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Activity: Aluminum & Glazing Installation Ref: RA01

S.N Hazard Harm Control Measure Controlled By: Residual Risk
Site set-up

Designated area needs to be identified where there is no access to other vehicles or operations, which can damage installation materials
1 Materials Damage and injury to people. 3x4 12M Supervisor 4Low
Lack of desginated safe lay down/ storage Designated safe storage area to be barricaded.

Pre- installation site check up

- Ensure safe access to men and materials at the work location.

Access for men, material and equipment. - All floor openings must be closed and open edges must be hard barricaded.
2 Unsafe access/egress to men & material. Falling materials and people from height. 3x4 12M Supervisor 4Low
Unsafe conditions such as floor opening, Serious injury - There shall be enough clean and clear space for maneuvering of materials; and prefabricated trolleys.
open edges obstructed maneuvering area,
unclean workplace for cradle. - Provision for arresting accidental fall of materials from height, to protect our employees as well as materials particularly glass.

Site survey

- Fall of survey crew from floor edges/ height. - Wherever the survey crew is exposed to fall hazards, they must wear PPE and full body safety harness and must hook it to a strong point.
3 4x4 16H Supervisor 4Low
Survey near floor edges. - Fall of survey equipment from height. - All survey equipment not to keep near the edge and shall be properly handled and secured to avoid falling from height.

Material unloading, lifting & transfer

- Rigging failure cause dropping load, - Crane operator and the rigger must be competent and clear understandable communication system established between them.
damaging material & injury to personnel.
- Proper rigging practice must be followed. Use standard and sound lifting tackles (belt, steel wire rope, Dee shackles) only for lifting.
- Communication failure between the crane/
power hoist operator and the rigger cause - Cranes and tackles must be load tested and certified and maintained in good condition.
unplanned movements of the load.
. - Operatives need to be trained on the correct manual handling techniques.
- Incompetent crane operator and rigger;
improperly maintained cranes & damaged lifting - Use mechanical aid (pre - fabricated trolleys) as much as possible to reduce the need of manual handling.
4 Material handling within the workplace tackles. 4x4 16H Supervisor 4Low
using cranes, forklifts and pre-fabricated - Operatives must follow correct manual handling techniques and wear hand gloves while handling material.
trolleys - Excessive manual handling and back injury;
- Materials shall be stacked properly and secured on the pallet track/trolley prior to transfer from one place to another.
- Improperly stacked & unsecured materials on
the pallet track/trolley causing falling; sharp - Ensure the pathways are clear and also take care to avoid interference with adjacent activities in the work place.
edges of glass.
- The hazards associated with material handling and the hazard control measures need to be communicated to the operatives.
- All the above cause injury to the operatives
and damage to materials. -Adequate supervision to ensure safe handling of materials.

Installation of Brackets:

- All the personnel exposed to the risk of fall shall wear full body safety harness and attached to the strong point or specially provided vertical lifeline
- Fall of personnel as the work is on the slab with rope grab.
- Installation of brackets, checking the edges.
position. - Materials shall not be stored near the edge
5 3x4 12M Supervisor 4Low
- Fall of brackets/ accessories/ tools from
- Adjustment of the brackets as per the height and injuries to personnel working lower - Tools shall be properly secured by ropes to prevent fall from height.
survey checks and tightens all bolts to the levels.
correct torque. - During erection the lower area shall be barricaded to stop the access of personnel since there is possibility of accidental fall of tools / material.

Installation by cradles:

All lifting accessories must be inspected, tested every 6th months and shall be as per DM code of safety practice.
Use of Mobile crane is subject of lifting plan.
- All Hand tools must be tied with lanyards in hands to prevent fall whilst working at height.

- Appropriate fall protection to Personnel working on the cradle provided to avoid falling from height.

- Only certified competent personnel shall be detailed for working inside the cradle and to operate.

