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Current developments in measuring

academic behavioural confidence

Paul Sander
Using published findings and by further analyses of existing data, the structure, validity and utility of the
Academic Behavioural Confidence scale (ABC) is critically considered. Validity is primarily assessed
through the scale’s relationship with other existing scales as well as by looking for predicted differences. The
utility of the ABC scale is demonstrated through its ability to discriminate between undergraduate students
on different courses; between dyslexic and non dyslexic undergraduate students; undergraduate students
in different countries and undergraduate students of different sex. Changes in ABC over time are consid-
ered and linked to an over-confidence bias in students in higher education. Finally, it is suggested that the
ABC scale and a related measure, the Performance Expectation Ladder can identify and help teachers in
higher education understand students with low academic confidence who need supporting.

well as evidence that student ABC scores is

T HAS BEEN ARGUED that understand-
ing students’ confidence could be benefi- indicative of an over confidence bias (Plous,
cial to helping teachers create more 1993), some the implications of which are
effective learning environments for students addressed.
(Sander, 2005). Research has shown the Aca- Sander and Sanders (2003, 2006) intro-
demic Behavioural Confidence scale (ABC; duced and located the Academic Behav-
Appendix 1) to be a valid and useful measure ioural Confidence scale in the psychological
of students’ confidence. Factor analysis shows literature of self-efficacy, self-concept and
the ABC scale as consisting of four sub scales: self-esteem. The validity of the ABC scale was
Grades, Verbalising, Studying and Atten- originally assessed by comparing undergrad-
dance. Confirmatory factor analysis of the uate students’ scores from the ABC scale
four scale model has shown acceptable fit sta- with their estimation of their degree grade
tistics (Sander & Sanders, 2009; Sander and performance on the Performance Expecta-
de la Fuente, under review). Both these stud- tion Ladder (PEL, see Appendix 2, formally
ies show that working at the factor level can called The Ladder of Aspiration). Reanalysis
be useful in that some statistically significant of the data from Sander and Sanders (2003)
and educationally meaningful results have at subscale level shows that this association is
emerged with important implications for attributable to Grade confidence. This sug-
both teachers and students in higher educa- gests a rather less than convincing validity
tion which suggests that some reanalysis of measure for the ABC scale, but further
earlier data may be warranted. In this article research presented below is illustrative of the
the evidence for the validity of the ABC scale validity of the scale, but first, a brief consid-
will be critically considered and the utility of eration of the relationship between ABC
the ABC scale demonstrated through its abil- measures and performance is offered. If the
ity to discriminate between students on dif- Grades subscale of the ABC scale alone cor-
ferent courses, in different countries and of relates with anticipated performance, how
different sex. Changes in ABC over time will does Grades relate to actual performance?
be addressed, as will its link with dyslexia. ABC scores do not correlate with A levels
Finally, the usefulness of the scale in higher grades (Sander & Sanders, 2003; Sanders &
education will be developed and discussed as Sander, 2007) even when the data is

32 Psychology Teaching Review Vol 15 No 1

© The British Psychological Society 2009
Current developments in measuring academic behaviour confidence

