Marvel Future Fight Power Book V.6.2 PDF

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eur rie FiGhT MARVEL FUTURE FIGHT POWER BOOK V.G.e yaa BEGINNER’S GUIDE gdFPz, Ppa Marvel Future Fight Power Book : Basic Guide ~~ Oo Basic Team Building oF @ Every ideal team for PvE mode usually consist of 3 character with different role. Leader, Hitter, and Support. But for starter account, having two hitters in a team is acceptable since mostly new player doesn't have decent roster to clear stage with one hitter. @ Leader's main role is mostly to give attack boost to hitter. For new player, leadership that boost Skill Cooldown Reduction is also very useful. By having Skill Cooldown Reduction leadership, our character will be able to use skill more frequently. oO Hitter’s main role is as main damage dealer. Usually hitter has far better build than other role since they will stay on the field most of the time. © Support's main role is mostly the same with leader, to give attack/damage boost to main hitter. What make support different is, they don't need to be placed in specific place to make their supportive buff applied to all allies. Other common support: decrease damage received, heal, increase certain stat, etc. Team Attack DOES NOT accurately show your team's capability to clear stage. Also just ignore Team Attack Recommendation in each stage. You actually can clear any stage even if your Team Attack lower than recommended as long as you play carefully. Useful Leadership for Starter BoOVSsu StllCoalzonnReducton [sit ootdown | LL increcses _| |__ trerssses _| Increases Energy Attack Reduction Energy Attack Physical Attack Character Basic @ There are two type of character in Marvel Future Fight, normal character and native T2 character (NT2). Normal character can be ranked up using their own biometric / X-Gene, while NT2 use special way to be built. Also, Rank Up Ticket works on any normal character, but you cant use it on NT2. NT2 has special icon on their portrait. Every normal character can be advanced to Tier-2 when the requirement reached. Advancement cost you some materials and biometrics. T2 Advancement can also be done byT2 Ticket or Mega 72 Ticket. You can only use 72 Ticket when character's level. mastery, and gearis at maximum. White Mega T2 Ticket requirementis only character at 6% . Level, mastery, and gear will be automatically maxed out upon used. HE Always seek for advice from other player for more reference. Whenever the new update drop, there's a possibility that all of the character/ uniform recommendation in this book will not be relevant. Therefore read the book version before applying to your account journey. Marvel Future Fight Power Book : Basic Guide — — =8 Card Set for Starter Cy Cardis the most important game aspect for improving your roster. Not only because it can boost Attack, and other stat, but mainly because the effect applies to all of your character. The very first stat you need to get from Card is Skill Cooldown Reduction. For starter, try to build card to get Skill Cooldown Reduction at least 25%, Ignore Defense at least 15%, and Attack stat as much as you can. Also stop upgrading when card grades at 4% since it will require tons of card whichis hard to achieve for new player. Start upgrading beyond 4x when you have 4% card set with good stat. Skill Cooldown Reduction Ignore Defense All/Energy/Physical Attack AS __BeginnerscustomGear QL7 — Beginner's Custom Gear ia Custom Gear/Obelisk have the same function with Card, but the effect only applies to one character only. Obelisk can be found mainly in Dimension Mission. Generally for beginner, obelisk with Ignore Defense is preferable for every character since early roster will not be