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Anand Agril. University, Anand 2. Navsari Agril. University, Naysari

3. Junagadh Agril. University, Junagadh 4. S.D. Agril. University, S.K. Nagar

Part - A (Objective)
Course No. : Agron. 6.8 Title of Course: Organic Farming (1+1)
Date :26/06/2015 Total Marks :40
Time:9.30 to 10.15 Marks obtain :

➢ Tic mark most appropriate option from the following.

1.______________acts as a nitrification inhibitor.
(a) Cotton seed (b) Groundnut cake (c)Neem cake (d) Mustard cake
2. The predator chrysoperla is used for the control Of
(a) White grub (b) Aphids (c) White flies (d) Mealy bugs
3. India represents only ______% area under organic farming out of cultivated area.
(a)0.03 (b)0.05 (c)0.07 (d) 0.09
4. Eisenia foetida is _______type of earth worm.
(a) Endogeic (b)Epigeic (c) Geophagus (d)Anecic
5.Marigold is grown as trap crop for the control of _____pest in Cotton.
(a) Spodoptera (b) Red hairy cater pillar (c)Helicoverpa (d) Nematode
6. The excreta dead remain of the birds are called
(a)Bird guano (b) Sewage (c)Animal guano (d) Blood meal
7. bioagent is used to sucking pest
(a)Bacillus thuringiensis (b)NPV (c)Verticillum Lecanii
(d)Trichoderma viride
8. _________ parasitoid is used to control shoot borer in sugaecane.
(a)Bacillus thuringiensis (b)Trichograma chilonis (c) Trichoderma viride
(d) NPV
9. ________ is not mechanical method of weed control.
(a)Mowing (b) Mulching(c)Hoeing (d)Crop rotation
10. The sludge that is settled at the bottom of tank is known as …..
(a) Inactivated sludge (b) Green sludge (c) Dry sludge (d)Activated sludge
11. Non-edible oil cakes are especially used as manure in ________crops.
(a)Oilseed (b) Cereal (c)Forage (d) Horticultural
12.In India _______is considered as 100% organic farming stale.
(a) Assam (b)Gujarat (C)Sikkim (d) Punjab
Extra: Uttarakhand is second organic state of india.
13. _________Mycoherbicide is used for velvet weed control
(a)Devine (b) Velgo (c) Collego (d)Stomp
14.________chemical is used to prevent volatilization loss of N in FYM.
(a) Super phosphate (b) kinite (c)Gypsum (d)all of the above
15.After first year of application fresh organic matter has break down rate is….
(a)10-30% (b) 30-50% (C)50-80% (d)80-90 %

16. Earthworm daily feed material time more than ___ its own weight.
(a) 1 to 2 (b)4-5 (c)8 to 9 (d)10 to 11
17. Growing of green manure crops in the field and incorporating in its green stage' in
the same field is known as……
(a) In situ green manuring (b) Green leaf manure (c)Ex situ Been manuring (d)
Brown manure
18.Azolla biofertilizer is mostly used in _________crop.
(a) Maize (b) Groundnut (c)Green grain (d)flooded rice
19. JI-144 castor variety is resistant against____
(a) Capsule borer (b) Stem borer (c)White fly (d) Helicoverpa
20.Cow pea grown as trap crop for control ______pest in Sesamum.
(a) Helicoverpa (b)Spodoptera (c)Jassid (d)Red Hairy caterpillar
21.Salts are dissolved in the water and leached down in the deeper layer of the soil is
(a)Run off (b)drainage (c)Percolation (d)Infiltration
22. Blood meal contain ___ N and Rich in IRON.
(a)5-6 (b) 6-1 1 (c)13-20 (d) 21-28
23. ______ is used to control powdery mildew, rusts and leaf blight.
(a) Boron (b)Sulphur (c) Manganese (d)phosphorus
24. Production of beijerinckia is high in
(a)acidic soil (b)Alkaline (c)Sodic (d)all of the above
25. The hand book Organic farming is written by …….
(a) A.K. Singh (b)T-V. Sathe (c)Arun K. Sharma (d) P.Tripathi
26. ______is Ideal C: N ratio soil.
(a)10-12 :1 (b)20:1 (c)10:1 (d)40:1
27. Yellow sticky traps are used to monitor……
(a) Borer (b)aphids (C)beetle (d) Boll warms
28.The watch word of organic farming is ….
(a)Feed to plant (b)Feed to human (c)Feed to soil (d)Feed to animal
29.Rhizobium is a bacteria found in the root nodules of crops.
(a) Cereal (b)pulses (c)legumes (d) Tubers
30. Azadirachtin a_______ pesticide.
(a)Botanical (b)viral (c)Bacterial (d) Fungal
31.The practice of collecting of green biomass from nearby location and adding it to the
soil is known as……
(a) Green manuring (b)Green leaf manuring (c) Deep manuring (d) Puddling
32._______ crop used as green manure crop.
(a) Coriander (b)sunhemp (c)Pearl millet (d)fenugreek
33. In _______year National Programme for Organic production was started in India.
(a)1990 (b)1995 (c)8TH May 2000 (d) 2005
34. A Pale yellow liquid collected after the passes of water through a column of worm
action is known
(a) Vermicast (b) Vermi compost (c) Vermiwash (d) Vermi manure
35. The head office of IFOAM is located in…..
(a)Brazil (b)India (c)China (d)Germany
36. ________is not advisable method of recycling.
(a)Burning (b)Incorporation (c)Compost (d) Mulching
37.Without fermentation and oxidation treatment the sewage become……….
(a)Sewage sick (b)Sewage solid (c)sludge (d) Night soil
38. _______is non symbiotic nitrogen fixer.
(a) Azolla b) Azoto bactor (c)Rhizobium (d)PSB
39. ________bacteria possess the ability to solubilize chemically fixed soil
phosphorus in to soluable form
(a) Azotobacter chroo coccum (b) Azolla pinnula(c) Rhizobium japonicum d)
pseudomonas straita