reanalysed at subscale level. When level 1 Another measure that has been used to
summative assessment scores are correlated validate the ABC scale is Vinegrad’s (1994)
with ABC subscales using the Sanders, dyslexia scale. Results show that the ABC
Sander and Mercer (2009) data, Studying scale’s total score negatively correlates with
confidence correlates with overall level 1 Vinegrad’s dyslexia measure (unpublished
performance. Attendance correlated with data from the study reported by Sanders,
coursework grades. Sander & Mercer, 2009). Similarly, Barrett
These predictive validity outcomes of the (2005) found that dyslexic students have
ABC scale may say something about student lower total ABC scores than non dyslexic stu-
assessment but they are also very much in dents with dyslexia being determined by the
line with general efficacy or confidence Vinegrad scale guideline. Asquith (2008)
measures (Torrano & González-Torres, took these findings further in a robust study
2004) which, in contrast to self-efficacy meas- which compared three groups of undergrad-
ures which are the single best predictor of uate students: those without dyslexia; those
outcome (Klassen, 2004), have ‘limited util- who had been identified with dyslexia
ity in predicting task-specific performance’ through screening by an educational psy-
(Bong & Clark, 1999, p151). Leaving the the- chologist and thus were receiving support
orists to debate the relationship between effi- from the university for their dyslexia and
cacy and confidence measures (Bong and finally, those who were possibly dyslexic from
Clark, 1999; Bong and Skaalvik, 2003; using the Vinegrad scale as a screening tool.
Pajares and Shunck, 2001), there is still a The students in this third group were not
usefulness in working at person level rather receiving any formal support from the uni-
than at task level as specified in self-efficacy versity. Between the three groups, there was
measures. This is illustrated in the relation- no significant difference in Attendance con-
ships between ABC measures and fidence but there were differences between
approaches to learning, dyslexia and self-reg- the groups for the other three subscales. The
ulation in learning, all of which are evidence dyslexic students receiving support had
for the validity of the ABC scale. lower Grades confidence than non dyslexic
students. For both Verbalizing confidence
Validity of the ABC scale and Studying confidence, the non dyslexic
A deep approach to learning is related to students were more confident than both of
high academic self-efficacy (Ferla, Valcke & the two dyslexic groups.
Schuyten, 2008). Does the ABC scale relate These low confidence findings for
to a deep approach as a measure of criterion dyslexic students are in accord with other
validity? Berbén (2008), Sander and de la research. For example, Alexander-Passe
Fuente (under review) and Sanders, Sander (2006) using, amongst other measures, Bat-
and Mercer (2009) have found that the sub- tle’s culture free self-esteem inventory
scales, Grades, Studying and Verbalising (1992) in a London sixth form college found
show significant, positive correlations with a lower self-esteem in dyslexic students. Specif-
Deep approach to learning measured using ically, female dyslexic students had lower
the R-SPQ-2F (Biggs, Kember & Leung, self-esteem than male dyslexic students. Also
2001). As illustrated in figure 1, students’ using Battle’s culture free self-esteem inven-
academic confidence is conceived as a deter- tory, Riddick, Sterling, Farmer and Morgan
minant of student outcome, as is students’ (1999) found that dyslexic university stu-
approach to learning with these two vari- dents had lower self-esteem than non-
ables being inter-related so the significant dyslexic university students as well as
associations found between ABC measures showing less confidence in their written
and approach to learning are consistent with work and academic achievements at univer-
this model. sity. It would be interesting to explore gen-

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Paul Sander

der differences in dyslexia in university stu- (see Sander & Sanders, 2007; Sanders,
dents using the ABC scale especially as data Sander & Mercer, 2009), the Academic
from Sanders, Sander and Mercer (2009) Behavioural Confidence of male and female
shows that ABC does not correlate with self- undergraduate students was compared.
esteem, at least as measured by the Rosen- Sander and Sanders (2009) found that male
berg (1965) self-esteem inventory which in students had higher confidence than female
itself is not surprising as the scales are meas- students for each of; Grades, Verbalising and
uring different aspects of the self. Studying. Likewise, higher Grades and Ver-
Further support for the validity and util- balising confidence was also found in male
ity of the ABC scale in higher education students by Sander and de la Fuente (under
comes from the significant PhD thesis of Ana review), along with the contradictory finding
Berbén at the University of Granada in Spain that female students were significantly more
(Berbén, 2008). As part of a far reaching confident for Studying and Attendance.
programme of research on the process of Reanalysing Sander and Sanders’ (2003)
teaching and learning in higher education data which was collected in Induction Week
(de la Fuente & Justicia, 2007; de la Fuente, from new to university, level 1 students shows
Carmen, Justicia & Berbén, 2008), Berbén female students having significantly higher
found that the ABC correlated more with Studying confidence at the start of the first
aspects of student learning like approach to year of undergraduate study. Also, Sanders,
learning and self-regulation than it did with Sander and Mercer (2009) collected data in
students’ perceptions of teaching as would induction week from new students and
be expected given that the ABC scale meas- found no sex differences in the ABC sub-
ures students’ confidence, not student’s per- scale scores.
ceptions of their teacher. Specifically, The possibility that male undergraduate
Berbén found that all four ABC subscales psychology students have greater Grades
correlated significantly and positively with confidence and Verbalising confidence and
personal self-regulation (adjusting to goals female students have a higher Studying con-
and control of impulse) using the short self- fidence is in accord with other findings as
regulated questionnaire (Carey, Neal & discussed by Sander and de la Fuente (under
Collins, 2004, cited in Berbén, 2008), indi- review). Whilst the ABC findings are ambiva-
cating that students with better self-control lent in the direction of a sex differences for
have greater academic confidence. Berbén Studying confidence, sex differences in
also found statistically significant correla- undergraduate academic confidence are
tions between ABC measures and satisfaction worth exploring further (Sanders, Sander &
with teaching and with final results, not with- Mercer, 2009).
standing the earlier discussion on the pre- The data does suggest the possibility that
dictive power of more global confidence sex differences in ABC are less apparent in
measures. Induction Week before the students’ under-
graduate course starts, than later in their
The ABC scale’s power to discriminate first year of study when the Sander and
The ABC scale’s utility is manifest in its abil- Sanders (2009) and Sander and de la Fuente
ity to meaningfully discriminate between dif- (under review) data was collected. Whether
ferent student groups by level of confidence. this is a real effect requires further empirical
It has already been noted that dyslexic stu- data.
dents have lower ABC confidence measures There is evidence that students on differ-
than non-dyslexic students. Against a ent degree courses have different Academic
plethora of research that shows that the sex Behavioural Confidence levels. Indeed, this
differences manifest in compulsory educa- was part of the initial validation of the ABC
tion continue through into higher education scale as, following Sander et al. (2000), it had

