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Forschungsartikel Chemie

Deutsche Ausgabe: DOI: 10.1002/ange.201910658

Ammonia Synthesis Very Important Paper Internationale Ausgabe: DOI: 10.1002/anie.201910658

High Efficiency Electrochemical Nitrogen Fixation Achieved with

a Lower Pressure Reaction System by Changing the Chemical
Hui Cheng+, Peixin Cui+, Fangrui Wang, Liang-Xin Ding* und Haihui Wang*

Abstract: We demonstrate a simple and effective chemical at a high temperature and high pressure,[5] and the energy in
equilibrium regulation strategy to improve the efficiency of synthetic NH3 is close to 2 % of the total energy consumption
electrochemical ammonia synthesis by constructing electro- every year.[6] Moreover, because the hydrogen is converted
chemical reaction system that works at significantly lower from fossil fuels, its acquisition process will inevitably in-
pressure than the Haber–Bosch process. Transferring the ni- crease the emission of CO2.[7] Therefore, in view of the in-
trogen reduction reaction from ambient conditions to a lightly creasing energy and environmental problems, it is necessary
pressurized environment not only accelerates the activation of to develop green synthetic NH3 technology under mild con-
the N/N triple bond but also inhibits the competing reaction of ditions.
hydrogen evolution while promoting the dissolution and dif- Compared with the Haber–Bosch process, the elec-
fusion of nitrogen. The verification experiment of using well- trocatalytic nitrogen reduction reaction (NRR) synthesis of
designed Fe3Mo3C/C composite nanosheets as the nitrogen NH3 can be conducted at mild conditions,[8] and the source of
reduction catalyst shows that the lower pressure reaction sy- nitrogen and water is extensive,[9] so it is considered to be
stem can improve the Faradaic current efficiency by one order a potential replacement technology for synthetic NH3.[10]
of magnitude. Moreover, the comparatively low-pressure However, although a large number of studies have confirmed
reaction system can greatly reduce the cell voltage of the am- that NH3 synthesis under mild conditions can be achieved via
monia synthesis reaction (up to 33 %) even at the relatively low electrochemical strategies, the efficiency of NH3 synthesis is
pressure of 0.7 MPa, which is of significance for decreasing the far from comparable to that of the Haber–Bosch method. In
energy consumption of electrochemical ammonia synthesis general, the main factors restricting the development of the
under mild conditions. electrochemical synthesis of NH3 technology are as follows:
1) The bond energy of the nitrogen molecule (N/N) is very
Introduction high (940.95 kJ mol@1), and it has difficulty being catalyzed
and activated under mild conditions and especially under
Ammonia (NH3) is one of the most fundamental bulk ambient conditions.[11] 2) Since the hydrogen evolution po-
chemical materials in modern industrial and agricultural tential and the nitrogen reduction potential are very close, the
production,[1] helping to solve the food supply problem for hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) as a competitive reaction
billions of people in todayQs world and playing a crucial role in can severely restrict the efficiency of the nitrogen reduction
promoting the development of human society.[2] In addition, synthesis of NH3.[12] 3) The solubility of nitrogen especially
the NH3 molecule is also considered to be a good hydrogen under ambient conditions is fairly low, and the enrichment
carrier because the mass percentage of hydrogen is as high as and overflow of hydrogen will limit the nitrogen available for
17.6 % and it is easily liquefied, stored, and transported.[3] the reaction and its diffusion adsorption.[13] Therefore, it is
Currently, the source of NH3 throughout the world mainly difficult to achieve a high NH3 yield rate in terms of the
depends on synthesis by the Haber–Bosch method.[4] Alt- amount of reactive materials.
hough this synthesis technology has experienced nearly one To overcome the above obstacles, extensive studies have
hundred years of development, it still needs to be conducted focused on the development of efficient nitrogen reduction
catalysts and sought suitable strategies to inhibit hydrogen
[*] H. Cheng,[+] F. Wang, Prof. L.-X. Ding, Prof. H. Wang evolution.[14] However, while these efforts have to some ex-
School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, South China Uni- tent increased the selectivity and the NH3 yield rate of ni-
versity of Technology trogen reduction NH3 synthesis, the performance of the
No. 381 Wushan Road, Guangzhou 510640 (China) electrochemical synthesis of NH3 is still far below the level
that can be practically applied. Moreover, it is very difficult to
further improve the current efficiency and the NH3 yield rate
Dr. P. Cui[+]
of electrochemical NH3 synthesis according to the widely used
Key Laboratory of Soil Environment and Pollution Remediation, In-
stitute of Soil Science, the Chinese Academy of Sciences current strategy because protons are easier to activate than
Nanjing 210008 (China) N/N and the inhibition of the hydrogen evolution will in-
[+] These authors contributed equally to this work. evitably restrict the nitrogen activation ability of the catalyst,
Supporting information and the ORCID identification number(s) for with hydrogen remaining indispensable as the raw material
the author(s) of this article can be found under: for the reaction.[15] As a consequence, the unavoidable com- petitive reaction of hydrogen evolution makes it difficult to

