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Engaging the

Courts of Heaven

Maximizing the Power

of the Courts of Heaven


Dr. Ron M. Horner

Engaging the
Courts of Heaven

Maximizing the Power

of the Courts of Heaven


Dr. Ron M. Horner

LifeSpring Books
PO Box 2167
Albemarle, NC 28002
Engaging the Courts of Heaven

Copyright © 2018 Dr. Ron M. Horner

Scripture is taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982
by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved. (Unless
otherwise noted.)

Scripture quotations marked (ESV) are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy
Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a
publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All
rights reserved.

Scripture quotations are taken from the Amplified® Bible (AMP),

Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman

Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living
Translation (NLT), copyright ©1996, 2004, 2007, 2013, 2015 by Tyndale
House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers,
Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, God’s Word
Translation (GW). Copyright ©1995 by God’s Word to the Nations Bible
Society. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Scripture is taken from the Ancient Roots Translinear Bible (ARTB).

Copyright © 2005, 2006, 2011. Used by permission of the author.

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ISBN 13 TP: 978-0-359-08382-4

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Acknowledgments ..............................................................................I
Foreword .............................................................................................III
Preface ............................................................................................... VII
Chapter 1: Excelling in the Courts of Heaven ...........................1
Chapter 2: Accessing the Realms of Heaven ............................. 9
Chapter 3: The Mercy Court of Heaven.......................................15
Chapter 4: The Court of Records or Court of Scribes ............ 19
Chapter 5: The Court of Angels .................................................... 23
Chapter 6: The Court of Titles and Deeds ................................. 27
Chapter 7: The Court of Times and Seasons ............................ 35
Chapter 8: The Court of Strategy ................................................. 39
Chapter 9: The Divine Council ..................................................... 43
Chapter 10: The Court of Kings.................................................... 45
Chapter 11: The Celestial Court ....................................................49
Chapter 12: The Court of Just Reward ........................................ 53
Chapter 13: The Court of the Ancients
or The Council of the 70 ............................................................... 59
Chapter 14: The Judge’s Chambers .............................................. 61
Chapter 15: The Ecclesiastical Courts of Heaven .................... 63
Chapter 16: The Court of the Ecclesia ........................................ 65
Chapter 17: The Court of Matrimony ......................................... 79
Chapter 18: The Criminal Court ...................................................83
Chapter 19: Engaging Watchers & Patrollers ........................... 87
Chapter 20: Engaging the Chief Angel
Over Your Area of Jurisdiction .....................................................95
Chapter 21: Roadblocks in the Courts of Heaven .................. 99
Chapter 22: Qualifications for Judgeship ............................... 103
Chapter 23: Establishing an Ecclesia
in Your City or Region ................................................................. 109
Chapter 24: In Conclusion ........................................................... 117
Appendix ........................................................................................... 119
Request for Continuance.............................................................. 121
Cease & Desist Order ..................................................................... 125
Other Court Actions Available ................................................... 127
Petitions of Divorce ........................................................................131
Petition of Divorce from the Sun God ..................................... 135
Divorce from the Moon God ....................................................... 159
Bibliography..................................................................................... 193
Description .......................................................................................197
About the Author ........................................................................... 199
Recommended Resources ........................................................... 201

hanks always go to my family, my beautiful wife of over
thirty-seven years, my three beautiful daughters, and
my sons-in-law, and grandsons. They bring joy to my

Additionally, I wish to thank the wonderful team of

intercessors with whom I meet weekly to deal with national
and international issues in the Courts of Heaven. The
experiences we have had in the Courts of Heaven have
enriched us all. It has been our honor to participate with the
Court System of Heaven. Thank You Heavenly Father!

My dear friend Tracy Murillo contributed a chapter

(Chapter 6) on the Court of Titles and Deeds as she introduced
me to this particular court. As I have shared this information
with others, they have experienced breakthroughs and release
in unprecedented ways. Thank you, Tracy, for your help.

Jeannette Strauss and Doug Carr provided the divorce

decrees that can be found in the Appendix. They are doing
significant work in the Michigan/Indiana region of the USA.
Thank you, Jeanette and Doug.

Thanks always goes to my teachers in the Heavenly Courts.
You know who you are.


on Horner is a rare blend of a Bible scholar and a
prophet who has developed his seer gift to explore the
realms of Heaven. His experiences in Heaven are built
on the Word of God. When I first met Ron in 2014, I was
impressed by his pursuit of the deeper meaning of scriptures
as he searched for the legal precedents in the Word. He has
been on a journey of discovery on how to engage the Courts of
Heaven. Scriptures took on new meaning for me as the legal
terms revealed the reality of the justice system of Heaven. I had
always heard that the enemy was a legalist. Because of Ron’s
teachings, I understood in greater measure that the Just Judge
of the Universe has ordained laws and ordinances for men to
live in peace with God and man.

The government/Courts of Hell have held nations and the

Body of Christ in captivity. God’s people have perished because
of lack of knowledge. In His rich mercy the books of Daniel
have been opened at the end of the age and these truths are
being released to the Body of Christ. All who are thirsty come.
All who desire deliverance, justice, and freedom for the nations
and the Body of Christ – engage the Courts of Heaven to

overturn the judgements of Hell on our families, city, church,
nation, and the world.

Now we have an avenue for impacting the trajectory of this

nation and the nations of the world through the courts. We
know that all of our work is built on the prayers and travail of
the saints present in the earth and in the great cloud of
witnesses. We co-labor with the ecclesia, the seven spirits of
God, the Word of God, the prayers of the saints throughout the
ages, and Heaven to release the judgements of the Just Judge.
Be aware that this work is not for lone rangers unable to
submit to godly authority. The enemy can destroy you if you
are working above your pay grade.

Ron and I have been on this journey of engaging the courts

together as we have taught schools in India and Nagaland
opening up these truths to the intercessors in these lands. I
have personally experienced engaging the Patrollers in
Nagaland, watched as skeptical believers entered into the
realm of Heaven and experienced the High Council of God.
Ron was the impetus for all of these experiences as he carefully
encouraged us to step into Heaven, and ask for a report from
the Patrollers for the region, and trust our knower in these

As we have grown into an ecclesia dealing with national

and international issues, our authority in the higher Courts of
Heaven has increased because we work as a unit committed to
the will of the Lord. Success in the courts is dependent on
teamwork and co-laboring with the Holy Spirit. No big “I” can
play a part. Each person’s input is respected even though we

might not initially understand how it fits into the case for that
day. We have to trust the Holy Spirit as He guides us through
the court case with repentance, scriptures, insights, and

If you want to develop an ecclesia for your region, each

member must begin dealing with their generational and
personal issues in the Mercy Court and silence the accuser! For
years the Lord told me to go deeper to go higher. This has
definitely proven to be true. Your authority will increase as you
deal with the iniquity in your DNA: Freemasonry, generational
profane worship, generational enemies, cursing, bitterness,
and receive healing of deep heart issues.

Ask the Lord to reveal the members that you are to co-labor
with in the courts, develop relationships and accountability,
prove their character through actions and words, and begin to
work together to understand one another’s gifting. An ecclesia
develops over time. The right people are critical for success.

I pray that you read this book carefully. Knowing that

wonderful truths and mysteries are hidden in its pages. I am so
grateful that I can glean from the rich treasure that is Ron


ver the last few years, I have done a significant amount
of teaching on "Understanding the Operations of the
Courts of Heaven." The responses I have received range
from one extreme to the other. Many of the criticisms of the
concept of a court system in Heaven appear to come from
those who have not read their Bible with an open mind or have
only read it with a mindset of protecting their pet belief

In the two years since the ‘The Courts of Heaven: An

Introduction’ was released much has been learned about the
Mercy Court as well as many of the other Courts of Heaven. As
the subject gets more popular and more people begin to engage
this paradigm of prayer, abuses will occur...most of which are
unnecessary or founded in zeal, but not in the Word of God. I’ll
be addressing some protocol issues later in this book. Much of
the book will remain unchanged, but the additional insights
should help progress even more effectively in your journey of
learning the ways of the Courts of Heaven. May you experience
many blessings on your journey.

As you learn to engage the Courts of Heaven, do not get

bogged down and afraid of accessing the Courts of Heaven

because you are unsure of where to go. The Mercy Court is the
default ‘go to’ court for most issues – particularly when starting
to experience the Courts. Simply ask for help. The Courts of
Heaven have a help desk, so ask for help. They will direct you
where to go. Never be afraid to consult Holy Spirit or pray in
the spirit while in the courts. Praying in the spirit is our library
card to access the information system of Heaven. Simply move
ahead and follow Holy Spirit’s leading.

As more understanding of the Courts of Heaven comes

forth the Body of Christ upon the earth will gain much more
traction and make much more progress than it has in times past.

We are going to learn how to be more

effective in establishing the Kingdom of
God in the area for which we have spiritual

The reason for the Courts of Heaven understandings is so the

church can progress more quickly and effectively than at any
time in history. We have much to do to see the will of the
Father fully established in the earth. It will take working in the
Courts of Heaven to see that come to pass.

At one point I heard the Lord addressing several points I

want to share with you:

• The reason for the Courts understandings is so the

Church can establish the Kingdom much more fully and
with much more impact than the church has
understood or experienced in the past.

• I want My church to operate victoriously and with a
victorious mindset!
• They cannot do that if they are always experiencing
• Understanding the courts will change that!
• Your authority flows out of love, not out of legal actions
in the Courts.
• You cannot receive proper legal authorizations outside
of love - My love for the people involved. I authorize
from a position of love. I legislate through love.

None of what I am writing is final because these

understandings are ever evolving. Some teachers in the body of
Christ seem to specialize in certain aspects of Christian living,
and it is the same when it comes to understandings within the
Courts of Heaven. As individuals and ministries continue
working within their specialty, the body of Christ can engage
the Courts of Heaven more effectively and efficiently.

Some may disagree with the names I use in this book. That
is your prerogative. It need not be an issue. As we move
forward, may the Church of the Firstborn in Heaven and the
church upon the earth come into full harmony.

Chapter 1:
in the
Courts of Heaven

few months ago I made a vehicle purchase. I was
attracted to the features of a particular automobile yet,
before that time, I had not really noticed that particular
model on the highways. However, a strange thing happened
once I made the purchase and drove around town, suddenly
dozens of the same vehicle were on the road. It seemed every
time I went somewhere, I would see the same model vehicle,
even in the same color. Now, I see that model automobile
seemingly everywhere I go. I now had a point of reference from
which to look. It is not unlike that when it comes to the Courts
of Heaven understandings. What had been hidden heretofore,
was suddenly prominent before my eyes.

When I first began my study of the concept of the Courts of

Heaven I did a cursory search of the frequency of various
court-related terms I could find in the Bible. I was astonished
to discover that on my first search effort I discovered well over
a thousand verses. Once I focused in on the courts in my

studies, more and more court-related terms could be seen as I
read the Word. You will find the same thing as you focus in on
the Courts of Heaven paradigm.

It has only been in the last few years that the body of Christ
has been introduced to the Courts of Heaven prayer paradigm.
Not that it was hidden from us, we simply did not see it. It was
enclosed in a parable Jesus taught in Luke 18.

Throughout the last few years much information has come

forth concerning the various courts. It, like many other
concepts in the Kingdom of God requires proper stewardship
in order to advance in operations and understandings in the
Courts of Heaven. Paul addressed the stewardship aspect of
our walk with God when he said:

Let a man so consider us, as servants of Christ and

stewards of the mysteries of God. 2 Moreover it is
required in stewards that one be found faithful. (1
Corinthians 4:1-2)

The Courts of Heaven paradigm has long been a mystery

and our advancement in understandings require that we
steward this information properly.

The Old Testament prophet Zechariah addressed this aspect

in his writings. In Zechariah 3:6-7 we find a roadmap of the
progression within the Court System of Heaven. His
instruction to Joshua the High Priest:

 Walk in God’s ways – if He would be responsible for

doing this, then;

• Keep His commands – obeying what God has said –
not giving way to transgression and sin in his life;
then he could be qualified to;
• Judge His house – This was not typically the duty of
a priest but of a King. Kings judged, priests
represented the people - they essentially served as
the people’s attorney before the Lord;
• Have charge (or oversight) of His courts – Joshua
would not only serve in a court but have oversight
over courtroom activities; then;
• He would be given a place among those present
with him in the story – Joshua was surrounded by
men in white linen who were serving as judges.
Zechariah was also present, not merely as an
observer, but as an active participant in the
narrative. Joshua would have a place of fellowship
and companion among those present.

Each level involved stewardship and a progression from

one to the other. Much more can be gleaned from this story
and is discussed in more depth in Chapter 21 on Qualifications
for Judgeship.

Generational Issues

To progress in the Courts of Heaven is to get our

generational issues dealt with. Jackie Hanselman, author of
Silencing the Accuser (, works
extensively in this arena. In ‘The Courts of Heaven: An
Introduction,’ (now entitled ‘Engaging the Mercy Court of
Heaven’) I wrote about this as well as reasons our prayers are

not being answered Chapter 1 of that book. Take those ideas
into consideration, so you are not taken advantage of

Personal Sin

We cannot be guilty of an area we might be judging if we

were to serve in one of the courts. Personal sin can take you
out of active involvement. It is important that we not cross
over into sin, transgression, or iniquity. If we want to have
successful outcomes in the Courts of Heaven we must keep
ourselves in a place of safety.

I have known who had committed grave sins against the

Lord yet did not deal with it. By not correcting the situation
they came under such massive assault that it took them out of
the race. We must own our stuff – our sin – and get it dealt

In one case the Lord was dealing with ‘Lies out, truth in.’.
When the verdict is that strong, one cannot give place to lies in
their own life. They must fully embrace truth or else they will
come under judgment by their actions. God did not ‘judge’
them. Instead they created the scenario by which they were
judged. Each sin has judgment inherent within it. We call them

Going Above Your Pay Grade

Those reading this who served in the military understand

this concept quickly. A private or corporal did not have the
same level of authority as a sergeant, lieutenant, major, or

colonel... indeed not the authority of a general! If you are not a
general, don’t try to act like one. You will open up yourself (and
your family) to unnecessary trouble.

The wife of a friend of mine contacted me one day because

they were under constant assault. She wanted to know why. I
asked directly, ‘What is your husband doing? How is he
praying? (He led an internet prayer ministry, and as it turns
out, he was (on a regular basis) declaring war on the devil. To
do that is:

1. Unnecessary - that war is already underway;

2. Foolish - why pick a pointless fight?
3. Above his pay grade.

In the United States, only the Commander in Chief with the

confirmation of the Senate can declare war. It’s not a buck
private’s job to do so. If you are looking for a fight, the devil
will oblige you.

The friend’s husband needed to repent of his actions and

stop picking fights he was not equipped for. He was not
affected but his wife was. You are never in battle alone, and the
enemy will exploit any weakness he can find. If the weakness
is not in you, then he will look to your spouse or children. We
do not need to help the devil out by doing foolish things that
are above our pay grade.

One can also step into the Courts of Heaven and try to act
within a court he or she is not yet qualified for. In our own
legal system, a lawyer has to be approved to present or
represent a case in certain courts. so it is in the Courts of

Heaven. A lawyer has to meet specific qualifications of
experience and capability to go before the Appeals Courts or
Supreme Courts in many judicial systems. In going where one
is not qualified that person can endanger themselves, those
closest to them, or in the setting of going into the courts with a
prayer team, he or she could endanger that team. We must
know where we are qualified and stay in that arena until God
elevates us.

Another arena of responsibility and proving ourselves

worthy to progress in the courts is our ability to honor the
protocols of the various courts. In certain paradigms of prayer,
making decrees is a large part of what is done. In my
experience it is the successful litigation in the courts that grant
the authorization for any decrees that might come forth.

Authorizations, then decrees!

The decrees do not come first. We do not make decrees

while IN any of the courts. Decree all you want outside of the
courts because you have the authorization from the Courts of
Heaven to make them. When you are in the Courts of Heaven,
you surrender your authority to the authority of the court.

Realizing it is Not About You

Our involvement in the Courts of Heaven on any level is a

result of God’s goodness and grace. He sought us and made us
worthy. Once we think we ‘have arrived,’ we are in a dangerous
place. We have not ‘arrived’ at all – instead we are about to
disembark from where ever we had been. Pride will eliminate

you from participation in the Courts. Arrogance will disqualify
you. Bragging about your involvement will result in your
disqualification as well. The stories I share in the book are to
show you that God can use anyone He chooses. I am grateful
that I have been allowed to take part. I view it as a
responsibility as well as a privilege. It is not by my own merits
– not at all!

The more experience you gain in the

Courts, the more you are responsible for.

In our natural court systems we can be removed from a

courtroom for contempt. The same can happen in the Courts of
Heaven. The more experience you gain in the Courts, the more
you are responsible for. The Lord has instructed you to become
quite active in the Courts of Heaven and you are seeking as
much information as possible. He wants to elevate each of us
to higher planes of experience. We must always keep in mind
that we are where we are by His grace – it is not of ourselves – it
is a gift (see Ephesians 2:8, 1 Corinthians 4:7, and Romans 12:3).

Being Summoned to Court

As you progress in your levels of engagement, be aware that

you may be summoned to court at any time. A friend shared
her story with me concerning her experience.

VJ had just finished her time with the Lord one morning
and went upstairs to her bedroom. While in the room she was
aware that the Lord wanted something else from her. She
questioned the Lord by asking, ‘Is there something else, Lord?’

She immediately heard, ‘Yes, you are being summoned to
court.’ Instantly she was in a courtroom and told she had been
brought to testify on behalf of a woman she knew. She took the
witness stand and testified on the woman’s behalf. Once
finished, a verdict was rendered and the case was closed.

As my friend rose to leave, she was stopped by someone

saying, ‘You have something else to do.’ She then found herself
in another courtroom setting with someone else she knew on

She said, ‘I’ll be glad to testify on their behalf!’ Immediately

she heard, ‘No, she has unforgiveness in her life. You must tell
her to deal with it.’

VJ realized now that she was no longer in the courtroom,

but back in her bedroom. She made a point of finding her
friend and following the instruction of the Lord by telling the
woman about dealing with her unforgiveness. A couple of days
later she saw her friend and could see the heaviness had lifted
from her and she had great joy. Apparently she dealt with the
unforgiveness and was free!

On one occasion I was in an Arby’s Restaurant eating lunch

when I was summoned to court. I was immediately caught
away to conduct some court business and then returned. Only
a few moments had elapsed, but the business was complete. Be
ready. As you progress in the Courts of Heaven, you may be
called upon at any time to testify in someone’s behalf. It is a
part of this walk.

Chapter 2:
the Realms of Heaven

tremendous privilege we share in this time in history
is the ability to access the realms of Heaven with ease.
Many of us were taught that Heaven is only for after
you die. Heaven is much more than a final destination on a
journey, but also can be a vital aspect of that journey.

What I am about to share is vital in progressing in the

various Courts of Heaven. We can access the Mercy Court (see
the next chapter) while fully planted here on the earth, but to
maximize our endeavors in the Courts of Heaven, we need to
learn how to operate FROM Heaven.

In teaching on accessing the realms of Heaven, I often point

out some simple facts. If you were to tell me you were a citizen
of a particular town, but you could tell me little of it from your
personal experience, I would have a tendency to doubt the
authenticity of your citizenship. I am a citizen of a small town
in central North Carolina. I am familiar with the location of
the City Hall, Police Station, hospital, local county courthouse,
Sheriff’s Department and much more. I know where many

sporting events will be held. I know where the parks are. I
know many of the stores and restaurants. I am familiar with
this small town. Yet, if I were to ask the average believer what
they can describe of Heaven from personal experience, the
answer will likely be – nothing. They have no personal
experience of Heaven that they can relate to Me. It does not
have to be like that.

In Matthew 3, Jesus informed us that the Kingdom of

Heaven was at hand. You could say, 'the Kingdom of Heaven is
as close as your hand.’ Hold your hand up in front of your nose
as close as you could. Do not touch your nose. Heaven is closer
to you than that. It is not far, far away up in the sky. It is not
‘over yonder’ as some old hymns describe. It is a very present
reality separated from us by a very thin membrane – and we
can access it by faith. It is very simple.

When Jesus was baptized in the River Jordan, as he came up

out of the water IMMEDIATELY the heavens were opened. He
both saw (a dove) and heard (a voice coming from Heaven).
That one act of Jesus restored our ability to access Heaven. We
can experience open Heavens over our life. We don’t have to
wait. We can live conscious of the realm of Heaven and live out
of that reality!

Everything we do as believers we must do by faith.

Accessing the realms of Heaven is done the same way. In
Chapter 5, I spoke of how prophetic acts can create realities for
us. It is the same with this. You can visualize stepping from
one room into another easily. It is like stepping from one place

to another. To learn to access the realms of Heaven, you will
follow the same pattern.

Stand up from where you are now and prepare to work with
me. You can experience the realms of Heaven right now! You
don’t have to wait until you are dressed up in a long box at the
local funeral home or decorating an urn. You can experience
Heaven while you are alive!

Quiet yourself down. Turn off distracting background

noises if possible. Prepare to relax and focus. Now, say this
with me:

Father, I would like to access the realms of Heaven

today. So right now, by faith, I take a step into the
realms of Heaven. [As you say that, take a step forward.]
Imagine you are going from one place to another in a
single step. Once you have done so, pay attention to
what you see and hear. You may see very bright lights;
you may see a river, a pastoral scene, a garden – any
number of things. You, right now are experiencing a
taste of Heaven. You will notice the peace that pervades
the atmosphere of Heaven. You might notice the air
seems electric with life. The testimonies I’ve heard are
always amazing and beautiful to hear.

Now spend a few minutes in this place. Remember,

Jesus said to enter the Kingdom you must come as a
little child. I often coach people to imagine yourself as
an 8-year-old with what you are seeing. What would an
8-year-old do? He or she would be inquisitive and ask,
‘What is this? What does that do? Where does that go?

Can I go here?’ If a child saw a river or a lake, what
would that child want to do? Most would want to jump
in the water.

The variety is infinite. The colors – amazing! The sounds are so

beautiful. You can learn to do this on a regular basis. When you
access the realms of Heaven, you are home. You were made to
experience the beauty that is Heaven.

The reason learning to access the realms of Heaven is

crucial to engaging the Courts of Heaven is that much of what
we do is done FROM Heaven. We need to learn to engage
Heaven and work from it.

Many people tell me they can’t ‘see’ visually in the spirit.