able to easily reach maximum Ignore Defense (50%). But there are also some useful stat for your character : Critical Damage/Rate, Guard Break Immunity, Elemental Damage. Obelisk with grade 3* or higher can get additional stat that activates under certain condition or simply called “proc”. Even for advanced player, only 2 types of procis actually useful for your character : Increase Damage for 1 Attack (Damage Proc), and Invincible Proc. = = =a Rolling ISO Set Fz 1SO Set will give you a small amount of fixed stat along with various type of proc. Although the stat given is small, butit will be useful especially to cover Skill Cooldown Reduction, and Ignore Defense stat. Those two stats are very important stat for your character. There are only two types of ISO set is actually useful, offense set and defense set. Offense (ATK) set are : Power of Angry Hulk, Overdrive, Hawkeye. Defense (DEF) set are : Binary Power, Drastic Density Enhancement. Offense set is suitable for any character, while defense setis only for PvP character. Since ISO set rolling is expensive, beginner should avoid rolling impulsively. For starter, you can actually use these set : Power of Symbiote, Good Luck and Bad Luck, Huntress of Heven, Divine Power, Angel of Death, Ultron’s Hatred, Power of Insect, Smart Raccoon. — —= = Character's Uniform y 4 Uniformis one of the most important character building feature. Not only change character appearance, but might also change their skill while drastically improve damage output. Itis best to buy only uniform that will change trash/ok character into a highly usable one Ifyou havea well-built roster, you can start consider buying uniform for good character. Based on cost, there are two types of uniform : Uniform that can be bought with gold, and can only be bought with crystal. Generally uniform sold with gold and uniform that cost 750 crystal at base price are not worth it. Always wait for Uniform Sale (once each month) 1250 Crystal 1750 Crystal r oe 750 Crystal 1050 Crystal 1500 Crystal ‘Always seek for advice from other player for more reference. Whenever the new update drop, there's a possiblity that all of the character/uniform recommendation in this book will not be relevant. Therefore read the book version before applying to your account journey. Marvel Future Fight Power Book : New Player Guide 6% andT2 Selector Recommendation In the first month, will get four 6% and one T2 Character Selector from Check-in Reward. Below are recommended character for your starting roster sorted by the best from left to right. If you get another selector, choose whichever character below you don't have in your roster. SO80S0¢ 6 Legendary Battle Character r = Each Legendary Battle will give you free 6x Character upon entering certain stage. Be sure to not use any selector to these character because they're easily farmable. (==) SFTCTDVOS % 7 Dimension Mission is your main place for gaining Gold, character EXP, and othe resources. Try to raise your agent level by playing World Event twice a day so that you can get more Gold when your agent levelis at certain level. Daily Gold Acquisition Comparison by Agent Level 1:1Million @15:1.15 Million 30:1.3Million 45:1.45Million ® 60:16 Million Generally it will take around | month to reach level 30 if you play World Event twice a day Dimension Mission Character Apart from Gold, Dimension Mission will also give you 15,000 token each day which can be exchanged with various character biometrics and item. Try to build character recommeded below to help you clear more game mode. You can exchange token with card/obelisk later on. G907809 8933009 Generally you will need around 600 biometric to fully build a Dimension Mission character. Since