Angew. Chem. 2019, 131, 15687 – 15693 T 2019 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 15687
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simultaneously obtain a high activity and high selectivity for Specifically, the verification experiment shows that, compa-
a nitrogen reduction catalyst. Therefore, how to further im- red to the ambient conditions, the lower pressure reaction
prove the current efficiency and yield of synthetic NH3 syn- system can improve the Faradaic current efficiency by one
chronously still remains a challenge. order of magnitude. Furthermore, the employment of the
Herein, we look beyond the conventional catalyst design lower pressure reaction system can also greatly reduce the
and the pursuit of an inhibition hydrogen evolution strategy, reaction cell voltage.
and for the first time have proposed utilizing a comparatively
low-pressure electrochemical reaction system to improve the
efficiency of electrochemical NH3 synthesis under mild con- Results and Discussion
ditions. The advantages of this strategy include: 1) The direct
reaction of nitrogen and water to the synthesis of NH3 is The selection of bimetallic Fe-Mo carbide (Fe3Mo3C) as
a volume-reduced reaction because NH3 exists in the form of the candidate for nitrogen reduction catalyst is mainly in-
NH4+. Therefore, according to Le ChatelierQs principle, the spired by biological nitrogenase and the industrial NH3 syn-
increased pressure is favorable for the balance to move in the thesis catalyst.[1c] Considering that many nitrogen reduction
direction of the synthetic NH3. 2) Because the process of catalysts may have false positive results,[18] we first evaluate
hydrogen production by water electrolysis is a reaction of an the possible nitrogen activation ability of Fe3Mo3C via
increasing volume, the increased pressure is also beneficial for a theoretical prediction with a density of state (DOS) and
inhibiting the hydrogen evolution and thus to improve the density functional theory (DFT). According to the DOS cal-
selectivity of the nitrogen reduction. 3) The increased pres- culation and analysis (Figure 1 a), when the Fe and Mo ele-
sure is beneficial for increasing the dissolution concentration ments are combined to form bimetallic carbides, the top va-
of nitrogen in an aqueous solution,[16] which not only ensures lence band (@4.0 eV–0.0 eV) near the Fermi level is mainly
the supply of the nitrogen source but also helps the diffusion composed of Fe d and Mo d valence orbitals. The abundant
of nitrogen to the catalyst electrode to participate in the valence electron orbitals suggest that Fe3Mo3C may have
reaction.[17] Attracted by these advantages, herein we selected a strong N2 activation ability. To better understand the N2
a well-designed Fe3Mo3C/C composite as a nitrogen reduction adsorption and activation mode of Fe3Mo3C, the DOS cal-
catalyst candidate to verify the NH3 synthesis efficiency of the culation was further performed to analyze the overall elec-
proposed lower pressure electrochemical reaction system. tronic structure of Fe3Mo3C after N2 adsorption (Figure 1 a–