Often they are discounting the ability they do have. They may
be discounting their ‘knower.’ Every believer has a ‘knower’ at
work within them. This ‘knower’ who is Holy Spirit at work
within you helps you perceive things. Whether something is
good or evil He works to guide you more than you may have
realized. Most navy’s that have submarines have a device
known as sonar. Sonar gives a submarine ‘eyes’ to see what is
in their vicinity. They can detect by the ping of sonar gives off
what the object is. They can determine the distance to the
object, and if it is another submarine. They can even identify
what class of submarine it might be. But, a video camera would
be rather useless underwater.

The military has a similar device for above ground

situations known as radar. It functions in a same manner. If a
pilot were flying through thick cloud cover, the pilot would
need to know what is in his path. Radar becomes his eyes.

Some people function visually. They often see what
amounts to pictures or video images when they ‘see’ in the
spirit. They may see more detail. Yet one operating by his or
her ‘knower’ (their spiritual radar or sonar) can be just as
effective as a seer. If you operate more like sonar/radar, don’t
discount what you ‘see’ in that manner. It is how I function and
I have been doing this type of work for many years.

I can often detect where an angel is in the room (or if it is

one of the men or women in white linen and not an angel). I
can often detect how many are present and whether they have
something they are to present to someone. I can detect any
number of things and even though it is not ‘visual’ it is still
‘seeing’. Understanding that operating by your knower is as
valid as any other type of vision will set your mind at ease. It
will help you to realize you have been seeing much more than
you know and you may know much more than some who only

Chapter 3:
The Mercy Court of Heaven

n Luke 18 Jesus introduces the Mercy Court of Heaven with
the parable of the widow going before the judge seeking
justice from her adversary. All of us desire justice and God,
in His infinite wisdom has provided the Mercy Court of
Heaven as an avenue whereby we can obtain mercy. In my
book, ‘The Courts of Heaven: An Introduction’ I teach on the
purpose, procedures and the protocol of the Mercy Court. I will
not spend time here discussing it more. It is the ‘go to’ court for
many of the situations we find ourselves it. It has been quite
interesting to hear from others in their writings on the Courts
of Heaven describe what I call the Mercy Court as the Court of
Mercy or the Court of Grace and Mercy. We are on the same or
very similar pages as we each teach on the courts.

Much of the focus of the Mercy Court is how to dismantle

the accusations we often find ourselves living under that are
helping divert us from our purpose. As the entire purpose of an
accusation is to divert you from your purpose. If the enemy can
be successful in diverting us from what God has in mind for
us, the can hinder the purposes of God for our lives and affect
the lives of untold numbers of people.

The story where Jesus tells Peter that he has been
summoned to court so that Satan could sift him like wheat it
quite telling. Jesus having informed Peter that he would be the
rock on which to build His church and the disciples had just
endured the betrayal of Judas. Satan sought to disqualify Peter
from his most important assignment.

In this story, Jesus accessed the courts and interceded in His

behalf. We have a similar wonderful opportunity to access the
Mercy Court in behalf of ourselves and others. The possibilities
are quite limitless for the Church to change the face of history.
May we learn how to navigate successfully the Mercy Court of

On the next page is a flow chart to help you navigate the

process of the Mercy Court. Following that we will begin to
delve into the other courts within the Court System of Heaven.


A printable version is available at

Chapter 4:
The Court of Records
Court of Scribes

ow that you have your verdict, what do you do next?
Once a decision is rendered, you need the resulting
paperwork. The solution is simple. The Courts of
Heaven has a Court of Records wherein records of court
proceedings are recorded and kept. It also contains the records
of your life...everything you are to do, everything you have
done, every word you have spoken is on record here.
Throughout this book I will use these terms interchangeably.
The angels will make those papers available to you. (In the
American court system we have a Clerk of Courts office
performing similar functions.). As I enter I will say something

I ask permission to enter the Court of Scribes today.

You will likely have a sense that it OK to proceed. As you

step into the Court of Records (often these ‘papers’ will be in
the form of scrolls). You just ask for a copy of the paperwork

from your case to be given to you. I usually say something like

I have come seeking the scroll(s) of the verdict just

received in the Mercy Court (or whatever court you were

Hold out your hands as if to receive this scroll or book. You

may sense (or see) a scroll. It often takes the form of a scroll or
a book. You can read it, but now that you have the paperwork
you need to engage the next court. You need to get angels
activated to carry out the instructions mandated in those
scrolls. We will discuss that shortly, but first, let us examine
the ways the verdicts manifest.

As I mentioned they often take the shape of a scroll or a

book. These books often look like the old books you would find
in the Deed Vault of your local county courthouse. If in the
shape of a scroll, understand that both terms: scrolls and books
are often used in the Bible. Many times you will see something
written or stamped on the outside of the scroll. I have words on
various scrolls or books in that court: Cleansed, Healed, Free,
Approved, Not Guilty, and more; any variety of words
describing the contents of the scroll.

At other times they manifest as sheets of paper. Often like

the papers you would receive from the Clerk of Court's office.
Sometimes you do not ‘see’ but sense or perceive the
paperwork in whatever form it happens to be in.

These papers include the directives of the court relating to

your petition in the Mercy Court or whatever court you have

been engaged in. It may be an order of the court releasing
angels to minister to your children, or an order releasing funds
for a particular situation, or authorizing certain things be done
in your behalf. Any number of things can be in these papers.

On many occasions, many scrolls were issued about a court

case. The sense was as if someone loaded his or her arms with a
stack of firewood. At times the person could feel the weight of
the scrolls on their arms as they carried them.

Yet, having the orders is one thing. Seeing the orders or

instructions are carried out, is a different matter. For that, we
are going to need angelic help, and with that, we will now
proceed to the Court of Angels.

Chapter 5:
The Court of Angels

pon receiving the paperwork from the Court of
Scribes, it is now time to get the verdict enforced. This
is where angelic help occurs.

In Hebrews 1:14 we read: ‘Are they [angels] not all

ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will
inherit salvation?’ (That’s us!). The angels are ready and
waiting to work on our behalf. As you go through this process,
imagine yourself being in a place like I am describing. Imagine
yourself handing out the papers or orders to the angels or
having them take them from your hands. These prophetic acts
create spiritual and natural realities. Do not despise these
prophetic acts; they have great power and can do mighty things
in your life.

Once you have stepped out of the Court of Scribes, you step
into the Court of Angels. The Courts of Heaven complex is like
an enormous building with a broad hallway. Off to each side
are the various courts. It is easy for us to imagine stepping out
of one court and into another down the hall. Usually, I say
something like this:

I request permission to enter the Court of Angels this

As we step in, you will often sense a lot of activity in the

room. The angels are collecting papers/scrolls from others in
the court. They are being dispatched to where ever they need to
go. You will announce something like this:

I have received a ruling from the Mercy Court (or

whatever court was involved), and I need angels who
will carry out these orders.

Angels will step up to receive the orders (it may be one or

two angels or a large number of angels. These angels will have
all kinds of appearances and be of all sizes. Some look very
warlike, others very ‘normal’. At that point, they will go forth to
carry out the instructions that you received from the Court of

Once completed, you will notice that even though you ‘gave
away’ the scrolls, you still have a copy with you. Take this copy
and fold it into your heart. I may say:

I receive this scroll into my heart right now.

I imagine holding this scroll and pressing it to my chest. I

am receiving the verdict granted by the Father in the court a
short while ago. You will be able to recall what is in that
paperwork at later times as you need to. You can rest assured
that the Father has his angels working on your behalf.

With our operations usually complete in this court we exit
the court. You may express your thanks for access to the Courts
of Heaven.

Once verdicts are rendered from any of the other courts you
will usually need to access the Court of Scribes. Then make
your way to the Court of Angels following the same process
described in the Mercy Court QuickGuide or the Process Chart
(available from Remember to
be thankful to our Heavenly Father for this tool given to us. We
can access and enjoy the realms of Heaven.

We also have experienced some exceptions to this rule

where the judge, simply hands the paperwork to the bailiff
who takes care of the dispatch to the angels. Those issues are
left to the discretion of the judge. It is my practice that if the
paperwork has not been delivered to a bailiff, then I will step
into the Court of Scribes to receive it, then into the Court of
Angels for dispatch.

Chapter 6:
The Court of Titles and Deeds

by Tracy Murillo

Author’s Note: Do you have a property situation that needs to

be dealt with in this court? Do you have land that will not sell?
Do you know of a property that seems cursed? Do you know of
an area where nothing seems to be successful on that
particular site? Are you considering buying a piece of property?
Do you know of someone who seems to be ‘owned’ by the devil
or one of his kids?

You should consider going to the Court of Titles and Deeds to

know the status of any property you are considering? What
needs to be dealt with before buying? Will it be a good
investment? Should I go forward, or not?


aving been going to the Courts of Heaven for about
four years, I was familiar with the Mercy Court.
Within my heart, I knew the Courts of Heaven
contained so much more to see and experience. When a friend
asked me about going to the Courts of Heaven to petition about

two properties she owned, I agreed to assist her. Although I
was not sure how to handle properties, I trusted the Judge and
Seven Spirits of God to lead us both. About a month later I
traveled to her home where we stepped into the Courts of
Heaven. At that tine we gave the Just Judge her petitions.

The court opened in the usual way of asking everyone to be

present and the blood to speak a word. After only a few
minutes I noticed something was different about this court. Its
walls were different. Small drawers lined the walls very much
like deposit boxes in a bank. As I asked the Judge where we
were, he said, "The Court of Titles and Deeds." I did not know
such a place existed, but okay; I loved new things and treasures
in Heaven.

It was then I proceeded to ask for more revelation. Two

angels guarded each drawer. We brought one of the two
properties to the attention of the Judge. As we gave the address,
an angel went to a specific drawer and pulled out a rolled paper
and took it to the Judge. A funny thing happened. As the Judge
unrolled the paper, the land depicted on the paper became
alive. It was like watching a movie. It played out every day on
that land from the beginning as if in fast forward. We watched
as people and special events had held on that property. We
heard and saw the sights and sounds of rejoicing and
celebrations. It was beautiful. Flowers were everywhere. We
watched for a long while and then asked for more revelation.

As soon as we asked for more revelation, everything

changed. The land became dark, and many men appeared
shackled in chains singing an old hymn. I wondered what had

happened. We had asked for revelation about anything holding
the land captive. We could tell by the clothes and chains it was
definitely during the slave trading era of the United States. As
we continued to watch the vision, some were being beaten and
sold into slavery. Most, if not all, had suffered mistreatment
and now did not know their fate. Many were suffering from
malnutrition and were weak from the long journey. We could
feel the anguish and heartbreak of these people. We could also
sense the unrighteous deeds that were done on that property.
My friend began to repent on behalf of the landowner for
allowing such tragedies to happen on that property. It seemed,
they would bring the slaves from the ships and sell them at
that place. We then felt impressed to ask the Judge for the
release of every slave that had been chained. We also requested
they be released from the hatred and unforgiveness in their
hearts due to such treatment. We then repented for their
families allowing the hate to go on down into future
generations. Soon after that we heard and saw the chains
falling off the prisoners; they were free! It was amazing to
observe, and we were very much feeling their freedom in

As we asked for more revelation, we began to see that the

land was alive and beautiful again. All the slaves were gone,
and it appeared as a pretty sunny meadow. The families from
the former place in time had been set free. The land was set
free. As we watched, the Judge rolled up the paper and stamped
it, "Approved." Then he had the angel return the document to
the proper drawer for safe keeping. My friend knew in her
heart that now the land was hers and she could do with it as
the Lord deemed for her family.

A few months later; we decided to take the second piece of
property into the courts. As we entered the Courtroom, we
could tell that we were once again in Court of Title and Deeds.
The small drawers were everywhere, so we proceeded to usher
everyone in and ask for the Judge to open the Court. We gave
an angel the address of the property. Again an angel went to a
drawer, brought out a rolled up paper, and presented it to the
Judge. We asked for revelation for this property because it was
in a different state. Soon after the document was rolled out on
the table, the land came to life again. It showed the history of
the property and a movie began to play very much like in the
prior court setting. Everyone in the Courtroom watched the
celebrations, weddings, babies being born, and the lifetime of
this property.

We asked for the Seven Spirits of God to guide us and lead

us to the curses that might be here as well. I learned that
because someone gives you property it is not yours until the
Just Judge says it is. We then asked what was holding it. I began
to see a woman burying gold coins into the ground in several
places and wondered what that meant. Was she trying to save
money for her family? A lot of people would hide their
fortunes in the ground rather than putting them in a bank.
After asking the question, I sensed ‘no’. This was something
else. I then saw my friend and her grandson going around the
property digging up coins. I told her what I was seeing, and I
asked my friend what she thought that meant? Had she or her
family buried money or gold coins anywhere on the land? She
said no.

As we continued, we felt that the coins being placed in the
ground were not right. They would indeed begin to look for
them in the natural. I then had a brief picture of my friend
receiving the answer about what all this meant. We asked the
Judge and felt like that was all for now about this property. We
then saw a picture of her daughter running all over the
property with stakes very much like the movie ‘Far and Away’.
She was claiming all the land for their family. It was so
exciting! Even though we didn't understand about the coins,
we felt the property would be released for my friend. We asked
for a continuance and left the courtroom.

Two weeks later my friend received an email from her

sister-in-law. The sister-in-law disclosed she had met with a
medium who told her to place coins on the land, in the ground.
Once she did that the property would sell. My friend was
shocked. A medium had cursed the area, and her sister-in-law
had agreed to it. Her sister-in-law would not tell her where the
coins were buried. So my friend asked for revelation about
where the coins were. She knew now that what we saw in court
was correct and the coins were linked to darkness and curses.

The woman went everywhere on the property with a metal

detector. They only found some pennies, but felt such a relief
to know that the Judge was breaking that agreement by
revealing this to her. After removing the coins, they discovered
such a sense of peace that it was done. She called me and told
me the whole story and was so blessed that the Courts of Titles
and Deeds had brought great revelation and freedom for her
land, but had also increased her faith. These courtrooms are

real and will bring answers to us if we believe and engage


This court is not limited to merely the ownership issues of

lands and houses, but also can extend to the ownership of
people. Some people have literally been purchased as a
possession of others. We often think of the sex-slave trade, but
it extends further than that alone.

When someone has upon them a claim of ownership that is

not the Lord, a Transfer of Title may be required to get them
free and restored to their rightful owner. In Psalm 24:1, the
Lord lays claim to the earth and all who dwell in it.

The earth is the LORD's, and all its fullness, the world
and those who dwell therein.

Therefore, every inhabitant of this planet can rightfully be

claimed as the property of the Lord of Hosts. This concept
extends beyond this as well. Some (as a result of witchcraft,
sorcery, and the like) have had their souls fragmented and
scattered to the far parts of the universe – to the distant stars,
planets, and constellations. Since Jehovah God is the creator of
all, EVERYTHING belongs to Him – regardless of where it is.
The request for a Transfer of Title or a cancellation of any false
title or lien against someone’s person or property needs to be
requested. The blood of Jesus ransomed EVERY human that

has ever lived.2 Then request the restoration of every
fragmented part of their soul to be brought back to them, then
in the Court of Times and Seasons, request that their whole
being be brought into alignment with the timing and purposes
of God.

Do you have a property situation that needs to be dealt with

in this court. Do you have land that will not sell? Do you know
of a property that seems cursed? Do you know of an area where
nothing seems to be successful on that particular site? Are you
considering buying a piece of property? You should consider
going to the courts to know the status of that property? What
needs to be dealt with before buying? Will it be a good

God is so good to provide means such as these to His


Tracy works with a mutual friend of ours, and they

regularly help people get land issues released. You may want to
contact her at

1 Timothy 2:5-6 For there is one God and one Mediator between
God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, 6 who gave Himself a ransom for all,
to be testified in due time,

Chapter 7:
The Court of Times and Seasons

ou are probably familiar with Solomon’s discourse on
times and seasons. It has been quoted through the ages
and serves as a reminder of the nature of God and the
God of nature. Solomon writes:

To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose

under heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die;

A time to plant, and a time to pluck what is planted;

A time to kill, and a time to heal;

A time to break down, and a time to build up;

A time to weep, and a time to laugh;

A time to mourn, and a time to dance;

A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones;

A time to embrace, and a time to refrain from


A time to gain, and a time to lose;

A time to keep, and a time to throw away;

A time to tear, and a time to sew;

A time to keep silence, and a time to speak;

A time to love, and a time to hate;

A time of war, and a time of peace.

(Ecclesiastes 3:1-8)

We need to understand that ‘within every season are

various times and phases. And within every cycle, are different
seasons. Several cycles form an era.

To move from one phase to another, one season or era to

another, you will need to pass through time gates. Even in
every 24-hour day, you will find different phases and watches.
More often than not, the Holy Spirit will awaken you at a
specific hour, to watch and pray within a particular watch.
“And if he shall come in the second watch, or come in the third
watch, and find them so, blessed are those servants.” Luke 12:
38 (KJV). These time gates are often controlled by the enemy.’ 3

‘In order to break demonic cycles and re-programme the

various DNA’s to that of Jesus Christ, parents can stand proxy

Marx, Brigette; Alberts, Anton FW. The Seven Heavenly Courts
(Kindle Locations 1655-1660). UNKNOWN. Kindle Edition.

for their children’s timelines and business leaders and
ministries can stand in proxy for their employees or members
already employed as well as employees and members still to be
employed. They can also obtain God-inspired strategy for a
specific time and season. Business leaders and ministries can
stand proxy for clients, partners, individuals, families and
business timelines; and even for those yet to come and also to
initiate Godly change according to jurisdictional rights, in
order to break demonic cycles over all spheres of influence,
whether a business, ministry, church or community.’ 4

We can access this court and petition changes and

adjustments to times and seasons in our lives, churches,
businesses, etc. It is not imperative that we live under the
intrusion of the enemy in any arena of our lives. Times and
seasons can be shifted by correct petitions in this court.

Let me share a recent experience of this court I had with a

friend who sensed her daughter was in ‘the right place, but
wrong time.’ We both saw what I am about to describe.

We stepped into the Court of Times and Seasons the court

on behalf of the young lady requesting an adjustment to the
timing of her life. We were aware of the sound of many clocks
ticking, but our focus was drawn to a grandfather clock which
we could hear the tick-tock, tick-tock sound. Immediately an

Marx, Brigette; Alberts, Anton FW. The Seven Heavenly Courts
(Kindle Locations 1747-1748). UNKNOWN. Kindle Edition.

entourage of angels marched into the room in cadence...very
orderly in a formation. One angel went over to the clock,
opened the glass face of the clock portion and with his finger
gently moved the minute hand backwards a few minutes. He
then closed the glass face, opened the lower door and pulled on
the pulley so as to rewind the clock. When he finished, the
angel closed the lower door and with the other angels marched
out of the room. My friend heard within her spirit – ‘she’s on
schedule.’ The session was then over. We rejoiced in what was
done as well as the simplicity of what had occurred. Only a
minor adjustment was required to reset her life.

You may be in an extended period and seem ‘stuck’ to get

out of it. Go to the Court of Times and Seasons and petition for
a correction of time and seasons in your situation. Imagery is
likely to be involved where you may see or sense the hands of a
clock being moved forward or backward, or the pages of a
calendar being shuffled and moved. Your experiences here are
likely to be quite remarkable.

In my book, ‘Engaging the Courts for Ownership and Order’

I give much more insight into this court and the Court of Titles
and deeds. Find them at

Chapter 8:
The Court of Strategy

n this court one gains insights into how to handle
situations for which they need the wisdom of God. It has
been described as a large room filled with filing cabinets of
different colors. Each color has prophetic significance. The
following description is what I am familiar with. Others have
had experiences that differ from mine.

Once you access this court ask for help on the matter you
are dealing with. You request access to this court. An angel will
then go to the pertinent filing cabinet, open a drawer and pull
out the file you need. They will then bring it to you and often
will set it on a table in front of you for your viewing. You can
then open the file and begin reading the information you need.
You may not have liberty to learn all that is in that particular
file folder, and if not you won’t be able to read it. You may
want to take notes of what you are reading for your later recall.
It may be that you see a video or series of snapshots about the
strategy for that particular situation. Like the video histories of
the land one might see in the Court of Titles and Deeds. These
images will unveil to you the strategy of the Lord in dealing
with situations that you are faced with. On one occasion the

filing cabinets that were seen were as if they were
camouflaged. This was a clue as to the strategy for what was
being dealt with which involved the military. On another
occasion the filing cabinet containing the information was
purple, and on yet another occasion, it was blue in color. On
yet another occasion multiple files were pulled from numerous
cabinets pertaining to a multi-faceted issue we were dealing
with in the Courts of Heaven. Needless to say, this incredible
array of colors indicates the infinite strategies and purposes of
the Lord available to us in the Courts of Heaven.

Some may view this court to be the same as the Room of

Uncommon Wisdom. One can access significant degrees of
wisdom for situations. It may well be, I do not have full clarity
on that. In my experience in the Room of Uncommon Wisdom
I have seen ancient books like you may find in an old library.
Within these books were the answers we were seeking to
situations with which we were dealing.

One can also access the Room of Uncommon Productivity.

Here you can supersede time in completing specific tasks in
brief amounts of time. I have accessed this room on many
occasions. On one such occasion, I accessed it to write the
book, Overcoming the False Verdicts of Freemasonry. I started
on a Monday morning having had the concept in my mind
upon waking that morning. By mid-morning, on Wednesday
the book was finished. Only a few things left to do to clean it
up and get it ready for publication. The same thing happened
when I wrote the book Overcoming Verdicts from the Courts of
Hell and with Engaging the Courts for Ownership and Order.

The former was essentially finished within 3 days and the
latter within 2 days.

For those who have written books, you understand that is

not the norm. I credit the honor of accessing the Room of
Uncommon Productivity. I merely transcribed to my computer
what I was hearing or seeing from Heaven. These books had
already been written in Heaven. They needed to be transcribed
to the earth which is what occurred.

As we progress in understandings the realms of Heaven

much more revelation will be given. We will discover rooms
like these which we can access for the benefit of the Kingdom
of God. In a recent visitation of Men in White Linen, a large
number of books were brought and put on the floor around the
walls of my living room. I understood these were books I
would be writing or assisting in bringing to publication. Since
that time book concepts related to the Courts of Heaven have
been exploding inside me. Two of which have already been
produced and it has only been a few weeks since that

As I have been seeking understanding of the Court System

of Heaven I have come to realize many of our popular beliefs
have only been the framework for much greater knowledge. I
had been exposed to teaching that said that only seven, ten, or
twelve courts existed. Since we see in part and know in part, I
expect that we will find many more courts and tribunals
existing in the Court System of Heaven. As that information is
released to myself and others, it will no doubt find its way into
book form. I look forward to what is forthcoming.

Chapter 9:
The Divine Council

ithin the realm of this court one deals with
governments, businesses, weather situations,
cultural mountains of influence, and much more.
This is the court that would most often be accessed by a local
ecclesia. (See Chapter 22 (Establishing an Ecclesia).

