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Liceo Bicentenario Instituto Comercial de Linares

Departamento de inglés


NIVEL: 3ros Contabilidad – Administración- Programación – Servicios de Turismo – Conectividad y Redes

UNIDAD: Unidad cero (marzo)


- Usar verbos en pasado en contexto escrito

- Aplicar tiempo pasado simple en sus tres formas
- Leer texto en forma comprensiva y responder preguntas
- Crear oraciones usando el tiempo pasado simple.

INSTRUCCIONES: Imprima la guía o transcríbala en su cuaderno. Esta es una guía de repaso que incluye
contenidos vistos en segundo año medio y marzo de 2020. Contiene cuatro secciones. Lea cada una de las
instrucciones antes de resolver las actividades. Te sugerimos usar diccionarios en línea, como por ejemplo,


Vocabulario – gramática – comprensión lectora – expresión escrita

I. Vocabulary

A) Write the past tense form of the verbs

1. Feel : _________
2. Know : _________
3. Listen : _________
4. Give : _________
5. Meet : _________
6. Go : _________
7. Find : ________
8. Study : _________
9. Drink : _________
10. Eat : _________
11. Sleep : _________
12. Travel : _________
13. Play : __________
14. Be : __________
15. Talk : ____________

B) Write the past tense form of the verbs in the brackets on the lines.

1. The Smiths ____________ (travel) around the world.

2. Mary ____________ (draw) a horse.
3. I ____________ (meet) a new friend.
4. The school ____________ (begin) on Monday.
5. We ____________ (find) a good film.
6. They ____________ (have) dinner.
7. Birds ____________ (fly) over the trees.
8. She ____________ (drink) soda at lunch.
9. We ____________ (come) to the party.
10. He ____________ (hide) his presents.
11. You ____________ (go) to the cinema.

“Se hace un llamado a respetar las medidas de seguridad, recomendadas por los especialistas a
nivel nacional”
Liceo Bicentenario Instituto Comercial de Linares
Departamento de inglés

II. Grammar

A) Complete the chart with the correct form of the past tense:


1 Maria went to Rancagua
2 I didn’t meet Raul last week
3 Did you travel to Arica yesterday?
4 He played rugby with his friends
5 You didn’t give her a gift

III. Reading comprehension

Read the text then answer the questions in activities A and B:


Neftalí Reyes Basoalto was born in Parral in 1904 in a beautiful village next to the forest. Soon his family moved
to Temuco, his father worked on the railways. He built the new railways into the forest.

His family was pioneer of a new Chile; they saw the first vegetables, the first train, the first cows in this new region
of cold and storms. Later Neftalí changed his name to Pablo Neruda because he wanted to escape from this small
place. As a child, Neruda walked and played in the in the forest, he didn´t forget this experience, he loved the
animals and plants. He started writing poetry when he was ten years old.

Neruda didn’t want to be an engineer, he wanted to write poetry.

When he was 16 he travelled to Santiago to study, but he didn’t like the city and he didn´t have many friends. He
wrote poetry and when he was twenty he published a book of poems called “Veinte poemas de amor y una
canción desesperada”. He became famous and people loved his wonderful, strong and simple poetry.

Neruda didn’t live quietly, he lived a colorful life. He travelled all over the world as a diplomat for Chile. He married
three times but he didn’t have any children. He built unusual houses and filled them with shells and pictures.

In 1971 he received the Nobel Prize for Literature. He died in 1973.

A) Answer True or False. Correct the false ones.

1. _____ Pablo Neruda changed his name to Neftalí Reyes

2. _____ Neruda never forget his childhood
3. _____ Neruda started writing songs when he was ten years old
4. _____ Neruda didn’t want to write poetry
5. _____ He travelled to Santiago to write poetry
6. _____ He had three children
7. _____ He never got married
8. _____ He died at the age of 69 years

B) Answer the questions using past simple:

1. What did he receive in 1971?__________________________________________________

2. What was his mother’s surname? ______________________________________________
3. Where was he born? _______________________________________________________
4. What did he want to do in Santiago? ___________________________________________
5. Why did he change his name? ___________________________________________________
6. What kind of poetry did he write? _______________________________________________
7. How many children did he have? ________________________________________________

“Se hace un llamado a respetar las medidas de seguridad, recomendadas por los especialistas a
nivel nacional”
Liceo Bicentenario Instituto Comercial de Linares
Departamento de inglés

IV. Writing

A) Make 4 sentences about things that you did in the last week, using past simple.

Example: Last week I played with my pets in the living room.

1.- _________________________________________________________________

2.- _________________________________________________________________

3.- _________________________________________________________________

4.- _________________________________________________________________

“Se hace un llamado a respetar las medidas de seguridad, recomendadas por los especialistas a
nivel nacional”

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