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i Mag ha AB ARAL Aon Daca Gas Compressors + 2 Mypes oF compressors 1D Recipwocating Dmry Me steady are, stay flow per ® ROTARY type AP =O, AKAD mich gives W AH a any enitoatie , teal g We - BR = - wc, (ry -1, = © c > 38 Tk. (# P Q w4 © met [ / ue P ny ve L J « RECIPROCATING =r @ Polytopic Process we marty (-n vy Pe Py dn | «work from contentional Piagram pisron Tr = Te —— Arca, WHE unaer a OV Wa = { pav Ws =~ (Vee we = w(Pve PM) KRM eats ‘ ee eT & Work from Conventional Diagram with Clearance 1-2: pV"=C compression Ltt 28 deliver ep 4 . ~ } -s expansions | au ‘intake b Wo Wai-2-— - Wa-a-5-0 = KV, fa) S ele ca he} et Ps P, 2 Pa & Volumervic Displacement , Vp = Area of bore 2X stroke Cy tp BO bere L> snore # Volumemic Effi oien ay Ye = capacity oF compnasee where atspacement > ow vo MULTISTAGE COMPRESSOR s on ‘ Jar t prc Pe and i ineemectiare prssure Wot 7 Wand > Wr = W, +t We 4] J * S STAGE @ t ol Do 3 LP compressor aM ign pressure comprsior eee P= Py Be * Py a a a) t= We same * Wop Wee + War Wascaee ave rae (8 Ye a 1] Poe eee ee & fe | xam ple 6) pouympic wih pvt = nooo) (age 7 [ (eesén ) 2) Teehua y> mT, 1296 fin (4103194 4) (200) © A cenrttugas compressor randles sco AYmin oF air ap #7 fo /in! and gore Te air & compared fo 80 Ib/in*. Ve ASH } Yer OAK. I te compression is poytopio win n= 132, soar ik tha nok 7 V = son Yimin se ot Tint B® sone T.* 20°F >210R + MOR, aK Fl « mer, me BY ae . (it 186tin*) (see #4 bin) (5:0 im (7 0) 22.65 Ibm /min £ (22.05 thm Jmin ZOSNG. 8B Som From wo Kha, 87°C 0 7a5 KPA- Compression and cxpansion are polyhrepit: N= 6BO- Find () ta work (0) the heat ryected @) te bore ana sme i — fr 18D 9M ana Lp = 140 Us 20m "fain A + OMA op, © EHP r= 37% > 210% n= 1S0%m tjo > #30 ce: sh We avy [7 yet me (&)* 4] = Goi imin) (00 mle (vse) [ / msKBB VES | 130 ieee) : j POE hee (ah) Pv, = MRT, m - Py RT . Vo + 24. 3em*/min — sin = oO. Kh Im )( ar. Bea? Innl) (Qt ig& )(210 ce ew (SD en = (0-743 We /Kg "0 On = - 0.24519 KT kg k Tee ee aN iE ~« hy (i * TeSuda \ BEI TSW \ “30, = 30% tooKPa Te > 499 67K —_—_T Qer = Mee (Aen) . (eso yxloin ) (-8:2050 5 [park ) (008.01 % - 510°) Qea > - 124. G6 KT/ma 3 seT 1 eee © sisteen 4g of air at 101.225 KPa and 71°F is compressed in? a 12 x Idan | reciprocating compressor with Geaconce BHM 1K IF fhe cetiey is token, attermine : a) volume ef the cet of expansion $) volume at me starr oF compression ) Actual volume oF air compressed ) work oF compressor Gin: m= WwKg &* on Pir 1or-s26 Kea L Han Teo ie c- Hy, P, * 400 «Pq a OF 3 (+32) Tt es x es a (11-82) Pv) = moRT, V= mer ep Xm = (Ws) ( 281-05 101d25 4 /m* Yr orm? eee Vo = 1-583 X10° iy Ve") CVo © (0:18) (583x107) fie a az x0 Tw | lcs | ; 1 ' ' ‘ , ’ ’ ® ® ® & « & & & & & & & & ® & & yre-e (B)* ' Bi atk 0 fs TF ot - only ( 4008! - so \uor- taf kPa ny = 0-167 —— Vy. = ¢Vo + Vo ~ -w > (2.22 mio tm? >) F L.see KIO Mm” , aon st We (Tet Gases x17?) ul 21 xi" m® Se 4) we “ew Lays -1| low cy] ae eo = 4.4 (101 325 KPa )( 1-21 X10 Ol (a Vea Wt -O-206 WT { set @ (Air at wl 325 Kha deamace. and 12% volumemic efficieny. If te sre ‘ iamoauced iar a compressor with 10. Iwom bere, 12% equal te me bore, aerermine : a) Final duivery pressure: 2) volume fe/ere syction ©) volume before expansion A) ec 1Ol- 228 «PD, W Y-Ve 4 Obie 0 ° €-24x © Air at 21°C and 101. 