(i) Natural heritage which includes the features

consisting of physical and geological formations or
groups of such formations which are of
outstanding universal value;

(ii) Natural site / areas of outstanding universal

value from the point of view of history, art, or
natural beauty, precisely delineated from natural
(b) Built Heritage which includes,-

(i) Monuments of architectural works, works with

monumental sculpture, and painting, elements or
structures of an archaeological nature, inscriptions,
cave dwellings and combinations of features, which
are of outstanding value for the Heritage of Telangana
from the point of view of history, art of science;

(ii) Groups of separate or connected buildings which,

because of their architecture, their homogeneity or
their place in the landscape of outstanding value for
the Heritage of Telangana;

(iii) Vernacular heritage i.e. traditional, natural and

historical way by which the communities or
individuals shelter themselves over a period of time, in

(iv) Heritage sites i.e., the works of man or the combined

works of nature and man and areas including
archaeological sites which are of outstanding value for
the Heritage of Telangana from the historical aesthetic,
ethnological or anthropological point of view;

(c) Movable Heritage Antiquities which includes,-

(i) antiquities such as any coin, sculpture, manuscript,

maps, epigraph or other work of art of craftsmanship,
or any such object;
(ii) any article, object or thing detached from a building,
cave, murals, fossils, geological and geomorphic
(iii) any article, object or thing illustrative of science, art,
crafts, film, photography, documents, literature,
religion, customs etc.;
(iv) any article, object or machinery equipment recordings
or things that having heritage value as may be notified
by the Government to be an antiquity for the purposes
of this Act.

(2) Intangible cultural heritage which includes practices,

representations, expressions, as well as the knowledge and skills
(including instruments, objects, artifacts, cultural spaces etc.) that
communities, groups and in some cases, individuals recognize as
part of their cultural heritage which at times is known as living
cultural heritage, and is manifested inter alia in the following

(i) Oral traditions and expressions, including language

as a vehicle of the intangible cultural heritage;
(ii) Performing arts;
(iii) Social practices, rituals and festive events;
(iv) Knowledge and practices concerning nature and the
(v) Traditional craftsmanship.
4. All ancient, monuments and all archeological sites and
Deemed remains which have been declared by the 'Ancient Monuments
heritages of Preservation Act, 1904 (Central Act 7 of 1904), or the 'Hyderabad
Telangana Ancient Monuments Preservation Act (Hyderabad Act VIII of 1337
F.), or declared by the Telangana Ancient and Historical
Monuments and Archeological Sites and Remains Act, 1960 (AP
Act VII of 1960) to be protected monuments or as the case may be
protected area but which have not been declared by or under law
made by Parliament to be of national importance, shall be deemed
to be tangible heritages of Telangana for the purposes of this Act in
the State of Telangana, as included in Schedule I (Annexure 1) for
purpose management under this Act.
Preparation of 5. (1) The Government may, either suomotu or on the
Inventory of recommendation of the Director, for the purposes of identifying the
tangible heritage of Telangana and for other specific purposes,
constitute as many Expert Committees as possible consisting of
such Members along with the criteria in the manner prescribed.

(2) If in the opinion of the Government that any Tangible and

Intangible Heritage which have not been included in Schedule II,
require protection under this Act or otherwise they may, on the
recommendations of Telangana State Heritage Authority (TSHA)
supplement, alter, modify the inventory and include or delete any
entry from the Schedule II from time to time

Provided that the objections and suggestions from the public

be invited and duly considered before amending the Schedule II.
Constitution of 6. (1) As soon as may be, after the date of commencement of
Telangana this Act, the Government may, by notification constitute a State
State Heritage Level Authority to be known as Telangana State Heritage Authority
Authority (TSHA). The Authority shall consist of the following members.

i) Chief Secretary as Chairman,

ii) Secretaries of Tourism & Culture, MA&UD, Education and
Finance as members and
iii) Director, Archaeology and Museums (hereafter Director,
Heritage Telangana) as Member Convenor at the State level.
iv) Further two experts from Archeology, Heritage, History
background will be co-opted.

(2) The members appointed under item (iv) of subsection (1)

shall hold office for a period of 3 years from the date on which their
appointment is notified and shall be eligible of reappointment on
such conditions as may be prescribed.
7. Subject to provisions of this Act the functions of State Heritage
Powers and
and Precincts Committee shall be:-
functions of the
TSHA i) To finalize the list of heritage buildings and precincts to be
notified as Heritage Buildings and Heritage Precincts under
Schedule II and recommend the same to the Government
for notification;
ii) To recommend to the competent authority whether
development permission should be granted to the Heritage
iii) To recommend to the competent authority whether any
development right certificate may be allowed to be
consumed in a heritage precinct;
iv) To recommend to the competent authority to evaluate the
cost of repairs to be given to the owners to bring the
existing building to the original shape;
v) To approve special designs and guidelines for-notified
buildings and control of height and essential facade
characteristics such as maintenance of special type of
balconies and other heritage items of the buildings and
suggest suitable designs and adopting new materials for
replacements keeping the old form intact to the extent
vi) To frame special rules for Heritage Buildings and Heritage
Precincts and to advise the Government regarding the
vii) To advise the Government on any other issues as may be
required from time to time during course of scrutiny and in
overall interest of heritage conservation and preservation.
viii) To consider the amendments in Central law and
regulations brought out by the Central Government from
time to time and recommend for suitable adaption in the
state of Telangana.
ix) To advise the Government regarding any other issues
regarding Heritage management in Telangana.
8.(1) As soon as may be, after the date of commencement of this
Constitution of
Act. The Government may, by notification, constitute a District
Level Committee to be known as “District Heritage and Precincts
Committee Committee” for each District (except GHMC area) which shall
consist of the following members.

i) District Collector as Chair Person,

ii) Superintendent of Police, Joint Collector, District Forest
Officer, District Education Officer,Officer who is looking after
Tourism and District Town and Country Planning Officer as
members and
iii) Assistant Director, Archaeology as Member Convenor at
District level.
iv) Further two experts from Archeology, Heritage, History
background will be co-opted.

(2) The members appointed under item (iv) of subsection (1) shall
hold office for a period of 3 years from the date on which their
appointment is notified and shall be eligible of reappointment on
such conditions as may be prescribed.
Constitution of 9. (1) As soon as may be, after the date of commencement of this
Greater Act, the Government may constitute Greater Hyderabad Heritage
and Precincts Committee (GHHC) for the GHMC / HMDA area and
the Committee shall consist of the following members:
Committee i) Commissioner GHMC / HMDA as Chairman and
ii) Commissioner of Police
iii) Metropolitan Commissioner HMDA,
iv) Commissioner / Director Tourism or Head of the City
Tourism Promotion Board as the case may be
v) Collectors Hyderabad/Rangareddy/Medchal and any other
District Collectors required,
vii) Conservator of Forests, Hyderabad as members and
viii) Deputy Director, Archaeology and Museums as Member
ix) Further two experts from Archeology, Heritage, History
background will be co-opted.

(2) The members appointed under item (ix) of subsection (1) shall
hold office for a period of 3 years from the date on which their
appointment is notified and shall be eligible of reappointment on
such conditions as may be prescribed.
10. i) To identify the heritage buildings and precincts which need
Functions &
to be notified as Heritage Buildings and Heritage Precincts
Powers of
and recommend the same to the Telangana State Heritage
Authority for inclusion in Schedule II;
ii) To recommend to the Telangana State Heritage Authority
Committee &
whether development permission should be granted to the
Heritage Buildings;
iii) To recommend to the Telangana State Heritage Authority
whether development right certificate may be allowed to be
consumed in a heritage precinct;
iv) To evaluate the cost of repairs to be given to the owners to
bring the existing building to the original shape.
v) To approve special designs and guidelines for notified
buildings and control of height and essential facade
characteristics such as maintenance of special type of
balconies and other heritage items of the buildings and
suggest suitable designs and adopting new materials for
replacements keeping the old form intact to the extent
vi) To frame special regulations for Heritage Buildings and
Heritage Precincts and furnish the same to Telangana State
Heritage Authority for approval;
vii) To advise the Telangana State Heritage Authority on any
other issues as may be required from time to time during
course of scrutiny and in overall interest of heritage
viii) To take appropriate action to protect Heritage Properties
11. (1) The Government shall formulate policies, issue guidelines
Policies and
regulations, prohibitory orders etc., as deemed fit from time to time
for the identification, classification, promotion, conservation,
maintenance etc. of the Heritage of Telangana.

(2) The Government shall formulate policies, issue guidelines

for the purpose of compensating and incentivizing individuals,
institutions, local bodies for the preservation and promotion of
Heritage of Telangana.

(3) The policies formulated and the orders issued the above
under sub-sections in connection with the protection, preservation,
conservation and maintenance of the heritage of Telangana shall
be binding on all local bodies, municipalities, urban development
authorities, and any other authorities including the individuals

(4) The Director shall ensure that the above policies and
guidelines are implemented by the concerned.
Maintenance of 12. (1) In respect of the properties included in Schedules, and
heritages belonging to the Government, they may, maintain

(a) either by themselves through the Director and its

institutions; or

(b) authorize the local bodies / municipalities / urban

development authorities to

(c) allow the private owners of the property concerned /

Corporations / NGOs / trusts and other legal bodies,
with their funds; in such manner as may be prescribed

(2) In respect of the properties included in Schedules, but

not belonging to the Government, the Government may authorize
the owners / private persons with their own funds by providing
such incentives and concessions, as may be prescribed.

(3) The maintenance of all the said properties shall be under

the supervision of the Director.
Director, 13. (1) The Director, Heritage Telangana will be the sole
powers and custodian of heritage properties owned by the State and included
functions in the schedules.

(2) The Director, with the sanction of the Government shall,-

(a) Identify a structure to conserve, restore, repair and

maintain and inventories;

(b) Implement the policies formulated by Telangana State

Heritage Authority wherever directed

(c) Form committees to recommend panel of names to

constitute Expert Committees for specific purposes;

(d) Purchase, or take lease of or accept a gift or bequest of

any of the cultural heritage structure as included in
the Act.

(e) Where there is no owner for a heritage structure the

Director may by notification in the Telangana Gazette
to assume the guardianship of the monument.

(f) Propose to the owner to enter into agreement with the

Government to classify the Tangible Heritage and
Natural heritage as per its importance

(g) develop the re-adoptive usage policy of a heritage


(3) Director may:

(a) Conserve, restore, repair, maintain and inventorise

heritage structure.

(b) Issue directions for explorations, and surveys,

(c) formulate specific guidelines for monuments for the

purpose of conservation.
(d) Accept or voluntary contributions towards Heritage
Telangana Heritage Fund for the conservation,
restoration, repairs, maintains and other development
activities of a heritage structure.
(e) enter into agreement with Universities, Trusts, Firms,
Corporate and specified institution’s for the purpose of
capacity building, Conservation and Restoration.
(f) may affiliate with Universities, Research/scientific
Institutions or other reputed institutions for the
purpose of research, publication etc.

