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SOP: The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of separation of parent to

their children.

1.What is the profile of the respondents in term of

1.1 Sex;

1.2 Age;

1.3 Educational Attainment;

2.What are te Impact of Separation of parent to their children

2.1 Attitude

2.2 Confident/Health

2.3 Studies

3. Is there a significant difference on the perception of respondents in the Impact of

Separation of parent to their children.


Null Hypothesis

There`s no effect of separation of parent to their children


There`s significant effect of separation of parent to their children


Who: The respondents of this reseach are the child who already experience the

separation of their parent

Where: This study will be on First semester August 2017

What: This study is all about the child who experience the separation of parent

Where: This study will be held in Baras Pinugay

How: To conduct this study by using of survey form and interview

Why: to give information to every parent that has an intention to be separation that

there is no good side if they separate



* The impact of * Distribution of *Determine the
separation of questionare impact of the study
parent to their * Addopted *Validated the
chidren researcher made output
* 20 respondents questionare
* *Gathering
Questionare/Test questionare
*Profile of *Analyzing data /
respondents information
grade and section;

In input discuss about the titile of the research , The number of the respondents

and also the distribution of questionare or test and last is the profile of the respondents.

In process it discuss about the distribution of questionare of the researcher ,

Addopted researcher made questionare if the researcher questionare is addopted in the

other researcher , gathering the questionare if the respondent done answering , and the

last is analyzing the data if you already done gathering the information.

In output it talks about to determined the impact of the study that you be research ,

and also to valideted your output.


Impact – to have a strong and often bad effect on something / someone

Separation- a situation in which a husband and wife live apart from each other

Parent- Mother or father or aperson who has a child

Children- A young person / son or daugther

Respondents- A person who gives a response or answer to a questions that is asked

especially as part of a survey

Students- A person who attends a school , college or a person who studies something

Survey- A questions or series of questions in order to gather information about what

most people do or think about something

Interview- A formal constitution usually to evaluate qualification

Attitude- A feeling or way of thinking that affects a person`s behavior

Confidents- Certain that something will happen or that something is true

Studies- Something that a person studies or gives attention to


Separation is a situation in which a husband and wife live apart from each other a

cessation of cohabitation between a married couple by mutual agrement or judicial

degree or a termination of a contractual relationship it is the situation in which in a family

the father and mother will separate , sometimes they are live in different house.

The separation has a negative outcomes for the children involved. A children who

experiencing parental separation of their parents has the impact on their emotion ,

behaioural , social , health and mic outcomes.

Mother is a symble of light in which she give light to be their children lighten and

the father is a symble of foundation in which he protect his children to build a firm and

strong and happy big family. But what if one of them will lost? Theres no person who

take his/her responsibilities so that it may affect to the children , behavior , confident

and studies or in their academic performance.

Firstly is when their mother and father got separate children will become

agressive because no one can`t takecare of him/her so it simply means that parent

separation may affect to children behavior.

Secondly because of parent separation student will shy because they think that

they are desccriminate because of their situation so that student will lost their confident.

Lastly when parent got separate , student can’t participate inside of their

classroom because of low of confident . it may affect to their performance that may
affects to their grades. Overall parent separation may affects to the student in terms of

their behaviour, emotion and as well as to their performance.

(Mooney et al.,2009). More recent research base on a number of cohort studies

challenges this view and suggests that there are very limitted effects on the cognitive
outcomes of children who experinced parental seperation though there are negative
emotional outcome. (harkness 2015). While Mooney et al. (2009). Argue that we should
move away from a focus on family form to family functioning, Harkness(20915) suggest
we should pay closer attention to the timing of transitions in combination with other.
As stated in study there are some effect of a parental seperationin which, people
experienced it. It damage children’s emotions.


The aim of this research is to determine the impact of parent seperation to their

children. By the help opf this research people can able to know how parent seperation

may affect to the behavior, confident and academic performance of their children. As

the researcher observed that if the parent got seperate children be rebellion. Devorse

has a big impact to thier children especially to the son and daughter who will listen to

them, including child behavior it is one of the reason why their children must be

agressive because the time and activity lost of each parent or the time to time gained

with one or both of their is also important to note that viloence in a home can

also affects of childrens behavioral rather than studies that compared the assessment of

mothers with that of other people such as teachers .(See richters 1992 for a review).that

did compare the reportrs of mothers with depression. According to this styayement a

mother who has a defression will also affects to the behavioral of childtren.
The impact of separation of parent to their children.

A thesis

Presented to the

Faculty of Senior High School

Baras Pinugay National Senior

High School

Baras, Rizal

In partial fullment

Of the Requirements in practical resarch

Rowena Valenzuela

October 2017.

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