3KPa iS compremed in a reciprocating compressor with R% Cearance fo a delivery pressure of BOK. me energy required compress te air js 337.84S. The volume bere expansion iS 0-204 m* In he gree is equal fo tm be , getumine » a) te acta! volume GF air jnredueca b) Tempembutc oF ait after compression ©) mune a je gor e€ action sxe A) pore one! stone P 3 z Tz 2c sou Vo = V3 = o.20am” | Pye toh Buh ' F X : Vo = No! 1 Ge ive ; Pat 4g0KPa 3 Wr 331. BAS Vy > 0-155 (Gry) Vi =k 2655m? STA. MARIA A siege -adting compressor perares at ISO (Pm ith nial condition of air at 41-AKPO and 27°C, ant discnages the air at 5IQ Ma- The bore and smoKc ae SSS mM and ssimm, respectively with a percentage = dearance OF Kf surrounding aic ore at (COMPA and 200 whit compression anct expensico processes gre pV = c. geretmine ) Free air capacity b) Rewer oF compressor In KW ez Ne 190 rpwr Se — Pir 47-4 KPa Tr 21% nye P. - sPKPa . nw o.os ( SAK \ "> \ a9 fy = 0.4084 Vy = WW Vo > (0.9084) (s-u m* nin ) jm sta mth hoses (%\ (RY <= fe ram hein) yo YW W (a) Sm? frin ) (Oo iy } J a se We 4:41 on? Jain IPRPAAARAARREOAzagnaaueannepeuenuennunkthtaunwx«u MULTISTAGE Com PRESSORS + STA. MARIA © there are compressed 1.39m*/min oF air fom 26 T'S, J03-42KPq fo 827. Be Xia All cearances are 5% @) Find jhe isentropic power ancl piston aisplacemenr required for a single stage my. Using the Some dora, fied the minimum ideal work for wo stage compression uhun the © using fi 5 intercooler mols the air © fou initial fear. (©) Find the displacement of cach eysiaaee for we conditions of part (b) @) How much heat is ‘excnanged ix te intercooler ©) re an ererall compression efficiency of To, what chving motor eutput is eeqpirect” p= w/t we Kaur [7% = = = 03.0 kPa / ten Mi Ny ¥ We wy Ite - e(s It oO. fw = Vo > Ww is: Px 2 ey '* 0.08 - 008 ( ios 1207 33 mn? /mia 6.767 5 m3 /min —_—_—— Pa ? m (ey) we ame [(#)* a) rR LAP uss = [P1P, Woe a5 (EA ats) 202. S2KPQ © P= py st 2 (4103-42 YC 12 whi) ex Ir = = 2831.20 KI min W = -47. 24 hW HP SAAAAAAAARBR RRR meme em eee ek et pu = mar, ms Ay er, ° 1.) > (202 Wh Imin )( 10062 *5 ef £)(200.7 - 40: | & gompression syste vim intrevoling finally desicrs compressed air oe “ah 80. tars - ic at 26°C and 101-326 KPa enters the Lom Preysu’e compressor raving Zo Clearance. Dekemint + @) wlume at the start oF sucnin at LP compressor ©) hetual volume of oir compressed at LP compressor 1.24 X 1S.240m repeating ©) retval mass oF air ampressea at LP cmprcsso~ 4) Work oF Mo stage compressor. ee ee P= 8-Obors = gcpuPa c= 0% co = (02 (2.78410) Te 267°C 200.7K PLE 101. 