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THE BEACON offers a forum to explore our developing perspectives on the inner and outer
life of humanity. It aims to present the principles of the Ageless Wisdom as the structure for a
contemporary way of life.

THE BEACON publishes a wide range of articles. They cover such subjects as the esoteric in-
terpretation of world events; the interrelationship of all human beings, truths being unfolded
in the scientific world; articles on various themes of occult teaching; and the lives of servers
in various fields of human activity. There are also regular editorials and book reviews.

THE BEACON provides an opportunity for esotericists to contribute their visions, share their
experiences and develop their ideas about the unfolding Plan for our world and the evolution
of humanity.

THE BEACON is published four times a year and is mailed to subscribers all over the world.

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Extracts from the Beacon for July – September 2020

Editorial – Change or Transformation? As we leave the higher interlude of the spiritual year and enter a period of outbreathing
..., we may ask ourselves whether we will just see a change or will humanity initiate the deep transformation that is so needed.

Expanding Truth – Djwhal Khul. The major point I would seek to make here is that the intuition is the source or the bestower of

The Soul and Issues of Duality – Katherine Hendon. The pairs of opposites are not negative, involutionary, or evil qualities to be
eradicated. The pairs of opposites upon the astral plane are, in fact, lower reflections of the higher, divine duality of Spirit and matter.

A Deeper Look at Corona Virus – Linda Spremulli. We must open the heart and allow the inflow of divine love from the bud-
dhic plane to the astral world. We must begin to tear down the separative walls that hold us in thrall. Unless humanity can do this, the
conditions for future pandemics will remain in place.

The Pioneers of the New Art under the inspiration of H. P. Blavatsky – Eduardo Grammaglia. Blavatsky foresaw that
the gap between “thoughtful art”, and that which is the product of the increasing materialism of the age, would reach its peak in the
following century.

The Astrological Implications of Pluto in Capricorn – Ted Capstick. The period of time from 2008 until 2024 will see
planetary crises concerned with the re-payment of karma of harmfulness to the planet itself.

The Date for the Beginning of the Age of Aquarius – Maureen Richmond. The implication for today’s esotericists is clear:
the Age of Aquarius is now, not some distant tomorrow. Now is the time to manifest the altruistic ideals and advanced spiritual culture
predicted for the Age of Aquarius.

The Paradox of Mysticism and Occultism – Wendy Berg. The foundation of the Western Mystery Tradition can ultimately be
traced back to the spiritual beliefs and practices of the ancient civilisations of Greece, Egypt, Chaldea and Sumeria.

Ladder to Infinity – John Rasmussen. The theory of hylozoism posits all material forms as aggregates of living constituents, and
all processes involving these forms as vital processes.

The Triangle and the Esoteric Square – Joseph Lovejoy. When the central or focal point of each triangle is taken as a starting
point and all these central points are joined by lines, the result is a web of twelve pentagons.

Book Review

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