34 Psychology Teaching Review Vol 15 No 1

Current developments in measuring academic behaviour confidence

been predicted that undergraduate students guage therapy students. These confidence
on a medical course at an East Midlands uni- differences are in line with the average
versity would have greater academic confi- course A level grades which could negate the
dence than psychology undergraduates at a frames of reference argument just advanced
new university in the south of Wales (Sander although in terms of age, aspiration and
& Sanders, 2003); a prediction that was route of entry, the health care students are
upheld with the medical students showing quite different which could be affecting the
significantly higher composite ABC scores ABC measure (Sander & Sanders, 2009). As
than psychology students (Sander & discussed later, the confidence of groups
Sanders, 2003; Sanders & Sander, 2007). atypical in entry profile needs to be explored
However, as Sander and Sanders (2009) further and compared to groups more typi-
note, the small magnitude of the ABC differ- cal by age and A level points.
ence between the medical and psychology Psychology students may have had lower
student groups, groups with markedly differ- Attendance confidence than the medical stu-
ent A level grades, is surprising and con- dents, but a comparable group of psychology
tributed to the exploration of the factor students had significantly higher Attendance
structure for the ABC scale. When Sander confidence than Spanish psychology, educa-
and Sanders’ (2009) data is considered for tional psychology and teacher training stu-
just the psychology and medical students, dents from the universities of Almería and
the medical students show significantly more Granada (Sander & de la Fuente, under
academic confidence than the psychology review), although care must be exercised in
students for the ABC subscales Verbalising, interpreting this as a culture effect as course
Studying and Attendance. The non signifi- confounds with country. Berbén’s (2008)
cant Grades confidence could explain the analysis of students’ expectations of teaching
small effect in the previous studies. and learning using the USET scale (Sander
The lack of a difference in Grades confi- et al., 2000), suggests that differences that
dence between these two student groups is are seemingly between universities in Spain
worth considering further. It could be that on the one hand and Wales on the other can
despite considerable differences in absolute be attributed to differences in sample com-
performance at A level, both groups of stu- position. What is clear is that the ABC scale
dents believed that they were working hard can discriminate between student groups for
and met their university course offers which Attendance confidence but the meaning of
is, in itself a measure of success, giving them those differences has still to be established.
confidence in their ability to achieve Medical students having the greatest atten-
required grades. The mastery experience, a dance confidence though, seems to accord
key source of self-efficacy, of the two groups with stereotypes of university medical training
was the same but the students were working as does a low Attendance confidence accord
against different frames of reference. There with stereotypes about Spanish students.
is extensive research showing the impor-
tance of frames of reference in the establish- Academic behavioural confidence and
ment of the academic self-concept (Skaalvik the overconfidence bias
& Rankin, 1995; Skaalvik & Skaalvik, 2002). Attention has been drawn to the existence of
Course differences in academic confi- an over-confidence bias which is detectable
dence were found for medical students who in students’ Academic Behavioural Confi-
had higher Attendance confidence and dence ratings. An overconfidence bias can
Grades confidence than health care stu- be looked for in absolute confidence ratings
dents. Within the health care group, housing from the ABC scale and less directly by look-
students had had lower Grades confidence ing for a drop in academic confidence dur-
than both nutrition and speech and lan- ing a course because, if there is an

