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Section Method

Problem 001-ms
From the truss in Fig. T-01, determine the force in members BC, CE, and EF.

From the FBD of the section through a-a



Problem 002-ms
The roof truss shown in Fig. T-03 is pinned at point A, and supported by a roller at point H.
Determine the force in member DG.

From section to the right of a-a


Problem 003-ms
The truss in Fig. T-04 is pinned to the wall at point F, and supported by a roller at point C.
Calculate the force (tension or compression) in members BC, BE, and DE.

Figure T-04
From section to the left of a-a



Problem 004-ms
For the truss shown in Fig. T-05, find the internal fore in member BE.

From section to the left of a-a

Problem 418
The Warren truss loaded as shown in Fig. P-418 is supported by a roller at C and a hinge at G.
By the method of sections, compute the force in the members BC, DF, and CE.


At section through M-M

  compression       answer
At section through N-N
  tension       answer

  compression       answer

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