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Engineering Procedure

SAEP-324 30 October 2018

Certification Review and Registration of Project Welders
Document Responsibility: Project Quality Standards Committee

1 Scope ................................................................ 2
2 Conflicts and Deviations ................................... 2
3 Applicable Documents ...................................... 2
4 Definitions and Acronyms ................................. 4
5 Responsibilities ................................................. 6
6 Instructions........................................................ 7
Revision Summary................................................. 11

Appendix I – Welder Classification

and Performance Criteria ................. 15
Appendix II - Template Job Clearance Card .......... 21
Appendix III - Flow Diagram of Radiographic
Requirement for 1st Three
Production Welds ............................. 22
Appendix IV - Sample of Welder Registration
and Tracking Record ........................ 23

Previous Issue: 12 October 2015 Next Planned Update: 30 October 2021

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Contact: Megren, Abdulaziz A (megraa0a) on phone +966-13-574-4220

©Saudi Aramco 2018. All rights reserved.

Document Responsibility: Project Quality Standards Committee SAEP-324
Issue Date: 30 October 2018
Next Planned Update: 30 October 2021 Certification Review and Registration of Project Welders

1 Scope

1.1 This Engineering Procedure specifies the minimum requirements for certification
review and registration of contractor’s welders working on in-Kingdom or
Out-of-Kingdom construction project sites and fabrication Shops/Yards.

1.2 This engineering procedure does not apply to Manufacturer Fabrication Facilities
as defined in Section 4.

1.3 This engineering procedure does not apply to Maintenance Projects as defined in
Section 4.

2 Conflicts and Deviations

Any conflicts between this document and other applicable Mandatory Saudi Aramco
Engineering Requirements (MSAERs) shall be addressed to the EK&RD Coordinator.

Any deviation from the requirements herein shall follow internal company procedure

3 Applicable Documents

Unless stated otherwise, all codes and standards referenced shall be the latest issue
(including Revisions and Addenda). When industry codes and standards, or Saudi
Aramco standards are required for use by project specifications, they shall become a
part of this Engineering Procedure.

3.1 Saudi Aramco References

Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedures

SAEP-302 Waiver of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering
SAEP-321 Performance Qualification Testing and Certification
of Saudi Aramco Welders
SAEP-1141 Radiation Protection for Industrial Radiography
SAEP-1150 Inspection Coverage on Projects
SAEP-1160 Tracking and Reporting of Welding, NDT, and
Pressure Testing for Capital Projects
SAEP-85 Suppliers Evaluation and Approval

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Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards

SAES-W-010 Welding Requirements for Pressure Vessels
SAES-W-011 Welding Requirements for On-Plot Piping
SAES-W-012 Welding Requirements for Pipelines
SAES-W-013 Welding Requirements for Offshore Structures
SAES-W-017 Welding Requirements for API Tanks
SAES-W-019 Girth Welding Requirements for Clad Pipes

Saudi Aramco Form

SA-4758 Job Clearance Card

3.2 Industry Codes and Standards

American Petroleum Institute

API STD 1104 Welding of Pipelines & Related Facilities
API STD 620 Design and Construction of Large, Welded,
Low-pressure Storage Tanks
API STD 650 Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage

American Society of Mechanical Engineers/Boiler & Pressure Vessels Code

ASME B31.1 Power Piping
ASME B31.3 Process Piping
ASME B31.4 Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquid
Hydrocarbons and Other Liquids
ASME B31.8 Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems
ASME SEC I Boiler and Pressure Vessel
ASME SEC VIII Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels
ASME SEC IIC Welding Rods, Electrodes and Filler Metals
ASME SEC V Nondestructive Examination
ASME SEC IX Welding and Brazing Qualifications

American Welding Society

AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code – Steel
AWS D1.6 Structural Welding Code – Stainless Steel
AWS D1.8 Structural Welding Code-Seismic Supplement
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Next Planned Update: 30 October 2021 Certification Review and Registration of Project Welders

4 Definitions and Acronyms

Certified Welder: A welder that has a valid welder certification and approved agency
qualification card. A certified welder is only qualified to weld with those welding
processes, and within the essential variables, of the valid certification according to the
qualification governing code. Unless specified otherwise, the term welder shall also
mean welding operator.