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Paul Sander

over-confidence bias, then, in line with Attendance confidence of at least half an

regression towards the mean and with reality interval higher on the 5 point Likert scale
impinging on expectations, ABC scores used.
could be expected to fall over time. The Finally, Attendance measures have a
reduction in academic confidence over time marked negative skew. The skew values and
will be addressed first and then the evidence with skew converted to a z score in brackets
for an absolute over-confidence bias will be for the ABC subscales produced from the
considered. data from the Sander and Sanders (2009)
Zusho, Pintrich and Coppola (2003) study are: Attendance -1.4 (16.7); Verbalising
found that American chemistry students’ -.3 (3.2); Studying -.3 (3.6); and Grades -.5
judgments of their confidence to do well in (6.2). Due to the large sample size (n=862),
class decreased over time. Similarly, Sander large z values would be expected and thus
and Sanders (2003) found, using a longitu- significance testing is precluded (Field,
dinal design, that composite ABC scores 2005) but the magnitude of the z value for
dropped during the first year at university. skewness of Attendance against the other
Reconsideration of those data shows that three measures can be noted with the Atten-
there is a reduction in all of the ABC sub- dance skew around three times the size of
scales over the first year of academic study. the skew for the other subscales.
With a between subjects design, Sander and Another anomaly with Attendance confi-
de la Fuente (under review) found lower lev- dence is that, whilst the UK university sector
els of Verbalising confidence and Atten- seems to be experiencing a problem of low
dance confidence in final year students than student attendance (Cleary-Holdforth,
in first year students. 2007), very high Attendance confidence is
What causes high confidence in the first found, although being confident that you
place and what causes it to fall? Is it just a could attend is not the same as actually
regression towards the mean or is the teach- attending. This is something that warrants
ing and learning experience of the students further investigation.
causing a decline in academic confidence? In contrast to Attendance confidence,
Are our students too confident? Results from Verbalising has the lowest confidence score,
the ABC scale point to generally high levels although its average rating is still signifi-
of perceived confidence. Specifically, there cantly above the scale midpoint. As has
are three lines of evidence for this. Firstly, already been noted, male students show
the ABC sub-scale means have been found to higher Verbalising confidence than female
be statistically significantly greater than the students; a finding in line with the literature
scale midpoints (Sander & de la Fuente, (Sander & Sanders, 2007; Sanders, Sander &
under review), confirmed through the Mercer, 2009). The poorer Verbalising confi-
reanalysis of the data from Sander and dence of female students is something that
Sanders (2003 and 2009). However a signifi- could be addressed within universities, per-
cantly higher measure from the scale mid- haps through tutorials and student presenta-
point could be for reasons other than tions, although both are hard to offer to
over-confidence and linked to people’s use students in times of poor staff-student ratios.
of Likert scales. Despite data showing that academic con-
Secondly, the confidence levels for Atten- fidence statistically declines over the course
dance in relation to the other subscales have of undergraduate study, there is still evi-
been higher. For example from the data in dence that ABC measures correlate over
Sander and Sanders (2009), overall confi- time. Reanalysis of the data from Sander and
dence means (SD in brackets) were: Atten- Sanders (2003) shows that ABC at the begin-
dance, 4.4(.5); Verbalising, 3.2(.8); Studying, ning and end of students’ first year of under-
3.8(.6); and Grades, 3.7(.6) revealing an graduate study and at a third point at the