825 KPO, Br 0.tS2¢m L= 0.1824 Vo = Pet _ Momzamy’ coset) 4 4 Vo = 2.18 X10 m? 2_——___-, mo (f\ or ore ( AMPA \ he Co <(%) . Toi 325 MPa pe = [Py Ry * 0.8486 pee Ose © [-Cio.e2skPa )(e0Kea), Pre Pe=P, > 284.11 KPQ oe (eo + Vo) - Vol ze as > Be XID” $ 2.78 KID WM — (2-76 KID"? ) 7 KID” ym® )( 0-240) : ID" m® )(0-@4A0) ae ue We 6.98 xD? my W = We -0. S24 ser@ © A two stage compression system is Prpesed in an industial plant. The air fo be inmocwced into he low pressure compressor jis at 338.47 R md 1. O1s2¢ bars. IF wm proposed final delivery pressure i$ 4 times delivers ie. Determine + a) intercooler pressure °) HP compressor work Oe " d) wore for two srage compression system, P= L01825 bors x ui P1013 T.= 38 47°R “pot 338. 47 * 2.4 Py = 408: S4Pq ay = ay" mrt ® x 5 [-(8)*] = Pr Va set © In a 8 stage compression system, 4.4ug/s OF air at 24°C and 104. 526KPa is initiany compressed isenmopicaily in the LP compressor. The intercooler between the LP and the DC mjccts 817. 74KW of heat. Determine = G) Pressure thar EMSs te IC ») Heat rejected in the inkroooker benwecl whe TC FHP ©) sir pressure faving fe AP compressor 4) he teomperoture asing te HP. compressor BV er wT 811.71 vt by Caeygis) (Coen xs /4g T, > WTbG K Tok \ 20Q) 208. 80 KN J® 7 , v i) O = me, Cts -Ta) Notes Tees By %)* Ts Fs Peo Pao Ps Px = ere, By = Pas Pe pbs ee m= Pe ies = 208. B1KN Im”) Py SY PR (101-325 Nt fm? )* = § [ (01.325 «Pa (261-20 fm)" Fe = 587.8) «N/m? Py 7 430.4 KP = Py —— > 12 aft Age Se (8) Neon k (2 wane \ Set 208 - Bawp, Ta 367 UU WK —a C7 (4b9G 15) (row? "3/56 K) (209K - UT. ole) Q > - 37.74 WrIs Q+ - 317.70 ww lr, Ps > 887.81 WN fn™ Tw. (%\ % CF) : BY tt i (#)* oe _. BL AN’ Ta 42D. G4 asia? = = =3 : GAS TURBINES OO pean tod BASE LOAD nM + gkM TIME Thenmal powerplant steam ( ign tear) ao ded ae rower outpur ee a BRAYTON CYCLE Je! OPEN CycE @e . _@ Weer iS FESPONSIbIe for = thasr! ash ec is YR» Wher = - Lv > we N+ © Thermal efficieng @ = W . 28. QutGe a a Qe Qa heh, 7 & (te -12) Qe smn = oO -T) * Ce (ty Tw) Ce (t2-Th) AFFFARPAPARP FARR RR RR eee ee ple Problem Quiz @) Ta 4a = 110% a a a a a a 3 sete 3 = = aS 3 a a A a Z Aa 2) Temp bere near addition by) yp +7 Vkoy TY, ™ Yr = ®, . is BR Te = 2h 7 | lm yt S eaiines) | (RY aa . — Ps ie { Ss BA0K ee @y [Te = sou] we mH ay > Las = [290% ) Cav «5 Ve * dd. wlu ego | a ven: T) » 2q°e Se 297K Ve 44 Ps RS Ors + ASDuPy We > hah Cp G.- 1) ~ wot eh ee T% em Teta 4 = aarw (4.0) T2 - 560. 