Contractor Project Welder Tracking Coordinator (PWTC): Welding Inspector who

oversees the performance of all Project Welders and accepted by Project Inspector.

Contractor Welder: A welder working directly for, and under the supervision of a

Fabrication Shop: A facility with a controlled environment used for the fabrication
and/or assembly of equipment and structures such as pipe spools, pressure vessel, etc.
Controlled environment refers to atmospheric weather condition, established quality
system, and welder’s accessibility to welds joints.

Fabrication Yard: A large open outdoor area used for the fabrication and/or assembly
of very large structures such as offshore platforms, etc.

Field Fabrication Shop: A temporary fabrication shop set up in the field near a
construction project by a contractor to fabricate piping, fittings and/or structural

PIEU: Project Inspection Engineering Unit

ITSD: Inspection Technical Support Division

Welder Job Clearance Card (JCC): An identification card (Form SA-4758) issued
by Saudi Aramco Inspection Agency to contractor’s welders after verification of their
qualification card or certificate issued by a Saudi Aramco approved Welder Testing
Agency. The Welder Job Clearance Card will allow the welder to start welding in the
specified project within the limits of their qualification (See Appendix II). The JCC
contains the welder’s name, symbol, photograph, limits of the qualification, project
reference (i.e., BI Number/JO Number or Work Order Number), name of Contractor
Company and Saudi Aramco Inspector’s name and signature.

Maintenance Project: A project to perform maintenance work under a short form

contract with the maintenance department as the proponent.

Manufacturer’s Fabrication Facility: A facility engaged in fabrication of assembled or

sub-assembled products under a Purchase Order and monitored by Vendor Inspection.

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PMT: Project Management Team.

Project Inspector: Refers to Saudi Aramco Project Inspection who verifies project
quality, integrity and compliance with industry and international codes/standards.

Qualification: See preferred term Welder Performance Qualification.

Qualification Card: A photo identity card issued by an approved Welder Testing

Agency to a welder passing a certification test that lists all the welder essential variables
and limitations in welding. Qualification Cards must be carried at all times by the
welder, and must be presented for review upon request.

Qualified Welder: See preferred term Certified Welder.

Registered Welder: A welder whose certification has been reviewed, found to be

acceptable, and is listed in the Welder Registration and Tracking System established for
specific project.

Retraining: As used in this procedure, a welder shall require a minimum of 40 hours

of practice and instruction on the applicable welding process.

Renewal: A process of the reinstating the welder qualification certificate after the
expiration period or approval revoke.

Saudi Aramco Approved Welder Testing Agencies (WTA): Any agency approved
by PIEU to qualify as an approved agency for qualifying welders/welding operators for
Saudi Aramco.

Uncertified Welder: A welder that does not have a valid welder certification from an
approved Welder Testing Agency.

Unqualified Welder: See preferred term Uncertified Welder.

Welder Certification: Certification in writing that a welder has produced a test weld
meeting a defined standard.

Welder Performance Continuity Record: A record maintained to document welder’s

qualifications and his continuity of production welds.

Welder Performance Qualification: The demonstration of a welder’s ability to

produce test welds meeting a defined standard.

WPS: Welding Procedure Specification

WTS: Welder Tracking System

WRR: Weld Rejection Rate/ Weld Repair Rate

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Next Planned Update: 30 October 2021 Certification Review and Registration of Project Welders

5 Responsibilities

5.1. Saudi Aramco

5.1.1 The PIEU supervisor under ITSD is responsible for maintaining the
approved list of Welder Testing Agencies (WTA).

5.1.2 The Project Inspector is responsible for:

a) Reviewing welder certifications and issuance of Job Clearance
Cards prior to start of welding.
b) Monitoring the initial production welds of welders to determine
their ability to make sound welds in accordance with the approved
welder performance guidelines criteria per Appendix I.
c) Monitoring the contractor’s quality control program to ensure
welder certifications, registration and performance are being
maintained in accordance with the governing codes and standards of
the project.
d) Reviewing weekly welders’ performance assessment and revoking
JCC’s card for poor welding performance, as per Appendix I,
through PMT.

