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LAB NO # 3


Department of Electrical Engineering



Limit Switch Interfacing Using PLC

a) To be familiar with the working of Limit Switches.
b) To control the Limit Switches using PLC and generate output accordingly.

1) Limit Switches
2) Fixed Pulley System
3) 12v Worm Gear Motor
4) Power Supply
5) H-Bridge Circuit


Limit Switch:

Presence Sensing is the act of detecting the presence or absence of an object with a contact or
non-contact sensing device. The sensors then produce an electrical output signal that can be used
to control equipment or processes.
Mechanical limit switches are contact sensing devices widely used for detecting the presence or
position of objects in industrial applications. The term limit switch is derived from the operation
of the device itself. As an object (or target) makes contact with the operator of the switch, it
eventually moves the actuator to the "limit" where the electrical contacts change state. Through
this mechanical action, electrical contacts are either opened (in a normally closed circuit) or
closed (in a normally open circuit). Inductive proximity, capacitive proximity, and photoelectric
sensors perform this same process through non-contact sensing.

LAB NO # 3

While there are a number of different styles of limit switches available in the market today, few
of them are shown in Figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1: Some Different Styles of Limit Switches

Limit Switch Applications:

There are varieties of applications of limit switches depend on the mechanism. Some examples
are discussed below.

Figure 3.2: Sealed Limit Switch used in Machine Tool

In Figure 3.2 there is a sealed limit switch mount on the end limit of the sliding machine tool.

LAB NO # 3

Figure 3.3: Cat whisker Limit Switch Used in Material Handling

In Figure 3.3 a special style of limit switch called Cat Whisker is mounted with metallic conveyor
to detect the number of objects passed.

Figure 3.4: Limit Switch as a Positioning Sensor

In Figure 3.4 there is a filling station where box stopped at specific position with the help of limit

LAB NO # 3


1) Connect the Limit Switches with Inputs of Delta PLC.

2) Connect PLC Output to 24v H-Bridge circuit to drive motor reverse and forward.

3) Connect indicating lights to PLC outputs.

4) Program PLC and Run.


Design a elevator system for two floors and each floor has a Call button to request an Elevator
and Elevator Cabin has 2 floor buttons to access each floor. Limit Switches are also mounted at
every floor to obtain the current position of Cabin. Floor Indication lights must indicate the
current position of Elevator. (Attach Ladder Logic)


Design an Elevator system for three floors and each floor has a Call button to request an Elevator
and Elevator Cabin has 3 floor buttons to access each floor. Limit Switches are also mounted at
every floor to obtain the current position of Cabin. Floor Indication lights must indicate the
current position of Elevator. (Attach Ladder Logic)

Figure 3.5: Three Floor Elevator System

LAB NO # 3

Lab Assessment Rubric

Needs Total
Category Excellent 8 Good 6 Satisfactory 4
improvement 2 (40)

Clearly describes the Adequately Describes the Cannot describe

objectives of lab. describes the objectives but the objectives of
Understands possible objectives, but misses some details. the lab, or what
Objectives and
sources of errors and cannot discuss Cannot discuss was learnt, sources
their effects. Suggests possible sources possible sources of of errors and their
ways to minimize of errors and their error or their effects effects
them. effects

Circuit works Circuit performs Circuit performs but Circuit does not
perfectly. All wires are most the output not exactly give any output.
Circuit attached. / Code functions, gives as expected. Some Most wires are not
implementation/ works perfectly output./ Code connections not connected/ code
software coding gives some errors done/ code gives not compiled/
some correct output many errors

Can clearly identify Adequately Describe the Cannot describe

the problems and take identify the problem but cannot the problem, and
steps to fix them. problems and suggest steps on has no effective
Uses an effective steps taken to fix how to solve them. strategy on how to
Trouble Shooting
strategy to solve them. Uses an Trouble shooting is solve them.
problems effective strategy not consistent.
but misses some

Detailed results are Adequate results Some missing Most results are
shown for each step. are shown. 80% observations. 70% missing. Only 30%
100% measurements measurements results are correct measurements are
are correct are correct correct

Thorough Good Limited Shows incorrect

understanding of the understanding of understanding of understanding of
concepts underlying the concepts, the concepts. the concept.
the lab. Can apply it in however cannot Cannot apply to real Cannot find any
real life situations apply them in real life situations and usage of the
life situations suggest any use of knowledge. Cannot
the knowledge describe what was

Lab No: 3 Total Marks: 40 Marks Obtained:



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