36 Psychology Teaching Review Vol 15 No 1

Current developments in measuring academic behaviour confidence

start of their second year, all four ABC sub- cant accomplishments. Bandura (1995,
scales significantly correlate over time with p. 13) notes that
the highest correlations for Verbalising and One rarely finds realists in the ranks of
the lowest for Attendance. That there are sig- innovators and great achievers … The suc-
nificant correlations is interesting as it could cessful, the venturesome, the sociable … and
be argued that there might not be a good the innovators take an optimistic view of their
correlation between ABC scores over time personal capabilities to exercise influence over
for two reasons. Firstly, at least in students’ events that affect their lives … such (opti-
first year of study it might be expected that mistic) personal beliefs foster positive well-being
the confidence of the low-confidence stu- and human accomplishments.
dents might increase due to the support of This is not a view that goes unchallenged
their teachers and the over-confidence that though. Beyer (1999) argues that self-per-
the majority of students have might be ceptions that are out of touch with reality not
depressed by experience. Secondly, Zusho, only reveal a lack of self-knowledge, but may
Pintrich and Coppola (2003) found that the also impede effective self-regulation and
confidence of those students achieving less goal setting in academic, professional, and
well dropped more markedly. Further interpersonal situations. Beyer’s data shows
research is required to explore changes in that American students overestimated their
students’ confidence. Students could fol- grades at all points in the semester. However,
lowed longitudinally through their and in accord with the male student ABC
course(s), with their confidence measured at Grade overconfidence already outlined,
critical times, along with their grade per- Beyer’s female students in Introductory Psy-
formance and other critical measures such as chology overestimated their grades less than
dyslexic status as discussed above, age and male students did.
socio-economic class, both of which are
known to be risk factors in student retention Students with low academic confidence
(Browitt & Walker, 2007) and thus likely to Two studies have identified a small number
impinge on student performance and confi- of students with academic confidence that is
dence. Another potentially fruitful research low in comparison to the sample majority.
avenue would be to contrast students on Sander and Sanders (2003) described and
courses selected for the very different entry discussed a group of students who had pre-
requirements. Some university courses take dicted that they would score lower than the
students, often mature students, from putative national average in their final
unconventional backgrounds like the health degree result on the Performance Expecta-
care students mentioned earlier. What hap- tion Ladder. These students, in addition to
pens to confidence during a course when the raising a number of concerns at their exam
student academic confidence norm at the board, had a significantly lower composite
start of the course is low? ABC score. Also, unpublished data from the
The evidence for an over-confidence bias Sanders, Sander and Mercer, (2009) study
in ABC measures from university undergrad- found twenty four students who had marked
uates raises a number of interesting issues. themselves at or below the national average
Klassen (2004) draws attention to the fact on the PEL for both the first and final year of
that there is considerable evidence of over- their course. There was no evidence that this
confidence, at least in ‘Western’ settings, to group differed from the rest of the sample by
complete academic tasks. Bandura (1995) age, learning style, dyslexia, or performance
presents the argument that optimistic effi- expectations for the year group measured by
cacy beliefs, if not over-confidence are nec- the PEL, but they did score significantly
essary for effective behaviour in contrast to lower on Self esteem (z=3.273, p<.005) and
realistic efficacy beliefs which hinder signifi- composite ABC (z=3.089, p<.005). It would

Psychology Teaching Review Vol 15 No 1 37

Paul Sander

seem therefore that these students represent opposed to psychology students (Sander et
a group notably lacking confidence in their al., 2000). Subsequently, Berbén (2008) and
own ability. There were significantly more de la Fuente and Justicia, (2007) returned to
females than males in this group (22 com- exploring the relationship between aca-
pared to 2, chi=3.191 df, 1, p<.05). Worry- demic confidence and student’s expecta-
ingly this group was also more likely to have tions of teaching, learning and assessment as
a poor outcome at the end of level 1, meas- students’ expectations are very much a part
ured by being withdrawn or with incomplete of the student characteristic in the Presage
assessments, or multiple fails, despite the fact part of the 3P model of teaching and learn-
that their average marks for completed work ing (Biggs, 1999). Figure 1, adapted from
was statistically no lower than those for the Zusho, Pintrich and Coppola (2003) sug-
rest of the sample. This suggests that these gests the relationship between student attrib-
students’ lack of confidence was unwar- utes and studying outcome.
ranted or that their mastery experience was In support of the predicted relationship
not building their confidence. between students’ expectations of teaching,
learning and assessment as measured by the
ABC and students’ expectations of USET scale (Sander et al., 2000), Berbén
teaching and learning (2008) found interesting and educationally
The development of the Academic Behav- meaningful correlations between ABC scale
ioural Confidence scale was triggered by dis- scores and students’ expectations of teach-
covering the appreciably different ing measured by the USET scale. For
expectations of teaching, learning and instance, students with low academic confi-
assessment held by medical students as dence preferred formal lectures and did not

