Drugs and The Athlete:: What Is The Price For Winning at Any Cost?

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Man has always sought to go faster,

higher, quicker and has embarked on all
kinds of means in order to achieve
these aims.1 The first use of
performance enhancing compounds can
be traced back to the 300 BC, at the
ancient Olympic Games, when
mushroom and plant extracts were
used. The first reported death
associated with drug use by a
sportsman is in 1866, when European
cyclists took ‘caffeine based sugar cubes
dipped in nitroglycerin and vin mariani,
a mixture of ground coca leaves and
wine’. The issue of drugs in sport was
brought to public awareness after
several events, including amphetamine
use by US troops in World War II,

Drugs and the Athlete: widespread allegations of drug abuse at

the 1964 Tokyo Olympics and the

What is the price televised death of Tom Simpson in the

1967 Tour de France.1
for winning at any cost? In 1967, the International Olympic
Committee (IOC) Medical Commission
was formed, which published a banned
Dr Janet Mifsud BPharm(Hons), PhD(QUB)
list of performance enhancing drugs.
Senior Lecturer, Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, As testing technology developed more
University of Malta, Msida, Malta MSD06 drugs were added to the list of banned
Member, Medical Sub Commissions, Malta Sports Council, Malta Football Association.
substances.2 Yet still today, at each
Email: janet.mifsud@um.edu.mt
major event, athletes are still being
Key words: Drug doping, athletes, sports medicine, anabolic steroids, ergogenic aids. tested positive and some athletes have
even withdrawn from competition
rather than risk being tested.3 In the
Man has always sought to go faster, higher, quicker and has
1983 Pan American games, 19 athletes
embarked on all kinds of means in order to achieve these
tested positive for anabolic steroids,
aims. The first use of performance enhancing compounds can while Ben Johnson made headline news
be traced back to the ancient Olympic Games, but the first list following his disqualification in 1988
of banned ergogenic aids was only issued in 1967. Yet athletes Olympics in Seoul for taking
are still being found positive. They should be educated that stanazolol4.
these drugs are not only on the list because they are illegal Yet steroids are not the only culprits
and several OTC preparations may also
means of achieving results, but all of them have side effects
be guilty parties.5 In the 2000 Summer
which can lead to severe short-term and long-term health
Olympics, a Romanian female gymnast
problems for athletes. Drug doping in Maltese sports could was stripped of her gold medal when
become a major ethical, educational, financial, and health tested positive for pseudoephedrine,
management problem. Community pharmacists have an from a Nurofen Cold and Flu®
important role to play in advising athletes, sportsmen and preparation, a medication prescribed by
women about which drugs or OTCs can or cannot be taken a physician for a common cold.1 Even
locally in this season, at least two
during sports events.
Issue 7 Summer 2003 thechronic✱ill 17
footballers playing with the Maltese The List includes a whole range of and attempts to alter the integrity and
football league, were found positive drugs including: validity of samples used in drug
after taking anti-cold medication • Therapeutic drugs used to treat testing. Examples of such methods