As in many of the other courts, repentance is often required

as a preface to the petition granted. We have found over the
years that we are able to introduce into evidence the
repentance work done in earlier court settings. This can reduce
the time spent on a case once you have a track record of
repentance. It is good practice to have someone who serves as a
scribe to record the primary issues you deal with to you have
that information for later reference. You will have to be willing
to do any additional necessary repentance required of the Lord
before making your petition or obtaining a verdict. In one
setting a few years ago, we were facing the possibility of
landfall of a hurricane. As I live on the east coast, this can be of
particular concern. A team of intercessors got together via
Skype™ and (after some repentance work in which Daniel 9
offers a good model) we petitioned the Lord for the shifting of

the projected path of the hurricane to a northeasterly track to
take it out into the North Atlantic Ocean and we set a time
frame of within 24 hours. In my files, I have satellite
photographs showing the projected path and the path it took
(just as petitioned) within 24 hours of our petition.

The Divine Council is regularly engaged by ecclesia’s I have

been instrumental in helping establish. These ecclesia’s are in
the USA and overseas. Nations are being changed by the work
these teams are performing on behalf of their country or city.
More insight into this will be seen in Chapter 22.

Chapter 10:
The Court of Kings

avid the Psalmist (and himself a king) brings forth a
question that we, as believers, must answer. Looking
at this entire psalm it reads:

Why do the nations rage, And the people plot a vain

thing? 2 The kings of the earth set themselves, And the
rulers take counsel together, Against the LORD and
against His Anointed, saying, 3 "Let us break Their bonds
in pieces And cast away Their cords from us." 4 He who
sits in the heavens shall laugh; The LORD shall hold
them in derision. 5 Then He shall speak to them in His
wrath, And distress them in His deep displeasure: 6 "Yet
I have set My King On My holy hill of Zion." 7 "I will
declare the decree: The LORD has said to Me, 'You are
My Son, Today I have begotten You. 8 Ask of Me, and I
will give You The nations for Your inheritance, And the
ends of the earth for Your possession. (Psalm 2:1-8)

The question of ‘Why do the heathen rage, and the people

plot vain things?’ is found in the next verse. These kings and
rulers of the earth come together and conspire against the Lord

and against His Anointed (not just Jesus, but every believer).
These wicked kings and rulers want to free themselves from
the restraints placed upon them by the godly. They want to
break the bonds and cast away the cords that bind them.

We then see that the Lord says he is going to laugh at them.

God will get the last laugh because he has a more powerful
weapon than they realize. He has a church standing in its place
as Kings over the kings. These are sons who take their place
and begin to rule as an ecclesia in the earth. They rule by the
scepter and not by the sword.

Skipping ahead to Psalm 149 we find more of the answer.

Beginning in verse 5:
Let the saints be joyful in glory; Let them sing aloud on
their beds. 6 Let the high praises of God be in their
mouth, And a two-edged sword in their hand, 7 To
execute vengeance on the nations And punishments on
the peoples; 8 To bind their kings with chains, And
their nobles with fetters of iron; 9 To execute on them
the written judgment – This honor have all His saints.
Praise the LORD! (Psalm 149:5-9)

I am immediately reminded of Matthew 16:18-19:

And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this
rock, I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall
not prevail against it. 19 And I will give you the keys of
the kingdom of Heaven, and whatever you bind on
earth will be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose
on earth will be loosed in Heaven.

As sons who take their place as kings with the King of kings.
Jesus we will dictate what is permissible on earth because the
earth is to become a reflection of Heaven. That is what the
Garden of Eden was until man surrendered his dominion. We
are beginning the process of taking it back by dealing with the
legal obstacles in the Courts of Heaven.

My experience lets me know that through the patient,

continual effort change can occur on the earth because it is
first wrought in Heaven. The Court of Kings consists of a panel
of persons/beings acting as judges over the affairs of nations.
In some cases, it may deal with persons. Usually these persons
have an ability to impact a nation or nations. If someone
carried considerable influence and were a ruler or king they
may face trial in the Court of Kings, even though they did not
have the title.

Matters are presented before this godly counsel for their

consideration and judgment. Those bringing the case may call
witnesses, present evidence, and bring charges in this court. As
the case is tried, petitions made, and rulings rendered, the Lord
himself, the Just Judge may join in the proceedings, but he does
not usually. The men and women serving on this council have
proven themselves in the earth, and the Lord trusts their
judgment. They decide by consensus and come to a conclusion.
That verdict is then recorded and available in the Court of
Scribes which you then get and take to the Court of Angels for

In my book Overcoming Verdicts from the Courts of Hell I

give much more detail on how the counsels of the wicked

function. Also how the church can arise to see the actions of
these wicked counsels nullified in the earth. Out of these
counsels of kings and rulers from the earth (Psalm 2) come
forth false verdicts and decrees of wickedness. These false
verdicts must be overturned in the Courts of Heaven. Only
then, can real victory be won by the church for the benefit of
the nations of the earth and the Kingdom of God.

The number of those serving as judges in the Court of Kings

has varied in my experience. It is likely that we may be
working with many different courts of Kings. The American
and British court system has several geographical locations for
the same court providing the same function.

It has been my experience to be aware of being summoned

to serve on this Court and being caught away to do so. After
hearing the case, and rendering my input into the trial, a
consensus was reached. Once the verdict rendered and I was
suddenly no longer in that court. What would seem to take a
great deal of time was done in mere seconds in the Heavenly

Chapter 11:
The Celestial Court

aniel may be describing this court in Daniel 7. It is
composed of many thrones and the central throne
where the Ancient of Days is seated. Let us hear what
Daniel has to say:

I watched till thrones were put in place, and the Ancient

of Days was seated; His garment was white as snow, and
the hair of His head was like pure wool. His throne was a
fiery flame, its wheels a burning fire; 10 A fiery stream
issued and came forth from before Him. A thousand
thousands ministered to Him; Ten thousand times ten
thousand stood before Him. The court was seated, and
the books were opened.

Daniel 7:9-10

A team of intercessors with whom I work found ourselves in

this court recently. This court deals with matters of extreme
significance. It was a massive area with a backdrop appearing
as an enormous pipe organ like you would see in majestic
church. Behind these gigantic pipes was what appeared to be
galaxies. Angels were all about this place. The grandeur and

beauty cannot be described. It seemed to have no walls, nor

As I pondered the experience later Holy Spirit said the


‘Pay attention to the details of the court setting such as

you saw it.

As we looked, I noted that the pipes were indeed angels. The

sole function of these Angels of Harmonic Worship is to
enhance the majesty of the sounds of Heaven in this court.
They have a unique and very distinctive sound unlike any on
the earth. They bring harmony where chaos has ruled. They are
anti-chaotic in nature and in action. When these pipes are
allowed to sound they bring winds of harmony to a situation.
They do not even produce dissonant sounds as they worship.

The grandeur of where you were cannot be described on

this side of Heaven. It can only be experienced from Heaven.
You cannot adequately fathom it here on the earth. It just
whets your appetite for more of who I am.’

The Just Judge stood to render his verdicts. He began to

decree things related to the United States of America. He spoke
for several minutes and aligned time for where we were and
where He wanted us to be. It was unusual but significant. It
was simply awe-inspiring.

As in some of the other courts, the business will be

conducted and verdicts rendered which you then get from the

Court of Scribes and deliver to the Court of Angels for

Chapter 12:
The Court of Just Reward

n aspect of the Courts of Heaven yet to be explored in
much depth is the fact that the Court System of
Heaven is not only about dealing with the bad guys. It
also has a system for rewarding the righteous.

King Solomon had some understanding of this when he


Then hear in Heaven, and act, and judge Your servants,

condemning the wicked, bringing his way on his head,
and justifying the righteous by giving him according to
his righteousness. 1 Kings 8:32 (Emphasis mine)

This prayer was repeated in 2 Chronicles 6:23. Solomon

understood that courts in place to deal with the wicked and
punish them for their deeds. He also knew courts existed to
honor the righteous for their acts of righteousness. This Court
of Just Rewards is a place we need to access more and more.

In a recent session with a friend, we were drawn into this

court on behalf of her husband and her. Testimony was given
of their righteous deeds and proper stewardship over the land.

As a reward, a particular property was being released to them.
The wife received the scroll in the husband’s absence and took
them for dispatch to the Court of Angels. She later returned to
receive further rewards for things she had done.

The following testimony is from Jeanette Strauss describing

a dream involving this court:

Testimony of Judgment for Righteousness5

My name is Mark Williamson. My dad is Frank Williamson,

a pastor in Ft. Walton Beach, Florida. I had a dream about him
that I would like to share. My dad is a quiet, humble sort of guy
who goes about doing good but not letting people know where
he and my mom sow their seed unto the Lord. In the dream, I
was surprised to see my dad and me in a courtroom. I was
sitting and watching. I saw the Judge standing behind the
bench, and my dad was standing in front of him. The Judge
was huge, very tall, and my dad looked very small in
comparison. The Judge had a scroll in His hands, and as this
scroll began to unroll, it went down to the floor. The Judge was
reading it to Himself as it was unrolling. When it finished
unrolling, and He was finished reading, He looked at my father
and said; “Frank Williamson, after reading your testimony, I
find you guilty as charged.” I thought to myself, “Oh no. What
has my dad do?” The Judge read the charges that were on the

Strauss, Jeanette. Courtroom Of Heaven To The Throneroom of
Grace: Come into the Courts of Heaven (p.33-35). Glorious Creations.
Kindle Edition. Used by permission.

scroll. He said; “Frank Williamson, I find you guilty of feeding,
leading and protecting My flock.”

“I find you guilty of having compassion on the poor and the

widows.” “I find you guilty of seeking My will and being
obedient to My will even in the face of adversity.” “I find you
guilty of being faithful.” “I find you guilty of loving the
unlovely, and even at times in your life when you have been
betrayed; you have forgiven and loved others as I do.” He went
on to read some more wonderful guilty verdicts over my dad.
Things were read that had been recorded about my dad during
his whole lifetime. I don’t remember them all. Then the Lord
said, “For your judgment, I am rewarding you by giving you a
treasure of My heart – Times of Refreshing.” Then the gavel
came down. I know now that when the gavel falls in Heaven, a
reaction occurs on the earth.

“Times of Refreshing” is an actual place. The Lord had given

my parents a vision for a Christian retreat center. He brought
this mansion to their attention because it was on land that
backed up to their property. It had been a Christian-based
healing ministry mansion throughout the 1980’s and was now
in the court system. When it was brought to the attention of
my parents, they prayed for the Lord’s will and for provision, if
this property was His plan for them. It is a long miraculous
story, but the end result is that my dad was awarded this
mansion by a judge in a courtroom setting on earth. This
dream revealed how it was granted in Heaven before it was
granted on earth. Now my parents are holding Christian
retreats at that locale on a regular basis. The prophetic word
has been fulfilled.

Jesus outlined the prerequisites for rewards from the Father.
Take heed that you do not do your charitable deeds
before men, to be seen by them. Otherwise, you have no
reward from your Father in Heaven. 2 Therefore, when
you do a charitable deed, do not sound a trumpet before
you as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the
streets, that they may have glory from men. Assuredly, I
say to you; they have their reward. 3 But when you do a
charitable deed, do not let your left hand know what
your right hand is doing, 4 that your charitable deed may
be in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will
Himself reward you openly. (Matthew 6:1-4)

We have often relegated the reward aspect of this passage to

when we go to Heaven after we die. Another possibility exists
that is plausible. That of receiving rewards while we are still on
the earth.

Let me contend that we may have the option to do that at

the leading of Holy Spirit on behalf of someone. We know of
brothers and sisters who have served faithfully before the Lord
and may be deserving of reward. If that is the case and you feel
so directed, then ask for access to the Court of Just Rewards
and make the request of the Just Judge. No doubt in this court
witnesses will be called to testify on behalf of the saint in

The book of Ruth records a story that I believe found its

origin in this courtroom. In Ruth chapter 2 we see that the
widow Naomi and her daughter-in-law were in need of
sustenance and it was the time of the wheat harvest. Ruth went

to the fields of Boaz to glean from the excess wheat left in the
field by the workers. In verse 8 Boaz comes to her and directs
her to stay and work in his field and not go to another. He also
ensures her protection from the young men who worked for
him. In verse 10 Ruth asks why she found such favor in his
sight. This is his reply:

So she fell on her face, bowed down to the ground, and

said to him, "Why have I found favor in your eyes, that
you should take notice of me since I am a foreigner?" 11
And Boaz answered and said to her, "It has been fully
reported to me, all that you have done for your mother-
in-law since the death of your husband, and how you
have left your father and your mother and the land of
your birth, and have come to a people whom you did not
know before. 12 The LORD repay your work, and a full
reward is given you by the LORD God of Israel, under
whose wings you have come for refuge."

(Ruth 2:10-12) [Emphasis mine]

A court session had already occurred on her behalf to

reward her for her service to her mother-in-law. Ruth was
under no obligation to stay with her and serve her, but her
righteousness directed her to do so. Boaz (verse 10) was
prophetically describing the Lord was rewarding her faithful
service. Boaz ultimately purchases the property owned by
Naomi. He then marries Ruth – a much younger woman, and
cares for her as long as he lives. This story is an example of an
open reward for privately charitable deeds.

Chapter 13:
The Court of the Ancients
The Council of the 70

hen dealing with very high-level national issues, this
court is likely to be involved. My experience is that it
consists of a council of 70 elders (often with the
white wigs) who by consensus judge issues pertaining to
nations. The Just Judge (Ancient of Days) presides over this
court, and after hearing the testimony involved in the cases,
the Judge may poll the council “What say you?” concerning
their personal determination.

This court is quite vast and exceedingly bright in color –

very white! The backdrop is white. In front of the chairs (or
thrones) for the 70 Elders is a long table stretching the length
of the seating area. The Judge has a center seat at the table.

Once a consensus was given, the Judge stood to his feet and
began to make a proclamation of the verdict. At time a time of
repentance occured before the proclamation by the Judge.

We followed the same process of obtaining the scroll(s)
from the Court of Scribes, then accessing the Court of Angels
for angelic dispatch for the orders within the scrolls. Yet, at
times we have experienced the Judge handing the scrolls over
to angels (serving as bailiffs) who take the scrolls to the Court
of Angels for dispatch.

Chapter 14:
The Judge’s Chambers

n infrequent occasions the Just Judge will want to
handle things on a very personal manner. At these
times you may find yourself, not in a court, but in His
private chambers. It will be very quiet with few in attendance.
The issues at hand can be discussed at length without the
distraction of many others in the room.

Because it is His chamber, it is not only private but very

protected. Interference is not allowed in this place; nor are
commotions permitted. You sense a degree of informality
about this setting that is unusual for the Courts of Heaven. It is
a very relaxing place. You have the sense of being in the
presence of one whose only desire is the dispensing of real
justice. Not the tainted version of legal decisions we have
come to call ‘justice’ in our natural court systems. Instead, it is
justice based on love, not on personal gain. Although grave
matters may be dealt with in His chambers, the end goal is to
see love win.

In the court system in the United States, you may have
scenarios where the judge brought the attorneys for both sides
into his chambers. He/she did so to have discussions outside
the presence of the jury or of the audience in the courtroom. It
seems to be very similar in the Courts of Heaven. It looked as if
it was the secret place of Psalm 91. It is an protected area that
was uninterruptible by outside influences. Should you have
the opportunity to be invited to this special place, you will
leave with a renewed sense of reverence for the Father as our
Just Judge.

The sense of the holiness of God is palpable in my

experience. While the Judge is speaking the court is completely
quiet – with no noise whatsoever. Again, this was a
demonstration of the awe of being in this court and in the
presence of the Ancient of Days. This very well could be the
court Daniel described in chapter 7 of Daniel6 if not, the
Celestial Court already discussed.

Daniel 7:9-10

Chapter 15:
The Ecclesiastical Courts of Heaven

ithin the realms of the Courts of Heaven are the
Ecclesiastical Courts. These courts deal with matters
relating to His Body upon the earth. Little has been
said or understood concerning this particular division of the
courts. However, it is essential nonetheless. Sub-courts within
this realm are the following:

The Court of the Ecclesia – deals with doctrinal disputes,

judging sin in the church, establishing callings and purposes,
removal of hindrances to the advancement of the Kingdom,
disputes among brethren, and obtaining the counsel of God’s
will, and more.

The Court of Matrimony – deals with matters relating to

marriage, divorce, restoration of marriage, the reaffirmation of
marriage, etc.

These will be discussed in more detail in the upcoming


Chapter 16:
The Court of the Ecclesia

Judging Doctrinal Issues

n Acts 15, we have an example of a council dealing with a
doctrinal issue. Men came from Judea teaching that the
new believers (Jews and Gentiles) had to follow the
instructions and customs of Moses to be genuinely saved.
Some from the sect of the Pharisees arose in Jerusalem and
brought this issue to the forefront. A council convened
consisting of the elders of the church in Jerusalem in which the
issue was addressed.

After hearing testimony and deliberation by the elders, a

consensus was reached. This resulted in some simple
instructions for the believers: That they abstain from things
polluted by idols,

1. From sexual immorality,

2. From things strangled, and

3. From consuming blood.7

What happened in this story is a reflection of what needs to

happen in the Courts of Heaven concerning the invasion of
false doctrines, false teachings, and other aberrations of the
Gospel message. Yet, our ability to judge these issues depends
upon whether we ourselves are embracing false doctrines or
teachings. You cannot judge what you are also guilty of. We
must realize the popularity of a message does not ensure its
validity. Many beliefs are popular, but not in line with
scripture contextually or historically.

We can go before the Court of the Ecclesia and have the

doctrine or teaching judged in the courts, receive the verdict
from the Court of Scribes and get it dispatched by the angelic
forces (in the Court of Angels) to bring forth truth in the earth.

Judging Sin in the Church

Paul describes where he has already accessed the Courts of

Heaven about a situation in the Corinthian church. Let’s read
the passage:
It is actually reported that there is sexual immorality
among you, and such sexual immorality as is not even
named among the Gentiles – that a man has his father's
wife! 2 And you are puffed up and have not instead
mourned, that he who has done this deed might be
taken away from among you. 3 For I indeed, as absent in

Acts 15:19-20

body but present in spirit, have already judged (as
though I were present) him who has so done this deed. 4
In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when you are
gathered together, along with my spirit, with the power
of our Lord Jesus Christ, 5 deliver such a one to Satan for
the destruction of the flesh, that his spirit may be saved
in the day of the Lord Jesus. (1 Corinthians 5:1-5)

In this story, a man was sleeping with his mother or step-

mother (probably step-mother). This is a clear violation of
unscriptural conduct. Paul knew that if sin were not addressed
that it would infect the entire body of believers. So he went to
court on behalf of the situation (v. 3) and received the verdict
which was an instruction about what to do with the young
man who was guilty of the sin. The leaders were to deliver him
over to Satan for the destruction of his flesh for the end result
of the saving of his spirit (v. 5). Paul’s instruction even
involved a rebuke that the leaders had not dealt with him
because they did not want him to leave the church. That
particular problem is still prevalent today in many churches.
We won’t address sin for fear of offending someone. We need
to offend the Hell out of them! Pardon my bluntness, please.

If the church today would deal with these issues in the

spirit first, we would see a degree of holiness return to the
church that is lacking. We have a pattern in this story. We have
the right to judge behavior that is a clear transgression of God’s
Word. And we have the responsibility to judge it – get the
verdict of Heaven and execute it. Some will lose their place in
Heaven unless we deal with it in the courts!

Paul gives further instruction at the end of the chapter:

But now I have written to you not to keep company with

anyone named a brother, who is sexually immoral, or
covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or an
extortioner – not even to eat with such a person. 12 For
what have I to do with judging those also who are
outside? Do you not judge those who are inside? 13 But
those who are outside God judges. Therefore "PUT
Corinthians 5:11-13)

We have clear instructions about believers involved in

sexual immorality, covetousness, idolatry, reviling (use abusive
language). Our speech should reflect Jesus, not the devil. The
instructions extend to drunkards, and extortionists. We are not
to even have a meal with them.

Remember, if the person was a Jew who converted to

Christianity, the only family and friends he likely had were
fellow believers. Isolating them because of their behavior
would be an incentive for them to abandon the practice and
rejoin the fellowship of the believers. They were indeed an

If they had come from pagan backgrounds, they certainly

did not have friends among the Jews (the Jews were forbidden
to have a relationship with them). Their only friends were
fellow believers. If by their behavior, they were cut off from the
believers, that solitude would likely drive them also to
abandon the sinful behavior. Paul knew that isolation of the
sinning believer would also protect the church from believing

such behavior was acceptable. Let us learn to have situations
judged rightly in the Courts of Heaven.

Judging Disputes Among Brethren

In 1 Corinthians 6, the Apostle Paul, continues speaking of

court scenarios involving believers. The Corinthian’s, instead
of dealing with things by the spirit, were taking the issues to
pagan courts and having judgments rendered. Paul instructed
that matters concerning the church need to be dealt with in the
church, not in secular settings. Many churches have
understood the necessity for church discipline and for having
an approach to church discipline; yet, we have kept it on a
natural plane. Instead, we should first step into the Court of
the Ecclesia to have these issues handled in the spirit early,
before they ever have to be dealt with in the natural. The whole
of 1 Corinthians 7 speaks of this.

If we learn to deal with things in the

realms of Heaven, we won’t have to deal
with them in the realms of the earth.

Judging Entities
Outside of the Purposes of God

In many communities institutions that call themselves

churches are essentially cults or serve no godly purpose on the
earth. They are hindrances to the body of Christ. These
organizations deceive others into believing their message and
cause harm to the body of Christ. If God never ordained their
existence and neither should we.

When teaching in seminars, I often ask the question, “If
every church in your city that God never ordained were forced
to close, what churches would be left?” Many churches were
borne out of strife or division, or to glorify some man or
message. God never ordained its existence. When a church
exists that God did not ordain, it siphons away resources from
the remaining churches. For instance, if your church had
someone serving as worship leader, but that person was
actually supposed to be serving in that role in another church,
the person serving in your church is interfering with another
person’s destiny. The person ordained for that position cannot
serve where they belong because the wrong person is in the
place where they belong. It continues – if the second worship
leader was actually supposed to be at the first church
mentioned, but was instead serving at another church,
someone else is displaced as well.

Wrong positions steal destinies.

When a ‘church’ in your area begins preaching another

gospel, it needs to be judged and shut down in the spirit. This
can occur through proper courtroom work in Court of the
Ecclesia. Here the case can be presented and a verdict rendered
and carried out.