Figure 1. a) The density of state (DOS) of Fe3Mo3C and the projected density of state (pDOS) of Fe3Mo3C (440) and Fe3Mo3C (440) after N2
adsorption. b) Top view of the crystal structure of Fe3Mo3C (440). c) The crystal structure of Fe3Mo3C (440) after N2 adsorption. d) Gibbs free-
energy diagrams of the electrochemical reduction of N2 to NH3 on Fe3Mo3C (440). The inset in (d) is the N2 adsorption energy of Fe3Mo3C.

15688 T 2019 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. 2019, 131, 15687 – 15693
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c). The results show that the N2 p valence orbitals are con- tively. Furthermore, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)
tained and overlap with the d valence orbitals of Fe and Mo, and X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spec-
indicating that, when Fe3Mo3C adsorbs N2, the d valence troscopy were also employed to analyze the valence state of
electron orbitals of Fe and Mo can be simultaneously hy- the metal elements in Fe3Mo3C. The high resolution XPS
bridized with the p valence electron orbitals of N, thus wea- spectra in Figure 2 a show that the valence states of Fe in
kening the N/N to better activate N2. Furthermore, the fea- Fe3Mo3C/C are + 2 and + 3,[20] while the main valence state of
sibility of the N2 reduction on the Fe3Mo3C surface was ana- the Mo elements is + 3 (Figure 2 b).[21] The Fe absorption edge
lyzed by using the free energy of the NRR reaction. The of Fe3Mo3C/C in Figure 2 c suggests that the Fe species in
analysis results show that the N2 adsorption and catalytic re- Fe3Mo3C/C is in a high state, which is similar to that of the
duction mode on Fe3Mo3C are unique, with a combined as- Fe2O3 reference. Therefore, we can confirm that the main
sociative path and dissociative path to develop a more energy valence state of Fe in Fe3Mo3C/C is + 3. In addition, according
favorable path: an associative-dissociative path.[19] In this to the K-edge XANES spectra in Figure 2 d, the Mo absorp-
process, Fe3Mo3C utilizes one Fe atom and two Mo atoms to tion edge of Fe3Mo3C/C is located between the Mo foil and
connect with the N atoms at both ends of N2 and activate them MoO2 reference and is close to MoO2, inferring that the va-
via the dissociative path; later, the N2 molecule is gradually lence state of the Mo element is approximately + 3. In other
hydrogenated with the associative path (Figure 1 c,d). Be- words, the main valence states of the Fe and Mo elements in
nefiting from this unique mode, Fe3Mo3C possesses a strong Fe3Mo3C/C are both + 3.
N2 adsorption capacity (Figure 1 d inset). Besides, the free The electrocatalytic nitrogen reduction performance of
energy analysis for the N2 reduction reaction on Fe3Mo3C Fe3Mo3C/C was first assessed under ambient conditions using
shows that the hydrogenation reaction path of N2 can be a gas-tight two-compartment cell with continuous injection of
followed via exothermic reaction 1 or reaction 2 (Figure 1 d), nitrogen. To accurately conduct a qualitative and quantitative
