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Unit - 15
Developing Successful
Business Teams

Submitted By : Arif Hossain Robin




1.1 Describing the characteristics of a successful business team.............................................3

1.2Assessing the importance of team roles in a successful business team...............................5

1.3Analyze the value of using theoretical models when building successful business teams. 7


2.1 Explaining the stages of team development.......................................................................9

2.2 Planing how to motivate team members to achieve given objectives..............................11

2.3 Encouraging open communication between team members to support team development.

2.4 Evaluate ways of resolving the conflict between team members.....................................15


3.1 Monitor the performance of a team against given objectives.......................................... 18

3.2 Recommending how to improve performance against the given objective.....................19


References ………………………………………………………………………………………21

In a business Xerox, the main goal is to make a profit. To gain profit Xerox performance is one
of the vital points. Without this Xerox will achieve the profit and the Xerox performance is
depends on the Xerox various departments or team. In business team required to divide the roles
and responsibilities among the employees. After divide, the roles and responsibility Xeroxs make
teams so that Xeroxs can make administrative bodies and also make discipline. Thus the team of
any Xerox is a vital aspect. Xerox is one of the popular companies that engage with document
technology and document outsourcing. Xerox now wants to sell its controlling stock of Fuji
Xerox to the Fuji Film. Xerox research department and its research center invented various types
of important elements related to personal computing. In that time Xerox director ordered their
engineer to share their information with Apple and Microsoft. Those sharing help Apple and
Microsoft to capture the market through Xerox is not a well-known competitor. Now they are
engaged with their marketing activity and sponsors Factory Ducati Team in the World Superbike
Championship and this objective name is “Xerox Ducati”. To achieve this goal and also the
overall goal Xerox should develop its team. Thus in this report, it will state the feature of a
successful business team, able to support team development, Xerox should monitor the
performance of the teams. All those things will discuss in this report.


1.1Describing the characteristics of a successful business team.

Certain skills, quality, and educational people's work to finish a certain task or go forward to
achieve a common goal are called Team. Those team persons are supportive of each other and

work in the mutual project. There are various types of teams are played by the Xerox such as
matrix, functional, goal-oriented, etc. But the successful business team will achieve the business
objectives. Thus there are giving some characteristics of the successful business team:

 Clear Objective: Team successful rate will define by its result and the result will reveal
when the team can fulfill the objective. In this aspect, the whole team members must
understand what are the objectives of their team. Thus team leaders will discuss with the
team member so that they can understand the objective and set the short time work
regularly. This team will also set the goal and also team leader will give the floor so that
employees can ask questions if they face any type of confusion.
 Free communication: In building a successful team communication is a crucial element.
Good communication helps to communicate with all members of the team which helps to
discuss with everyone to solve a problem (Stubbs, 2013). As a result, team person can
develop their skills and ability. Besides, communication helps to deliver an accurate
message to others. Thus free communication is a need.
 Directing the Team: To build a good team Xerox must focus and concern in the team
leader. Team performance depends on the team leader's performance and his or her
leadership style. This is because the team must be direct according to the pre-plan and
also a distinct way. Without this team will not work as the plan needs. As a result, the
team will not achieve the Xerox's goal.
 Common Goal: A team can perform perfectly when the chief of the team sets a goal and
the goal is placed upon every person's interest. This common goal, the team can
collectively make some effort in the Xerox so that Xerox can achieve the goal.
 Collaboration: Team performance depends on the team members' collaboration. These
things help to teach one another which will help employees to develop their skills from
skillful employees. In every organization, collaboration is necessary whether you go to
the Apple-leadership team or Jordan-Pippen of the Chicago Bulls.
 Foster for express difference opinion: when the team goes to work in the project in that
time leader of the team express his viewpoint to solve the problem or finish the project. If
the viewpoint t need any development or need to replace another viewpoint than a leader

should make an opportunity to express a different opinion. This thing will help to make
 Take risk and support change: A good team always wants to take risks to cause a good
team chief knows that more risk will help to get more profit. When a team takes the
unauthorized risk in that time Xerox should change some team positions. Thus the team
should support the change.