The leader of a church nearby began developing what was a

cult. It had very centralized leadership and isolated itself from
the rest of the body of Christ. The pastor always preached
against other legitimate ministries and ministers in the area.
They viewed themselves as the only authentic voice of God to

the community. They had outlived their usefulness in the

Work was done in the spirit allowing the church to be

judged. The result of that judgment happened in phases. First,
the pastor moved the church from the area; then he reopened it
closer to his home some distance away. This leader, because
self-deception, got involved with a young woman in the
church. He became convinced that God was okay with him
leaving his wife and committing adultery with her. She also
left her husband and children. He was turned over to Satan for
the destruction of his flesh for the saving of his spirit as in 1
Corinthians 5. Because of the adultery he was force to close the
church. He eventually left the ministry altogether. In a short
period of time, he suffered a painful death due to cancers
unleashed on his body. Hopefully, he repented for his actions
before he died. Thankfully the church had remained small, and
so the impact was limited to the body of Christ in the area. The
ecclesia needs to arise and begin to govern by the spirit. They
need to serve as gatekeepers for their community to protect it
from those who go astray.

Obtaining the Counsel of His Will

The desire of God is that every person finds and fulfill the
will of God for their lives. This is particularly true for His
children. In Ephesians 1 we find another mystery regarding
seeing this come to pass in our lives.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the

Heavenly places in Christ, 4 just as He chose us in Him
before the foundation of the world, that we should be
holy and without blame before Him in love, 5 having
predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to
Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will, 6 to
the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made
us accepted in the Beloved. 7 In Him we have
redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins,
according to the riches of His grace 8 which He made to
abound toward us in all wisdom and prudence, 9 having
made known to us the mystery of His will, according to
His good pleasure which He purposed in Himself, 10 that
in the dispensation of the fullness of the times He might
gather together in one all things in Christ, both which
are in Heaven and which are on earth – in Him. 11 In Him
also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined
according to the purpose of Him who works all things
according to the counsel of His will, 12 that we who first
trusted in Christ should be to the praise of His glory. 13
In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of
truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having
believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of
promise, 14 who is the guarantee of our inheritance until
the redemption of the purchased possession, to the
praise of His glory. (Ephesians 1:3-14) (Emphasis mine)

We are to live to the praise of His glory, and we need to

understand deep within us His plans and purposes for our
lives. We need the counsel of His will. We have the advantage
of the Courts of Heaven for that purpose.

We can access the courts seeking removal of every
hindering thing whether generational or otherwise. We can
request an unveiling of his calling and purposes. We can
request that our calling be established in our lives, and gain his
strategy for fulfilling His mission. We have been given an
inheritance. We need to get the scrolls describing what is
within that inheritance. Step into the Court of the Ecclesia,
request the release of the scroll of your inheritance. We need to
then access the Court of Scribes to get it and take the scrolls to
the Court of Angels for immediate dispatch of the orders and
instructions of the scrolls.

Many of us have wandered needlessly and often aimlessly

in search of God’s clear direction for our lives. We have not
availed ourselves of the Courts of Heaven for the settling of the
issues hindering our fulfillment of that call. We have not
submitted to His counsel and not known His will for our lives.
Let us live no longer in such a state – access the Courts of

The Release of Ministry Funds & Equipment

Not only can this be applied to individuals, but also to

ministries. Funds and equipment are necessary for the
fulfillment of the purposes of God. We can petition the release
of those funds and equipment within the Court of the Ecclesia.

Access the Court of the Ecclesia and request the release of

the funds or equipment necessary for this particular time and
phase of your ministry. Then get the scrolls issued from the
Court of the Scribes. Take those to the Court of Angels for

dispatch and begin (or continue) fulfilling your role in the

Removal of Wrong Personnel

Removal of wrong personnel within a ministry can be

obtained through this court as well. Many ministries and
churches have endured a problematic employee whose sole
purpose seemed to be to bring forth strife and trouble. They
may have had their own agenda and not the plan of God for the
ministry. Instead of adding to the ministry, they were taking
away from the ministry by siphoning energy, resources, time,
and impact. They need to go elsewhere.

Their authority to be at the ministry can be revoked by

someone in the capacity to do so, but do it in the realm of the
courts first, so that all the issues can be dealt with in the spirit.
If it is accomplished successfully in the courts, you may find
them exiting on their own without further intervention. God
has the right personnel for your ministry. Let Him guide you to

Obtaining the Right Personnel

Just as we don’t need certain persons in our ministry, by the

same token, we do need the right ones. Having these assets in
place in a ministry can significantly propel it to do all in its

The scrolls of our ministry actually contain that
information – the who, the when, and the where. Not everyone
who is to work for your ministry has to be in the same
geographical location. We must be open to that particular
aspect. In today’s environment, we are often able to do just as
much via cell phones, internet, webinar software, cloud
sharing and more. We basically have no limits to what can be
done with a little creativity.

Finding the right personnel can start with reading your

scroll. You can find precise information that you need to know
concerning the who, the when, and the where. Simply
approach the Court of the Ecclesia and request access to the
scroll for your ministry. Review that information and proceed

Another means of praying out this information relates to

personal experience from years ago long before I had any
understanding of the Courts of Heaven. During a time of
prayer at the church where we worked, and I was calling for
those who were ordained for that ministry for that time to
come from the north, south, east, and west. I heard Holy Spirit
say, ‘These people have names you know?’. I paused and
realized, ‘Yes, they do.’. As I yielded to Holy Spirit, I found
myself calling out various names. I was calling them to come
and calling for their path to clear so they could come on time
to fulfill their purpose in that place.

I remember calling a Peter and Vivian8 in prayer that day.

About three weeks later a couple showed up at church who

had just moved to the area a few days before. Their names:
Peter and Vivian. At a church fellowship a few days later my
wife and I sat with them to get more acquainted with them.
They related that they did not really understand how they
arrived in that location. The husband received a sudden
promotion to oversee a telecommunications center in the area
and found themselves moving quickly to the area. I was able to
relate to them how they were called by name in prayer a few
weeks before. Their arrival was in response to that
intercession. The wife, in particular, was a great blessing to
that church for many years.

Be sensitive to Holy Spirit along these lines. You may find

the information you need solely within the courts, or it may be
coupled with praying in the Spirit and praying with the

Obtaining the Right

Property for Your Ministry

According to Acts 17:26, God already has your property

picked out.

And He has made from one blood every nation of men

to dwell on all the face of the earth and has determined

Names have been changed to preserve privacy

their pre-appointed times and the boundaries of their

This verse applies personally and for your ministry. We

simply need to step into the Courts of Heaven and discover
where it is. Step into the Court of the Ecclesia and request
instructions as to where your property is. Get the pertinent
scroll(s) from the Court of Scribes. Once you find out the
location, you will want to find out the history of the property.
Access the Court of Titles and Deeds and deal with any issues.
Then access the Court of Angels for dispatch in obtaining the
property. You will also petition for the necessary funds to buy
the property while in the Court of the Ecclesia.

On one occasion in this court, an angel took a scroll out of a

drawer that was the Title Deed for that property with the name
of the owner written on it. After some more court work, that
deed was established for that family.

Chapter 17:
The Court of Matrimony

ithin the Court of Matrimony are arenas involving
the strengthening of marriage. Many marriages have
been solemnized for all the wrong reasons. Some to
legitimize a couples sexual activity. Others to save face in the
event of an unwanted pregnancy. Still others to meet social
status needs. And some to meet cultural expectations through
arranged marriages. Done outside of regard for God, couples
may want to have their marriage reaffirmed or restored. This
court has that as its focus. You may be permitted to do these
types of things within the confines of the Mercy Court. Let
Holy Spirit direct you.

Reaffirmation of Marriage Covenants

Another area the Court of Matrimony handles is in the

reaffirmation of marriage contracts. Interferences have kept
many couples from experiencing a fulfilling marriage. A
potential factor may involve ungodly covenants entered into
by the parents. The children have been pre-arranged to marry a
particular person who may not have been in the plan of God.
The couple may have fulfilled the parent’s desire, but not the

desire of the Heavenly Father by going through with the
marriage. That couple may go through their marriage but never
have fulfillment. They need a release from the ungodly
covenant(s) that placed them in this situation. Since God hates
divorce9 neither He, nor I am advocating divorce. Yet the
ungodly contract made by the parents can be annulled, and the
marriage covenant between the couple can be reaffirmed.
Divine adjustments made on their behalf. They can fall in love
one with another, live in harmony, and experience a fulfilling

Go before this court recognizing the ungodly covenant.

Repent of any ill will toward your spouse and/or parents (and
any others parties). Petition for a reaffirmation of the marriage
covenant in the sight of God.

Restoration of Marriage Covenants

Another arena that this court can impact is when the

marriage covenant has been affected by through infidelity. The
damage to the relationship can be severe. Yet, it is not beyond
the ability of the God of Heaven to heal and restore. The
breaches in the covenant need the healing touch of God. The
verdicts of Hell against the couple need to overturned. They
must be replaced by righteous verdicts. Often a verdict of Hell
‘justified’ the offending party’s actions. They believed what
they were doing was acceptable to God.

Malachi 2:16

The restoration will need confession of the deed(s) of
infidelity to the spouse. They must repent to God and to the
affected spouse. The blood of Jesus must be applied to the sin.
Then they can request the overturning of any verdicts of Hell
and their replacement by righteous verdicts. Also, request a
reaffirmation of the marriage covenant undertaken by the

James wrote:

Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one

another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent
prayer of a righteous man avails much. (James 5:16)

The reason for the confession to another person is that in

the arena of sexual sin, the disclosure to another human is
required for full freedom. This has been my experience in
working with people and the experience of others with far
more knowledge than I.

Annulment of a Marriage

Within the religious world much condemnation has been

heaped upon those who have suffered with divorce. The oft
quoted scripture is ‘what God has joined together, let no man
put asunder’. However, God can put asunder a marriage that is
unworkable for whatever reason he determines. It is obvious
from scripture that He hates divorce, yet He dearly loves the
divorced person.

Often when one has gone through the painful process of

divorce, they may have the legal paperwork of a divorce, but in

their heart they still have a longing for their former partner.
They also may be entrapped in the sexual knowing that comes
from the marriage relationship. In many cases they feel as if
their life has been put on hold and they cannot move forward.
They need freedom from these things and within the Courts of
Heaven is the solution: A Decree of Nullity (or Annulment),
thus freeing the divorced person from the hold upon their
being and releasing them to go on with their life in joy and not
sorrow. The cloak of heaviness will be lifted and they will be
able to breathe again.

Simply present your case outlining the grounds for the

annulment and follow the instructions given. Once the decree
is granted, obtain it from the Court of Scribes, then go to the
Court of Angels for dispatch to handle any issues needing their
assistance. Receive the decree in your heart and close your
time with Communion reiterating your marriage to the
Heavenly Bridegroom – Jesus, the son of God.

Chapter 18:
The Criminal Court

ot everything we deal with in the Courts of Heaven
will be pleasant. In many cases we will be dealing with
extreme evil in its many forms. Actions against these
forms of evil need to be dealt with by accessing this particular
court. A common petition within this court is the request for a
Restraining Order against a person or entities that seek to
harm an individual or group. You may request a Permanent
Restraining Order or a Temporary Restraining Order
(depending upon the situation) in order to obtain the relief

Some people have given themselves entirely over to Satan.

In the Old Testament, these people were sometimes known as
sons of Belial (SOBs). Their only aim was to promote
wickedness in the earth and to work against those who would
behave righteously. They may be beyond redemption, but we
will leave that up to the Just Judge. However, they can be
indicted for criminal behavior and restrained from further
actions. As the church we have been amiss in availing
ourselves of the Courts of Heaven to deal with those who
would ruthlessly work evil in the earth. Ours has been a ‘que

sera sera’ mindset (‘whatever will be will be’) yet that is not
how things work. If we as the church do not govern properly by
the power and direction of Holy Spirit, evil will triumph.

Bad men need nothing more to compass

their ends, than that good men should
look on and do nothing

-John Stuart Mill

As we have been so busy doing nothing, the powers and

workers of darkness have conquered many of the mountains of
culture. They have become (in many sectors) the dominant
voice. We, as the church, have the charge to disciple nations.
We must be about fulfilling that charge, else we fail to obey the
command of Jesus recorded in Matthew 28.

In the Old Testament we have stories of a people known as

the sons of Belial. These wicked people with agendas borne of
Hell serve no beneficial purpose in the earth. As the Ecclesia
arises and begins to legislate in the earth we will be able to
successfully curtail their activities and the impact of them in
the earth. Entire cultures have been affected by these sons of
Belial (SOBs). They were responsible for the death of Naboth at
the instruction of Queen Jezebel and it resulted in him losing
the kingdom. The work to destroy anything relating to God in a
culture. Much of what we see at work in the earth today is the
result of the unhindered efforts of sons of Belial – unhindered
by the church.

Whereas the church has been behind and rather naiive
when it comes to effective intercession. However, we are now
arising in might and legal authority in the earth. We will be
doing more than simply obtaining restraining orders, but also
issuing arrest warrants and using other means within the
Courts of Heaven to finish the work Jesus gave us to do – to
disciple nations.

Chapter 19:
Engaging Watchers & Patrollers

e are not alone in our efforts in spiritual warfare. In
fact, we have quite an arsenal at our disposal that
God is waiting for us to use. One of these areas
involves learning to engage the watchers and patrollers.

In intercession, we may find ourselves not having a clear

direction on what to pray about. We need the advantages of
someone who has scouted out the land ahead of time. They can
inform us on the best strategy for the situation at hand. Hence,
the watchers and patrollers. We must:

• Determine that we will cooperate with them;

• Learn to engage with them;
• Learn the nuances of that engagement;
• Work with them doing what they do not have
authority to do

We must set the pace for the

establishment of the Kingdom of God in
our realm of authority

Looking at Zechariah chapter 1 we find where the writer

engages with a man riding on a horse.

On the twenty-fourth day of the eleventh month, which
is the month Shebat, in the second year of Darius, the
word of the LORD came to Zechariah, the son of
Berechiah, the son of Iddo the prophet: 8 I saw by night,
and behold, a man riding on a red horse, and it stood
among the myrtle trees in the hollow; and behind him
were horses: red, sorrel, and white. 9 Then I said, "My
lord, what are these?" So the angel10 who talked with me
said to me, "I will show you what they are." 10 And the
man who stood among the myrtle trees answered and
said, "These are the ones whom the LORD has sent to
walk to and fro throughout the earth." 11 So they
answered the Angel of the LORD, who stood among the
myrtle trees, and said, "We have walked to and fro
throughout the earth, and behold, all the earth is resting
quietly." (Zechariah 1:7-11) (Emphasis mine)

We have seen the theme of walking to and fro upon the

earth in several places. Usually concerning Satan going to, and
fro11, But Satan is not the only entity going to and fro in the

For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the
whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those
whose heart is loyal to Him. (2 Chronicles 16:9)

We have assumed that Satan was the only one going to and
fro on the earth. We have relinquished the spiritual insights

should be translated messenger or ambassador
Job 1:7 and Job 2:2

that come from the information gained in going to and fro on
the earth as the patrollers do.

Religion makes you impotent!


In Daniel 4 we read:

I saw in the visions of my head while on my bed, and

there was a watcher, a holy one, coming down from
Heaven. (Daniel 4:13) (See also Job 7:23, Daniel 4:23)

A watcher is a guardian. Much has been written about the

fallen watchers. Yet only some of them fell from their first
estate. Others remain to whom we need to avail ourselves of
their insights. We have totally disregarded these Heavenly
beings to our own detriment.

These watchers are continually scanning the earth for

activity we need to be aware of. They are a form of watchmen.
We are familiar to some degree of watchmen on the wall, but
this is a further expansion of that concept. Whereas watchmen
on the wall are typically humans in an intercessory capacity,
the Watchers are Heavenly beings who can cooperate and
coordinate with the intercessors to enhance the impact of the
intercessory work. These watchers have information about our
area of jurisdiction which we need to avail ourselves of. They
also work in conjunction with the patrollers who on a more
localized level often are the scouts and spies of the Kingdom of

The watchers keep watch on territories
and can inform the intercessors
responsible for that area what is going
on – to put them ahead of the game.


The patrollers (Zechariah 1) may ride horses in their patrols.

They are not angels (unlike the watchers). According to the
passage these are not angels, but men. Likely these are Men in
White Linen whose duty it is to patrol territories in behalf of
the intercessors. These patrollers perform reconnaissance for
the Kingdom of God in behalf of the intercessors.

When I first learned of this concept, I immediately

determined to engage them on behalf of the county I lived in. I
spoke of my intention to engage the patrollers for my area, and
immediately I was aware of a man upon a large black stallion.
The horse itself was quite magnificent. You could sense the
snorting of its nostrils. As I spoke to the rider, I was aware
within my spirit of specific activities within a nearby town that
needed to be stopped. With that information, I then released
angels to go forth and handle the workings of the enemy in the
town that I had been made aware of. I sensed a release that the
issue was being taken care of. The next day I engaged them
again, and a similar scenario ensued. Again, a sense of
completion ensued.

More engagement will

result in more change.

The greater the engagement,
the greater the change that will come.
Little engagement - little change.

Many of us were taught a paradigm where we (as men and

women) would go toe-to-toe with demons and the devil. That
paradigm was incomplete if not incorrect altogether. We are of
a different class of being and are not equipped in and of
ourselves to engage the enemy in that manner. But, when we
understand that the angels (who are spirit beings) are designed
to go ‘toe-to-toe’ with demons and principalities and will go to
battle for us, but are awaiting our instructions to do so, we will
be much more effective in our intercessory efforts. In essence,
we direct the traffic on the battlefield and the angels handle
the dirty work – the actual battle. Our job is to coordinate the
battle which we do through diversities of tongues.

How do you engage them?

Where you are physically has no bearing on whether you

can engage the watchers or patrollers over the areas you have a
spiritual responsibility for. Here is what I do:

• Call forth the patrollers & watchers

• Ask: What information do you have for me today?
• Determine via Holy Spirit what the response should be
• Give the angels instructions to go forth
• Release them to do battle (or whatever is needed)
• Release the patrollers & watchers to resume their duties.

What are the possibilities?

• Situations can be averted (or at least mitigated) by our
proper response to the information
• Lives can be saved
• New forms of trouble can be turned away
• Counsels of the wicked can be interrupted
• The Kingdom of God will advance more rapidly

What is hidden will be revealed as we pursue the Lord.

Remember, light exposes, and funguses do not survive well in
the light.

Let me share a couple of experiences with the patrollers. For

a short while I have been facilitating a small group of
intercessors who are learning to engage the Courts of Heaven.
They have had some wonderful experiences with the patrollers.
On one occasion, they not only engaged their patrollers but
were allowed to patrol themselves. As they mounted the horses
they found themselves going up a mountain. When they
arrived at the top, I instructed them to scan the horizon and
see what stood out. Three of them saw a small white church
building in the valley. They felt impressed to go to the church
and did exactly that. Upon arrival they dismounted and two of
them entered the church building they were all seeing in their
vision. A third participant seemed to be watching from above
all the happenings.

Within the building they found the people were having a

service. The two ladies found themselves on the front row and
then were ushered up on stage to stand with the pastor. They
watched as he was mantled with angels for a specific task. This
pastor and those in the congregation were all dressed in period

dress of the 1830’s. The service continued and my friends
wondered why they were seeing this. I recommended that
possibly they were going to be mantled with his mantle in a
few moments. Immediately they had the sensation of being
mantled and anointed with this mantle. Once the mantling
was complete they were able to read what was written on the
proclamation they saw handed to the pastor – Reconciliation!

This patrol allowed them to see a mantling and release of a

reconciliation anointing that occurred somewhere in this
county nearly 185 years ago. The Lord wanted that mantle
dusted off and given new life, which it was as it was given to
my friends.

On another occasion I taught a group of about 15 men and

women on the Watchers and Patrollers. Then I encouraged
them to engage the patrollers. As we stepped into the realms of
Heaven to begin the engagement, I was aware of the room
filled with horses. I encouraged them to find ‘their’ patroller
and obtain the instructions needed. Some received words,
others images, and others impressions that were instructions
for things to pray about.

An infinite variety of ways to engage exists in the realms of

Heaven. Allow Holy Spirit to direct your path as you go
forward in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Chapter 20:
Engaging the Chief Angel
Over Your Area of Jurisdiction

ach town, city, county, region, state, and nation has
angels who serve in oversight positions to that
particular arena. Even certain industries have chief
angels (godly principalities) who seek to impose the will of God
for their area of jurisdiction.

Whenever I go to a place to teach, I engage the chief angel

over that place for the purpose of cooperating with them for
the purposes of God. They may have strategies that I need to
know of that will increase the impact of what I am doing. They
have ‘inside information’ that I need. I recognize their position
and the authority they carry over the angels assigned to them
to fulfill the purposes of God.

They often are keepers of scrolls for their jurisdiction that I

need information from. I have had the privilege of being able
to read the scrolls of an area that unveiled the strategy of the
Lord for how to proceed. Oftentimes, intercessors have gone
forth blindly and have not engage those who may have helpful

I will ask their name so I can address them more simply
which will facilitate further times of engagement. We can then
co-labor for the purposes of God in a place.

At times I have engaged the chief angel over a local and

would simply request, ‘Do you have information I need to
know about this place?’ Then, I will act up the information I

At times the chief angel would assign other angels to assist

me and accompany me in my ministry. I always seek to engage
them for each meeting giving an invitation to them to join us
and assist us in our worship and ministry. I also engage and
invite the Men and Women in White Linen (M&WWL) who
may want to join us and have church together with the saints
on earth’s side of the veil. I encourage you to begin to engage
the angels and the M&WWL The richness of your meetings will
enhance many-fold.

When at a location teaching I will seek to engage these Chief

Angels daily for that day’s instructions and information. If I
am in a certain city, I will engage the angel over that city, the
county, and the state (and sometimes the nation) and honor
their hierarchy. They each have a part to play in fulfilling the
purposes of God in that location. If I am in another nation I
will also engage the chief angel over that nation. Typically
when the chief angel arrives you will sense a palpable shift in
the atmosphere. Pay attention to those shifts. They are

Union, the Chief Angel over the United States of America is

quite pleased to be invited to our gatherings, particularly those

where we are doing court work on behalf of the nation. The
entourage of angelic hosts that typically accompany Union is
quite impressive.

When I speak of these things I am no way implying that I

worship them. However, I do honor their position and respect
what they do. They, like myself, have specific duties and what I
choose to honor I will have the benefit of. I choose to honor
them which is not the same as worshiping them. It would not
be unlike someone in the military who had been sent to a
location to first report to the Commanding Officer of that new
location to make him/her aware of their presence and to enlist
their cooperation and aid for them to fulfill their assignment.