intended for their children, which they legitimate illness or injury include the use of diuretics,
had no idea was prohibited. (prescribed or OTC) catheterisation, inhibition of renal
Community pharmacists have an excretion, sample substitution, and
• Social drugs of abuse
important role to play in advising sample tampering.3
• Ergogenic drugs (licit and illicit)
athletes, sportsmen and women about
which drugs or OTCs can or cannot be • Drugs used to mask the presence of What are the main effects
taken in sports events . It has become other drugs in urine of drugs on athlete?
even more important with the In fact, virtually all drugs in the Athletes should be educated that
publication of the recent Sports Law, banned list have legitimate therapeutic these drugs are not only on the list
which will open the way for a Legal indications (table 1). because they are illegal means of
Notice on drug doping in sports, achieving results, but all of them have
making positive results a criminal Prohibited doping methods include side effects which can lead to severe
offence. blood doping and pharmacological, short-term and long-term health
chemical, and physical manipulation. problems for athletes.5
What is drug doping These methods attempt to mask the use One common health problem has
in sports? of the prohibited substances listed been defined as the female triad. This
Doping is defined as ‘the use of an above. Blood doping is the is the result of extended eating
artifice, whether substance or method, administration of blood, red blood disorders combined with intensive
potentially dangerous to athletes’ health cells, artificial oxygen carriers training, consisting of disordered
and/or capable of enhancing their (substances that substitute blood), eating, amenorrhoea (cessation of
performances, the presence in the and/or related red blood products to an menses for at least 3 to 6 months) and
athlete’s body of a substance, the athlete for athletic performance premature osteoporosis.6
ascertainment of the use of a method, enhancement.2
as per the list annexed to World Anti- There may also be pharmacological, Anabolic Steroids
Doping Code’.2 chemical and physical manipulations, Non-medical use of anabolic
steroids is illegal and banned by most,
Table 1: Partial list of banned drugs according to WADA2
if not all, major sports organisations.
Still, some athletes persist in taking
them, believing that these substances
amphetamines and derivatives HCG
cocaine corticotrophin provide a competitive advantage. But
ephedrine growth hormone beyond the issues of popularity or
caffeine erythropoetin legality is the fact that anabolic
phenylephrine steroids can cause serious physical and
beta 2 agonists e.g. clenbuterol ANABOLIC STERIODS
psychological side effects.4
methyltestosterone Anabolic steroids - or more
spironolactone stanazolol precisely, anabolic-androgenic steroids -
bumetanide oxymetholone are the synthetic derivatives of the
frusemide nandrolone naturally occurring male anabolic
amiloride hormone testosterone. Both anabolic
and androgenic have origins from the
dextropropoxyphene labetolol Greek anabolic, meaning “to build,” and
methadone nadolol androgenic, meaning “masculinizing.”
morphine propranolol Testosterone’s natural androgenic
pethidine effects trigger the maturing of the male
Misc & MASKING AGENTS reproductive system in puberty,
epitestosterone including the growth of body hair and
(if urine conc of test:epitest > 6)
the deepering of the voice. The
hormone’s anabolic effect helps the