you can get 15,000 token a day, and 10 biometric cost 1600 token, it takes around 7 day to fully build a character to T2. Not all of the character above need to be advanced to 72. If you can use them evenat TI, then it's better that way. Phil Coulson must be advanced toT2 (used mainly as support) a ‘Always seek for advice from other player for more reference. Whenever the new update drop, [maaan there's a possibility that all of the character/uniform recommendation in this book will not be relevant. Therefore read the book version before applying to your account journey. Marvel Future Fight Power Book : New Player Guide @ Uniform Recommendation 6 Ifyoure an F2P player, only buy uniform that change trash/ok character into an extremely good one. Always try to build and use character who don't need uniform so that you can save crystal for other purpose. Thor Ragnarok will give you Premium Card upon ranked to Mythic. 8680030 How to Farm Gold The best way to farm Gold other than from normal mission is by playing Coop Misison. You can get ~2.2 million/day if your Coop Stage isat level 6. Coop Stage can be increased by building 4x character with level at 40. Gold will appear randomly in the Ist slot of reward. To make it guaranteed, try to buy cheapest in-game item that will increase your VIP to level 1. Daily Gold Acquisition Comparison (Coop Stage 6) @ VIP 0: ~2.0 Million @ VIP 1: ~4.0 Million Upgrading Skill Skill upgrading is one of the most gold consuming activity you will do in the game. One skill of normal character require ~1 million gold. Skill upgrading doesn't always means increasing damage output drastically. In fact, the additional damage is negligible. New player should try to avoid skill upgrading as muchas possible. Skill that need to be upgraded : Skill with buff (increase Attack, Shield etc) Skill that summon clone/illusion (Only upgrade skill above if the buff % is increased when upgraded to next level) Focus on building one or two character is the best way to utilize your resources. Don't use material for every single character who youre not going to use very soon. Always use Rank Up Ticket to non-farmable character only. Especially Epic Quest premium character. @ @ Earn Crystal @ New player can earnalot of crystal in the first month. You can get crystal by completing Daily Challenge (25 crystal/day), Weekly Challenge (30 crystal/week), Timeline Battle reward, Check-in Reward, and from Facebook Forum Mission (up to 1000 crystal, one time only). ¢ Daily Challenge: 25x30 Days=750 @ Timeline Battle: Vary, ~400/month @ Weekly Challenge :30 x 4Weeks=120 _ Monthly Check-in :300/month Monthly Crystal Acquisition : ~1500 Crystal Seek for Advice Although this Power Book provide you various information you might need for to improve your roster, always seek for advice from experienced player to understand more about the game. Try to join a high level alliance to get various useful bonus stat (Skill Cooldown Reduction, etc) Level 30 Skill Cooldown Reduction +14% Alliance Benefit Gold & Character EXP Gain +20% Gold & Various Reward from Daily Check-in oF ‘Always seek for advice from other player for more reference. Whenever the new update drop, yas there's a possibly that all of the character/uniform recommendation in this book will not be relevant. Therefore read the book version before applying to your account journey. Marvel Future Fight Power Book : Semi-Advanced Guide Paywall Character Recommendation @ In total there are 41 paywall character available MUST HAVE in the Biometric & X-Gene Subscription. Some of © @ @ @ them can be acquired from certain game mode @ Although labeled as “paywall” character, most of GOOD ADDITION them are just OK-ish character that