2020 - 03 - 21 09 - 36 Office Lens

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MHUTE VALENTINE NDI PHARMACY 2020 RESEARCH PROPOSAL TOPIC: Tpvestinstitl ie presen bod Siapiy ecotens Aureus and Eccheriohis Collin dairy produc INTRODUCTION: PROBLEM STATEMENT: ronment ) for Milk is highly a nutritious food that serves as an excellent growth medium ( provides @ conducive revs ea a wide range of microorganism, Milk and its derivatives are considered the vehicle of Spb ‘other dairy human infections and the enteropathogenic Escherichia col ‘The microbiological quality of mi it .d post-heat 1 contamination) of raw milk, the processing conditions and P tive psychrotrophs, products is influenced by the initial flora (initial tontamination, Undesirable microbes can cause spoilage of dairy products including Gram-neg@ fein st and moutds. The great concer to the public health is the contaminatio ynerichia coli T heagenic Escl coliforms, lactic acid bacteria, yea d Escherichia coli dairy products by enterotoxigenic strains these dairy products. For this purpose em contamination in some dairy products and to provide safety handlers or manufacturers of these products. There is misleading information in the con and storage of some dairy products such as nono, yoghurt and mandara in Harare Metra om the manufacturers without making provision for maintenances of optima st-production contamination which poses dang ‘of Staphylococcus aureus and strains of diart phasis will be laid on Staphylococcus aureus an smeasite aa a result of poor hygiene practiced BY 81” dition surrounding the sale politan. The vendors carry | temperatures and er to the public the products fr sanitary control. This predisposes these products to po health. JUSTIFICATION: RESEARCH QUESTION/HYPOTHESIS OBJECTIVES(MAIN/SPECFIC) WORK PLAN BUGDET

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