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System 800xA 5.

1 FP4 Demo Effective Alarm Management

System 800xA Demo System

Use Case Guide
System 800xA 5.1 FP4 Demo Effective Alarm Management

System 800xA 5.1 FP4

Implementing effective alarm management

strategies with System 800xA
The Power of Integration

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System 800xA 5.1 FP4 Demo Effective Alarm Management

System 800xA 5.1 FP4 Demo Effective Alarm Management


1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 4
1.1 Purpose.............................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Typical Scenario................................................................................................. 4
1.3 Differentiators..................................................................................................... 5
1.4 Legend ............................................................................................................... 5
2 Preparation ................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Alarm Modes ...................................................................................................... 6
3 Workflow ....................................................................................................................... 8
3.1 General Alarm and Event handling..................................................................... 8
3.2 Alarm Analysis ................................................................................................. 16
3.3 Implementing effective Alarm Management strategies ..................................... 19
4 Demo Check List ........................................................................................................ 26
4.1 General Alarm and Event handling................................................................... 26
4.2 Alarm Analysis ................................................................................................. 27
4.3 Implementing effective Alarm Management strategies ..................................... 27
5 Cleanup....................................................................................................................... 28

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1 Introduction

1.1 Purpose
Operators must deal daily with a complex and real-time dynamic environment. During
abnormal situations in a plant the alarm system must quickly provides appropriate
information to operators to secure reliable production and minimize safety,
environmental or equipment impact. In many plants alarm floods, nuisance alarms,
chattering alarms etc. significant obstruct the operators’ ability to effectively and
securely control the plant.
Design of a good alarm system requires a clear strategy often described in an alarm
philosophy document. This document aims to reduce the number of alarms, eliminate
redundant and nuisance alarms, and properly prioritize alarms. The alarm philosophy
shall also define KPIs for alarm system monitoring and assessment. Monitoring and
assessments of alarm system is required to secure correct behaviour but is often
missing. Without monitoring an alarm system is likely to degrade over time.
This demo use case shows how alarm and event handling in System 800xA results in a
full featured and effective alarm system that complies with standards like ISA-18.2,
EEMUA 191, YA-711.
System 800xA alarm management helps customer to:
 Secure reliable operations and minimize impact of abnormal situations with a
manageable alarm system
 Analyze events for troubleshooting of process conditions
 Continuous improve the alarm system based on key performance indicators
 Continuous improve the alarm philosophy based on alarm system monitoring,
assessments and audits.

1.2 Typical Scenario

This demo use case is split into three different scenarios. Each scenario can be used as
a separate demo depending on the knowledge and interest of the audience. All
scenarios start from an Operator Workplace. The three scenarios are:
 Basic alarm and event handling showing the fundamentals of System 800xA
alarm and event handling
 Alarm Analysis showing available alarm system KPI’s for monitoring of the
alarm system
 Implementing effective alarm management strategies showing how System
800xA supports Alarm Management life cycle as defined by ISA-18.2

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1.3 Differentiators
 One common alarm system for all alarm sources supporting out of service,
shelving, suppress by design etc.
 Fully configurable alarm and event organization and presentation
 Filterable alarm notification on SMS message or e-mail
 Pre-integrated Alarm Analysis tools based on already existing alarm and event
 Alarm analysis KPI reports available in any workplace which allows plant
personnel, such as front line operations staff, to determine and bad actors
themselves yielding more efficient streamlined continuous improvements process
 High Performance HMI to improve operator awareness and response to abnormal
 Tab Navigation for systematic and logical navigation
 Alarm Response Navigation to provide specific high clarity information in an
alarm condition to improve operator effectiveness
 Group Alarm to reduce the number of consequential alarms

1.4 Legend
> Indicates when you go from one menu to a sub-menu
Italic Indicates object and file names
“..” Indicates dialog box buttons, tabs, menus etc.
Bold Indicates important topics
Indicates start/explanation of activity

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System 800xA 5.1 FP4 Demo Effective Alarm Management

2 Preparation
This use case can be shown in Administrator or Operator context. See use case guide
3BSE061870 Abnormal Situation Handling how to setup either Administrator or
Operator context.
The alarm analysis statistics is based on the Alarm Analysis List alarm list defined on
the object [Functional Structure] /Use Case Support/Alarm Management. The
AlarmAnalysisSim object in Control Structure generates a background load of alarms
in addition to the alarms that occur during different demo use cases to ensure proper