5.2 Contractor

5.2.1 Contractor’s QA/QC Manager is responsible for:

a) Ensuring all Welders are certified by Saudi Aramco Approved
Welder Testing Agencies.
b) Developing and maintaining a Welder/Welding Operator
Registration and Tracking Record to list all project approved
welders (Appendix IV). This record will serve as the Master List of
welder qualification and performance status.
c) Reviewing welder qualification to see if it meets project requirements
before submission to Project Inspector for issuance of JCC.
d) Monitoring the initial production work of welders to determine their
ability to make sound welds in accordance with the approved welder
performance criteria per Appendix I.
e) Designating a Contractor’s Project Welder Tracking Coordinator

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Issue Date: 30 October 2018
Next Planned Update: 30 October 2021 Certification Review and Registration of Project Welders

f) Revoke JCCs in conjunction with Project Inspector and PMT.

g) Performing monthly review on JCC status and availability to ensure
all welders working in the project are available and tracked.
h) Rating the performance of welders as identified in Appendix I,
Welder Performance Guidelines.

5.2.2 The Contractor’s Project Welder Tracking Coordinator (PWTC) is

responsible for the following:
a) Registering welders and tracking issued JCC’s, welder performance
and revoked JCC’s during project.
b) Maintaining a welder identification system and welder registration
records by utilizing Appendix IV.
c) Conducting weekly welder performance assessment and report poor
performing welders to Welding supervisor /foreman and QA/QC
d) Submit the updated welder registration and tracking record to
project inspection in a weekly basis.

6 Instructions

6.1 General Requirements

6.1.1 Welders working in construction projects and contractor’s fabrication

shops/yards, in-Kingdom and Out-of-Kingdom, shall be qualified
according to their geographical location: In-Kingdom Welders

Shall be qualified by approved WTA (NDT or Mechanical

according to ASME SEC IX). Out-of-Kingdom Welders

a) The testing laboratory shall be ISO 17025 Certified.
b) Conduct both Non-destructive Examination (NDE) and
Mechanical testing according to ASME SEC IX.
c) Welder’s qualification coupon must be witnessed by
assigned third party inspector through primary contractor.

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Commentary Note:

Contractor must utilize approved third party agencies

affiliated with OOK Saudi Aramco offices.

6.1.2 WTA is not allowed to qualify their own welders and welding operators
working in the same project.

6.1.3 Prior to start of welding activities, contractor shall submit a Welder

Registration and Tracking System to Project Inspector. Contractor shall
establish a welder’s performance monitoring system or welder data
tracking system to be used throughout the life of the project consistent
with SAEP-1160 requirements.

6.1.4 Prior to start of production welding, contractor shall submit welder’s

valid qualification certificate and/or welder’s performance continuity
record to project inspector. Project inspector will review all essential
variables to ensure welder’s qualification meet project requirements and
then issue a Job Clearance Card (JCC) as provided in Appendix II of this
Commentary Note:

The project welders in the field must carry on their original JCC cards
with PID original signatures, no scans or copies will be allowed.

6.1.5 The project inspector shall be authorized to retest or remove any welder
at any time due to unsatisfactory work or poor performance as identified
in Appendix I, Welder Performance Guidelines.

6.1.6 The Project Inspector shall regularly audit welder certifications to ensure
fabricator compliance with the codes, standards and approved Quality

6.1.7 All welders shall be qualified in accordance with ASME SEC IX,
AWS D1.1, D1.6, D1.8, API STD 1104, SAEP-324, and any additional
requirements mandated by the design code. This includes all type of
welds, such as tack, temporary and repair welds.

6.1.8 The first three (3) production butt welds made by each new welder, for
every qualification for welding process and material (P number), shall be
100% examined by the applicable NDE method. NDE acceptance shall
be as specified by the applicable Code. Decision path for evaluation of
the first three (3) production welds are illustrated in Appendix III.

6.1.9 The first three production butt welds will not be included in the project
welding statistics or weld repair rates for daily welding production

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percentage; however, it shall be included in the calculation of welder’s

performance. The percentage radiography requirements are as listed in
the applicable SAES-W-011, Section 17 and SAES-W-012, Section 16.
Each welder and welding operator’s work shall be represented in the
required selection.
Commentary Note:

Percentage coverage of welders may extend to higher percentage to

cover welder's weekly weld production, if number of joints welded in a
week are less than 10.