Establishment 14. The Government may take consistent efforts to disseminate

of Museums information about museum materials by way of exhibitions,
documentation and creating required public importance, by
providing adequate access for visitors with special needs and may
enable their inclusion in museum services.
Definitions 15. For the purposes of this Act,-

a) „Museum‟means a non-profit making, permanent

institution in the service of society and of its development,
and open to the public, which acquires, conserves,
volarizes researches, communicates and exhibits, for
purposes of study, education and enjoyment, material
evidence of people and their environment.

b) “Public Museum”is the one established and owned by the


c) “Private Museum”is one established and owned by

individuals or legal persons.

d) “Museum Material”means all kinds of items which are

collected, described and presented as a part of cultural
and natural heritage.

e) “Museum Items”means a heritage item which is expertly

and scientifically treated, classified by museum categories
and stored in a museum.

f) “Museum collection”means a basic form of organization of

museum items in a museum;

g) “Museum documentation”means a form of an expert and

scientific description of a museum item, made for the
purpose of its identification, origin determination,
valorization and presentation;

h) “Information system”means the electronic processing of

museum documentation into a database for internal as
well as restricted public access;

i) “Revision”means an expert verification of existence,

condition, protection degree and conditions of keeping of
museum materials and museum documentation.

j) Verification of origin: means determining historical and

geological background of an item from its discovery or of
date of creation.
16. The Government shall,-
of museums i. from time to time formulate policies, issue guidelines
regulations, prohibitory orders etc., as deemed fit for the
establishment, maintenance, conservation of museums
and also for the exchange, loan, movement of museum

ii. formulate policies, issue guidelines for the purpose of

compensating and incentivizing individuals, institutions,
local bodies and other legal persons for establishment and
maintenance of private museum which will have positive
impact on the heritage of Telangana.

iii. verify regularly the functioning of all museums in


iv. reserve the rights for termination of permission granted

for a museum based on such verification.

v. insure museum collection based on the artistic, historical,

antique, monetary values etc., in the manner prescribed.

vi. issue orders for the production of museum replica hold

exclusive rights.
Powers and 17. The Director shall
functions of (i) depending upon the museum collection decide to establish
the Director a museum.

(ii) to hold both permanent and occasional exhibitions

nationally and internationally after following due
procedures. Catalogues for all such exhibitions shall be

(iii) take museum material out of the country on temporary

basis for conservation, restoration and exhibition.

(iv) Avail/hire the services of Museums, research institutions,

private collectors, experts in the field of museology,
exhibits, museum conservation etc. in carrying out clause
(i) and (ii) mentioned.

(v) make claim for the museum material that was illegally
taken out in accordance with appropriate acts.

(vi) may exchange museum material with other museums after

due consultations with experts and assessing the artistic,
historical, antique, monetary values etc. of such museum
material which is proposed for exchange and proposed to
be received in exchange.

(vii) make replicas of museum items at a scale different from

that offer museum item for sale or other economic use.

(viii) make documentation and periodic revision of museum

collection and can avail the services of other museums and
experts in this field.

(ix) write off a destroyed museum item based on expert advice.

(x) accept voluntary contributions towards establishment and

maintenance of museums and publication of museum

(xi) can enter into agreement with universities, funds, trusts,

firms, corporate and scientific institutions for the
establishment, maintenance research, curating and
publishing museum material.
Excavations 18. (1) Subject to the provisions of Section 24 of Ancient
Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act 1958
(Central Act 24 of 1958), the Director may, after examination of the
historic and scientific and archaeological evidences as may be
prescribed identify or cause to identify the sites in the State other
than the ones protected by the Central Government, for
undertaking the excavation operations.

(2) The excavation may be carried out by the Director, in the

manner prescribed, through;

(a) Officers of the Government, in Heritage Department;

(b) through Universities, Research and other Institutions

dealing with heritage

(3) All excavations undertaken in the State shall be under

the overall supervision of the Director

(4) The Director would be the custodian of all the antiquities

found out of such excavation, including the place of its storage and

(5) In case of any excavation undertaken in a private land

the land may be acquired in the manner prescribed.

(6) Even excavation finding shall be recorded and published

in the manner prescribed.
Telangana 19. There shall be a general fund known as Telangana Heritage
Fund to which shall be credited,-
Heritage Fund
(a) contributions and donations from Corporation, or grants
from other sources;

(b) donations received from other sources.

20. (1) Any person who willfully destroys, removes, alters,
Penalties defaces or misuses any heritage property or does any act, or abets
in the commission thereof, in contravention of any provision under
this Act, or the rules or the regulations made thereunder, shall be
punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to
three years and also with fine which may extend to fifty thousand
rupees and, in default, with further imprisonment for six months.

(2) Any Court convicting any person under this section shall,
by order, direct such person to restore the heritage property to its
former shape and beauty at his cost, and any failure to comply
with such order shall be deemed to be a continuing offence and
such person shall be punishable with an additional fine of rupees
two hundred and fifty for every day during which such
contravention or failure continues after conviction from the date of
such contravention.

(3) Where an offence under this section has been committed

by a company, the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 shall
apply to such company.

Power to 21. If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions of this
remove Act, the Government may, by notification, remove difficulties, by
difficulties order, not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, but which
appear to them to be necessary or expedient to remove such
Power to make 22. (1) The State Government may, by notification, make rules
rules for carrying out the purposes of this Act.

(2) Every rule made under this Act shall, immediately after
it is made, be laid before the Legislature of the State, if it is in
session and if it is not in session, in the session immediately
following for a total period of fourteen days which may be
comprised in one session or in two successive sessions and if,
before the expiration of the session in which it is so
laid or the session immediately following the Legislature agrees in
making any modification in the rule or in the annulment of the
rule, the rule shall, from the date on which the modification or
annulment is notified, have effect only in such modified form
or shall stand annulled as the case may be so, however, that any
such modification or annulment shall be without prejudice to the
validity of anything previously done under that rule.
Protected Under Act No. 22 of 2017 Telangana Heritage (Protection, Preservation, Conservation and Maintenance) Act, 2017.
Schedule -I Protected Monuments
S.No Name of the Monument Village Mandal Period Area of Remarks
Category-I (Pre-Proto Protected Monuments) – 7
1 Neolithic Implements Pochera Water Boath 25 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Falls Nizams Govt.
2 Neolithic Implements Dhorur Boath 25 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
3 Neolithic Implements Islapur Boath 25 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
4 Stone circle Guraj Boath 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
5 Neolithic Implements Kuntala Neradigonda 25 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
6 Neolithic Implements Narsapur Ichoda 25 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
7 Cairns & menhir Gudihatnur Gudihatnur 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
Category-II (Pre-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – Nil
Category-III (Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 1
1 Mahadev temple Sadalpur Bela 11 - 12 CAD Sy. No. 25. G.O. Rt. No. 1458, Edn (CE I),
Ext. 2.25 Ac. Dept., dt: 29-09-1997.
Category-IV (Post-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 6
1 Hemedpanti Temple (Siva Utnur Utnur 16-17th CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
temple) Nizams Govt.
2 Fort & Idgah Utnur Utnur 17th CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
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S.No Name of the Monument Village Mandal Period Area of Remarks
3 Vaishnavite Temple (Lakshmi Jainath Jainath 17th CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
Narayana Temple) Nizams Govt.
4 Papahareswara temple Kadli Bazarhatnoor 17th CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
5 Siva temple Gudihatnur Gudihatnur 17th CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
6 Mosque Adilabad Adilabad (U) 16th CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
Category-V (Natural Protected Monuments) – Nil
Category-VI (Miscellaneous (Sculptures, Inscriptions, Pillars) – Nil
Total Number of Monuments in Adilabad District – (7+1+6 =14)

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Protected Under Act No. 22 of 2017 Telangana Heritage (Protection, Preservation, Conservation and Maintenance) Act, 2017.
Schedule -I Protected Monuments
S.No Name of the Monument Village Mandal Period Area of Remarks
Category-I (Pre-Proto Protected Monuments) – Nil

Category-II (Pre-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 1

1 Sy. No. 31/1, 6, G.O. Rt. No. 2126, Edn (A&M-2)

Gandhari Kota Timmapur Mandamarri 9 – 10 CAD 7, 8 & 9, Dept., dt: 18-11-2011,
3 Kms area.
Category-III (Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 1

1 Protected during the H.E.H the

Fortifications (Hindu) Luxettipet Luxettipet 13 – 14 CAD
Nizams Govt.

Category-IV (Post-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – Nil

Category-V (Natural Protected Monuments) – Nil

Category-VI (Miscellaneous (Sculptures, Inscriptions, Pillars) – Nil

Total Number of Monuments - (1+1 = 2)

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Protected Under Act No. 22 of 2017 Telangana Heritage (Protection, Preservation, Conservation and Maintenance) Act, 2017.
Schedule -I Protected Monuments
S.No Name of the Monument Village Mandal Period Area of Remarks
Category-I (Pre-Proto Protected Monuments) – 5
1 Neolithic Implements Pangri Bhainsa 25 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
2 Stone circle Sirala - Bhainsa 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Dahegaon Nizams Govt.
3 Neolithic Implements Soan Soan 25 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
4 Stone Circle Soan Soan 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
5 Neolithic Implements Khanapur Khanapur 25 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.

Category-II (Pre-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 1

1 Ancient Mound with two pairs Bhainsa Bhainsa 3 CAD Sy. No. 134/1. G.O. Rt. No. 82, Edn (CE I),
of carved feet Ext. 0.16 Ac. Dept., dt: 27-01-1995.

Category-III (Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 2

1 Saraswathi temple Basar Basar 13 – 14 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
2 Mahadev temple Nirmal Nirmal 13 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.

