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C&B Laundry System 0

Clean & Build Laundry System

Java Institute
for Advanced Technology
Software Application Development
Viva Document


SCN NO - 167498809
940481317 V

C&B | Individual Viva Project

C&B Laundry System 1
Clean & Build Laundry System

Brief Contest
1. About the System.
2. ER Diagram.
3. Use Case Diagram.
4. Activity Diagram
a. Activity Diagram for login
b. Activity Diagram for create user
c. Activity Diagram for dry & clean contract
d. Activity Diagram for Allocation
5. Business Process Diagram.
6. Interfaces & Source codes.
a. Before Login Animation
b. New User Registration Interface
c. Developer Option Interface
d. Login Interface
e. Recover or Reset Password
f. 3 Attempts Failed Interface
g. Admin Control Panel Interface
h. Dry & Clean Contract Interface
i. After Dry & Clean Interface
j. Renting Clothes new Contract Interface
k. Add new Clothes Interface
l. Damage or Missed Place Item Claim Interface

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m. Ongoing Rented Contracts Interface


n. Due Payments Monitoring Interface

o. Dry & Clean Invoice Interface
p. Generate Renting Clothes Invoice Interface
q. Damage or Missed Place Item Claim Invoice Interface
r. System Logs Monitoring Interface
s. System Backup & Restore Interface
t. Reports Viewing Interface

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1. About the Laundry System0.

I have designed this software specially for laundry system. The main
purpose of the software is maintaining and managing the clothes of customers that
bring for washing. Another purpose of my software is renting the high quality
outfits as blazers for special occasions.

An invoice should be issued for a customer when he advanced for the

clothes. According to my software a message should be sent to the customer when
the task is completed. And when the customer pay the full payment, the final
detailed invoice will be issued.

The renting system is based on daily payment. So the customer has to pay
for the duration of using the outfit. If a customer couldn’t return the cloth on time,
an interest will be added to the last payment.

If the outfit is damaged during the period of using, the customer has to claim
the total damaged value of the outfit.

Under this system, the administration is facilitated for changing the prices,
adding new users, keeping the reports, system logs etc.

Because of this software the process of laundry can be manage properly than
manual system, as the details are computerized.

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2. ER Diagram. 0

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3. Use Case Diagram. 0

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4. Activity Diagram

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06. Interfaces & Source codes.


Before Login Animation

This interface is the interface that runs in 1st when software run. And also this
interface is transparent and it has an animation while running the system.

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 Source Codes 0

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New User Registration Interface

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 This interface helps to create new user or admin. When system runs first if
there are no any user or admin in database, before appear the login interface
this interface comes first. And also only admins can access to this interface
and even admin can’t see another admins details. But admin can add or
change user details.

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Developer Option

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 This interface can access only developer

0 by login with using developer static
login details. You can extend the trail period by entered new date and
developer can also entered license key and licensed the software.

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Login Interface

 This is the login interface. You must login first before using the software. If
you entered your username and it is correct, him or her type (admin/user)
will appear in front in the username entered area.

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If there is no one user in data base, after login animation first open the User
Registration Interface

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When attempts failed, status update to that

0 user as “Failed”. After that auto
generated code send to admin to inform that failure.

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Recover or Reset Password 0

 If user or admin forget his username or password he can recover his

password to his gmail account.

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3 Attempts Failed Interface

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 When user failed to login 3 times and attempts failed. After that this
interface will visible. In the same time send a sms to admin saying an
admin’s code. After that that code must type above space. When correct that
code and visible user password and he can login again.

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Admin Control Panel Interface

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 This interface can access only Admins. Admin can add new admin or user
by using this interface. And also admin will able to see all reports and access
system logs by using this interface. Admin can change 1kg clothes wash
price range and he can change discount limit by using this frame.

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Dry & Clean Contract Interface

 This interface is use for create new dry & clean contracts. After add new
customer and his clothes details user can access to invoice interface via this

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interface. And also if admin login 0to system and only he can appear backup
and restore button and admin’s control panel button.

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After Dry & Clean Interface

 When customer’s clothes washed and dried those clothes are ready to
handover to customer. Using this interface, search via customer id and can
send a sms to customer with saying his clothes are ready. And also customer
came to take his clothes and if he has due balance to pay user can access to
final invoice via this interface.

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Renting Clothes new Contract Interface

 This is the interface that customer can rent outfits that we have. User can
access to renting invoice via this interface. When customer rent clothes and
his rent end date come already and not delivered yet, we can sent to
customer a sms by reminding his rented clothes.

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Add new Clothes Interface

 Can add new clothes to system by using this interface. Only admin can
delete an inserted cloth.

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Damage or Missed Place Item Claim Interface

 When customer rented cloth damage or missed place he must pay damage
cost or total cloth cost. This interface we can claim that damage or missed
clothes. User can access claim invoice via this interface.

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Ongoing Rented Contracts Interface

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 We can see all ongoing rented contract by using this interface. Only
unclosed rented contract are displaying in this interface.

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Due Payments Monitoring Interface

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 Rented clothes customer that end date

0 is today, those customers are loading
automatically to this interface. And we can send sms by informing customer
to close the rent contract before end the day.

 Automatically visible a symbol like this image by informing us there are

some customers that have rent end date is today.

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Dry & Clean Invoice Interface 0

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 This is the interface that use for dry & clean contract. User can change 1kg
wash price by clicking near icon and enter admin’s password after inform
the admin about it. User cannot delete invoice. Only save and print.

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After Dry & Clean Invoice Interface


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 This interface use for when customer came back to take his clothes and he
pay his balance.

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Generate Renting Clothes Invoice0 Interface

 After customer choose the clothes that he want to rent, he will received an
invoice. That can do by using this interface. And also customer late to
handover rented clothes he has to pay delay payments to late days.

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First run and auto data

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Auto data to table 0

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Damage or Missed Place Item Claim

0 Invoice Interface

 In somehow customer rented clothes damage or missed place, he has to pay

damage cost or total cloth cost. That invoice can genatate by using this interface.

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System Logs Monitoring Interface

 This interface views us what time the users or admin login to system.
This can access to only admins.

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System Backup & Restore Interface


 Backup database to custome location and restore database from choosing a

sql file can do by using this interface. Only admins can access to this

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Reports Viewing Interface

 All dry & clean contracts and all renting contracts can be see in this
interface. This can take print out as summary of contracts.

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