40. Animal urine is normally rich in________ and low in phosphorus.

(a) Carbon (b)Potash (c)Nitrogen (d) Calcium
41. ___________is The major component of organic farming.
(a)Chemical fertilizers (b)Biofertilizer (c)Pesticides (d) Gypsum
42. _______is constraint in development of organic farming.
(a)Farmers are rich(b) Land holding is more (c)Organic market is limited (d) No
demand of organic
43.In Gujarat, organic production of _______had higher profitability.
(a)Sapota (b) Citrus (c)Pomegranate (d) Guava
44.Fast growing crops are grown in the time interval between two main crops is known
as ….
(a)Mix crop b) catch crop (c)Inter crop (d)Trap crop
45.________employs to induce germination of specific parasitic weeds without
inhibition to main crop.
(a) Mix crop (b) Trap crop (c)Inter crop (d) Catch crop
46. _________is concentric organic manure.
(a)FYM (b) Vermi compost (c)Castor cake (d) Bio compost
47. The soil structure may be improved by…….
(a)Stable humus (b)Organic matter (c) Bio fertilizer (d) None of these
48. Species of Rhizobium for soybean is…..
(a)R.leguminosarum (b)R.japonicum (c)R.phaseoli (d) R.meliloti
49.Non edible oil cakes take about 7 to 10 days for _______process.
(a)Mineralization (b)Nitrification (c)Immobilization (d)Volatilization
50. _________is free living bacteria.
(a)Rhizobium (b)Azospirillum (c)Azotobactor (d) Frankia
51. ________ is associative bacteria.
(a)Rhizobium (b)Azotobactor (c) Azospirilium (d)Frankia
52. _________ is symbiotic bacteria.
(a)Rhizobium (b)Azotobactor (c)Azospirillum (d)Clostridium
53.The atmosphere over a hectare of land consist of _________tone of N.
(a)800 (b)8000 c) 80000 (d)800000
54. ________is silicate and zinc solubilizing biofertilizer
(a)Bacillus spp (b)Clostridium spp. (c) Pseudomonas straita (d)Glomus
55.Weed free crop seeds is _______method of control.
(a)Cultural (b) Mechanical (c) preventive (d)Physical
56._______ is green leaf manure crop.`
(a)dhaincha (b)Glyricidia (c)Sunhemp (d) Cowpea
57._________use as bio pesticide for control of pest.
(a)Mahuva oil (b) Neem oil (c)Castor oil (d) Niger oil
58.Normally ______traps/ha are recommended to monitor pest incidence.
(a)3 (b)5 (c)7 (d)9
59.Farmers can sell their products as an organic product after__ year of certification.
(a)3 (b)4 (c)5 (d)6
60. Worldwide highest area under organic farming in
(a) Argentina (b) Japan (c) Australia (d) Germany
61. _____is potash solubilizing bacteria.
(a) Pseudomonas striata (b) Bacillus polymoyxa (c)Frateuria aurantia (d)
Aspergillus awamori
62. ______are cellulolytic bacteria decomposing crop residues in soil.
(a) Rhizobium spp. (b) Frateuria aurantia (c)Bacillus megareriurn (d) Aspergillus
63.__________helps in converting non usable form of sulphur to usable form of
(a) Pseudomonas striata (b) Bacillus megaterium (c) acitobactor pasterurianus (d)
Frateuria aurantia
64.The Government agency for organic certification in Gujarat is
(a) GSSCA (b) GOCA (c)GOPCA (d) GSOC
65.symbiotic N fixing microorganism Frankia is
(a) Bacteria (b)actinomyces (c)Fungi (d) Cyanobacteria
66.India produces _______mt of animal dung per annum.
(a)1200 (b)1400 (c)1600 (d)1800
67. _____ is not the certification body for organic farming.
68. ______ type of earthworm are not suitable for vermicomposting
(A)Epigeic (b)Endogeic (c)Surface feeder (d) Ectogeic
68.________ is renewable nutrient source.
(a)Urea (b) CAN (C)Crop residue (d)DAP

