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Activity # 6

Finding the Mean, Mode, and Median from Ungrouped Data

Problem: Find the mean, mode and median of the following ungrouped data:
Data: Refer to your array in Activity #3
28 45 54 62
37 47 55 62
38 47 55 62
39 48 55 65
41 48 55 66
41 48 56 66
41 48 56 68
42 51 56 71
42 52 57 78
44 54 57 82

Mean =
= 52.975
Mode = 48, 55
Median = = 54
Activity # 7
Finding the Mean, Mode, and Median from Grouped Data

Problem: Find the mean, mode and median of the following grouped data:
Data: Refer to your frequency Distribution Table in Activity #3
Class Intervals Frequency Classmark
f x fx cum f
28-35 1 31.5 31.5 1
36-43 8 39.5 316 9
44-51 9 47.5 427.5 18
52-59 12 55.5 666 30
60-67 6 63.5 381 36
68-75 2 71.5 143 38
76-83 2 79.5 159 40
Σf = 40 Σ(fx ) = 2124
Mean, x̅ = Σ(fx) = 2124 53.1
n 40

Median =

( ½ 40−18 ) 8
Median = 52 +

Median = 52 +

Median = 52 + 1.33

Median = 53.33

Mode =

( 12−9 ) (8)
Mode = 52 +
( 12−9 ) +(12−6)
( 3 ) (8)
Mode = 52 +
3+ 6

Mode = 54.67

Activity # 8
Weighted Mean Computation

Problem: Solve for the weighted mean and give its verbal description using the following scale:

Score Scale Verbal Description

5 4.21– 5.00 Strongly Agree

4 3.41– 4.20 Agree
3 2.61– 3.40 Undecided
2 1.81 – 2.60 Disagree
1 1.00 – 1.80 Strongly Disagree

Indicators/Statements Strongly Agree Undecide Disagre Strongly WX Verbal
Agree (4) d (3) e (2) Disagree Description
(5) (1)
1. I am always under a terrible 24 10 2 2 1 4.38 Strongly
strain in a mathematics class. Agree
2. I don’t like Mathematics and 2 2 2 8 25 1.67 Strongly
it scares me to take it. Disagree
3. I approach Mathematics 2 3 29 3 2 3.00 Undecided
with a feeling of hesitation.
4. My mind goes blank and I 2 33 2 1 1 3.87 Agree
am unable to think clearly
when working Mathematics.
5. I feel a sense of insecurity 1 1 3 31 3 2.13 Disagree
when attempting to do


Statement 1: (wx̅) = (5*24 + 4*10 + 3*2 + 2*2 +1*1) ÷ 39 = 171/39 = 4.38
Statement 2: (wx̅) = (5*2 + 4*2 + 3*2 + 2*8 +1*25) ÷ 39 = 65/39 = 1.67
Statement 3: (wx̅) = (5*2 + 4*3 + 3*29 + 2*3 +1*2) ÷ 39 = 117/39 = 3.00
Statement 4: (wx̅) = (5*2 + 4*33 + 3*2 + 2*1 +1*1) ÷ 39 = 151/39 = 3.87
Statement 5: (wx̅) = (5*1 + 4*1 + 3*3 + 2*31 +1*3) ÷39 = 83/39 = 2.13

Activity # 9
Sample and Population Standard Deviations of Ungrouped Data
Score (x) (x - x̅) (x - x̅)
Problem: Solve for the sample and
population standard 18 -13 169 deviations of the
following 20 -11 121 ungrouped data:
25 -6 36
Array: 30 -1 1
31 0 0
32 1 1
35 4 16
38 7 49
40 9 81
41 10 100

Σ (x - x̅) = 574
x̅ = (18+20+25+30+31+32+35+38+40+41) ÷ 10
x̅ = 31
Sample standard deviation Population standard deviation

Σ(x− x̅ ) Σ( x−µ)
√ n−1
√ n

574 574
√ 9
√ 10

s = 7.99 σ = 7.58
Activity #10
Sample and Population Standard Deviations of Grouped Data

Problem: Solve for the sample and population standard deviations of the following grouped data:
Data: Refer to your Frequency Distribution Table and results in Activity #7. Copy the data.
Class Intervals Frequency Classmark fx (x - x̅) (x - x̅) f(x - x̅)
= f x
28-35 1 31.5 31.5 -21.6 466.56 466.56
36-43 8 39.5 316 -13.6 184.96 1479.68
44-51 9 47.5 427.5 -5.6 31.36 282.24
52-59 12 55.5 666 2.4 5.76 69.12
60-67 6 63.5 381 10.4 108.16 648.96
68-75 2 71.5 143 18.4 338.56 677.12
76-83 2 79.5 159 26.4 696.96 1393.92

40 Σfx = 2124 Σf(x - x̅) = 5017.60

Σ( fx) 2124
Mean, x̅ = = 40
=¿ 53.1

Σ [ f ( x− x́ ) ] 5017.60
Sample standard deviation =
√ n−1
√ 39
= 11.34

Σ [ f ( x−µ ) ] 5017.60
Population standard deviation =
√ n
√ 40
= 11.20

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