2.1 Alarm Modes

An alarm mode defines the number of active alarms in the Demo Workplace alarm
lists. Normal alarm mode is the default mode where a number of alarms are active in
the alarm lists. Basic alarm handling mode displays only one active alarm in the alarm
lists. The demonstrator selects preferred mode before the demonstration.
Available alarm modes are:
Normal – this mode sets 6 active alarms to the Process: Alarm List. This mode can be
used to show runtime filters and other features in alarm list that requires a set of active
Basic alarm handling – this mode sets 1 active alarm. Due to Alarm grouping,
however, there are actually 2 alarms (HE1112_TT_Cold_in, Temperature, Low and
Low Low). The alarm has a default 10s filter time. This filter time can be changed in
the HE1112_TT_Cold_In faceplate.

 Select the Demo Plant: Faceplate aspect and choose applicable alarm mode for the

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Figure 2.1 Available alarm modes from the Demo Plant Faceplate aspect

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3 Workflow
This demo use case is divided into three different scenarios. Each scenario is described
in a section below.

3.2 General Alarm and Event handling

System 800xA alarm system consolidates alarm and events from different sources.
This common, system wide, alarm system allows alarm organization, presentation and
notification in a numerous ways. In the demo system alarms from different process
areas and different alarm categories are consolidated and presented in Alarm Bands.
The alarm bands show summary statistics and alarm states for each process area or
alarm category.
Colors, blinking behavior and other types of HMI related settings for alarm
presentation can be tailored in System 800xA.

 Explain how the various colors represent the priority of the alarms in the system.
Draw attention to similar color palettes around objects like trends. Highlight the high
performance HMI graphics.
NOTE! Alarm and event lists in System 800xA can be tailored in
almost any combination regarding colors, blinking
behavior, fonts, column information etc.

 From the top left hand side of the screen, depending on whether the Standard Demo is
being used or the Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Demo is being used, the corresponding
button has to be selected.

Figure 2.1 Process Automation for Standard or OGP for Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Demo
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2 From the ‘Screens’ button under navigation, 24 Industry Specific Screens are available.

Figure 2.2 Industry Specific Home Screens

 From the start-up display, select “Plant”. Then from “Process Automation” Tab drill
down to “Process Area” Tab.

 Show alarm bands and alarm line in the Operator Workplace. Summary statistics and
alarm states are presented to the operator for different process areas (Process, Power
and ESD/PSD) and different alarm categories (asset events and system alarms).
Launch the corresponding alarm list from each alarm band. The alarm line displays the
last three alarms in the alarm system.

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Figure 3.1 Operator Workplace with alarm bands and alarm line

NOTE! System 800xA alarm system allows any organization,

consolidation and presentation of alarms from different
alarm sources. This improves operations and allows
advanced root cause analysis independent of the source
of the alarm.

System 800xA and the Aspect Object technology allows the operators to access
actionable and relevant information related to the alarm directly from the alarm list.
This direct access to information like the tag faceplate, trends, plant procedures and
alarm instructions significantly reduce the time for troubleshooting an abnormal
situation in the plant.

 Launch the Process alarm list from the Process alarm band. This is a group alarm as
indicated by the group icon in the left hand side of the Process alarm list. Click on the
Group icon. The Low and Low Low alarms of the preheater are now visible.

NOTE! Group Alarm reduces the number of consequential

alarms, allowing the operator to see only the important
alarms. This gives the operator greater clarity in
handling alarms.

 Double click on either of the alarms to launch alarm response navigation.

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NOTE! Alarm Response Navigation provides specific high clarity

information in an alarm condition to improve operator

 Alarm response navigation improves the operators’ ability to respond to alarm

navigation. This feature enhances operator effectiveness by providing specific high
clarity information instantly

 The tag faceplate, trend and alarm instructions will be launched for the operator to
make the right decision. Also, it is possible to show alarm response navigation by
directly double clicking the desired alarm line in the alarm band.

 Alternatively, right-click to show the tag context menu. All information is available
from the alarm in the alarm list. The operator can also use the Reference navigation to
access all process display for the current tag.