70. on an average castor cake contain __ N

(a)2.00 (b) 4.00 (c)6.00 (d)8.00
71. Press mud is a bioproduct of ……..
(a)Sugarcane (b)Stevia (c)Sorghum (d)sun hemp
72.Organic agriculture is currently practice in more ___than countries.
(a)100 (b)120 (c)140 (d)160
73. ______ is fully fermented tea.
(a)Black tea (b) Oolong tea (c) Green tea (d) instant tea
74. _______is effective method to control the parasitic weed
(a)Crop rotation (b) Rabbing (c)Inter cropping (d) Mix cropping
75. Arebica variety share ____% of world total coffee production.
(a)30 (b)50 (c)70 (d) 90
76. ________ agent is used to control water hyacinth.
(a) C. catcorum (b)Mexican beetle (c)Niochetina bruchi (d) Cosidosremma
77. ________bio chemical is used to control pest of peat animal.
(a)Limonene (b)pyrethrins (c)Nicotine (d) azadirectins
78. ______variety of cotton resistance against helicoverpa.
(a) L-603 (b) Kanchana (c)Narsimha (d) LK-861
79. Green manuring of crops save _______ kg N/ha in a soil.
(a)20-40 (b)60-80 (c)100-120 (d)140-160
80.The solid portion of sewage is called …..
(a)Sewage (b)Compost (c)sludge (d)Residue
June 2015

1. Eisenia foetida is group of earth worm……….. Epigenic.

2.The refuse left over after the extraction of oil-from the fish in factories, dried in
cemented yards and used as manure is called as….. Fish guano
3. An adult animal can provide___kg of meat after slaughter or death. 35-45 Kg
4.Waste decomposed by earth worm is_____ time faster than traditional
decomposting : 2-5 times
5.Earth worms feeds materials about____of their own weight daily : 4-5 times
6.Castor is grown the control of ______pest in cotton. Spodoptera
7.Growth of chinopodium album is suppressed by allelopathic effect of…… :
8. Castor cake contain___% phosphorus. 1.8%
9. Full form of GOPCA is …… : Gujarat Organic Production Certification
10.Full form of VAM is……. : vescicular arbouscular Micorrhizae
11. Full form of IFOAM……. : International Federation of Organic Agriculture
Movement, 1980, Germany
12. Azolla biofertilizer is mostly use for____crop. flooded rice
13.____ is not used as a mineral amendment in soil. Bird guano
14. Mycoherbicide is use for control of …….: Northen Joint Vetch.
15. ____ fungal spp. is used to control velvet leaf weed …..: Colletotrichum
16.________ poses the ability to bring insoluble phosphates into soluble forms by
secreting organic acids……… :soil bacteria particularly pseudomonas straita and
Bacillus polymixa and fungi Aspergillus awamori and penicilium spp
17.appropriate combination of farm enterprises is known as……: Farming system
18. chemical is used to prevent volitisation of N in FYM. …….:
Gypsum,Kainite,Super phosphate
19. Marigold is grown as trap crop to control______ pest in cotton and pigeon pea :
20. the time between the start of organic management and certification of crops and
or animal husbandry is known as_____period. Conversion
21. Basic standards for organic production and processing of IFOAM were first
published in……..: 1980
22. LK-86 and Kanchana varieties of cotton are resistant against…… White fly
23.kadari &ICGS-IO varieties of groundnut are resistant to………: leaf spot
24.predator is used to control Aphids and Mealy bugs. lady bird beetle