theoretically indicating that the NRR reaction can be per- analysis of NH3 after an NRR test, the indophenol blue me-
formed on Fe3Mo3C. Based on the calculation and analysis thod combined with nuclear magnetic method was adopted
results of the DOS and DFT, it can be predicted that Fe3Mo3C (Figure S5–S6). Before systematically evaluating the NRR
has potentially superior catalytic activity for nitrogen reduc- performance of Fe3Mo3C/C materials, some of the necessary
tion. control experiments were carried out and the corresponding
According to the results of the above theoretical predic- results are as follows: 1) Under the argon conditions, NH3 was
tions, and in order to expose as many active sites as possible, not detected in the electrolyte, showing that the NRR process
Fe3Mo3C embedded in the carbon nanosheets (denoted as has not been disturbed by nitrogen impurities (Figure S7);
Fe3Mo3C/C) were designed and synthesized via a facile mol- 2) After testing in argon, the supplied gas was immediately
ten salt synthesis method. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) pat- switched to N2, and NH3 was detected in the electrolyte after
tern in Figure S1 in the Supporting Information shows that a 2 h electrolytic reaction test. This preliminary confirms that
the diffraction peak of the synthesized sample matches with the as-prepared Fe3Mo3C/C catalyst has NRR catalytic ac-
the Fe3Mo3C standard PDF card (47-1191, Table S1 in the tivity (Figure S7–S8); 3) The NH3 content in the electrolyte
Supporting Information). According to ScherrerQs
formula, the grain size of Fe3Mo3C is preliminarily
calculated to be approximately 22.5 nm (Table S2).
Besides, transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
and scanning transmission electron microscopy-en-
ergy dispersion spectrum (STEM-EDS) mapping
were used to analyze the morphological features and
element distribution of Fe3Mo3C/C. The TEM ana-
lysis result in Figure S2 shows that the structure of the
material is composed of Fe3Mo3C nanoparticles em-
bedded in the carbon nanosheet layer. The size of the
nanoparticles is approximately 20 nm, which is con-
sistent with the results calculated by ScherrerQs for-
mula. In addition, the EDS mapping reveals the
uniform distribution of the Fe, Mo and C elements in
the nanoparticles (Figure S3). The high-resolution
electron microscopy (HRTEM) analysis results show
that the Fe3Mo3C nanoparticles have clearly visible
lattice fringes (Figure S4), indicating the high cry-
stallinity of Fe3Mo3C nanoparticles. The analysis of
the fast-Fourier transform (FFT) technique identifies
that the interplanar spacing of the lattice fringes in
Figure 2. a) High-resolution Fe 2p XPS spectra of Fe3Mo3C/C. b) High resolu-
the nanoparticles are 0.227 nm and 0.256 nm (Fig- tion Mo 3d XPS spectra of Fe3Mo3C/C. c) Fe K-edge XANES spectra of Fe3Mo3C/
ure S4 insets), which correspond to the (422) and C, Fe foil reference, FeO reference and Fe2O3 reference. d) Mo K-edge XANES
(331) crystal plane of the Fe3Mo3C crystal, respec- spectra of Fe3Mo3C/C, Mo foil reference, MoO2 reference and MoO3 reference.

