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Registration ID: 53752043517599 ID Expires: 28-05-20

Call On: +63-287795502

This test will take 15 to 20 minutes. It consists of 7 sections.

Please take a moment to prepare before initiating the call with the SVAR system. The following recommendations will help ensure a proper test-taking
a. Find a space suitable for concentration. Do not attempt to take the test while riding in a vehicle. Locate a private room with no other individuals present.
b. If you are calling from a cell phone, make sure you have a strong signal.
c. Allocate at least 20 minutes for the test. If your call is disconnected, you may call the same number again to resume the test. Please be aware that you may
resume the test two times only. The test will resume from the point where you previously left it.
d. You may take notes during the test. Make sure you have a pen and paper handy.

You will now hear instructions for reading the sentences. Please follow the instructions when reading them out.

1. The tricks performed by the magician amused the child.

2. Fill out the form so that we know your preferences.
3. Did I fall short of your expectations?
4. You didn't tell me it was raining yesterday.
5. Your performance deserves a big round of applause.
6. The link below will take you to the seat selection page.
7. I hope you know that your fingers will remain numb for a few days.
8. Please plug the charger into the socket.
9. Could you bring me the pot of coffee?
10. Joint account holders need their spouse's signature to withdraw money.
11. Let's relax before we start working again.
12. She asked many questions to which I didn't have answers.

Please repeat the sentence that you hear. Listen carefully, as the sentence will only be played once. Repeat the sentence after you hear
the beep.

In this section, you will hear a conversation followed by a set of questions. Each conversation will be played one time only. You may take
notes as you listen.

In this section, you will answer multiple choice questions that will test your vocabulary.

In this section, you will answer multiple choice questions that will test your grammar.

In each question, you will hear a situation faced by a sales service representative in his or her job. It will be followed by some actions
that the representative could take to resolve the situation. Please rate each action on a scale of one to five. Five is the best way to resolve
the situation. One is the worst way. You will hear a beep after each action. Press the appropriate number on your dial pad to assign your

In this section, you will speak on the topic provided to you. The topic will be repeated twice. You will have thirty seconds to think about
the topic. When the time expires, you will hear a beep. Please begin speaking after the beep. You will have forty-five seconds to speak on
the topic.

I hereby confirm that I have completed the telephonic SVAR test.

© Aspiring Minds Assessment Pvt. Ltd.
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