Figure 3.2 Alarm list with tag faceplate and right-click navigation directly from the alarm
NOTE! The same Aspect Object model applies also in the alarm
system. The operator can right-click any alarm and
access all related information to the object. This
significant reduce the time to respond to an abnormal
Operators interact with the alarm system through alarm list. The alarms are presented
with priority and alarm state like UnackAlarm, AckAlarm etc.

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 Draw attention to the high performance logic colors of the alarms representing the
various alarm priorities.
The operators can filter the present alarms in the alarm list using preconfigured
runtime filters or apply any runtime filter on a column in the alarm list. Additionally
the current live values from the process can be shown and comments can be assigned
to individual alarms. These comments are stored in the system alarm and event log
and accessed later for incident or root cause analysis.
The operator can shelve nuisance alarms for a certain configurable time duration
allowing them to concentrate on actionable alarms that need their attention. Shelved
alarms are displayed in the Shelved Alarm List of the current object. After the
configured time the alarms reenters the main alarm list. The operator can also put an
alarm out of service by the disable and enable the alarm in the alarm list.

 Show how alarm list is filtered using preconfigured runtime filters or runtime filters
applied on an alarm list column. Enable live values in the alarm list and show how
comments can be assigned to individual alarms. Right-click an alarm and show alarm
state changes like Shelved and Disabled (Out of Service).

Figure 3.3 Runtime filter, live values and context menu selection for shelving and Disable (Out of Service)
NOTE! System 800xA supports all alarm states defined by the
ISA-18.2 standard. Alarm shelving allows the operator to
organize and prioritize alarms based on the actual
current process conditions.
System 800xA supports Alarm Hiding defined as Suppress by design according to
ISA-18.2. Alarm hiding is used to prevent alarms that are not needed due to intended
or actual operating conditions and the conditions are defined automatic by the system.
Hidden alarms are displayed in the Hidden Alarm List of the current object.
Alarm hiding in System 800xA is defined on a common system level and therefore the
same hiding configuration is used for any connected alarm source to the system. This
approach enables flexible alarm hiding on individual tags or an entire area or unit
independent of the control logic implementation in the controller. It also enables easy
maintenance and configuration changes of the alarm hiding rules.
The L and LL alarm conditions for the reactor levels (R11_LT and R12_LT) are
hidden in the reactor discharge sequence step. The hiding mask is preconfigured in the

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demo system and becomes active during discharging. Hidden alarms are indicated in
the Process alarm band.

 When alarm hiding is active, show the alarm hiding indication and launch the Process
Hidden Alarm List from the Process Alarm Band.

Figure 3.4 Alarm hiding indication in the Process alarm band and the Process Hidden Alarm List

 Launch the Hiding Mask Manager dialog from the Hidden Alarm List toolbar. The
Hiding Mask Manager displays all hiding masks defined in the system.

Figure 3.5 Hiding Mask Manager with suppression of low level alarms in reactors

 Click the Export button in Hiding Mask Manager and explain how the Excel reports
can be used as input or documentation in the Alarm Management life cycle. Click the
Find button and explain how the user can search among the defined hiding masks.

NOTE! The dynamic alarm hiding in System 800xA can act upon
one tag or an entire unit or process area. The

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configuration is applied on the alarm system level and

therefore common for all alarm sources. Easy to
configure, modify and maintain.

System 800xA allows display wise acknowledge of alarms from the Acknowledge
Visible Alarms button.

 Clicking the Process Button launches the Alarm List. Click the Acknowledge Visible
Alarms button in the Alarm List. All alarms in the current display are acknowledged.
Alarms from Power, Plant Assets and Systems can also be acknowledged in a similar

Figure 3.6 Acknowledge Visible Alarms button in the display bar

NOTE! Display wise acknowledge of alarms are useful during

commissioning and maintenance. For greater ease, this
button is also present in the toolbar for EOW’s.

An alarm system shall also serve as an alarm and event log. System 800xA allows
flexible event logging and presentation of event logs. The operator can directly access
the event view of any alarm list in the system to view the corresponding events. In
addition the operator can access specific event lists organized by process areas and/or
event types.
Specific types of events are audit events that track changes in the system. Typical
audit events are operator interaction like Man/Auto and setpoint changes. Another
type of audit events are configuration changes, controller downloads, force of IO etc.
Audit events are essential for applying good change management practices in the
automation system.

 Launch the Process Alarm List and click the Show Events button in the alarm list
toolbar. All events related to the alarm list are displayed.

