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IRC: SP: 103-Guidelines on Tree Plantation

Along Rural Roads


Kama Koti Marg, Sector-6, R.K. Puram, New Delhi-110 022
September, 2014

z Adds to pleasing environment

z Minimises global warming
Important Aspects

z Confined to Available Right of Way

z Transect Walk would help in identifying
z Only single row on either side
z Two rows: Only when ROW adequate
z Spacing 4 m to 6 m; staggered
z Block areas; 3m x 3m
Important Aspects (contd..)

z Saplings – Min Height 1.2m (Mortality rate low)

z Procure saplings preferably from Government
Nursery (Avail of MGNREGS)
z Quality planting material
z Maintain for 4 years
z Need to exercise caution against plant diseases
z Specific varieties in particular climates
(Need to seek advice of forest experts)
z Ornamental trees more appropriate than shady
trees (when single row)
Other Considerations Needing Attention

z Preserve top soil

z In forest areas, felling of trees bare minimum
z Planting:
¾ Minimum 0.5 m beyond toe of roadway
¾ Close to edge of ROW
z Sight distance and safety primary
z Shrubs/trees clear of side drains
Root system should not interfere with working
of drainage facilities
Typical Cross Section
Typical Cross Section
Factors in Selection of Species

z Shape, size
z Texture, colour of foliage
z Suitability to agro-climatic zone
z After care and maintenance
z Economic, social / recreational benefits
z Prone to insects / pests disease
z Advice of forest / horticulture experts
(IRC SP21-2009 has been of great help)
Plantation in Special Areas –
Waterlogged / Alkaline soils

Waterlogged Areas
Photo of Mounds in Waterlogged Areas
Protection Measures

z Brushwood fencing
z Live fencing
z Bamboo, locally available
z No: RCC/MS Angles
Activity Schedule for Avenue Plantation
Year Month Activities to be done
1st Year Jan- 1 Surveying & cleaning of the area
2 Digging of Pits
3 Procurement of brushwood and live fencing
2nd Year April-June 1 Purchase of Farm yard manure
2 Fencing
3 Plantation along the road
4 Filling up of Pits with Farm Yard manure and Soil
July- 1 Transportation of Plants
August 2 Planting of Saplings
3 Watering
4 Weeding and hoeing
Sep-Nov 1 Weeding and hoeing
2 Watering 4 times a month
Dec-Feb 1 Weeding and hoeing
2 Maintenance
March 1 Watering 4 times a month
Activity Schedule for Avenue Plantation
Year Month Activities to be done
3rd year April-June 1 Watering 6 times a month
July- 1 Casualty Replacement ( 20% of the total plants )
August 2 Weeding
3 Maintenance by Mali
Sep-Nov 1 Watering 2 times a month
2 Maintenance by Mali
Dec-Feb 1 Maintenance by Mali
March 1 Watering 4 times a month
2 Maintenance by Mali
4th Year April- 1 Watering
2 Casualty Replacement ( 10% of the total plants )
3 Maintenance by Mali
Bio-engineering Measures

z Slope Stabilisation, Slope Protection

z MORD Specifications
Maintenance of Roadside Plantation

z Tending of saplings
z Selective pruning
z Vegetation control

We need guidance of horticulture staff

Thank you

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