From the above discussion, it states that for achieving the organizational goal Xerox Corporation
makes those types of the team which must have those characteristics. Without those
characteristics, Xerox Corporation will not able to function the teams properly which will make a
bad impact on the overall organisation.

Note: Stubbs, E., 2013. The Value Of Business Analytics. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley.

1.2Assessing the importance of team roles in a successful business team.

In a successful business, a team role is important to achieve a business goal. The business goal
will achieve when the Xerox team will perform their roles perfectly. Every team has a
responsibility and based upon this work Xerox team performance depends. If the team fulfills its
responsibility properly then the team achievement is perfect or proper. But there is a concerning
issue that businesses need a balanced team. Without a balance, team business will not go
forward. But the question is what the balance team means. Balance team doesn’t mean that all
the member of the team has similar strength or similar weakness. If a similar weakness present in
a team then the team member will not learn from each other. Again if the similar strength has
present in the team members then the team will compete with each other. To ensure the balanced
team Xerox can implement the Belbin’s team roles. Belbin’s team roles consist of 9 elements and
those 9 elements are the sub-section of 3 major elements such as Action Oriented Roles, People
Oriented Roles, and Thought Oriented Roles (Kriek, 2019). Those elements are given below:

Action-Oriented Roles

 Shaper: Shapers are responsible for improving the team. To improving the team Shapers
encourage the others, question them, control, and direct them so that they can innovate all
possible best approaches to solve the problem. When others feel that it would not be
possible in that time shaper comes with an innovative method that will remove the
obstacles. But the major weakness is they ask so many questions. Xerox team use this
role to control the employees.
 Implementer: In team implementer peoples are the persons who will implement the team
concepts and thoughts on a practical basis. Thus they are living in a routine and
systematic life which helps them to organize everything. But sometimes they make
mistakes when the implementation creates inflexible.
 Completer-Finisher: Completer-finisher persons are the people who are concern about
the project ends. Their work is so accurate and they concern deeply so that there will no
errors. Besides, they also confirm the deadlines and accelerate the team performance so
that the work can finish in time.

People Oriented Roles

 Coordinator: The coordinator is one or some persons who are the leader of the team.
They coordinate the team towards the objectives. Besides, they are so attentive to listen to

things to understand the accurate problem and business objectives. Xerox coordinate
among the team so that they can help each other.
 Team Work: For a perfect team performance every member of the team is so important
so that every member of the team can work together. Those persons are so much
flexibility and diplomatic person. They help people to work with the team.
 Resource Investigator: Resources investigators are the person who finds the options,
resources and also they make negotiate with outsides so that team can find more and
more resources. Besides, they also allocate resources. Thus those types of people need

Thought Oriented Roles:

 Plant: Plants are the persons who present new ideas and innovative things that will solve
the problem in a creative method. They are the most thinking persons who can introduce
a new idea but they can be communicated poorly sometimes.
 Monitor-Evaluator: Monitor and evaluator persons are the decision-maker person. To
make decisions they first analyze and evaluate the ideas and find out the strength and
weaknesses. Thus they have strategic thinking capacity but sometimes they are not so
much capable to influence others.
 Specialist: they are so many knowledgeable in a particular area of a team. Thus they
special knowledge and skills to his or her subordinates or colleagues.

Those things are done by a team properly so that businesses can succeed.

Note: Kriek, D., 2019. Team Leadership.Randburg: Knowledge Resources.

1.3Analyze the value of using theoretical models when building successful business teams.

A business will make good performance when its team plays better work. To make good
performance business Xerox they need to build a perfect business team at the starting point.