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S.No Name of the Monument Village Mandal Period Area of Remarks
Category-IV (Post-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 7

1 Idgah & Muslim Daraghas Bhainsa Bhainsa 17 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
2 Gopaliji’s temple & other Bhainsa Bhainsa 18 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
temple, Inscriptions on the tank Nizams Govt.
3 Fort (Saman gadh) Soan Soan 17 – 18 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
4 Fort (Soan gadh) Soan Soan 17 – 18 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
5 Jami Masjid (Late Qutubshahi Nirmal Nirmal 17 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
Style) Nizams Govt.
6 Saradmahal (Part of Nirmal Nirmal Nirmal 17 – 18 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
fort) Ibrahim Bagh (gardens, Nizams Govt.
fountains and buildings)
7 Fortifications Nirmal Nirmal 18 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
Category-V (Natural Protected Monuments) – Nil

Category-VI (Miscellaneous (Sculptures, Inscriptions, Pillars) – Nil

Total Number of Monuments - (5+1+2+7 = 15)

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Protected Under Act No. 22 of 2017 Telangana Heritage (Protection, Preservation, Conservation and Maintenance) Act, 2017.
Schedule -I Protected Monuments
S.No Name of the Monument Village Mandal Period Area of Remarks
Category-I (Pre-Proto Protected Monuments) – 1
1 Neolithic Implements Pareshwar Asifabad 25 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
Category-II (Pre-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – Nil
Category-III (Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – Nil
Category-IV (Post-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 3
1 Siva temple Wankidi Wankidi 14 – 16 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
2 Siva temple Asifabad Asifabad 16 – 17 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
3 Vaishnavite temple Gangapur Chintalamanepally 15 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
Category-V (Natural Protected Monuments) -2
1 Wood fossils Asifabad Asifabad 30 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
(in the fields due west of the
Military Quarters)
2 Fossils Sirpur Sirpur-T 30 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
Category-VI (Miscellaneous (Sculptures, Inscriptions, Pillars) – Nil
Total Number of Monuments – (1+3+2 = 6)

Page 6 of 52
Protected Under Act No. 22 of 2017 Telangana Heritage (Protection, Preservation, Conservation and Maintenance) Act, 2017.
Schedule -I Protected Monuments
S.No Name of the Monument Village Mandal Period Area of protection Remarks
Category-I (Pre-Proto Protected Monuments) – 4
1 Stone circle Utoor Manakondur 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
2 Megalithic Burials Molangur Shankarapatnam 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
3 Megalithic Burials Singapur Huzurabad 10 CBC Sy. No. 600-606. Protected during the H.E.H the
Ext. Nil. Nizams Govt.
4 Megalithic Burials Bijigirisharif Jammikunta 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
Category-II (Pre-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 0
Category-III (Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 5
1 Fort Jammikunta Jammikunta Protected during the H.E.H the
12 – 13 CAD
Nizams Govt.
2 Group of temples (Siva) Nagunur Karimnagar (R) Protected during the H.E.H the
13 CAD Nizams Govt. (A group of 6
old Kakatiyan temples)
3 Trikuta temple Kothapalli Kothapally Protected during the H.E.H the
13 CAD
Nizams Govt.
4 Siva temples (Ruined Godisala V.Saidapur Protected during the H.E.H the
13 CAD
Kakatiya temples (Upparapalli) Nizams Govt.
5 Siva temple & inscriptions Bornapalle Huzurabad Protected during the H.E.H the
13 – 14 CAD
Nizams Govt.

Page 7 of 52
S.No Name of the Monument Village Mandal Period Area of protection Remarks
Category-IV (Post-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 3
1 Malang Shah’s dargah Molangur Shenkarapatnam 18 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
2 Hill Fort Molangur Shenkarapatnam 16 – 17 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
3 Fort, Masjid & Idgah Elgandal Kothapally 17 CAD Sy.No. Fort-1314, Protected during the H.E.H the
Masjid-1314/4. Nizams Govt.
Ext. Fort 39.09 Ac,
Masjid 1.42 Ac.
Category-V (Natural Protected Monuments) – Nil

Category-VI (Miscellaneous (Sculptures, Inscriptions, Pillars) – 1

1 Bommalammagutta Kurikial Gangadhara 11 CAD Sy. No. 115 (BR) G.O. Ms. No. 13, YAT&C
(with inscription) Ext. 49.10 Ac. (PMU) Dept., dt: 11-01-2011.
Total Number of Monuments - (4+5+3+1)=13

Page 8 of 52
Protected Under Act No. 22 of 2017 Telangana Heritage (Protection, Preservation, Conservation and Maintenance) Act, 2017.
Schedule -I Protected Monuments
S.No Name of the Monument Village Mandal Period Area of Remarks
Category-I (Pre-Proto Protected Monuments) – 1
1 Megalithic Burials Vasthapur Raikal 10 CBC Sy. No. 106/1. Protected during the H.E.H the
Ext. 2.32 Ac. Nizams Govt.
Category-II (Pre-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 1
1 Ancient fort Kotilingala Velgatoor 2 CBC -
h/o Mukkatraopet
Category-III (Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 2
1 Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy Dharmapuri Dharmapuri Sy. No. Abadi G.O. Rt. No. 487, Edn.,
temple (A&M-3) Dept., dt: 15-04-
11 CAD
H.O. File No. H1/2666/1982.
2 Kesavardhana Panchamukha Raikal Raikal Sy. No. 1. G.O. Rt. No. 548, Edn., Dept.,
Lingeswara temple (Trikuta) 13 CAD Ext. 0.30 Ac. dt: 15-04-1995.
H.O. File No. H1/296/1989.
Category-IV (Post-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 1
1 Fort & Mosque (Built for Jagitial Jagitial 17 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
Zafaruddin by French Nizams Govt.
Category-V (Natural Protected Monuments) –Nil
Category-VI (Miscellaneous (Sculptures, Inscriptions, Pillars) –Nil
Total Number of Monuments – (1+1+2+1)=5

Page 9 of 52
Protected Under Act No. 22 of 2017 Telangana Heritage (Protection, Preservation, Conservation and Maintenance) Act, 2017.
Schedule -I Protected Monuments
S.No Name of the Monument Village Mandal Period Area of Remarks
Category-I (Pre-Proto Protected Monuments) – Nil
Category-II (Pre-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 2
1 Early Historic Site Peddabonkur Peddapalli 2 CAD -
2 a) Buddhist Stupa Vadkapur Julapalli 2 CBC 1 (a) Stupa

b) Early Historic Site Doolikatta Eligaid 2 CBC 1 (b) Fortifications and etc.
Category-III (Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 8
1 Sileshvaragudi (Sage Gautama Manthani Manthani Protected during the H.E.H the
performed meditation at this 13 – 16 CAD Nizams Govt.
2 Siva temple Manthani Manthani Protected during the H.E.H the
13 CAD
Nizams Govt.
3 Mahalakshmi temple Manthani Manthani 13 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
4 Onkalisvara temple Manthani Manthani 13 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
5 Lakshminarayana temple Manthani Manthani 13 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
6 Gauthameswara temple (on the Manthani Manthani 13 CAD Sy. No. 147. Protected during the H.E.H the
left bank of river Godavari) Ext. Nil. Nizams Govt.
7 Siva Trikuta temple Jangoan Ramagundam Protected during the H.E.H the
13 CAD
(Addagunta) Nizams Govt.
8 Siva temple (Temple built of Gudimettapally Sultanabad Protected during the H.E.H the
13 CAD
roughly dressed stone) (Kundagal) Nizams Govt.
Page 10 of 52
S.No Name of the Monument Village Mandal Period Area of Remarks
Category-IV (Post-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 3
1 Sri Vasavi Andal Ranganatha Dharmabad Peddapalli 17 – 18 CAD Sy. No. 427 & G.O. Ms. No.134, YAT&C
Swamy Temple 428. (PMU) Dept.,
Ext. 0.15 Ac & dt: 22-11-2011.
1.01 Ac. H.O. File No. H3/36/2010.
2 Temples & Sculptures Peddampet Srirampur 17 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
3 Ramagir fort (Built during Begumpet Ramagiri 15 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
kakatiya regime) (H.Qrts at Nizams Govt.
Category-V (Natural Protected Monuments) – Nil
Category-VI (Miscellaneous (Sculptures, Inscriptions, Pillars) – Nil
Total Number of Monuments – (2+8+3) = 13

Page 11 of 52
Protected Under Act No. 22 of 2017 Telangana Heritage (Protection, Preservation, Conservation and Maintenance) Act, 2017.
Schedule -I Protected Monuments
S.No Name of the Monument Village Mandal Period Area of Remarks
Category-I (Pre-Proto Protected Monuments) – Nil
Category-II (Pre-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – Nil
Category-III (Kakatiya Protected Monuments) - 3
1 Ananthagiri fort (Hindu Fort) Ananthagiri Ellanthakunta Protected during the H.E.H the
12 – 14 CAD
Nizams Govt.
2 Siva temple Anapuram Vemulawada Protected during the H.E.H the
13 CAD
(R) Nizams Govt.
3 Siva Temple (Trikuta temple Vilasagar Boinpalli Gramakantam, G.O. Rt.No.1772, Edn.,
belongs to Kakatiyan period) 0-07. (A&M-2) Dept., dt: 21-10-
13 CAD
H.O. File No. H1/610/1985.
Category-IV (Post-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 3
1 Two temples Sircilla Sircilla 15 – 17 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
2 Temples & Inscriptions Vemulawada Vemulawada 15 – 17 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
a). Rajarajeswara. Nizams Govt.
b). Beddegeswra or
c). Aadhityagriha
d). Nageswara.
3 Dargah of Bagsawar Vemulawada Vemulawada 17 – 18 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
(Respected by both Hindu & Nizams Govt.
Category-V (Natural Protected Monuments) -Nil-
Category-VI (Miscellaneous (Sculptures, Inscriptions, Pillars) -Nil-
Total Number of Monuments – (3+3) = 6
Page 12 of 52
Protected Under Act No. 22 of 2017 Telangana Heritage (Protection, Preservation, Conservation and Maintenance) Act, 2017.
Schedule -I Protected Monuments
S.No Name of the Monument Village Mandal Period Area of protection Remarks
Category-I (Pre-Proto Protected Monuments) - 1
1 Megalithic Burials Kolhapur Armoor 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
Category-II (Pre-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – Nil
Category-III (Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 1
1 Fort (Medieval, the fort is in Balkonda Balkonda 13 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
ruins, only the bastions and Nizams Govt.
fortifications surviving)
Category-IV (Post-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) - 5
1 Ramalayam (Picturesque Dichpally Dichpally 17 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
situation built on flat rock, Nizams Govt.
Dravidian style)
2 Narasimha Swamy temple Jankampeta Vailpoor 17 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
3 Deval Mosque, Rashtrakuta Bodhan Bodhan 13 – 14 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
Inscriptions & Persian Nizams Govt.
Inscriptions of Mohd. Bin Tuglaq
4 Old Tombs Nizamabad Nizamabad 16 – 17 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
South Nizams Govt.
5 Fort ( Qutub Shahi times) Nizamabad Nizamabad 16 – 17 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
South Nizams Govt.
Category-V (Natural Protected Monuments) – Nil
Category-VI (Miscellaneous (Sculptures, Inscriptions, Pillars) – 1
1 Jaina Sculptures Nizamabad Nizamabad 12 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
(now in District Museum) South Nizams Govt. (old jaina sculptures
employed in fortifications)
Total Number of Monuments – (1+1+5+1) = 8
Page 13 of 52
Protected Under Act No. 22 of 2017 Telangana Heritage (Protection, Preservation, Conservation and Maintenance) Act, 2017.
Schedule -I Protected Monuments
S.No Name of the Monument Village Mandal Period Area of Remarks
Category-I (Pre-Proto Protected Monuments) - 2
1 Megalithic Burials (Cairns) Mahur Kamareddy 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
2 Megalithic Burials (Stone Yellareddy Yellareddy 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Circles) Nizams Govt.
Category-II (Pre-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 0

Category-III (Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 3

1 Siva temple and Inscription Bichkunda Bichkunda 10 – 11 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt. (previously in
Nanded District.)
2 Sri Rajarajeswari temple Banda Machareddy 13 CAD G.O. Rt. No. 76, Edn., (CE.I)
Rameshwarpalle Dept., dt: 27-01-1995. H.O. File
No. H1/2474/1990.
3 Hindu temple (Mahadev Kowlas Jukkal 13 – 14 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
temple) (13th - 14th C.A.D) Nizams Govt. (Kowlas was
previously in Nanded District.)
Category-IV (Post-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) - 7

1 Siva temple (The temple Tandur Nagireddypet 17 CAD G.O. Rt. No. 1770, Edn.,
complex is Tirkutalaya) (A&M-2) Dept.,
dt: 21-10-1989.