Because the church has been quite oblivious to the angelic

realm we have missed the benefits of what they know and
what they can do. We unknowingly have adopted mental
images of angels being cute little babies with toy bows and
arrows, or being blond haired with a slight build. Some angels
may have those characteristics, but my experience tells me
they are the exception and not the rule. Other images may be of
Clarence, the angel in the Jimmy Steward Christmas movie,
‘It’s a Wonderful Life.’ Clarence was a bumbling, clumsy being
who, although very nice, was also seemingly quite inept. The
angels of the Lord are anything but inept.

I had a friend who would often go to a local park to walk

and exercise. One day while at the park, the Lord opens her
eyes to see angels leaning up against trees, sitting on tree limbs
with their feet dangling, resting on the benches, and just
generally milling about as if they had nothing to do. She was

puzzled by what she had seen. At this point in her life she was
not familiar with the angelic realm. I explained to her upon
hearing this that it was very simple. They had not been given
anything to do, so they were just hanging out at the park where
any of us might go to relax and chill. The believers in that town
had not given them any instructions. They were in essence
having the day off. Psalm 103 tells us these angels are awaiting
instruction. We need to be giving them assignments.

In addition to engaging the chief angel over a city or region,

I also always seek to be operating under the authority of the
spiritual leader over that locale. We are co-laborers and it is my
responsibility to honor who they are and honor their position.
My authority to minister will flow in conjunction with and
subservient to the authority they carry. I am never to attempt
things that will bring harm to the overall work they are doing
in that place. Again, if I honor them, they will honor me.

What you honor you

will have the benefit of.
What you dishonor
will eventually leave your life.

Chapter 21:
Roadblocks in
the Courts of Heaven

n occasion some people seem to be blocked in their
success in the Courts of Heaven. Two major factors
that people can inventory in their own lives for are
forgiveness and judging others. We have explicit instruction by
Jesus to forgive. If we want to be forgiven, we must ourselves
forgive. If we are choosing to hold on to something and need to
forgive, we are blocking the ability of the Father to work in our
behalf as the Just Judge. Through unforgiveness we are not
following his instructions.

The Lord told Joshua (Zechariah 3:7) that if he would walk

in God’s ways and keep his commands, THEN he would judge
God’s house and have charge of His courts. His ability to judge
God’s house and have charge of His courts was predicated on
his walking in God’s ways and keeping his commands.
Forgiving those who have wronged you is one of the standard
requirements for every person.

To hold unforgiveness can be likened to drinking poison
hoping the other person is going to die because we chose to
drink the poison.

The second area is when we judge other people. Because we

judge others when we are not in a position to judge, we are
making ourselves out to be God. We are told to judge not lest
we are judged. When we judge someone, and we are guilty of
the same thing that we judge another over, we bring
condemnation upon ourselves.

Author/Teacher Jeanette Strauss describes this thoroughly:

It is important to note that if we try to convince anyone

of their sin and they don’t listen, we must not be
offended or resentful towards them and begin to judge
them. In so doing we become a lawful captive

And later in the same chapter, she continues:

Another tactic of the enemy is to prompt Christians to

judge each other. In this scripture, we see a warning
about Christians judging each other and the

DO NOT judge and criticize and condemn others, so

that you may not be judged and criticized and
condemned yourselves. For just as you judge and

Strauss, Jeanette. Courtroom Of Heaven To The Throneroom of
Grace: Come into the Courts of Heaven (p. 21). Glorious Creations.
Kindle Edition.

criticize and condemn others, you will be judged
and criticized and condemned, and in accordance
with the measure you [use to] deal out to others, it
will be dealt out again to you. —Matthew 7: 1-2 AMP

The Word says that if we judge others the Lord will turn
us over to Satan, but not because He wants to. The Lord
is always thinking about correction or discipline for the
purpose of redemption and restoration.

Deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction

of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day
of the Lord Jesus. — I Corinthians 5:5

Paul considered judging others a serious enough offense

that he warned believers not even to take communion
until they have settled all differences.

Therefore, whoever eats the bread or drinks the

cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be
guilty of sinning against the body and blood of the
Lord. A man ought to examine himself before he
eats of the bread and drinks of the cup. For anyone
who eats and drinks without recognizing the body
of the Lord eats and drinks judgment on himself.
That is why many among you are weak and sick,
and a number of you have fallen asleep. But if we
judged ourselves, we would not come under
judgment. When we are judged by the Lord, we are
being disciplined so that we will not be
condemned with the world.— 1 Corinthians 11: 27-

There is only one Judge. If we place ourselves in the
position of judge, we are in trouble. Don’t get fooled into
being an accuser by judging others, when we ourselves
need a defender.

And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be

gentle to all, able to teach, patient, in humility
correcting those who are in opposition, if God
perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they
may know the truth, and that they may come to
their senses and escape the snare of the devil,
having been taken captive by him to do his will. (2
Timothy 2: 24-26)

As we stand before Jesus, the Living Word who judges

us, we will be bathed in a bright light which will expose
all lies.13

Strauss, Jeanette. Courtroom Of Heaven To The Throneroom of
Grace: Come into the Courts of Heaven (pp. 47-49). Glorious Creations.
Kindle Edition.

Chapter 22:
Qualifications for Judgeship

lthough instructed by Jesus not to judge another, Paul
gives another perspective that we must also
understand. Zechariah 3:7 cites the instruction given to
Joshua the High Priest.

Satan’s accusation against him (found in Zechariah 3) was

that Joshua’s clothes were dirty. As a High Priest, he was
forbidden to fulfill his priestly duties in filthy garments. They
had to be spotless. He was not even allowed to perspire in these
garments. If his garments were indeed soiled, he was
disqualified from serving as the High Priest. His garments had
to be cleaned.

New garments were placed on him as well as a new turban.

Job describes these garments for what they were:

I put on righteousness, and it clothed me; My justice was

like a robe and a turban. Job 29:14

Joshua (who had been clothed in priestly garments) was

now dressed in judicial robes with a royal judicial turban upon
his head? The turban signified the level of the court he was

allowed to function in. Joshua entered a new phase of his life
where he not only was operating as a priest (to intercede for
the sins of the people) but also as a king. He is told in v. 7:

Thus says the LORD of hosts:

'If you will walk in My ways, and

If you will keep My command,

Then you shall also judge My house, And likewise

Have charge of My courts; and

I will give you places to walk among these who stand


Five distinct things are brought out in that injunction:

1. Joshua was to walk in the ways of the Lord;

2. He was to keep His command;
3. Then he would be qualified to judge his house (a kingly
4. And also have charge (responsibility for) the courts of
the Lord (notice that the word courts is plural indicating
more than one court), and finally;
5. He would be given a place to walk among those who
were present in that setting. Who was present? Men in
White Linen (the messengers mentioned, but often
translated as angels). A few verses later the Lord speaks
of his companions who were present with him. The
word usually translated angel would be better-
translated ambassador or messenger. They were (based

on the context of the passage) of the same class of being
as Joshua – human and not angelic.

Joshua was elevated to another role in addition to the

priestly role he had before this court session. The aspect of
‘judging God’s house’ was not a priestly function. Judging was
outside the realm of their authority. Yet, it was not outside the
realm of a king’s authority. Joshua had stepped into a dual role.

We as believers are considered kings and priests unto our

God.14 As kings, one of the duties we may step into will be the
role of judging. The court Joshua was in consisted of a panel of
judges (not just one judge as in the Mercy Court). These judges
would by consensus determine a person’s guilt or innocence
based on the evidence presented. The Lord would elevate those
who are faithful servants to also serve in roles such as this. Yet,
I caution you that it is not merely a role to simply assume at
will. I recommend highly that you let the Lord do the elevating
and DO NOT elevate yourself. You could be setting yourself
and those you may judge in a position of great danger. To
operate out of the protocol can be very dangerous. Please don’t
take this role upon yourself. Let the Lord do the promoting.

The responsibilities of judging are great. We cannot judge

someone in an area where we ourselves are guilty of the same
thing. That will only bring condemnation upon yourself. We
only have the right to judge when we can judge from the
Father’s heart and not our own. We must judge from love, not
vengeance or any other motive – love must be our motivation.

Revelation 1:6

In Matthew 7:1-2, Jesus admonished us:

Judge not, that you be not judged. 2 For with the

judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with
the measure, you use it will be measured to you.

Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with

righteous judgment." (John 7:24)

Paul warned us:

Therefore you are inexcusable, O man, whoever you are who

judge, for in whatever you judge another you condemn
yourself; for you who judge practice the same things. 2 But
we know that the judgment of God is according to truth
against those who practice such things. 3 And do you think
this, O man, you who judge those practicing such things,
and doing the same, that you will escape the judgment of
God? (Romans 2:1-3)
Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And
if the world will be judged by you, are you unworthy to judge
the smallest matters? 3 Do you not know that we shall judge
angels? How much more, things that pertain to this life? (1
Corinthians 6:2-3)

• We must recognize that you cannot judge what you

are guilty of. You can only judge in areas of
innocence. Whether by not committing the acts or
via receiving forgiveness for those sins.

• We must also see things from the Father’s
perspective. If our observations are not life-giving,
they are death producing.
• We must be willing to judge ourselves. If we are not
willing to judge ourselves, we are not ready to judge
others. We MUST be willing to put everything of our
life and our ancestry under the microscope.
• We must be under authority to be in authority. In
In Matthew 8:5-9 we have a story of the Centurion
who came to Jesus and recognized his authority. This
man understood that he was IN authority because he
was UNDER authority. The Kingdom works like that.
If you think you are in authority but are not under
authority, you are simply a renegade. You have
limited long-term use in the Kingdom of God. You
are in because you are under. It does not have to be a
formal arrangement, but it does need to exist. If you
are not indeed submitted – to correction or
instruction – God always knows.
• We must operate from love. To act in judgment
without operating FROM love is to work in
witchcraft on some level. The question must always
be: ‘What would the Father do?’

Final Points

• The ability to judge is a responsibility;

• It is a responsibility conferred due to faithful
• It is not to be assumed;
• The general rule for a believer is NOT to judge;
• For those granted the authority/responsibility to
judge, it must be used wisely;
• Our mode of operation must also be out of mercy
and not judgment. If you are the person who sees
that God is mad at the world and wants to judge it,
you are not qualified to judge. You do not have the
Father’s heart. God said of Jesus:

For God did not send His Son into the world to
condemn (judge) the world, but that the world
through Him might be saved. John 3:17

Jesus is looking to save the world – not judge it. He is not

sitting in Heaven with a lightning bolt in his hand ready to
toast us! He is trying to restore mankind to fellowship with His
father. Unless we can have the heart of the Father, we don’t
have the right to judge anyone. If I don’t love them, I cannot
judge them. By the same token, if I don’t love someone, I have
no right to prophesy to them or even pray for them for I will be
praying or prophesying outside the will of the Father for that

May we submit ourselves to the instruction and correction

of the Lord to step into all the roles He has in mind for us.

Chapter 23:
Establishing an Ecclesia
in Your City or Region

n order for the church to maximize its impact on the earth
and fulfill Jesus’ command to disciple nations we must
learn to operate in a collective manner in the earth. Jesus
designed the church to rule by the spirit and establish the will
of Heaven upon the earth. Some have viewed this
responsibility only from an earthly arena and have missed the
aspect of accomplishing things in the realm of the spirit first.
The Courts of Heaven can aid us in doing so effectively as we
are dealing with the legal reasons impeding the progress of the
church. Jeremiah instructed:

And seek the peace of the city where I have caused you
to be carried away captive, and pray to the LORD for it;
for in its peace you will have peace. (Jeremiah 29:7)

Whether you feel like a captive or not, you still hold a

responsibility to pray for your city, town, or community. In my
book ‘Overcoming Verdicts from the Courts of Hell’ I discuss

the fact that each city or town15 generally has an unofficial
group that dictates the affairs of that locale. In Ezekiel 11 you
will see an example of that concept16. These wicked counselors
make determinations for their region as they deem fit.

The church has abdicated its role to these wicked

counselors, and I say it is time to take that role back! We can
get the false verdicts they implement overturned in the Courts
of Heaven and get them replaced with righteous decisions that
glorify God. The ecclesia is to be a governing spiritual force in
and for your area. They are to govern by the spirit. They need
not be known publicly to be effective. As a matter of fact, the
more hidden you are, the more effective you can oftentimes be
(at least for a season).

Some of the things an ecclesia will do are the following:

• They will look at a situation and say, “That is

ungodly. It shall not be so in our city/region!”
• They will help shape policies through intercession;
• They will help godly people get elected through
• They will pray for God to raise up godly leadership;
• They will pray for their safety;
• They will pray for their purity;
• They will pray for their successful election;
• They will pray for their success in office;
• They will help pray in good businesses and industry;

This concept extends to states and nations also.
Ezekiel 11:1-2

• They will help eliminate things that do not need to
• They will restrict the advance of wickedness in your
city/region (drugs, gang activity, promiscuity, etc.)

As leaders, we must shift our mindset from simply training

our people in the Gospel of Salvation. We must train them in
the Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven. The church must
embrace a long-term siege mentality. We are awaiting the
restoration of ALL things.

For He must remain in Heaven until the time for the

final restoration of all things, as God promised long ago
through His holy prophets. (Acts 3:21)

We are doing this for our children, our grandchildren, our


God would have us raise up not just preachers and teachers,

but godly businessmen and women. We may be raising future
godly politicians, teachers, government workers, culture

We must become culture influencers

rather than being influenced by our

God will give the people favor to get good jobs or give them
ideas to go into business for themselves. They will help pray in
good businesses and policies and leadership.

Remember, God is not limited by your
society or its government – He is only
limited by you!

The elders (which may include you) must come together.

They must begin to legislate on behalf of their cities or regions.
Together they will serve as godly gatekeepers. They will
determine what needs to be allowed and disallowed in our
cities or areas. Set spiritual guards (both angelic and natural) at
the spiritual gates of their cities or regions. They will depose
the rulers of the gates of their city/region by action in the
Courts of Heaven. They will remove the unrighteous gates in
their cities or regions. They will remove favor in the spirit from
the ungodly rulers. They will depose ungodly rulers. They will
not do this through demonstrations of the flesh, but by
intercession and proper court work.

They will help establish:

• Righteous gates in their cities and regions;

• Righteous policies that will bless the people of their
• They will help establish godly favor for godly rulers;
• They will pray for godly leadership to arise;
• They will help develop the Daniels, the Shadrach’s, the
Meshach’s, the Abednego’s of our time;
• They will instruct them in the Gospel of the Kingdom of

Remember that any gate you dismantle must first be

dismantled in you. You must have the moral authority to

demolish a barrier. Do NOT attempt to dismantle a gate
without the proper authority. You must continually deal with
generational issues in our bloodlines.

As an ecclesia, you must lead together and operate by unity

and consensus like the early church. You can only legislate by
unity. You have to refuse to stay hidden forever. You may have
to be hidden for a time, but not forever!

Working as an ecclesia, they must assemble together to seek

the Lord, and identify what needs to change. Look for roots –
not fruit. The fruit will lead you to the root, and the fruit is the
result of a root, but the fruit is NOT the root. Get God’s strategy
for your court work. Use the Court of Strategy for this. Always
stay within your realm of authority.

Every believer has a general authority. But we also have

specific jurisdiction in specific areas. As mentioned earlier,
one cannot be IN authority unless one is UNDER authority.
Know the limits of your jurisdiction. Your love defines the
limits of your authority. You can’t pray for someone you don’t

Do not ask for judgments in an issue where you have not

done your part! Do not go above your pay grade!

Sin goes unrestrained in a city or region because the church

allows it! The Church MUST step up and begin to exert godly
influence in their town and region! It starts with the leaders –
the elders!

Satan operates in society by providing false solutions to
problems people face. For instance drugs, illicit sex, yoga,
witchcraft, palm readers, bars, et al. are all false solutions.

False solutions are the result

of the failure of the church.

A few years ago in the town where I live a palm reader

opened up an office on the main thoroughfare. Intercessors
came to me and said, ‘We need to pray that she shuts down!’. In
response, I said, ‘No, we need to find out why she had the
spiritual right to open up in the first place’. Holy Spirit spoke
saying, ‘Because the church had not embraced the true
prophetic, it opened the door to the false prophetic’.

I realized that Holy Spirit was not speaking to every church.

The operation of prophecy is not within the box of the typical
Baptist or Methodist church. But, for the Pentecostal and
charismatic churches who claim to believe in the gifts of the
Holy Spirit, they had a responsibility to embrace true prophecy
and make room for it. As we repented for the failure of the
churches to embrace the true prophetic we noticed that,
although the palm reader initially moved to another location
in town, she eventually closed altogether.

The failure of the church had given a legal right for her
existence in the city. Once that legal right was dealt with via
repentance, she had no legal right to exist in our city. The same
principle works in other areas as well.

Recognize that whenever you are dealing with a national
issue, often it has been given place by a specific failure within
the church. It is likely that the church is guilty of their own
version of the same behavior.

As you begin to come together, do not try to make it a

formal thing. Don’t over-organize what God is doing. He does
not need our help. Let it be fluid and flexible. Meet regularly to
deal with the issues brought to your attention. Engage the
watchers and patrollers and utilize the Courts of Heaven.
Together, let us extend the Kingdom in power throughout the

Chapter 24:
In Conclusion

s you exercise your faith and begin operating in the
Courts of Heaven, you will find the promise of the Lord
to respond speedily coming to pass in your life. As you
learn to engage the Courts of Heaven do not get bogged down
with trying to be so precise about everything: Which court do I
go to? Did I follow the right order? Did I say the right thing?
Take it easy on yourself. As you progress and gain more
experience expect that you will have to be more conscious of
the protocols of the various courts. God is not trying to keep
you out of the courts, He is trying to help you engage in them.
It will all work out in the end.

By engaging the Courts of Heaven you have the opportunity

to change your life, lives within your family, your church, city,
state, and even your nation. Recent significant events have
been impacted due to the actions of believers in the Courts of
Heaven. I could have included a lot more testimonies, but this
book really would be lengthy. I have also heard many
testimonies of God’s incredible love and goodness to saint and
sinner alike! It is His goodness that leads men to repentance.

Believers across the globe are awakening to the potential
within this paradigm of prayer. Lives are being changed. Cities
are being transformed. Even the political landscape is being
affected by courtroom prayer. As we become more well-versed
in the operations of the Courts of Heaven, we will see the
command of Jesus to disciple nations coming to fulfillment.
May we indeed, disciple the nations!


s citizens of Heaven, we have far more rights and
privileges than we have exercised. As you engage the
courts, you will see victories on a massive scale in your
life. A couple of the tools available to us are the Request for
Continuance, and the Cease and Desist Order. Other legal
maneuvers exist, but these are the most used (in my

Request for Continuance

Receiving a Fair Trial

is Your Right as a Citizen of Heaven

You just found out that you have to go to court! What do you
do? You have not had time to prepare, and you have not had a
chance to sit down with your attorney (in our case Jesus) and
discuss the best way to proceed. Your solution: Seek a "Request
for Continuance"!

In our natural court system the option of a “Request for

Continuance” exists to ensure a fair trial. Now that you
understand that such a place as the "Court of Heaven" exists,
you can now begin to be much wiser in your response to
Satan's attacks and schemes. Just as you would in a natural
court, you can obtain a "Request for Continuance" in a couple
of ways:

(1) Petition the Clerk of Court (in our case Holy Spirit for a

(2) Go before the Judge (God, our Father) and request a

continuance. Note before him that you need ample time to
prepare for this trial and time to consult with your attorney.
Just as in the natural, our Judge, wants us to experience a "fair
trial" and will grant this request. A continuance does not put
off a trial indefinitely. Generally, it can be put off for a few
days or weeks to request a continuance for at least four (4)

weeks. This should give you ample time to get yourself
prepared for trial.

Also, request a "Cease and Desist Order" so that all current

activity against you about the trial at hand is stayed. Following
is a template dealing with a Cease & Desist in relation to
"Defamation of Character." Other types of Cease & Desist
letters can be issued as well.

The Bible says, "You have not because you ask not" it really
means it. Now that we know about these things, though, we
can begin to "ask and receive that (our) joy may be full.

The procedure for requesting a continuance is simple:

1) Ask to enter the Court of Heaven

2) Come before the judge and request the continuance:
Your honor, I am requesting a continuance on
________________________ (the matter at hand) so that I
might better prepare my case. I would request at least
______________ (name the time frame) in order to prepare
to bring this case before this court.

3) Thank the Court: Thank you, your Honor.

It is that simple. I have never known a request of this sort to

be denied. As I mentioned, however, it is not a means of
indefinitely putting off a case. You must deal with it in a
reasonable fashion, just as you would in a natural court

If you are given any instructions while in the court, make
sure you follow those instructions.

Cease & Desist Order

Knowing what you can do is vital!

We have all experienced harassment and infringement of our

rights by the enemy, demons, and sometimes people. However,
we don't have to put up with everything that comes our way.
As we learn to operate in the Courts of Heaven, we see that
many of the principles utilized in the natural court system can
be applied to the Court of Heaven. After all, they got their ideas
from God!

A Cease & Desist Order is one of those concepts. Since Satan

is a legalist, we have to be just as exacting as he is. In the
natural arena, Cease & Desist letters can be issued by an
individual or by attorneys acting on behalf of their clients.
Cease & Desist Orders can be issued for a variety of reasons,
not limited to, but including:

 Defamation, Slander, and Libel

 Trademark Infringement
 Copyright Infringement
 Patent Infringement
 Harassment
 Debt Collection
 Breach of Contract

You can easily see how many (if not all) of these situations
could apply to us. To utilize a Cease & Desist Order, you can
directly go before the Court of Heaven and request a Cease &
Desist Order be issued due to the harassment/defamation/

slander, etc. (or whatever is occurring) that you are
experiencing. It matters not whether it is demonic in nature or
coming through a person because ultimately it is a spiritual
battle we are engaged in. Let us learn to fight via the Courts of

Much like the request for a continuance, it is a similar

process. God, our Father, is willing to aid us and is ready to
dispatch angels to assist us in these issues. As part of your
request for a Cease & Desist, also ask that angels be sent to
enforce the order. My final word to you:

Enjoy your winning position!

Other Court Actions Available

Accessing the Appeals Court - The gist of my book.

‘Overcoming False Verdicts from the Courts of Hell’ is to get
false verdicts that originated in Hell overturned in the Courts
of Heaven, a superior court system. Get the book to learn more
about all it entails. It is a game changer in governmental

Annulment - An annulment is a legal procedure cancelling a

marriage between a man and a woman. It make the marriage as
if it never existed technically and was invalid.

Cease & Desist Order - see the form on the previous pages.