25. ________ to control boll worm in cotton. Bacillus thuringiensis

26. Azardirectin biochemical from neem oil extract to manage insect as Repellent
27 Pseuodomonas florescence bio control agent used to control disease in banana.
28. Nuclear Polyhydrosis Virus (NPV) is use to control_______in chickpea.
29. Caffein content in robusta coffee is ……: ???
30.All organic food is produced and handle to strict rules called ……..: organic
31.In solarization _____plastic film is use to trap the heat…….: CLear
32.Yellow sticky traps are used to monitor………..: Aphids
33.The watch word of organic farming is…………: feed to soil
34. Draining of water for few days in paddy field suppress ____population. Brown
Plant Hopper
35. Uprooting of infected plants minimize viral diseases like_____of groundnut.
Yellow mosaic
36.The head office of coconut development board is located at ……..Cochi ???
37.without fermentation and oxidation treatment the sewage become ……… sewage
38.Give the full form of IRFT…… international Resources for fairer trade
39.According to a conservative estimate around ___million tons of agricultural waste
is available in India. :600 to 700 MT
40.The solid portion of sewage______: Sludge
41. On an average green manuring add about ____kg N. 60-80 N/ha
42.Blood manure contain ___ % N . 13-20% N
43.________is an excellent source of organic phosphorus. Raw bone meal
44.Faecal matter or excretions of earth worms is known as…….: Vermicast
45.In world about species of earth worms are reported. ……………..: 3000
46.growing of green manure crops in the field and incorporating before flowering
stage in the same field is called as……………. in situ green manuring.
47.Green manuring is practiced for reclamation of soil. …… Sodic soil
48. one hectare of land about____tons of N is present in atmosphere………:80,000 .
49. Production of beijerinkta is high in…….. acidic
50.________ bacteria spp. was isolated from banana & used for potash solubilizing.
Frateuria aurantia
51. Sulphur mobilizing micro organisms is….. acetobacter pasteurianus
52. salts are dissolved in the water and leached down in the deeper layer of the soil is
Infiltration ???
53.Normally_______traps to monitor pest incidence….. 5
54. To control the problem in planting stock of banana, suckers should be soaked in
hot water for 25 minutes at 55 .C temperature.
55. Insecticide obtained from micro organisms is called as …. Bio insecticide
56. is the cultural method of weed management in organic farming. smoother
crop ???
57. Dry fruit products have a water content _____percentage in storage period. 8-12
58. full form of INDOCERT is …………Indian Organic Certification Agency
59._____variety of coffee is susceptible to berry borer and coffee. Robusta ?????
60.______ type of honey is most widely produced. Clover ?? acacia??? competence Centre for organic agriculture is located at……
62.fermantation is suppressed by deactivating enzymes and the leaves retain green
colour 's called as olong tea ????
63. Head office of the ECOCERT International is located in GErmany
64. Most of the vegetables should be blanched with hot water or steam at
temperature to inactivate enzymes.
80 to 100 ???
65.________celtification norms are strict for inspection and certification of organic
Voluntary &Civil both
66. mechanical method is used for killing of soil borne pathogen and weed
seeds………Soil soIarization
67.Non edible oil cakes take about 7 to 10 days for…….process.Mineralization
68. ______is free living bacteria. Azotobacter
69. rhizobium species is used for lucerne. R.meliloti
70._______ is essential pre-requisite to export organic produce in European market.
Certification ????
71.Author of the book "Organic Farming in India- Problems and Prospects" is :U.
Thapa & P Tripathi.
72.High input : output ratio with no pollution is possible in………. organic
73. animal urine low in ……………phosphorus
74. Fresh poultry manure creates local alkalinity, it may hamper the standing crop.