Page 14 of 52
S.No Name of the Monument Village Mandal Period Area of Remarks
2 Mosque (Iklas Khan’s Kowlas Jukkal 16 – 17 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
Mosque) Nizams Govt. (Kowlas was
previously in Nanded District.)
3 Tomb of Behlul Shah Wali Kowlas Jukkal 17 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
(17 C.A.D small domed tomb Nizams Govt. (Kowlas was
of a saint) previously in Nanded District.)
4 Mosque of Khooni Khan Kowlas Jukkal 16 – 17 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
(similar to Iklas Khan’s Nizams Govt. (Kowlas was
Mosque) previously in Nanded District.)
5 Dargha of Shah-Zia-Ul-Haq Kowlas Jukkal 16 – 17 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
th th
(16 -17 C.A.D) Nizams Govt. (Kowlas was
previously in Nanded District.)
6 Hill fort & Persian inscriptions Kowlas Jukkal 14 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt. (Kowlas was
previously in Nanded District.)
7 Fortification walls (Medieval) Domakonda Domakonda 13 – 14 CAD G.O. Rt. No. 325, Edn.,
(A&M) Dept., dt: 27-02-1986.
Category-V (Natural Protected Monuments) – Nil
Category-VI (Miscellaneous (Sculptures, Inscriptions, Pillars) – Nil
Total Number of Monuments – (2+3+7) = 12

Page 15 of 52
Protected Under Act No. 22 of 2017 Telangana Heritage (Protection, Preservation, Conservation and Maintenance) Act, 2017.
Schedule -I Protected Monuments
S.No Name of the Monument Village Mandal Period Area of Remarks
Category-I (Pre-Proto Protected Monuments) – 6

1 Stone circles Allipur Khila Warangal 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt. (At the foot of a
hill near the tank)
2 Cairns Hanamkonda Hanamkonda 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
(Hunter road at Nizams Govt. (between the
the end of Bhadrakali tank and adjoining
range of hills)
3 Cairns Kondaparthy Inavolu 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
4 Cairns Arepally Warangal (U) 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
(Warangal Nizams Govt.
5 Stone circles Siddhapoor Hasanparthi 10 CBC Sy. No. 33. Protected during the H.E.H the
Ext.84.07 Ac. Nizams Govt.
6 Cairns Warangal (U) Warangal (U) 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Mulugu Road x Nizams Govt.
Category-II (Pre-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – Nil

Category-III (Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 3

1 Sri Mallikarjuna swamy Inavole Inavolu 12 – 13 CAD Sy. No. 936 B. Protected during the H.E.H the
temple Ext.5.04 Ac. Nizams Govt.
Page 16 of 52
S.No Name of the Monument Village Mandal Period Area of Remarks
2 Trikuta temple Kondaparthy Inavolu 13 CAD Abadi G.O. Rt.No.1165, Edn. (CE.I)
34(ew) x Dept., Dt. 11-09-1998.
28.40(ns) Mtrs. H.O. File No. H1/2964/1998.
3 Shambhunigudi Fort Warangal Khila Warangal 13 CAD Sy. No. 94. Protected during the H.E.H the
Ext.2.16 Ac. Nizams Govt.
Category-IV (Post-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – Nil

Category-V (Natural Protected Monuments) –Nil

Category-VI (Miscellaneous (Sculptures, Inscriptions, Pillars) – 1

1 Two Inscriptions Urus (on Khila Warangal 14 CAD Sy. No. 355/2. G.O. Rt. No.1533, Edn. (L)
Ursugutta) Ext. 0.29 Ac. Dept., Dt: 27-09-1977,
Survey No. 355/2.
Total Number of Monuments – (6+3+1) = 10

Page 17 of 52
Protected Under Act No. 22 of 2017 Telangana Heritage (Protection, Preservation, Conservation and Maintenance) Act, 2017.
Schedule -I Protected Monuments
S.No Name of the Monument Village Mandal Period Area of Remarks
Category-I (Pre-Proto Protected Monuments) – Nil
Category-II (Pre-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – Nil
Category-III (Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 3
1 Ekaveera/ Ellamma temple Mogilicherla Geesugonda 13 CAD Sy. No. 577. G.O. Ms.No.9 YAT&C (PMU)
Ext.0.28 Ac. Dept., dt.23/01/2012.
H.O. File No. H3/2551/2011.
2 Sri Durga Malleswara Swamy Kothur Khanapur 13 CAD Sy. No. 7/1. G.O. Ms.No.41, YAT&C
Temple Ext. 1.00 Ac. (PMU) Dept.,
dt: 12-08-2013.
H.O. File No. H3/1236/2012.
3 Trikuta Temples 1 & 2 Katakshapur Athmakur 13 CAD Sy. No. 180. Protected during the H.E.H the
Ext. 6.21 Ac. Nizams Govt.
Category-IV (Post-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 1
1 Fort ( built by Zafaruddaula) Wardannapet Wardhannapet 18 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
(in the premises of Nizams Govt.
police station area)
Category-V (Natural Protected Monuments) –Nil
Category-VI (Miscellaneous (Sculptures, Inscriptions, Pillars) – 1
1 Lake & Inscriptions Ashoknagar Khanapur 12 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
(on the tank bund of Nizams Govt.
Pakhal lake)
Total Number of Monuments – (3+1+1) = 5
Page 18 of 52
Protected Under Act No. 22 of 2017 Telangana Heritage (Protection, Preservation, Conservation and Maintenance) Act, 2017.
Schedule -I Protected Monuments
S.No Name of the Monument Village Mandal Period Area of Remarks
Category-I (Pre-Proto Protected Monuments) – 1

1 Flakes, Cores , Neoliths and Katapuram Tadvai 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Dolmens Nizams Govt.
Category-II (Pre-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 0

Category-III (Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 7

1 Kaleswara swamy temple Kaleswaram Mahadevpur 11 CAD G.O. Rt.No.86, Edn.
2 Pratapgiri fort (Built by Raja Pratapagiri Kataram 13 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
Pratap Rudra of Warangal) Nizams Govt.
3 Ganapeswara swamy temple Ghanpur Ghanpur 13 CAD Sy. No. 5/1. Protected during the H.E.H the
(Kotagullu) (Mulug) Ext. 8.04 Ac. Nizams Govt.
4 Reddy Gudi Ghanpur Ghanpur 13 CAD Sy. No. 750/1. G.O. Rt.No.1018, Edn.
(Mulug) Ext. 0.13 Ac. (A&M.1), Dept., Dt: 18-07-1988.
H.O. File No. H1/3777/1985.
5 Siva temple Jakaram Mulug 13 CAD Sy. No. 77/36. G.O. Rt. No.1180, Edn (L) Dept.,
Ext.28.11 Ac. dt: 29-08-1980
H.O. File No. D1/4280/1980.
6 Narasimha swamy temple Bussapur Govindaraopet 12 – 13 CAD Abadi. G.O. Rt.No.1165, Edn (CE.I)
Ext. 0.20 Ac. Dept., Dt.11/9/1998.
H.O. File No. H1/2070/1996.
Page 19 of 52
7 Panchakuta temple Ramanujapuram Venkatapur 13 CAD Sy. No. G.O. Rt.No.852, Edn (L). Dept.,
1341/B. dt: 08-06-1984
Ext.0.29 Ac. H.O. File No. H1/2667/1982.
Category-IV (Post-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – Nil

Category-V (Natural Protected Monuments) –Nil

Category-VI (Miscellaneous (Sculptures, Inscriptions, Pillars) –Nil

Total Number of Monuments – (1+7) = 8

Page 20 of 52
Protected Under Act No. 22 of 2017 Telangana Heritage (Protection, Preservation, Conservation and Maintenance) Act, 2017.
Schedule -I Protected Monuments
S.No Name of the Monument Village Mandal Period Area of protection Remarks
Category-I (Pre-Proto Protected Monuments) – 1
1 Megalithic Burials Station Station Ghanpur 10 CBC Sy. No. 875 & 876. G.O. Rt.No.1378, Edn. (L),
Ghanpur Ext. 13.04 Ac. & Dept., dt: 30-10-1984.
11.02 Ac. H.O. File No. H1/3662/1983.
Category-II (Pre-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – Nil
Category-III (Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 3
1 Trikuta temple Nidigonda Ragunathpally 13 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
2 Fort & Gadi Thatikonda Station Ghanpur 13 CAD Fort: Sy. No. 513. Protected during the H.E.H the
Ext. 230.00 Ac. Nizams Govt.
Gadi: Sy. No. 369.
Ext. 5.30 Ac.
3 Fort (Fortification bastions & Zaffergadh Zaffergadh 13 CAD Sy. No. 226/1 & Protected during the H.E.H the
Gateways 1645. Nizams Govt.
Ext. 323.31 Ac &
275.25 Ac.
Category-IV (Post-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 1
1 Fort of Survay Paparayudu Quileshapur Ragunathpally 18 CAD Abadi. G.O. Rt.No.1459,Edn (CE I),
Ext. 2.25 Ac. Dept., dt: 29-09-1997.
Category-V (Natural Protected Monuments) – Nil
Category-VI (Miscellaneous (Sculptures, Inscriptions, Pillars) – Nil
Total Number of Monuments – (1+3+1) = 5