Without this team will not operate properly. When building business team Xeroxs should follow
some theoretical models. Caused those models are created based on the huge experiment and
experiences. Thus following some models will give an accurate business team. Behavioral model
eg Blake and Mouton’s managerial grid and situational model eg Adair’s Action Centered
leadership Models are significant theoretical models (Panza and Jame, 1991). The behavioral
model suggests five kinds of leadership behavior based on the two axes such as concern for
people and concern for production. The five styles are given below:

 Country Club Style: This leadership style is high people and low task leader style. In
this style, leaders are so much concerned about the employee's issues rather than the task.
This style makes friendly behavior with the employees. Thus this style builds a
comfortable zone for the people but it cannot produce accurate results. Xerox can use this
style to motivate the employees.
 Impoverished Style: this style is created based on the low people-low task. As a result,
leaders are not highly concern about both people and tasks. This type of style is taken by
those leaders who are afraid to take the decision and feel that the decision will wrong.
Thus Blake and Mouton state that this leadership style is the least accurate approach.
 Middle of the Road Style: This style provides equally concern for the people and task.
They compromise with the people and tasks. This style will not provide a high level of
performance and also this style cannot fulfill the people's expectations properly.
 Produce –or-Perish Style: This style is created based on low people and high task. As a
result, leaders are so much emphasis on the work or task rather than the people's
motivation. Thus this type of leadership style is taken by autocratic leaders. They
motivate people with punishment, threats, etc. Xerox can use this style when team
performance cannot come from positive motivation.
 Team Style: Team style is fully concerned with high people and high task. In this style,
the leader can direct the team in an organized and free communication manner. This
theory concerns the task by motivating peoples based on positive motivation.

The other theoretical leadership is John Adair’s action-centered leadership which is consisted of
task-team-individual. In this it focuses on the purpose, directing, identify resources, people,
create the plan to achieve the task, established responsibilities, quality and set standards, etc. In
the Group it includes standard performance and behavior, establishing style, culture, monitor and
maintain, solve the group conflict, etc. In this individual, it includes personal motivation, skills,
needs, assist and support individuals, train and develop the individual team members, etc. The
most similarities between them are that those two have a concern with the individual and also
task but the differences are the work in different approaches.

For those reasons, those are so many important. When a business Xerox team builds upon those
leadership styles in that time those models can help in many ways and can evaluate the team
includes the objective of the business.

Note: Panza, C. and Jame, R., 1991. Achieving business and team building objectives
through a single program. Performance + Instruction, 30(8), pp.1-11.


2.1 Explaining the stages of team development.

In the business world, the is growing competition day by day. Thus to sustain in the market, the
business Xerox needs development as the situation demand. This business team development
also a vital issue for the Xerox. There are given five stages to develop the team (Mackey, 1999):

Forming Stage: In this stage, the Xerox meets with the employees. These things work like a
college orientation program. In this stage, employees provide their skills, interest, and so on. The
leader gives the team timeline, individual roles, and so on. From that stage everyone's roles and
responsibilities defined.

Storming Stage: This is the toughest stage caused in this stage Xerox faces many types of
conflict among the employees and also disagreement among the top-level management persons.
Besides, many types of competition also a vital issue that falls the team backward. In this
stage,the business cannot produce productive activity. Thus in this stage team development is

Norming Stage: in this stage team performance grows upward. This stage business solves all
problems of the peoples, develop the individual roles, and identify who is the actual leader or
leaders are.

Performing Stage: in this stage teams are approached in a mature stage. In this stage teams are
well disciplined, well organized, and also well function. In this aspect, the Xerox can create a
well-established structure that helps to touch the mission and make plans so that goals can be
achieved. But here some problems remain and employees try to resolve the problem.

Adjourning Stage: This is the last and final stage of the team development .in this stage team
conquers all the goals and achievements. Thus they make a document to make a final task. The
team will band after that or team will assign another task. As a result, the team can go back to the
forming, storming, and norming stage. Again employees can be a shift to the other team.

Note: Mackey, K., 1999. Stages of team development. IEEE Software, 16(4), pp.90-91.