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Figure 3.7 Event view of the process alarm list

 Launch the event list from the All Process Events button in the Operator Workplace
toolbar. All process events are displayed in this event list. Filter the event list with the
available Runtime filters.

Figure 3.8 All Process Events event list

 Launch the Audit Event List from the Audit List shortcut in the Operator Workplace.
All audit events are displayed in this list.

Figure 3.9 Audit Events in the audit event list

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NOTE! System 800xA allows event logging from any connected

alarm source. Event lists can be organized to consolidate
events from different event sources like controllers,
IED’s etc to secure rapid root cause analysis during a
plant upset.

NOTE! Any type of alarm can be sent on SMS and/or e-mail for
external notification.

3.3 Alarm Analysis

The performance of the alarm system is a key issue for daily plant operation but also
vital during an abnormal situation where the operators need accurate and relevant
alarm information. There are standards available on the market which defines typical
performance metrics and KPI´s of an alarm system. EEMUA 191 and ISA-18.2 are
examples of such guideline and standards. System 800xA provides pre-integrated
benchmarking and analysis tools to comply with these standards. Monitoring and
assessment of the alarm system shall be made against the goals defined in the plant
alarm philosophy document. Without monitoring an alarm system is likely to degrade
over time.
NOTE! System 800xA helps customers to reach compliance with
alarm guidelines and standards like EEMUA 191 and
Operators are most affected by a poor alarm system which is why they should play a
key role in implementing and maintaining the alarm system. The System 800xA alarm
analysis KPI reports are available as pre-built graphical elements that can be displayed
in any process display. This allows the operators to work with up to the minute
actionable information.

NOTE! All System 800xA alarm analysis KPI reports are

available to the front line operators in the Operator

 If starting from the beginning, from the start-up display, select “Plant”. Then from
“More about 800xA” Tab drill down to “Alarm Management” Tab. From here, click
Alarm Analysis button. Alternatively, click on “More about 800xA” Tab and follow
the same steps as above to reach Alarm Analysis.

 Also, the Alarm Analysis Display aspect is available from the Navigation Display or
the Display Menu shortcut in the Operator Workplace.

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Figure 3.10 Available alarm analysis KPI reports

NOTE! Alarm analysis in System 800xA can be performed on

any existing alarm list in a system why no extra
configuration for alarm analysis is needed.

NOTE! Several different reporting periods can be defined. This

allows individual analysis and benchmarking of the
alarm system not only based on different process areas,
operator responsible areas, operator consoles but also
shifts, days, weeks etc.

 The Alarm Analysis Display shows all available KPI reports. The reports can be
configured on any available alarm list in the system e.g. a process area or an operator

 System 800xA provides a wide range of available reports. Most recognised might be
the EEMUA 191 alarm system performance diagram. The performance diagram
defines 5 levels of alarm system performance.

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Figure 3.11 EEMUA 191 Five Level Alarm System Performance diagram

NOTE! System 800xA allows configurable performance

acceptable levels for calculation of the EEMUA 191
Alarm System Performance diagram.

 Show the 20 most frequent alarms diagram. Right-click a bar representing an object in
the system. The object context menu is displayed and any information like Trend
Display, documentation etc. related to the tag can be accessed directly from the

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Figure 3.12 The operators have instant access to the tag information using right-click context menu directly in the
alarm analysis KPI reports

NOTE! The alarm analysis reports give the operators up to the

minute actionable information using the aspect object

3.4 Implementing effective Alarm Management strategies

System 800xA helps customers to implement and maintain effective alarm
management strategies. The alarm management strategy is essential to ensure
implementation of a reliable alarm system. Reliable alarm systems protect plant
uptime and safety. Equally important is also to monitor and assess the alarm system
over time.
Industry has identified several problem areas with alarm systems in DCS systems.
Examples of problems are:
 Alarm Floods, high alarm rates that limits the operators ability to recognize
important alarms
 Nuisance Alarms, alarms that are permanently on even when the operation is
 Chattering Alarms, alarms constantly going in and out of alarm state but
related to an insignificant event
 Lack of online monitor and assessment tools of alarm systems
Implementing a successful alarm management strategy prevents this type of problems.