85K a) We Ce is-T) < z Toe girs > To * Ge Tv = (to23K) 247K Te Ye Roy, . z P + - (SOBHK) TH Lg oe (Sar ) [ wr/g K We * 10062 (3523-¢1K- (8u6 IA ~ WUT. Te 45 4g + | Qa = Nerhy = Ce (Ts-h) Weet estior asy we YC 7 MSE Se Te Tir = (a008) (48+) tn , ; mo} «Tele Pz Goe )Cesu) T Ty 300K Ts > B07 74K Lees * (0002 «5 /uq K (107.74 - 542 as] Paes mnnw = eke ty) = 0002 5/4 ¥% (300 K- 723K) Qe TADS 102 v3 [Ma ©) We = e-h & ce (ta =r) = 10062 KI Kg K (42. y We = - 5 | lo = 24a 13 HS ug - 300%) A) We = he-hy 9 op (ts -t4)) S$ 0062 WH K (307-74 K - 2K) Wwe ~ 8-315 fug| €) Weer = We tT We Wack = 3A4 24 us [xg ree een er sit a a mw - | eS i UL UI-@® N | ome ae M = 18 ¥g min 4) Te? Pr 101-325 KR . t= 28% > 209K CS 3) Qa = Ws-he mee (Ts -T.) r BV op og (h)i = 2 ; Qa = 10002 KI Kg « ( DA TZ) (1649 a indo OIG. 1B WT /yh » OO 3 Ger hi * Ha = we,(T ~ Ta) Se bHG fenin (1.0002 us 14 x) (208K - WHS) == Go10. 184 KF ogi x Qe - 10 nw a) ewR = We We West Wa- Hy 5 Wes Ha- He = m6 (T-h) Ce CTa-T. The Brayton Cycle wih intercooling , Renearing , onal Regeaeronion 2 9 Pre & +B —® © PL = Py = Pq ae 2 Te *ts See Vw, d r ° ” We [> Weer Gin 4 We ine hace We Fhe he i * Ce (fa > Ts) + Ce ary) e = Co (Tate) vst absolve wae 2 ewe = me oe >| A simple Bayon cyen using air aS the working ad pas & peu 19110 OF 5. the minimurn ancl maim —perreteatures in te egeles oe BIO K and LOK. Assuming. me aaiabanc efficitnay of 15fo fer Mm compressor and x2 for te furbine, atetermine —(@) the ait FenPerture ar the purbine. exit’ Cb) the ner more cutpur —¢) fuera) efficiency Givens qt 8 T= SOK Nwo « +e * Wh “Nr * @2% Ty * B\% : > sera © An ai standard wmyton oye was air enter tue compressor ot 27°C amet OKA. Tre pessure yao 1 10, Gnd He maximum alowable femptrarure (nth oye is 1090- O° F. peering + B) PNT of cacn state in we eye ») We ) we ae ess \ : cor >» wn'c > BsOK% - es ee an a eee = ™ =o < tle o/s ae = 200«(10) : nh wet ~ia\e Bem fe 9) < me, 00K 2S. 16 fie B. Paice a he Te ts Te. (en 8] We > han hy Ce (ta-TOD = 0062 us /KgX (57a-10K - 300%) We = = 280.92 «5 /K9 We = hgc hy => Op (Te-T,) = 10062 us ug K (i350 K- aq 234) We = 54. 8D HT/Kg \ eto 2 te oe ce aoe Co 7, Waer Onl same WM Ge Qs Yep RP PBA BPP F PRP RPP RP RB RP Pee eee ee eR Be © I an oie standard poybn que, wig /s oF air at 29°C and \Ol. 225 KR Cheers the compressor. The proclucts OF combustion leaves the turbiNe ar yar TF the compression eario 18 AS, Aeremine 2) T, © ona volume of air bere went ectstion %) @& ©) cyte worn 8) Tintermestinne Gi: ne Seugls T+ 20% 302K Po 10l- eas KPa, Fas atte 7 10K ale a AP = Rysm = tongs ua (BEA Oy 202% Po = 2968. Te KPa Ha-e Q. = Kehe * m Co (t9-T2) 4 SOB (1.0062 15 ag x) (To - 149. 18K) Te Op oa fun TOK (23.28 ) Tor as ata, = SUK/S (L002 KS Mnf K) (1848.41 = 743.18 «) fon = caeae. te «w | Weer = We t We MCp (Ts-Ta) F MCe (i -T2) seighs (veer Ks ign) [ (gad.aik = TDK) ¢ (gorK= 749-84) | Wet = BO52G- 27 45 (My S Wret * SBS26.27 KW i oc [Tor + 10.48 A fn ideoi sroyton cyete wih egeneaion ves a presturt vari oF 10 ‘Air canary the compressor ar 00K ancl tw turing Gt ROOK. If the e frectiveness OF He eegenemir 1 0% guermine oe wer Qe = BOL KT/Kg 382. TAWRS WS /*9 @ = slay A Brayton aycte sith regeneration wting aie as Hu wirting fluid was 9 (he Minimum ana maximum TCMipeamics in fe Cycle awe. SIO ond USD. Adtabaric efcienay = 