Angew. Chem. 2019, 131, 15687 – 15693 T 2019 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 15689
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with different reaction times was analyzed (Figures S7–S8). when Fe3Mo3C is acting as the catalyst, and hence the ni-
The increase of NH3 content is proportional to the extension trogen reduction reaction could be conducted rapidly. Ho-
of the reaction time, further proving the effectiveness of the wever, although Fe3Mo3C/C exhibits an excellent NH3 yield
Fe3Mo3C/C material in the NRR performance; 4) Finally, the rate perform, it should be noted that this high NH3 yield rate
N2 isotope tracer experiment was used to show that the NH3 of Fe3Mo3C/C is achieved at the expense of large working
product in the electrolyte was completely derived from the current because the Faradaic efficiency of Fe3Mo3C/C at dif-
supplied N2, because there is no triple peak signal of 14NH4+ ferent potentials is very low (Figures S9–S10). The low Fara-
when only 15N2 was supplied (Figure 3 a).[15, 18, 22] daic efficiency should be due to the dominant competitive
After confirming the true nitrogen reduction activity of reaction of hydrogen evolution, which has been proved in our
the catalyst and the reliability of the NH3 detection methods, previous research work.[15] In addition, in view of the fact that
the NRR properties of Fe3Mo3C/C at different potentials stability is also an important indicator for evaluating the
were evaluated. The experimental results are shown in Fig- performance of catalysts, here the catalytic stability of
ure 3 b and Figure S9–S10. As seen, the NH3 yield rate of Fe3Mo3C/C during the electrolysis process was evaluated by
Fe3Mo3C/C gradually increases with the negative shift of the cyclic electrolysis reaction, which was performed at the
working potential and reaches the highest NH3 yield rate of potential corresponding to the highest NH3 rate of Fe3Mo3C/
13.10 mg h@1 cm@2 at @0.5 V, which is comparable to that of the C (@0.5 V). The experimental results in Figure S11 shows that
recently reported NRR catalytic materials (Table S3) and the NH3 yield rate of Fe3Mo3C/C still remained at 93.13 %
shows an expected nitrogen catalytic reduction performance. after 10 cycles, which proves that Fe3Mo3C/C possesses a high
The excellent NRR performance of Fe3Mo3C/C verifies the catalytic stability. The high catalytic stability of Fe3Mo3C/C
forecast of the DFT theoretical calculation: that is, the reac- should be attributed to its stable composition and structure. A
tion energy required for the nitrogen reduction reaction is low typical evidence is that the valence states of the Fe and Mo
elements in Fe3Mo3C/C do not change significantly
after electrolysis (Figure S12).
With a desire for the possible positive effect of
pressure on the chemical equilibrium movement of
NH3 synthesis, we constructed a electrochemical
reaction system to work under pressures that are
considerably lower than those of the Haber–Bosch
process and further evaluated the performance of
NH3 synthesis using Fe3Mo3C/C as a catalyst candi-
date for nitrogen reduction under the pressured
reaction system. Specifically, the pressurized reaction
system is achieved by moving the reaction device at
ambient conditions (i.e. 25 8C, 0.1 MPa) directly into
the pressured kettle in the form of an open system.
The typical pressurized reaction device is shown in
Figure S13. Note that, before starting the pressurized
reaction, the N2 pressure in the system was pressuri-
zed to the target pressures in this study (0.3, 0.5, and
0.7 MPa), and the system was kept static for 1 h to
make the N2 fully dissolve in the solution. That is to
say, the electrolytic process under pressurization
conditions is a closed and static reaction, and nitrogen
is no longer continuously injected into the electrolytic
cell during the electrolytic process. Moreover, to en-
sure that all components in the electrocatalytic device
can operate normally at the pressurized environment,
a series of control experiments were conducted be-
fore evaluating the NRR performance of Fe3Mo3C/C.
Typically, to probe the possible effect of pressure on
the reference electrode, the position of the Fe3+/Fe2+
Figure 3. Catalytic performances of Fe3Mo3C/C in 1 m KOH aqueous solution: redox peaks of the K3[Fe(CN)6]/K4[Fe(CN)6] (the
a) 1H NMR spectra of the electrolyte fed by 14N2 and 15N2 after the electrolytic concentration of K3[Fe(CN)6] and K4[Fe(CN)6] are
reaction. b) The NH3 yield rate of Fe3Mo3C/C at different potentials under am- both 0.1m, and the working electrode is replaced with
bient conditions. c) NH3 yield rate of Fe3Mo3C/C under different pressurized a blank carbon cloth without coating any catalysts) at
conditions. d) Faradaic efficiency of Fe3Mo3C/C under different pressurized con-
normal ambient and 0.7 MPa pressurized conditions
ditions. e) LSV curves of Fe3Mo3C/C recorded at approximately @0.4 V–0.4 V un-
der ambient and 0.7 MPa pressurized conditions. f) The chromatograms for was compared via a cyclic voltammetric (CV) test.
product H2 after 2 h electrolysis at @0.025 V under ambient and 0.7 MPa pres- The almost same peak position in Figure S14 shows
surized conditions. that the given pressurized conditions have negligible

