Essay - Climate Change

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How has social media influenced knowledge and behavior towards climate change?

[450 –

500 words]

Social Media has allowed for an open forum by which the public can exchange dialogue

for crucial issues; one such issue is climate change. These forums create an easy access point for

the populace to garner information associated with climate change, spanning from severe

hurricanes in the USA to long-standing droughts in Pakistan. Subsequently, this has prompted

several environmental activists, such as Greta Thunberg. In spite of such positive contributions,

this access point can also allow for the spread of false information; thereby, misinforming the

public of a potential crisis.

It should be noted that these forums grant the younger set the opportunity to become

more aware of the climate crisis. This awareness has allowed for climate strikes, through which

the public can communicate their issues with the current crisis. For instance, the Global Week

For Future (September 2019) was a chain of international strikes that insisted for the

implementation of environmental policies to combat climate change. This occurred within 150

countries, spanning 4,500 locations. Subsequently, these protests have prompted several

countries to implement new environmental laws and restrictions, such as Jamaica’s ban on

plastic. Furthermore, social media had allowed for the upsurge of climate change activists. For

example, Greta Thunberg has been able to ignite an international movement against climate

change through the use of social media and networks. Social media lessens the knowledge gap

and presents an opportunity for the public to form an enlightened opinion based on recent data

and research.
However, despite such positive contributions, social networks allow for the spread of

misinformation concerning climate change. For example, the assertions that climate change is a

part of the natural cycle. However, the data showcases that the rise in temperatures are now well

above the natural cycle of the last 800,000 years. Likewise, a false claim recently went viral on

the social media platform, Twitter. This claim stated that Mt. Merapi, a volcano, just spewed

more CO2 than every car driven in history. On the contrary, research conducted by

the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) unveiled that it is 90% probable that

human activity has caused more recent global warming. Subsequently, these assertions (on social

media) push forth the narrative of global climate change being a myth; thereby, spreading

misinformation to the public. These networking platforms can also provide a forum to further

prompt skepticism and uncertainty regarding the climatic fluctuations.

To conclude, these media platforms increase the awareness of the current climate crisis;

thereby, allowing for a surge in climate activists and the establishment of environmental

regulations. On the contrary, these social networks facilitate the circulation of falsities and

disinformation, such as climate change part of the natural cycle.

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