18 thechronic✱ill Issue 7 Summer 2003

body retain dietary protein, which aids glucose intolerance and altered thyroid Anti-Asthma preparations
in the development of muscles.8 and Low Density Lipopration (LDL), Highly trained athletes are
Steroids can be taken orally or they reports of Myocardial Infarction (MI), repeatedly exposed to cold air and to
can be injected. Those that are left ventricular hypertrophy, many pollen allergens in spring, while
injected are broken down into hypertension, teratogenic, uterine and competitive swimmers are exposed to
additional categories, those that are breast atrophy.4 chlorine derivatives from swimming
very long-lasting and those that last a Recent evidence suggests that long- pool disinfectants which may lead them
shorter time. In recent years, use has time steroid users and steroid abusers to greater susceptibility to asthma. In
shifted to the latter category - shorter- may experience the classic the last Olympic Games, about 10% of
lasting, water soluble injections. These characteristics of addiction including athletes showed evidence of asthma or
have a shorter half life, are excreted cravings, difficulty in stopping steroid used antiasthmatic medication. 9
more quickly but these C-17-alkylated use and withdrawal symptoms. Antiasthmatic preparations e.g.
derivatives are more hepatotoxic. Most Adolescents may also experience salbutamol and terbutaline by aerosol
healthy males produce less than 10 premature closure of the growth centers or inhalent route are now permitted if
milligrams of testosterone a day.4 of long bones, which may result in the prescribing physician sends recent
Females also produce testosterone but stunted growth.7 evidence of bronchial challenge tests
in minute amounts. Some athletes just prior to the holding of the event to
however, may use up to hundreds of Beta-blockers IOC. This new regulation is causing a
milligrams a day, far exceeding the Beta-blockers that lower blood great deal of controversy since many
normally prescribed daily dose for pressure are also on the banned list as are claiming that such tests could be
legitimate medical purposes. Anabolic they assist in keeping the hands of the detrimental to their well being and
steroids do not improve agility, skill or athlete steadier when used in archery physical fitness.6
cardiovascular capacity.8 and pistol shooting. The side effects Clenbuterol (Clenasma®), a beta-2-
Although anabolic steroids are include bradycardia, heart failure agonist used for chronic obstructive
derived from a male sex hormone, men peripheral vasoconstriction, airways disease is on the banned list as
who take them may actually experience bronchoconstriction (care in it has a unique anabolic effect. In fact,
a “feminisation” effect along with a asthmatics), depression, lethargy and it is used as a veterinary agent to
decrease in normal male sexual nightmares.9 increase lean weight in livestock and
function. Some possible effects poultry.9
include, reduced sperm count, Diuretics
impotence, development of breasts, Diuretics have important Stimulants
shrinking of the testicles, and difficulty therapeutic indications for the Stimulants such as amphetamine,
or pain while urinating. elimination of excess fluid from body caffeine, cocaine, and ephedrine,
On the other hand, women often tissue in certain pathological increase alertness and reduce fatigue.
experience a “masculinisation” effect conditions, which requires strict Stimulants alter cardiovascular cooling
from anabolic steroids, including facial medical supervision. Diuretics are that may predispose athletes to heat
hair growth, deepened voice, breast abused by athletes to reduce weight exhaustion. They also may increase
reduction and menstrual cycle changes.6 quickly in sports where weight competitiveness, hostility, and the
Abuse of such steroids turned East categories are involved and to reduce chance of injury from accidents caused
German female swimmers into the concentration of prohibited by the user’s poor judgment. Addiction
“lumbering beauties” in 1970s/1980s.4 substances by diluting urine.3 Reducing is also possible with the use of
Steroids have very severe side weight in a short period of time has the stimulants. Caffeine, which is found in
effects such as aggressive behaviour potential for serious health side effects. many energy drinks, sport gels,
and rage, headache, acne, altered Also, using diuretics to deliberately alcoholic beverages and diet aids, is
libido, euphoria and appetite, liver cheat drug tests is ethically considered illegal when present in urine
complications, hepatitis, hepatic unacceptable. They cause dehydration at a concentration of greater than
tumours, non specific elevations in and muscle cramps, dizziness, high 12mg/L which is the equivalent of
Liver Function Tests (LFT), irreversible potassium and calcium levels, low drinking around eight cups of coffee in
viriluzation, hirutism, baldness, coarse blood sugar levels, headache and a three hour period.3 It does not
voice, gonadotrophin suppression, nausea, vomiting and drowsiness.8 improve maximal oxygen capacity