15690 T 2019 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. 2019, 131, 15687 – 15693
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effect on the conventional electrochemical tests, suggesting shifts from @0.5 V (ambient conditions, Figure 3 b) to
that the catalytic performance of nitrogen reduction can be @0.025 V (0.7 MPa pressurized conditions, Figure 3 c), which
accurately evaluated in a pressurized (low pressure) reaction is significantly better than other reported data (Figure S18)
system. and means that pressurization is beneficial for reducing the
To systematically investigate the effect of the pressurized overpotential of the nitrogen reduction reaction. This expe-
conditions on the NRR catalytic performance of Fe3Mo3C/C, rimental phenomenon shows that pressurization can not only
the chronoamperometry curves of electrolysis for 2 h at ap- inhibit hydrogen evolution but also affect the thermodynamic
plied potentials from @0.1 V to 0.1 V under different pres- process of NRR to a certain extent. In theory, according to Le
sured conditions (0.3, 0.5, and 0.7 MPa) were recorded (Fig- ChatelierQs principle, pressurization and the resulting increase
ure S15) and the corresponding NRR performances were in nitrogen solubility should be beneficial for the movement
quantitatively analyzed, and the results are shown in Fig- of the chemical equilibrium to ammonia formation. From this
ure 3 c,d. It can be clearly seen that there is a positive corre- point of view, here the significantly reduced overpotential of
lation between the ammonia production performance and the nitrogen reduction reaction should be attributed to the
pressure, and the highest NH3 yield rate and Faradaic ef- increase in the dissolved nitrogen concentration in the pres-
ficiency can be obtained at 0.7 MPa pressurized conditions. surized environment, which strengthened the diffusion ad-
Especially when the highest NH3 yield rate is obtained, the sorption of nitrogen on the catalyst and thus weakened the
corresponding Faradaic efficiency is also improved, which restriction of the nitrogen mass transfer process on the ni-
indicates that the increase of Faradaic efficiency under pres- trogen reduction reaction (Figure 4 a). Meanwhile, it is pre-
surization is not at the expense of the nitrogen activation cisely because of the positive shift of the nitrogen reduction
ability of the catalyst. Specifically, the highest NH3 yield rate potential and the suppression of the hydrogen evolution
reaches 13.55 mg h@1 cm@2 at @0.025 V and the highest Faradaic competition reaction by pressurization that the nitrogen re-
efficiency of 14.74 % is achieved at 0.1 V under 0.7 MPa duction reaction can obtain a high Faradaic efficiency at
pressurized conditions, which is significantly higher than that a more positive potential.
under ambient conditions. The significant increase of Faradaic Based on the aforementioned results, we further assessed
efficiency should be attributed to the inhibition of competi- the cell voltage of the synthetic ammonia in the pressure
tion reaction of hydrogen evolution via pressurization, which reaction system. In general, employing a two-electrode sy-
can be confirmed by the linear sweep voltammetry scanning stem to evaluate the cell voltage of the reaction system is the
(LSV, Figure 3 e) and the detection results of hydrogen evo- most appropriate method, but considering that the water
lution quantity (Figure 3 f). As shown in Figure 3 e, compared electrolysis reaction will dominate, as a compromise, here the
with ambient conditions, the reaction current recorded by the cell voltage of the nitrogen reduction reaction system was
LSV curve decreases sharply in the range of @0.1 V–0.1 V expressed as the sum of the absolute values of the cathode
when the system pressure rises to 0.7 MPa, suggesting that the NRR potential with the highest NH3 yield rate and the anode
hydrogen evolution reaction is significantly suppressed. In oxygen evolution potential corresponding to the working
contrast, the current under pressurized conditions tends to current at the highest NH3 yield rate (Figure 4 b, the potential
increase under further negative scanning (< @0.1 V), which at a current of 37.5 mA under ambient conditions and
should be due to the optimization of the gas mass transfer 0.38 mA under 0.7 MPa pressurized conditions, respectively).
process under pressure. Moreover, the total H2 output (Fig- According to the above interim definition and from the res-
ure 3 f, S16, detailed calculation can be seen in the Supporting ults recorded by the anodic LSV curves (Figure S19 and
Information) detected by the gas chromatograph further Figure 4 c), it can be seen that, corresponding to the cathodic
verify the suppression of hydrogen evolution at pressurization nitrogen reduction reaction, the anodic oxygen evolution
conditions, in which the H2 output at pressurization condi- potential is 2.175 V and 1.767 V under ambient and 0.7 MPa
tions (0.71 mL at 0.7 MPa pressurized conditions) is three ti- pressurized conditions, respectively. As mentioned earlier,
mes lower than that at ambient conditions (2.42 mL at the cathode NRR potential with the highest NH3 yield rate
0.1 MPa). Moreover, it should be pointed out that, except for under 0.7 MPa pressurized conditions is @0.025 V, which is
the NH3 yield rate under 0.7 MPa pressurized conditions, the significantly higher than that of under ambient conditions
NH3 yield rate under other pressurized conditions seems to be (@0.5 V). According to the above data, the cell voltage under
lower than that under ambient conditions, which is mainly due ambient and 0.7 MPa pressurized conditions can be calcula-
to the fact that, unlike the continuous injection of nitrogen ted to be 2.675 V and 1.792 V (Figure 4 d), respectively.
into the reaction cell under ambient conditions, it is a closed Clearly, compared with the cell voltage under ambient con-
and static reaction under pressurized conditions, and there is ditions, the cell voltage at 0.7 MPa is reduced by about 33 %.
no continuous injection of nitrogen during the electrolysis As a proof of concept, here the comparison results clearly
process. This is well confirmed by the significant decrease of shows that the cell voltage of electrochemical ammonia syn-
NH3 yield rate without continuous nitrogen injection during thesis can be significantly reduced by pressurization when the
the electrolysis process under ambient conditions (Fig- same or similar NH3 yield rate is obtained, further demon-
ure S17). strating the superior advantages of the pressurized system.
In addition, we also note that, with an increase in the
pressure, the working potentials corresponding to the highest
NH3 yield rate and Faradaic efficiency have a significantly
positive shift. The potential of the highest NH3 yield rate

