Bussness Plan

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[Company Name]

Dos Borregos

Business Plan
“Dos Borregos” will be breeding Babydoll Sheep in Valley
Guadalupe, offering to local wineries the many organic and
self-sustainable benefits this breed brings to the cultivation
of vineyards. Weed control, leaf pull, shoot removal, and
fertilization are a few of the benefits we can offer with
controlled grazing to vineyards. Dos Borregos will also be
working towards a self-sustainable farm producing wool
products, dairy products and the sale of registered Babydoll

Mission Statement
A grass roots busness with room for all employees to grow. Providing a unique
alternative option to the Guadalupe Valley wine industry with a clean natural
form of maintenance for their vineyards with the help of Babydoll sheep.

A clear statement of your company’s long-term mission.

Our goal is to have a herd of 100+ baby doll sheep by 2015 providing weeding
services to the local vinyards. 4 moble truck and trailer teams moving herds of
25 sheep with trained sheep handler and dogs from location to location. Within 5
years “Dos Borregos will be able to offer an annual sale of 75-100 registered
Babydoll sheep and the sale of dairy and wool products to cover costs.

The Team

Nathan W. Stuart
3 Years in the wine industry. Managed the construction of new winery in
2010 for Hugo D’Acosta. Full time working for Hugo D’Acosta making wine
in Valle Guadalupe.

Berna Potential partner

Head of personnel for Paralelo a local winery. Berna cordinates the legistics
of over 70 field workers on a daily bases

Leslie Stuart
My wife Leslie works at a wine store in Ensenada and has been working in
the wine industry as long as I have. She has become very good at providing
quality service to a wide variety of clientele.

First Sheep Handeler and Futur Malordomo


I worked with Valentin for the first time a year ago and since then have seen
him working for different people in different situations. He has always stood out as a
reliable worker with a natural gift for working with animals. He makes me exited
about this busness plan because every “good” business needs one of these guys. He’s
just an all around good employee with a lot of potential to be much more.

Summarize number of years of experience in this field

Market Summary


Market: past, present, & future:

Review those changes in market share, leadership, players, market shifts, costs,
pricing, or competition that provide the opportunity for your company’s success.


Problems and opportunities:

State consumer problems, and define nature of product/service opportunities
created by those problems.

Business Concept

Summarize key technology, concept or strategy on which your business is based

Summarize competition

Outline your company’s competitive advantage

Goals & Objectives

Five-year goals

State specific measurable objectives

State market share objectives

State revenue/profitability objectives

Financial Plan

High-level financial plan that defines financial model, pricing assumptions, and
reviews yearly expected sales and profits for the next three years.

Use several slides to cover this material appropriately.

Resource Requirements

Technology requirements

Personnel requirements

Resource requirements

Financial, distribution, promotion, etc.

External requirements

Products/services/technology required to be purchased outside company

Risks & Rewards

Summarize risks of proposed project

Addressing risk
Summarize how risks will be addressed

Estimate expected pay-off, particularly if seeking funding

Key Issues

Near term
Isolate key decisions and issues that need immediate or near-term resolution

Long term
Isolate issues needing long-term resolution

State consequences of decision postponement

If you are seeking funding, state specifics

If you are seeking funding for a business within 2 hours of the Toronto Area see
Angel Group Investor Toronto

If you are looking for investors in Western Canada fill out the Growth Analysis
Form or for more assistance see below.

For a more detailed business plan see one of our consultants at Growth Plan

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