- Damage lifting accessories - Designated area only for boarding and going out in cradle, NO shortcut.
- Lifting operation failures, - Certified load tested monorails/cradles, and hoist to be used.
- Lifting accessories not inspected and not - Fall of tools being use during installation - Certified lifting tackles shall be used for lifting the panels.
as per DM code of construction practice.
- Fall of personnel from balcony and cradle - Overhead protection shall be provided on the cradle to protect the men in the cradle from falling objects.
- Hand Tools not secure. during installation.
- The cradle must be loaded within the limits (SWL) as specified in the third party certificates. Cradle SWL to be adhered too all at all times.
- Poor maintenance and functional failure of - Falling object from height to people working
6 cradle, power hoist. 4x4 16H - No stacking of loose materials inside cradle at all time during operation. Supervisor 4Low
on the cradle.
- Incompetent Hoist operators for lifting - Rigging failure and fall of panel from height - Daily visual inspection of cradle carries out by the operators before use and keep records, used tag lines if require.
panel. due to poor communication.
- All cradles and hanging devices need to be weekly inspected by the supplier or manufacturer to ensure, the continued integrity of components and
- Poor glass Handling technique. - Lifting of heavy awkward objects causes back system, records to provide.
injury, foot injury, and slip, trip and falls.
Not wearing required PPE. - The operator must check cradle operations every day before starting the job to ensure it is fully operational including emergency lowering.
- Hand injury from sharp edge materials being
handle not wearing hand gloves - During high wind condition,( Self assessment by the Operator) the operation must be seized, and secure the cradle properly.

- End of the day, the cradle needs to be lowered to the ground/ slab and secured well to avoid any incident from high wind during off hours.

- Competent hoist operators to details for Installation activities.

- Proper communication shall be established between the hoist operator and the installation team.

- The area below shall be barricaded to prevent entry of other trades.

- All the hazards associated to the work shall be informed to the workers


- Appropriate edge protection should be provided to avoid falling from height Personnel working at the height and on floor edge must wear safely
harness to avoid falls from height. The area under the operation should be barricaded to avoid entry of personnel in the danger area.
-- Fall of personnel from height. - Certified lifting tackles shall be used for lifting the panels. Proper communication shall be established between the installation teams. The panel
movement from the slab to the specific installation location shall be closely monitored by supervisor through the assistance of signalman to pass
- Fall of tools and accessories from height. through all obstructions safely and to avoid any stuck ups. Nobody to stand below the load while lifting. All pre- fabricated trolleys shall be used to
reduce manual handling and secured well away from the floor edge to avoid rolling over the edge.
7 - Rigging failure and fall of panel from height. 4x4 16H Supervisor 4Low
Profile installations - Best practice and technique shall be followed while handling glass or fragile material to avoid personal injury and material damage. Always wear
- Manual handling and back injuries.
glove to avoid cut /abrasion injuries. The hazard associated while handling glass shall be conveyed to the operatives.
- Exposure to high wind causes loss of control - The wind speed must be assessed before commencing the operation.
while lifting.
- All the hazards associated to the work shall be informed to the workers on a daylily basis. Cradle operation is to be checked daily before
commencing the work. Adequate supervision to ensure compliance of the above requirements.

Installation of glass panels using electrical/

manual glass sucker.

- The glass sucker must be third party inspected and certified before use. The glass surface should be dry and free from dust prior to position the
glass sucker on the glass. Ensure the glass sucker cups are free from dust and damage. Ensure it functions properly and the pressure gauge needle at
green when put in operation. Internal battery of the sucker must be operational to support power in case of main failure. The glass sucker must be
checked and operated by a competent person only. Use sound lifting tackles for attaching the hoist hook on to the glass sucker.
- Dropping glass and serious injury to
8 Wet or presence of dust on the glass, poor operatives and damage to panel. 3z4 12M - Apart from the glass sucker, the panel must be secured using webbing slings to the hoist hook. This to prevent dropping panel in case of sucker Supervisor 4Low
hose connections and cracked cups can - Fall of personnel from height. failure.
cause failure of glass sucker, Unsafe access
to operatives. - Sufficient manpower must be employed to handle the panels. All those exposed to the risk of fall must wear safety harness. Safe access through the
scaffold has to be maintained at every time. The area under the operation must be barricaded. Best practice and techniques shall be followed while
handling materials. Information, instruction and training to be provided to the operatives. Adequate supervision at every time.