6.1.10 For tank welding, the first three (3) production butt welds to be
radiographed are the first 6 inch shot of each weld.

6.1.11 For Equipment (SAES-W-010) welding, the first three (3) production
butt welds to be radiographed are the first 6 inch shot of each weld.

6.1.12 Targeted performance criteria on Weld Rejection Rate (WRR) for

Welder and Welding Operator is 0.2% on linear method and 5% on weld
joint method, with linear method being the over-riding factor. From the
performance data the welders shall be categorized based on the linear
Weld Repair Rate (WRR) as detailed in Appendix I.

6.1.13 The result of tracer welds shall be included in the calculation of Project
Welding Rejection Rate as well as in the welder performance.

6.2 Construction and Fabrication Shop/Yard

6.2.1 Structural welders for structures in seismic conditions defined by

AWS D1.8 shall meet the qualification requirements of AWS D1.1 and
the Supplemental Welder Qualification for Restricted Access Welding
Test as prescribed in Annex D of AWS D1.8. Weld joints are identified
to be in seismic condition when production weld involves all of the
a) The weld is Demand Critical
b) The weld joins the bottom beam flange to the column flange
c) The weld must be made through a weld access hole in the beam web

The qualification of welders in accordance with Annex C is only

required when all three of these preceding conditions are part of the
production weld. If any of these conditions are not met (i.e., a
production weld that is not made through a weld access hole) this
qualification is not required, despite such a weld may be Demand
Critical. (See D1.8, clause 5.1.1).

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6.2.2 Welders who have been qualified in accordance with Annex D

supplemental test, have their qualifications valid up to 36 months
conditioned D1.1 continuity requirements been met. (i.e., the process is
used at least every six months). (Reference: D1.8, clause 5.2).

6.2.3 Welder’s Performance Continuity Records shall contain welder

certifications and previous performance history supported by a
permanent NDE report (RT or UT) confirming that welder has been
welding within the past 6 months.

6.2.4 In the absence of a valid Welder’s Performance Continuity Record, the

welder shall be subjected to requalification test and certification by
approved Welder Testing Agency.

6.2.5 Upon issuance of JCC, the welder shall be registered in the project’s
Welder Registration & Tracking System. Welders that have not been
properly certified and registered shall not be permitted to weld.

6.2.6 For offshore pipelines and structures, all welders shall be qualified per
applicable code and SAEP-324.

6.2.7 Job Clearance Card (JCC) is only valid for the job or project it is issued
for. With approval of the project inspector, job clearance cards may be
issued per contract number of the contractor which may involve work
activities with numerous BI or JO.

6.2.8 Job Clearance Cards can be withdrawn by the Project Inspector at any
time for cause if the contractor welder is not producing work of
acceptable quality. Withdrawal of JCC shall be done through Project
Management and once withdrawn, JCC will only be reinstated upon
receipt of written proof of training, and the successful completion of a
recertification test by approved Welder Testing Agency.

6.2.9 When the welder leaves or terminated, Job Clearance Cards shall be
returned to Welder Tracking Coordinator to update the Welder
Registration and Tracking System. Welders returning to work within six
(6) months (to the same project) may be reinstated without retesting.

6.2.10 Contractors shall commence fabrication in controlled environment shops,

and embark on one of the following options:
a) Contractor’s Field/Temporary Fabrication Shop.
b) Outsource fabrication activities at Saudi Aramco pre-approved
fabrication shops list.
c) Qualify new fabrication shop as per SAEP-85.
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Commentary Note:

Project Inspection govern the fabrication shops approval and deploy

project inspection model during fabrication course.

6.3 Sub-contractor Fabrication Yard/Shop

6.3.1 All requirements listed in sections 6.1 & 6.2 apply to sub-contractor
fabrication yards or shops that are located in-Kingdom or Out-of-

6.3.2 The fabricator shall maintain a welder identification system and welder
registration and tracking system acceptable to the Project Inspector
utilizing Appendix IV as minimum to follow. Welders shall carry an
identification card that includes a photo, welder’s name, company
identification number, and welder’s symbol.