Divorce Decrees - In the Appendix are divorce decrees from

Baal and Allah (the sun god and the moon god). At times you
may also need a divorce decree from other things. These may
include bad relationships, bad contracts, entanglements, and

Eviction Notice - Used to enforce the removal of demonic

entities once hindrances to deliverance have been removed in
the courts. One can petition for an eviction of any entity (or
entities) that have been demonizing someone. Once the legal
grounds for their entry are placed under the blood of Jesus,

these entities no longer have grounds to stay, so get the
Eviction Notice served and they are removed.

Freedom of Information Act Request - When hidden

information needs to be revealed concerning a person or
situation, you can request Freedom of Information be released
to you.

Gag Order - An order restricting comment about a court case.

Protective Custody - At times someone to whom you have

been ministering needs to be shielded from unnecessary
onslaughts of the enemy. Request that the person be taken into
Protective Custody.

Relinquishment Deed - a legal document created when a

person legally or formally gives up or releases his legal rights of
some sort of property to another person. It is a mode of
transferring the rights of an immovable property. In the
natural arena this may be used when a parent surrenders their
parental rights over a child. In my experience it was sometimes
required of slave owners that they relinquish ownership of
their slaves, or of a piece of property. To relinquish fully
brought great blessing. However, to not relinquish when
instructed, invoked a curse upon the owner and his
descendants. Repentance is in order.

Restraining Order - used to restrict the activities of a party

against another. Can be enforced with potential punishments
for violators of the order (i.e. bondage, chains, imprisonment,
death, etc.). Restraining Orders can be permanent in nature or
temporary. If you are dealing with a situation where a person

has dissociative identity disorder (formerly known as split
personalities) you will likely need to extend the restraining
order to all the personalities. Name them so they can be
included in the record, otherwise the enemy will try to bypass
the order on a technicality.

Request for Continuance - see the form on the previous pages.

Separation Agreements - Not unlike the use of separation

agreements when it comes to couples splitting; at times we
may have been entangled in relationships that do not merit a
divorce, only a separation. Request the terms of this agreement
in the Mercy Court.

Stay of Execution - This order creates a delay in carrying out a

court order. Often is will be used as a temporary measure to
stop intended actions of a false judgment. It is not a permanent
order, but is intended to give you time to prepare your case.

Title Deeds or Transfer of Title - having gone through the

courts concerning a piece of property the Title Deed can be
requested or you can request a Transfer of Title. This can
include people as well as land, houses, businesses, ministries,

Writ of Assistance - This order can be requested in the Courts

when specific angelic assistance is needed in a matter. Angels
will be released to handle any opposition and obtained what is
required on your behalf.

Writ of Habeus Corpus - Can be requested when someone is

being held captive unlawfully. However, if just cause exists for

the person's captivity, repentance will be required to secure
their release.

Petitions of Divorce

The Petitions of Divorce in the following two sections are

available in the book Divorced! by Jeanette Strauss & Doug Carr
(edited by Dr. Ron M. Horner). The prayers in the book are in
forms modified for Individuals, Families, Businesses,
Churches & Ministries, and Regions & Territories.

This book is available in paperback or spiral bound at

Petitions of Divorce
from the Sun God & the Moon God

any reading this book are familiar with the Baal
Divorce decree popularized by Apostle John Benefiel
of the Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network
( The revelation that we have indeed been ‘married’
to the principality Baal (even if unknowingly) and have a need
to be divorced from that entity has had a tremendous impact
in many lives. However, I have come to realize recently that
although the divorce decree has had some effect, in many
instances its impact has been limited.

God considered the children of Israel as married to Him,

and any interference in that marriage was never taken lightly
by God. When the children of Israel would enter into covenants
unbelievers (whether by marriage or otherwise), it created a
‘marriage’ that God did not approve of. God viewed adultery as
a breaking of faith with him. It should come as no surprise that
He would provide a venue that healing can occur to this most
important of covenants.

The Hebrew word na-aph figuratively means to apostatize.

We use the word apostasy to indicate one who has broken faith

with God. God continually warned the Israelites not to get into
covenant relationships with unbelievers.

Apostolic Prayer Leaders Jeanette Strauss & Doug Carr

graciously gave permission to use both the Petition of Divorce
from the Sun God (Baal) and the Petition of Divorce from the
Moon God (Allah). It is quite thorough but will bring great
benefit to your life.

Petition of Divorce from the Sun God

[My strategy to win this case is based upon repentance,

forgiveness, and restoration to God. I will request a divorce
from Baal and marriage to The Lord.]

Opening Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father; Thank You for the summons You sent to
me through the Holy Spirit requesting that I, as an individual,
appear before You in the courtroom of Heaven on behalf of
this family.
I am honored to come together in agreement representing
Thank You for this opportunity to bring my case into the
courtroom of Heaven.
I ask that my record book be opened and the Judge look back to
the beginning of my creation.
I ask that all previous righteous, intercessory prayers that have
been presented to You on my behalf throughout the past
generations be included with my petitions. Amen.

This Scripture found in Isaiah 58:12 describes my intention:

Those from among You shall build the old waste places;
You shall raise up the foundations of many generations;
and You shall be called the Repairer of the breach, The
Restorer of streets to dwell in.

Through the power of the Holy Spirit combined with my

prayers, I can play a part as restorer of the breach in my life. I
am called to be an Ambassador of Reconciliation endued with
the Power of Attorney through the authority of Jesus Christ
that he has delegated to me as a believer.

I understand that the power and authority to change my

community and transform my territory comes entirely
through the Righteous Judge of Heaven and Earth who
presides over the Courts of Heaven. I know that when I legally
settle my case in Heaven’s court, I can expect a corresponding
action on the earth.

The Holy Spirit has brought to my attention that the trials and
tribulations I read about and experience on a daily basis in this
family have grown out of a rotten root of disobedience and
rebellion to the ways of God, which has been growing for years
and has obtained a spiritual legal right to grow into a large tree
that has been bearing bad fruit in this family. I understand and
admit that this is due to sin committed against You. This is
why I look forward to my opportunity to come into Your
courtroom in Heaven on behalf of this family and lay the ax to
the root.

One of my focuses is to divorce the foreign god called Baal in

all of his forms. I am using information from Chuck Pierce and

Dutch Sheets Ministries that pertain to this case and can also
be found on the Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network website

My first question is: “Who is my enemy called Baal, and how is

he affecting me today?”

Chuck and Dutch say:

Baal is identified as the ruler of the demons. Matthew

12:24 (Beel-ze-bub is another name for Baal) Baal-
hamon, one of his names, means "the lord of wealth or
abundance." This is the principality warring against the
great transfer of wealth to the church. You must war
against this spirit to see Your inheritance released.

Baal-berith, another of his names, means "the lord of the

covenant." The Hebrew word Baal actually means
"husband" or "marriage." This spirit always attempted to
cause Israel to "divorce" or break covenant with God and
"marry" or align with him. Consistent with this, in so
many ways America has broken covenant with God and
married Baal. This is, I believe, the strongman behind
most covenant-breaking.

Baal is the strongman behind sexual perversion.

Homosexuality was and is one of his great strongholds. I
believe all of the sexual sin and perversion in America
is, to one degree or another, under Baal's orchestration.
You will continue to see God expose leaders in the
church who have aligned themselves with this spirit.
Pray for the church to be cleansed and for Baal's hold on
America in this area to be broken.
Baal always goes after the next generation, trying to cut
off the extension of God's covenantal purposes. He is a
violent spirit and even required human sacrifice.
Abortion is under Baal, as is the "cutting" of today's
young generation. (See 1 Kings 18:28.)

I agree this includes the Vampire and Goth movement, and the
death culture that has so invaded America. Baal is leading the
fight to avert the great awakening planned for the young
generation of Americans today. I must pray against and see
these efforts bound. Witchcraft and occult spirits, in general,
operate under Baal as does Jezebel.

The Baal Principality (god of 1,000 faces) Baal (Sun god): Bel,
Apollo, Zeus, Marduk, Ahura-Mazda, Osiris, Tammuz, Dagon,
Prometheus, Jupiter, Nimrod, Mithra (“Another Jesus” and
“The Anti-Christ”), Ra, Lucetius, Dyaus, Dionysus, Hermes,
Adonis, Pan, Hades, Eros, Uranus, Gaea, Assur, Merodach,
Ninus, Shamas, Zeus-Belus, Bacchus Queen of Heaven (Moon
& Sun goddess): Mother of Harlots, Mother of God (and child),
The Great Mother, Ashtaroth, Artemis, Aphrodite, Juno, Lilith,
Minerva, Columbia, Nike, Astarte, Athena, Beltis, Diana, Isis
(Horus), Anahita, Inanna, Tanat, Ishtar (Easter), Cybele,
Mylitta, Hathor, Kali, Columbia Leviathan: Neptune, Poseidon,
Tiamet, King of Children of Pride ministry.

My strategy to gain the victory over this principality is through

courtroom of Heaven intercession. I will obtain the legal right
through repentance and forgiveness for sin committed against
God to remove the lawful rights Baal has used to withhold the
transfer of wealth and release my inheritance. Chuck Pierce

tells me to claim Jeremiah 51:44 which I will include in my

I have subtitled each of the prayer point issues listed above

with the numbers 1-4. I will list the problem, then my
repentance and forgiveness prayer; in conclusion, I will
present my plea for resolution and court-ordered restitution.

I understand the importance of praying in unity as I present

my plea. One of the best ways to do this is to pray the prayer
Jesus told me to pray corporately. This prayer is found in
Matthew 6:9-13 and will serve to spiritually cleanse me of any
unrighteousness so I can stand before the Judge to present my

Let’s join together and pray the model prayer (using sin and
sins in lieu of trespass and trespasses).

My Father in Heaven, may Your name be kept holy. 10

May Your Kingdom come soon. May Your will be done
on earth, as it is in Heaven. 11 Give me today the food I
need, 12 and forgive me of my sins, as I have forgiven
those who sin against me. 13 And don’t let me yield to
temptation, but rescue me from the evil one. (NLT)

Let me go into the courtroom now and present the case.

Thank You for the honor of allowing me to come into Your
courtroom. I know the form of intercession. You always
endorse and grant favor upon is when Your people recognize
their wicked ways, humble themselves, and repent. You then
extend forgiveness, grace, and mercy and will release healing.

I want to present this Scripture as evidence of Your
2 Chronicles 7:14; If My people who are called by My
name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My
face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear
from Heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their

I thank You that in the Bible You welcome and encourage me

to come into Your courtroom and state my case. As I repent
and ask forgiveness, I can get the records cleared, and You are
willing to defend me and help me win my spiritual battles,
which will give me the victory in the physical realm. You say in
Isaiah 43:25-26:
I, even I, am He who blots out Your transgressions for
My own sake; and I will not remember Your sins. 26 Put
Me in remembrance; let us contend together; state Your
case, that You may be acquitted.

I thank You that You have subpoenaed the accuser of the

brethren so that he will be a witness today of these divorce
In this case today I use as an example and reference point of
proper intercession that found on behalf of Your people in
Daniel 9:10.
Daniel found himself as a slave who was a believer, living in a
Babylonian society with no rights to worship his God freely the
way that he wanted to. He didn’t complain to God about the
injustice but humbled himself and repented and asked

forgiveness for his sins and the sins of the nation of Israel. God
listened and acted on his behalf.
At this time, I come before You as Daniel did, in humble
repentance. I do not come before Your bench to complain
about injustices against me for what my forefathers were guilty
of. I am not here to take the role of the accuser of what they did
wrong, but I am here to repent for a turning away from Godly
ordinances and statutes, and living in disobedience and
rebellion to my God. I ask that it be placed in the record that I
forgive them for their actions, which have caused
consequences and repercussions that I am struggling with
I ask that the intercession for my family and all of its issues
that are connected to these different forms of Baal all be put
into one case, a class action suit. I know the accuser or
prosecuting attorney (ha-satan) has been convicting me of sin
and getting judgments against me personally and the people
connected to this family, which has placed this family and its
members in bondage.
I don’t know exactly when this marriage of the perversion of
truth began in history, but I am asking that the record go back
to the earliest foundation or the original place where the
turning away and embracing the doctrine of demons began,
and include every violation up to now in this case.

Prayer Point 1

[Matthew 12:24 reveals that Beelzebub is another name for

Baal. Baal-hamon, one of Baal's names, means "the lord of
wealth or abundance." Dutch Sheets and Chuck Pierce agree

that this is the principality warring against the great transfer of
wealth to the church. I must effectively overcome this spirit to
see my inheritance released.]

Charge 1

The Accuser’s Argument Against Me

He has sinned by investing in the kingdom of darkness in
many ways that I the deceiver and accuser have cleverly
devised to obtain guilty verdicts against him/her. Therefore, I
have been able to get a judgment to get their inheritance
withheld from them.
My strength that I use against You and them is because they
break Your laws.
1 Corinthians 15:56 says; ‘The sting of death is sin, and the
strength of sin is the law.’

My Response to the Charge

Your Honor, I admit my guilt, and I stand on my behalf,
repenting for the sin of investing any money through the
products I buy and the businesses that I allow to come into this
region such as casinos that help to promote the activities of
this principality named Baal and give him the right to steal my
I ask that You forgive me my sin and cover me with the Blood
of Jesus. I ask for the Freedom of Information Act to be applied
to this case. That truth will be revealed at a personal level to
those who are being deceived. I ask for all corruption to be
exposed and dealt with to bring about Godly change in my life.

As the Freedom of Information is loosed over my inheritance
which consists of people and those You have called to come
out of the darkness, the scales that have been over the eyes of
my understanding and their understanding will fall away, and
the veils of deception will be cast off. I will see Your truth,
embrace Your truth, and walk in Your truth.
Please move this case that the enemy has been lawfully
binding me to, and thereby enforcing judgments against me
from the Courtroom of Heaven to the throne of Your Grace and
Mercy, loosing me and others whom he has been holding
captive through sin, removing the legal rights of Baal and any
other foreign god involved in this hindrance.
I petition You to release my inheritance and the great transfer
of wealth You have in reserve for Your church. My accuser will
no longer have a case. He has to release the captives.
Jeremiah 51:44 states:
I will punish and judge Bel (or Baal) [the handmade
god] in Babylon and take out of his mouth what he has
swallowed up [the stolen sacred articles and the
captives of Judah and elsewhere]. The nations will no
longer flow to him. Yes, the wall of Babylon has fallen
down! (AMP)

Prayer Point 2

[Baal-berith, another of his names, means "the lord of the

covenant." The Hebrew word Baal actually means "husband" or
"marriage." This spirit always attempted to cause Israel to
"divorce" or break covenant with God and "marry" or align with

him. Consistent with this, in so many ways, America has
broken covenant with God and married Baal. This is the
strongman behind most covenant-breaking.]

Charge 2

The Accuser’s Argument Against Me

Many of those who call themselves by the name of the Lord
God Most High have repeatedly committed spiritual adultery
against You by not taking Your ordinances and laws seriously.
Many are guilty of committing adultery amongst themselves or
participating in pornography, so I am able to prosecute them
for their sin of breaking covenant with You and with each
other. I capture them through their sin and entice them
through many devious means to break covenant in their
earthly marriages.

My Response to the Charge

I admit to this sin that has influenced me as an individual and
even as a nation. My adversary has been successful in his quest
to divide and effectively move me out from under Your
covenant protection due to sin which opens the door for him
in my life. He is at work destroying my covenant relationships
with others and between You and me. Government statistics of
the divorce rate prove he has been successful.

Personal Confession
I repent and ask forgiveness for this great sin I have committed
against You and against others. I ask that You will cover this
sin I have committed with the blood of Jesus.

I petition for a judgment declaring the granting of an
immediate termination of this marriage to Baal. I request a
divorce, a cutting off from him in every area.
I ask You to grant a season of time during which You will
release a spirit of revelation of truth and conviction upon me,
during which time my understanding will be opened, and my
heart made ready for the Gospel in full measure. I also request
a spirit of repentance that will bring a harvest of salvations and
born-again experiences to my region.
I pray for a revival of Your Holy Spirit and the gifts of the Holy
Spirit to manifest which will assist in the harvest. I ask that
You grant me insight and wisdom as You begin to manifest
Your presence in a greater way in my midst. Amen.
I agree with 1 John 1:9:
If I confess my sins, He is faithful and just to forgive me
my sins and to cleanse me from all unrighteousness.

I am the Bride of Christ. I ask for my marriage to Jesus Christ

be reestablished. I understand I am in the process of being
cleansed and restored to my rightful place of honor before my
king. I agree to turn my heart fully toward the plans and
purposes You have for me. I am dedicated to performing Your
will for my life agreeing to the transformation process that You
have planned which will seal me as a covenantal people with

Prayer Point 3

[Baal is the strongman behind sexual perversion.

Homosexuality was and is one of his big strongholds. I believe

all of the sexual sin and perversion in America is, to one degree
or another, under Baal's orchestration. I will continue to see
God expose leaders in the church who have aligned themselves
with this spirit. I pray for the church to be cleansed and for
Baal's hold on America in this area to be broken.]

The Accuser’s Argument Against Me

There may be times when he/she doesn’t really care about
what the Bible or the Judge in this courtroom has to say about
homosexuality or other forms of what the Bible says is sexual
perversion. He/she even call themselves a Christian.
I have been able to spread my perversion in many ways
through most forms of media. My agenda is marching on. This
state is passing laws including the legality of homosexual
marriage which is my counterfeit marriage arrangement. Laws
are being passed in favor of all kinds of gay and lesbian rights.
Even church leaders are turning away from the truth. My goal
is for You to give them up to me. Your Word is clear this
lifestyle is a sin.
As evidence I present Romans 1:26-28:
For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For
even their women exchanged the natural use for what is
against nature. 27 Likewise also the men, leaving the
natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one
another, men with men committing what is shameful,
and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error
which was due. 28 And even as they did not like to retain
God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a
debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting.

So you see that I am working within my legal jurisdiction.

My Response
I agree that the accuser has been at work in me. My goal is to
remove his legal rights from me in this area also. I know I can
do this through repentance and asking for forgiveness. I stand
in the gap right now repenting on behalf of the sin I have
committed against You by living and promoting the
homosexual, gay and lesbian, transgender lifestyle. I ask
forgiveness for this great abomination toward You.

Personal Confession
I thank You Lord that You have a plan to turn this into a
testimony for Your goodness and mercy.
I, like Jeremiah, was sealed by You before I was ever born.
Jeremiah 1:5 says:
I knew You before I formed You in Your mother’s womb.
Before You were born I set You apart and appointed You
as my prophet to the nations.

I remind You now of those who, according to Your Word, are in

the camp of the enemy as captives. I petition You for all those
who have been stolen from Your purposes. I petition You,
Lord, to send Your host to recover Your lost children.
Jeremiah 3:22 says:
'My wayward children,' says the LORD, 'come back to
me, and I will heal Your wayward hearts.' 'Yes, we’re
coming,' the people reply, 'for You are the LORD my
God.' (NLT)

I also target my petition toward those who are now promoting
the homosexual agenda who have large media platforms. I
petition You and thank You ahead of time that You are going
to bring them into the Kingdom of God.
Your will is that none perish but have everlasting life. Lord,
help them in their unbelief. I set my faith that they will get
saved and born-again and be filled with the Holy Spirit. Their
lives will be turned around to promote the truth and a Godly
agenda and be used to set countless numbers free.
I find it interesting that they have chosen the rainbow as their
object of identification. According to Your Word, the rainbow
is Your symbol given to me of Your faithfulness. I decree that
this is a prophetic statement they are waving over themselves.
By their actions, as they wave their banners, they are claiming
a restoration to a Godly covenant over their lives. I can be
encouraged that You will be faithful and cleanse them of sin
and restore them to their rightful place in Your Kingdom.
I ask You to perform an emergency intervention as only You
can orchestrate.
I ask for forgiveness and washing with the blood of Jesus over
this terrible sin.
I ask that I be moved from judgment to the throne of Grace and
Mercy where You will extend a season of grace and mercy over
me so that the laws can be changed.
Help show me what to do to get these perverse laws repealed
from the books.

Prayer Point 4

[Baal always goes after the next generation, trying to cut off the
extension of God's covenantal purposes. He is a violent spirit
and even required human sacrifice. Abortion is under Baal, as
is the "cutting" of today's young generation, (see 1 Kings 18:28),
the Vampire and Goth movement, and the death culture, in
general, that has so invaded America. Baal is leading the fight
to avert the great awakening planned for the young generation
of Americans today. Pray against and get these efforts bound.
Witchcraft and occult spirits, in general, operate under Baal. So
does Jezebel.]

The Accuser’s Argument Against Me

He says:

I am working within my authority. This region allows legalized

abortion by state law. I have been able to cut out whole
generations legally. This is a form of human sacrifice that I am
promoting today. I am stealing the youth of this region for my
purposes. My projects of witchcraft and occult promotion are
going well. Most people don’t bother me as I go about my

My Response
As a believer, I am grieved by the legalization of abortion. As a
taxpayer, I share in the blood guilt that cries out for judgment.
I can see the hand of my accuser using this legalization also to
attempt to kill the youth off though suicide, drug use, or other

Personal Confession
I repent on behalf of the sin of abortion and ask forgiveness for
that sin.
I repent for the loss of destinies and purposes that have
occurred in the earth as a result of this great sin.
I ask that You hear my plea and help me as You move my case
from judgment to grace and mercy for a season in time where
You will help me to employ strategies to get my laws changed.
Bless and promote the agenda and finances of those who are
fighting to get these laws changed. Remove the veils off of my
lawmakers' and voters' eyes, and empower me by Your Holy
Spirit to support the move to get my laws changed so abortion
will no longer be legal.
I ask You to invade the camp of the enemy with Your Host of
Heaven. Arrest and prosecute those who are practicing and
promoting witchcraft and the occult in my region. I am
standing in the gap repenting on behalf of this sin in my
region and asking forgiveness. I ask for Your Glory to invade
my region, wash me clean, and heal my heart, mind, and land.
[I have a representative from the younger generation who
would like to offer a plea in the court.]

Ambassador of the Younger Generation

Dear Jesus, I stand before You as a representative for those who
are of this younger generation. I humbly stand in the gap,
repenting for the sins that are recorded as charges against me
in the courtroom of Heaven. I especially ask forgiveness for the

sin of rebellion and disobedience I have committed against
You, my parents, and those in authority over me, which has
allowed a curse to come upon me.
I forgive my parents and others who have sinned against me. I
ask for a spirit of reconciliation and healing to come upon me.
I ask You to turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and
the hearts of the children to their fathers.
I thank You, Father God, that Your Word says children are a
heritage and a gift from You. You say the fruit of the womb is
Your reward. I stand in the gap repenting on behalf for the sin
of abortion among the younger generation and ask forgiveness
for that sin which has given the enemy a legal right to go after
this generation.
Our enemy is blinding me to the truth due to the sin I have
committed. He has placed a veil over the eyes of my
understanding. Some of Your children are overwhelmed with
discouragement, believing the lie that says they can’t get out of
bondage they are under. This is causing untimely deaths of
young people through drug overdose, suicide, and self-hatred.
I ask You for a spirit of salvation to be loosed in my region for
my younger generation. Help me to be fruitful for Your
Kingdom. As I am forgiven for my sins, cover me with the
Blood of Jesus Christ. Stir up the gifts of the Holy Spirit among
me. Baptize me with a new baptism of fire that will burn out all
the bondages and set me on fire for Your Word. Please move
any case the enemy has had against me to the Throne of Grace
and Mercy.