1576 for the compressor ond 4 Aare anh €2 Yo for tee turbine. Determine He regenecotor 2) air teumperamre at tu fubine exit pressure vario of & for He ©) net work ©) rawrmal cfFicienuy ¢ : te (fe -Tg) > Tse Te Ts * TecTe pte even: Th 310K he = 0.18 ats *? Ta USK re = 08? ©) Wer =? er 8 Mrs ows : Pee Beg oe t ne ele ts | 27 11% oni is = so (s) The Sselssk =a = n+ Ta Te —— ee = AMD COME = tet Me a Wer tw 2 Wee Ge (eT) + 0.82 (10062 KI 74g K) (SOK ~ os+l- 65%) Wes 425-0 Weg BGS Soe Cer. Wiseas it Me ce (m= ts) Ur 1ep G2 AF ag & (OK ~ sH-5FK) 0-75 We so 557. a8 arg & Weer = We t We = fas: 04s MG ~ 307. 4 45 jug Weer = 81. S245 [ug 81. 25 US /Kg LOOG SG KC UIE = 602 1aSL)) 2a GD bie emers a wo Sm compressor of a gps turbine at ICoKRA ard 20°C and it 5 compessel ( WOOKMA. The iner ramp to me 2 SPIE turbine i> 100% ara a pegenctator is aso used. 4) work Inout 8) tmewal. oF ©) back wom @rio cour, Cy 20% 2a K, a Pa > B0OMrE Te = W000%e -» 4) Worn input > We boGe2 us (Kg K (209K- S1g.47%) BSA US /4Q x 2 172. «3 [ug =a ef > os Sa a a) ss me We - Me Hs we MoH, 7b mC, (T-T,) = axis (+002 W/W K ) (2073K - 1,4) i00 ne) (ABBKPA Px = soDKra wh < (ey = het (F 2 > 407-4 4A, y = sts pe % The Tre vsia ow - + pre eee BBE PERE RRR RRR eRe RR Re eRe Wes Hy-H2 = mee (Tt) = 28g/s (0002 15/05 )( 29K = 407.04) We © 22 wUT/s > —22V-1GuW x2 Weer = 2241 BO AW - 42. 3200 Weer = 80S su Kw | ~ Qe F Me mts = mCp Cet) = 2wgIs (rome «6X (2078 - 1514-5) Qe = 1123. 4B uw | 401A eye Cy Un ss + ang /s Cvooee ws 74g x) @O7SK ~ ast SK) Qa < (230K x2

oat off rario: ¢g = h “(ay ly fi: & (gy iotavie Tet (ee) Val ADR BRHF RP RBBB REBERFHHRHBR RRB ER RRR BRB BS Zz ENGINE PERFORMANCE Tnaicared wor, pane Combined [We “Te C = Ml ‘ a ECE a a oF 7 Bro KW Pai + wean indicated cFeaive pressure L. > lengyn of stmt A = Gea 0f bore. N > 2% no ot diagrams x cpm 2or4 aot, SA SteKe Pui = acta ef carey _% Spring Saale length of carcl = ae = Theemal efficiency , € We . We = = We + We é = & Qo" = a“ = \ inaicored thermat effi oncy, Ee > geal onergy corgecl against the system Wp = mass of fret Qa + heating value of fuck + Engine efficiency , t ayole work To owe -% w w * Methanical efficiency , 7, = We We + Geneeator efficiency, Ten = We w Db Wes Pa» LAN => Bhe X= Pay Ve Bre = 2TTa Too Toque 1 rpm CECCTCTRRF ERR RRR RRR Rae eee | nil Se SAMPLE PROBLEMS FoR QUIZ S oder, 2.5L SE engine operates on a four sexe air standarcl engine nas a compression aro OF © and a srove OA woe Otto aycie a¥ S000 “PM the to wore eotid OF Lo2s. THe heat unig, combustion ie Maz MS © AY the St of compression errole, coraitions in wwe cylinder combusrion cnamber “are ioDwPa. andl b) mass of aie vefore Compression WO" Determine —o}) the weort T Srvoue cevion_¢) net wor © cuoronce vowed) pressure eRIOFE NED! a Quer + 9.402 WS | 4 ie | | [oa er 2s Ge \ ; L> 10268 . w yO eo cbt We Vb 1+ 260 C+ Ole = (D-Bls ) (02S can vy Pv + wT, Y= (Vp Vo mn PM VY > 82. 