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Binary Search Trees

 Definition
 Operations

A. Kostanyan
The Binary Search Tree (or, simply Search Tree) is a
binary tree representation of a set of keys such that the
key at every node x is greater than or equal to the keys of
the sub-tree rooted at x.left, and less than or equal to the
keys at the sub-tree rooted at x.right.
The search tree T supports the following operations:
 find(T, k); // returns true, iff k belongs to T
 insert(T, k); //inserts k into T
 remove(T, k); //removes k from T
Note: The inorder traversal of a search tree results in a sorted
sequence of keys.

A. Kostanyan

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Excluding key repetition, let us consider how to

implement the search tree operations using the following
triply linked representation for nodes:
A. Kostanyan
 find(T, k);
To determine whether the key k belongs to the search tree T, move
down in T, starting with T.root, as follows:
 If current node is null, then return false.
 Else, if current node is x, then:
- If k==x.key, then return true;
- Else, if k<x.key, then continue the search with x = x.llink;
- Else, if k>x.key, then continue search with x = x.rlink;
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20 20

10 40 60 80 10 40 60 80

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A. Kostanyan
 insert(T, k);
To insert the key k into the search tree T, find the parent node y for k
(if any) by moving top-down in T, create a node x with k, and make x
either left or right child of y, depending on whether k<y.key.

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20 20

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Note: Newly inserted node is always added
as a leaf into a binary tree!

A. Kostanyan
 remove(T, k);
To remove one of the occurrences of key k from the search tree T, find a
node x containing k (if any), then consider the following 3 cases:
Case 1. x does not have a left child.
- If there is a parent node z for x, then the link leading from z to x
redirect to x.rlink. Else, make T.root equal to x.rlink.
- If there is a right child y for x, then make y.parent equal to x.parent.
- Delete x.
50 50
z remove(10) z
70 70
20 20
x y
10 40 60 80 15 40 60 80

y 65 75 30 65 75
15 30

A. Kostanyan
Removal – (2)
Case 2. x has a left child y but does not have a right child.
- If there is a parent node z for x, then the link leading from z to x
redirect to x.llink. Else, make T.root equal to x.llink.
- Make y.parent equal to x.parent.
- Delete x.

50 50
z remove(40) z
70 70
20 x 20 y
10 40 60 80 10 30 60 80

15 30 y 65 75 15 65 75

A. Kostanyan
Removal – (3)
Case 3. x has two children.
- Find the leftmost node y in the subtree rooted at x.rlink.
- Make x.key equal to y.key and remove the node y (definitely
not having a left child) from T according to case 1.

Example: x
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20 20
10 40 60 80 10 40 65 80

15 30 65 75 15 30 75

A. Kostanyan
Additional Operations

 min (T);
Returns the minimal key that belongs to a non-empty search tree T

 max (T);
Returns the maximal key that belongs to a non-empty search tree T

 predecessor (T, k);

Assuming that k belongs to the search tree T, returns the key that
precedes k in T (if any).
 successor (T, k);
Assuming that k belongs to the search tree T, returns the key that
follows k in T (if any).

A. Kostanyan
If the height of the search tree T is h, then all the
operations considered above obviously have complexity

Claim If there are n nodes in a search tree T, then

 The minimum value for h is lg n.
 The maximum value for h is n-1.
 The average value for h is c lg n,
for some constant c>1.

Corollary All operations over a search tree T with n

nodes are performed in the average time O(lg n).

A. Kostanyan

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