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September 19 (00:58:06-1:17:28)

Public hearings and publication are mandatory according to Cagayan Sugar Milling Corporation
v. Secretary of Labor
employees in Region II, retroactive to the date of effectivity
SECRETARY OF LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT,  DIRECTOR CARSUMCO assails the validity of Wage Order RO2-02-A on
RICARDO S. MARTINEZ, SR., AND CARSUMCO EMPLOYEES the ground that it was passed without the required public
UNION consultation and newspaper publication. 

FACTS: On November 16, 1993, Regional Wage Order No. Article 123 of the Labor Code provides:
RO2-02 was issued by the Regional Tripartite Wage and "ART. 123.  Wage Order.  Whenever conditions in the region so
Productivity Board (RTWPB) of the Department of Labor and warrant, the Regional Board shall investigate and study all
Employment (DOLE).  pertinent facts, and, based on the standards and criteria
herein prescribed, shall proceed to determine whether a Wage
On September 12 and 13, 1994, labor inspectors from the Order should be issued.  Any such Wage Order shall take
DOLE Regional Office examined the books of the petitioner effect after  fifteen (15) days from its complete publication in
CARSUMCO to determine its compliance with the wage order at least one (1) newspaper of general circulation in the region.
and found that it did not implement an across the board In the performance of its wage-determining functions,  the
increase in the salary of its employees. At the hearing for the Regional Board shall conduct public hearings/consultations,
alleged violation, CARSUMCO maintained that it paid the giving notices to employees' and employers' groups and other
mandated increase in the minimum wage. In an Order dated interested parties. x  x  x"
December 16, 1994, the public respondent Regional Director
Ricardo S. Martinez, Sr. ordered CARSUMCO to pay the The record shows that there was no prior public
deficiency in the salary of its employees in the total amount hearings/consultations and newspaper publication insofar
of P555,133.41. as Wage Order No. RO2-02-A is concerned. In fact, these
allegations were not denied by the public respondents in
On January 6, 1995, CARSUMCO appealed to the public their Comment. Their position is that there was no need to
respondent Labor Secretary Leonardo A. Quisumbing. On comply with the legal requirements as Wage Order No. RO2-
October 8, 1996, Quisumbing dismissed the appeal, affirmed 02-A merely clarified the ambiguous provision of the original
the Order and denied the motion for reconsideration. On wage order.
February 12, 1997, the private respondent CARSUMCO
Employees Union moved for execution of the December 16, The problem is, people don’t mind wage order anymore, they
1994 Order.  Martinez, Sr. granted the motion just accept. There are some employers who will not
and issued the writ of execution. On March 4, immediately follow these rules. If you will not follow what is
1997, CARSUMCO moved for reconsideration to set required by law, most likely, you will be harassed by
aside the writ. On March 5, the DOLE regional sheriff served
regulatory bodies. If you do not pay your taxes, there is BIR
on CARSUMCO a notice of garnishment of its account with
looking at you. ISO is quality management system wherein
the Far East Bank and Trust Company. On March 10, the
the company is being reviewed if it is compliant. It’s better if
sheriff seized petitioner's dump truck and scheduled its
public sale on March 20, 1997. your company is ISO registered.

The Court issued a temporary restraining order (TRO) Art. 124. Standards/Criteria for minimum wage fixing. The
enjoining the respondents from enforcing and conducting regional minimum wages to be established by the
further proceedings until further orders. Regional Board shall be as nearly adequate as is
economically feasible to maintain the minimum standards
ISSUES: of living necessary for the health, efficiency and general
Whether or not the Wage Order is null and void for having well-being of the employees within the framework of the
been issued in violation of the procedure provided by law national economic and social development program. In
and of the petitioner's right to due process of law the determination of such regional minimum wages, the
Whether or not the Wage Order clearly provided for the fixing Regional Board shall, among other relevant factors,
of a statutory minimum wage rate, not an across the board consider the following:
increase in wages a. The demand for living wages;