Revision Summary
12 October 2015 Major revision to include the technical responsibility of conducting Welder Testing Agency
Assessment by Inspection Engineering Unit (IEU) to have high levels of project quality.
30 October 2018 Mandatory revision. Introduced a systematic approach to govern the Contractors’ welding
fabrication shops approval process. In-Kingdom and Out-of-Kingdom. Established a
systematic criteria for contractors welder qualification process, in-Kingdom and Out-of-
Kingdom, and revise Appendix I, Welder Category, exceptions, and classification.

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Next Planned Update: 30 October 2021 Certification Review and Registration of Project Welders

Summary of Changes Form

Paragraph Change Type
No. Technical Change(s)
Number (New, Modification,..)
This engineering procedure specifies the minimum
requirements for certification review and registration of
contractor welders working on In-Kingdom construction
and fabrication projects.
This engineering procedure specifies the minimum
requirements for certification review and registration of
welders working on In-Kingdom construction projects
1 1.1 Modification
including affiliated in-kingdom and out-of-kingdom
contractor’s fabrication.
This Engineering Procedure specifies the minimum
requirements for certification review and registration of
contractor’s welders working on In-Kingdom or Out-of-
Kingdom construction project sites and fabrication
2 3.1 New Added SAEP 85 in the refereances
Fabrication Shop: A facility with a controlled
environment used for the fabrication and/or assembly of
equipment and structures such as pipe spools, pressure
vessel, etc. Controlled environment refers to atmospheric
3 4 Modification
weather condition, established quality system, and
welder’s accessibility to welds joints. Fabrication Shop
requires pre-approval by Saudi Aramco Inspection
4 4 Delete Repeated defenisions of WTA are deleted
Submit the updated welder registration and tracking
5 5.2.2 d New
record to project inspection in a weekly basis.
In-Kingdom Welders
Shall be qualified by approved WTA (NDT or Mechanical
6 New
according to ASME SEC IX).

Out-of-Kingdom Welders
a)The testing laboratory shall be ISO 17025 Certified.
7 New b)Conduct both Non-destructive Examination (NDE) and
Mechanical testing according to ASME SEC IX.
c)Welder’s qualification coupon must be witnessed by
assigned third party inspector through primary contractor.

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Next Planned Update: 30 October 2021 Certification Review and Registration of Project Welders

Paragraph Change Type

No. Technical Change(s)
Number (New, Modification,..)
Commentary Note:
Contractor must utilize approved third party agencies
affiliated with OOK Saudi Aramco offices.
All welders shall be qualified in accordance with ASME
IX, AWS D1.1, D1.6, D1.8, or API STD 1104, this SAEP
8 6.1.7 Modification as required and additional requirements in the design code
if required, . This includes for all types of welds, such as
tack, temporary and repair welds.
The first three (3) production butt welds made by each
new welder, regardless of welding process for every
qualification for welding process and material (P number),
9 6.1.8 Modification shall be 100% examined by the applicable NDE method.
NDE acceptance shall be as specified by the applicable
Code. Decision path for evaluation of the first three (3)
production welds are illustrated in Appendix III.
The first three production butt welds will not be included
in the project welding statistics or weld repair rates for
daily welding production percentage; however, it shall be
included in the calculation of welder’s performance. The
10 6.1.9 Modification
percentage radiography requirements are as listed in the
applicable SAES-W-011, Section 17 and SAES-W-012,
Section 16. Each welder and welding operator’s work
shall be represented in the required selection.
For Equipment (SAES-W-010) welding, the first three (3)
11 6.1.11 New production butt welds to be radiographed are the first 6
inch shot of each weld.
The result of tracer welds shall be included in the
12 6.1.13 New calculation of Project Welding Rejection Rate as well as
in the welder performance.
Contractors shall commence fabrication in controlled
environment shops, and embark on one of the following
Contractor’s Field/Temporary Fabrication Shop.
Outsource fabrication activities at Saudi Aramco pre-
13 6.2.10 New approved fabrication shops list.
Qualify new fabrication shop as per SAEP-85.
Commentary Note:
Project Inspection govern the fabrication shops approval
and deploy project inspection model during fabrication