you don't er need. There are tons of free character who can e ® )) @ 8 outperform most of the paywall character Player should avoid ranking up paywall character REQUIRED FOR MISSION to 6% if they don't have any plan to advance them to ——_ eee Tier-2 (except for character required for mission) @ @ @ ® Journey of Epic Quest ® Four of five Epic Quest require paywall character to clear certain mission. But since the required character biometric can be farmed, as long as you have Rank Up Ticket saved, there's no need to worry about clearing those mission. Wolverine should be prioritized as first Epic Quest since there are no paywall character required and the mission is easier than the other four. Beta Ray Bill should be last one since the missions are too hard for early player. Epic Quest priority below is sorted from left to right Wolverine Doctor Strange Deadpool Mr Fantastic Beta Ray Bill @ @ @ Level 70 and Tier-3 for Beginner ® New player should completely ignore leveling up beyond 60 and Tier-3 advancement until they can at least clear 30 floor of Shadowland. Building as much character as you can to clear Shadowland is better than leveling up one character to level 70 ® Most of the character who can be advanced to Tier-3 doesn’t change a lot when you level them up beyond 60 (except Jean Grey). Therefore avoid leveling up to level 70 if you're not going to advance them to Tier-3. Tier-3 recommendation for beginner sorted from left to right: Black Widow Sharon Rogers Luna Snow Captain Marvel Oo 6 D9 @ Completing Character with Uru © Completing character with Uru is one of advanced character building feature you can do. Since building Uru require a lot of Gold and energy, new player should ignore this feature for a while. Start using Uru when you're going to complete character's stat who will be used for hard endgame mode like World Boss Ultimate, or Giant Boss Raid. ® Essentially, every character will need different Uru since Uru should be used to cover the lack of certain stat. In short, give an Uru with SCD Reduction or Ignore Defense if those stat is not maxed out. Otherwise give Energy/Physical Attack, and Critical Damage Uru. ; axl Nl037% ax Nl037% Note Cenear er A 0.86% ignore Dasara A 0.86% N:Uruatnormal state luction N/058% oe N 058% A:Uruwhen amplified A 134% A 134% Always seek for advice from other player for more reference. Whenever the new update drop, there’s a possibility that ail of the character/uniform recommendation in this book will not be relevant. Therefore read the book version before applying to your account journey. ry patted pier MARVEL FUTURE FIGHT POWER BOOK V.G.2 eal ADVANCED CHARACTER BUILDING GUIDE gv0PPa, Sa and Marvel Future Fight Power Book : Character Building User Manual 6 Information Preview ) Uniform Rating ae * Ge PvE) Typel [#) 3] ret] Ne? (212 | aranconont Hyb| Type 3 |2)%2)| | rating/urgency Character Viabity Skill Rotation oe — 1s 28s Atonce tote treme Lenco @ @ GIG ar) SOS! Estimated Score Damage & Uniform Option ‘Survivability AD cuide Explanation OF Uniform Rating & Option Skill Rotation Ifthe character's portrait is using uniformed portrait, it | | Skill Rotation provided here is based on PvE mode. means that the uniform is worth to buy with someicon | | Character's SCD Reduction should be at least 45% to explained below. Although the uniform is worth to buy. | | be able to chain all of the skill smoothly. it doesnt mean that you have to buy it. There are plenty character available who doesn'tneed uniform to be usefulin most game modes. 