2.2 Planing how to motivate team members to achieve given objectives.

In every business Xerox leaders first set the goal and its objective. After setting, the objectives
leaders make plans to achieve the goal. Then employees work according to the plan and make an
effective approach. Hard work and continues to work help to get the objectives in the time. But
employees are not machines that they will work day and day without any motivation. The hard
and continuous work makes bored to the employees and also sometimes they do not want to
work hard. Thus there are needed psychological influences that will push the employees to do the
job and this force is called motivation. To motivate the employees a leader must understand the

employee's feelings, behavior, and so on. Based on those things leaders will set the motivation
theories. Motivation theories help to motivate the employees perfectly. Thus there are given
some motivation theories:

 McGregor's Theory X and Y: Douglas Murray McGregor was an MIT professor of the
management department. In 1960 he wrote a book named “The Human Side of
Enterprise”. In this book he focused the human behavior and based on this behavior he
introduced Theory X and Y. The X theory assumes that the workers don’t like the work
so that there are need negative motivation such as threaten, punishment, strict rules, and
regulations. The Y theory belief that employees are willing to work hard. Thus Xerox
focused on employee satisfaction and they allow expressing the viewpoint of the
employees. By the X theory Xerox threaten an individual and controlled strictly.
Whereas Y theory does not give punishment and strict rules so that they give individuals
to work by self-interest.
 Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory: This theory was introduced by Fredrick
Herzberg. In his motivational theory, he divided into two sets such as maintenance and
motivational factor (Miller, 2006). In maintenance factor intrinsic parts of the work are
absences rather it focuses on the related task which helps to perform the job such as
work security, technical supervision, interpersonal relationships, salary, personal life,
and so on. The maintenance factor focuses on the motivation of the employees where six
components are present such as achievement, recognition, advancement, work-itself, the
possibility of growth, and responsibility. Xerox can use this theory where management
is difficult
 Maslow Hierarchy of Needs: This motivational theory has consisted of five categories
such as physiological, safety, love, esteem, and self-actualization. In this theory,
Abraham Maslow said that human needs start from physiological needs such as food,
water, rest. When lower needs fulfill employees will want to fulfill the next need or
higher needs. In this aspect, the 2nd need is safety need, 3rd is love needs (intimate
relationship, friends), 4th Esteem needs (prestige and feeling of accomplishment), 5 th
self-actualization. Those are the human general needs. Business leaders analyze the

employee's mentality and fulfill the needs as the individual wants. By using this theory
Xerox team leader can fulfill all the needs of the employees.
 ERG Theory: ERG theory is introduced by Clayton Alderfer who made research based
on Maslow's needs hierarchy needs. In this theory he categories human needs into three
categories such as existence needs, relatedness needs, and growth needs. Existence
needs focus on the major necessities which include physiological and physical safety
needs. Relatedness needs to focus on the connection with the other individuals. Growth
needs include personal growth, advancement. In these categories, Maslow's self-
actualization needs and intrinsic elements include includes growth needs.

Those theories can practically implement to motivate employees.

Note: Miller, P., 2006. The Inspirational Leader: How to Motivate, Encourage and Achieve
Success20063John Adair. The Inspirational Leader: How to Motivate, Encourage and
Achieve Success. London: Kogan Page Publishers 2005. 202 pp. £9.99, ISBN: 07494
44568. Leadership & Xerox Development Journal, 27(5), pp.418-419.

2.3 Encouraging open communication between team members to support team

A business will function properly when it’s all team can coordinate each other. Besides, a team
also function when its member can make talk with other peoples. Thus communication is one of
the major parts to make a good performance. Without this team members will not share their
thinking, thought, and information. As a result, the team will not gain all kinds of positive
aspects. Besides, creativity will not come caused employees cannot show their viewpoint. Open
communication shows the way to resolve those problems and show the ways to develop the
team. There are many styles of open communication and those styles help to develop team
performance. There are given those things:

 Meetings: When an individual of the team called to debate for certain issues and make
some decisions to resolve the problems it’s called meetings. There are two types of
meetings such as Formal and Informal. Formal meetings held for a certain time, a certain
place, and for certain agendas-topics. In the business Xerox, the formal meetings held in
two ways one is Xerox meetings where the meetings take place between the stockholders
and management- AGM (Ruwanpura, Mohamed and Lee, 2010). Another is operational
meetings where management and employees are participants for planning, sales,
marketing, and so on. Those meetings help to understand the problems in the team. After
identifying the problems team member will make plans to solve those problems. Before
implementing the plan team members will discuss the plans so that they can identify any
error. In this way, the meeting can develop team performance.
 Team Briefings: Team briefing refers to an open communication where team leader and
the members of the team get together to discuss with certain topics, asking the members,
share the information, and provide the feedback. Xerox corporation team managers firstly
take the information from any sources then they deliver the information to the members
and ask for removing any type of confusion. After that manager should listen to the
feedback or any suggestion. As a result, team managers or superiors can get help by
resolving the for team improvement. Thus team briefings can develop team performance.
 Communication Channel: when message transmitted to the audience through an electric
media or print media is called the communication channel. Through this communication
manager and all employees can generally make communication upward, downward,
horizontal, etc. Communication channels can be created with various types of tools. If
any type of communication channel breaks then the manager or team members will not
get accurate information. As a result, the manager will not take accurate decisions.
 Buzz Group: Buzz group refers to a short discussion where a small number of people
participate to share the information. From this technique, the manager can get employees
sharing from his or her experience which will help to make any other superior decision.

Those open communications will help to get touch regularly with managers and also managers
can make communicate with employees.

Note: Ruwanpura, J., Mohamed, Y. and Lee, S., 2010. Construction Research Congress
2010. Reston: American Society of Civil Engineers.

2.4 Evaluate ways of resolving the conflict between team members.

In the Xerox, there are seems many conflicts in the working time. This conflict mainly comes
from the disagreement between the employees and Xeroxal leaders, or employees and
employees. There are various types of disagreement that seems in the leaders and employees,
employees, and employees. For example, the Xerox manager wants to work more than the 8
hours and the overtime payment is not satisfied level. There also seems conflict for lack of
sharing information. Lack of information provides the wrong message or inaccurate message to

the audience which makes conflicts. Besides, conflict can also seem for personal relationship
against other team member or own team member.

This conflict makes a huge problem in a long time for an Xerox. Thus there are need some
strategies to resolve the conflict. There are given some ways:

 Disagreement solution: To resolve the disagreement between the manager and

employees or employer and employees Xerox can use some rules which will implement
for all employees and make agreements with employees that he or she would work by
following those rules. In these rules it includes wages, working time, roles and
responsibility, etc(Feit, 2016). moreover, employers make sure that employees know
everything about the Xerox's culture. To do this employer will provide all types of
information related to the work. To resolve the employee and employee disagreement
Xerox should make sure that there a responsibility for low-level employees. This
responsible person will solve the disagreement and also account for every mistake of
employees. In that time employees will think about his or her work.
 Lack of sharing information solution: To resolve the lack of information sharing
problem Xerox can use two ways. At first, Xerox needs to collect information. After
gathering the information Xerox will evaluate every information and make a result that
the information is correct or not. After gathering the information Xerox will ensure the
distribution channel and make sure that the information is passing on the right track. To
make accurate communication channels Xerox should implement various types of
communication systems such as upward, downward, horizontal communication systems.
Those two ways can help to resolve the communication system.
 Collaboration: Xerox team leader can collaborate with the employees to know what is
the problem of an individual ? or what types of skills he or she has absences. For this
collaboration employees will feel that the superiors are their close person which will help
to work more carefully for the employer. Besides, the collaboration trend between the
employees also helps to resolve the conflict between the employees.

Those ways can resolve team conflict and can make development through better performance.
Moreover, there are also many other ways such as listen carefully to every employee's objection,

provide a satisfying facility to the employees, make meetings when taking decisions, practice
democracy in the working area so that every employee can share their viewpoint.

Note: Feit, P., 2016. Classifying Resolving Lists by Distances between Members . Theory
and Applications of Graphs, 3(1).


3.1 Monitor the performance of a team against given objectives.

To monitor the performance of a team Xerox should establish objectives. The Xeroxal objective
should a SMART objective. SMART objective refers to a group of goals where goals feature can
Specific, Measurable, Available at a satisfying cost, Relevant, and Time-bound(Panza and Jame,
1991). Now Xerox is engaged with the Factory Ducati Team in the world superbike
championship under the name of “Xerox Ducati”. That’s mean Xerox is now busy with their
marketing activity. Thus the marketing team needs to monitor to make better performance.