250m + Gasem? ev Vi > 01-2500 —» 1.0725 x10“? > 10X10" Wied (10125 x10?) (256-9 Mw(/ng W) (oan *) iy Ee ™ )~ TAD X10 Ret % «1 Ty) : Q@=mey (is- wt The Tit Ts = SEGAIZAL. O2K Eats confidante gg Rae es & TOP > Ty” Ty * (Boleeit 241-62 to Ta > 15404779. 78% nee necetnalea RARE PPP Pee ere nn ne eR Re PsVs = mets ~ Pr mete ti = 1.09 x10" Wh (297 06 T jy xX) (seet24L vr) £225 K10 « m*" Pye AAT RID NJ mt MOOG -7%, \P, = 240207 1 — wr Qa t Ge Qe mey (Tat) @Qr asr 4 aploder cr engine itn 8% ceamece hos ib LO! tor ond 25°C runs at sccoupm. iniria) conditions TL mecwanicar efficiency, 03% boKe efficiency, 1S presute Mato and IM KPa mean indicetedl pressure Analyzing & singe ayiinaer , determint, ay ceorance voume (9) indicargd wom (€) vrone werk (8) wyele work €) compression rarto e woe, ry C.°h Wee 2 2 2 Vi = Vy — | Ve / c 4 . 4 as ome | Ve { l es UH rv Given BSL, 4 aglinder B bis > is Tse c+ Rae w Pre 1-Olbar Po = T+ W14KPg Ti? we 20g K “Im = We = we Ms G7, “ 4) Vy DDD Vo > W= Paddy KN oe Ve Vo sts (oy MeO, 4 STA. Macias. © An Of cyoe operates on 0-1/5 Of air from 1 Pia | BOF ay tee glaring OF compression. Te vempesanine of we tod af compstion is 0x0 °e rio is ss. Compression Keb. Find OK, HG, es re, Ce ond Pr () Or, Qa WRE and we. cuiven We = Ollb/s K-L> Po = ¥ Iby fin*® T, = (30°F + sa0°R Te * s000°R mess Ws Tin — hoe ht . \ 0% Tes SAM R59) Poaeare | a sale it 7 NA zatby fin” ( \ age. ans } > WS. a4 Iby fint | | 2008-20 (15 \by BR) (s90%e - 208 ozew/s COLCCEE LEE IEE LEU id © tre conditions ay vegitning of compression in an orto ceaine openrieg in ver - aie win Ks bh Ore ol. aHfa, COBB M™ and °C. We cHaKe is 10% and BoM are added (ir OXE: Deawine (Ne, fa, %5,, Fe jim oat ee yw) G)e ona f. iten we isd Py 101 3K We * OORBM Le T7207 Mw c+ 010 Q> nous (198.284 205 «) ele ye thon) P2= 28ig 0S KPa i ay 7 3 i Te . ce > Ree Sm ‘ = ee) + een. 24K [Rapa] ens PMs me = m= RM ioLeKeq (2:0s6m") mi 2E1-0aT (Gk (305.0) eT, m > 0.04344 vg Py t fe (8) 281% .OS WPa / re 2 Vee. aa [ts = 258-35 un ed .-) aA 1. to (va) () S Sy oar SEY -¢ tes BS _ _wo2e.a3x . ae u Tus ass. 23K Tas ass. 33) . —— —— Py Ta 2 1O\.auPa (avs. 2 : {is a 1%] ' sos X ae we Q& +t Qa Qa = mey (te-T2) “ =e 287.04 5/ug MK < a Tn oe. saa 28 5/Hg K * PORDAS ( wat 9.5/4 n)(lOr8- T3K% ~ ee 244) Qa > 12601. 51 wT Qe -*@0H - mey (14-11) ~~ (OAS UG ) (ead. 36 F/kg, 4) CaSS.25% ~ sos) Qu = SSI. 385 ww 3 eS Seal a. Wee ozs: Bs — = PRIA 12.6 Kr 0-086" gat Ko im? Pas 4 ca et Pe Ope © 20 Hs of aie at 26°C is iomoceed jw ke CE engine vith UT%e Pro caging citiclemey grey sI-W%Ze etal cAFicienay. If the cat off eatio (& s.og, determine (2) percent gearance , CX) amour of heat aoded (uw) CQ amount Ff heat rejected A) Brake work Given m+ 201g /s T= 20°C ~ 203K or elf C+ stihe bo. “e Vu 7 We a2 Vy t+ ot ve ~ Tat m& (1 : = Leng) wave crt _ i Bucs ta = 246.344 ot re 2 C= 0-064G% | f fo + Te Gos) {s + 643 -saK (5.08) Ts = 2766. 