4c,5,3,1¢ @ The uniform is absolutely necessary to make the Skill‘c’in rotation means cancel. Press skill 4 and then character become usable, immediately press skill 5. And ‘dc’ means delay cancel. © Amust-buy uniform that highlyimprovesausable | | Youneed to wait at certain moment to cancel that skill character into far better form. tothe nextone. © Good to have, but not highly necessary since itwill | | Skill with different color means that skill is should be only slightly improves the default character prioritised if you want to do skill upgrade. Butif you're: , feet . i going to improve your Alliance Battle Extreme score This book also provides information about 5Uniform | | Yo. Wit need to upgrade al skill used to increases Gabonyouyllineed fo unlock untarm bonusstat) damage output. Refer to the Newbie Guide for more (i=) explanation about Skill Upgrade urgency. Highlight Explanation Character’s highlight provide information about each character's viability in both PvE and PvP mode. The viability are based on each mode build. Basically almost every single character is usable for Shadowland. How high they will be usable in Shadowland Infinity Floor can be determined by Damage (DMG) and Survivability (SVB). There are eight tag in total which clear enough to show which mode is certain character viable for. Some special tag that will be explained below ZA Usabte in Timeline Battle when the current metas are banned. They're generally weak againts meta. 41 current Timeline Battle meta. Refer to the tier list to see which character is the best among the other EESA When this tag appears, it means that the character is considered one of the best pick for Alliance Battle Extreme. and their estimated score (with average build and gameplay) will be written below. But ifthe character has “META’ tag, it means that character is ABX meta regardless of how much their score is. Damage rating which can be used to determine Shadowland Infinity viability. S and above can clear floor 90 above, A can clear up to 80, B up to 50, and C can clear up to 40. DYZY Not usable in any game mode (except for support character, theyre useful as support in any game mode) Custom Gear, ISO Set, and Advancement Advancement part will gives an information whether a character's advancements worth it or not. Y means worth it, O means so-so, N means not worth it, and M means that advancement is necessary. ISO set has 3 suggestion : ATK (offense), DEF (Defense), and ANY (any ISO set is fine). Custom Gear “TYPE” explanation can be found in the bottom part of Character Building page. With one exception: SPECIAL means Max HP + Damage Proc. Also TYPE 5 Defensive stats are either Max HP or Guard Break (GB) Immunity. ‘Skill Rotation and build might be different if you're highly focused on Alliance Battle Extreme. Itis better to seek for advice from professional player in competitive game mode to get the most effective skill rotation and build. Marvel Future Fight Power Book : Character Building Guide (Combat) V.6.2 PvE] Special |¥ Hiyb Types I RE Pel whe Dah od O12) 1S Ea) 2) | Ee ES a aa ale pag) Mi @| oie eee oles el tals Ghd alata allio) Custom Gear Type Guide fait patlahad - UTUF ¢ Type 1 : Critical Damage + Damage Proc © Type 4: GB Immunity +h FSIGIiNIIE © Type 2: Elemental Damage + Damage Proc Type 5: Defensive Stat + ‘* Type 3: GB Immunity + Damage Proc © Type 6 : Any Stat + Dam Marvel Future Fight Power Book : Character Building Guide (Combat) V.6.2 Pvé| Type 6 “T( lg) P| pet 4B vr ypes 3 9B rer types EP iyo) types Hy Type 3 PvE! Type 6 PvP] Type S| Hyb Types Pre] Type T PoP Type iy Type 3 Custom Gear Type Guide ros « Type 4: Gb mun + inclbe Poe <@,> ‘ Type 1 : Critical Damage + Damage Proc ‘© Type 2: Elemental Damage + Damage Proc ® Type 5 : Defensive Stat + Invincible Proc ¢ Type 3: GB Immunity + Damage Proc Bye] a fe ie. = ae Eb If F a : ag bao ahd 1 4 Be LS el WAR A Sale cn Sa Alea | Ad