Organizational Behavior and Its Significance in Other Disciplines, Contributions Made by Researchers On Organizational Behavior

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Organizational Behavior

Course Objectives:

To Understand the importance and Challenges of OB and Opportunities for OB.

To Explain different theories of Personality and types of Values.

To Know different theories of Motivation and types of Attitudes.

To Interpret theories of Leadership, Conflict Management and Stress Management.

To Elaborate Techniques of Organizational Change, Factors effecting Resistance to Change and

creating and sustaining Organizational Culture.

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course students will be able to

Illustrate the Importance and Challenges of OB and OB significance in other deciplines.

Analyze Personality Theories and types of Values and the linkage between Perception and
Individual Decision making.

Evaluate theories of Motivation and types of Attitudes.

Analyze the Groups formation stages and Group decision making Process.

Interpret Techniques of Organizational Change, Factors effecting Resistance to Change.

Unit-1: Introduction to OB: Organizational Behavior – Nature and Scope of OB, Significance
of OB, Emergence of OB as a Discipline, Organizational Behavior and its significance in other
Disciplines, Contribution of Hawthorne studies to OB, Contributions made by Researchers on
Organizational Behavior, Challenges and Opportunities for OB.

Unit-II: Foundations of Individual Behavior: Personality- Personality Determinants,

Personality Traits, The Big Five Model, Personality attributes influencing OB, Theories of
Personality, Values – Types of Values, Perception- Perceptual Process, Factors influencing
Perception, Perceptual Distortion, Linkage between Perception and Individual Decision- making.

Unit-III: Motivation : Theories of Motivation – Hierarchy Needs Theory, Two-Factor Theory,

Expectancy Theory, Motivational Theories and practices in Indian Organizations, Attitudes –
Source of attitudes, Types of Attitudes, Attitudes and Consistency, Organizational Justice in the
Workplace, Importance, Types of Organizational Justice, Cognitive Dissonance Theory,
Learning- Theories of Learning, Principles of Learning.
Unit-IV: Foundations of Group Behavior: Groups – Nature of Groups, Types of Groups,
Stages of Group Development, Group Cohesiveness, Group Decision Making, Leadership –
Nature, Theories of leadership- Trait Theories, Behavioral Theories and Contingency Theories.
Conflict Management- Functional versus Dysfunctional Conflict,Conflict process, Conflict
Management, Stress – Causes and Consequences of Stress, Stress Management.

Unit-V: Organizational Culture and Change Management: Nature and Importance of

Culture, Creating and Sustaining Organizational Culture, Forces for Change, Factors affecting
Resistance to Change; Approaches to Managing Organizational Change – Lewin’s Model –
Kotter’s Plan for Implementing Change, Organizational Development – Techniques of
Organizational Development.

Text book:

Robbins, Stephen, Timothy, A & Vohra, N. “Organizational Behavior”, 14th Ed., Pearson
Education. 2012.


Mc Shane & Von Glinow, “Organizational Behavior”, 7th Ed. Mc Graw Hill Publications, New
Delhi, 2014

Fred Luthans, Organizational Behaviour, 12th Ed., Prentice Hall, 2011.

Jerald Greenberg & Robert A Baron, Behavior in Organizations, 9th Ed., Printice Hall India,

Quick, Nelson & Khandelwal, Organizational Behavior – A South-Asian Perspective, 7 th Ed.,

Cengage Learning, 2013.


International Journal of Human Resource Management: Cambridge University Press.

The International Journal of Management Education.

Asian Journal of Management –Quarterly

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