84K Oye wee Us-T) + ONG IS (10002 us is) (27. BQ eae SAK) RAAF AAA ARERR Aaah aa ®D Ab wom vu wom , four sinder oiesel engine wlth 2% earonce epesaes ay secorers at 0.0% 49/5 of ait fuel mixed. Tre highest Tmrerane WAS founr to te eMC AH Ge Geemrnt ae cal OF Fuad Ceerion Gc: fm indicated engine esticioncy is TRIS and tue medvaricn efricieny & 62% , Find 8) cycle thermal effi cheney 8) mean indiaaret pressure &) wear addect @) BmKe — wor fa =Ps <) yd work We Vay Given 7 87 Oem oe a | : “| 1 > BA oo | /\ ead "lm * 8270 7 2 . = 2h O12 ; \ t/a on ih tar 0.08 9/5 Nee | 3 ' lo is * 210°C > 2u83K 290K Vo > TOL a Vo > % 1044, Soom” —_— = Vo = 0-2 (1049. syom?) PAV) = RT Vo = 131-94T210m* yt Wo t Vo ’ Vy = laa Tzom? - aA. Som? fe = Trek Vt 1231. Stom™ od Ts (Vs In. % a. f, (1-004) K5/hbx) (2065 - 130.514 & (4) oe + 0-8 Hb ( x) ( as Q. > BAAR ww | Is7- IM qs We 7 a ene 0.1186 2aax (2-07) Qe + = (0.0845) (rempey «5 /vhA) (1995-86 - 209) K Ts 184580 4 Qe + pepe uw 5-24 wanna We = $3-MBAKW 20s = SéAIeA KW JB OSE KIS ™” eee 1m = We oe We = ay We ss. 25sew (0-82) 4d. GT KW) ] AACE TIA. H © REVIEW PROBLEMS Given: Ks va Find hes ye Ys on? Ks ey = SAS pia ry Ty * o'r dje Gat so o\ ©)Pm SU0 R «(18.25% fin") (ote®) + 2.10182 x10 ben (55-342 asl /tom'# )(svor) et M+ _0- 8071 Iba Qn © mez (ts -2) > ot e SC ert = guonage lost [tom “1 ch © aA : & & eG : \"svoe ) w cs Q@ 2B Wee 0.2214 (sA6 erp) er ws. 24 ow x TBalthe (eno We WA4O. 2036 toy ft : 14a Alby Ld ie ae ee > 292i. 89 thy /A* » = (aq re? ee Pm tole t tbe/in® | © ciew c> sh Gx NWOTA Find: 0) Pv,T at enen comer a = ew 5 wo ust Tie too.s6ue ; Tht Ce wok a) ee ry i | 3 aN | PS | SS. ; ——= ¥ ae OL OSH bv, + oaRT, cn i os Ve WARE 0. 2th (287 083 OF 3 Se, r aah . — ~ wt te = 9.2060" BF anne | saU.eK ks a) say (aett oan 0.1 } eG wt ow Ta * alo. 1K (181) ie meray. | Bou 20% Is mY" % (a) Ta Qk = mey (13-12) neo Man cy . 267 ORT My K O39 : § Bh sau.3t oa + ae C RIS WD) (arena dW) ms m8 ub #) et eT K | 1.47 Pa> 11. G4 KPq | v we Qt Qe Qe + - Cy (t-Th) = 7 0749/6) (0-897 5 Hq x) (2-4 u~ 400-1 Gee ~ 57-31 KW 7 w s2.uau —_ cc cw) W = 52.64KW Wo AW CLUCCL ELE te @ me taear vieses ee Tor ah PS AT AKRa, ese say ve heh, vo ryote ¢ Wes wen c + O.oNM ¢ ce eye Pl fo (a) = ara KPa (siamo) |r > 5389.04 ula site Ha OCHO) Aue of KF TH, Kee IS fied Pe. anc wrise ff *, Ps vi V > Vy BoM mec wo OM oe M \ w « + 0.5204 PYM (Fe -0) 1 m4 AG 1) way F B-s2a4 (st. 09 ug) (#1 -| iseregst pant) ~(na8-) CE 5 — [ro « @O\ -va KPa GOUCCCOECCE ® Im an idech Views engine complession is from WT pia » gO" , L456? © SCO psig, Then We BIL /eyde ave addecl as wear. Finch a) Ta Ve, Ts Vo, Ta and Pa )w > P oe 7% 7 8) Pm riven | a weypsta = Pe co T, 7 80% > BIOR : Vt bap itt Fi sors Ga > Wem > 12450. Su Mlbe . HL (BY as 7, (BYE + won (SORRY 1 (F) wena) (ie “esi Tr = WA. R boat is A - Vt fone] bw ve 2 mp (Ta-Tr) PM =F RT _ /\ fo® ape (aain® a Ev peal Utes) - 7 277 x10 then fF fia” x As er (55-3804 oe) ( iK {fom = Ft, Ts > —r+h mee of Vo * 2 xVe word _ ae - eases r WTA aR = eA E (o.u62it) (o-10sttb4) (0-246 /Weai) WIR To > 2UD AUR S00 psi aueaee ( 8B4.4aQ we & t Ge Qe -mcy (m-T) w= (o.vstlom)(o. m4 BY Mb @ )( 89-448 - SAR) Ges - 62> BU Wo? 4.64 BD w 4.6481 a ae = 0.6056 . Qn (ep le 7 0-50 | w wt : TO Fee Vo VoVa Farr? g.usest Pon 2 136994 BRT /H® x (e = 34. 