Page 21 of 52
Protected Under Act No. 22 of 2017 Telangana Heritage (Protection, Preservation, Conservation and Maintenance) Act, 2017.
Schedule -I Protected Monuments
S.No Name of the Monument Village Mandal Period Area of Remarks
Category-I (Pre-Proto Protected Monuments) – 2
1 Stone Circle Garla Garla 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
2 Flakes, Cores , Neoliths Dornakal Dornakal 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
Category-II (Pre-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – Nil
Category-III (Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 3
1 Sivalayam (Trikuta Temple) Pulluru Garla 13 CAD Sy. No. 87/20. G.O. Rt.No.1766, Edn, Dept.
Ext. Nil. dt: 21-10-1989 H.O. File No.
2 Siva temple Gudur Gudur 13 CAD Sy. No. 705/1. G.O. Rt.No.1375, Edn (L), Dept.
Ext. Nil. dt: 30-10-1984,
H.O. File No. E1/3664/1983.
3 Siva temple Katrapalle Kesamudram 13 CAD Sy. No. 163. G.O. Rt.No.1456, Edn. (CE.I),
Ext. 2.20 Ac. Dept., Dt: 29-09-1997.
H.O. File No. H1/2915/1996.
Category-IV (Post-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – Nil
Category-V (Natural Protected Monuments) – Nil
Category-VI (Miscellaneous (Sculptures, Inscriptions, Pillars) – Nil
Total Number of Monuments – (2+3) = 5

Page 22 of 52
Protected Under Act No. 22 of 2017 Telangana Heritage (Protection, Preservation, Conservation and Maintenance) Act, 2017.
Schedule -I Protected Monuments
S.No Name of the Monument Village Mandal Period Area of protection Remarks
Category-I (Pre-Proto Protected Monuments) – 8
1 Flakes cores & stone Madhira Madhira 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
implements Nizams Govt.
2 Megalithic Burials Khammam Khammam (U) 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Town Nizams Govt.
(In the premises of SR and
BGNR, Govt. Degree
3 Megalithic Burials Gollapadu Khammam (R) 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
4 Megalithic Burials Pillaguda Khammam (R) 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
5 Cairns & Menhirs Nelakondapalli Nelakondapalli 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
6 Megalithic Burials Wyra Wyra 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
7 Megalithic burials Kusumanchi Kusumanchi 10 CBC Sy. No. 694. G.O. Rt.No.1026, Edn, Dept.
Ext. 74.28 Ac. dt: 20-07-1988
H.O. File No. H1/3532/1985.
8 Menhirs & Alignments Kusumanchi Kusumanchi 6 CBC Sy. No. 1337. G.O. Rt.No.1026, Edn, Dept.
Ext. 160.12 Ac. dt: 20-07-1988
H.O. File No. H1/3532/1985.

Page 23 of 52
S.No Name of the Monument Village Mandal Period Area of protection Remarks
Category-II (Pre-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 1
1 Buddhist Stupa Nelakondapalli Nelakondapalli 2 CAD Survey No's Protected during the H.E.H the
(on the way to Mujjigudem 1) 256 - 8.15 Ac. Nizams Govt.
1) 241/2 - 0.30 Ac.
2) 241/3 - 0.32 Ac.
3) 241/4 - 0.32 1/2 Ac.
4) 242/2 - 2.01 1/2 Ac.
5) 242/3 - 0.07 Ac.
= 4.23 Ac.
(8.15 + 4.23 =12.38 Ac.)
Category-III (Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 3
1 Khammam Fort Khammam Khammam (U) 11 CAD Only Fort Walls Protected during the H.E.H the
Town Nizams Govt.
2 Mukkanteswaralayam Kusumanchi Kusumanchi 13 CAD Sy. No. 639. G.O. Rt. No. 1890, Edn (L),
Ext. 17.19 Ac. Dept. dt: 27-12-1977, Survey
No. 639. Dry Patta land 17.19
3 Ganapeshwara Swamy Temple Kusumanchi Kusumanchi 13 CAD Sy. No. 636. G.O. Rt.No.1890, Edn (L)
Ext. 3.05 Ac. Dept., dt: 27-12-1977, Survey
No. 636 Dry patta land 3.05
Category-IV (Post-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – Nil
Category-V (Natural Protected Monuments) – Nil
Category-VI (Miscellaneous (Sculptures, Inscriptions, Pillars) – Nil
Total Number of Monuments – (8+1+3) = 12

Page 24 of 52
Protected Under Act No. 22 of 2017 Telangana Heritage (Protection, Preservation, Conservation and Maintenance) Act, 2017.
Schedule -I Protected Monuments
S.No Name of the Monument Village Mandal Period Area of Remarks
Category-I (Pre-Proto Protected Monuments) – 3
1 Megalithic Burials Mallaram Manuguru 10 CBC Sy. No. 561/1. G.O. Rt. No.775, Edn. Dept.
Ext. Nil. dt: 05-07-1980
H.O. File No. E1/691/1977.
2 Megalithic Burials Palvancha Palvancha 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
3 Dolmens (Dongatogu) Potlapalli Pinapaka 10 CBC Reserve Protected during the H.E.H the
Forest area Nizams Govt.
(in the Dongathogu forest area)
Category-II (Pre-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 1
1 Buddhist and Andhra Sites Ramavaram Kothagudem 1 – 3 CAD Sy. No. 264/2. Protected during the H.E.H the
(Karukonda Ext. 19.0 Ac. Nizams Govt.
gutta) (Monument is on Karukonda
Category-III (Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – Nil
Category-IV (Post-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – Nil
Category-V (Natural Protected Monuments) – Nil
Category-VI (Miscellaneous (Sculptures, Inscriptions, Pillars) – Nil
Total Number of Monuments – (3+1) = 4

Page 25 of 52
Protected Under Act No. 22 of 2017 Telangana Heritage (Protection, Preservation, Conservation and Maintenance) Act, 2017.
Schedule -I Protected Monuments
S.No Name of the Monument Village Mandal Period Area of Remarks
Category-I (Pre-Proto Protected Monuments) – 1
1 Cairns Burugupally Havelighanpur 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
Category-II (Pre-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – Nil
Category-III (Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – Nil
Category-IV (Post-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 5
1 Sri Kuchadri Venkateswara Kuchanpally Havelighanpur 14 – 15 Sy. No. Nil. G.O.Ms.No.4, YAT&C (PMU)
Swamy Temple CAD Ext. 7.12 Ac Dept., dt: 24/1/2013.
H.O. File No. H3/364/2011
2 Mubarak Mahal Medak Medak 16 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
3 Hill Fort (Built by Rajas of Medak Medak 14 – 15 Protected during the H.E.H the
Warangal) CAD Nizams Govt.
4 Qutub Shahi Mosque, Arab Medak Fort Medak 17 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
Khan Mosque and Nizams Govt.
5 Old Mosque Komtoor Medak 17 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
Category-V (Natural Protected Monuments) – Nil
Category-VI (Miscellaneous (Sculptures, Inscriptions, Pillars) – 1
1 Inscriptions (Inscription Medak Medak 16 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
carved on a Granite slab) Nizams Govt.
Total Number of Monuments – (1+5+1) = 7

Page 26 of 52
Protected Under Act No. 22 of 2017 Telangana Heritage (Protection, Preservation, Conservation and Maintenance) Act, 2017.
Schedule -I Protected Monuments
S.No Name of the Monument Village Mandal Period Area of Remarks
Category-I (Pre-Proto Protected Monuments) – 2

1 Stone circles Attapur/ Sangareddy 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Kalabgur Nizams Govt. (Between
Muthangi and Hasnathpur)
2 Proto-Historic burials Kazipally Sangareddy 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
Category-II (Pre-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – Nil

Category-III (Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 5

1 Sri Ramalingeswara Swamy Nandi Kandi Sadasivpet 12 CAD Sy. No. Nil. (4-1) G.O. Rt.No.11, Edn (L2)
temple Ext. 1,406 Sq.Y. Dept. Dt.4/1/1983.
H.O. File No. H1/10925/77.
2 Kasivisweswaralayam Kulabgoor Sangareddy 12 CAD Sy. No. Nil. G.O. Rt.No.1768, Edn.,
Ext. 0.13 Ac. (A&M.2) Dept., dt: 21-10-
H.O. File No. H1/2166/1986.
3 Remains of Hindu temples and Patancheru Patancheru 12 – 15 Protected during the H.E.H the
Tombs CAD Nizams Govt.
4 Jaina temples Patancheru Patancheru 13 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
5 Ancient Temple Edithanur Sangareddy 13 CAD G.O.

Page 27 of 52
S.No Name of the Monument Village Mandal Period Area of Remarks
Category-IV (Post-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 5
1 Sri Venkateswara Rukmini GadiMohalla Zahirabad 17 – 18 Sy. No. Nil. G.O.Ms.No.131, YAT&C
Panduranga temple CAD Ext. 2.02 Ac. (PMU) Dept., Dt. 18-11-2011.
H.O. File No. H3/1095/2010.
2 Sri Sangameshwar temple Mogudampally Mogudampally 17 – 18 Sy. No. Nil. G.O. Ms.No.123, YAT&C
(Upparpally CAD Ext. 1.38 Ac. (PMU) Dept., dt: 16/11/2011.
tanda) H.O. File No. H3/2884/2010.
3 Sri Rechanna Swamy temple Badampet Kohir 18 – 19 G.O.Ms.No.117, YAT&C
CAD (PMU) Dept., Dt. 14-11-2011.
H.O. File No. H3/2883/2010.
4 Qutub Shahi Mosque Andole Andole 17 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
5 Subedar office building Patancheru Patancheru 19 CAD -
Category-V (Natural Protected Monuments) – Nil

Category-VI (Miscellaneous (Sculptures, Inscriptions, Pillars) – Nil

Total Number of Monuments – (2+5+5) = 12

Page 28 of 52
Protected Under Act No. 22 of 2017 Telangana Heritage (Protection, Preservation, Conservation and Maintenance) Act, 2017.
Schedule -I Protected Monuments
S.No Name of the Monument Village Mandal Period Area of protection Remarks
Category-I (Pre-Proto Protected Monuments) – 7

1 Proto -historic burials Ponnal Siddipet (U) 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
2 Proto historic burials Amsanpally Kulcharam 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
3 Cairns Merpadge Kondapaka 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
4 Rakasigudi Mandapally Chinnakodur 10 CBC G.O.
5 Rakasigudi Palamkul Nanganoor 10 CBC G.O.
6 Rakasigudi Nermetta Nanganoor 10 CBC G.O.
7 Rakasigudi Pullur Siddipet (R) 10 CBC G.O.
Category-II (Pre-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – Nil

