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Actividad 1

1- Do you remembre what you did last weekend?

If being in the house in quarantine

2- Try to remember only 5 leisure activities or house chores you did last weekend.

What I did was watch a movie, do homework, play on the computer, do physical
education and play with my parents.

3- Take those actions and find out, how they are said in past.

I watched a movie, did homework, played on the computer, did physical education
activities, and played with my parents.

Actividad 4
4- Write these phrases on your notebook (IMPORTANT)

they grew their own food

I bought packaged food

Had many appliances

Had a solar panel

Turned off lights that you are not using

I rode a bicycle to school

Auto evaluación

¿Qué logros consideras haber alcanzado en el desarrollo de esta guía?

Aparte de haber aprendido el pasado simple

¿Qué dificultades se presentaron durante el desarrollo de las actividades que

contenía la guía?


¿Con qué nivel de compromiso asumiste el desarrollo de las actividades?

Con el compromiso de responsabilidad

¿De qué manera las actividades desarrolladas en la guía te permitieron

comprender la temática?
Con los videos y buscando en internet

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