Figure 1: The teaching and learning dynamic,

adapted from Zusho, Pintrich and Coppola (2003)

38 Psychology Teaching Review Vol 15 No 1

Current developments in measuring academic behaviour confidence

want student presentations. On the other to the next level of study. Although there is
hand, students with higher confidence pre- no evidence that the ABC scale can be used
ferred student presentations. However, the diagnostically, it can be used pragmatically
correlation coefficients were quite small and alongside the PEL to help identify and mon-
the sample size was large (n=2429); nor was itor changes in students. With this in mind,
there control for type 1 errors in the large the ABC scale, combined with the PEL has
number of statistical tests done. The connec- been used in students’ Personal Develop-
tion between ABC and students’ expecta- ment Plan programme. Students can com-
tions of teaching, learning and assessment plete scales such as these and share their
needs to be explored further to enhance our ratings with their personal tutor. Tutors can
understanding of our students as learners then become aware of the areas in which stu-
not least because it is consonant with current dents perceive themselves as having low (or
theoretical perspectives of the university stu- high) academic confidence. With such
dent in a learning environment. insights, tutors are much better placed to
help their students. Tutors may also like to
Discussion and Conclusions discuss with students seemingly high levels of
The research considered here suggests that confidence, maybe in relation to Atten-
measuring students’ Academic Behavioural dance.
Confidence can be a useful thing to do. The level of confidence that students
Notwithstanding the importance of efficacy have and the role that teachers and tutors
scales and their predictive value to perform- can have in building confidence in those
ance, understanding and exploring aca- that lack it is important. As Bong and Clark
demic confidence at a more global level can (1999) say
be instructive (Sander & Sanders, 2007), ‘Individuals with positive views of themselves
helping teachers to understand their stu- strive to succeed and overcome even the greatest
dents to enhance the teaching process, even obstacles of life. Those people with weak or neg-
if just through a psychometric profile ative self-conceptions seem … to fail to reach
(Sander, 2005). For instance, lecturers may their fullest potential and fall short of their
be unaware of the large range of confidence expected performance in the light of their objec-
levels in a typical class and awareness of that tive capacity.’ p. 139
may alter the way teachers approach their The poor outcomes of the under-confident
teaching. Further, knowing about the strong students discussed provide graphic evidence
tendency to over-confidence in student for this point of view. In failing to support
groups cold help teachers and personal such students, teachers are contributing to
tutors soften the blow of academic confi- the students’ poor outcomes.
dence reducing during the course. Indeed, The construction and validation of the
induction processes could even attempt to ABC was a product of research into students’
realign expectations to develop more realis- expectations of teaching, learning and assess-
tic confidence levels, unless of course Ban- ment (Sander et al., 2000). Berbén’s research
dura (1995), rather than Beyer (1999) is (2008) took this further, looking at additional
correct in saying that overconfidence is nec- factors in the teaching and learning process.
essary for effective behaviour. With a deeper understanding of the links
Whilst the data shows that the majority of between academic confidence and other
students are over-confident, two studies have facets of the student’s approach to learning,
identified small groups of students with very models of the student, the teacher and the
low confidence levels who are statistically dialectic teaching and learning process can be
more likely to have poor learning outcomes, further tested and refined (Berbén, 2008; de
not necessarily in terms of absolute marks la Fuente & Justicia, 2007; de la Fuente, Car-
but in completion of work and progression men, Justicia & Berbén, 2008). From the