- Scaffold must only be erected, dismantled or altered by competent personnel under supervision. Scuff tag system shall be implemented. Competent
person must check Scaffold prior to use and then every seven days. Ladders should be used to climb scaffolds and it should be tied. Full body harness
must be worn. Guardrails and toe-boards are required to all working platforms where a person may fall from 2 meters or more and must not be
9 Scaffold collapse; overloading of scaffolds; - Serious injuries to the people and asset 3x3 9M removed by any unqualified personnel. Supervisor 3Low
Personnel or materials falling from Scaffold; damage
Inadequate access to the scaffold. - Do not overload scaffold. The minimum width requirement of a working platform is 600 mm. The area under the scaffold should be barricaded to
avoid entry of personnel in the danger area. All the hazards associated to the work shall be informed to the workers. Adequate supervision.

Unstable ground causing outriggers to sink and - All Cranes are to be inspected, and certified by the third party. The outriggers are fully extended and position on to the firm ground
machine to tip over. Rigging failure and
dropped loads. Overloading. Striking against - Banks man should give signal to the operator during lifting operation. A competent riggers shall rig the materials to be lifted
10 MOBILE CRANE 3x4 12M Supervisor 4Low
adjacent structures. High wind causing loss of
control of the load. Serious bodily injuries to - All lifting slings must be checked for its capacity and condition before lifting. The area of the operation shall be barricaded. All activity shall be fully
personnel. Damage to machine and property. supervised and well coordinated.

- Lifting of heavy awkward objects causes back

injury, foot injury, and slip, trip and falls. - Operatives must follow manual handling techniques while manually handling materials. Gloves must be worn to avoid cut/ abrasion injuries. Should
`11 Manual Lifting 3x4 12M seek assistance for handling loads beyond the individuals limit. Use trolley and mechanical aids as far as possible. Supervisor 4Low
- Sharp edges can cause cut injuries to hands.

- Tools left lying on around.

- Tripping hazards, eye injury from foreign - When not in use all hand tools must be stored in the toolbox to avoid tripping hazard. Damaged tools must be discarded or replaced. All hand tools
`12 Hand Tools 3x4 12M Supervisor 4Low
particles. must be in good condition and checked regularly. Suitable hand gloves must be worn.

- Cut injury by using sharp tools..

- Only qualified Electricians must install, maintain and repair electrical supplies / tools.
- Electrocution, Burns, - Trailing electrical leads must be suitably protected.
13 Power Tools 3x4 12M Supervisor 4Low
- Cuts or lacerations, injuries.
- All electrically operated tools must be center tapped to earth and they are checked regularly and serviced. Competent person shall only operate
power tools following the operating practices. Do not improvise. Wear eyes and hearing protection.

- Contact with rotating disc. Injury due to

improperly secured disc. - Tighten the disc with right tool. Only competent person shall operate the grinder.
- Use of incorrect / defective / poorly - Check disc for signs of excessive wear / tear, replaced if required.
maintained power tool.
14 Disc Cutting/ Grinding 2z4 8M - All equipment should be well maintained. Regular inspection by supervisor / foreman prior to use. Supervisor 4Low
- Injury due to defective disc leading to disc
shattering - Portable grinding machines shall be provided with Safety guards. Grinding wheels shall not be operated beyond its rated safe speed. Damaged
grinder must be removed from work place. Wear eye and hearing protection. The hazard associated with job shall be conveyed to the operatives.
- Flying metal fragments. Adequate supervision to oversee all the activities.
- Eye injury and body parts injury.

- Sufficient cold water to drink daily.

- Provide suitable energy drink like polite/ glucose/ etc.

Work in hot weather
15 - Exhaustion, Fainting, fatigue, Stroke, cramps. 2x4 8M - Cotton dress is essential to wear in summer. Supervisor 4Low
Heat Related health problems.
- Don’t drink alcohol or drinks with caffeine.

- Don’t eat heavy meals before working in the heat.

Project Manager SIGNATURE: REV. No: 0


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