Category-III (Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 6

1 Lakshmi Narasimha swamy Bejjanki Bejjanki 13 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
temple Nizams Govt.
2 Trikuta Easwara temple Thotapally Bejjanki 13 – 14 CAD Sy. No. Nil. G.O. Ms. No. 58, YAT&C (PMU)
Ext. 0.05 Ac. Dept., dt: 25-04-2012.
H.O. File No. H3/3067/2011.
3 Sri Trilingeswara Alayam Yellareddypet Thoguta 12 – 13 CAD G.O.Ms.No.44, YAT&C (PMU)
Dept., Dt.12/8/2013.
H.O.File No. H3/1321/2011.
4 Siva temple Duddeda Kondapaka 13 CAD G.O.
5 Hindu temples & Inscriptions Kondapaka Kondapaka 13 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
Page 29 of 52
S.No Name of the Monument Village Mandal Period Area of protection Remarks
6 Angadiveerannagudi (Jain Bairanpalli Maddur 11 CAD Sy. No. 7. G.O. Rt.No.1765, Edn, (A&M.2),
temple) Ext. 0.03 Ac. Dept., Dt: 21-10-1989.
H.O. File No. H1/2671/1986.
Category-IV (Post-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 1
1 Ruined Tombs Siddipet Siddipet 16 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
Category-V (Natural Protected Monuments) – Nil
Category-VI (Miscellaneous (Sculptures, Inscriptions, Pillars) – Nil
Total Number of Monuments – (7+6+1) = 14

Page 30 of 52
Protected Under Act No. 22 of 2017 Telangana Heritage (Protection, Preservation, Conservation and Maintenance) Act, 2017.
Schedule -I Protected Monuments
S.No Name of the Monument Village Mandal Period Area of protection Remarks
Category-I (Pre-Proto Protected Monuments) – 9
1 Stone circle Kothur Bhoothpur 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H
the Nizams Govt.
2 Cairns (Locally known as Badepalle Jadcherla 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H
Rakasi Gullu) the Nizams Govt.
3 Stone circle & other remains Jedcherla Jadcherla 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H
the Nizams Govt.
4 Stone Circle Gollapalle Jadcherla 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H
the Nizams Govt.
5 Cairns Nasrullabad Jedcharla 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H
the Nizams Govt.
6 Megalathic burials Ramachandrapur Mahaboobnagar 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H
(R) the Nizams Govt.
7 Stone circle (Megalithic Balanagar Balanagar 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H
Burials) the Nizams Govt.
8 Cairns (Megalithic burials) Makthal Makthal 10 CBC Sy. No. 540, 551/A, Protected during the H.E.H
551/AA & 533. the Nizams Govt.
Ext. Nil.
9 Megalithic site Mudumal Krishna 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H
the Nizams Govt.
Category-II (Pre-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 1
1 Ancient Monuments & Gangapur Jadcherla 4 CAD Protected during the H.E.H
Remains (Buddhist) the Nizams Govt.

Page 31 of 52
S.No Name of the Monument Village Mandal Period Area of protection Remarks
Category-III (Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 5
1 Jaina Temple (Gollathagudi) Gangapur Jadcherla 8 – 9 CAD Protected during the H.E.H
(Brick temple) the Nizams Govt.
2 Sri Chennakesava swamy Gangapur Jadcherla 12 CAD G.O
3 Sri Ramaligeswara swamy Bhoothpur Bhoothpur 12 CAD Protected during the H.E.H
temple the Nizams Govt.
4 Kumbeswara swamy temple Makthal Makthal 13 CAD G.O
5 Sri Mallikarjuna Swamy Makthal Makthal 13 – 14 Protected during the H.E.H
Temple CAD the Nizams Govt.
Category-IV (Post-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 6
1 Old Hindu temple Alwanpalle Jadcherla 16 CAD Protected during the H.E.H
the Nizams Govt.
2 Jami Masjid (Muslim Period) Badepalle Jadcherla 16 CAD Protected during the H.E.H
the Nizams Govt.
3 Old tower (Muslim Period) Alwanpalle Jadcherla 16 CAD Protected during the H.E.H
the Nizams Govt.
4 Temple Complex nr. District Pillalamarri Mahabubnagar 16 CAD G.O
Mus. Pillalamarri (Timasanipalli)
5 Idgah of Hazrat Syed Abdul Koilkonda Koilkonda 16 – 17 Protected during the H.E.H
Rahman chisti (Associated CAD the Nizams Govt.
with the name of local saint)
6 Fort Ashur Khana and Koilkonda Koilkonda 16 CAD Protected during the H.E.H
Inscription the Nizams Govt.
(Built by Ibrahim QutubShah)
Category-V (Natural Protected Monuments) – Nil
Category-VI (Miscellaneous (Sculptures, Inscriptions, Pillars) – 1
1 Telugu Inscriptions Koilkonda Koilkonda 16 CAD Protected during the H.E.H
(Inscriptions carved on a small the Nizams Govt.
Total Number of Monuments – (9+1+5+6+1) = 22
Page 32 of 52
Protected Under Act No. 22 of 2017 Telangana Heritage (Protection, Preservation, Conservation and Maintenance) Act, 2017.
Schedule -I Protected Monuments
S.No Name of the Monument Village Mandal Period Area of protection Remarks
Category-I (Pre-Proto Protected Monuments) – Nil
Category-II (Pre-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – Nil
Category-III (Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 6
1 Gudem Muka Gudulu Bekkam Chinnambavi 12 CAD
(Belonging to rulers of G.O
Vishunkundin Dynasty)
2 Old Hindu temples Medulapalli Veepangandla 13 – 15 CAD Protected during the H.E.H
the Nizams Govt.
3 Old Hindu temples Ammaipalle Chinnambavi 13 – 15 CAD Protected during the H.E.H
the Nizams Govt.
4 Old Hindu fort & Hill (south Atmakur Atmakur 13 CAD
Indian style) (Samasthanam)
5 Old Hindu fort & Inscriptions Pangal Pangal 13 – 15 CAD Protected during the H.E.H
the Nizams Govt.
6 Hindu temples & Inscriptions Ghanpur Ghanpur 13 – 16 CAD Protected during the H.E.H
(Killa) the Nizams Govt.
Category-IV (Post-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 3
1 Jami Masjid (Old Mosque Wanaparthy Wanaparthy 16 CAD Protected during the H.E.H
Muslim period) the Nizams Govt.
2 Jama Masjid Ghanpur Ghanpur 17 CAD Protected during the H.E.H
(Killa) the Nizams Govt.
3 Old Hindu fortress Ghanpur Ghanpur 16 CAD Protected during the H.E.H
(Killa) the Nizams Govt.
Category-V (Natural Protected Monuments) – Nil
Category-VI (Miscellaneous (Sculptures, Inscriptions, Pillars) – Nil
Total Number of Monuments - (6+3) = 9
Page 33 of 52
Protected Under Act No. 22 of 2017 Telangana Heritage (Protection, Preservation, Conservation and Maintenance) Act, 2017.
Schedule -I Protected Monuments
S.No Name of the Monument Village Mandal Period Area of Remarks
Category-I (Pre-Proto Protected Monuments) – 6

1 Cairns Fathepur Kollapur 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H

the Nizams Govt.
2 Cairns (Megalithic Dindi Project Kalwakurthy 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H
burials) (sub merged.?) the Nizams Govt.
3 Cairns Site Dindi Project Kalwakurthy 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H
(sub merged.?) the Nizams Govt.
4 Stone circles Bijinapally Bijinapally 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H
the Nizams Govt.
5 Cairns and Menhirs Nagarkurnool Nagarkurnool 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H
the Nizams Govt.
6 Dolmens Kummaronipalli Amarabad 10 CBC Sy. No. 396. Protected during the H.E.H
Ext. Nil. the Nizams Govt.
Category-II (Pre-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – Nil

Category-III (Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 6

1 Hindu temple & Lingal Lingal 13 CAD Protected during the H.E.H
Inscriptions the Nizams Govt.
2 Sri Bheemeswara Swamy Yendabetla Nagarkurnool 13 CAD Protected during the H.E.H
Temple the Nizams Govt.
3 Hindu temple Raghupathipeta Kalwakurthy 13 CAD Protected during the H.E.H
the Nizams Govt.
4 Uma Maheswara temple Amrabad Amrabad 13 CAD Protected during the H.E.H
the Nizams Govt.

Page 34 of 52
S.No Name of the Monument Village Mandal Period Area of Remarks
5 Hindu temple & Mannanur Amrabad 13 CAD Protected during the H.E.H
Sculptures the Nizams Govt.
6 Fort (Pratapa Rudrakota) Vatwarlapalle Amrabad 13 – 14 CAD Protected during the H.E.H
Chandraguptapatnam the Nizams Govt.
Category-IV (Post-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 2

1 Old Mosque (Muslim Bijinapally Bijinapally 15 CAD Protected during the H.E.H
period) the Nizams Govt.
2 Old Hindu fort & Jetprole Pentlavalli 15 CAD Protected during the H.E.H
inscriptions (Samsthan) the Nizams Govt.
Category-V (Natural Protected Monuments) – Nil

Category-VI (Miscellaneous (Sculptures, Inscriptions, Pillars) – Nil

Total Number of Monuments - (6+6+2) = 14

Page 35 of 52
Protected Under Act No. 22 of 2017 Telangana Heritage (Protection, Preservation, Conservation and Maintenance) Act, 2017.
Schedule -I Protected Monuments
S.No Name of the Monument Village Mandal Period Area of protection Remarks
Category-I (Pre-Proto Protected Monuments) – 1
1 Stone circle Timmapur Itikyala 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
Category-II (Pre-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – Nil
Category-III (Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 2
1 Hindu temples & Inscriptions Poodur Gadwal 9 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
2 Old Hindu temples Alampur Alampur 13 – 16 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
(Pichuka gudlu) Nizams Govt.
Category-IV (Post-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 3
1 Ancient mud fort (Jaladurg) Timmapur Itikyal 17 CAD G.O. Rt.No.547, Edn., CE-I,
(Called as Nizamkonda situated in Dept., dt: 15-04-1995.
the Middle of Krishna river) H.O. File No. H1/3691/1989.
2 Muslim Fort & Shah Ali’s Dargah Alampur Alampur 17 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
3 Old Hindu Fortress Gadwal Gadwal 17 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
Category-V (Natural Protected Monuments) – Nil
Category-VI (Miscellaneous (Sculptures, Inscriptions, Pillars) – Nil
Total Number of Monuments – (1+2+3) = 6

Page 36 of 52
Protected Under Act No. 22 of 2017 Telangana Heritage (Protection, Preservation, Conservation and Maintenance) Act, 2017.
Schedule -I Protected Monuments
S.No Name of the Monument Village Mandal Period Area of Remarks
Category-I (Pre-Proto Protected Monuments) – 8