RULING: Wage Order No. RO2-02, passed on November 16, b. Wage adjustment vis-à-vis the consumer price
1993, provided for an increase in the statutory minimum index;
wage rates for Region II. More than a year later, or on
January 6, 1995, the Regional Board passed Wage Order
RO2-02-A amending the earlier wage order and providing c. The cost of living and changes or increases
instead for an across the board increase in wages of therein;
The pendency of a dispute arising from a wage distortion
shall not in any way delay the applicability of any increase
d. The needs of workers and their families;
in prescribed wage rates pursuant to the provisions of law
or wage order.
e. The need to induce industries to invest in the
countryside; As used herein, a wage distortion shall mean a situation
where an increase in prescribed wage rates results in the
f. Improvements in standards of living; elimination or severe contraction of intentional quantitative
differences in wage or salary rates between and among
employee groups in an establishment as to effectively
g. The prevailing wage levels;
obliterate the distinctions embodied in such wage structure
based on skills, length of service, or other logical bases of
h. Fair return of the capital invested and capacity to differentiation.
pay of employers;
All workers paid by result, including those who are paid on
i. Effects on employment generation and family piecework, takay, pakyaw or task basis, shall receive not
income; and j. The equitable distribution of income less than the prescribed wage rates per eight (8) hours of
and wealth along the imperatives of economic and social work a day, or a proportion thereof for working less than
development. eight (8) hours.
The wages prescribed in accordance with the provisions of
this Title shall be the standard prevailing minimum wages All recognized learnership and apprenticeship agreements
in every region. These wages shall include wages varying shall be considered automatically modified insofar as their
with industries, provinces or localities if in the judgment of wage clauses are concerned to reflect the prescribed wage
the Regional Board, conditions make such local rates. (As amended by Republic Act No. 6727, June 9,
differentiation proper and necessary to effectuate the 1989)
purpose of this Title.
Any person, company, corporation, partnership or any other Take note of Article 124, this was asked in the bar.
entity engaged in business shall file and register annually
with the appropriate Regional Board, Commission and the What are the factors that should be considered by the board
National Statistics Office, an itemized listing of their labor in determining the minimum wage? (answer is Art. 124)
component, specifying the names of their workers and
employees below the managerial level, including learners, Art 124 Discusses about wage distortion. The prescription of
apprentices and disabled/handicapped workers who were wage distortion shall mean a situation where an increase in
hired under the terms prescribed in the employment the prescribed wage rates results in the elimination or severe
contracts, and their corresponding salaries and wages. contraction of intentional quantitative differences in wage or
Where the application of any prescribed wage increase by salary rates between and among employee groups in an
virtue of a law or wage order issued by any Regional Board establishment as to effectively obliterate the distinctions
results in distortions of the wage structure within an embodied in such wage structure based on skills, length of
establishment, the employer and the union shall negotiate service, or other logical bases of differentiation.
to correct the distortions. Any dispute arising from wage For example, the minimum wage now is Php 391. In a
distortions shall be resolved through the grievance company, there is a salary structure. If you’re a clerk, in your
procedure under their collective bargaining agreement and, first entry that is Php 391. Then later it becomes Php 420,
if it remains unresolved, through voluntary arbitration. then Php 470. If you’re a computer programmer, the entry
Unless otherwise agreed by the parties in writing, such level is Php 500. Then it becomes Php 560, Php 590, Php
dispute shall be decided by the voluntary arbitrators within 600. Different positions have different salaries.
ten (10) calendar days from the time said dispute was Supposing this wage order, due to public demand, the
referred to voluntary arbitration. minimum wage will be increased to Php 410, who will benefit
from this? Will all employees benefit? No. It is only the
In cases where there are no collective agreements or minimum wage earner who will benefit and will be entitled to
recognized labor unions, the employers and workers shall an increase of Php 410. Before, the difference of the wages
endeavor to correct such distortions. Any dispute arising of the clerk and the computer programmer is Php 29, now it
therefrom shall be settled through the National Conciliation is only Php 10. Is there a wage distortion? I do not know.
and Mediation Board and, if it remains unresolved after ten Because wage distortion shall be in a situation where an
(10) calendar days of conciliation, shall be referred to the increase in the prescribed wage rates results in the
appropriate branch of the National Labor Relations elimination or severe contraction of intentional quantitative
Commission (NLRC). It shall be mandatory for the NLRC to differences.
conduct continuous hearings and decide the dispute within If its php 420, is there sever contraction? Imagine if a guy
twenty (20) calendar days from the time said dispute is who is hired today is paid Php 420 and a guy who was hired
submitted for compulsory arbitration. two years ago is also paid Php 420. That is an example of a
wage distortion. The wage distortion resulted when the wage
order was applied.
For example, the salary in a company increased because the
production and volume of sales are very good. Is there wage
distortion when there is contraction? If the contraction is
done by virtue of company policy, there is no wage
distortion. For example, a person was hired last July with a
starting salary of Php 391 then I will hire a person for P500
to entice him to work for me. Is there wage distortion? No.
That is management prerogative. Wage distortion only
applies if there is a wage order and if it is mandatory.
How would you settle wage distortion if it is organized (by
labor union)? You do it through grievance machinery under
the CBA. A CBA has a grievance procedure wherein they will
state therein how a grievance shall be settled if the wage
distortion is not settled at the plant level. If it is not settled,
you go to arbitration. You select and arbitration to determine
whether or not there is wage distortion. If there is no union
(unorganized), go to NCNB or settle. If it is not settled, you
go to labor arbiter.
What are two methods of minimum wage adjustment? Floor
wage method and salary-ceiling method. In floor-wage
method, you add something (amount) to the existing to the
prevailing statutory minimum wage. Whereas in salary-
ceiling method, you will determine what should be the
minimum wage.
If a company has many offices in different regions, the
prevailing rates in that region should apply to the employee
in that region where he is assigned. For example, the person
in Manila with the same job description with someone from
Davao will receive higher amount than those in Davao
because he is stationed in Manila.
Supposedly, the person from Manila was transferred to
Davao City. His rate there is Php 600 while here, it is only Php
391. Will you readjust the amount received by the guy from
manila? I think you should not because that is diminution.
Why do companies make salary structures? Can you imagine
if a company has no salary structure and you want to give an
increase to a person who is efficient.

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