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Course Title : Advanced Criminology - Penology

Course Regular Lecture Seminar Lab

Code Credits ECTS
Type Semester (hours/week) (hours/week) (hours/week)

LAW 438 B 2 4 0 0 4.00 6

Lecturer and Office Hours Arjan Lame, PhD

Teaching Assistant and Office Hours

Language Albanian

Course Level Master

This course is an introduction to the main theoretical concepts, such as

those historical and modern ones, concepts which offer explanations on
crime and criminal behaviour. It conducts research on various crime
typoligies and topics such as: crime statistics; crime and media; fear from
crime; victims and victimology: women and crime. Also, this subject aims to
analyze the nature, intention, meaning and the degree of crime and
criminal behaviours, deviations and criminal behaviours, types and
administration of the penal legislation, the sanctions and their impact on
crime, comparative penal systems; particular problems in criminology and

Objectives The curse aims to provide to the students a theoretical

Course Outline
Week Topics

Introduction into criminology. The structure of criminology. The relation with other disciplines. The legal
and sociological definition of the crime.

The methods of criminological studies. Official European and Albanian statistics on crime and
criminality. Self-reporting. Criminal victimization in Albania.

Criminological thinking. Criminal Sociology. Radical criminology. Biological criminology. Theories of

Cesare Lombrozo and Enriko Ferri.

Crimi and criminality in Albania. Criminal victimization in Albania. Survival of victims. Self-reporting of
criminal behaviours in Albania.

Crime and minors in Albania. Aspects of criminality in relation to the minor persons. Abuse towards

The organized crime. The organized crime in Europe. Mafia and organized crime in Italy. Organized
crime in Albania. Analysis and reports on human trafficking in the third world countries.

7 Crime, politics and welfare

8 Reaction of the society towards crime

Penal sanctions as state’s measures to react towards crimeMeaning and types of penal
sanctionsMeaning of penal sanctions.

10 Punishment and its functions. History of punishment.

11 Types of punishment.

12 Treatment of the condemned persons.Means and methods of treating people condemned to prison.

Role of international organizations and assitiations for developing and perfecting the execution of the
penal sanctions.

14 Penal sanctions andf their executionsCondemnations to prison and their executions

15 Position of condemned persons during the stay in the correctional institutions.

16 Final Exam


• J Papandile dhe I Mandro,
• Vasilika Hysi,

• John Lewis Gillin, Criminology and Penology, The Century Co, 1926, USA
Other References • Sandra Walklate, Understanding Criminology - Current Theoretical
Debates - Second Edition, 2003, Open University Press, London.

Laboratory Work

Computer Usage


Learning Outcomes and Competences

At the end of the course the students shall be able to get a theoretical formation through an in-depth
knowledge of the objetc of study and the penology and to understad the notion of crime.

The students shall be able to think analytically by comparing the implementation of theories and
concepts of social problems.

Course Evaluation Methods

In-term studies Quantity Percentage

Midterms 1 10

Quizzes 0 0

Projects 1 40

Term Projects 0 0

Laboratory 0 0

Attendance 1 10

Contribution of in-term studies to overall grade 60

Contribution of final examination to overall grade 40

Total 100

ECTS (Allocated Based on Student) Workload

Duration Total Workload
Activities Quantity
(hours) (hours)

Course Duration (Including the exam week : 16 x Total course

16 4 64

Hours for off-the-classroom study (Pre-study, practice) 14 3 42

Assignments 1 10 10

Midterms 1 15 15

Final examination 1 20 20

Other 0 0 0

Total Work Load 151

Total Work Load / 25 (hours) 6,04


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