Therefore, it is recommended to preserve the excreta………….. at least for six
75. ______ means a product obtained by the controlled decomposition of organic
wastes (composting), finally used as organic manure . Compost
76. N in poudrette (night soil) 5.5% N
77. ________where in sheep and goats are allowed to stay over night in the field and
urine and faecal matter is added to soil. Sheep penning
78. Estimated that India produced about ________ tones of oil cakes annually. 2.5
79. Oil seed cakes need to be well powdered before application for even distribution
and quicker………….. decomposition
80.which of the following method not recommended for recycling. Burning
Sixth Semester B.Sc. (Hons.) Agri. (Regular) End Examination June-2017
Agron.6.8 : Organic Farming (1+1) Date :17-06-2017
* Select the most appropriate answer from the options and write it in the separable
1. The quantity of nutrients available to plants and animals can be increased within
the system by activating the____ resulting in increased weathering of parent material.
(A) Edaphon (B) Ear phon (C) Head phon (D) None of these
2._________ in organic matter is the main source of energy for microbes.
(A) Hydrogen (B) Carbon (C) Oxygen (D) Nitrogen
3. farming favours synergistic concept among plant, animal and soil.
(A) Mixed B) Irrigated (C) Commercial (D) Specialized
4. Ecological balance is less considered in farming.
(A) Natural (B) Organic (C) Conventional (D)Eco
5. A product obtained by the controlled decomposition of organic wastes is called
(A) Decompost (B) FYM (C) Compost B) Biogas slurry
6. Development of nutrient imbalance/deficiencies are due to adoption of
(A) Organic farming B) Natural farming (C) Mixed farming (D)GRT
7.A Hand Book of Organic Farming is written by
(A) A.K. Singh (B) N.Lampkin (C) Arun K. Sharma (D)all
8. IFOAM stand for International______ of Organic Agriculture Movement.
(A) Fundation B) Forum (C) Family (D) Federation
(D) Mycoplasma
9. The excreta and dead remains of bird is called
(A) Meat meal B) Blood meal (C)A&B (D) Bird guano
10. Animal urine is normally rich in____ and low in phosphorus.
(A) Carbon (B) Potash C) Calcium (D)phosphorus
11._______is used to prevent volatilization losses of N from FYM
(A) Boron B) Gypsum C) Thiram (D) Potassium
12. VAM stand for Vesicular Arbuscular ________.
(A) Microorganism (B) Mycoherbicide (C) Mycorhizae (D)microb
13. Population of _____ is high in acidic soils.
(A) Rhizobium B) Azolla (c) BGA D) Beijerinckia
14. Organic production of recorded ______ higher profitability in Haryana.
(A) Wheat (B) Cotton (C) Coconut B) Banana
15. Azolla biofertilizer is mostly used in _____crop.
(A) Maize B) Groundnut (C) Flooded rice (D) Sorghum
16. Frateuria aurantia is ____ solubilizing bacteria.
(A) Nitrogen (B) Potash (c) Phosphorus (d)none
17. _____ contains 5.5% N, 4%P2O5and 2%K2O.
(A) FYM (B) Compost (C) Night soil B) Biogas slurry
18. _____of night soil produces poudrette.
(A) Fermentation B) Reduction (C) Hydrolysis (D) Dehydration
19. Bacillus polymixa increases availability of______.
(A) Nitrogen (B) Phosphorus (C) Potassium (D) Zinc
20. Organic matter supplies ______nutrients.
(A) Primary (B) Secondary (C) Micro B) All these
21. Decomposition of manures and plant residues liberates carbon dioxide and
_____which helps in neutralizing alkaline soil.
(A) Organic acid (B) Oxygen (C) Ammonia B) Nitrogen
22. Non-edible oil cakes take about 7 to 10 days for______process.
(A) Volatilization (B) Mineralization (C) Immobilization B) Denitrification
23. Waste decomposition by earthworms ____ times faster than in conventional
(A) 2 to 5 (B) 10 to 20 (C) 20 to 30 (D) 30 to 50
24. Castor cake contains __ % nitrogen.
(A) 7.5 (B) 6.5 (c) 5.2 (D) 4.3
25. On an average green manuring adds ____kg N/ha.
(A) 30-50 (B) 60-80 (c) 80-110 (D) 120-140
26. Blood meal contains ______% N.
(A) 5-6 (B) 6-12 (C) 13-20 (D) 21-28
27. ____ of the following manures has highest P2O5 %