1 Stone circles Thipparthy Thipparthy 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
2 Stone circles Nakrekal Nakrekal 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
3 Cairns & Menhirs Nakrekal Nakrekal 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
4 Cairns & Menhirs Nakrekal Nakrekal 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
5 Stone circles Nakrekal Nakrekal 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
6 Stone circles Vemulapally Vemulapally 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
7 Cairns Vemulapally Vemulapally 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
8 Cairn Circles B.Yadagiri Shaligouraram 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
Category-II (Pre-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 1
1 Buddhist and Andhra sites Yeleswaram Chandampet 1 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
(sub merged in the (Submerged) Nizams Govt. (Submerged)

Page 37 of 52
S.No Name of the Monument Village Mandal Period Area of Remarks
Category-III (Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 5

1 Sri Pachalasomeswara temple Panagallu Nalgonda 12 – 13 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
2 Chaya Someswara Swamy Panagallu Nalgonda 12 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
temple Nizams Govt.
3 Sri Rajarajeswari Devi temple Gudiwada Kethepally 12 – 13 CAD G.O. Rt.No.260, YAT&C (T)
Dept., dt: 5/3/2005.
H.O. File No. H1/291/2003.
4 Fort Nalgonda Nalgonda 13 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
5 Siva temple Theretpally Chandur 13 – 14 CAD G.O
Category-IV (Post-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 2
1 Fort (Old Hindu Fort) Deverakonda Devarakonda 14 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
2 Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Palem Nakrekal 18 CAD G.O. Ms.No.9, YAT&C (T)
swamy temple Dept., dt: 22/2/2005.
H.O. File No. H1/290/2003.
Category-V (Natural Protected Monuments) – Nil
Category-VI (Miscellaneous (Sculptures, Inscriptions, Pillars) – 2
1 Old Dams: Telugu & Persian Panagallu (now Nalgonda 16 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
inscriptions in the District Nizams Govt.
(The tank was built in 1551 by Museum
ibrahim Qutub Shahi) Nalgonda)
2 Monolithic Pillar Nalgonda Town Nalgonda 13 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
Total Number of Monuments – (8+1+5+2+2) = 18

Page 38 of 52
Protected Under Act No. 22 of 2017 Telangana Heritage (Protection, Preservation, Conservation and Maintenance) Act, 2017.
Schedule -I Protected Monuments
S.No Name of the Monument Village Mandal Period Area of Remarks
Category-I (Pre-Proto Protected Monuments) – 11
1 Stone circles Huzurnagar Huzurnagar 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H
the Nizams Govt.
2 Stone circles Huzurnagar Huzurnagar 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H
the Nizams Govt.
3 Cairns Huzurnagar Huzurnagar 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H
the Nizams Govt.
4 Cairns & Cromlechs Balemla Suryapet 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H
the Nizams Govt.
5 Cairns & Cromlechs Masareddypalli Jajireddygudem 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H
(h/o Jajireddygudem) (Also Arvapally) the Nizams Govt.

6 Stone circles Masareddypalli Jajireddygudem 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H

h/o Jajireddygudem the Nizams Govt.
7 Stone Circles Etoor Nagaram 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H
the Nizams Govt.
8 Avenues Chennapur Nagaram 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H
the Nizams Govt.
9 Avenues Yerkaram Suryapet 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H
the Nizams Govt.
10 Cairns Lingala Penpahad 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H
the Nizams Govt.
11 Dolmens, Cairns, Venues Panigiri Nagaram 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H
the Nizams Govt.
Page 39 of 52
S.No Name of the Monument Village Mandal Period Area of Remarks
Category-II (Pre-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 4
1 Buddhist & Andhra Site Panigiri Nagaram 2 – 4 CAD Protected during the H.E.H
(on Phanigiri hillock) the Nizams Govt.
2 Andhra & Buddhist Sites Etoor Nagaram 1 CAD Sy. No. 73. Protected during the H.E.H
(on Gajula bodu/ Gajulabanda) Ext. 13.0 Ac. the Nizams Govt.
3 Andhra & Buddhist Sites Tirumalagiri Tirumalagiri 1 CAD Protected during the H.E.H
the Nizams Govt.
4 Andhra & Buddhist Sites Vardaman Kota Nagaram 1 CAD Protected during the H.E.H
the Nizams Govt.
Category-III (Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 8
1 Temples and Inscriptions Nagulapahad Penpahad 12 CAD Protected during the H.E.H
a) Temple-1 (Trikuta) the Nizams Govt.
b) Temple-2
2 a) Nameswara Pillalamarri Suryapet 1203 AD Protected during the H.E.H
Swamy temples the Nizams Govt.
b) Trikuta, Swamy temples
3 Erakeswara Swamy temple Pillalamarri Suryapet 1203 AD Protected during the H.E.H
the Nizams Govt.
4 Ugranasimha Swamy temple Undrugonda Chivemla 12 CAD Protected during the H.E.H
the Nizams Govt.
5 Sri Adi Varaha Laxmi Burugadda Huzurnagar 12 CAD G.O
Narasimha & Venugopala
Swamy temple
6 Sri Parvathi Bhimeswara Huzurnagar Huzurnagar 13 CAD G.O
swamy temple
7 Sri Venugopala Sri Sita Huzurnagar Huzurnagar 13 CAD -
Ramachandra Swamy temple
8 Kanaka Durga Ammavari Huzurnagar Huzurnagar 13 – 14 CAD G.O
Page 40 of 52
S.No Name of the Monument Village Mandal Period Area of Remarks
Category-IV (Post-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 3

1 Sri Amaralingeswara Swamy Amravaram Huzurnagar 14 – 15 CAD Sy. No. 301. G.O
Temple Ext. 671 Sq.Y.
2 Muslim mosque Dargah & Nagulapahad Penpahad 14 – 15 CAD Protected during the H.E.H
Fort the Nizams Govt.
3 Fortifications (Old Hindu Undrugonda Chivemla 15 – 16 CAD Protected during the H.E.H
Fortifications built on a hill) the Nizams Govt.
Category-V (Natural Protected Monuments) – Nil

Category-VI (Miscellaneous (Sculptures, Inscriptions, Pillars) – Nil

Total Number of Monuments – (11+4+8+3) = 26

Page 41 of 52
Protected Under Act No. 22 of 2017 Telangana Heritage (Protection, Preservation, Conservation and Maintenance) Act, 2017.
Schedule -I Protected Monuments
S.No Name of the Monument Village Mandal Period Area of protection Remarks
Category-I (Pre-Proto Protected Monuments) – 4

1 Cairns (Megalithic Burials) Rayagiri Bhongir 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H
the Nizams Govt.
2 Megalithic Burials (Stone Circles) Nagaram Valigonda 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H
the Nizams Govt.
3 Avenues (Megalithic Burials) Janakipuram Addagudur 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H
the Nizams Govt.
4 Menhirs Kurraram Rajapeta 10 CBC Sy. No. 338 & 339. G.O. Rt.No. 586, Edn., (L)
Ext. Nil. Dept., Dt: 24-04-1978.
H.O. File No.E1/9946/1975.
Category-II (Pre-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 2

1 Andhra & Buddhist Sites Singaram Pati Athmakur (M) 1 CAD Protected during the H.E.H
Chandepally the Nizams Govt.
2 Andhra & Buddhist site Nagaram Valigonda 1 CAD Protected during the H.E.H
the Nizams Govt.
Category-III (Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 5

1 Veeranarayana temples Kolanupaka Alair 12 CAD Protected during the H.E.H

the Nizams Govt.
2 Someswara group of temples Kolanupaka Alair 12 CAD Protected during the H.E.H
the Nizams Govt.
3 Basavanna Temple Kurraram Rajapeta 13 CAD Sy. No. 338 & 339. G.O. Rt.No.214, Edn., (L)
(Siva Temple locally known as Ext. 1.05 Ac Dept., dt: 08-02-1978. H.O.
Basavanna Temple.) File No. E1/9941/1975.
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S.No Name of the Monument Village Mandal Period Area of protection Remarks
4 Hill fort Bhongir Bhongir 12 – 18 CAD Protected during the H.E.H
the Nizams Govt.
5 Fortification Rayagiri Bhongir 13 – 14 CAD Protected during the H.E.H
the Nizams Govt.
Category-IV (Post-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 3

1 Fort Rachakond Narayanapur 14 CAD Protected during the H.E.H

the Nizams Govt.
2 Dargah of Hazarat ZamalBahar Bhongir Bhongir 17 CAD Protected during the H.E.H
(Dargah is famous by local the Nizams Govt.
3 Fort Khilla (Rajakota) Rajapeta Rajapeta 17 CAD Not patta land nor G.O.Ms.No.43, YAT&C
the Govt. Land, Ex (PMU) Dept., dt: 12-08-
Jagirdar's 2013.
Residential area. H.O. File No.
Extent 27.00 Ac. H3/2210/2012.
Category-V (Natural Protected Monuments) – Nil

Category-VI (Miscellaneous (Sculptures, Inscriptions, Pillars) – 1

1 Inscriptions in fort (Inscriptions in Bhongir Bhongir 15 – 16 CAD Protected during the H.E.H
fort and town of Bhongir) the Nizams Govt.
Total Number of Monuments – (4+2+5+3+1) = 15

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Protected Under Act No. 22 of 2017 Telangana Heritage (Protection, Preservation, Conservation and Maintenance) Act, 2017.
Schedule -I Protected Monuments
S.No Name of the Monument Village Mandal Period Area of Remarks
Category-I (Pre-Proto Protected Monuments) – 9
1 Mir Alam Tank cairns Mir Alam tank Rajendranagar 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
2 Megalithic burials Mogalagidda Farooqnagar 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
3 Megalithic site Ramanuthala Amangal 10 CBC Sy. No. 18. Protected during the H.E.H the
Ext. 7.12 Ac. Nizams Govt.
4 Megalithic site Amangal Amangal 10 CBC Sy. No. 1284/3. Protected during the H.E.H the
Ext. 7.20 Ac. Nizams Govt.
5 Cairns Serilingampally Serilingampally 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
6 Megalithic Burials Gurramguda Saroornagar 10 CBC G.O
7 Megalithic burials Gundal Chevella 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
8 Megalithic burials Kethireddipalle Moinabad 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
9 Megalithic burials Shapur Chevella 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.