Angew. Chem. 2019, 131, 15687 – 15693 T 2019 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 15691
Forschungsartikel Chemie

Figure 4. a) Schematic illustration of diffusion adsorption of N2 and H2O on a catalyst surface under ambient conditions (Top) and 0.7 MPa
pressurized conditions (Bottom). b) Chronoamperometry curves of Fe3Mo3C/C at the corresponding potential when the highest NH3 yield rate
was obtained under ambient and 0.7 MPa pressurized conditions. c) The corresponding LSV curves at anode side under ambient and 0.7 MPa
pressurized conditions (extract from Figure S19). d) Cell voltage of electrochemical ammonia synthesis under ambient and 0.7 MPa pressurized

Conclusion BL14W1 at Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility for

In summary, we have designed a lower pressure electro-
chemical NH3 synthesis system and demonstrated that ap-
plying a certain pressure is a simple and effective strategy to Conflict of interest
improve the current efficiency without compromising the
NH3 yield rate. The verification experiment of using The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Fe3Mo3C/C as a nitrogen reduction catalyst suggested that the
improvement in the current efficiency should be mainly due Stichwçrter: Ammoniaksynthese · Carbide · Elektrokatalyse ·
to the inhibition of the hydrogen evolution competition Stickstoff-Fixierung · Stickstoffreduktion
reaction and the optimization of the gas mass transfer process
by applying a relatively low-pressure reaction system. This
verification experiment also confirmed that applying pressure
can greatly reduce the cell voltage of the electrochemical Zitierweise: Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 15541 – 15547
reaction system, which undoubtedly provides a new pathway Angew. Chem. 2019, 131, 15687 – 15693
for the development of efficient and energy-saving electro-
chemical NH3 synthesis technology. In addition, although the
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Angew. Chem. 2019, 131, 15687 – 15693 T 2019 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 15693

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