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Paragraph Change Type

No. Technical Change(s)
Number (New, Modification,..)
All requirements listed in sections 6.1 & 6.2 apply to sub-
14 6.3.1 Modification contractor fabrication yards or shops that are located in-
Kingdom or Out-of-Kingdom.
Contractor’s Welding Process Control Procedure
(Company approved) shall clearly state acceptable
Welding Performance parameters for initial and weekly
Contractors shall establish welder control procedure
15 Appendix I Modification (company approved) to govern the classification of
welders during the construction and fabrication activities.
The procedure, shall address the extent of working scope
to suit the welder’s classification category. (Reference
guide Appendix I – Welder Classification & Performance
Welder Classification & Performance Criteria
16 Appendix I Modification Established a systematic criteria for contractors welder
Category, exceptions, and classification
Introduced signature of Field Supervisor/PQL at front side
17 Appendix II Modification
and moved the inspector signature to the backside of JCC
18 Appendix II Delete Delete WPS No.

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Appendix I – Welder Classification & Performance Criteria

This appendix is a monitoring, and improvement process guidance for welder repair rate who are working in
construction projects and contractor’s fabrication shops/yards located In-Kingdom or Out-of-Kingdom.
Contractor shall establish welder performance monitoring system or welder Data tracking system to be used
throughout the course of the project consistent with SAEP-1160 requirements.
(Note for all classifications: Severe weather or other factors beyond welder control may be taken in consideration with
Saudi Aramco inspector concurrence)
 Max. 0.2% Linear Basis (Lr / Lw)
Welder Classifications A Repair Rates
 Max. 5.0% Joint Basis (Jr / Jw)

Classification Scope:
“A” classified welders are allowed to weld in all type of weld applications in project construction sites and
fabrication shops/yards, when required certification and JCC for the job are granted.
Qualification, Performance (Weekly & overall) - Weld Rejection Rate (WRR), Conditions & Notes

1. “A” classified welders shall be certified and obtain (JCC) card(s) as per applicable codes and
procedures prior to start of welding activities.
2. “A” classified welders can weld in any of the (A, B, C, & D) classifications.
3. “A” classified welders must not exceed the allowed maximum repair rate target of 0.2% linear basis
repair rate or maximum of 5.0% Joint basis repair rate (with linear method being the superseding
4. If an “A” classified welder exceeded the allowed maximum repair rate target, herein:
4.1 Saudi Aramco inspector may allow the “A” classified welder to continue welding in “A”
classification category for a maximum of (3) consecutive weeks, or for 10 more welds
(whichever comes first) in an attempt to improve the performance of repair rate. This is to allow
the welder to continue welding in “A” classification category, accordingly:
a) If the welder evidently improves his repair rate within the given time to equal or below
repair rate of (max. 0.2% linear basis / max. 5.0% joint basis); then, he may continue
welding in “A” classification category with closure supervision to ensure continual
satisfactory performance.
b) If the welder failed to improve his repair rate within the given time to equal or below repair
rate of (max. 0.2% linear basis / max. 5.0% joint basis); then, the Saudi Aramco inspector
has the right to revoke the welder’s JCC and stop him from producing welds on Saudi
Aramco projects in evidence of poor performance, or allow the welder to weld in a lower
classification category (B, C or D) providing welder meets classification criteria.

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4.2 An “A” classified welder can be downgraded and weld in any of (B, C, & D) classifications
groups if he meets the classification criteria without going through “A” classification
improvement process.
4.3 The welder may be considered a candidate for re-training and/or recertification.
5. During “A” classified welders who has been given 1 to 3 consecutive weeks or for 10 more welds
(whichever comes first) to improve his repair rate, the minimum percent coverage of the specified
NDT method (other than 100% category) may be increased (up to 100%) by Saudi Aramco inspector
to affectively monitor the welder’s performance improvement process (Reference: SAES-W-Series)

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 Max. 0.3% Linear Basis (Lr / Lw)

Welder Classifications B Repair Rates
 Max. 6.5% Joint Basis (Jr / Jw)

Classification Scope

“B” classified welders are allowed to weld in all weld applications, except the following:
o Hot Tap welding activities
o Dissimilar materials welding

