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I check what I learned

Name:______________________ Code:____ Date:_________ Grade: 6° A B C D Time: 90’

Teacher: Stephanie Guerrero
Amilgar Tacure Campos


Capacidad: Identifica información explícita, con vocabulario sencillo, con o sin ilustraciones.

 Lee el texto y responde las preguntas con la información dada.

She is Marta Gutiérrez. She is 24 years old. She lives in Australia .She is a teacher. She teaches English. Marta
loves the music. She plays the guitar very well, usually at the weekends; she meets her friends and plays in the
park. Marta loves her dog. She has 2 turtles their names are Tito and Toto. She doesn’t like fish or birds. She
Likes vegetables and fruits.

1.-What is her name?

2- How old is she?
4- Where does she live?
5- What is her job?
6- What does she teach?
7- What does she love?
8-What are the names of her dog and her 2 turtle?
9- Does she like fish?
10- Does she like vegetables?
 Lee el texto y responde si es verdadero(T) o falso(F) .

My name is Tom and I live on a farm. My favorite food is fish. We usually eat fish for dinner on Fridays. I like
all fruit and vegetables but I don’t like tomatoes and potatoes. I like cakes. My mother can make very good
cakes. I always go with my mother to the supermarket I have breakfast at 7.30 a.m... I have my lunch at school.
I always take sandwiches and fruit for lunch. I have dinner with my family.

1-Tom lives in the city ( )

2-His favorite food is chicken and chips ( )
3- They eat fish on Fridays ( )
4-He likes fruit and vegetables ( )
5-He doesn’t like potatoes ( )
6- His mother makes cakes ( )
7-His mother make a chocolate cake ( )
8-He has breakfast at school ( )
9- He has sandwiches and fruit for lunch ( )
10-He doesn’t like tomatoes. ( )


Capacidad: Organiza y desarrolla las ideas de forma coherente y cohesionada.

 Escribe DON’T O DOESN’T para completar cada oración a


1. Lorena __________ go to school on Sundays.

2. Tom and Mike __________ have to go to school today.
3. My dog __________ live in our house.
4. We __________ need to clean our room today.

 Elige la respuesta correcta.

1. Do / does karla like tennis?

2. I don’t / doesn’t like playing football.
3. Kendal don’t / doesn’t like watching TV.
4. Do / does your friends like reading?

 Completa las preguntas con los auxiliares Do/Does y su respectiva respuesta.

1. ____ Sarah play a game?
2. ____ Diana and Juana climb trees?

 Coloca CAN o CAN’T según corresponda.

1. A butterfly ____________ fly but a lion _________.
2. An elephant ___________ run but ____________ swim.
3. A snake _____________ climb but ____________ run.
4. A fish _______________ walk but dog ___________.
5. A baby _______________ talk but an adult __________.
6. A kangaroo ____________ jump.
7. A monkey _____________ write.
8. She ___________ fly but she can run.
9. She can't write but she __________read!
10. A___________ can _______________, but a ________________ can’t.

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