Issue 7 Summer 2003 thechronic✱ill 19

directly, but could permit the athlete to Food and other supplements education now being an official SEC
train at a greater power output and/or subject and a new Minister for Sports.
Vitamins and mineral supplements
to train longer. It causes jitters, As athletic competition continues to
Vitamins and mineral supplements
insomnia, and inability of focus.10 intensify, even local athletes will strive
provide no ergogenic benefits and
for higher levels of performance to
athletes who have a well-balanced diet
Blood doping achieve success. Drug doping in
will not need additional vitamins.1
Blood doping is the administration Maltese sports could become a major
Excess vitamin C may lead to the
of blood to raise the blood’s oxygen ethical, educational, financial, and
formation of kidney stones and vitamin
carrying capacity, thus enhancing health management problem. This brief
B6 can induce liver and nerve damage.
aerobic athletic performance. Athletes review of the major banned groups of
No physiological benefits have been
may use their own blood or someone drugs illustrates that while there may
proven with Pangamic acid or “vitamin
else’s blood. Erythopoetin increases be some benefits to taking drugs for
B15”. Low iron stores may be observed
oxygen absorption, reduces fatigue, and sport, they are often outweighed by the
in female athletes and long distance
improves endurance by increasing the risks which can be permanent and
“endurance” athletes.
rate of red cell production. It can lead fatal.5 The pressures to win may, at
Chromium has a role in insulin
to increased thickening (blood times, be large enough to drive athletes
production and protein synthesis and
viscosity) of the blood which may cause to drugs, but is it worth it considering
strenuous exercise may lead to a
high blood pressive, stroke and heart the humiliation they face if they are
deficiency. Coenzyme-Q is a vital
failure.6 found out? The Maltese athletes,
component in energy production;
coaches, trainers and managers too
aerobic power and exercise performance
Hormones should be educated and community
was improved after ingestion. 8
Hormones, including human pharmacists certainly have an
chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) and important role to play in this respect.
Increased protein intake
corticotrophin, (ACTH, tetracosactide),
Increasing protein intake is unlikely
are used in sports for a variety of
to result in additional increases in
effects. HCG and other related References
muscle tissue synthesis because there is
compounds lead to increased rate of 1. Silver MD. Use of Ergogenic aids by athletes.
a limit to the rate at which protein
production of endogenous androgenic J Am Acad Ortho Surg 2001; 9:61-70.
tissue can be accrued. Branched-chain
steroids. Corticotrophin has been used 2. WADA, World Antidoping Agency Medical
amino acids may enhance endurance Commission. The World AntiDoping code,
to increase the blood levels of WADC E version 2.0, 2003. Available at:
performance by delaying the onset of
endogenous corticosteroids to obtain www.wada-ama.org. Accessed June 28, 2003.
central nervous system fatigue. 3. Epstein S, Eliakim A. Drug Testing in
the euphoric effect of this hormone.
Glutamine is a non-essential amino acid Athletes. IMAJ 1999; 1: 79-82.
The use of growth hormones can cause 4. Kutscher EC, Lund BC, Perry PJ. Anabolic
which helps augment protein synthesis
many serious side effects, including Steriods. Sports Medicine 2002; 32: 285-
and prevents breakdown. 1 296.
diabetes and Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease.2
5. Kanayama G, Gruber AJ, Pope HG Over the
Creatine counter drug use in symnasiums: an
Narcotic analgesics unrecognized substance abuse problem.
Creatine, which is found naturally in Psychother Psychosom 2001; 70:137-140.
Narcotic analgesics mainly function
meat and fish, is the latest ergogenic 6. Honours JW. Ster oid abuse in female
as painkillers but also may produce athletes. Current Op in Obs & Gyn 1997;
aid. It causes an increase in body mass
euphoria or psychological stimulation, 9:181-186.
and is useful in team sports. It is not 7. Blue JG and Lombardo JA, Steroids and
false feelings of invincibility, and
illegal but more research is needed to Steroid Like compounds. Clinics and Sports
illusions of physical prowess. These Medicine. 1999; 18:667-689.
look at its long-term effects such as
drugs also increase the pain threshold, 8. Kennedy MC. Newer Drugs to enhance
muscle cramping, nausea and seizures, sporting performance. MJA 2000;173: 314-
which can cause greater injury because
serious kidney problems.8 327.
an athlete may not be aware of the 9. Helenius I, Rytila P, Sarna S, Lumme A.
original injury. Use of narcotics can Effect of contin uing or finishing high-level
Conclusion sports on airway inflammation, bronchial
also lead to physical dependence.3 hyperresponsiveness and asthma. J Allergy
Sports in Malta has recently been
Clin Immunology 2002; 109:962-968.
given a new dimension with physical
10. Graham TE. Caffeine and Exercise. Sports
Medicine, 2001;31:785-807.

20 thechronic✱ill Issue 7 Summer 2003

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