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Quarter 2 Summative Test No.

2 in English IV

Table of Specifications

Item Placement Total no. of % of

Topics/Skills Items Items
1. Noting details from selection listened to 1,2,3 3 15%
2. Infer feelings of characters 4,5,6 3 15%
3. Identify meaning of words with suffix –less
-ful -un 7,8,9,10 4 20%
4. Use pronoun that agree with its antecedent
11,12,13,14,15 5 25%
5. Use the present form of verb that agrees with
the subject 16,17,18,19,20 5 25%

Story for listening:

A Heroic Dog

There was a man who was rowing his boat across a deep river. His daughter was with him. Suddenly,
the boat hit a rock and capsized. The man did not know how to swim. He and his daughter would have
drowned had it not been for a big dog.

The dog saw what happened and dived into the river. He first swam to the shore with the little girl.
Then he went back and caught the man. The brave dog dragged him safely to the bank.

The man was grateful to the dog for saving his life and his daughter’s life. He brought a brass
collar for the brave dog.


Direction: Read each item carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer.

1. Who is the hero in the story?

A. daughter B. dog C. father D. river
2. Where did the story happen?
A. across a deep river B. in the boat C. in the river D. in the sea
3. What is the most important event in the story?
A. when the man was rowing his boat C. the man brought a brass collar
B. the boat hit a rock and capsized D. the dog dived into the river
4. From the story you can infer that fisherman was____ when the boat capsized.
A. grateful B. boastful C. afraid D. thankful
5. The fisherman brought a brass collar for the brave dog. He was _____.
A. grateful B. thankful C. careful D. thoughtful
6. Lito the dog’s owner received flower from the man’s daughter. The daughter was
A. honest B. kind C. respectful D. thoughtful
7. The man’s wife was very thankful to the dog for saving the lives of her love ones.
The underlined words means
A. very happy B. full of thanks C. without thanks D. did not mind
8. The man promised to be more careful next time. Careful means
A. to care B. not to care C. without care D. full of care
9. Every time the daughter rides a boat she feels unsafe. The underline word means
A. afraid B. very safe C. not safe D. without safe
10. At night, the man dreams about his lifeless daughter.
A. without life B. full of life C. dead life C. no life
11. The farmers saw what happened to the man and daughter. They offered to bring ___to the
hospital. A. her B. him C. them D. our
12. Lito received a thank you letter. The daughter sent it to ______.
A. her B. him C. them D. our
13. The teacher called my classmates and me. She told ___to retell the story.
A. us B. her C. you D. them
14. The man bought a brass collar. He gave ____to the dog.
A. us B. her C. you D. them
15. My friend Janet is sick. I will bring _____ flowers.
A. us B. her C. you D. them
16. Every year teachers _________Teachers’ Day.
A. celebrate B. celebrates C. celebrated D. celebrating
17. Mr. Cruz usually ______ the “GabayGuro” celebration at the Mall of Asia Arena.
A. join B. joins C. joining D. will join
18. Some artists _______the teachers with songs and dances.
A. entertaining B. entertained C. entertains D. entertain
19. A lucky winner _____prizes during the program.
A. winning B. won C. win D. wins
20. During the month of September , we ____cookies for our colleagues .
A. bake B. bakes C. baked D. bakin

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