I ask You to place me in protective custody during the season
in which You will remove the veils and scales from off of my
eyes, and I will see the truth, embrace the truth, and walk in
Your truth. Amen.
I confess what You say You will do for me in Isaiah 49:24-25
Shall the prey be taken from the mighty, or the captives
of the righteous be delivered? 25 But thus says the LORD:
"Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away,
and the prey of the terrible be delivered; for I will
contend with him who contends with You, and I will
save Your children.

Thank You for hearing my plea on behalf of the younger

generation and answering my prayer as You answered Daniel
who was a man of the younger generation.
I will read what the answer to Daniel was as he prayed as I have
Daniel 9:20-23: Now while I was speaking, praying, and
confessing my sin and the sin of my people Israel, and
presenting my supplication before the LORD my God for
the holy mountain of my God, 21 yes, while I was
speaking in prayer, the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in
the vision at the beginning, being caused to fly swiftly,
reached me about the time of the evening offering. 22
And he informed me, and talked with me, and said, "O
Daniel, I have now come forth to give you skill to
understand. 23 At the beginning of your supplications
the command went out, and I have come to tell you, for

you are greatly beloved; therefore, consider the matter,
and understand the vision.

I remind You and remember the results of Daniel’s prayers of

intercession. I agree with Your Word that says: Your purpose
shall be established, and You will do all that pleases You for
me. This applies to me today.

Psalm 103:20 says the angels hearken to the voice of the Word
and go forth to perform it. As I have presented my repentance
and received forgiveness, then quoted the Word after each
point; the angels present heard the voice of the Word and are
going forth to perform it in this family.
Isaiah 46:9-10 says:

Remember the former things of old, for I am God, and

there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me, 10
declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient
times things that are not yet done, saying, 'My counsel
shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure.'

That concludes my prayer petitions and decrees portion of the
courtroom session concerning the 4 prayer points I was
instructed to present for this family. I know according to 1 John
5:14-15 that the divorce decree has been granted to me as an
individual as well as the reestablishing of my covenant to the
King of kings, Jesus Christ, my Bridegroom.
Before I conclude, I still have some courtroom business to
attend to.

Addressing My Accuser

Now the Judge would ask me if I have anything to say to my

accuser and I respond by saying ‘Yes Your Honor. I will quote
Your Word to him which is high praise to Your ears, and by
doing this, I will make him Your footstool.’

Personal Confession
The Lord says that my adversaries shall be clothed with shame.
You shall cover your own self with confusion as with a mantle.
My Lord says in His Word that His hand shall find each and
every one of my enemies; He shall make you as a fiery oven in
the time of His anger.
He shall swallow you in His wrath, and His fire shall devour
Your fruit shall be destroyed from the land, and your bad seed
from among the children of men.
You have intended evil against me; you imagined a
mischievous device which you are not able to perform.
My Father will destroy your schemes and confuse your
You shall be confounded and put to shame.
You shall be turned back and brought to confusion because you
have devised my hurt.
You shall be as chaff before the wind, and the angel of the Lord
shall chase you.

Your way will be dark and slippery, and the angel of the Lord
shall persecute you.
My Father says in His Word, Behold, I will plead your case and
take vengeance for you. Psalm 109:29; Psalm 21:8-11; Psalm 55:9;
Jeremiah 51:36
I thank my Father the Righteous Judge, Jesus the Son, and the
Holy Spirit for hearing my case and ruling in my favor.

Scriptures to Quote to the Judge Corporately

Lord God, You have established Your throne in Heaven, and
Your Kingdom rules over all.
For You, Lord, are my Judge and Lawgiver; You are my King;
You will save me.
Our soul shall be joyful in You. I shall rejoice in Your salvation.
Be exalted oh Lord in Your own strength. I will sing and praise
Your great power.
I thank You, Father, for Your great mercies that You have not
withheld from me.
May Your loving kindness and truth continually preserve me.

Thank Jesus for making it possible to enter the courtroom of

Heaven and plead my case.

Dear Jesus, thank You for Your loving sacrifice for me. You
died so I could be free.

I will strive with the help of the Holy Spirit to walk in love
toward others as You loved me,
I will not judge, and I will extend grace and mercy as You
extend grace and mercy to me daily.
I ask that I could become more like You every day. When others
see me, they will see You.
Help me to desire the meat of Your Word, which as I read it, I
will be washed clean. Teach me Your ways.
Thank You, Lord, for listening, and for helping me walk deeper
in faith and be bolder in prayer. Bless Your Holy Name.
Thank You Holy Spirit; I thank You for Your presence on this
earth. You surround me with Your presence; You inhabit my
You comfort and encourage me during times of trouble in my
You bring divine revelation to me as I need it. You bring all
things to remembrance to my mind.
You reveal treasure hidden in deep places when I least expect
it, especially Scriptures that I have read in the past, but can’t
You have perfect recall and love to help me out, and I thank
You for that.
You are the light that is within me that releases Your Glory and
casts out darkness.

Thank You for lighting my path and divinely directing me
every day.
Bless You, for all that You do that I do not recognize as Your
work in my life. Amen.

[Now, step into the Court of Scribes and obtain the verdict just
rendered, then step into the Court of Angels and request
angelic dispatch for the orders and instructions of the verdict

Apostolic Blessing
May the Lord bless me, members of the Kingdom of God and
bride of Jesus Christ, with the fullness of His blessings as I
keep my marital commitment to Christ by abiding in Him,
submitting to Him, and honoring Him with sincere reverence
and humble service.
I declare that as I submit to His lead, He will submit to my
need. Bless me, Father, with full marital rights which will
impregnate me with vision, leading to holiness and
multiplication. I ask You this day to translate me from shame
to favor.
Bless me, I pray, as I seek Your face. Amen.

[Now that you have received a verdict, you will want to access
the Court of Scribes for the verdict and for any additional
scrolls. You will then take them into the Court of Angels for

Divorce from the Moon God

n divorcing the moon god, we are completing the necessary
divorce procedures. The Divorce from Baal (the sun god)
coupled with the Divorce from the Moon-god (Allah)
should bring you to a new level of freedom in your life. This
also can be applied to your region or territory.

On the following pages, you will read the various ways the
moon god has impacted our lives and how it got entrance into
our lives. Interspersed in the teachings by Jeanette Strauss and
Doug Carr are prayers of repentance as well as petitions. If
performing these prayers in a group, the Compiled Prayers
section contains only the prayers of repentance and petitions.

May you enjoy new levels of freedom in your life from this
day forward.

Divorce from the Moon God Allah

(also called the sin god)

Jeanette Strauss, an apostolic prayer leader in Michigan,

working with Apostle Doug Carr, was responsible for the
Divorce Decree from Baal in the previous section. That specific
decree was the result of a prayer event they convened on behalf
of their geographic region and led Jeanette to do more research.
Here is what she had to say:

“That case was settled, and the divorce was granted from the
highest court. After praying and seeking God to see if there
were any further actions needing attention, we sensed the Lord
leading us to examine who the moon god is. Baal is known as
the sun god, so that covers 12 hours of the day, but who is the
moon god who rules the night? We considered who he is, what
he influences, and determined to seek to obtain a divorce from
him also.

We discovered one of his names is ‘sin.’ Another more

familiar name to us is ’Allah.’ Different Arab tribes gave the
Moon-god different names/titles. Some of the names/titles for
this moon god are ‘Sin, Hubul, Ilumquh, Al-ilah.’ The word

‘Allah’ is derived from ‘al-ilah’17 Allah and is identified by the
symbol of the crescent moon and the star.

As we hear the name Allah our minds might go to the

Muslim nations and their symbol of the crescent and star, or
even the name of their god Allah, which is the same god as the
sin god. We tend to think this is the god of the Middle East
region, but Americans are tied in an authentic and active way
to this moon god.”

Apostolic leader Doug Carr joins in:

“The Lord opened portals of revelation for me as I prayer

walked on in mid-April a few years ago. The moon was very
bright, and I could see the road, the outline of trees and shrubs,
and the silhouette of geese on the river. I knew I was walking
in the lesser light of the moon, rather than the greater light
given to govern the day. Even before I started walking, I sensed
how the moon god tries to deceive individuals and regions to
walk in his lesser light.

As Baal is the god of the sun, Allah is the god of the moon.
God created the moon as the lesser light to govern the night.
Sin and Satan have defiled such governance so people,
including Christians, are often governed by the lesser light of
darkness rather than by seeking and walking in the Light of
God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

The moon god(s) cause us to walk in lesser light. Under his



 We do not seek God’s light on WHY things are the way
they are.
 We settle for less than best, giving in to entitlement’s
bondage, rather than seeking God’s solutions for
poverty, violence, hatred, and the like.
 We submit to oppressive rule rather than seek the
greater light and freedom from Jehovah Himself. This is
true of nations under dictatorial rule, as well as
individuals under dictatorial rule in homes, churches,
society, and workplaces.
 People under the influence of the moon god would
rather have other people fix their problems, even if it
leads to bondage, rather than seek solutions from the

The mood god hinders people from seeking God’s Greater

Light through:

 The Word of God. (2 Timothy 2:15, 3:16-17)

 The Wisdom (Heavenly wisdom) of God. (James 1:8; 3:13-
 The World of revelation (voice of creation). (Romans

Sluggards do not go to the ant, to learn how to be self-

sufficient. Instead, they rely on others to rescue them and
provide their needs: Rather than asking God how to take better
care of their bodies, they expect doctors or faith healers to
repair the damage they bring on themselves, etc. (Proverbs 6:6-

The twofold witness of God is the voice of conscience
(Romans 1:20a) and the inner voice of adoption (Romans 8:15)

People look to others for personal revelation rather than to

God. Rather than seek God for themselves, they rely on
prophets and the Elijah List or other means.”

Ways the Moon God Works

The Moon God Exploits the Power of Secrecy

By keeping things hidden (occult, Masonic, etc.), the moon

god is able to continue sin patterns and destroy lives. We see
family secrets as well as church secrets. A pastor is a
perpetrator but rather than disciplining the perpetrator; they
excommunicate the victim.

In another church, a gay pastor who oversees a daycare was

accused of inappropriate behavior. Rather than addressing the
inappropriate behavior of the pastor against children in a
church daycare, the church fired those trying to address the

The Moon God Partners with Allah

The Moon god partners with Allah to make people passive

so they will not seek God for their own answers. Rather than
asking why sickness lingers, they expect medicine or faith
healers to take care of their problems. Rather than learning to
resist the devil and make him flee, they expect deliverance
ministers to fix them.

The Moon God Seduces

Moon god seduces believers to hide SIN and secretly

continue in it, rather than confess it and repent of it.

The Moon God Oppresses Women

The Moon god oppresses women and covers their beauty

and potential in life and ministry.

The Moon God Distracts

The moon god covers the power of a multitude of sins by

distracting focus from personal responsibility. A few terrorists
bomb two churches on Palm Sunday, and the whole world
reacts because of the magnitude of the damage. Around 49
people were killed and 100 injured. Compare that to the
multitude of people under the influence of moon gods in local
churches. They expect someone else to provide for their
families, their medical needs, their housing, their education,
and everything else from birth to burial. Their mistaken
allegiance to the agenda of the moon god goes unnoticed, and
by the power of being hidden, they destroy more churches,
families, neighborhoods, and communities than the ISIS
terrorists behind the church bombings. They continue to rob,
steal and destroy families, communities, and nations because
they passively give in to the seduction of the moon god rather
than seeking the greater light of Christ. We will cover any
connection we may have to this lesser light moon god before
we conclude our court case.

These crucial issues that occur due to living in this lesser

light and other symptoms of the curse due to the moon god
being active in our generational blood lines are what we will
take action on. Not only are many walking and struggling
along in the lesser light not understanding what is really going
on, but many believers have been unwittingly snared and are
being harassed in by this moon god.

Being a Legal Heir

Some are suffering adverse consequences due to someone
in their bloodline who pledged themselves to this foreign god
by decreeing certain required oaths and vows of faithfulness to
this god without fully realizing what they were doing. We are
speaking of the different organizations of secrecy that people
can think are a good thing because they do good things to help
people, and they display a lot of religious articles so people can
be deceived. They use crosses in their ceremonies as well as

Pledges of Loyalty Unto Death

Most of us understand that if a vow is sworn to a foreign
god, this brings a curse that allows demons the right to attack
the person involved and their bloodline. Some of you here may
recognize symptoms of illnesses or physical afflictions that
have become resident in your families as you read the oaths
and vows a relative may have spoken over themselves when
joining one of these organizations that are under the
jurisdiction of the moon god Allah; these oaths require a
person to pledge their complete loyalty to the point of death.

A Curse Without Cause
The Word says that a curse can come on a person if it has a
legal right or a cause. These curses will exercise their legal right
to alight and attach firmly, then begin the journey down the
generational bloodline. It only will get stopped effectively
when the root cause is repented for and forgiven by God, and
then the curse revoked.

Like a flitting sparrow, like a flying swallow, So a curse

without cause shall not alight. Proverbs 26:2;

Prayer of Repentance

Let’s begin by praying a corporate prayer of repentance, in

general, but not a specific prayer for now. This is important to
do before we get into facts in this case against the moon god. It
is possible that the enemy has a veil over our eyes and we can’t
see the deception we could be struggling under so we do this,
so veils come off before we begin.

Dear Heavenly Father, I stand before You today in the

Courtroom in Heaven. I repent on behalf of any sin I
personally have committed against You or Your Word. I
confess my sins and ask You to forgive me, and cover
them over with the blood of Jesus. I ask You to move any
case the enemy presents against me to the Throne of
Grace and Mercy where the Lord will remove any veils
that may be over the eyes of my understanding, and I
will see the truth, and it will set me free. Amen.

As we present our case, we are covering our own
generational bloodlines, and like Daniel in the Bible, we are
called to be Ambassadors of Reconciliation for our region and
territory as well as our families. We do this on behalf of those
who do not know what has been spoken over them or in their
own ignorance have spoken these vows and oaths themselves
and been ensnared by this god, which has affected our lives.
The Holy Spirit will guide a person into all truth. It’s not our
job to bring people into account; instead, our job is to

One way we can find ourselves ensnared is if our ancestors

or we have been or still are members of any of these
organizations: Freemasonry, Shriners, Eastern Star, Prince Hall
Lodge, or any other secret society. The validation this curse
uses is the verbal oaths and vows which establish a spoken
covenant, followed by symbolic enactment to confirm the
pledge of commitment and devotion which is performed by us
or someone in our generational bloodline.

Technically these vows and enactments have been spoken

and performed in front of God and witnesses just as marriage
vows are. Those marriage vows are legally in force and binding
until a divorce is legalized. The Bible says:

You are snared by the words of your mouth; you are

taken by the words of your mouth. Proverbs 6:2.
"Again you have heard that it was said to those of old,
'You shall not swear falsely, but shall perform your
oaths to the Lord.' 34 But I say to you, do not swear at
all... 37But let your 'Yes' be 'Yes,' and your 'No,' 'No.' For

whatever is more than these is from the evil one.
Matthew 5:33-34a, 37.

But above all, my brethren, do not swear, either by

Heaven or by earth or with any other oath. But let your
‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No,’ lest you fall into
judgment. James 5:12.

We understand many have already revoked curses, due to

these organizations, but our goal is to set our regions and
families free. In the process, you might see that there is a step
that you may have left out in your prayers. We could be
thinking we are divorced from these gods and maybe are not. I
say this because of the sin god Allah and certain rights
connected to other entities that may have been taken without a
person’s knowledge.

Our purpose is to recover ourselves and our region from the

snare of the devil, who has taken many into captivity without
their knowledge. We will request at the conclusion for a Cease
and Desist order against the sin god Allah to be issued by the
Judge in our region, territory, and families.

And that they may come to their senses and escape the
snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to
do his will. 2 Timothy 2:24

Following is a brief overview of each one of these eight

organizations and the vows they require. We will then agree
with a prayer of repentance over each one of those issues
individually and renounce each of their oaths and vows

Who is Allah?

He is the god over the Shriners, Masons and Eastern Star


Shriner Involvement

If you have a family member who was a Shriner.

The crescent moon and star is the emblem or symbol

Shriners’ wear proudly. To get to wear the hat and jacket with
the emblems on them, one speaks vows and oaths. The hat
called a Fez it has the crescent and the star.

A Shriner is given a red fez with an Islamic sword and

crescent jewel on the front of it. This sword emblem originates
from the seventh century when Moslems, under the leadership
of Muhammad (aka Mohammed), slaughtered all Christians
and Jews who would not bow down to the pagan moon god
Allah. It is a symbol of subjugation.

The Shriners began innocently enough, except for their link

to and allegiance to the pagan moon god (note the crescent
emblem) Allah. Candidates for induction into the Shriners are
greeted by a High Priest, who says:

‘By the existence of Allah and the creed of Mohammed;

by the legendary sanctity of our Tabernacle at Mecca, we
greet you.’

The inductees then swear on the Bible and the Koran, in the
name of Mohammed, and invoke Freemasonry's usual
gruesome penalties upon themselves:

‘I do hereby, upon this Bible, and on the mysterious

legend of the Koran, and its dedication to the
Mohammedan faith, promise and swear and vow…that I
will never reveal any secret part or portion whatsoever
of the ceremonies…and now upon this sacred book, by
the sincerity of a Moslem's oath, I here registered this
irrevocable vow…in willful violation whereof may I
incur the fearful penalty of having my eyeballs pierced
to the center with a three-edged blade, my feet flayed,
and I be forced to walk the hot sands upon the sterile
shores of the Red Sea until the flaming sun shall strike
me with livid plague, and may Allah, the god of Arab,
Moslem and Mohammedan, the god of our fathers,
support me to the entire fulfillment of the same. Amen.
Amen. Amen.’

Muslim is the preferred term for ‘follower of Islam,’

although Moslem is also widely used.18

With this oath, in their ignorance people who consider

themselves Christians swear on the Koran, and declare Allah to
be ‘the god of our fathers.’ From the perspective of Christianity
and Islam alike, Shriners take the name of God in vain and
mock both faiths.


Irrevocable Vow

Interestingly, they have to say amen three times to establish

what they agree to. We see an example of this in the Bible with
the example of Peter. In Mark 14:66-72, he swears three times
that he does not know Jesus. This indicated he needed to say
something three times to emphasize that he was rejecting
Christ which he did. We see that doing so even removed him
from being considered a disciple by Christ himself. To be
reinstated Jesus made a point to ask Peter to repeat three times
that he loved him to revoke his previous denial and reinstate
him in his earlier position.

‘...go, tell His disciples—and Peter—that He is going

before you into Galilee; there you will see Him, as He
said to you.’ Mark 16:7

We see that a person can be restored to Jesus and oaths

forgiven, but something needs to be done about it. The vow
doesn’t just remove itself, and the curse won’t voluntarily leave
either. As we pray this prayer, you may see and repent for
things that were not in the description of what their vows are,
but are based on some original activity of this organization.

Prayer of Repentance

We come humbly before you into the Courtroom of

Heaven. We understand there are many people in our
region and our family bloodlines who have been
corrupted by this particular type of sin.

We stand in the gap and repent on behalf of the sin

committed by any people within the regions and
territories represented, and any member of our
generational bloodlines who have recited and agreed
with these oaths and vows made to Allah through the
organization of the Shriners.

We renounce the oaths taken and the actions performed

in any of these rites. We renounce the curses and their
penalties involved in the Ancient Arabic Order of the
Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. We ask forgiveness for this
sin of worship of Allah in this region and ask for the
blood of Jesus to cover over and cut off from any curses
connected with this, our region, each of us, and all
members of our generational bloodlines who are still
alive and yet to come.

We renounce and BREAK this curse, and COMMAND

every demon working through these curses to leave now.
(Expel through blowing or coughing)

We say, “The Lord rebuke you. You no longer have any

legal right to stay!”

We petition you, Lord, to restore what the locust has

stolen from us personally, our families, and this region.

We ask you to release the blessings and the healings you

have for us.

We ask that you remove this god and his influence from
our region and territory.

We ask that divine revelation will come to those who

have been ensnared by this god.

We entreat you, Jesus, who is the light of the world:
Speak to them in dreams and visions. Reveal your truth.
We decree that they will see the truth and embrace your
truth and walk in your truth. Amen.

Masonic Lodge Members

1st Degree

These oaths are found in several Masonic publications,

including ‘Duncan’s Masonic Ritual and Moniter’ and ‘Look to
the East,’ a ritual of the first three degrees of Masonry.

The oath taken by the candidate for Entered Apprentice is:

I, ____________________, of my own free will and accord,

in the presence of Almighty God, and this Worshipful
Lodge erected to him and dedicated to the Holy Saint
John, do hereby and hereon (Master presses his gavel on
candidate's knuckles) most hail, forever conceal, never
reveal any of the secret arts, parts or points of the
hidden mysteries of Masonry which may have been
heretofore, or shall be, at this time, or at any future
period, communicated to me as such, to any person or
persons whomsoever, except it be a true and lawful
brother Mason, or within the body of a just and lawfully
constituted Lodge of Masons. All this I most solemnly
and sincerely promise and swear, with a firm and
steadfast resolution to keep and perform the same,
without the least equivocation, mental reservation or

secret evasion whatsoever; binding myself under no less
penalty than that of having my throat cut from ear to
ear, my tongue torn out by its roots, and buried in the
sands of the sea, at low-water mark, where the tide ebbs
and flows twice in twenty-four hours, should I, in the
least, knowingly or wittingly violate or transgress this
my Entered Apprentice obligation. So help me God, and
keep me steadfast (Look To The East, pp. 30, 31).

I furthermore promise and swear that I will not cheat,

wrong or defraud a Lodge of Fellow Crafts, brother of
this degree, knowingly or wittingly.

All this I most solemnly and sincerely promise and

swear, with a firm and steadfast resolution to keep and
perform the same, without the least equivocation,
mental reservation or self-evasion whatsoever; binding
myself under no less penalty than that of having my left
breast torn open, my heart plucked from thence, and
given to the beasts of the field and the birds of the air as
a prey, should I, in the least, knowingly or wittingly,
violate or transgress this my Fellow Craft obligation. So
help me God and keep me steadfast (Ibid., p. 96).

