Is Social Media Addictive PDF

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Is Social Media Addictive?

In today’s world, a lot of people, young and old, have embraced the use of social
media to connect with each other. Just as the use of the internet has progressed rapidly, the
same case has been with the social media. Almost every individual who uses smart phones
can easily access the internet for social media. This has allowed users to contact their friends,
families and other people. So, while social media has significantly enhanced communication
and connectivity, it can as well be addictive thereby affecting people’s lives.

Addiction can be described as becoming an abnormal tolerant to and is dependent on

something that results into psychological or physical habit formation (Sherwood, 2018). This
leads to them forming behavioral problems that can be associated with being addicted to
something, which in this case about social media.

Similarly, based of definition of the term addiction, I do argue that social media
addiction can be described as the habitual character of a person who is always on the phones,
laptops, computers or other internet accessing devices every minute of every day just to
connect with others. As a result, these people become so attached to the social media
allowing it to have control over their lives.

One of the major reasons as to why social media has become addictive especially
among teens is due to the availability of internet services and different social networking
sites. The availability of social media sites which are more compatible with most portable
technological devices like smart phones, has open a window opportunity in which teens can
connect with each other. People were more addicted in disclosing information about
themselves actively on social media and could complain of depression, loneliness, boredom,
or less focused when not allowed to access that social media.

In conclusion, I am of the view that social media is indeed addictive. In essence,

social media is addictive because it results into the problem of high dependency to internet
technologies by the society. Though some people may argue against it, in reality, social
media has become more addictive to our society. This has caused a lot of problems not only
to those addicted, but also to those afflicted with addicts. People should thus take caution and
think about their every day’s life and how their continuous use of social media can affect

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