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1. The block diagram of a position control system is drawn in fig 1. It employs a field controlled
motor with negligible field line constant. Determine

(a) TD (s)= Ѳo(s)/ D(s) ; ѲR (s) = 0
(b) T(s) = Ѳo (s)/ ѲR(s) ; D(s) = 0
(c) Sensitivity STDKA
(d) Sensitivity STKA
(e) E(s)/ D(s) ; ѲR(s) = 0 ; steady state error ess for unit step D(s)
(f) E(s)/ ѲR(s) ; D(s)=0; steady state error ess for unit step ѲR(s) .

Find the numerical value of each part given J = .1, f =1, Rf =1, KT =2.5, KA = adjustable gain.

(g) Determine the value of KA foe ess in part (e) to be less than 1%. For this value of KA find the
numerical values of STDKA and STKA. Give your comments on the results.
Answers[(a)TD(s)=1/s(0.1s+1)+2.5KA ,(b)T(s)=2.5KA/s(0.1s+1)+2.5KA ,(c) STDKA =-
2.5KA/s(0.1s+1)+2.5KA ,(d) STKA=1/s(0.1s+1)+2.5KA, (e) ess=-1/2.5KA ,(f) ess=0 ,(g) STDKA =-1(100%);
2. Consider the speed control system of fig 2. Wherein the inner loop corresponds to motor back
emf. The controller is an integrator with gain K observes that the load is inertia only.

(a) Determine the value of K for which steady state error to unit ramp input (Vr(s) = 1/s2) is less than
0.01 rad/sec.
(b) For the value of K found in part (a) determine, the sensitivity STK , T(s) = ω(s)/ Vr(s). What will be
the limiting value of STK at low frequencies?

Answers[((a)k=10 , (b) STK=1%

3. The transfer function of an armature controlled is employed to control the speed of J, f load in
closed loop with tachometer feedback as shown in fig 3. The motor load transfer function is

G(s) = Km / (τ ’s + 1)

Determine the time constant τ” of the overall transfer function T(s) = ωo(s)/ Vr(s). What would
be the value of gain K for τ” = τ’/ 10 ? Calculate its numerical value for
τ’ = 0.1, KM = 1.25, Kt = 0.2
Find S Kt and its limiting value for low frequencies.


4. For the block diagram of fig 4 determine the sensitivity STα , T(s) = C(s)/ R(s). Evaluate it at ω =
0.1 and s rad (sec. for α = 2).


5. Consider the OP-AMP of fig 5 connected as an inverting amplifier by means of the feedback
resistance. Assuming that the OP-AMP offers infinite input resistance and has zero output
resistance, find the expression for amplifier gain (T).
Draw the block diagram representing the amplifier as a feedback structure. Is the feedback
negative or positive?

Find expressions for STKand STA(K = Ri / Rf). Calculate their values for A=104 and K = .1 . Discuss
the significance of these and calculate also the value of T.

6. A simple voltage regulator is shown in fig 6. A potentiometer is used at the output terminal
of the generator to give a feedback voltage KV0 where K is constant (K≤1). The
potentiometer resistance is high enough that it may be assumed to draw negligible current.
The amplifier has a gain of 20 volts/volt. The generator gain is 50 volts/field amp. Reference
voltage vr = 50 V.

(a) Draw the block diagram of the system when the generator is supplying load current. Indicate the
transfer function of each block.
(b) The system is operated closed loop(S closed).determine the value of K in order to give a steady
no load generator terminal voltage of 250 volts. What is the change in terminal voltage caused
by a steady load current of 30A? What reference voltage would be required to restore the
generator terminal voltage of 250V?
(c) The system is operated open loop (S open), determine the reference voltage needed to obtain a
steady no load voltage of 250 V. what would be the change in terminal voltage ,for a load of 30
(d) Compare the changes in terminal voltage in parts (b) and (c) and comment upon the effect of
feedback in countering the changes in terminal voltage caused by load current.
Answer[(b)0.1,-15 volts,53 volts (c)25 volts,-30 volts

7. The block diagram of position control system is shown in fig 7. Determine the sensitivity of
closed loop transfer function T with respect to G and H, the forward and feedback path
transfer functions respectively , for ω = 1 rad/sec.
8. Consider the open loop and closed loop systems of fig 8 (a) and 8 (b)

(a) Fig 8 (a) open loop; K=10. For R(s) = A/s, find A for c(ss) = 1. K now changes (increases) by
10% with A remaining constant find the % change in c(ss).
(b) Fig 8(b) closed loop; K=10, KP=100. For R(s) = A/s, find A for c(ss) = 1. With this value of A
find the % change in c(ss) if K increase by 10%.

If a 2% change in c(ss) is acceptable, which of the two systems does not require any monitoring
and readjustment for environment causing 10% change in gain K of the plant.

Answer[(a)10% ,(b)0.2%]

9. In the system of fig 9, f(.) is an √ function. Plot c versus r for K = 10 and observe the
linearizing effect of feedback.

How should K be chosen to increase the range of r (positive) over which the input output
relationship is linear? How does this affect the system overall gain(shape)?
10. A servo system is represented by the signal flow graph as shown in fig 10. The variable T is
the torque and E is the error. Determine (i) The overall transmission if, K1 = 1, K2 = 5, K3 = 5;
(ii)The sensitivity of the system for changes in K1 for ω = 0.

FIG 10
(a) The overall transmission if, K1 = 1, K2 = 5, K3 = 5;
(b) The sensitivity of the system for changes in K1 for ω = 0.
Answer[(a)5/s2(s+6)+10; (b)0.5]

11. Fig 11 shows the block diagram of a speed control system with an integrator(K/s) in the
forward path for a desired speed of 100 rad/sec, show that steady output speed will be 100
rad/sec(indicative of zero steady state error).

FIG 11
For a unit load disturbance D(s) = 1/s. find the s domain expression for change in controlled
speed ωDc(s). Find the change in speed, caused by the disturbance at t=0 and t=∞(steady state
change) .
Find the expression for ωDc(t) for K = .5, 1, 2, and 4. Sketch the nature of response. Which value
of K should be preferred and why?

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