Re: re gS RC eho oe aldo) © Type 6 : Any Stat + Damage/invincible Proc i Marvel Future Fight Power Book : Character Building Guide (Combat) V.6.2 PvE) Type 6 yb Types PvE] Type a1 PvP) Typed yb Type 3.1 Custom Gear Type Guide ‘ Type 1 : Critical Damage + Damage Proc Bye] a fe ie. = ae Eb If F a : ag bao ahd 1 4 Be LS el WAR A Sale cn Sa Alea | Ad Re: re gS RC eho oe aldo) © Type 4: GB Immunity + Invincible Proc Poa ‘© Type 2: Elemental Damage + Damage Proc ® Type 5 : Defensive Stat + Invincible Proc <@,> ¢ Type 3: GB Immunity + Damage Proc © Type 6 : Any Stat + Damage/invincible Proc i Marvel Future Fight Power Book : Character Building Guide (Combat) V.6.2 [etoile Mi mn ‘ST EK Piel SE ial od ORM BEL Ui £22) (B) eal ea ea : Eee: Cl a ala 2! el alee Saar Mg Cy oT al Bale bd aero OBrien Baal lala gia pial Support Utility Custom Gear Type Guide rr ye tat 1 ical Damage + Damage Proc ve UIE = tyoe2: Elemental Damage + Damage Foc ® * Type 3: GB Immunity + Damage Proc Marvel Future Fight Power Book : Character Building Guide (Blast) V.6.1 PvE Type! ( PvP Types [2) yb Types ve) Type} Pu Typed (9) ASA tL J] 56,4,3,1,4 =—1Gs oer SS ea eiog ; =H cosmo r Mele: I) st = 4 AY ao lca wes Bie a) alos 2 5,3, 4, a eA Cl | E =e iE: 1 Red alse a bom RE E are ale 2 © J peigeyio 2 Sola) a a ed T= ee eee 8 Ph isb| rea é 96) Type * (fal EE 5,3,1,2,4 5,4, gl lI} fA (@ice ae “4 ree { ED tivo types : =| A eal am Sdc,4,3,2 ja 8 Scide. ete aes ayaa | Pve| Types PvP Types : Types — yo vie gio aera) Custom Gear Type Guide Pa * Type 1: Critical Damage + Damage Proc ——® Type 4: GB Immunity + Invincible Proc 2, ‘¢ Type 2: Elemental Damage + Damage Proc Type 5 : Defensive Stat + Invincible Proc J ‘¢ Type 3: GB Immunity + Damage Proc © Type 6: Any Stat + Damage/Invincible Proc Bein Marvel Future Fight Power Book : Character Building Guide (Blast) V.6.1 PvE Types = a) OFA CE tt cm (QS | ere rae 5,2,3,4 : eae § He 1 fs fs] Were: coca |) FSITE le 1 oie (BES: aol 304, ey Ze RIK Pile at a a) oS pales ere al (PvE) Types i “PvP Types fyb Types a 5,4,1,2,1 a aaorg) : elmelcha gl Se eee sect (ES era a ms lial ol alsa Bere revere ED oh | al ed wie Ty Types ‘ : 3 eae Le 32 [alii 8 5c.43, ore ea, ve Tyee! (8 gre nes Hy Types SE ve ae re) Custom Gear Type Guide Pa * Type 1: Critical Damage + Damage Proc ——® Type 4: GB Immunity + Invincible Proc 2, ‘¢ Type 2: Elemental Damage + Damage Proc Type 5 : Defensive Stat + Invincible Proc J ‘¢ Type 3: GB Immunity + Damage Proc © Type 6: Any Stat + Damage/Invincible Proc Bein ii Marvel Future Fight Power Book : Character Building Guide (Blast) V.6.1 PvE) Type 21 PvP Types [2) yb Types 3¢,5¢,4,1 al See A tt ay HS ABS) re 5 { PvE) Type t “PvP Types yb Type 3¢4,5,2,1 we toe!) Bg PvP tyes ype 54 iss as ‘a as raat NEALE Zig renee! (e) ivr Type2 (2 yb Types 2) ce ice: ao ty set | ROTIOT Gh g lel ale Bnlgalsioly olalol pia | | a al ple rele el ea PvE Type | 2B nvr Type 5 Hb Type 5 eee eat ala. Custom Gear Type Guide Pa * Type 1: Critical Damage + Damage Proc ——® Type 4: GB Immunity + Invincible Proc 2, ‘¢ Type 2: Elemental Damage + Damage Proc Type 5 : Defensive Stat + Invincible Proc 1 ‘¢ Type 3: GB Immunity + Damage Proc © Type 6: Any Stat + Damage/Invincible Proc Bein Marvel Future Fight Power Book : Character Building Guide (Speed) V.6.2 AE! Bal Pieem BER MRE al Bical G ha el alta 2) gre T2103} 4c5,4c2,4c3 kb MEE: a a) Type 5 3¢5,4,2,1 A 1g) a ae 1 et 1G a eal a 2 EGE joel | (| BIE rn teal Ba a) Custom Gear Type Guide Pa EeiaE LaLa 6 type 1: Citical Damage + Damage Proc © Type 4 GB immu < A (SUMGIIMIEE © Type 2: Elemental Damage + Damage Proc Type 5: Defensive Stat + Invi le Proc * Type 3 : GB Immunity + Damage Proc © Type 6: Any Stat + Damage/Invincible Proc Ei Marvel Future