Qualification, Performance (Weekly & overall) - Weld Rejection Rate (WRR), Conditions & Notes

1. “B” classified welders shall be certified and obtain (JCC) card as per procedures and codes prior to start
2. “B” classified welders can weld in all welds classified in welder’s classification (B, C & D)
3. “B” classified welders must not to exceed a maximum of 0.3% linear base repair rate or maximum of
6.5% Joint base repair rate (with linear method being the superseding factor)
4. If a welder exceeds the allowed maximum repair rate target (linear basis or joints basis); then, an Saudi
Aramco inspector may allow the welder to continue welding for a maximum of (3) consecutive weeks or
for 10 more welds (whichever comes first) to improve his repair rate performance in order to continue
welding in “B” classification scope, accordingly
4.1 If the welders evidently improve his performance repair to equal or below the allowed maximum
repair rate; then, the Saudi Aramco inspector can allow him to continue welding in “B”
classification scope.
4.2 If a welder failed to improve his repair rate within the given time; then, the Saudi Aramco inspector
has the right to:
4.2.1 Revoke the welder’s JCC and stop him from producing welds on Saudi Aramco
4.2.2 Allow the welder to weld in lower classification (C or D classifications) providing to
meet its criteria.
4.2.3 Consider him a candidate for re-training and/or recertification.
5. During “B” classified welders who has been given 1 to 3 consecutive weeks or for 10 more welds
(whichever comes first) to improve his repair rate, the minimum percent coverage of the specified NDT
method (other than 100% category) may be increased (up to 100%) by Saudi Aramco inspector to
affectively monitor the welder’s performance improvement process (Reference: SAES-W-Series)

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Document Responsibility: Project Quality Standards Committee SAEP-324
Issue Date: 30 October 2018
Next Planned Update: 30 October 2021 Certification Review and Registration of Project Welders

 Max. 0.4% Linear Basis (Lr / Lw)

Welder Classifications C Repair Rates
 Max. 8.0% Joint Basis (Jr / Jw)

Classification Scope
“C” classified welders are allowed to weld in all weld applications, except the following:
o Hot Tap welding activities
o Dissimilar materials welding
o Tie-In welding activities
o Stainless Steel material welding
o Category D Equal to or below -18C MDT
o Hydrogen Piping and Pipelines
o Category M

Qualification, Performance (Weekly & overall) - Weld Rejection Rate (WRR), Conditions & Notes

1. “C” classified welders shall be certified and obtain (JCC) card as per procedures and codes prior to start
2. “C” classified welders can weld in all welds classified in welder’s classification (C & D)
3. “C” classified welder must not to exceed a maximum of 0.4% linear base repair rate or maximum of 8.0%
Joint base repair rate (with linear method being the superseding factor)
4. If a welder exceeds the allowed maximum repair rate target (linear basis or joints basis); then, an Saudi
Aramco inspector may allow the welder to continue welding for a maximum of (3) consecutive weeks or
for 10 more welds (whichever comes first) to improve his repair rate performance in order to continue
welding in “C” classification scope, accordingly:
4.1 If the welder evidently improves his performance repair to equal or below the allowed maximum
repair rate; then, an Saudi Aramco inspector can allow him to continue welding in “C” classification
4.2 If the welder failed to improve his repair rate within the given time; then, the Saudi Aramco inspector
has the right to:
4.2.1 Revoke the welder’s JCC and stop him from producing welds on Saudi Aramco projects.
4.2.2 Allow the welder to weld in lower classification (D classification) providing to meet its
5. During “C” classified welders who have been given 1 to 3 consecutive weeks or for 10 more welds
(whichever comes first) to improve their repair rate, the minimum percent coverage of the specified NDT
method (other than 100% category) may be increased (up to 100%) by an Saudi Aramco inspector to
affectively monitor the welder’s performance improvement process (Reference: SAES-W-Series)

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Issue Date: 30 October 2018
Next Planned Update: 30 October 2021 Certification Review and Registration of Project Welders

 Max. 0.5% Linear Basis (Lr / Lw)

Welder Classifications D Repair Rates
 Max. 9.5% Joint Basis (Jr / Jw)