(A)Raw bone meal (B) Bird guano (C) Fish guano B) Castor cake
28. Nitrogen fixation in lucern by Rhizobium ranges from ______ kg N/ha.
(A) 60-80 (B) 80-100 (c) 100-300 (D) 300-500
29. Sheep and goats are allowed to stay overnight in the field and urine and faecal
matter is added______to soil is called
(A) Sheep penning B) Sheep rearing (C) Sheep guano (D) Sheep meal
30. ______acts as nitrification inhibitor.
(A) Cotton cake B) Groundnut cake (C) Neem cake D) Mustard cake
31. cake can be used as feed for livestock.
(A) Cotton seed(decorticated) B) Cotton seed(un-decorticated)
(C) Castor seed D) Neem seed
32. Rearing and breeding of earthworms in controlled condition is termed as ___.
(A) Vermicast (B) Vermiwash (C) Vermiculture (D) Vermicide
33. Eisenia foetida is ___ type of earthworm.
(A) Endogeic (B) Anecic (C) Epigeic B) Endo-anecic
34. There are about species of earth worms reported in the world.
(A) 1000 (B) 2000 (c) 3000 (D) 4000
35. Lampito mauritii is a type of _______.
(A) Bacteria (B) Fungi (C) Earthworm B) Azolla
36. _ _____is a popular green leaf manure crop/plant.
(A) Glyricidia (B) Sunnhemp (C) Dhaincha B) Cowpea
37. Vermicompost should be applied B _t/ha for general use in agriculture.
(A) 20 (B) 15 (c) l0 (D) 5
38. All organic food is produced and handled according to strict rules called
(A) Organic standards B) Organic produce (C) Organic process B) None of these
39.______sp. posses ability to bring insoluble phosphates into soluble form.
(A) Frateuria (B) S Acetobacter (C) Penicilium B) Azotobacter
40. ______of the followings is a concentrated organic manure?
(A) FYM (B) Biogas slurry (C) Fish meal B) Poultry manure
41. ____is renewable nutrient source.
(A) Urea (B) CAN (C) Crop residue (D) DAP
42. Stable humus has a break down rate of _____ a year.
(A) 2-5 % (B) 20-25% (C) 30-40% (D) 50-80%
43. Mycorrhiza is an association between fungus and ____of plant.
(A) Stem B) Root (C) Leaf (D) Branch
44. The predator Chrysoperla is used for the control of
(A) White grub B) Helicoverpa (C) Aphids B) Pod borer
45._____is used as trap crop in groundnut and cotton for Spodoptera pest.
(A) Rose (B) Sunflower&Castor (C) Sunnhemp (D) Cowpea
46. Azadirachtin from neem oil extract acts as____ to manage insect.
(A) Contact poison B) Sterillent (C) Repellent (D) Fumigant
47.___is used to control powdery mildew.
(A) Sulphur (B) Nitrogen (C) Boron (D) Zinc
48. Trichograma chilonis is________.
(A) Predator (B) Parasitoid (C) Trap crop (D) Virus
49. extracted from citrus fruit peel used for controlling pests of animals.
(A) Pyrethrin B) Limonene (C) Nicotine (D) Azadirachtin
50.______bio-control agent is used for control of lepidopterous pests?
(A) Bacillus thurengenesis (B) Trichoderma viridae (C) Pseudomonas florescenes
(D) Verticillum lecanii
51. Kadiri variety of ______is resistant against leaf spot.
(A) Groundnut (B) Pigeonpea (C) Cotton (D) Castor
52._______variety of red gram is resistant against pod borer.
(A) L-603 (B) ICGS'IO (C) ICPL-332 (abhaya) (D) JI-144
53. NPV culture is useful for the control of _______.
(A) Aphids B) Hoppers (C) Whitefly (D) Spodopteta
54. Yellow sticky traps are used to monitor______.
(A) Boll worms (B) Borers (C) Aphids B) Termite
55. Azadirachtin is _______pesticide.
(A) Fungal (B) Bacterial (C) Viral (D) Botanical
56. Sorghum crop sown before end of June usually escapes attack by____.
(A) Stem borer B) Moulds (C) Shootfly (D) Smut
57. Marigold is gown as trap crop for the control of______in cotton and pigeonpea.
(A) Red hairy catter (B) Whitefly (C) Hoppers B) Helicoverpa
58. Uprooting of infected plants is practiced to minimize _______.
(A) Viral diseases (B) Bacterial diseases (C) Fungal diseases (D) Nematodes
59.______bio-agent is used to control Prickly pear cactus.
(A) Cactoblastis cactorum B) F. oxysporium (C) Siphamaidis (D) N- bruchi
60._______mycoherbicide is prepared from Phytophthora palmivora fungus