Fight Power Book : Character Building Guide (Speed) V.6.2 AE! Bal 211 GS BER MRE al Bical G ha el alta 2) gre T2103} MEE lag aera gaa ale lence eg eels col (| BIE rn ta Baan) ay) Custom Gear Type Guide rs ‘* Type 1 :Crifical Damage + Damage Proc_—_® Type 4: GB Immut a © Type 2: Elemental Damage + Damage Proc Type 5 : Defensive Stat + Invincible Proc * Type 3 : GB Immunity + Damage Proc © Type 6: Any Stat + Damage/Invincible Proc <@ Marvel Future Fight Power Book : Character Building Guide (Speed) V.6.2 AE! Bal 211 GS BER MRE al Bical G ha el alta 2) gre T2103} MEE 5 Type 5 4c,5,3,1¢ lag aera gaa ale lence eg eels ciao (| 2) i Wal SAL Baan) ay) Custom Gear Type Guide rs ‘* Type 1 :Crifical Damage + Damage Proc_—_® Type 4: GB Immut a © Type 2: Elemental Damage + Damage Proc Type 5 : Defensive Stat + Invincible Proc * Type 3 : GB Immunity + Damage Proc © Type 6: Any Stat + Damage/Invincible Proc <@ > 5 Ig) Fre Type 6 Pe Types liyb Type s PvE Types PoP Types yb types PvE) Types PvP Types liyb Types PvE Types PuP Types yb Types PvE] Type PvP) Types Hy Type! aa Pre] Type T iy Type4 PvE Type PvP Types , Types $,4,3,1¢ PVE Type 2.1 PvP Types yb Types F § am f 543.21 k: a Bl PvP Types a EE | Ae gael a beeen) fale Gal alm) aS fat [PvE] Types. PvP Type S liyb Types 5c,4c,5¢,2, 1 Began | a ee Hy® Type 1 PvE] Type 21 PVP Type 5 liyb Types PvP! Type 5 ‘iy Type 1 PvP | Types — eal ea a] Custom Gear Type Guide Pa * Type 1: Critical Damage + Damage Proc. ® ‘Type 4: GB Immunity + Invincible Proc FS) ‘¢ Type 2: Elemental Damage + Damage Proc ® Type 5 : Defensive Stat + Invincible Proc i era ‘* Type 3: GB Immunity + Damage Proc © Type 6: Any Stat + Damage/Invincible Proc Bel Type 9B mr tyez 3 Py types PvE Type 6 cE vE| Type} Pe Types i liyb Type s yb Types Pre | Type2.) = PvE! Type 6 PeP Types ° PvP] Type S| , Types 5 Hyb types 54,3 PvE Types PoP Types PvP] Type 5 yb Types yb Type 1 365,412 | a an 5¢,36, 1¢,4,2 PvE) Type! T [PvE] type 1 PvP Typed PvP| Typed (3) liyb Type4 lHyb Types 5,3¢,4,2,1 PvE Types ' PvE] Type 21 PvP Types in PvP] Type 5 yb Types Hy Type 2.1 3,1,2,5,4 aaa 3¢,5,4,2 cos PvE] Type! (8) PvP type2 (9) Hyb Types 5,4,3¢,1 =e acne : : Taree isles FELIS nes nat 4,32 | 5,2¢,3,4€ Ive Special, PvP Typed yb ype 4¢,2,3¢,2 (2nd'passive) ja ‘algl PVE] Type? $\8 pvr typea Sde,4,3,2 a 3 | i AA Ebi a] A ed ea | Walaa Ge e Va a ane ee tae A] fe Tal Y tel algal S ie eat ee Custom Gear Type Guide o?Pa, Type 1: Critical Damage + Damage Proc_—_® Type 4: GB Immunity + Invincible Proc ‘¢ Type 2: Elemental Damage + Damage Proc Type 5 : Defensive Stat + Invincible Proc 1) ‘* Type 3: GB Immunity + Damage Proc © Type 6: Any Stat + Damage/Invincible Proc Meri Marvel Future Fight Power Book : Character Building Guide (Universal) V.6.2 Universal Tier List PVE Focused| BA {Lie CT al al Ae 1D) OS) i) Sal eel OP be A CT en ae OF Bok Support Ufility| Custom Gear Type Guide Damage Proc age + yp sees Elemental Damage + Damage Proc @ ¢ Type 3: GB Immunity + Damage Proc Marvel Future Fight Power Welles) a =e IE! IIE! Bl aley aa a eve [ pa) ia iE Te at ol akg ae mma! ; 4 A a A A ali 2 al Sa 21 Sh RIEWIS, a) S39 ee a) dem Al I s t fap! Big sale ales a (eee ale Book : Uniform Tier List V.6.2 2 Thor Premium Card ® (Legendary Battie) 5 Loki Premium Card = (legendary Battle) Uniform needed to make him a support 29)s0U0y501 Mm Leadership upgrade My} (Best leadership) 3 Leadership upgrade 5 for Alliance Battle z CIP of Energy ® (Legendary Battle) 3 CTP Selector % (legendary Battle) WDD O10 Timeline Battle Ly Meta Support 3 Healing striker for 3 World Boss Ultimate Swap gender, used as leadership in 3 Squad Battle Bale |S) 0) 2 DB ess iO wapUY E support: increase § Damage fo Universal s 7s Increases Support * effect