Some members of the lodge might say they do not take

these oaths seriously and do not feel bound by them. Yet, Jesus
says we should not engage in false, profane or frivolous
swearing. (Matthew 5:33-37)

If Masons take these oaths seriously, they stand condemned

for taking such profane oaths. If they do not take them
seriously and do not feel bound by them, they still stand

condemned for such frivolous swearing and using the name of
God in such a manner. After making each of these oaths, the
candidate is asked to kiss the Bible. This might be the reason
some are fooled into thinking this is approved by God in some
twisted way especially if they are a new Christian. The Lord
warns us about making vows.

But above all, my brethren, do not swear, either by

Heaven or by earth or with any other oath. But let your
‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No,’ lest you fall into
judgment. (James 5:12)

Repentance Prayer & Petition

We repent for sin committed by anyone from our
generational bloodlines and on behalf of any of those in
our region and territory who have recited and enacted
the vows and oaths required to join the Masonic Lodge.

We ask forgiveness for this sin which pledges allegiance

to the foreign god of Allah. We ask for the blood of Jesus
to cover over these sins and wash the people clean. We
ask You to cut us off from us the curses, and their
consequences as a result of these vows and oaths.

We renounce the oaths taken and the curses involved in

the First or Entered Apprentice degree, especially their
effects on the throat and tongue.

We renounce the hoodwink, the blindfold and its effects

on emotions and eyes, including all confusion, fear of
the dark, fear of the light, and fear of sudden noises.

We renounce the secret word Boaz and all it means.

We renounce the mixing and mingling of truth and error

and the blasphemy of this degree of Masonry

We renounce the noose around the neck, the fear of

choking, and also every spirit causing asthma, hay fever,
emphysema or any other breathing difficulty.

We renounce the compass point, sword or spear held

against the breast, the fear of death by stabbing pain and
the fear of heart attack from this degree.

In the name and through the blood of Jesus Christ, we

now pray for healing of the throat, vocal cords, nasal
passages, sinus, bronchial tubes, lungs, and for healing
of the speech area, and the release of the Word of God to
me and through my family and me and throughout our
region and territory which will bring revival and the
Glory of God.

We renounce and command this curse and any and all

accompanying demons to leave now. You no longer have
any legal right to stay.

I petition You, Lord, to remove the veils off of the eyes

of the understanding of those who are snared and netted
by the enemy and are still active in this organization.
Show them the truth.

We ask for a freedom of information act to be released

even through the media about the truth of these

organizations, and other things that have been hidden
by this god, Allah.

We pray for the seed of Abraham who live in our area to

be awakened to the truth through any means You want
to employ as the one true and living God.

We thank You for the salvations and revival that will

occur as You grant us our divorce from this god.

We ask You to restore what the locust has stolen from

me personally and to the rest of my family the blessings
and the healings that You have for us. Amen.

2nd Degree

The candidate for Fellow Craft (Second Degree) makes a

vow similar to that taken by the Entered Apprentice

Repentance Prayer & Petition

We stand in the gap and repent on behalf of any
member of our generational bloodlines and any who
live in our region and territory or who will reside here in
the future, who have recited and agreed with these oaths
and vows.

We ask forgiveness for this sin of the worship of the

foreign god Allah and ask for the blood of Jesus to cover
over and cut us and anyone else involved from all curses
connected with this.

We renounce the oaths taken and the curses involved in
the second or Fellow Craft degree of Masonry, especially
the curses on the heart and chest. We renounce the
secret words JACHIN and SHIBBOLETH and all that
these mean.

We cut off emotional hardness, apathy, indifference,

unbelief, and deep anger from this region, and my
family and me.

In the name and through the blood of Jesus Christ, we

pray for the healing of the chest/lung/heart area and
also for the healing of emotions, and ask to be made
sensitive to the Holy Spirit of God.

As we renounce these oaths and vows and command

this curse and its demons to leave, they have to go. They
no longer have a legal right to stay.

We petition You, Lord, to restore what the locust has

eaten from the people of our region, me personally and
the rest of my family the blessings and the healings that
You have for us. Amen.

3rd Degree

The oath taken by Master Masons (Third degree) includes

much of the same affirmations as the first two.

Repentance Prayer & Petition
We stand in the gap and repent on behalf of any
member of our generational bloodlines who recited and
agreed with these oaths and vows.

We ask forgiveness for this sin of the worship of a

foreign god and ask for the blood of Jesus to cover over
and cut us and the members of our generational
bloodlines who are still alive and yet to come off from
any curses connected with this.

We stand in the gap and repent for any of those in this

region and territory who have taken part in any of these
oaths and vows.

We ask forgiveness on their behalf and ask You to move

any case the enemy has against them to the Throne of
Grace and Mercy where You will remove the veils off of
the eyes of their understanding, and they will see the
truth, and embrace the truth, and walk in the truth.

We renounce the oaths taken and the curses involved in

the third or Master Mason degree, especially the curses
on the stomach and womb area. I renounce all secret
words and all that they mean.

We renounce the Spirit of Death from the blows to the

head enacted as ritual murder, the fear of death, false
martyrdom, fear of violent gang attack, assault or rape,
and the helplessness of this degree.

We renounce the falling into the coffin or stretcher
involved in the ritual of murder.

We renounce the false resurrection of this degree

because only Jesus Christ is the Resurrection and the

We also renounce the blasphemous kissing of the Bible

on a witchcraft oath.

We renounce and cut off all spirits of death, witchcraft,

and deception.

In the name and through the blood of Jesus Christ we

pray for the healing of the stomach, gall bladder, womb,
liver and any other organs of our body affected by
Freemasonry. We ask for a release of compassion and
understanding for our family and us.

31st Degree

Repentance Prayer & Petition

We stand in the gap and repent on behalf of any
member of our generational bloodline, and any who live
in our region and territory or who will reside here in the
future who have recited and agreed with these oaths and

We ask forgiveness for this sin of worship of the foreign

god Allah and ask for the blood of Jesus to cover over
and cut us and anyone else involved from all curses

connected with this off from the consequences and heal
us and others involved.

We renounce the oaths taken and the curses involved in

the thirty-first degree of Masonry, the Grand Inspector
Inquisitor Commander.

We renounce all the gods and goddesses of Egypt which

are honored in this degree, including Anubis with the
ram's head, Osiris the Sun god, Isis the sister and wife of
Osiris and also the moon goddess. We renounce the Soul
of Cheres, the false symbol of immortality, the Chamber
of the Dead and the false teaching of reincarnation.

We ask that You will move everyone who has had a part
in this to the Throne of Grace and Mercy and remove the
veils off of their understanding so that they will
embrace the truth and walk in truth.

32nd Degree

Repentance Prayer & Petition

We stand in the gap and repent on behalf of any
member of our generational bloodline and any who live
in this region and territory or who will be residing here
in the future who have recited and agreed with these
oaths and vows.

We ask forgiveness for this sin of the worship of the

foreign god Allah and ask for the blood of Jesus to cover

over and cut us and anyone else involved from all curses
connected with this.

We renounce the oaths taken and the curses involved in

the thirty-second degree of Freemasonry, the Sublime
Prince of the Royal Secret.

We renounce masonry's false trinitarian deity AUM, and

its parts, Brahma the creator, Vishnu the preserver and
Shiva the destroyer.

We renounce the deity of AHURA-MAZDA, the claimed

spirit or source of all light, and the worship with fire,
which are an abomination to God, and also the drinking
from a human skull in many Rites.

33rd Degree

Repentance Prayer & Petition

We stand in the gap on behalf of anyone in our
generational bloodlines, and anyone in our region and
territory who have spoken and rehearsed these vows
and oaths, and we ask forgiveness for this sin.

In the name of Jesus Christ, we renounce the oaths

taken and the curses involved in the supreme Thirty-
Third Degree of Freemasonry, the Grand Sovereign
Inspector General.

We renounce the secret passwords.

We renounce all of the obligations of every Masonic
degree, and all penalties invoked. We renounce and
utterly forsake The Great Architect of the Universe, who
is revealed in this degree as Lucifer, and his false claim
to be the universal fatherhood of God.

We renounce the cable-tow around the neck.

We renounce the death wish that the wine drunk from a

human skull should turn to poison and the skeleton
whose cold arms are invited if the oath of this degree is

We renounce the three infamous assassins of their

grand master, law, property and religion, and the greed
and witchcraft involved in the attempt to manipulate
and control the rest of mankind.

In the name of God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and
the Holy Spirit, we renounce and break the curses
involved in the idolatry, blasphemy, secrecy, and
deception of Freemasonry at every level, and we
appropriate the Blood of Jesus Christ to cleanse all the
consequences of these from our lives.

We now revoke all previous consent given by us, or any

of our ancestors, or anyone in our region or territory to
be deceived. We renounce the All-Seeing Third Eye of
Freemasonry or Horus in the forehead and its pagan and
occult symbolism.

We renounce all false communions taken, all mockery of
the redemptive work of Jesus Christ on the cross of
Calvary, all unbelief, confusion, and depression and all
worship of Lucifer as God.

We renounce and forsake the lie of Freemasonry that

man is not sinful, but merely imperfect and so can
redeem himself through good works.

We rejoice that the Bible states that we cannot do a

single thing to earn our salvation, but that we can only
be saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ and what
He accomplished on the Cross of Calvary.

We renounce all fear of insanity, anguish, death wishes,

suicide and death in the name of Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ conquered death, and He alone holds the

keys of death and hell, and I rejoice that He holds my
life in His hands now. He came to give me life
abundantly and eternally, and I believe His promises.

We renounce all anger, hatred, murderous thoughts,

revenge, retaliation, spiritual apathy, false religion, all
unbelief, especially unbelief in the Holy Bible as God's
Word, and all compromise of God's Word.

We renounce all spiritual searching into false religions

and all striving to please God. We rest in the knowledge
that we have found our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and
that He has found us.

We will burn all objects in our possession, which
connect us with all lodges and or cultic organizations,
including Freemasonry, witchcraft and Mormonism and
all regalia, aprons, books of rituals, rings and other
jewelry. We renounce the effects of these or other objects
of Freemasonry, such as the compass, the square, the
noose or the blindfold, or the apron have had on my
family or me, in Jesus Name.

The Eastern Star

Eastern Star is an inverted five-pointed star also known as a

pentagram. It is a very powerful magical device used in
witchcraft and satanism. This order was created by Dr. Rob
Morris, a leading Mason, who was known as a “Masterbuilder”
of the Order. Every ritual and oath of the Order of Eastern Star
is based upon the oaths and rituals of Freemasonry. It is a
Masonic order.

The oaths and rituals of the Order bind the woman to the
Masonic brotherhood: ‘Whatever benefits are due from Masons
to wives, daughters … reciprocal duties are due from them to
Masons.’ Members of the Order of Eastern Star take oaths of
silence and secrecy; ‘By it, you bind yourself to the most

solemn secrecy respecting the work of the Order, and to that
performance.’ 19

Repentance Prayer & Petition

We stand in the gap and repent on behalf of any
member of our generational bloodlines and any who
live in this region and territory or who will reside here
in the future who have recited and agreed with these
oaths and vows of the Eastern Star.

We ask forgiveness for this sin of the worship of the

foreign god sin, Allah, and any of his alias names and
ask for the blood of Jesus to cover over and cut us and
anyone else involved from all curses connected with

We renounce the oaths taken and the curses involved in

the participation of the Eastern Star by members of our
generational bloodline or those who are in our region or


Completing the Divorce

To complete our Divorce, we want to rehearse the enacting

of the removal of the curse. The way to be able to become
members of any of these organizations was that these
enactments had to be performed so we will perform them to
cut ourselves off.

All participants should now be invited to sincerely carry out

the following enactments:

(1) Symbolically remove the blindfold (hoodwink) and

give it to the Lord for disposal;
(2) In the same way, symbolically remove the veil of
(3) Symbolically cut and remove the noose from around
the neck, gather it up with the cable-tow running
down the body and give it all to the Lord for His
(4) Renounce the false Freemasonry marriage covenant,
removing from the 4th finger of the right hand the
ring of this false marriage covenant, giving it to the
Lord to dispose of it;
(5) Symbolically remove the chains and bondage of
Freemasonry from your body;
(6) Symbolically remove all Freemasonry regalia and
armor, especially the Apron;
(7) Repent of and seek forgiveness for having walked on
all unholy ground, including Freemasonry lodges
and temples, including any Mormon or other
occult/Masonic organizations;

(8) Symbolically remove the ball and chain from the

Now that we have rehearsed the specific actions of being set

free from this moon god due to memberships in secret
societies we want to address the sin of walking in the lesser
light and its ramifications on our region and families. We will
address the revelation of the lesser light as it pertains to this
divorce. We are seeking the Greater Light through the Council
of the Lord.

Personal Decrees
Father, we decree where the lesser light is trying to rule
by day, that he will be totally cut off first from ruling in
the day and then from ruling in the night.

We break the power of the way the lesser light is trying

to govern people by night and by day (Genesis 1:16).

We decree that we will seek God’s light on why things

are the way they are in our lives.

We will not settle for less than the best. We will seek
God’s solutions for poverty, violence, hatred, and the

We will no longer submit to oppressive rule. We will

seek the greater light and freedom from Jehovah

We will not be seduced to hide sin in our lives we will

confess it in heartfelt repentance and ask forgiveness
We will strive with the help of the Lord and the Holy
Spirit to seek our answers to our problems through
prayer and the reading of the Word. We decree over

Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a

worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly
dividing the Word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is
profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for
instruction in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may
be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
(2 Timothy 3:16-17)

We decree Wisdom (Heavenly wisdom) of God over

ourselves. Amen.

We ask that on behalf of those in our region and territory

who have taken these vows or may have been walking in the
lesser light and been deceived that truth will be revealed and

As the veils of deception come off of the eyes of their

understanding, they will see the truth and embrace your truth
and walk in your truth. We ask that the churches who have
members in them who have been ensnared in this evil
deception will begin to receive revelation from You—Holy
Spirit and embrace and teach the truth.

We ask that those who have been ensnared under the veil of
this false religion will have dreams and visions and personal
encounters of the Most High God, and be converted. May the
seed of Abraham that has been planted in our region walk in
the faith of their father Abraham and worship His God. We ask
that you will send forth the spirit of repentance and revival
and your Glory throughout our region and territory.

We ask for expunging or complete removal of any records in

the Courts of Heaven that have anything to do with any vows
or oaths taken by any family member toward any lodge or
society or brotherhood or organization that violate our
covenant with God.20

Cease & Desist Order Request

We petition the Judge for a Cease and Desist order against
the activities of this foreign god in our region and territory. We
are asking for a permanent injunction ordering that the
activity is permanently stopped immediately. We are
establishing the legality of our petition on the focus of
repentance and forgiveness of this sin against God and His
Word that we have performed in this courtroom and before
many witnesses. We have presented our petition to receive a
divorce from the moon god call sin, and Allah, and any other
aliases that we may not know about but the court has a record


As we conclude our legal proceedings, we decree that the
moon god, the god of the lesser light has been dethroned and
our Lord God I AM has been enthroned. ‘O LORD of hosts, the
God of Israel, who is enthroned above the cherubim, You are
the God, You alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth. You have
made Heaven and earth.’ (Isaiah 37:16)

We have received a favorable judgment with a divorce

decree granted from the highest Court, and our soul is escaped
as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers: the snare is broken,
and we are escaped (Psalm 124:7).
Now, this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if
we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. 15 And if we
know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have
the petitions that we have asked of Him. 1 John 5:14-15


Divorce Granted!

Give God Exorbitant Praise!


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Strauss, Jeannette. Courtroom Of Heaven To The Throneroom

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Strong, James. The New Strong's Expanded Exhaustive

Concordance of the Bible. Nashville: Thomas-Nelson,
2010. Theopedia. n.d. 3 August 2016


Thomas Nelson. New King James Version. Nashville: Thomas

Nelson Publishers, 1982.

Wikimedia Foundation - Queen of Heaven - Antiquity. 25

December 2015. 27 January 2016

Wikipedia Foundation. Kairos. 20 January 2016. Wikimedia

Foundation. 26 January 2016


Available for every believer is access to the Court System of

Heaven. This book will introduce you to several of these courts
– their purpose, function, and jurisdiction. Adding the
knowledge of these courts will empower you in your
intercession for your family, church, and the nations of the

Whether dealing with land issues, church or ministry

issues, or situations with your business, the answers to your
questions lie within the pages of this book – ‘Engaging the
Court System of Heaven’. Engage, access, and see the power of
the Court System of Heaven!

About the Author

Dr. Ron Horner is an apostolic teacher specializing in Engaging

the Mercy Court of Heaven, Overturning False Verdicts from
the Courts of Hell, Freedom from Freemasonry and other
bondages, and the subject of this book – Engaging the Courts of
Heaven. He is married and the father of three daughters (two
of whom are married), and grandfather to Ike and Levi. He
resides in central North Carolina with his wife, Adina and
youngest daughter, Darian.

Contact us to conduct seminars on the Courts of Heaven to

your church, ministry, or group.

Recommended Resources

Engaging the Mercy Court of Heaven

(formerly ‘The Courts of Heaven: An Introduction’)
Embracing a New Paradigm of Prayer

by Dr. Ron M. Horner

Paperback (240 pages): $19.99
Spiral Edition (240 pages): $24.99
Kindle Edition: $9.99
PDF Edition: $19.99

In Luke 18 Jesus subtly introduces a third paradigm of

prayer. The courtroom paradigm has gone overlooked
throughout church history. Only in the last few years has this
truth been uncovered with amazing results. Prayers that have
long gone unanswered are being answered in a matter of days
or even hours. Situations from which no hope seemed
available are turning around.

This truth is for every believer, but it will also help thrust
efforts of intercession into new levels of breakthrough. Once
every legal obstacle hindering the answer to your prayers is
removed, the answers will come. As we learn to engage the
Courts of Heaven, lives will change – your life will change. You
will experience answered prayer on a level you may have not
thought possible.

Grasp these truths and begin to engage the Courts of

Heaven. Court is now in session...all rise!

Available at

Overcoming Verdicts from the Courts of Hell
Releasing False Judgements

by Dr. Ron M. Horner

Paperback (140 pages): $14.99
Kindle Edition: $7.99
PDF Edition: $ 14.99

Have you found yourself struggling with situations or

mindsets from which you could find no relief? We have not yet
awakened to the fact that way may have been facing a false
judgment arising out of the Courts of Hell. Jesus promised us
in Matthew 16:18 that the Gates of Hell would not prevail
against the church, but that promise was predicated on our
using the keys effectively – the keys of binding and loosing!
This is not your typical “binding and loosing” book – it explores
a whole different dimension and unveils what you are dealing
with and how to overcome these false judgments affecting our
lives successfully. You need this book NOW!

Available at

Overturning the False Verdicts of Freemasonry
Freedom from Scottish Rite & York Rite Freemasonry

by Dr. Ron M. Horner

Paperback (308 pages): $19.99
Spiral Bound (308 pages): $24.99
Kindle Edition: $9.99
PDF Edition: $19.99

Few organizations in human history have integrated

themselves at every level of society like Freemasonry. Men
(and women in specific sectors) take oaths to demon gods that
bind them, their families, and their future generations to
covenants and verdicts that bring destruction on their entire
bloodlines. The insidious nature of how these organizations --
the Scottish Rite, the York Rite, Shriners and their many
offshoots and entanglements (including the Illuminati) were
borne in the councils of Hell. This book will help unveil the
false verdicts that empower the resulting curses that, on every
level of one’s life, bring ultimate destruction or fear of
destruction. The oaths have bound once honest men to
dishonesty, treachery and even murder. Outsiders, who look at
the various oaths and entanglements often wonder what would
make men take vows such as those required by Freemasonry --
why would otherwise sensible men do so?

Available at

Engaging the Courts for Ownership and Order
Receiving Release from False Claims of Ownership & Resetting
Your Life

by Dr. Ron M. Horner

Paperback (132 pages): $14.99
Spiral Edition (142 pages): $19.99
Kindle Edition: $7.99
PDF Edition: $14.99

Have you ever felt as if your life was not really in control?
Have you felt your life was out of sync with where God really
wanted you to be? We have found the culprit! We have an
enemy who tries to usurp ownership over our lives and does so
in insidious ways. He creates false title deeds and liens against
us that hinder and keep us from the forward progress we need.

In this book you will find the simple solution for coming
into freedom. You will learn how to access teh Court of Titles &
Deeds, the Court of Times and Seasons, as well as the Court of
Records. You will find freedom and know how to bring it to

The results are powerful. Don’t wait another day! Step in


Available at

Obtaining Freedom from the Sun and Moon god

by Jeanette Strauss & Doug Carr

Edited by Dr. Ron M. Horner
Paperback (182 pages): $14.99
Spiral Bound (182 pages): $19.99
Kindle Edition: $7.99
PDF Edition: $ 14.99

The Body of Christ has been facing an enemy that it has

little knowledge or understanding of, much less how to
overcoming this insidious foe – the principality of Baal, the
sun god, and his counterpart Allah – the moon god. We must
divorce these principalities from our lives in order to make the
necessary progress in our daily lives.

The strategy to gain the victory over these principalities is

through Courts of Heaven intercession. We will obtain the
legal right through repentance and forgiveness for sin
committed against God to remove the lawful rights Baal and
Allah has used to withhold from us and our families, churches,
businesses, cities, towns, and regions. This series of petitions
of divorce are geared for individual, family, church or ministry,
businesses, or regions or territories. Utilize these petitions to
gain the freedom purchased by the blood of Jesus Christ.

Available at

Silencing the Accuser
Restoration of Your Spiritual Birthright
(Third Edition)

by Jacquelin & Daniel Hanselman

Paperback: $19.99
Spiral Bound: $24.99
Kindle Edition: $9.99
PDF Edition: $ 19.99

The Body of Christ is being destroyed by lack of knowledge,

wisdom, and understanding of the captivity of individuals,
families, cities, and even nations caused by generational and
personal accusations. The reality of the goodness of God is
challenged by the stark contrast between the covenantal
blessings promised in the Word of God and the struggles in
one’s life.

In this book, the Hanselman’s uncover the source of these

hindrances with practical teachings and prayers that will help
you be cleared of the charges against you and your family in
the Court of Heaven. Allow the Just Judge to declare you
innocent by the Blood of the Lamb as you agree with your
accuser in generational and personal repentance. Now is the
time to begin the process of dismantling the accusations of the
enemy! Families, regions, and nations can be set free by the
application of these prayers. It is time for the destiny of the
Body of Christ to be released for the great end-time harvest.

Available at


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