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NOTE! The alarm management processes and practices for

determining, documenting, designing, operating,
monitoring, and maintaining alarm systems are key
issues to ensure plant operations.
The ISA-18.2 standard defines an Alarm Management life cycle. This lifecycle model
is useful in identifying the requirements and responsibilities for implementing an
effective alarm management system. The lifecycle is applicable both for the
installation of new alarm systems or managing an existing system. System 800xA
provides tools which helps customers to carry out the different stages of the life cycle.

Figure 3.13 Alarm Management life cycle as defined by the ISA-18.2 standard

Alarm Philosophy
The alarm philosophy document defines the objectives with the alarm system and how
to realize the different stages of the alarm management life cycle. The document also
defines alarm classes, priorities, HMI guidelines, performance metrics and limits etc.

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The alarm philosophy in the demo system is defined in the Demo Design Guidelines
document. This document can be compared with a customer or plant alarm philosophy

Identification/Rationalization/Detailed Design/Implementation
These stages are mainly processes to identify alarms, determine alarm settings and
corrective actions, design and finally implement the alarm system. System 800xA
provides numerous of functions to support these stages. Some examples are:

 Configurable and flexible alarm settings like limits and filter times on tags
like signals, PID loops, motors/valves etc.
 Alarm state support like Shelving, Out of Service, Suppress by design etc.
 Snapshot reports to retrieve current alarm settings from tags in the system
 Advanced and detailed different reports for effective change management
 Audit Trail to track configuration changes related to alarm settings

In this stage the overall performance of the alarm system is continuously monitored
against the performance goals stated in the alarm philosophy. The pre-integrated alarm
analysis tools in System 800xA allows any level of the plant hierarchy’s alarm and
event statistics to be monitored. This provides fast and more deterministic root cause
analysis. The result of this analysis may trigger maintenance work or identify the need
for changes to the alarm system or operating procedures.

NOTE! System 800xA provides numerous tools to support

effective implementation of the alarm management life
cycle defined by ISA-18.2 standard.

 Show the Area Display located on the object [Functional Structure] Demo Plant/Use
Case Support/Alarm Management. The Alarm Management Area Display is available
from the Navigation Display or the Display Menu shortcut in the Operator Workplace

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Figure 3.14 Alarm Management display showing how System 800xA realize the different stages in the alarm
management life cycle defined by ISA-18.2 standard

 Explain the different stages in the ISA-18.2 alarm management life cycle shown in the
process display.

 Click the “Alarm Philosophy document >>” text. The alarm philosophy document
defines the overall design of an alarm system. In this case the document Demo Design
Guidelines contains a section of alarm management in the demo system. This
document equals to a customer or plant alarm philosophy document.

 The Identification/Rationalization/Detailed Design/Implementation stages define and

implement the required alarms in the system. System 800xA provides numerous tools
to support these stages.

 Click the “Configurable and flexible alarm settings >>” text. Change the HHH Level
(+/- 1ºC) alarm limit in the Alarm/Event tab. All standard objects in System 800xA
provide configurable and flexible alarm settings.

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Figure 3.15 Alarm settings in an analog input block (SignalInRealM)

 Right click an alarm in the Operator Workplace alarm line. Show the context menu
selection for Shelved Selected and Disable Selected. All alarm stages, independent of
the alarm source, are supported in System 800xA.

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Figure 3.16 Operator based alarm state changes

 Click the “Audit trail to track changes in alarm settings >>” text. Show the audit event
of the LLL Level alarm limit change in previous step. The system wide audit trail
collects all changes of e.g. alarm settings in System 800xA.

Figure 3.17 Audit Event List with LLL Level alarm settings change

 During the Operation stage the alarm system is monitored by System 800xA pre-
integrated alarm analysis tools. The demo system alarm philosophy defines the target
KPI values for the alarm system. Show the target KPI values in the alarm philosophy
document defined in Section 3.1.1 General Alarm Philosophy and show current values
in the alarm analysis reports Alarm Priority Distribution and the EEMUA 191 Alarm
System Performance Diagram.

