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the blonde-haired girl is beautiful, she is tall, thin, she seems to be angry and the

other girl is seen to be calm, relaxed and a little happy, she is tall, she has blue
eyes, she has a beautiful smile and it is seen that they both have expensive
clothes on

la chica de cabello rubio es hermosa, es alta, delgada, parece estar enojada y la

otra chica se ve tranquila, relajada y un poco feliz, es alta, tiene ojos azules, tiene
una hermosa sonrisa y se ve que ambos tienen ropa cara

the man with the ax in his hand is old, he looks angry, he is ugly, he has cheap
clothes, he is short and seems to be strong

el hombre con el hacha en la mano es viejo, se ve enojado, es feo, tiene ropa

barata, es bajo y parece ser fuerte

messi es famoso,es fuerte, es bajito, viste con ropa cara,tiene fama,es agil,corre
rapido y tiene una mentalidad acelerada

Messi is famous, he is strong, he is short, he wears expensive clothes, he is

famous, he is agile, he runs fast and he has an accelerated mentality

cristiano es famoso, es fuerte, es alto, viste con ropa cara, tiene fama, es ágil,
corre rapido y tiene una mentalidad acelerada

cristiano is famous, he is strong, he is tall, he wears expensive clothes, he is

famous, he is agile, he runs fast and he has an accelerated mentality

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