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University of Tabuk ‫جامعة تبوك‬

‫كلية الهندســـة‬
Faculty of Engineering ‫قســم الهندســة المدنيــة‬
Department of Civil Engineering

Spring 2020

CE 472 Hydraulics

Laboratory Report on

The construction of the rating curve of a laboratory flume.


Student Name: Abdullah Abdulaziz Hassan Al-Qarni

Student Number: 371002275

Submission Date:

2 / 4 / 2020

I hereby declare that this assignment/report is my own work, based on my personal study and/or research
and that I have acknowledged all material and sources used in its preparation. I also certify that I have not
copied in part or whole or otherwise plagiarized the work of other students and/or persons. I understand that
the facilitation of plagiarism, that is, one student sharing his work with other students, is also considered an
act of plagiarism.
I acknowledge that plagiarism contravene the academic integrity and the policies of the University of
Tabuk. I will accept any penalties and/or consequences of plagiarism, as decided by the course instructor.

Name: Abdullah Abdulaziz Hassan Al-Qarni Signature:

No.: 371002275
Table of contents

Topic titles Page

Table of Contents I

List of Figures II

List of Tables III

Notations IV

1. Introduction 1

2. Objectives 1

3. Experimental Apparatus 2

4. Experimental Procedures 2

5. Experiment results and observations 3

6. Analysis and discussion 3

7. Conclusions 5

References 6

List of Figures

Figure Page

Fig. 1 A rating curve of Fenton River [2] 1

Fig. 2 The Hydraulics bench and the small open channel flume 2

Fig. 3 The rating curve for experiment flow 4

List of Tables

Table Page

Table 1 Experimental results 3

Table 2 Discharge Calculations 3


Q : Discharge

V : Volume

t : Time

y : Flow Depth

1. Introduction
The rating curve is a graph that links between discharge and flow depth, forming at
a specific time and location. the discharge in the graph is on the (x) axis, and the
flow depth is on the (y) axis [1] as shown in the following chart.

Fig. 1 A rating curve of Fenton River [2]

2. Objectives

This experiment has the following objective:

 We construction for the rating curve for the existing flume.

3. Experimental Apparatus

The Hydraulic bench and the open channel flume

 Calculate discharge by dividing volume by time.

 Measurement the volume by scale (L).
 Measurement the time by stop watch.
 Measurement the depth by scale.

Fig. 2 The Hydraulics bench and the small open channel flume

4. Experimental Procedures
4.1 We operate the device.
4.2 We measure the depth using the ruler in the channel. After we control the valve,
the flow decreases clockwise, increases counterclockwise, and we repeat this step
four times and each time we increase the flow.
4.3 Now we compute Q indirectly:
4.4 We turn close the tap and collect water in the tank
4.5 We define two volume on the scale, set a specific time, and then turn close the
tap to calculate the water that passes during that time, we repeat this process four
4.6 Now we have V and t, now we can calculate Q using this equation:
Q= (1)

5. Experiment results and observations

Table 1 Experimental results

Trial y (mm) Volume (l) time (s)

1 20 5 24.72

2 23 5 16.48

3 31 5 8.24

4 38 6 5.15

5 49 6 6.18

6. Analysis and discussion

 In this step, we get the value of the discharge by dividing the volume by time
so that we can plot the rating curve.
Trial 1

y = 0.2 m V=5l t = 24.72 s

Q= 𝐭
Q= = 0.2022 = 0.2022 ×10-3 m3/s

Table 2 Discharge Calculations

Trial y (m) V (l) t (s) Q (m3/s)

1 0.20 5 24.72 0.0002022

2 0.23 5 16.48 0.0003033

3 0.31 5 8.24 0.0006067

4 0.38 6 5.15 0.001165

5 0.49 6 6.18 0.0009708

 After we draw the rating curve, we now come with the best curve by comparing
the curves, which gives us R2 the higher is the best.


y = 0.96Q0.45
𝑹2= 0.8837

Y (m)




0.000000 0.000200 0.000400 0.000600 0.000800 0.001000 0.001200 0.001400
Q (m3/s)

Fig. 3 The rating curve for experiment flow

The equation obtained from the classification curve

 y = 0.96𝑄0.45 (2)

Estimate the discharge passing through the small open channel flume at a flow
depth of 11.55 mm.
y=m Q = m3/s

 Y = 0.96𝑄0.45

 0.01155 = 0.96𝑄0.45

 Q = 5.420 ˣ 10-5 m3/S

7. Conclusions

 We did construction on the rating curve for the lab experiment.

 The rating curve flume by this flow is shown in equation No 2
 The rating curve equation was used to calculate discharge at a specified depth

[1] (30/3/2020)

[2] CE 472 Hydraulics Lab (19/3/2020). Department of Civil Engineering,

University of Tabuk, KSA.

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