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S.No Name of the Monument Village Mandal Period Area of Remarks
Category-II (Pre-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – Nil

Category-III (Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 3

1 Siva temple Madgul Madgul 13 CAD Sy. No. 88. G.O. Ms.No. 43, YAT&C
Ext. 1509.0 Sq.Y. (PMU) Dept., Dt: 31-01-2011.
H.O. File No. H3/1948/2009.
2 Siva temple Complex Andugul Madgul 13 CAD Sy. No. 324. G.O. Ms.No. 160, YAT&C
Ext. 1.05 Ac. (PMU) Dept., Dt: 21-12-2011.
H.O. File No. H3/2151/2009.
3 Sri Vendikonda Siddheswara Shamshabad Shamshabad 13 CAD G.O. Ms.No. 46, YAT&C
swamy temple (PMU) Dept., dt.15/3/2012.
H.O. File No. H3/858/2011.
Category-IV (Post-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 7

1 Jamia Masjid of Md. Bin Kondurg Kondurg 15 – 17 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
Humayun Shah) Nizams Govt.
2 Sri Chennakesava swamy Nednur Kandukur 18 CAD G.O. Ms.No. 55, YAT&C
Temple (PMU) Dept., dt. 12/5/2011.
H.O. File No. H3/1819/2010.
3 Sri Laxmi Narasimha swamy Raviryal Maheswaram 17 CAD G.O. Ms.No.167 YAT&C
temple (Jamaigudam (PMU), dt: 23/12/2011.
Gutta) H.O. File No. H3/1809/2010.
4 Sri Cheekati Venkateswara Pulumamidi Kandukur 18 CAD G.O. Ms.No. 26, YAT&C
swamy temple Dept., dt. 15/2/2012, H.O. File
No. H3/1721/2010.
5 Akkanna’s Sarai (Big Sarai & Maheswaram Maheswaram 16 – 17 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
well attributed to Akkanna) (Maisaram) Nizams Govt.
6 Hayat Bakshi Begum Mosque Hayathnagar Hayathnagar 17 CAD G.O. Rt.No.488, Edn Dept.,
dt: 15-04-1988.
H.O. File No. H1/6414/1980.
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S.No Name of the Monument Village Mandal Period Area of Remarks
7 Grave & Mosque of Princess Janwada Shankarpalle 18 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
Hussaina Begum (VIth Kings Nizams Govt.
Category-V (Natural Protected Monuments) – Nil

Category-VI (Miscellaneous (Sculptures, Inscriptions, Pillars) – 1

1 Sri Ananta Padmanabha Devarampalle Chevella 12 – 13 CAD G.O. Ms.No.46, YAT&C

Swamy Sculpture (PMU) Dept., dt.13/8/2013.
H.O. File No. H3/1209/2011.
Total Number of Monuments – (9+3+7+1) 20

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Protected Under Act No. 22 of 2017 Telangana Heritage (Protection, Preservation, Conservation and Maintenance) Act, 2017.
Schedule -I Protected Monuments
S.No Name of the Monument Village Mandal Period Area of Remarks
Category-I (Pre-Proto Protected Monuments) – Nil

Category-II (Pre-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – Nil

Category-III (Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 1

1 Sivalayam (The dance panels Yellakonda Nawabpet 11 – 12 CAD Sy. No. 1. G.O. Rt.No.313, Edn. (CE.I), Dept.,
of Lord Siva & Parvathi) Ext. 0.01 Ac. Dt: 08-03-1996.
H.O. File No. H1/4798/1991.
Category-IV (Post-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – Nil

Category-V (Natural Protected Monuments) – Nil

Category-VI (Miscellaneous (Sculptures, Inscriptions, Pillars) –Nil

Total Number of Monuments – 1

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Protected Under Act No. 22 of 2017 Telangana Heritage (Protection, Preservation, Conservation and Maintenance) Act, 2017.
Schedule -I Protected Monuments
S.No Name of the Monument Village Mandal Period Area of protection Remarks

Category-I (Pre-Proto Protected Monuments) – 6

1 Megalithic Burials Begumpet Balanagar 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
2 cairns Hasmathpet Balanagar 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
3 cairns & Cromlechs Moula Ali Malkajgiri 10 CBC -
4 Cairns Oldbowenpally Balanagar 10 CBC G.O
5 Stone Circles Korremul Ghatkesar 10 CBC Protected during the H.E.H the
Nizams Govt.
6 Megalithic Burials Kukatpally Kukatpally 10 CBC G.O
Category-II (Pre-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 1

1 Keesaragutta Site Keesara Keesara 4 – 7 CAD Sy.No. Nil. G.O

Ext. 252.18 Ac.
excluding the area
occupied by the
Category-III (Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – Nil

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S.No Name of the Monument Village Mandal Period Area of protection Remarks

Category-IV (Post-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 4

1 Akkanna Madanna’s temple Kukatpally Kukatpally 18 CAD Protected during the H.E.H the
(Hindu temple constructed by Nizams Govt.
Golconda Ministers)
2 Mah lakha chanda Bai Tombs Malkajgiri Malkajgiri 17 CAD G.O Ms.No. 6, YAT&C (PMU)
complex Dept.,dt: 24/1/2013.
H.O. File No. H3/1805/2005.
3 Qutub Shahi Mosque Uppal Khalsa Uppal 17 CAD Sy. No. 89. G.O. Rt.No.924, Edn. (A&M.2)
Ext. 800.73 Mtrs. Dept., Dt: 16-06-1986.
H.O. File No. H1/4961/1984.
4 Fortification & Baradari Malkajgiri Malkajgiri 16 CAD Sy. No. 712/2 & Memo.No.550/76-2/Edn. Dept.,
712/12. Dt:24-06-1976.
H.O. File No. E1/4291/1965.
Category-V (Natural Protected Monuments) – Nil

Category-VI (Miscellaneous (Sculptures, Inscriptions, Pillars) – Nil

Total Number of Monuments – (6+1+4) =11

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Protected Under Act No. 22 of 2017 Telangana Heritage (Protection, Preservation, Conservation and Maintenance) Act, 2017.
Schedule -I Protected Monuments
S.No Name of the Monument Village Mandal Period Area of protection Remarks
Category-I (Pre-Proto Protected Monuments) – 1

1 Artifacts (Neolithic site) Tolukatta Charminar 25 CBC -

Category-II (Pre-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – Nil

Category-III (Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – Nil

Category-IV (Post-Kakatiya Protected Monuments) – 27

1 Sri Chennakesava Swamy Chandrayana Bandlaguda 18 CAD Sy. No. 291. -

temple Gutta Ext. 3,289.42 Sq.Y.
2 Mia Muskh’s Mosque Puranapool Charminar 16 CAD Protected during the H.E.H
(Typical Mosque in Late the Nizams Govt.
Golconda style)
3 Badshahi Ashur Khana Pattargatti Charminar 16 – 17 CAD Sy. No. Nil. Protected during the H.E.H
(built by Mohd. Quli Qutb Ext. 4,000 Sq.Y. the Nizams Govt.
4 Old gate of Dabirpura Dabirpura Charminar 16 – 17 CAD G.O. Rt. No. 1233, Edn.
(L), Dept.,dt: 29-08-1966.
H.O. File No. B4/7815/60.
5 Musheerabad Mosque Musheerabad Musheerabad 1672 AD Protected during the H.E.H
(1626-72 A.D) the Nizams Govt.
6 Toli Masjid Karwan Golkonda 1672 AD Protected during the H.E.H
(1626-72 A.D) the Nizams Govt.
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7 Macca Masjid Charminar Charminar 17 CAD Protected during the H.E.H
(1611 - 93 A.D) (Near Charminar) the Nizams Govt.
8 Shaikpet Mosque and sarai Shaikpet Shaikpet 16 – 17 CAD Protected during the H.E.H
the Nizams Govt.
9 Qutub Shahi Tombs Shaikpet Shaikpet 16 – 17 CAD Sy. No. Nil. G.O
Ext. 106.00 Ac.
10 Khazana Building Golconda Golconda 17 CAD Sy. No. Nil. G.O. Ms. No. 779, Edn.,
Ext. 6,844.44 Sq.Y. Dept., dt: 16-03-1965.
H.O. File No.B4/4519/1961.
11 Shamsheerkota Golconda Golconda 17 CAD Sy. No. Nil. G.O. Ms. No. 779, Edn.,
Ext. 2,888.88 Sq.Y. Dept., dt: 16-03-1965.
H.O. File No.B4/4519/1961.
12 Tara Mati’s baradari Golconda Golconda 17 CAD Sy. No. 100 & 102. Protected during the H.E.H
(Mohmmad Ext. 5.00 Ac. the Nizams Govt.
13 Premamati Mosque Golconda Golconda 17 CAD Protected during the H.E.H
(Mohmmad the Nizams Govt.
14 Hakim’s tomb Toli Chowki Shaikpet 17 CAD Protected during the H.E.H
the Nizams Govt.
15 Khairat Khan’s tomb Sultan Shahi Khairtabad 17 CAD Protected during the H.E.H
the Nizams Govt.
16 Khairati Begum’s tomb & Khairtabad Khairtabad 17 CAD Protected during the H.E.H
Mosque the Nizams Govt.
17 Darga Hazarat Syed Shah Gazibanda Bahudurpura 17 CAD Protected during the H.E.H
Raziuddin the Nizams Govt.
18 Puranapul Ancient gate Puranapul Charminar 17 CAD G.O. Rt. No. 626, Edn., (L),
Dept., Dt: 02-05-1978.
H.O. File No.E1/7624/1977.

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19 Kulsum Begum Mosque Kulsumpura Asifnagar 17 CAD Bearing Municipal G.O. Rt. No. 1316, Edn
No. 13-6-647., Area (A&M 2) Dept.,
8634.12 Sq.Mtr. dt: 22-09-1987.
20 Old Idgah Madannapet Hyderabad 17 CAD G.O
21 Dargah Hazratha saidani-Ma- Boats club Secunderabad 17 – 18 CAD Sy. No. Nil. G.O. Rt.No. 799, Edn
Saheba Ext. 426.80 Sq.Mtrs. (A&M-2) Dept.,
dt: 26-05-1986.
H.O. File No. H1/630/1984.
22 Armanian Cemetry Uppuguda Charminar 17 CAD G.O
23 British residency Koti Koti Nampalli 18 CAD -
Womens College
24 Sir Ronald Ross Building Begumpet Secunderabad 19 CAD Bearing No. T-38, G.O. Rt.No. 1106, Edn.,
near Airport, CE-I Dept., Dt: 30-09-1996.
Begumpet Area of H.O. File No. H1/949/1992.
4465.40 Sq.Mtrs
(including building).
25 Gun foundry Gunfoundry Nampalli 18 CAD Sy. No. Nil. G.O. Ms. No. 779, Edn.,
Ext. 830 Sq.Y. Dept., dt: 16-03-1965.
H.O. File No.B4/4519/1961.
26 Shams-UI-Umara tombs Santoshnagar Cly Hyderabad 18 CAD G.O
27 Monds Raymond’s oblisk Musarambagh Saidabad 17 – 18 CAD Protected during the H.E.H
(This is last resting place of the Nizams Govt.
Michel Jochim Maria)
Category-V (Natural Protected Monuments) – Nil

Category-VI (Miscellaneous (Sculptures, Inscriptions, Pillars) – 1

1 Sculptures at Tilak Road Premises of Nampalli 16 CAD -

(Nandi image & elephant Khadi Board
carved in black granite stones)
Total Number of Monuments – (1+27+1) = 29

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