Classification Scope
“D” classified welders are allowed to weld only for the following weld applications:

o External structural attachments (e.g., pipe supports).

o Non-sour, non-hydrocarbon (e.g., water, air) services.
o Non-pressure containing welds and/or non-integral material attachments (e.g., Reinforcement ring, pad, or

Qualification, Performance (Weekly & overall) - Weld Rejection Rate (WRR), Conditions & Notes

1. “D” classified welders shall be certified and obtain (JCC) cards as per procedures and codes prior to start
2. “D” classified welders can weld in all welds classified in welder’s classification (D).
3. “D” classified welder must not to exceed a maximum of 0.5% linear base repair rate or maximum of 9.0%
Joint base repair rate (with linear method being the superseding factor).
3.1 If a welders exceeds the allowed maximum repair rate target (linear basis or joints basis); then, an
Saudi Aramco inspector may allow the welder to continue welding for a maximum of (3)
consecutive weeks or for 10 more welds (whichever comes first) to improve his repair rate
performance in order to continue welding in “D” classification scope, accordingly.
3.2 If the welder evidently improves his performance repair to equal or below the allowed maximum
repair rate; then, the Saudi Aramco inspector can allow him to continue welding in “D” classification
3.3 If the welder failed to improve his repair rate within the given time; then, the Saudi Aramco
inspector has the right to revoke the welder’s JCC and stop him from producing welds on Saudi
Aramco projects.
4. During “D” classified welders who have been given 1 to 3 consecutive weeks or for 10 more welds
(whichever comes first) to improve their repair rate, the minimum percent coverage of the specified NDT
method (other than 100% category) may be increased (up to 100%) by an Saudi Aramco inspector to
affectively monitor the welder’s performance improvement process (Reference: SAES-W-Series)

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Issue Date: 30 October 2018
Next Planned Update: 30 October 2021 Certification Review and Registration of Project Welders


1. Welder qualification (A, B, C, or D) considered during the time of the welding activity.

2. Contractors shall establish welder control procedure (company approved) to govern the
classification of welders during the construction and fabrication activities. The procedure, shall
address the extent of working scope to suit the welder’s classification category. (Reference
guide Appendix I – Welder Classification & Performance Criteria)

3. Quality welding procedure may state the maximum number of consecutive weeks given to
welders to improve his repair rate in order to be re-instated to the same category

4. Quality welding procedure may propose the amount of NDT increase up to 100% when target
repair rates are exceeded maximum repair rate subjected to Saudi Aramco approval.

5. Pipeline Projects using Semi-automatic / Automatic / Combination Processes may utilize more
stringent Weld Quality Guidelines than those listed for Manual process.

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Issue Date: 30 October 2018
Next Planned Update: 30 October 2021 Certification Review and Registration of Project Welders

Appendix II - Template Job Clearance Card

Welder Job Clearance Card

Saudi Aramco SA-4758-ENG (9/15) Required by SAEP-324




Welder Name Symbol Cert. Ref No.

Note: This clearance card is for welding on the above mentioned project only, and
may be revoked if welder's performance is not satisfactory. Card must be
returned when welder is removed from this project.

Field Supervisor/PQL JCC No. Date

Welder Job Clearance Card (Back)

PID Section

Cleared for Welding On

Material P-No's
Min/Max Thickness
Diameter Range
(Backing/Inert Backing)

PID Inspector Issuing Card JCC-No.

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Issue Date: 30 October 2018
Next Planned Update: 30 October 2021 Certification Review and Registration of Project Welders

Appendix III - Flow Diagram of Radiographic Requirement

for 1st Three Production Welds

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Issue Date: 30 October 2018
Next Planned Update: 30 October 2021 Certification Review and Registration of Project Welders

Appendix IV - Sample of Welder Registration and Tracking Record

(SAEP 324 Appendix IV- Sample of Welder Registration and Tracking Record)
Recording the
Serial No. Date of Last STATUS/REMARKS
Continuity Date of PID
OR Welder's Name Symbol ID Number Date of Test Continuity Record PID Inspector PID Signature Welding Process Material (P-No) Electrodes Position Thickness Range Diameter Range
Record (i.e. NDT Approval
JCC No. Verificied
Report No.)

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