After that Xerox should make some principle which will comply with the marketing team
performance. This principle will set for measure quantified standard and also quantity based
measurement. In this quantified and quantity based standards will include several productions,
customer number, error, customer feedback, speed of response. This means how many supply
chains make products that will set by the marketing teams. Caused marketing teams to connect
with the customer and they attract the customer to purchase the Xerox product. Thus marketing
team only knows how many products will need to meet the market demand for the customer. In
this aspect, it also comes with how many products make errors in the production line. After that,
the marketing team will collect feedback and resolve all errors.

Then Xerox will set the quality principle which will include performance data of the team,
timing, work checked, etc. By this quality principle, Xerox will measurement team development.
Performance data will write down through computer-based technology. Moreover, the timing of
the working hours and the time need to finish the work. All those things will help to monitor the
team development.

In this aspect, Xerox can monitor team performance. As a result, Xerox can evaluate the team
performance and account for the Marketing teams about their performance. Xerox can collect
feedback continuously so that they can measure which team is progressing and which are not.
Moreover, they can deal with the problem to solve the dispute and also take corrective action for
a mistake. In those ways, Xerox can monitor the team performance of a team.

Note: Panza, C. and Jame, R., 1991. Achieving business and team building objectives
through a single program. Performance + Instruction, 30(8), pp.1-11.

3.2 Recommending how to improve performance against the given objective.

To improve the team performance against given objective there are given some

 Measuring Performance: Xerox can measure performance by setting different types of

principles which will help to understand that the team performance is going according to
the plan or not. For this measurement, Xerox can understand where errors or mistakes are
 Re-setting SMART objectives: if the SMART objective is not perfect then Xerox
should re-setting the SMART objectives. SMART objective re-settings need when the
objectives are not meet to fulfill the Xerox mission.
 Benchmark: By this benchmark, Xerox can measure the performance of the team
development. To use the benchmark Xerox should set an appropriate degree which will
show what the level needs to say that the performance is good, better, best, or worse.
 Celebrating Achievements: When Xerox achieves some big things in that time Xerox
should celebrate that. By these celebrations, the Xerox team staff will satisfy with the
Xerox actions which will motivate them to work as loyal.
 Give Training: Sometimes, team member cannot give best effort for lack of training and
experiences. Thus Xerox can provide training to develop its member performance.
Besides, Xerox can arrange project visit programe which will develop the employees

Those strategies can help to make.


From the above discussion, it states that the development of team performance is mandatory for
Xerox. Thus Xerox should follow the stage of the team development. Xerox should follow
theoretical models for building a successful business team. Xerox should follow the motivational
theory to motivate its team staffs and also make and maintain open communication. Xerox
should concern about resolving the conflict. Moreover, Xerox should monitor the performance of
team development and its performance.

Anderson, J., McRee, J., Wilson, R. and Team, T., 2010. Effective UI. Sebastopol: O'Reilly
Media, Inc.

Feit, P., 2016. Classifying Resolving Lists by Distances between Members. Theory and
Applications of Graphs, 3(1).

Hagens, J., 2010. The Performance Of Landscape Concepts In Spatial Planning. [S.l.: s.n.].

Kriek, D., 2019. Team Leadership.Randburg: Knowledge Resources.

Mackey, K., 1999. Stages of team development. IEEE Software, 16(4), pp.90-91.

Miller, P., 2006. The Inspirational Leader: How to Motivate, Encourage and Achieve
Success20063John Adair. The Inspirational Leader: How to Motivate, Encourage and
Achieve Success. London: Kogan Page Publishers 2005. 202 pp. £9.99, ISBN: 07494
44568. Leadership & Xerox Development Journal, 27(5), pp.418-419.

Panza, C. and Jame, R., 1991. Achieving business and team building objectives through a single
program. Performance + Instruction, 30(8), pp.1-11.

Ruwanpura, J., Mohamed, Y. and Lee, S., 2010. Construction Research Congress 2010. Reston:
American Society of Civil Engineers.

Stubbs, E., 2013. The Value Of Business Analytics. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley.

Yang, I., 2013.When team members meet in a new team: An exploration of team
development. Human Systems Management, 32(3), pp.181-197.


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