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Figure 3.18 Target performance values vs. current alarm system performance

NOTE! System 800xA provides all tools required to comply with

industry alarm system standards. The alarm system
capabilities of System 800xA secure plant uptime and

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4 Demo Check List

4.1 General Alarm and Event handling

 Preparation. Follow the instruction in section 2. Choose applicable alarm mode.
Take note of navigation between Standard and Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Demos
via the STD and OGP buttons at the bottom of the screen.
 Alarm Bands. Alarm Band consolidates alarms from different process areas for
notification in the Operator Workplace. Shelved and hidden (Suppress by design)
alarms are indicated in the alarm bands.
 Alarm List access. Click the Process Alarm Band and the corresponding alarm
list is displayed.
 Alarm List. Alarms are displayed with priority and alarm state in the alarm list.
The operator simply right-clicks the alarm to select all available aspects like
faceplate, trend display, alarm instructions etc.
 Alarm List features. Alarm Lists support runtime filters, subscription of live
values, user entered comments etc. Colors, blinking behavior, fonts etc are fully
 Alarm states. Alarms are acknowledged from the alarm list. Additionally the
operator can shelve and disable (Out of Service state) alarms. Show alarm state
change Shelve Selected and Disable Selected from context menu.
 Alarm hiding. Condition based alarm hiding (Suppress by Design) is fully
configurable to act on a single tag or an entire process area. The L and LL alarm
conditions for the reactor levels (R11_LT and R12_LT) are hidden in the
Discharge sequence step.
 Hiding Mask Manager. Launch the Hiding Mask Manager from the Hidden
Alarm List and explain that alarm hiding is defined on a system level independent
of connected alarm source/controller.
 Acknowledge visible alarms. Show the display wise alarm acknowledge using
the Acknowledge Visible Alarms button in the Operator Workplace Display Bar.
 Event View of Alarm List. Launch the Process Alarm List from the Process
Alarm Band. Switch to the alarm list event view using the Show Events button in
the alarm list toolbar.
 Process Event List. Click the All Process Events button in the Operator
Workplace toolbar. Filter the event list using runtime filters. Explain how
System800xA enables system wide root cause analysis through one common
alarm system.
 Audit Event List. Click the Audit Event List from the Audit List shortcut in the
Operator Workplace. Explain System 800xA system wide audit trail.

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4.2 Alarm Analysis

 Alarm Analysis Displays. Show the Alarm Analysis:Alarm Analysis Display. Explain
the wide range of alarm system performance KPI´s.
 Graphical element reports. All alarm system performance KPI reports are available
as graphical elements. These elements can be displayed in any operator display to
provide up to the minute actionable information. This allows operators to perform
faster and more deterministic root cause analysis.
 Apply Alarm Analysis on existing alarm lists. System 800xA alarm analysis can be
applied on any existing alarm list and is configured within a couple of minutes.
 Apply Alarm Analysis on different process area, operator responsible area etc.
System 800xA allows any number of alarm analysis calculations. Individual alarm
analysis statistics can be provided for different process areas, operator consoles etc.
 EEMUA 191. The most recognized alarm analysis report is the five level of alarm
system performance diagram defined by EEMUA 191 standard. The five levels define
the load on the operators caused by the alarm system. Achieving a higher performance
level will deliver higher plant availability and safety.
 Aspect Object navigation in alarm analysis reports. Right-click a tag in the 20 Most
Frequent Alarms diagram. Explain how the operator has access to all information
directly from the diagram using the aspect object technology.

4.3 Implementing effective Alarm Management strategies

 Alarm Management Display. Switch to the Alarm Management:Area Display via tab
 ISA-18.2 Alarm Management Life Cycle. Explain the different stages of the alarm
management life cycle defined by the ISA-18.2 standard.
 Alarm philosophy document. Show the demo system alarm philosophy. Compare
with a customer or plant alarm philosophy document.
 Alarm management life cycle stages. Explain the Identification/Rationalization/
Detailed Design/Implementation stages. System 800xA provides numerous tools to
support these stages.
 Configurable and flexible alarm settings. Show example of alarm and event settings
for the HE1112_TT_Cold_Out analog input block. Change the LLL Level value +/-
 Alarm states. Right-click an alarm in the Operator Workplace alarm line and show the
Shelve Selected and Disable selected context menu options.
 Audit trail. Show the audit trail event from the LLL Level alarm limit change in
previous step.
 Alarm system KPI target values. Show the Alarm Philosophy document and explain
the alarm system performance KPI target values defined in Section 3.1.1 General
Alarm Philosophy.Current alarm system KPI values. Compare with the current
statistics available in the Alarm Priority Distribution and EEMUA 191 Alarm System
Performance diagrams.

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5 Cleanup
No specific cleanup is required for this use case.

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