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Virtual Reality

Virtual reality (VR) technology is evolving rapidly, making it undesirable to define

VR in terms of specific devices that may fall out of favor in a year or two. In
this report, we are concerned with fundamental principles that are less sensitive to
particular technologies and therefore survive the test of time. Our first challenge
is to consider what VR actually means, in a way that captures the most crucial
aspects in spite of rapidly changing technology. The concept must also be general
enough to encompass what VR is considered today and what we envision for its
Virtual reality (VR) concept: is a simulated experience that can be similar to or
completely different from the real world. Applications of virtual reality can include
entertainment (i.e. video games) and educational purposes (i.e. medical or military
training). Other, distinct types of VR style technology include augmented reality and
mixed reality.
VR applications:
Currently standard virtual reality systems use either virtual reality headsets or multi-projected
environments to generate realistic images, sounds and other sensations that simulate a user's
physical presence in a virtual environment. A person using virtual reality equipment is able to
look around the artificial world, move around in it, and interact with virtual features or items.
The effect is commonly created by VR headsets consisting of a head-mounted display with a
small screen in front of the eyes, but can also be created through specially designed rooms
with multiple large screens. Virtual reality typically incorporates auditory and video feedback,
but may also allow other types of sensory and force feedback through haptic technology
Also its most commonly used in entertainment applications such as video games and 3D

Why did we choose RV as a topic for our search ?

Virtual reality technology is beyond the current technology. It entered the new realms
stepping beyond the current technology. Common people are now able to access and enjoy
the benefits of VR technology. VR doesn’t get restricted within the tech enthusiasts. VR
technology has taken the tech world by storm and altered the expectations and imaginations
of the tech enthusiasts. Virtual Reality creates an artificial environment with software. The
artificial environment gets presented to the audiences in a way which encourages them to
accept and believe it as a real environment. VR technology creates primary experience
focusing on two senses, i.e., vision and sound.
Virtual Reality Technology proves to be effective by immersing the audiences or users into
the virtual world generated by the computer. Apart from the simple concept of creating an
artificial environment with VR technology, it will be helpful to learn and understand the
technology behind the immersive technology. Understanding the basic terminology of VR
technology will broaden mind and one can understand that VR is far beyond head-mounted
display or virtual gaming experience!
Virtual Reality simulates the vision with a perfect approach towards creating an impressive
3D environment. Apart from creating imagery VR experiences, VR technology completely
engrosses the virtual environment with certain other elements. The impact of sound perfectly
syncs with the visuals creating engaging effects. The users get assurance on the virtual
environment using a headphone and 3D sound effects. There must be a consistency between
sound and the graphics.
Shortly, rapid advancement in VR technology gets expected, and the expectation is high for
experiencing immersive digital experience. The digital marketers reap the benefits of VR
technology enriching the traditional modes of media marketing. VR tech marketing campaign
turned successful and is helpful for the companies in varied ways. The brands can expand
their reach and visibility. Beyond proving their existence, the brands can speed up their
trading creating a great impact on the audiences. The media and marketing world transformed
dramatically with the introduction of VR technology.

VR allows us to go beyond the limitations of physical tools to do anything that can be

computed. If you want to create a two-mile high tower made out of toothpicks, with
the help of VR you can do it.
The quality of learning will improve a lot. Practical learning is always better than the
academic knowledge and with the support of VR technology, actual exposure will
Surgeons can perform virtual surgeries for practice; pilots can feel the pressure before
actually facing it and much more. With this technology, we can learn from experts.
Concepts like a virtual library have already come into existence (EON Reality has
developed one), and big companies like Google are already seeding schools with
1lakh VR headsets.
With the enhancement in virtual reality, our life will become better. VR technologies
will make smartphones smarter, and many more smart tools like VR goggles, VR
devices will flood the market. With VR, we can enjoy history (which is boring
theoretically), can explore the space (from Earth), can see the surface of the moon in
3D and much more. All areas of our life will become better and more practical.
What are the biggest problems virtual reality can solve?
There're so many problems in our daily life virtual reality helps us to solve
them efficiently and safety like such as Traumatic Stress Disorder/PTSD
treatment, Pain Relief , Improving various skills, Distance learning , Distance
learning and training military and sports. Besides Some museums have
uploaded their collection of items on different virtual reality platforms.

Virtual reality can lead to new and exciting discoveries in these areas which
impact upon our day to day lives.

Wherever it is too dangerous, expensive or impractical to do something in

reality, virtual reality is the answer. From trainee fighter pilots to medical
applications trainee surgeons, virtual reality allows us to take virtual risks in
order to gain real world experience. As the cost of virtual reality goes down
and it becomes more mainstream you can expect more serious uses, such as
education or productivity applications, to come to the fore. Virtual reality and
its cousin augmented reality could substantively change the way we interface
with our digital technologies. Continuing the trend of humanising our

In addition, Virtual reality is the creation of a virtual environment presented to

our senses in such a way that we experience it as if we were really there. It uses
a host of technologies to achieve this goal and is a technically complex feat that
has to account for our perception and cognition. It has both entertainment and
serious uses. The technology is becoming cheaper and more widespread. We
can expect to see many more innovative uses for the technology in the future
and perhaps a fundamental way in which we communicate and work thanks to
the possibilities of virtual reality.

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