63 thy Jin STEAM TABLE F MOLLER CHART cemrvacrs. on freezing sens vapoe line vapor Xx > aa y > yroisture peo pie D) Vapor region > 2) 2-prase tegior/syieom WSEAS pte / t kx Wa = he hg « f{ Uy 2 Us tw pia chy s ae Sy + SFY Sty Woe xy 4 Msg gr fii (v3) he + ylesg ho* {hg - yhg + yhy ©-© + sc expusion @® ~ pre heat eejection @® : sve Qe pac Ger Po Quiz x cot b © 2 Wy of steam at ss MPO ard 280°C enters we steam turbine to expand ID 25'Pa then fo L-BIARA alterunicm it IS feheatec| and Fe enter, te steam turbine at 300 - 1 further exfonds to MPa and tht te 'O Mea wee if is teneatecl 10 mo. 1 ce enters ME Beam twine and ENS until O-aMPa. iF the codeficer pressure i 0.20 MPa, deeming a) Qy ) Qe1 9) 4) e+? fe >Pa Pe

On tO Dae Qa = hae We Bas * a KCL @ pump. HAMA We t Ww he O he - We tho We ® Vso (f.- Po) ? ae us Me We thio E-eus M5 + 540.90 v5 Jng he * S443 WS Ing Qn > (2118-6 -244.36) us Jay 24 45 fu Gra = hy tog = (2000.7 ~ 2) K fag ~ aq.s us fag Qu = bao hy = ( = 2002. 2) a5 /ey = 87.5 ng tha “hy tha ~ha) m > (ate loa ee ee CLUULCLUL TT LE aaa set 2 quiz 5 @ 45 woh ot ceom ot ‘ LE MPA And 2BO"C leaves the boiler Od expands im ae toting om fn Following rages = 2.0 MPa ond AMPA. The steam 1S then veMented and re-catl ty turbine at 2507, THe Com tun Cepands ato the following stages: O.8MPa Y OeMita. Altes expandon, the cream is Teheated and re enters tne tutbine at 210%. IF the condenser pressure 0.26 MPa, derwwine > a) Qa , b) QF, Cc) we , and AE Qa = (aang is) (2901+ 3 - 545. any) “I /49, Rats 10588% 201 uw a a (har hy) (434g [5 )( 2435 - 2800) KS feos Qar- seOs WW ——— Qas + Fa (ay “he) aug ls (2011.4 - 2794 1) «1/u9 2 ssty ww | Qar = "5210. 301 KW tom (hehe) Tissues (202-5 - a) 4s les ~~ FIGS. RW 214 Oe Be (rmem-w hs-hw) CV OOOO Quiz T numer 2 ge A ® % vg oF steam ot s.sMPa arch A" artery the Cheam tutine 4m expand OF We following presse Sage > 25 Wh, 2.OMPA, LEMR , \MPa, OFMM , and O-ASMIPq- Exrmction OF seam for Fectl wore heating ar fhe cpen tots is at DOW and 62 MA. IF He condemer pressut Bb 0-20 MPa, deermiae 0) Oe , Ge, DWe, AE FBHOSR fs, Qu = Cov hea) NO St 4G, s26c4 hon = Was f Mn a 3 20 3001 Wee = Vin (Pi- Pn) 4 No (o-5- 20) : ne oe LGSDS 5 /Hg 1 Das WI = Loss ¥5/a4g F ADE 7A W/noy 3 Owe 20S! Men = lO SESS _WS/¥5 4 (20 wy -™2)) (he - We (hie We) onz = (20-0) (aa tie) ay (Me tr 30(hy- lr) -m (ha- to) wy (ag he) 0 (ha “fe ) = my Cay che) tm, Oe he) me = 30 (hy ~he) fy - eel Wy > © (408-A 198-5) HOA -H 198. ws “m= 44 1g a ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee he

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