Poze? Since PVE consist of various game mode with diverse meta, it is best to buy MARVEL a ale uniform which fits you focus. If you're only focusing on play Alliance &. pa Battle Extreme, then buying uniform necessary for ABX should be enough. — Marvel Future Fight Power Boo! ‘elestial Tech Pack (CTP) Guide V.6.2 CTP OF RAGE CTP specifically made for Alliance Battle Extreme character. Can be Fea Mod ed elke Lote L ALR) AHL (ees TCL as Alliance Battle metas does. aru ON al CTP OF ENERGY i, An upgraded custom gear with Chain Hit Damage that fist well with wy Cel Aad Meier ee eRe Ce Re Re Reclame eke} = chain many hits in a single time. 4 - oe ee 2) o : CTP OF jUDGEMENT CTP specifically made for character with Elemental Damage. Since the damage proc is applied for all skill, you can almost press any skill randomly when the proc is activated. _ ey Lm» ia f CE we) ar] al aL CTP OF DESTRUCTION é a A hybrid CTP made for character who will be built for both PvE and PvP. We Be aware that some character who has native pierce might be perform 7 worse in PvP when equipped with this CTP. TA GY ear el CTP OF GREED Gy CTP with only one viable character. For some point can also be used Coy Ree UM Reel ulele (oe elem Mie elie kell ZU) <3 RON el) Ate SRA AK Ed ine Character recommendation (except for The Trio) are sorted by priority from left to right. Some of the character might also viable with the mentioned CTPs even without uniform showed in their portrait. But their performance might not be as good as with uniform equipped. Marvel Future Fight Power Boo! ‘elestial Tech Pack (CTP) Guide V.6.2 CTP OF INSIGHT CTP made to boost main hitter's damage output by giving them fo the EI Joma ea wet tee Sc ee RO Ade ETe LE require super high damage, it is best to give this CTP to ABX support. a \ = < CTP OF AUTHORITY An upgraded PvP obelisk with some offensive stat. Can be given to any PvP character especially those who lacks damage to beat Pea by/ 42. CTP OF REGENERATION W CTP made for PvP mode and best given to a character who has high damage output. You also need a decent amount of Max HP from ~~ card > 10%) in order to get the best of this CTP. AF Ce THE TRIO : CTP OF TRANSCENDANCE, PATIENCE, & REFINEMENT The Trio is considered as the weakest CTP in the game. Although some of them gives a unique stats, it doesn't really boost a character's performance. Most of the time, normal obelisk with perfect stats are far better than The Trio. Character recommendation (except for The Trio) are sorted by priority from left to right. Some of the character might also viable with the mentioned CTPs even without uniform showed in their portrait. But their performance might not be as good as with uniform equipped. eur rie FiGhT MARVEL FUTURE FIGHT POWER BOOK V.G.e Aa INFOGRAPHS gdFPz, Ppa Marvel Future Fight Power Book : Alliance Battle Extreme Metas 2 Blast Male Super Villain Universal a haves “ss DAY 10 DAY 11)" p = All ABX hitter must be equipped with CTP of Rage except for Cable who can use CTP of Energy. Luna Snow is best hitter for Day 2 and Day 9 (No Restriction) @ Leader @ Team Bonus (Not highly necessary) © Support NATIVE T2 INFOGRAPHIC RANK UP pAuen Retr) 1-40 | 262) 50-55 | 1498 2,900,000 @ © 18,875,000 a kc Pe 40-45 | 326 | 55-60 Fre Sk ied Ce BS Era 0(0K 016] Te), NATIVE T2 INFOGRAPHIC (Marvel! Future Fight 6:2), Proxima BY iicnignt 8 Black Dwart Pus ae 0 d 100 ET 2 150 0 6S s0 > 1200 © 300 1600 LEVEL UP (@)|@ GOLD NEEDED ees Rank up & Mastery rere 100,000 €@ @ 5,900,000 1,450,000 @ @ 9,437,500 3,237,500 € @ 13,100,000 Skill Reinforcement 55-60 1612 + 2,200,000 gold for each skill 45-50 349 EL a) a Corvus Glaive Supergiant 2 SROyW:\MeLel

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