(A) Collego (B) Velgo (C) DeVine (D) Biomal
61.Wheat, oats and peas suppress the growth of-_____due to allelopathic effect.
(A) Chenopodium B) Parthenium (C)Cyperus B) Opuntia
62. _______ mycoherbicide is used for control of milk weed vine.
(A) Collego (B) Velgo (C) DeVine B) Biomal
63. Use of weed seed free crop seed is________ method of weed control.
(A) Mechanical (B) Cultural (C) Biological B) Preventive
64. ______ plastic film is used to trap the heat in soil solarization.
(A) Black (B) Blue (C) Green (D) Clear
65. _______ is effective method to control parasitic weeds.
(A) Interculturing (B) Rabbing (C) Crop rotation (D) Solarization
66. ______ is not mechanical method of weed control.
(A) Hand weeding (B) Hoeing (C) Digging (D) Crop rotation
67. Soil, water and food quality tests are done by -.
(A) Certification agency (B) Producer (C) Operator D) Processor
68.______is used as processing aid for drying/dehydration.
(A) Sugar (B) Jagerry (C) Salt D) Ascorbic acid
69. Dry fruit products have a water content of___% during storage.
(A) 2 to 5 B) 8 to 12 (C) ls to 20 (D) 2s to 30
70.______ is a government agency for organic certification in Gujarat.
71. NPOP is administered by _____.
72. ____ensures genuineness of organically grown farm products.
(A) Certification (B) Processing (C) Packaging (D) Marketing
73. INDOCERT is located at _.
(A) Bangalore (B) Chennai (C) Cochin B) New Delhi (E)Kerala
74. In India, standards for organic agriculture were announced in -.
(A) 1981 (B) 1991 (C) may 2001 (D) 2011
75. _____ is not the certification body for organic farming.
76. Buckwheat is a type of _.
(A) Tea (B) Coffee (C) Spices (D) Honey
77. ____ tea is fully fermented tea.
(A) oolong (B) Green (C) Instant (D) Black
78. Salts are dissolved in water and leached down in the deeper layer of soil is known
as _____.
(A) Percolation (B) Inundation (C) Absorption B) Infiltration (E) leaching
79. Addition of organic matter in clay soil promotes
(A) Bulk density (B) Aggregation (C) Compactness (D) Texture.
80. Robusta variety share _____% of world total coffee production.
(A) 30 (B)50 (c)70 (D)80
Some Releted:
➢ An adult animal can provid 35-45kg of meat after slaughter or death.
➢ Castor cake: 4.3 % N , 1.8% P , 1.3% K
➢ It has been estimated that India produced about 2.5 million tones of oil cakes
➢ The atmosphere over an hectare of land consists of 80,000 tones of N.
➢ There is a gap of nearly 10 M t between annual addition and removal of
nutrient by crops which are met by mining nutrients from the soil.
➢ The organic farmers can also use sea weeds and fish manures and some
permitted fertilisers like basic-slag and rock phosphate.
➢ National Centre of Organic Farming, Ghaziabad
➢ 1962, Rachel Carson, a prominent scientist and neutralist, published Silent
spring chronicling the effects of DDT and other pesticides on the
➢ Globally there are more than 60 standards which include IFOAM basic
standard CODEX Alimentations Commission guidelines, EU Regulation
2029/91, NOP of USA.
➢ Plant architecture is very important focus for farmers wishing to reduce
mostly the fungal diseases.
➢ Litter is the straw, peat, sawdust and dry leaves used as bedding material for
farm animals and birds.
➢ The N present in urine is mostly in the form of urea which is subjected to
volatilization losses. Chemical preservatives are used to reduce losses and
enrich FYM e.g. gypsum, kainite and super phosphate.
➢ RAW BONE MEAL - An excellent source of organic phosphorus. It
contains 3 to 4% N and 20 to 25% P2O5.
➢ Earthworms feed about 4 to 5 time their own weight of material daily.
➢ Azospirillum inoculation helps to fix nitrogen from 15 to 40 kg/ha.
➢ Beijerinckia : Its production is high in acidic soils. B. idica is a common
species. It is generally present in the rhizosphere of plantation crops such as
coconut, arecanut, cashewnut, cocoa and pepper.

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