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The Life, Works, and Writings of Jose Rizal

Rizal’s Second Sojourn in Paris and
the Universal Exposition of 1889

NAME: Airon Marwyn P. Bendaña COURSE& YEAR: BSAIS- II SCORE:____________

DATE: July 14, 2020 INSTRUCTOR: Sir Ariel Magtanong Tamayo

After reading Lesson10, answer the following questions. You will be entitled for certain
points for each question depending on how substantial your thoughts/responses will be.

1. Why did Rizal establish the following societies/group? Discuss for 5 points each.
a. Kidlat Club

→ Rizal founded Kidlat Club to bring together the young Filipinos in the French
capital so that they could enjoy their sojourn in the city during the duration of the
Universal Exposition. It is a temporary social society that was who’s members are also a
Filipino like Rizal. It was establish temporarily only for the exposition.

b. Indios Bravos

→ Rizal met with his Filipino friends in Paris and proposed the creation of an
organization to be called Los Indios Bravos, replacing the Kidlat Club. “Indios” was used by
the Spaniards as a derogatory term for the native inhabitants of the Philippines. But before
this, during the 1889 Paris World Expo, the performance of the American Indians drew
cheers of “Indians brave! Indians brave!” from the French crowds, and stirred the sense of
national pride in Rizal. Rizal decided to convert this derogatory term into a badge of honor.
He proclaimed: “Let us wear the name Indio as our badge of racial pride! Let us make the
Spaniards revise their concept of the Indio—we shall become Indios Bravos!” From there
on, their group was called Los Indios Bravos and wrote works to raise awareness of how
Filipinos were being mistreated.

c. RDLM Society

→ Rizal establish it as a secret society. The aim of the secret society, as stated by
Rizal was “the propagation of all useful knowledge---- there was another aim
that is, the redemption of the Malay race. It must be noted that Rizal was
inspired by a famous book entitled Max Havelaar (1860) written by Multatuli
(Pseudonym of E.D. Dekker, Dutch author). This book exposed the
Nertherland East Indies under Dutch rule.
d. International Association of Filipinologists

→ Rizal proposed to establish an “International Association of Filipinologist”

and have its inaugural convention in the French capital. Because at that time
the attention was focused at the Universal Expositions, The aims of the
association is “to study the Philippines from the scientific and historical point
of view.” Rizal scheduled the holding of the inaugural convention,He
prepared the agenda and invited renowned scholars in Europe to take part in
the proceedings. Unfortunately, their inaugural convention did not materialize
because the French government discouraged the holding of conferences by
private organizations during the period of the international exposition.

2. What were the two criticisms of Prof. Ferdinand Blumentritt on Rizal’s annotation of
Antonio de Morga’s book, Sucesos de las Isalas Filipinas? Explain the each criticism for 5
points each.

→ The first criticism of Blumentritt was Rizal commits the error of many historians in
appraising the events of the past in the light of present standards. He explains that Rizal
participated in the error of many modern historians, who judge events of century past, in the
light of concepts that corresponds to contemporary ideas. This should not be. The historian
should not impute to the men of the 16th century the wide horizon of ideas that

move the 19th century. This means Blumentritt doesn’t want Rizal to be like those modern
historians who are imputing past ideas into contemporary events. He thinks it is not appropriate
thats why he criticize it so that hes friend will fail or end up just what like modern historians
errorly committed.

The second criticism was Rizal’s attacks on the friars should not be constructed to

mean that Catholicism is bad. Blumentritt stated,“The second point with which I am not in
agreement has to do with same of your fulminations against Catholicism. I believe that not

in religion but in the cruel method and the abuses of many priests should we look for the origin
of many events lamentable for religion for Spain, and for the good name of the European race”.
Blumentritt was right here on pressing the issue too the abusive friars and priest. They are the
one who gives dirty image of their religion and it was not the religion the other way around.
Rizal had so well exposed the fact that during this era the friars failed to uplift the people
spiritually but only succeeded in causing the brutalization of the people.

3. As a historian, how did his knowledge of different languages help him? Discuss for 5
→ Rizal’s knowledge of foreign languages enabled Rizalhim to read historical documents and
books in the languages in which they were originally written. His extensive reading of archival
sources and books in foreign countries, he acquired wide knowledge not only of Philippines
history, but also the history of European colonization in Asia. Rizal can speak 22 different
languages so that he was called genius because he was conversant in different languages, he was
quick to master different languages and skills that every historians of his time envy about.

The Life, Works, and Writings of Jose Rizal

In Belgian Brussels (1890)

NAME: Airon Marwyn P. Bendaña COURSE& YEAR: BSAIS- II SCORE:____________

DATE: July 14, 2020 INSTRUCTOR: Sir Ariel Magtanong Tamayo

After reading Lesson 11, answer the following questions. You will be entitled for certain
points for each question depending on how substantial your thoughts/responses will be.

1. What did Rizal criticize about his compatriots in Madrid? How did his compatriots react?
(for 5 points)

→ Rizal criticize his compatriots who are gambling too much and this results in
destroying the name of his nation. Juan Luna and Valentin Ventura take action to tell Rizal, but
the compatriots who are gambling were angry and they derisively called him “Papa”(Pope)
instead of Pepe, when they learned of Rizal’s moralizing.

2. Rizal, while in Brussels, had presentiment of his death. He said, he feared that he would
not live longer. What was his basis in saying so?

→ He feared that he would not live longer base on what he experienced when he was
in his childhood. He had a strange belief that had a strange belief that he would not reach
thirty years of age. There were two months during which almost every night Rizal
had no other dream than that his friends and relatives were dead. He also dreamt
that he descended by a path a multitude of person seated, dressed in white, with
white faces, silent and surrounded by white light. I think this premonitions gives
Rizal and idea that he will not live longer because of what he was dreamt about
death. I once heard about this dreams that are also connected in our real life. There
are symbols and meanings of our dreams that we should not disregard.