Psychology Teaching Review Vol 15 No 1 39

Paul Sander

modelling to date, both students’ expecta- trol and Student Teacher Dyad, are com-
tions and their Academic Behavioural Confi- pared using AMOS, the latter provides only a
dence would seem to play a significant part negligibly better fit to the data. The greatest
along with self-regulation of learning and contribution to ABC comes from the Grades
whether or not they adopt a deep or a surface and Studying factors as figure 1 shows. (The
approach to learning. four factors shown in figure 1, of course are
Away from the applications of the ABC not directly observed variables but the aggre-
scale, there are a few significant and more gates of observed variables for greater legi-
theoretical points that need to be made. bility.) The fact that the four factor model
Research has suggested that the four sub- provides a better statistical fit to the data
scales of the ABC scale may belong to one of than a uni-dimensional model means that
two broader categories (Sander and Sanders, the four subscale scores rather than an over-
2009; Sander and de la Fuente, under all composite scale scores should despite the
review). The Studying and Attendance scales good internal reliability of the complete
focus on aspects of academic confidence that scale. One implication of this is that some
are substantially under the control of the stu- caution should be exercised with the results
dent, whereas Grades and Verbalising are summarised here that have used aggregate
more firmly a part of the teacher-student ABC scores.
dyad. If these two models, the original model For any one considering using the ABC
that conceives ABC as consisting of 4 factors scale, it should be realised that it was devel-
and a second which introduces Student Con- oped not as a general tool for use any higher

Figure 2: Path diagram for the four factor model

Quantities near paths are standardised loadings or correlations



Verbalising .37



40 Psychology Teaching Review Vol 15 No 1

Current developments in measuring academic behaviour confidence

educational setting but specifically for use understand any new scale psychometrically.
with the type of teaching and learning expe- Finally, if teachers need to know about
riences that UK psychology students specific confidences, for instance towards
encounter. As such, the scale may not be so statistics in psychology (c.f. Ruggeri, Demp-
readily useable in other countries, on other ster & Hanna, 2009; Ruggeri, Díaz, Kelley,
courses or with other teaching and learning Papousek & Hanna, 2009), efficacy type
modes. For example, students on art courses scales are the way forward (Pajares, 1996).
or science courses with studio work, lab work Those efficacy scales may measure Grades,
or field work encounter learning situations Verbalising, Studying and Attendance, in
that the scale does not address. Also, students specific contexts or they may be even more
on distance learning programmes, such as focused on particular aspect of the study
those offered by the Open University, also process.
learn in ways that the scale does not address
and the scale addresses things that the dis- Correspondence
tance learner is less likely to encounter. Paul Sander, Psychology, University of Wales
There is nothing absolute about the scale Institute, Cardiff, Llandaff Campus, Western
which could be adapted to meet specific Avenue, Cardiff CF5 2YB.
needs although at the cost of having to E-mail:

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cope: An investigation of self-esteem, coping and really? Educational Psychology Review, 15, 1–40.
depression. Dyslexia, 12, 256–275. Browitt, A. & Walker, L. (2007). Retention and widen-
Asquith, C. (2008). Dyslexia: Academic confidence, self- ing participation in the faculties of sciences and
esteem and support in higher education. Dissertation engineering, University of Glasgow. Sutton Trust
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42 Psychology Teaching Review Vol 15 No 1

Current developments in measuring academic behaviour confidence

Appendix 1: Academic Behavioural Confidence scale

Psychology Teaching Review Vol 15 No 1 43

Paul Sander

Appendix 2: Performance Expectation Ladder

We are asking you to look ahead to think about what will be likely outcomes for you
and your group for the next three years of the course. That is, at the end of level 1 this
summer, at the end of level 2 in 2005, and at the point of graduation in 2006. To help
you make this decision we have highlighted an average mark for psychology across all
UK Universities.
So using the table below, for each year please indicate:
1. What you think will be the average mark for your year group by writing 'YG'
2. What you think will be your own average mark by writing 'ME'
Grade Mark [%] End of Level 1 End of Level 2 Graduation
B+ 68
B 65
C+ 58
57 Mean for psychology
C 55

44 Psychology Teaching Review Vol 15 No 1

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