ID Task Name Predecessor Duration (In Weeks) Start Finish

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ID Task Name Predecessor Duration (in weeks) Start Finish

1.1 Business Process Analysis 1 1/5/2020 7/5/2020

Processes Redesign complete 0
2.1.1 Build Specs 1.1 2 8/5/2020 21/5/2020
2.1.2 Review Specs 2.1.1 1 22/5/2020 28/5/2020
2.1.3 Approve specs 2.1.2 1 29/05/2020 4/6/2020
New System Specification complete 0
2.2.1 Obtain Proposals 2.1.3 3 5/6/2020 25/6/2020
2.2.2 Select Vendor 2.2.1 1 26/6/2020 2/7/2020
2.2.3 Negotiate Terms 2.2.2 1 3/7/2020 9/7/2020
2.2.4 Sign Contract 2.2.3 1 10/7/2020 16/7/2020
Contract Signed 0
2.3.1 Design system 2.2.4 3 17/7/2020 6/8/2020
2.3.2 Design Features 2.3.1 2 7/8/2020 20/8/2020
2.3.4 Develop Features 2.3.2 1 21/8/2020 27/8/2020
2.3.5 Test Features 2.3.4 1 28/8/2020 3/9/2020
Development completed 0
2.3.3 Configure Server 2.3.1 2 21/8/2020 3/9/2020
2.3.6 Load Database 2.3.3 1 4/9/2020 10/9/2020
2.3.7 System Test 2.3.6 , 2.3.5 1 11/9/2020 17/9/2020
2.3.8 Install on Devices 2.3.7 2 18/9/2020 1/10/2020
System configured 0
3.1 Prepare training 2.1.3 1 5/6/2020 11/6/2020
3.2 Schedule training 3.1 1 12/6/2020 18/6/2020
3.3 Deliver training 3.2 2 19/6/2020 2/7/2020
Training complete 0
4.1 Prepare draft 2.1.3 2 5/6/2020 18/6/2020
4.2 Review draft 4.1 1 19/6/2020 25/6/2020
4.3 Revise draft 4.2 1 26/6/2020 2/7/2020
4.4 Publish doc 4.3 1 3/7/2020 9/7/2020
Documentation complete 0
5.1 Design reports 2.3.8 1 2/10/2020 8/10/2020
5.2 Build Database queries 5.1 1 9/10/2020 15/10/2020
5.3 Produce reports 5.2 1 16/10/2020 22/10/2020
5.4 Obtain statistics report for new system 5.3 1 23/10/2020 29/10/2020
Reporting complete 0
1 business analyst , 1 project manager & 1 program manager

2 architects from System Vendor

1 senior architect from System Vendor
1 project manager, 1 senior architect from System Vendor (same as above)

1 accountant , 1 project manager & 1 program manager

1 accountant , 1 project manager & 1 program manager (same as above)
1 legal AND 1 accountant , 1 project manager & 1 program manager (same as above)
1 legal AND 1 accountant , 1 project manager & 1 program manager (same as above)

1 project manager, 2 architects from System Vendor (same as above)

2 architects from System Vendor (same as above)
2 architects from System Vendor (same as above)
2 architects & 1 senior architect from System Vendor (same as above)

2 architects from System Vendor (same as above)

2 architects from System Vendor (same as above)
2 architects & 1 senior architect from System Vendor (same as above)
2 technicians from the IT department

1 Trainer from HR department of Education and Training

1 project manager , 1 Trainer from HR department of Education and Training (same as above)
1 Trainer from HR department of Education and Training (same as above)

Two technical writers

1 senior technical writer
Two technical writers (same as above)
1 project manager , 1 senior technical writer (same as above)

1 consultant & 1 programmer

1 consultant & 1 programmer (same as above)
1 consultant & 1 programmer (same as above)
1 project manager , 1 program manager , 1 consultant & 1 programmer (same as above)

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