3. In spite of the preparations made to return home, Rizal changed his mind. Why so?
Discuss for 5 points?

→ All his friends, including Blumentritt, Jose Ma. Basa, and Ponce, were
horrified by Rizal’s plan to return to the Philippines. They warned him of the
danger that awaited him at home. Rizal ignored the dire warning of his friends. No
threat of danger change his plan. Something, however, happened that suddenly
made him change ofmind. It was letter from Paciano which related that they lost
the case against the Dominicans in Manila. But they appealed it to the Supreme
Court in Spain, hence a lawyer was needed to handle it in Madrid. Accordingly,
Rizal wrote to M.H. Del Pilar on June 20, 1890 retaining the latter’s services as
lawyer. He further informed Del Pilar that he was going to Madrid, in order to
supervise the handling of the case.

4. When Rizal learned of Graciano Lopez Jaena’s plan of going to Cuba, he gave him advice
through his letter to Mariano Ponce. What advice did he give? Discuss for 5 points.

→ Rizal oppose Graciano Lopez Jaena’s plan of going to Cuba. He game him an advice
and Rizal said that Graciano should not go to Cuba to die of yellow fever, instead he
“ought to go to the Philippines to allow himself to be killed in defense of his ideals.”
Adding, Rizal said “We have only once to die, and if we do not die well, we lose an
opportunity which will not again be presented to us.” Rizal knows that the sake of the health of
his friend will deteriorate only when he goes to Cuba instead he tells him to go with him to the
Philippines and fight for the freedom that they deserve. I think this advice also tells a plan
of Rizal that he wants Gracaino to be on his side when he fought the Spaniards. He doesn’t
want to lose the opportunity to be with his great genius friends and combat the Spaniards
using their pen and brains.
The Life, Works, and Writings of Jose Rizal

Misfortunes in Madrid (1890-91)

NAME: Airon Marwyn P. Bendaña COURSE& YEAR: BSAIS- II SCORE:____________

DATE: July 14, 2020 INSTRUCTOR: Sir Ariel Magtanong Tamayo

After reading Lesson 12, answer the following questions. You will be entitled
For certain points for each question depending on how substantial your thoughts/ responses will

1. Why do you think the Rizal family failed to get justice from the injustices it experienced?
Explain your thoughts for 10 points

→ Because the Spaniards think that Rizal was considered even more of a threat by
the Spanish authorities alongside his novels and essays. His family will not get the justice
want because they are colonize by that time and the Spain is furious about Rizal’s
doings.  Rizal had so well exposed the fact that during this time the friars failed to uplift the
people spiritually but only succeeded in causing the brutalization of the people. If they give
the Family Rizal the justice they want they will not succeed in stating their policy; “to cover
the ears, open the purse, and fold the arms.

2. Why did Rizal challenge the following to a duel? Discuss for 5 points each.

→ Rizal challenged bravely two persons to a duel.  First, to his friend and fellow

reformist, Antonio Luna, who was sober that he blamed Rizal for the romantic break
up   of him with Ms. Nellie Boustead, a beautiful French woman.  Rizal denied this
unfounded claim and much that he could not accept the slanderous statements of Luna to
the woman. Fortunately, when Luna was pacified, he apologized to Rizal and the latter
accepted it. This incident happened during the gathering of Filipinos in Madrid,Spain.  
Second, to Wenceslao S. Retana, a Spanish writer who attacked Filipinos including
Rizal and his family in various newspapers in Madrid and other cities in Spain. When Rizal
could no longer hold his temper because Retana was insulting and downgrading his family
and friends in Calamba, Rizal bravely sent his challenge to a duel to Retana: A message that
‘Only Retana’s blood or apology could vindicate the good name of Rizal’s family and
friends.’ Frightened and forewarned that he had no match to Rizal, Retana immediately
apologized to Rizal and since then, became a great admirer of Rizal, even wrote a lengthy
biography of the honorable man, and glorified his martyrdom.

3. a. What cause the rivalry between Rizal and Del Pilar? (for 5 points)

→ Rizal and Del Pilar rivalry reasons is about supremacy. Rivalries arose more
due to diff erences in theirpolitical views.

b. Discuss what happened for 10 points

→ Rizal tried to imbue his compatriots with his own idealism for he believed that to
gain prestige for the Propaganda Movement and to win the respect of Spanish people,
they must possess high standards of morality, dignity, and spirit of sacrifice. Unfortunately,
his idealism was not shared by certain frivolous countrymen who loved wine, women, and
cards. Consequently, Rizal’s leadership declined. Some of his former admirers, who
supported his leadership, turned against him because they resented his interference in
their private lives. They became supporters of Del Pilar. The editorial policy of La
Solidaridad under Del Pilar’s management enhanced the cleavage between Rizal and Del
Pilar. Rizal and his close friends objected to the periodical’s editorial policy which was
occasionally contrary to Rizal’s political views.

c. How was the issue settled? Substantiate for 5 points.

→ To a v e r t r i v a l r y , t h e y d e c i d e t o v o t e f o r a Responsible the one who

will direct the affairs of Filipinos and will decide the editorial policy of La Solidaridad.
“Filipinos in Madrid numbering about 90, met on January 1, 1891, New Year’s Day, to
up their differences and to intensify the campaign for reform. It was decided in this
meeting that a leader called Responsible, be chosen to direct the affairs of the Filipino
community and to determine the editorial policy of La Solidaridad”. --stated on the

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